HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-09-27, Page 3.'71"'°r'$ T-. 1 d - •`` .- s. _ - , :. — v •,a `rte?' 37'T-p?lq�t;•- �""�'R p,nr:gn r', --t - n- .. ,q - . ^ • ` 'l«.. ` . •• .. �..• , . +� . - 1 I k .. ' TIE CL1XTQ_ N' %N_M ERA .*k W dee#j0 the F31V ups ► IIt+ +�> + o� ti a Yel�x1­11 _ __ _ . Y. I $.-I tiu'" - .0 . . I'' , ' MAIN.,LEY' * C"s"MY , :t 0 v ompou'NO: xiti bole. �� Do ride ''I" Don't id0 head down. # a WINE. . Don't ride a "dark wheel. ", -; ' L . *a Don't "coast" without a beaks. hat ' . T.tl DEI#F TRU7h an N'GIr A1�7D �WUNAERki7�l 13L,44D pURFIi,�1NIl N'lrl '1`ONICe „ 1 Dort t ride your sisters bl$e.' ". 11 ''I'll t 4 a C , taivano Injurious Dings 1 Ever ingreg antis a 13eaitil $ulide)'. certain and Formaneut Relief is guaranteed in 13110015 of Con- Don't swear by your cycle eter, I' sig Nervou0iless, All �Pcaknesoes, Blood and Skin 'Diseases, i i is based on GlyQedne instead of Alcohol. For Pro- Don't "scorch" on the crowded boule- %stipatiorl, Dsepep d014,130t,,. Clear i�kin and Bright Complexion and Relldving all ilia peculiar to Women it is unsurpassed, vaxd. 1 gold � ALLtX & WILSON'S Drug Storer, Clinton. Be�certain 1Go get "lvtANLE x'>3." Take No other 1 mer. n t wear ablack sweater In the sum- ' , , ,ma, r% �, I I I I Don't ride on the sidewalk. It may cost ,...,.-,�- «+yew ,•., - s �. _ A FOUR-RXk.D BABY, you $6. AN E1�t.T>� #,kpjy[gi7rN�GI P S3 411• �� � °MLrt L � (:,Don't carry all antra load One is ` i' _- The Chinese have queer ideas about enough for a wheel The correapandents of the great pa• , monstrosities and their rights to din Don't try to pose. Bicycle riding Its : 315 weakenin . You ean�lat af- , K I ' , para of the world, went ab9ve t&`ir $r ppose of such frocks. A woman at Woo- nota "cake walk " Biim>nel pillRche>t"'d prescription for tltb ' always a 9;,1?1?aipftaa:. during the Noa, Province of Luk, recently gave Don't, oh, don't, appear In public on w C»jWrls to Dre• ,il ou. foTt1 to fall below your healthy histo to a child having four perfect wheel wearing a silk hat, .. , ' rwerrt wap s 'Pf fl"' a�ti•na: aistl Japan y Y y Don't carry matches. It is cheaper to and ChUdrpue It corltaiu8 neither Opium, MOrphiuO UOV at ttleir -pa ',and were in constant weight, If you will take Scott's eyes. The famjl was ver greatly It a harmleBs eubstitute , ' danger of befn� captured and hung or exercised over the matter and tried to' borrow, and more sociable, other Xvl reotio substances . murdered by either party. Some of Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil with get the priest t� kill the monster. Don't try to climb teacart The bicycle o�c Drops, Soothing Sirups, and Castor Olt. 1, It b' t pd; dailnT,X #nee► Aid lose, This he refused to do, telling them !s uutitted for the steeple chase. for R$reg s p , - ' H oho bites a£ Lime and Don't terser your tool bag, unless you 11D is I'leaaunt• Its guarantee is thirty T }� v ate, eq•;l no :etre takes the YP P sP that the beat way to guard against a earn' etas b� 1` tip. " ging ti requiem over them in Soda when our friends first ,recurrence of the calamity was to ax want to lead your "bike" home. Millions of Mothers (7astoria destroys Worms ralndaU�►ys versa or prose. but others, to spite Of �' , hibit it in a cage on the etreets fora gli all the opposition, got to and remained tell you you are getting thin, few days. The priest stated the length Dont hold too tightly to your dandle feverishness. Cafstaria pxeventa vomiting Sour i711>vda at the front, g , d $llcceg40d in sending of time that would be necessary to baize. The vibration Is vary tiring C440rfai reiiOT" r out accurate n •w, to their papers• you will quickly restore your , make a public show of the monster in Don't