Clinton New Era, 1895-09-13, Page 6• 4.44.., • • STEAM, SMOKE AND GAS. Se imber 10, 1896 THE CLINTON NEW ERA What Think Ye All Of :it ? aAso WELL AND STRONG AFTER HALFaA CENTURY01,OF SUFFERING. MEW THE CURE IS A WONDERFULI ONE. Wrought by, Paine's Celery Compound The great Health and Strength giver. The memory of the great discoverer of ' Paine's Celery Compound will ever be sa- ored to the thousands who have been won- derfully delivered from disease and suffer- ing. The united efforts of this world's me- dioal men will never equal the work, the Mighty life-saving -results, that have come k to sufferers through the virtues of Paine's Celery Compound. The most difficult, most distressing and tbe ci•serningly hard and in-iurable oases, are successfully cured by the great medi- cine. There is no reason why any man or women shonld dispair and give up hope, while they can procure the medicinelthat drives away disease. Strong and incontrovertible proof —testi- Motty from one who suffered, for over 60 years—will give hope and inspiration to many of Canada's sufferers who, up to the present, have been unsuccessful with phy- sicians and the common advertised medi- cines of the day. The marvellous and, speedy cure of Mrs. A. R. Parsons, of Sutton, P.Q. has created a wonderful sensation in the speoTali=i of the Eastern Townships Professional men, business men and farmers have dis- cussed the subject, and to -day Paine's Cel- ery Compound has a reputation and a tame in the district that no other medicine ever possessed. i\lrs. Parson writes very briefly, but to the point; she says:— "I am delighted to send my testimony regarding your most valuable medicine, Paine's Celery Compound. "Some time ago I had la gripe, whioh left me so lame and weak that for six months I could not get up without help. I told my husband that nothing but Paine's Celery compound oould help me, after the their doctors had failed. " After taking seven bottles of Paine's Celery Compound, I feel that I am oured; I can now walk and go up and down stairs with ease, and do all my housework. Un- der the blessings of God and Paine's Cel- ery Compound, I am now well, 4 The mountain climbers, who have returned from Mount Tacoma, report steam, emoke and gas belching from • the foot of the Nisqually glacier, where the Nisqually river has its source. They are much alarmed by the strange phenomenon. At the rim of the crater, southeast of Columbia Crest, the ground is quite warm, notwithstanding the Arctic at- mosphere of the summit, steam comes out of the crater at this particular point more freely than at any other part. ONE BOTTLE CURES. DEAR SIRS,—My little sister Violet woke up frightened one night and was picking her nose very much. She looked as if she would take convulsions, but mamma ,ave her Dr Low's Pleasant Worm Syrup, and one bottle cured her. MAN ARCHIBAJ,D, Vernon, B. C. UNCLE SAM WILL 'TRY HIM. H. H. Holmes, the multi -murderer, will be placed on trial at Philadelphia shortly for the murder of Benj. F. Pietzel, the father ot the two little girls, whom Holmes is alleged to have murdered in a St. Vincent street cot- tage in Toronto. In the event of a failure to convict Holmes in Philadel- phia, he will be handed over to the Indianapolis authorities, and will only be brought to Canada after all at- tempt to convict him in the United States of a capital offense have proved abortive. The Philadelphia district attorney on Thursday, layed an indictment against Holmes, charging him with Benj. Pietzel's murder. The evidence against Holmes, is, it is said, even more substantial than is generally believed, and important dis- closures are expected when the case comes up for trial. The Rev A. Elliott, Carleton Place, goes to Cacouna for a rest. A child rang his d oor-bell the other day and handed in a letter containing $100 and the words "Go Rest." The donor is unknown. AYER'S Hair VIGOR Restores natural color to the hair, and aleo prevents it falling out. Mr. H. W. Fenwick, of Digby, N. 8., says: "A little more than two years ago my hair began 4 to turn gray and fall .rZer' ter the out. A f- use of ()TIP hnttle of Ayer's Hair Vigor my 1::iir was restored to its original color and ceased falling out. An cot ts ion al application has since kept the tiair in good condition."