HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-09-27, Page 6epte nwx' 2I i 18%b' 'Pe {4r1pt,ion. of the Slot sauce, (By 11r 1101 C{Wiiour, formerly of.stauley,) Xtrwri. a, AN„ ,Tiny 27, J,895. You asked me forsome description 4i; the Indian Sure Dance, The Ittrdiane ..,that I have pati with --believe, that there is ope God, over all, hut tat to bis white childrbn he gave a book (the Bible) to teach them how they are to serve Him, while to his red -children 'Ale gave nobook, tint by, visions and 4teamp that come to certain Indians in each band, he snakes known his will toward them This it is given by nrutiibertof years he' is• n to have�th that duct of the sun dance, and he becomes -the, i(lastel:gf,ceremonies During�the ' winter or summer p`recediii"•thedance some of the Indians have dreams that indicate that by going'through some of the sun -dance ordeals, either the torture, or fasting, ar dancing ordeal, Ilse.9r some member of his family will get relief from some sickfiess they may have, or they will earn pardon for some past misdeeds. A date is fixed upon for . holding the dance, and word is sent to the other reserves, and a week before the time the visitors begin to arrive. This interval is aperrt�ID'-. ,horse racing. gambling. etc. A soi t of payiliou made of long Rules is erected, and inside this skeleton of a 'building) the dance is.held. The three principal features of the recent Liiat4 lrehSof dance were: fasting, dancing Ufa& itre torture. To a, nambee,it was, revealed, by , dream that they; should -fag ,and for three days and three nights they neither ate:nor drank,. and 1 o coir tinually incline on :.tr; little WI* such as boys ate fond of tnakidg1 frona. the branches of a certain kind of bush. The dancers shuffled their feet in a :)-clumsy sort of way, keeping .time to the beating of a large drum. This was kept up for perhaps twenty minutes at a time, with a breathing space of one or two minutes between each dance The same dancers continued durir ° the' three days and arise nights, illi without breakixg their fast. The tor- ture consists in pinching up the skin on each shoulder in front; through this 'double fold of skin a hole is pierced, and a stick run through the two holes, to either end of this stick a strong string is fastened, and at, a distance of a few feet from the body these strings are attached at the same point to a long rope, which, at a considerable height, is fastened to the centre pole of the pavilion. The man then leans back so that the weight of his body comes on the rope, and in this position sways to and fro until the skin tears out, or until, as is frequently the case, he faints. If he succeeds in bearing up until the stick is torn nut, there is great rejoicing, the spirit is pleased with the brave man, and will grant that for which the torture is borne. In one: case the incisions were in the back of the shoulders, strings were fastened in these holes and tied to the __.skull of a buffalo; in this way he walk- s erg'• three times around the pavilion, dragging the skull after him. Only the Indians who have been guided by dreams participate in these hideous rites, but all the others are there as spectators. As soon as the dance is declared over, every Indian folds his tent and moves away, as the spirits would be much displeased if any should remain in the vicinity of this sacred ground. The pavilions ate never touched afterwards, and are never used a second tithe. A LIFE SAVING MEDICINE. ,- I was attacked severely lest winter with Diarrhoea, Crams and Colio and thought I was going to die, but fortunately 1 tried Dr,,Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. and note I oan thank this excellent remedy for saving my life. MRs S. KELLE1T, MIN - DEN, ONT. Last session a lively debate took place in the House over a brother of Hon. Wilfred Laurier-, who is a post- master in a small town in Quebec, and who was going to lose the job on ac• count of the Public Works Depart- ment haying another hnilding for a postoffice in the town. 1' now turns out that the