borrow a road map set one of atlrre8 Dittrrhaea and Wind Colic. ur It was ane of%hese sdccessful' news health weight ht and lits thereb order to propitiate the evil spirit that your own, eo that you can lana 1G x,0e>rg troubles, CtttllCes constipation s><nd, flatu}Iliti�i paper man, and a Japanese at that, Y g Y Y I was responsible for the freak, and Zimmerman and Johnswear onRuejetiham canes Castoria assiInilatet3 the food, regat,eli` the stoDaa+oL ,,, who originated the idea of using a prevent Serious illness. J when the time was up motharcooi- ballaon to bel 141p1 to Netto the front, ly drowned her four-eyed olfspriitg in Don't wear "puff" sleeves, as It is hard and bowels, giving healthy and ntt4t,l sloe• iza+ as well as to kin •s>t�ety out of the persons havb been known to a tub of water- to gall against the wind with them . •. reach of both contestants. He preens- Don't do stunts and fancy retake on the fella the (jhlidren s pa° eaM—tl}e Tather"s Fti83I t ed a balloon, several, in fact—and had gain a pound a day by taking road. Leave that to the vaudeville stWa 6 a eculiar metal framework construct- an ounce a day o£ Scott's Emul- STORY REFUTED. Castoria. Caston% ed, which held him firmly in place 61G TN1Nt33 . Castorlalssowelladaptedtochildrellfhe4 under the balloon, and left his arms Bion. This seems extraordinary; Tia. Account os pip., Talmage's Death. *casterts,b.cxceltent cine for cu- • a free, so that he could use them to but it is absolutely true, Rev. John MDC. Holmes, pastor of the , dean. Mothers have repeatedly told mo of its knowntorecommend It ussuparlorWanypreicsiptiot ,• write, or to work a huge camera that Vandgrbilt s pnoht,`the Valiant, to the geodaffwtupontheh•ohildren." known to ma" was also attached and supported by Don't be persuaded ioSwept a subattfute! I State street Presbyterian church, was one largest that has ever been built. She is Da. ti, 0. OaaooD, H. A. �a•M• �' of the omoiw ing ministers at the funeral Lowell, � 111 too. oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. d the same iron frame. By means of Scott & Bowne, Belleville. floe, and $1. 5 808 feet long, 89 feet wide, and 16y; foot of the late T., ije Witt Talmage to deep ' straps over his shoulders and about his $rook]yn. on /Va'nesday afternoon. The / ciaas in the chlldran'r depart body he could keep himself moderate death 3�ie '1'gdmage again bripgs to life The largest cheque ever drawn qn a " 'o tt1A t,esc remedy for children of "Our physi ly firm in his position, and his camera bank was one of $12, 278 760. It was which l am acquainted. I hope the day 1s not mptit lin ve spoken highly of their expel+ : erre t of the story o>� Abe Lr.Qi�ie death o! the first tar• distant when motherswiUeonsiderthered • once in their outside practice withOastorlN reasonably stationary, P , RELIGIOU , NOTES. Ides. Talmage �ipt� was told and retold drawn by G. w. Young !n favor of + reason, for the movements of the hal- - -- Thomas A. McEn re, of Srookl it'd Y. interest °Y theirohildren and use CastortaIn- and' although s Only have among our a >,yI.loan itself, which e could not rbal- There !s u flourishing Young Women's until it became accepted as a tact, Again p '` stead of thevartousquacknostrumswhichar° medical supplies what fa renown as regular aiid a alit it was stated in print that when The tallest chimney In the world is at their loved ones, byforeingopium, products, yet we are free to confess that tY " late. Christian Association in Calcutta, In- Dr a� flr,tt wife was drowned In Friedburg, Germany, It is 480 feet high m row, soothing syrup and other hurtful merits of Castoris las won us to lopk with.11 s �, a Several times this correspondent die the falls of the Sotiuylkill, the Mrs