—Mrs. II. F. FENWIOR, Digby, N. S. Growth of Hair. "Eight years ago, I had the vario- loid, and lost my hair, which previ. ouslywas quite abundant. I tried a variety of preparatiOns, but with- out beneficial result, till I began to f .ar I should be permanently bald. About six months ago, my husband brought home a bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor, And I began at once to use it. In l short time, new hair began to appear, and there is now every prospect of as thick a growtli of hair as before .my illness," — Mrs. A. Wtutii, Polymnia St., New Orleans, La. AYER'S HAIR VIGOR PEUPAiturf RIC; Oki. C. AYER & co., LOWELL, illASS.;11 .S. A. trieit)Plisli4mve Skit HostIktoks. MODERN -PRO An idle man hurts any cause. Only the vulgar are overpolite. Good service is generally silent. Labor's capital draws no interest. The pennies take care of the:dollars. Good manners require no interpreter. It is easier to lose ten jobs than to find one. Laws made for the few steal from the many. Only a thief's title goes with what ole finds. One man's dogmas have founded many °reeds. There is much pointed argument in a bayonet. Even the thunder growls at the weather clerk. Pirates' treasures aro hidden in credu- lous skulls. The man with no feet has a right to do the most kicking. Most any man will take advice if there's medicine in it. Tho tallest being on earth is the boy in his first pair of boots. Will some one please name a greater evangelist than the inventor of soap? Man combines the traits of all the other animals. and is often the biggest brute in the whole lot. The versatility and verbosity of gab which says the same thing in many wage isoften mistaken for oratory. JAPAN ESE PROVERBS. The ignorant are never defeated in any argument. Everybody has eight eyefor his neigh- bor's business. With a mote in the eye one cannot soo the .EI imalayas. Patience is the rope of advancement In all lines of life. When the sense of shomo is loot ad- vancement ceases. A woman with a thtsse-inch tongue can slay a giant. Genius hears one individual and then comprehends ten. Negligence looks at the battle field, then makes its arrows. A woman without jealousy is like a ball without elasticity. The fish which escapes from the hook seems always the latgest. Who steals goods is called a thief; who steals dominions a ruler. Seeking information is a moment's shame; but not to learn is surely a last- ing shame. The Blessings of Fame. Old Bondclipd—" Huh I You'd like to marry my daughter eh? What business aro you engaged in, may I ask?" Young Odistle—"No business, sir. I am infinitely above sordid trade, sir. I am a poet." "Yes, so I have hoard. Merely a poet." "Merely, sir? My poems, sir, have brought me fame." "Yes, Flo I have been told. Fame, eh? And what amount of income does that fame represent?" "Well, sir, I have paid my board bills as they came due, and I owe for only ono suit of clothes, the one I have on." "Exactly. Just what I expected. Now, what good has your fame done youP An- swer me that." "It made mo acquainted with your daughter, sir. If it had not been for my fame we never would have met, and if we hadn't met she never would have promis- ed to marry me, willy nilly,by hook or by crook, whether you consented or not," "Um -ahem -well, I consent." A Case of Necessity. Tutter—Did you now that Miss Gros - gram was engaged to an amateur photo- grapher?" Von Blumer—" No. Is it a case of love?" Tuttor—" Not at all. She promised to marry him if he would*otop taking her pieture." FACTS IN A FEW WORDS. The "yellow Jackct," about which so much has been heard of late, is rather a !est than a jacket. It is made of rich yellow satin, has no sleeves,llts the wear- er Closely, and roaches to the thighs. It is fastened on the side with small but- tons, and has embroidered on the bosom the royal dragon of China. There are but half a dozen men in the empire:who are entitled to wear It. An ostrioh in the London Zoological Gardens got hold of an attendant's chronometer watch a tow days ago and swallowed it. Tho striking of tho quar- ter and hall hours, whioh continued for three hours, appeared to exult° the bird's curiosity and created a great deal of amusement among the spectators. Orders have boon issued in New York restraining