Pnstrnaster General has decided to leaves the po'tofce where it is, and therefore Mr L turier's bro- ther will retain his c•,nie tion as post- master with the department. Charles S. S.seehlnpe, Headache CURED PERMANENTLY ST TAKING AYOr!SPIJISL usumid headdache.IIt was usually accompanied wilt' serge pain,' 10 the temples, bfti ItM* M.lndeclis ode eye, _fad tante In my Mouth `• stto�ongue eoated htomaOY ands aad ( IindidiU�ki, reeemmeed , ' McNish. IS „iii 'NI Ayer's t ,I `britt"I'frffiei1 . a'ything like perms" Hent benefit. A single box of these piliS did the work for me, and I am now nest from headadhes, and .a well Inas" -- C. H. EvEast et Auburn, Me A�YI,W PI LLS tN;lirdex!' iiede►i'at Woridisi Fair' Afidea Haraggillitics is the Bait. PATIET In St. Joseph's Hospital, :Hainilton,• Ont. The, DoetorgeSuld n Surgical Operation Was, ;necessary to Meet u Cure. THE _.I,A.DiY .LEFT, .:it OSP lTA AND DOCTORS. SHE USES PAZNE'i3 CELERY ERY COM- POUND :AND IS CURED. Another wonderful, almost miraculous, cure to report. As usual: the affiicted one is saved by the nee of Paine's Celery Com - Pon Mrs Annie Saunders, the oared lady, lives in Bracondale, a`' pleasant subdrb' of Toronto. Her sufferings from a trgnble 4Rniulon °to mays yeomen,' were terrible; and' the Wonder is that she now lives. To Wer, nnedioat Cid boa al -treatment proved ptilo aysjj. At a Wi,tiee.1 juncture, the doctors deemed an operation impehatively necessary. Mrs Saundere wodldt-not allodr the pro- posed operation; she decided to try a medi- ei{�qv44044h44 oared thousands, be J ad faith t,ifs w4 dc>i1re powers TO rusks `tier .a new weans Penee'.s'.Celeryi Cir tponnd was her chosen agent; the used it, and thanks Providence for the happy change effected: -She writes as follOWS regarding her cure: - "It is with much pleasure that I testify to the value of your wonderful Paine's Col- ery Compound. 'I vasa great sufferer from severe attacks:of neuralgia in the left ovary. At times the attacks were so acute I thought I would lose my reason. "Several doctors treated me, and I was a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton. I obtained no relief from medical treatment. The doctors said unless I had the ovary taken away I could not be cured. "Instead of submitting to the operation, I used Paine's Celery Compound, and I am thankful your valuable medicine cured me. I feel just like a new woman, and I would like all sufferers to know just what this great medicine has done for me." MARRIED IN BED. A rather amusing accident occerred in connection with a recent football match which took place in Calcutta. A shining light of one of the well known local clubs was engaged to be married to a very charming damsel, and the date for the ceremony had drawn very nigh. Unfortunately, however,a day or two before that fixed for his long drop into the matrimonial state, this gallant young sportsman was so unlucky as to break the collar bone in a hotly contested match. What was to be done? ' The cake was ordered, the guests in- vited, the simpkin almost in the ice, his frock coat and lavender kersey- meres invitingly ready in their tissue paper packing, and yet the inexorable doctor forbade him to move from his bed. It says a good deal for the young titan's determination when he turned and said: "Bring down the parson, bring along the wedding guests, and the wedding cake, not forgetting the bride, and I will be married!" And he was. BABY NEARLY DIED. Sirs, -My baby was very bad with sum- mer complaint, and I thought he would die until I tried Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. With the first dose I noticed a change for the better, and now he is cured, and fat and healthy. MRS. A. NoR- MANDiN, London, Ont. In the Province of Volhynia, Russia, during one week towards the close of August there were 5,849 cases of chol- era, with 2,134 deaths. "For years," says Capt. Mueller, " I have relied more upon Ayer's Pills than anything else in the medicine cheat, to re- gulate my bowele, and those of the ship's crew. These pills are not severe in their action, but do their work thoroughly." Robert Gardner and a young woman named Alberta Jones, of Keppel town- ship, were arrested at Owen Sound for passing counterfeit money. Mrs T. C. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., say: Shiloh'e Vitalizer saved my life, I consider it the beet remedy for a debilitat- ed system I ever used. For Dyspepsia, Liver or Kidney troubles it excels. Price 75 cts. An agitation is being worked up amongst the Germans of the North- west Territories to have the use of the German language allowed in the schools. Mr Peter Glaassen, of Ros- thern, has written a strong letter in support of the movement. Daniel Spraker, of Fonda, N. Y., is the only president the Mohawk River National Bank has ever had, He has held the office for forty years. and, al- though he is 97 years old, goes 10 the bank daily and attends to business. YELLOW OIL. For Rheumatism, Lame back Stiff joints, Sprains, Bruises,Burns, Cuts, Frost Bites, Croup, and all Pains and Aches, either internal or external, Hagyards Yel- low Oil tartan unrivalled cure. John Little, of Winnipeg, whose neck was broken by fall from a stone waggon in the Canadian Pacific rail- way yards some time ago, and wh,,-e life was watched by the surgical fra- ternity with intense interest, hie ,.•- covered almost entirely and will la - around in a few days. During Wednesday's thunderstorm five barns near Wyoming was struck by lightning and burned, with all their contents. The followingare the names df the divllers 'and their localities:- ooh AY'thati•orig, 14th con., Enniskil- len; Arch. Smith, 14th con., Enniskil- len; Robt. Brownlee, 2nd con., Plymp• ton; Maxwell Houghton, jr., 7th con., Plyhsplton; Jas. Houston, 8th con., Plympton. CHILDREN CRY FOR IT - I certify that there.is nothing near as good as Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. My children used to cry for it. Ont storekeep- er keeps it on hand, and it sells like hot cakes, Mre. Peter Murray; tevizes P. O. Ont: THE CIa1NT(').N :� +`Z ?'. EIU WQfTIh. KNOWING. The crown worn 'by Queen Viotor1a weighsforty ounces. Last year more than 55,000 seals were taken on the Pribylof Ielt>lrlda The trolley has invaded the land of the Pharaohs. Cairol a tq have a system. In certain Parisian restaurants a shil- ling is charged for the use of tablecloths. Ex -President Harrison's fee in the In- diana will case Is said to bave been $15,- 000. Prince Bismarck has been elected an honorer) member of the General' German Language Union. - Out of the 1,000 artists not academi- cians or architects exhibiting at the Royal Academy this ,year. 187, over a eiath, are women , incl'uding 87 married Woolson, I:Sir John Millais' picture, "Speak. Speak" at this year's Royal Academy ex- hibition, has been bought by the nation out.of the Chantrey fund, for $10,000. Dunstable larks aro thought to be the best for seating in England, and 48,000 of the song birds are sent to London yearly for that purpose. At Leipsfo It is said half o million larks a year are killed. The $badness f,'inces veno are about to visit En tan'dwi with M. Rolin Jaoquemyns a Ave 14 number. Two . of them are O lldirano . thieKing, ' two of the, Vetbce o tDovawongse, and the other the son of Prince Damroug. Tile latter is to be placed under English tuition. Mr. W. S. Gilbert, who is only lately baolr from-a'tr1 to the,*est Indies, will brobably visit `America. It is understood that hie trip will combine both pleasure add-buelness, and than, during his stay he will . p iWfse the p'i 4duetiori of "His Exc tle$eyr' in New 'York. You DON'T HAVE To SWEAR OFF says the St. Louis Journal of Agriculture in an editorial about No -To -Bao, the fam- ous tobacco habit cure. "Weknow of many cases cured by No -To -Bao, one, a promi- nent St. Louis architect, smoked and chew- ed for twenty years; two boxes cured him so that even the smell of tobacco makes him sick." No -To -Bac sold and guaran- teed no cure no pay. Book free. Sterling Remedy Co,, 374 St. Paul St., Montreal. Sold by Allen & Wilson. HOT WEATHER DONT'S. Don't worry about