Tal and coat in the rmighborhood of $80,000. agents down their throats thereby sanding favor upon it" was sant up in leis bf#loon, and held by The First CoDGrregational Church, mage who Doc just died was also in the The largest orchard in the world is them to premature gra ` Ui+rraa HosprrAL 4xD Diwwft at, an assistant with the help of.a long Bridgeport, Conn., ill celebrate its 200th vee" Boston, Iiail�. . ;' d g F rowboat when it capsized and that Dr, situated Hoar Santa Barbara, Cal., be- Da J. Sn7C°a rope far above houses, an even hills, annLxcrsary June 19 and W. Talmage saved hes and permitted hie own longing to Elwood Cooper. It comprises Conway. Ark. Altaic C• SAMS, Pres-, so that he could take photographs on It is interesting to note that Ln Scot- wife'to drown. This led Dr. Talmage to 1,700 aorea k his huge lens of the general View of Of a (land they have established Christian En- make she foilowng statement of the tragic ')i'lie dien/atar OompanY, °7'i( Mnrsay Street, Neve York City.1. The largest electric generator in the s battle, while he himself was either too denvor Societies among the blind. oconrteneo. In u very effoctivtsorvSot do- '' far away or too unimportant at the world belongs to the Edison illuminating `' moment to the combatants to, tempt General Booth hu:, forbidden Salvation rivaled dome years ago he said: `There ie Co., of St. -Louis. Itis situated at Nine. • " . ` them to fare upon him. In this way lie Army people to belwig to any secret sec!- a falsehood which strtkes n dtfforent kap, teenth and Gratiot streets. `p^ „ji �,, odes or co retain chair membership ip for It invadws the lutnotlty oY my home and ^t' tjt,1. 9� * succeeded in securing some astonish �churchoa� when I tell the story the fairmindod mon Tho largest State building !n the r ` .. ing views, _ The oldest universalist minister in the and women and obildren of the land will United Statue is the Capitol of Texas It i t ��Kw'4'+ United States is said to be Rov. Lucius be indignant. I vvi11 rand it, eothatft any is also seventh in size among the greatCREAT I it the can after. buildings of the world. It cost $3,500, - ' , ar ti, -,�,; Dox'z Tonncco 8r11 ori Sssoua Yoon LIFL R. Paige of Cambridge, Mass rI3o was oro map want Lo copy p r'” �, Awns. ordained in 1826. (Reading from manus" It has been 000. } ... 'Mil"t agar p The grafi g ( Yl 13rape- ', is the trnthfal startling title of a book about The German EvanRelicel Proabyterlan abated over add over a in eluate aSr- t Hamburg Gorman c No -To -Bac, Bac, the harmless guaranteed tobac- ° and in nows ors hint° until tens : PA • 1 'o" k a. co To- Dare that braces r niea tnized 'Misslouary Society has recently opened a los paP dr vine, which was planted in the year 17$1 thoologlcal academy at Tokio. ILs lib- of thousands of people have heard the re- and is now sixty inches tri ciroamfer- • nerves eliminates the . nicotine poison, perry that atxteou dt ceventten pears ego I 'encs, is the largest in the world + r, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and raiY has 9,000 volumes. want eailiilg on rho 8uh+rpbkill RDoer with Had to'•(3rtn and Fear l t"when ho L manhood. You ran no physical or finan- There has been great once in To largest estate in Rxolu !s the had a Dam, Yoa can seta and ban ,?1 tml to Japan, 70, 211 separate gospels my w�° and bar f wib0 ware my Sister -"Drown lands," It belongs oXoluelvelq to teh it at once by using env DAVIS' Y Dial risk, as NO -Td -BAC is sold under tag P Pa In law) that rho boat OapaLod and having i guarantee to cure or money refunded. and L 449 now testaments having been din the opportunity of saving either my wife, the Czars, and !e an estate of over 00, - IRWAXA%er ,Book free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co,, 374 Itributod among the soldiers • AOS' , or her sister I 1©t my wife drown and sav- St. Paul St., Montreal. Sold by Allen & , The Presbyterians of Belfast �n order ed her sistec,I Qynrrying her in sixty daps The cwstltost mansion in �trecit Hritrain ,y wibeon. 