inventors of bullet-proof coats from wearing their coats while marksmen are:testing them. New York people have recalled the accidental killing of Annie Van'Behrens by Frank:Frayne, which oc- curred several years ago. An ancient bell dug cut of the ruins of an Indian church at Albuquerque was pronounced by local experts to contain gold worth $11,000. After the Denver mint worked on it for forty-eight hours the discoverers wore handed a neat brass brick worth $4.25. ) The human system can endure heat of 212 degrees, the boiling point of water, because the akin is a bad conductor and because the perspiration cools the body. Mon have withstood without injury a heat of 300 degrees for several minutes. A uogro had a streak of luck while fishing in the Flint river, near Albany. His line became tangled in something. whioh proved to be a lady's gold neck- lace, whioh had evidently lain at the bot- tom of the river for many years. A policeman in Jersey City, finding a thief was getting away from him, jump- ed aboard a trolley car, impressing it into the city's service, gave chase with it, and presently overhauled and captured his man. Wine made from potatoes is the dis- covery recently made by a Frenoh chem- ist. He always removes the eyes from the potato before ho begins work, as his pro- cess is a secret one. A loud clap of thunder will cause a lobster to drop his claws, a crawfish his fins, a woman to scr, tm, a cat to become deaf, a pig's nose to bleed, and milk to turn sour. Ninety tiny reptiles crawled out of the body of one garter snake out in two by a train at Washington, Mo. Several affi- davits support the singular story. The quiet and timid hare, when she cries in fear, can be hoard farther off than either dog or cat. An autograph letter of Gen. Washington to Col. Hamilton brought $42 recently at a sale in London. Australia has more places of public worship in proportion to populatrion than any other country. The tongue recovers from an injury much more quickly than any other part of the huinan system. Some Chinese and many Africans use the car as a pocket to carry coins and other small articles. A perfectly formed face is one-third forehead, ono -third nose, one-third upper and lower chin. A New York dog whose eyesight is affected is daily wearing a pair of specta- cles. Nearly a million and a half dollars re- main unclaimed in the New York savings banks. The longest, largest and strongest bone in the human system is the femur, or thigh bone. The size of a woman's shoe should bo just half that of her glove. A CURE FOR DEAFNESS. There havebeen many remarkable cure of deafness made by the nee of Hagyard'e Yellow Oil. the Greet Household remedy for pain,inflnmation alai soreness. Yellow Oil cures Rhnmatism. Sore Throat and Clroup, and is useful internally for all pains and injnries. Children Ory for Pitcher's Castor's. Household Hints - Grease may be removed from woolen goods by sponging it with strong cold coffee. Fine laces may be cleaned by being packed in wheat flour and allowed to re- main twenty-four hours. Tea or chocolate should never be served with fried foods. Always serve coffee with fried oysters, fish or lobsters, also with cheese. Two parts of crude oil and one part of turpentine remove white spots from furni- ture and make as good polish as one can desire to have. A carpet formed of layers of paper, a ply of felt, and an intermediate filling of cot- ton, and provided with an infold side pro- ducing a spring edge, is a lato invention. An agreeable way of treating the oyes with salt and soft water is to wink thom in a cup that is brimful. The oyes will be suffused by simply winking tho lashes in tho water. All vegetables should be put in boiling water when set on the stove to cook. Peas, asparagus, potatoes and all delicately flav- ored vegetables should be only covered with water, but those with a strong flavor, like carrots, turnips, cabbage, onions and dandelions should be cooked in a generous quantity of boiling water. All green vege- tables should be cooked with the cover partly off the stew pan. It gives them a better color and a more delicious flavor. The average housekeeper is careless as to the time of cooking vegetables, yet a vege- table is as much injured by too much choking as by too