HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-09-27, Page 7Se 1 Umber 27,189 MoLeod's System. RENOVATOR , 911D O! HE Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE 'or imppure, Weak and. Impoverished BBGQd, Dyspepsia, Slee lessnese, Palpa- tikiibm of the Heart,. Jiver Complaint Ntiarelgie, Loss of Memory, Bronohitie VpneWripption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Sid ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance 'Rina1eIrregularitiee and General Debility LABORATORY; OODERICH, •- ONT J. M. Mo'LEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by 11. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON BUTCHERZSHOPS Code's Block Butcher Skop. COUCH & WILSON. Subsoribere desire to notify the public that *hey have bought out the butchering business latoly;eq&lduoted by Mr Jae A:Ford and will con- tinue tilt 1 O&510•lnder their,personal supervision. Orderievirlli Jr ve prompt and careful attention, Wild eth oreaasoonable'all ateskindsandlde i ered,anywhere in town. ,iTHll COUCH, CHAS. N. WILSON CLINTON. .Y.DUKSINRSsl .CHAhN E z t flimither Shop 'tijih Ad:1JlAVlPg bought e.buy� wring 'briefness th carried on by Mr John Soruton he will carry on the same in the old stand. As he he details 01 theill l businesses custl omers can rely to all on their Orders being promptly and satiefaotorilyY filled. His m9tto is "good meat at reasonable prices." ,, 0Atila-pllid for Hides, Skins, &o. �W. J. LANGFOOD • Albert St., Clinton. FLOUR AND FEED STORES. SEEDS : SEEDS We will exchange CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED ,—FOR -- OATS, PEAS, WHEAT & Barley 101bs. Rolled Oat Meal to 1 bash. Oats. Give us a call. STEEL a CONNELL. Flour, Heed & Seed Store The undersigned desire to intimate that he will keep on hand the very best " -. , FLOUR' and F EED 01 all kinds also the choicest variety of Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds which will be sold at close margins for cash. GALT also kept on hand. He will also keep a beim) variety of all kinds of TEAS which con- sumers will find to be excellent value. J. W. HILL HURON ST., CLINTON. COOK'S Flour Feed Store BRAN & SHORTS In largo or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. The Molsons Bank. i Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 18551 E CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. t REST FUND, - $1,300,000 s v HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. e J. H. R. MOLSON President. F. W. THOMAS,....General Manager. 1 Notes discounted Collections made, Drafts is- a sued, Sterling and American exchange bought 1 and sold at lowest current rates. Interest al- 1 lowed on deposits. a En A.RMI CUS. t Money advanced to farmes on their own note 8 Withone or more endorsers. No mortgage re t quired aslseourity H. C. BREWER, Manager. GEO. D. McTAGOAR'I. t BANKER 1 ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. i I EL general Banking Business ti ansacted s NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on o deposits. P FARRAN . TISDALL BANKERS, CLINTON. ONT Advances made to farmers on their own nates at low rates of interest. A gneeral Banking Business transaoted. interest allowed on deposits. ISM'S Notes bough 9 fitP airsf)A.ttr.1as aver A Favorite Prescription. HOW IT CUBED MRS SOMERVILLE OF BItANTFORD. HER CARE HAD BAFFLED TEN YEARS 0 TRE&TIVE�jT— THE TROUBLE BROUGHT ON BY AN ATTACK OF TYPHOID FEVER—SHE Ie &sue ENJOYING GOOD HEALTH. • All omoe boys are popularly suppo to perform the smallest possible arhount .of labor consistent with keeping their places, and the partloular species of boy who gives F a news. paper the benefit, of his !services, is ' not always an exception to the rule. Early in his career he manifests a decided ten- dency to de/Maces, is likely to be sublime- ly indifferent to the reporters'orders, and Is only aroused to hasty action by the exae- pereted call of the olty editor or some equally formidable member of the staff. On one of the largo dailies there is a twelve-year-ald-boy named "Jots" who-ts a general favorite In the office. Ile Is a bright -looking lad, and qulok onough dur- ing the daytime, but when, as occasionally happens, he is obliged to do night duty, "Jon's" failing is revealed. Like his name- sake, the fat boy in "Pickwick." he is al- most Invariabl.v asleep when called. In the room of the editor-in-ohlof, who is not always present at n!z!it, there is a lounge which "Jo,' iia t, ,;n' ,, on:'i"u:r.i' lo, and to which 1)0 is Lao:; „ • et.. l 0iue utatl- ously aeries; tee ovut,l ;. !coni ,.pis re- treat he is tineesnuu,,u rtsly n,t . forth at intervals, performs an errand in a som- nam bulistio nianinus and units something flee la given hies_ lriimodietely,• he loses no time about'droppingg to hitlp again The othatnight' a story 61 conelftereble lm port- ij1�11Liu M 1 bouidl'be"e pia Wid�sent aup to . the •composing moth', :.pat* by page; /gypsy aalla p w p eased 1 t isor- vibe,andlt'vVl Afot4thdilbbe 14itO dein and "Josie': assistance also. A > eportell pulied him from the lounge, shook him until he was as wide awake as could reasonably be ex and gave him a page of c with tnatsuotions to get that upstairs was ttstne.hla legs would oAtxy.;htrn. spans eandal marantlyealLeens we L ,Tie rldlrf silt return for any more work, but the other boys managed to get the remaining tweet (t,'bii•H'ihereWhe dtimd'tdbunt ter 'Elea.' A • few minutes later, when the forme re made iJp, toyoe seremark- �►4 in the eoniibnit3' of the story, and i� evident that a page of 'copy was miss iai�g, "Joe'! fell under snspieion at o>ao9:: , had not been seen by anyone since the sheet was put into his hand, but a glances into the editor's room disclosed him in his familiar haunt. It was too late to remedy matters now, but an explanation seemed desirable, and the efforts of three Men were concentrated upon rousing the twelve -year-old to a talking oondition. After an inoredlble amount of prodding and slinking, he awoke enough to under- stand what was said to hint. But ques- tion, were uaelees, he had not oven the slightest recollection of having boon sent upstairs at all, and the fate of that page of copy atilt remains a mystery. , T; NEW ERA g5c. will secure the O W BRA to the end or tit e year. 'THE C)1�1,.. v()�,' "JOE" NOT A FAT SOY. Hut me a Bleeper Ho Ranks With the Tooth in "Pickwick." From the Brantford Nationalist. That Dr Williams' Pink Pills are a fa- vorite medicine -in Brantford and vicinity will be readily borne out by the looal drug- gists, and that much suffering has been al. leviated by this wonderful healer, is simply shown by the number of strong statements in favor of Pink Pills from this section. And yet the number of oases published is small in comparison with the total number that have found benefit from the use of this great blood builder and nerve restorer, It is true that Pink Pills aro used in many cases to tone up the system, enrich the blood and stimulate the nerves where no serious illness exists, but it is equally true that in many oases in whioh they have been used, other medicines have failed, and the result achieved by Pink Pills may very truly be characterized ae marvellous. The editor of the Canadian Nationalist came across just such a ease recently. It is that°of Mrs S. l lmerville, a well-known and highly respeoted resident of this oity. Mrs Somerville does not seek notoriety, but is wiUiang that a statem nt "of what Pink Pills have done for her shall be made pub• lie in the hope that some other sufferer may be benefitted thereby. "My Illness at first,'' •Raid-Mra'Bomerville, "was a serious attack of typhoid fever. Although I recov- ered from the fever it left rale- effects that have caused me/many yeers.Of misery. The doctor said that my`liiooa,had become impregnated with poison and that it would take a long time to eradicate it. The trouble seemed to have its. chief seat in my limbs, which caused me a great deal of pain. For about ten years I continued doc- toring, not continually, but at Unsafe and I tiled many remedies witljipgt perraonent resit ts. This went on pntil the . d.of 493, when I became so much ()rippled` up that I despaired of getting relief. I bad read much of the remarkable cures through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and be- came interested in them. One day I asked my physician if I might try them. He gave his permission and I began using them. By the time the third box was fin- ished I found myself very much improved —in fact, the pains had entirely left me and I was growing healthier and more fleshy. 1 continued using the pills until I had taken sin boxes more, when I felt that I was entirely oared, and was enjoying better health than I had done for years. I am satisfied that to Dr. Williams' Pink Pills I owe my recovery, and have implicit confidence in their curative power, and shall continue to recommend them to other sufferers." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People are not a patent medicine, but are a long tried prescription acting upon the blood and nerves. They are of great value as s tonic during recovery from acute diseases, such as fevers, etc., building up the blood and system, preventing theoften disastrous after effects of each troubles. Sold by all dealers or sent post paid at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50, by addressing the Dr.,Wiliiams' Medicine- Co., Brockville Ont. Refuse all imitations and substitutes. THE OLD HUNDRED. A boy in Scotland learned to sing the old psalms that were as household words in the kirk and by the fireside. When he grew up he wandered away from his native country, and was taken captive by the Turks and made a slave in one of the Barbary States. Eigh- teen long years were passed in slavery in a strange land and among heathen people. But the captive never forgot the hymns he had sung in his old home, and often he would sit and sing over the words he had learned from his pious mother. One evening some sailors on board an English man-of-war were surprised to hear the familiar tune of "Old Hun- dred" come floating to them over the moonlight waves. At once they suspected that one of their countrymen' was pining away in bondage. Quickly arming themselves they manned a boat, and pushed off to shore. They found the captive and succeeded in getting back with him to their vessel without creating an alarm. The old hymn was the means of his restoration to home and friends. WHEN SHOULD A MAN SWEAR? Man is not only a reasoning but a swear• ng animal. Sometimes his feelings are iapressed audibly and e.t others they are so leap down in his nature that nothing less hon a volcano would thrust them to the urfaoe. If a man should swear at all, vhen should that time be? The church is ilent on this important matter and the law rives no sanction to cuss words. Stove. ipes are provocative of feeling, but corns re far worse, Wives should see hat their usband's corns are kept down. This may e done quite easily, painlessly, and with bsolute certainty by Putnam's Painless torn Extractor. Beware of flesh -eating nbstitntes offered for Putnam's Corn Ex- actor. THE VACATION SEASON. There are some people who imagine heir business cannot run long enough without them to take a few days fish - ng, or a couple of weeks change of air once a year. When a mans affairs het into this shape, itis time he looked nto them. What would he do if be were suddenly stricken with paralysis? t.is never a wise thing to have one's affairs in such shape that no one could be found to handle them in an emer- gency. • Moreover, it is necessary to top the engine and clean up once in a while, or she will wear out. The man can take time to cultivate the ther side of his nature is solving the roblem of true life. There is too much of this everlasting grind without, iving the machine a chance to balance up occasionally. Take a. holiday, bin. - nese man. Don't leave it until the undertaker steps in and takes you off to permanent retirement from busi- ness anxiety. 5 LINES ON K.AND L. I find the peop]eraroond here prefer Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver- Pills to any I have in "et'oc1s. They are a wonderful pill. Send 3 dozen at once I am nearly out. -_ S. Send by poet, J. W Ireland, Gourook. P. Children Cryf Pitcbei!*,C CARE OF THE HAIR. 'ATHEIi,'S HOAX, A clergyman, a widower, recently Icreated (-tette a Sense tion In his house- bold, which consists of seven grown- (up daughters, The reverend gentle- man was absent from home fol' a num- e her 01 days in an istijojning county. The daughters receiveda letter froru their father, which stated that be bad "married a widow with six children," and that he might be expected home at a certain time. The effect of the clews was a great shock to the happy family. There was weeping and wailing and all manner of .naughty .things.said.. The.hause was. negle. ted, and when the day of arrival came it was anything but inviting. At last the Rev. Mr X. came, but he was alone. He greeted his daughters as usual, and as he viewed the neg- lected apartments there was a merry twinkle in his eye. The daughters were nervous and evidently anxious. At last the eldest mustered courage and asked: "Where is our mother?" "Iq heaven," said the good man. "Butwhere is the widow with"the six children whom you married?" "Why, married her to another man, my dears," he replied. 4', •i • 4. 