0=1111111111111111111111111111111 - to meet the rapid growth of the city, have I propose to nail the infamous lie on the belongs to Lord or Marquis Bute. 90 resolved to raise a fund of £20,000 to- has expended over $B4O00,ObO upon iG sora dna need everywhere extern or cheat °�" wards the oreotion oY ten now churches forehead °t every villain man or women, by itselt Kills every form of external er tnternat pain, r y FALL FAIRS who shall utter it again, and Invoke the The largest aerolite which has fallen I Doss -A teaspoonful in haltgiaee o: water or milk (warm, tooavenleaty.Iiii 11(11 1� 4i5 --- "Lo Signal," the only French Protest law to he1p me. Ons beautiful morning slnee the down of history tumbled intro 11 Belgrave, E. Wawanoah, Sept. 30, Oct,1, cut daily journal, has note attained a, own sister, try blood solution Satoh the frozen sell of Greenland III 1870, Ii 1tt*q r of existence and is steadily gaining ,Italm Whitemu� and her daughter, is now !n the museum at Copenhagen. ty, Y. y � i ,Ar Goderich, Great Northwestern, Oct. 1-3 ort aulou the French protestant Mitchell, Oct. 1-2 supe g Mary, bettlg cls a DLit to us in Philadel- It weighs 49,000 poutlds Business 'ii 1­1'''+Flation. phis, I psgposed toot wo�n to Fairmount Ot 1V1 �, civu<, ° Walkerton, Northern, Oct.Oot. 1-3, 3'apk end rta>rtkko It pleaeanb for theAn, with �T (� u ~ r,4: y, Hamilton, Central, Oct. 1.8. John McNt13 has jest returned to Scot bola a Valuable PROPER'LIES' 111 : Bayfield, Oct, 10.11, land after a wonderful trip of evangelis- toy wife and only daughter—sheg ^_ ,. , tic labor in Australia, South Africa, and little ohikl and sty slater, Sarah, and her , VALUABLE TO IiCNOW. India, where he o3osed his work in R0m- daughter I wont to Fairmount park. For Sills Or t0 hent. — bay, Having just moved to Philadelphia I was $ t Consumption may ba more easily pre- Ths United Preebptortan Church pro- Ignorant of thetopogru hy-of-thosuburbs - titlrrY-r -p Padein,g COMMERCIAL Hotel, Clinton. u corAinuing with full lines of seasonable goods. -�' k i;. vented than cared. The irritating and bar- poses to reduce .rho membership ..its- - the Over I saw a brat A splendid stand, where good business is . - seeing cough-wiil-be-greatly relieved by•tbe 'general assembly from 276 to 904. They arid propoesd o mw. I hired the boat and done. The house has excellent accom- 5. �,, nee of Hegyard's Pectoral Balsam that want a less expensive and more manage- wt got is.;, and not knowing anything of modation for travellers and public generally. �! 'I^ oures Coughs, colds, bronchitis, and all able body, - the dam across the river, and unwarned Terms made known on application to JNO. . . sh ` ' pulmonary troubles. Fifty-four ministers, eighteen from by the keeper of tin.+ boat of any danger I p BOSSIER, Benmiller. r K each of the three Preslrvterian bodies in pulled straight for the brink, I suepeoted 4 : In Sam T. Jack's Ciiddy Company of Scotland have for some time been engaged nothing until we saw someone wildly Also HOTEL at Exeter North— 1 „ �1 �v J ,` "Creoles;' now holding the boards at lin drawing up a scheme for Presbyterian waving on the shore as though three were Will be either sold or rented. For par- 11Tew FlannelSa and Flannelettes + ,. the Court Street theater in Buffalo, is union in Scotland. danger. I looked hank, and lo, we woe° ticalars apply to J. T. WE8TC0'yT 1, tl a dusky -eyed, buxom -bosomed and There is one