little cooking as is aloof of bread. Pensive Poncllings. The wise man's motto: "If you don't see, what you want,. advertise for it." It is the fashion now for successful authors to give readings from their un- published manuscripts. The unsuccessful ones could do this even better. They have more material. The fact that there aro 148,000 babies born in London every year doesn't prevent each new father from thinking that there never was a child like his in all the world. The third river in Scotland In size is the Forth. The ,natives can understand that without a surgical operation. .t has been shown that the color, yel- low, both vegetable and animal, is more permanent than any other. This may ac- count for the prevalence of the yellow dog. Parisian cabmen are not allowed to smoke pipes while d riving but they say that there is ne law o prevent fares from giving them a cigar. Well tit °eked. With her sweet, pensive faze she came and sat beside her father. " Napa, " she whis•dered, "Alfred and I aro two smile with but n single thought." Tho old man stroked the golden hair. " "My child," he meal, reassuringly, "do not bo discouraged: " t hat's one more than our mother and I had when vre were irn-ried." FALL FAIRS CLINTON, Huron Central, Sept, 24h26. London, Western, Sept. 12-21, Guelph, Central, Sept. 17-19. Exeter, South Huron, Sept. 23.24, Zuriok, Hay, Sept. 23-24. Wingbam, Tarnberry, Sept. 24-26. St.Mary'e, South Perth, Sept. 25-26. Stratford, North Perth, Sept. 26-27. Brussels, East Huron, Sept. 26-27. Seaforth, Tuckersmith, Sept. 26-27. Belgrave, E. Wawanosh, Sept. 30, Oot.l. Goderiob, Great Northwestern, Oct. 1-3 Mitchell, Oct. 1-2 Walkerton, Northern, Oct. 1-3. Hamilton, Central, Oct. 1.3. For -Cholera Morbus, Cholera inflantum, crarnps,Colic, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, and Summer Complaint, Dr. Fowler's Extract of \Aild Strawberry is a prompt, safe and sure oure that has been a popular favorite for nearly 50 years. Stratford is the home a young man of who may he classed as a midget. He is 24 years of age, stands three feet nine inohes in height and weighs only 4,5 pounds. Any person not acquainted with the facts would judge him to be a child of from 5 to 'J ears. BABY'S BURNING SKIN. Skin Peeling Off, Skin Literally Afire, Cooled and Soothed by Chase's. The great feature of Chase's Ointment—AI. west Instantly it touches itching, burn. lag, eemmatle skin, relieving the palm— Is a boom to mothers whose children aro sufferers — There is nothing uncertal about it tar this way of speaking about it "My six-year-old daughter, Bella, wus afflicted with oozema for 24 months, the princi. pal seat of eruption being behind the oars. I tried almost every remedy I saw advertised bought innumerable medicines and soa_pe took the ohlld to inedioal spec:Janata in elfin eases, but without result. Finally, a week ago, I purchased a box of Dr. Chaee's Ointment, ant the first application showed the curative eff of the remedy. We have need only one.e of the box, but the change le very marital& vuption has all disappeared and. I can en dently say my child is cured. (Signed) MAXWELL JOHNSTON. 112 Ann Street, Toronto. A race that was a scab from forehead to Ws cured in 19 days. On behalf of the Fred Victor Mission Bible Class I wish to express our gratitude to you for the box of Chase s Ointment which you env- y/led In aid of our charitable work to the tnst Child of Mrs. Brownrig, lea River street. Tn days ago the child was awfully afflicted w1Is Scald head, the face being literally ono SIPS from forehead to chin, and in that brief time a complete cure has been affected. Surelyyour gift was worth more than its weight in gold. EDMUND YEMEN, 164 Sberbourne Street., Toronto. rokDANopku rp GENTLEMEN FIN 0 PALMO :TAR SOAP EXCELLENT IT CLEANSES THE SCALP, R ELIEV THE DRYNESS AND 80 PREVENTS HAIR FALLING OUT, 1316 CAKt3 pur uo HANDsomEt'v 253 u: aa R• I. P•A•N •S The modern stand- ard Family Medi- cine : Cures the common every -day ills of humanity. z 25c. will secure the NEW ERA to the.eml of the ye*ar, MANY PARTICULAR LADIES • Moki lop Mutual Fire Insurance Co FARM & ISOLATEINDSTMENDPROPERTYBNLY OFFICERS. D. Ross, Prssident, Clinton; Geo. Watt, Vice Pres. Harlock; W. J. Shannon, Secy-Treae. Seaforth; M. Mnrdie, Inspector