7lrCC 1, O fla'4FsYee�529,AA i ONE HONEST MAN AND BUT ONE RELIABLE HAIR FOOD. When Baby was sick, we gave herOistorfs. When she was a Child, she cried for Castor's. When she became Was, she clung to castor's. When she hed Children, she gavethem CastorlA CURt¢S BALDNESS, TOPS FALLING HAIR, CORES DANDRUFF, ' IitoTORES• FADED AND GRAY HAIR TO NATURAL COLOR AND VITALITY. PERFECTLY HARMLESS. WARRANTED. CLEAR AS WATER. o SEDIMENT. No LEAD, LPHUR OR CHEMICALS. . NO DYE. - o feed the Hair that which It lacks and nature restores the color. ' THEORY. ROYAL SCAVP roaD deiltOys the diseased germs ofthe eealpanti#. up. are tnet eeeare the it will nno i' �t corn andcleanse, owh is ncelp same � oratoesathe slug - seep, o- w. shit and therm eradicates all Itis the ONLY iumeod(bo mored beldame. will storewithout the tat.. sod tistsrs1 Cater to. the hair 1Ryr.Ol!PnasPiumsarT FiusD. Szzen Iron p Smarts AND eo mono.. ROYAL SCALP .FOOD CO. Box 306', WINDSOR. ON -r: Plow th• Entity SEXUAL SYSTEM Ignorance brings Unattractive Looks and so0ip Diseases. According to a certain distinguished hair -dresser, women d, not know how to comb their hair. Their sins of ignorance are almost innumerable, and the result is not only unattractive looks, but headaches and scalp diseases, A cheap oomb and brush, according to this anthority,belong in the same category with cheap soap. They should never bo used. Cheap comhe do not have smooth teeth whloh will make their way unresist- ingly through the hair, but aro rough 'and tear and break long strands. iA comb with some of its teeth missing does effective work in ruining tho hair. It can never be ran .through the hair without breaking off some hair's and dragging others out by the,roote. #libber , or shell is the proper material fee.' a oowb. The teeth should lot tis too ahem or tithey will lacerate the gealp, 0e. tha>othershand, they malt not be very blunt or they will not be effective in smoothing out tangles. Brushes should bo chosen with equal ease. They should not have metal backs, no matter, how attracs lye silver may ap- pear, for the metal m..kes them too heavy. The back should be of light wood and the bristles should be long and thickly set. Moreover they should be bristles, and not weak imitations. After eheahs¢'pqrohased her "tonsorial supptieb' "Abet woutan who aspires to have beautiful hillyshould learn how to use them. She. oiil€ brush her bats for five minutes at a time testce a day, using long, even strokes At night she should part her hair and let it hang in two loose braids, Once a day she should rub her scalp with her fingers to stimulate the air- oulatlon. The brushing 1s absolutely neo - misery, for the hair attracts dust with:fatal faoillty, and this, combining with the oil of the hair, makes it malodorous and un- pleasant In the extreme. A monthly wash- ing with mettle soap .find the daily brush- ing will keep it clean and glossy, how- ever. Not So Costly ae It Sounds. "Altogether too expensive, Ethel," he said, grimly. "Oh, no, papa," she pleaded. "It won't cost much." "My dear child, you musn't think you oan bambooze your old father just because he likes to be generous whon he can," he said. "I can't afford any s ,ch extrava- gance." "But it'e not extravagant, papa," she urged. "Really it isn't. " 'Didn't you say the material was $10 a y "Yee, but—" "And you don't think that's extrava- gant! Why. that's too much to pay for a midwinter ball gown." "Of course it is, papa but you see—" "There's no use discussing 1t. I ean't throw money away, " "But you don't understand, papa. Ten dollars a yard sounds like a lot booause you don't know what I want; you haven't studied the fashions. It really would cost very little." - How much?" he asked in a business- like way. "I don't want any generalities. How much?" "Well," she said thoughtfully, knitting her own brows. "I don't see how the whole bathing sunt can cost over $ 3.50." Astor's Storage battery Yacht. COI. John Jacob Astor has been more active than any amateur in the country in his devotion til electric propulsion on the water, having experimented with every known variety of storage battery and en- gine. His last attempt in this direction is in quite a large launch, forty-seven feet long and furnished with twin screws driven by thirty horse power engines aetuated liy storage cells. The libat is beautiful in construotfon,can make ten miles an hour, and has the electric quality for noiseless- ness. Indeed 80 quietly does sho glide about the smooth Hudson that very pos- sibly from her deck ono could pick up a sleeping gull on the water. A Knowing One. "1 don't gamble," said the c . , nibal, as he took the lid off th sailor :oup, but i guesekX'll open this ;l ick pot,' et thea tads ; be tiiteQ'bt to that con- dition 'swine; to health of ,body and of mind. Row to ettedidsleami organs EXPLAIJ! ED in our new '1YtatLs, «fliFICi MIIIIOD" A pimple, infallible, mtdhaaial method, in- dorsed by physicians. Book is FREE, sealed. Address (in eaafideaa), EIDE MEDICAL CO..