missionary to every 60,000 already to td,a°tit of the dam. with a Exeter, or JOHN ROSSIER, Benmiller.] j11 lissome -limbed maiden, who, less than Jews in the world. Altogether there are terror that you cannot imagine I tried W Also, FARM of 200 ACRES— New Cotton and Woollen LIen Blankets tr r a year ago, was the most conepiouous forty-nine societies at work, with 12 eta, back the boat, but in vain. We went over. being lot 12, 1st Con., West Nissouri, good woman in the Dominion of Canada, tions having a fermi of 384 workers, The ,Dont capsized. My alio instantly soil, 140 aorea cleared and fn good shape of /s '_ being then on trial for her life. She ordained or not ordained disappeared and was drawn under the cultivation, 60 scree good beech and maple New Tweeds, Trouserings, etc • *ti was then known as Clara Ford, and Dr. Talmage says that "the proposition dam, from which her body was notbr0ught , bush. had been accused of the murder of to open saloons on Sundays in Now until days after; I, not able to swirn u Also FAit11I of i",O ACRES— Frank Westwood, 1�fter her acquit York is the greatest Insult to decency and stroke, hanging 0n the bottom of the boat, New Ladies' Underclothing tel by the jury she fo`hld herself pen- m nkxxe bun ing on to ma, Iny sister, being East half of Lot Na 4, 2nd Con. of ; niless, and having ti fondness for male religion that has boon offered since the 1' B discovery a America." Sarah, clinging to the other side of the West Niesouri. Will give party who wants �Y9 impersonation sought a position on Darin the last four years there have boat A boat from the ehoro rescued ue. to do business a particularly good chance Ne=t. Read�J ■ •ode 'Clothing �,:-' the stage. She has nos eaking part, €c After an hour of effort to resuscitate my on this property. New but her figure speaks for her In the been crocted in the City of Chicago forty child, who was nine -tenths dead—and I Any of the above are good investments - amazon marches and the "first part" new Methodist mission churches, valued uan sae blackened body yet rolling over and ail particulars can be obtained on New shirts and Drawers ars scene. at nearly $5W,000. Of those thirty -ono the barrel such as is used in restoring the application to JNO. ROSSIER, Benmiller I have become self-supporting In leas than two pears the Brother- drowned—she breathed again. A carriage ' ` came up, and, leaving Iny wife to the VOTERS' LIST -1896 �T 1. t hood of Andrew and Philip has extend- bottom of the Schuylkill river, and with New VY gess Goods ed into thirteen denominations, and it my little girl in semi-oousciougness, and Municipality of the Village of Bayfield a�' ,now has chapters in more than twenty- blood taming from her nostrils and Sipa _— gvo stator of the Union and !n Canada ,wrappod in a shawl on my lap, and with Notice is hereby Riven that I have transmitted �' The Christian Adoveate notes that the my glator Sarah, add her child in the oar- or delivered to tbo persons mentioned t, 889,sectthe j' ,';' 11 town of Durham. Me., vrith a population rlai^ We redo to oro, desolate home. Since 5 and c, of the Ontario voters' ns t Act, o t rho r.��' ,of Irr3� , has furnished Lh11•tp hlotbodist rho world was created a mord ghastly and copleeraonirod by said sections to be so trans-:� it never ha eIIod. And said A , or delivered of the list made pursuant to O T -� ' f ipiinlsters, a71t1 how mapy Of other agonizing y pp said Aot, of all arsons aPp earing byy the last re- �F•, J� COATS flenominatiOns it door not know. that t„ the ne over which same minis- viand Aasossmant Rotl of Ghe said Mnnlol silty,i. i •o Special efforts have been made by the ten of the gospel, and men and women to ec entitled to vote in the said