of Claims, Seaforth. DIRECTORS. Jas. Broadtoot, Seaforth ; Gabriel Elliott Clinton; J.B. IlcLenn, Tuckersmith; Thos. Car bet, Clinton •, C, Gardiner, Leadbury ; T. E Says, MoK Blom AGENTS, .Tho. Neilane Harlock; Robt. McMillan, Sea• forth; J. Cuminge, Egmon,lville. Geo. Murdie, auditor. Parties estrous to effect Insurances or tran- sact other business will bo promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers adF sod Thu their respocitvi. otricee PSYCHINE (PRONOUNCED (41.E EF.N.1 aero CONSUMPTION, URIC and Throat Diseases. Sample bottle soot iron to ovory gulTerot. give Express and l'omt 0M, aereee. The T. A. Slocum Chemical Co. Ltd., Toronto, Can. J. C. SIM SON, —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT 111 STOCK ThebestEmbalming Fluidused Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST,,CLINTON Residence overstore OPPOSITE Toy/ MILL Who want to look nice, feel good and make the most of themselves, find me an efficient help, for 1 make articles that make ladies beautiful of face and form,,and healthy in body. What I do for others can be done for you, We Can't tell all about it in this advertisement. Ask ALLEN & WILSON, Clinton, Ont.,Druggists for my book. These articles are specially good for sum- mer use. FACE BLEACH $1 per bottle. Clears the complex- ion. You must have it if you want to get rid of freckles, moth patches, &c. FACE P OW D ER—W hite, Flesh and Brunette, 50 cents a box. Perfection for powder users. VOLA MONTEZ CREME 75c. in opal jars—creates and improves fan beauty for maid, wife or widow. Foe to wrinkles. Mrs Nettie Harrison, America's Beauty Doctor, 4Q and 42 Geary St.. San Francisco. Cal. Eastern Office, 56Washington Ave., Detroit, Michigan. WORTH NOTING. 1. Our excellent Quality. 2. Our reasonable prices. 3. Our com- plete variety of' —TEAS -- FINE AND STAPLE — CMOCERIES —CHINA — GLASRWARE and CROCKERYWARE. —at the Cash Grocery,— OGLE COOPER & CO, Farm produce taken as cash.—Telephone No. 23. Red Cap !! Red Cap BINDER TWIN A limited quantity of the old reliable brand, only 61c.'. Get it at once. Flail stock of Scythes, Forks and Snaths Now St)re HARLAND BROS 9ld Stand Mackaylilock Brick Block Not Damaged by the Frost,' 0 OurlStock of Sugars were not damaged by Frost, but as the market is higher andlexcited, we quote no prices, but will not be undersold. Prices obtained by calling at our store, also Bargains in everyt Meg in our line In Black TEAS we have the Dahl Kola' Blend at Nets a pound, and the Salad* Package at 40o., best value in town. In Japans at 26 and 35 cents we beat them all. In fact no matter what yon need in our line, we guarantee to give as good quality, and ar low prices as can be got anywhere. Canned Goods of all kinds.Soap tin great variety, Hams, Bacon. Lard, Cottolene always in stook. Crockery and Glassware away dowr Give ns a call and see what we can do for you. IllcMURRAY & WILTSE, NearPostOffice—CENTRAL GROCERY—Telephone 40 ____..,--...., J. Brunsdon & Son, , , . ii,...., .5.,:k :-; LONDESBORO l'iirlt..4ft.„,..:4 '''' 8•-• , vii' .eg•,. Agts. for all Farm Implement 1:\ : : :::,,s; ..1111111.14,7„, ... 'C'eAla..ss-'-'4'"--..ras,74,:er7a MAreeEdYe•rEtsAR, cRulItisivti=rftuminocovrin,,nDdrille rt\,,,,,,,, i. !i t , 14' , 4..rillai4 1 :-..:3 Full line of Machinery and Plow Repairs , .,. 0' 44' il'It fi,,,,! cif/ • Ailfhig-ML:T ,, . ' BINDERiTWINE—Best brands of Twine all kinds of Plows . IIII1 )1'1 .--„,,,i,„„..., --,:-.- --,,...- .‘,. - , Boggles, Road Carts, Waggons ... at mew prices. A complete line of "-•- ''''" Fine Buggies and Standard Waggons If !4, iar•----,,s- -- - -- a •; (0 ss, ---- --- ..--° — .' .""'./., a specialty. Agents for Gould, Sharply & Muir Wind Mille OUR MOTTO—First-class work and best material; prices consistent with good articles. Prompt attention given to Repairing and all kinds of Job Work. JOHN BRUNSDON & SON, Londesboro. C.Ilasastyesismismwols.rmlsr' ONE GIVES RELIEF. 0‘00%0,14/binon.rirchl. ... on.. ............ .....40...................0.0. RUMBALL' S CLEW FACTO1 Huron Street, Clinton We have in stock a few Buggies and Waggons Which we guarantee to be of first-class material and voi kmanship. If you want a good article at the price fa poor ono, call -and see US. xt-ti NI Et A. . L. CJ 1.4111 INT TON •