-Biifao. Itis Featherbone Skirt Bone FOR GIVING style shape TO Ladies' Dresses. A light, pliable, elastic bone made from quills. It is soft and yielding conforming readily to folds, yet giving proper shape to Skirt or Dress. - The only Skirt Bone that may be wet without injury. The Celebrated FE A- THERBONE CORSETS are corded with this material. For sale by leading Dry Goods Dealers BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS CURS DYSPEPSIA BAD BLOOD, CONSTIPATION, KIDNEY TROUBLES, HEADACHE, unlocks BILIOUSNESS. the secretns and removes a111 impurities from the system(om a common pimple to the worst scrpfNoui sore. BURDOCK PILLS nyyLoughl the LvadBowe atthefirst s of thiu s monthable. herin e yarerothers like you. We expect them along as soon as work is over: Our numbers will be increased every week. Why nob come with the test? Write us for circulars. Students may enter at any time Central Business College, Stratford, Ont. P. McINTOSH, Principal. BULL FOR SERVICE. Subscriber keeps for service at his farm, Har. ou Road, TuckeremIth, a thorobred Dnrham Bull of excolleut I cdigree. Terms—$1 at time of ser - ',ice, with l.rvilegeof retuning it necessary. A RA 1URCOUo$ WANTED 11 LP.—Reliable men in every lo- cality (local or 'ravelling) t., introduce a new dis- covery awl keel, our show card. tacked up on trees, rsee,. and bridges throughout town and count', t -tea eminoyreu,.t. Comtniesion or su.lar, 4'65 ,,er taunt]] and expenses, and money ilei °sited 1, ,•ny hank when s'art d. For earth coitus ,Trite 'I he World M.A. Eloctrie Co., P. O. Box 221, Loudon, Ont., Canada,. For 1 wenly—Five Years D!NN8/ 11F.:WKS .'S dE Ii�Nt�. erarattler Nux eery FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a specialty. 4' LARGE STOCK ON HAND •P,, • nh.,ce ornamental trees and shrubbery will F e 41 r,. low prices, and those wanting any th1 u tris eovueotIon will nave money by par oha.iug bore. O .,. n„ Mai/ hill heJpromptly altenafd fin, .'Iddr,eh. 30 N ST}1YARTy, Rt;NMtt,L IZ .,w-..... , .4 MANITOBA SCHOOLS /� Look over these prices. SUGARS Special quotation in obis. Selling by $ ass than wholesale prices CANNED GOODS Put up by THE BEST PACKERS. Tomatoe /��Coorn and Apples, Pumpkins, Salmon and Mackerel. A EAS Extraordinary values in Japan, Black.and Green. Good/Japan only:15o a pound. Chinese Mixture only 20o a pound. RiCE-25 pounds for $1. RAISINS -281b. box for $1. PRUNES, CALI- FORNIA APRICOT and PEACHES Largest and best assorted stock of CROCKERY and GLASSWARE in the county Selling at close prices. See quality and price. J. W. Irwin, Grocer MACKAY BLOCK, • • - - CLINTON. • Irnportant to you . 4 WHAT?—The fact that we have received for the fall trade, a good good supply of Dry Goods, such as Tweeds, Dress Goods, Prints, Cottons, Cottonades Mantle Cloths, &c. Another shipment of Boots and Shoes. A consignment of Overcoats. Something new in School Supplies. MILLINERY—As usual our Milli- nery is up-to-date and ready for inspection. Everything will be sold very cheap for cash or produce. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, ; R. ADAMS; • :: 5; S. COOPER Proprietor Owing to my increasing business, I am building an oxteneive addition to my promisee, and also potting in one of the latest improved Patent Dry Kilns, and will then be in a better position than ever to fill all orders entrusted to me. W prepare plane and estimates for all kinds of residences, and execute contracts for the same on short notice, and in a workmanlike manner. We manufacture to order and also carry ,in stook all kinds of Window Sash, Door Frames, Blinds, Lumber, Lath, &o. Persons who intend to bnild will find it to their own interest to see ipe before sodoing. S. S. GOOFIER, Clinton r WE HAVE A CONTRACT • • • • • • With ourselves to give the best business and shorthand course that can be had and, as we have eompletedithe contract, the Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ont. is enjoying a liberal patronage. We have something new along educational , llt>;es, Enquire, there's something in it. Catalogue free. tit .V�V`i W.'STERV1 s,s: Priniii �T.: 1