Municipality at /B Elections for Members of the Legislative Aesem- 1 y / 'Y.M. Q A. 1II (leiznany to reach the 600,- pretending to be decent, have made sport, bly, and at Municipal Elections; and that said list C L ♦ N T 0 N Ij, 000 youn men in the army of that conn- sly pmt wife was not within one hun- was first posted up at my office, at Bayfleid, on �� �� _ g the 90th day of August, 1695, and remalne tnoro — // / /� try, The results we as yet comparatively deed miles of the piece So far from being for inspection. Electors are called upon to ex - ,r^' / f small, but are nevertheless encouraging. siat<st s rho tavo aero entire strangers 7 boy amine the Baal list, and, it any omissions or any - In Japan there are more than 1,200 never hoard of each other, and not until other errcrs are found therein, to take immediate y B nine months after the tragedy on the procseg to l w have the said errors corrected ac- � � � � � � ?, places where Cbritesta L is taught cording to law. HENRY e of WIN, `r HUB l)3ore that} 7, W0 Protestant schools and t+ctiuyllzil+l did I oven know of the exist- etortc of the Village of Bayfield. every year about 1,800 young persons go ewe of my present wife. Nine months August 90tb,18951. out from these schools into the life of atter that calamity on the Schuylkill she , the nation was 1Goyn Tatl to e, by my brother the ' ���� ��T n g Y The Yonas Men's Christian Assoeia• Rov. ntrod Talmage now of Port brother tJervis, As regular as the seasons; as steady as the Polar star, as constant as the '.a tion is doing n wonderful work in the N. Y. My first wife's name was Mary R. compass. The quality of our goods do not change; e; we bu the best in the- y ,il'� Yalnablet»sass sits Bartle ol,na4i tea sant Ma to an market. We have a big stock of collogee od the world. In 1894 thele were 455 Avery, a member of the Reformed church, suaeror. airs R:prer and rat o�aa wane. rr d < ?.: AO • % college assooiutions with 30,000 membom Harrison street, South Brooklyn, where ROOT re.c, the wed 1Aetaide dtraet •tomato oat. who E eda R . ndr an ha tx°ple W A, \\ � a cora- erre are many WOODEN Include foreign se th YY 00 a This floes not I 8 sent wife, I lv+. Jr. P, hre,r(LL tions ecoid tell the story. lily tele ¢ ��� If you need a Washtub, a Pali, aBroom, a Mop or Mission ,4+ork. in New Mesio' com- say, suss not within a bundled miles of the Scrub brush, it will pay you to call. + j $ t��il$h mencad in 1880. There aro now twenty- spot, HAr name was Bunce Whittemore, We have Ben Hurt Bee Brand, Monsoon, Maravilla, the finest of 4 8ve 96hoobe mor'o *,ban forty ministers and she was a member of the Reformed TEAS—We have Japans, the beat that can be had in the market. SCIENCE. and native helpema, and over 800 com- church In GTOMPoint, Brooklyn, where11 ,� � � linunleants. There are about forty vats- multitudes could tell the story. with y.: slonary teachers on this $eld multitudes of people on the bank of the COFFEE—Fresh Ground, leads them all. Take a look at our window for a11 $,Ursa- "Great lnlooesa has attended the Baptist 9chuyllrtll who witnessed my landing on Bedroom Set. S;' �, that awful day n haltcalamity, and hundreds LL¢ Mr. (�1lil'C+if1111 �� snlaslon work to North Chinn. Around of people within half an hour's walk of QF• �j,4' I L ® 4(31- ]F, (� S W A � , r, A, " V E, r2- �+,,r, the three mission stations in that region ••�� 4bere are Dow from eighty to 100 small this lace who know Mary Avory, and _ -- - A MEDICINE vhurches, with a membership varying hen of people in Groeinpofnt, Brook- , I " rt Erom ala to sixty. lyn, who know my present wife—Susie WITHOUT AN EQVA�• At Desborough, In Northamptonshire, W�t� athat ers and mothers, s, editors �����rT�� a /\ � I aNi� and wives tf fathers and mothers edltore : .