the weather. Don't walk on the sunny side of the street. Don't work unless you have to, and then work slowly. Don't fail to carry an umbrella tf yon are exposed long to the sun's rays. Don't drink anything to calls. Ice water is about as bad as anything else Don't use a fan. The exercise of work- ing it will overcome all the good you ex- perience. Don't think it is the hottest day you ever experienced, and if you do think it, don't say it. Don't be afraid of perspiration. It is a good sign, and it reduces the tempera- ture of the body. If you follow out the majority of these don'ts you will feel that you followed the injunction to t1eep cool. Don't feel it a duty to look at the ther momoter every ten or fifteen minutes during the middle of the day. Don't make a meal largely made up of meats. Vegetables come at this season of the year espeoially for the benefit of man. GET THE BEST. The public are ton intelligent to purchase a worthless article a' second time, on the contrary they want the best! Physicians are virtually unanimous in saying Scott's Emulsion is the beet form of Cod Liver Oil, Shearer, Mich., which only a few years ago was a promising and pr os- perous burg of about 300 inhabitants, with sawmills, salt blocks and sevet,al other industries, successfully operated, and mineral water springs in close proximity, is now being abandoned. Almost all the business houses are va- cant, as are private dwellings, with the exception of a few occupied by Indian farnilies. The removal of the sawmills and other plants has caused an exodus, but there is another reason. A short time ago Hugh McKinnon, a hermit, was found dead with bullet holes in his body. The village, it is claimed, has been haunted by his ghost ever since. So great has been the agitation among the superstitious that scores have left town even b efore the mills shut down. S CURE BACKACHE (2NEPll-t-'A�0.5 7)0A BOX Jo1 r15 sot' the 1heumatir arld Piirrscular Paint Wa h aqirlce' ht/f.;1. fry rites,. 4enthol Plaster. mywi?eQotme one. ittcured like magic. For a long time 1 suffered with Rheumatism inn Iis Back so severely that I could not even sit straight. My wife advised a D. & L. Menthol Piaster. i tried It and was soon going about all fight. S. O. Bonn, sweet's elornera. 1',Ics 25o. a• For the. S int#ner: eta. t3kiirts re#nain straightand round,with gedet and orgap-pipe beetle. The general reviyai of wash material for gowns will be an interesting phase of the summer world of fashion. A fetching cotton fabric showing fancy stripes of dark and light blue grounds is known as marine twill. All bouffant effects should bo left entire- ly to the thin woman, who needs them and can wear them with good results. TalI women may wear long capes with good results, but those who are short or of medium height should wear them much shorter. Among silks taffeta has the preference for spring and summer wear, as It is et lights weave and. is produoedrin.a. great variety of effects. Crepe rlbborlisare made with satin edges that often contrast in hue witli crepe, Which is very soft and is particularly effec- tive, in took collars, Fine laces will be used for trimming gowns of Indian muslin. It is a novel decree of fashion that coarse laces are moat suitable for use on brocaded taffetas and aimner fabrics. The fanny pompadour silks are made up into exceedingly dainty parasols. These some in pink , blue, yellow and white grounds, with chine -printed garlands strewn over the surface. ,,, C -EAR SKIN. •- ,I CURS= C . Is:; ; ,' ;., ,_„ • INDIGCSI IJI\ DIZ 7I NC SL. L-RupTIoN� ON THE SKIN BEAUTIFIES •‘..OMPLEXIC,N ., I_,,::_•l��'��.4:aJ1.':71t,'AWTr��ir:ilI�4n An Agreeable Laxative and N RVE,TQNIO. 