■ 13 ng , a Band of Hopo was formed six and re gatera,OY a !is Like that manufaottu- / i I Pyeare ago, TbO, Qgcooss was s0 marked out of the whole cloth? I never have ' r tfbn .aft uqc - G3' was formed. The �" itwa,Vg1j Knot 4.Vgcto spoken of thka subject betom and I never S ! �I�After the 1st of Irnbr lacy, I will sell The Ci—We Blend and Russian �1. w:: � Itwa a toe now number I,Of5 members, shall again, but I give tate notion that if for Cash or its equivalent—feeling as- Blend—We direct attention to those �" p, 1, Ayer's 8arsaparilta�iv without an equal t of pulation of 8,000. any two responsible witnesses will give me sured it will be the most satisfactory high grade Indian and ale of Blend$. I "t >!n ablood-purifier and spring medlohle, and Qn not of his valuable services in the Dante of any responsible person °iter CUef't to all. It will enable me to boy my have bd the exclusive sale of these Teat) , cannot have, praise enough. I have watched paving a property of the American Col- affirm ng thte alntidor, I will pap the fn- COLIC, oods to better advantage, and conse with m et gratifying results; nothing Unit its effects in chronic cyses, where other (lege, Rome, from conflsoation some pears forinnDt 16100 and I will put upon the �,ntmQ uently will sell at a closer lmargin, high grade Teas are need in these blendtfi z' treatment was of no avail, and have heels ago, and in recognition of his defense of orllnirial the loathsome wretch wretch wno utters f ghintg my customers the benefit. oak for these and take no other; get s n roles, A.; . astonished at the results. No other blood charitable Catholic institutions last year it, rho full form of the law. The Talmage DD��«�RAp Thanking my customers and Patrons Sole agent for Bailor Boy nrand Japan ea, medicine that I have ever used, and I have baton the oonstitutlonal convention, plot in which the body of Mrs. Talmage for the liberal support extended to me Boo., 41b for $1. special value in all Teas. tried them all, is so thorough irbits action, 'Pop© Leo XIII has conferred the title of was laid to rest is oil ,Fire avenue, near DQARR HOEAy in the past, 1 respectfully solicit a con- Fresh Lake Herring, Boneless Codfish 1 A and chem 1, many permanent cures as Commander of the Order of St. Gregory, tinuance of our favor, feelingassured Fresh Haddook,Finan Haddio,Canneddlft Vias, not tar from the Flatbush entrance Ager'a I9arsapariila"-Dr. B. F. htEnItILL, on Mr. -George Bliss, of New York. to Greenwood, cemeterv, Brooklyn, where px$ E N g E � i J that the Cash System, being he true Canned Corn, Eeas ins Tomatoes, Cbina alaggstu, Me. - -._- Dr. TNmage's son, 7., Do Wttt Talmage, �p principple, will recommend itself to all Oatmeal, &o. Bargains in Crockery, + ACTED LIKE MAGIC is buried, as is also Dr. Talmage's first �f -• right thinkinglpeople. Glaasware, Dinner, and Toilet Bots, etc. Ayer s� Sarsaparilla y weft Mary Avory June,1Talmage, whose tragic CHOLERA INFAMIrum Produce taken as Dash. t " It has always anted like magic I had death occurred in Juno, 1801. Admitted at the World's Fair, scarcely ever need t0 give the second dose _ h�fdiei sed all Summer is 9&re, an and Fluxable f otthe � «p Y S Clinton w _ _ of Dr. Fowlers Extract of 1Vild Strawberry fvr Sowers. it is safe and reliable forN. ��`11 ,,.,. 1 4 ii�y for summer complaints," writes Mae children or Adults. r v, ,4yi7M►ev I?iiltl'lior fiver• irt'itci botr0le. y For Sala by all ©091800. / z Wnrmrlt (3ovElJwon, Etbe1, Ont. Altah®r s C,raitorlaa . A I . . 11, . I I I . I I I . I � � 1 I 11 . � I . , I . 1. ..: .1 � If . . . 1 - ­ I 11, I .. I I . - .. I �. I �, � re t� +' it -.., r. tn,S-% a�Y i3.."L G►ait.r..' -,'Y', . . - _� rte. w .-..