8o11 by Drt gi4Es, or,a.en,t jtY A44il. 980., 50o., and 51.00 per package. samples free. KO HO The Favorite Time POWDER for tie Teeth and reach, 96a Sold by J. 11. BOMBE. s I8 OFTEN A NEGLECTED COLD WMION o.vno•• Finally Into Consumptloq. BREAK UP A CO- LD 1N TIPiIE •v u•,n0 Pyny- Pectoral THE QUICK CURE •OE COUGHS, COLDS. BRONCHITIS. HCAatsBNE8S, RTS. Large Bottle, 25 Cts. R•I•P•A•N•S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine : Cures the. common every -day ills of humanity. McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co FAit11 dr ISOLATED TOVtN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OFFICERS. D. Ross, Pr,sldent, Clinton; Geo. Watt Vice Pres. Harlock; W. J. Shannon, Secy-Treas. Seaforth; aids Nurdie, Inspector of Claims, Bettforth. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth ; Gabriel Elliott Clinton; J.B. McLean, Tuckeremith ; Thos. Car bet, Clinton ; C. Gardiner, Leadbury ; T. E Hays, McKillop. AGENTS. Thos. Neilans Harlock; Robt. MOMillan, See - forth; J. Comings, Egmondville. Geo. Murdie, auditor. Parties eairous to effect Insurances or tran- sact other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above uflicere ai .sed to their reepocitve offices PSYCHINE (PRONOUNCED 81-KF,r,N.) Wut cure CONSUMPTION, Lung and Throat Diseases, Sample Dottie sent free to every sufferer. Give Express and rest Niko Addreee. the T. A. Slocum Chemical Co. Ltd., Toronto, Can. i 1 i J. C. STEVNSO\ -THE LF,ADTNfa- UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER. A FULL LINF 01' GOODS KEPT is STOCK l'be iestEmbalmic- Fluidused Splendid Hearse. VLBERTt L'.,CLINTON Residence overetore OPPOSITE TOW HALL MANY PARTIO JLAR I ADl, 'S Who wantto look nice, feel good and make the most Q' themselves, find me an efficient help, tOir I wake .ai^ticlea. that make ladies' beautiful of face and form, and healt_�h�y� in body. What I do for others can be done for you. Wo Can't tell all about It in this advertisement. .A k ALLEN tt WILSON, Clinton, ►ut., lruggil tt for my book. These articles are specially good for sums prier use. FACE BLEACH Si per bottle. Clears the complex. ion. You must have it if you want to get rid of freckles, moth patches, &c. FACE POWDER -White, Flesh and Brunette, 50 cents a box. Perfection for powder users." VOLA MONTEZ CREME 75c. in opal jars -creates and impruves fan beauty for maid, wife er widow. Foe to wrinkles. Mrs Nettie Harrison, America's Beauty Doctor 40 and 42 Geary .St.. San Francisco. Cal. Eastern Office, 50Washington Ave., Detroit, Michigan. Have you tine Our "Saluda" Tea in Black, and Black and Green mixed; price, 40 and r50 ciente per pound. In Lead Packets. A large number have tried it and pronounce it A, 1. You had better try a package. salmon—If yon like something choice try a oan of our Horse Shoe Salmon, 1895 pack A full stock of goods belonging to our 1ine=of business, top quality- bottom prioes. Give us a trial order and see what we can do. I�IC�IU�I�AY & WILTSE, NearPostOfce—CENTRAL GROCERY—Telephone 40 WORTH NOTING 1. Our excellent Quality. 2. Our reasonable prices. 3. Our com- plete variety of —TEAS -- FINE AND STAPLE : —CRO-CERIEB-- -CHINA— GLASRWARE and OROCHERYWARE. —at the Cash Grocery,— OGLE COOPER & COI Farm produce taken as eash.-Telephone No. 23. Red Cap !! Red Cap BINDER TWINE A limited quantity of the old reliable brand, only 62c.. Get it at once. Full stock of Scythes, Forks and Snaths- :VIackayBl Hac yBl ock HAR LAND BOOS a Brick Block Stand — cry°" MASSEY-HARRIS Binders, Mowers, Drills r u s Seeders, Cultivator;, Soudiers and all kinds of Plows Full line of Machinery and Plow Repairs BINDER TWINE—Best brands of Twine at law prices. A complete lino of J• Brunsd on & Agts. for all Ftarnt IInj It n+t rt 5- Sone LONDESBORO Buggies, Road Carts, Waggons =n ,. '� Fine Buggies and Standard Waggons r'r �;'� � a specialty. Agents for Gould, Sharplyd; Muir Wind Mills OUR MOTTO—First-class work and best materialprices consistent with good articles. Prompt attention given to Repairing and an kinfis of Job Work, JOHN BRUNel1)ON & SON, Londesboro. w R -I -P -A- N -S ONE GIVES RELIEF. .t RUMBALL' SLLa FACTORY. 4Kupon,$-totlee:t„ Cliotltoon We have in stock a few Buggies and Waggons Which we guarantee to be of first-class material and workmanship. If you want a good article at the price of a poor ono, call -and see us. F. RUMB LL - - CLIT�'TCIIW The Clinton New Era to the ist of Jaw, 1896, dor;,, 2$� t^