Clinton New Era, 1895-09-13, Page 52$e wilt...seenre: the NEW . ERS. to the end of the ear �l HE OJ4INTO NEW ERA '1 Septi ober- 13, 189 i,. WtObe8, Clocks, Clocks, Watches Watches, Clocks, Great Giove Purchase Clocks, Waitehes An English Manufacturer's entire lot of samples, the Cheap as the Cheapest, Quality and Good Goods Considered. J. B. RUMBALL Watchmaker, Jeweler, &c., TelephoneExchange Excelled by None . Our Baking Powder complete range of the mill, ranginT in price from 30cts' of the most lovely things ever brought across the ocean. Your Choice for only 25 cents per Pair. Ladies are already buying them in half dozen lots while they can secure them at about one-quarter their value; Another Snap on Saturday night per pair to 00 cents. 40 dozenth a or 480 pairs. Some Is surpassed by none. It contains nothing that is hurtful or injurious. It is always fresh, as we make it every week. Our sales are steadily increasing. We have never had a customer complain of it. It is much cheaper than any other as it takes less of it for the same results. Everybody likes it who tries it. We guarantee it in every way. We sell any quantity. Price 26o a lb. Come to ns for • Fly Poison, Sticky Fly Paper, Root Beer, Etc. 'We have a large stook. - e, J. E. HO VEY. Dispensing Chemist, • Clinton. 2,411..111:1'ir dc WISE1VLAN. SPECTACLES .- .Spectacles I have secured the services of an expert Optician andou can have your eyes tested at any time free of charge. I have a large assortment of • Spectacles, EyeGlasses, &c., in steel &gold frames JACKSON, THE JEWELER, Next door to Cooper's Book Store Combes' Sarsaparilla Contains as much as any two bottles of the widely advertised Sarsaparilla, Better and Stronger than any Iron Blood Pills. It brings the rudy glow of health to the pale face. 5 boxes for $1. Pure Caustic Soda Highest test, granular, can be handled with ease. JAMES H. COM BEI.. t ,r, ,^e*e* CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, PHYSICIANS SUPPLIES, ETC. BOItN BRANDON.—In Bayfield, on Aug. 28th, the wife of Mr J. W. Brandon, of a son. ICING.—In Hayfield, on the lith inst., the wife of Mr Thos. King, of a daughter. MARRIED PRIEST—ROBB. — At the residence of the bride's father Clinton on the 10th inst., by' the Rev Geo. 13. Foster, Pit. D., Professor Univer- sity of Chicago Ill., Rev Harry C.Priest. B.A., of the Canadian Baptist Telugu Mission, to Miss Jean C.. daughter of Mr W. Robb, Clinton. ROSS—McEWEN.—At the residence of the bride's father, Hay, on the 4th inst. by Rev. J. S. Henderson, assisted by Rev. A. Stewart, Mr A. G. Ross, of Ottawa, to Miss Addie, fourth daughter of Mr John McEwen. STEWART — McLAREN.—A •ne Manse, Hensall, on the 4th inst., by Rev J. S. Hender- son, Mr G. H. Stewart, of Osborne to Miss Christina, second daughter of Mr D. McLaren, of Hibbert. FLEUTY—BYRNES.—At the residence of Mr John Shaw on the 10th inst., by Rev. Jas. A, Anderson,A. Win. J. Fleuty, of Wing - ham, to Miss E. L. Byrnes, adopted daughter of the late John Buchanan, of Colborne. WOOLFORD—SIMPSON.—At the Methodist parsonage. on June 28th. by Rev. A. J. Joslyn, Mr B. F. Woolford, of Tumwater, to Miss Poi - bits. Simpson, of San Francisco. formerly of Clinton, and sister of Mrs W. Harland. WHITNEY—MARTIN,— At the residence of the bride's parents, Goderich, on Sept. 4, by Rev James A. Anderson 13. A., George Lewis Whitney, of Woodstock, to Miss Maud, daugh- ter of Mr and Mrs Henry Martin. KERNIGHAN—STEWART.—On Sent, 4th, at the bride's home, Benmiller, by Rev Jas. A. Anderson, B.A., assisted by Rev Robt. Hender- son, John Norman Kernighan, of the township of Colborne, to Miss Isabella, aaughtor of Mr and Mrs John Stewart. HAWKINS—HETHERINGTON. —On Sept. 3rd, in the Methodist Church, Nilo, Ont., by Rev J, W. Pring Mr Francis Hawkins. Mer- chant of Kincardine, Ontario, to Miss Ida Maud, daughter of Mr Joseph Hetherington, of the Township of Colborne, DIED. NOTT.—In Tuckersmith, on the 10th inaL, Robt. Nott, agedt86 years and 7 months. COATES—In Goderich, on the 19th inst., Em" ilino; wife of Mr John Coates, aged 29 years. CHALLENGE. To the Editor of the New Era DEAR SIR:—A couple of weeks ago we un- derstand a Bort of ohallenge appeared in your paper from a couple of Clinton butch- ers, As w•) have beard considerable talk about it of late we have at last decided to notice it. As we understand, the time the Clinton men made is in the vicinity of 20. minutes, we will give them a much better chance than they ask. We hereby offer to put up $25 (twenty-five dollars) that we can dress a beef inside of 15 minutes. Further, as they express strong doubts as to the veracity of the statements appearing in the Brucefield items, we hereby offer to pat $25 (twenty five dollars) besides, that we can prove that we did it in less than 14 minutes. Retiring'BUSINES From Having decided to close up our business, and in order to make a clearance, our time is limited to Dec. 31st, '95. We Offer the Stock at COST and UNDER, 622,000 worth of first•class staple goods to choose from. This will give:you a chance to get your Fall Pe, Winter Goods At prices that cannot be offered by any;liouselthat in- tends to continue in Business. We do not consider profits. ur Object is to speedily Glear ( '4 Stock. Plumsteei&Gibbin4-, '1 NEWS NOTES • Eight of Montreal's business men have been arrested on the charge of setting fire to their stores. Prof. Saunders, of the Experimental farm, Ottawa, says the crop of Manitoba is, if anything, ander estimated. By a vote of 6 to 1 the town of Wood. etoo,k N. B., has decided to reduce Town Council from 10 to 6, and abolish election wards Mr Norman P. Macdonald, who defend- ed the murderers Welter and Hendershott, was found dead in his bed at St. Thomas on Monday night. John Garvey, an old C. P. R. employe at Rat Portage, was stunned by lightning Fri- lly morning. He fell on the track, and was cut in two by a freight train. The Vladivoetock- correspondent of the St. Petersburg Novoe Vremya says that cholera is raging in China and that there are daily 2,000 deaths from the disease in Pekin. The worat disaster in the copper mining history of Michigan occurred at Osceola copper mine, where thirty men are im- prisoned in a burning mine, with all hope of escape cut off. The man who attempted to explode a bomb in the veatibnle of the Rothschild banking -house in Paris on Thursday still refuses to reveal his identity. He admits that he is a deserter from the army• It is believed be is insane. A warrant is out for the arrest of Wilson McWhinney, of McPherson & McWhinney, the well-known Stratford furriers. Mr McPherson recently retired from the firm, selling out his interest to his cousin and partner, McWhinney. Mr McPherson has a claim of $12,000 against McWhinney, and while absent from the city recently McWhinney sold out the stock and disap- peared. The latter is a well-known so- ciety man, and was a shining light in the church. Two very vaivable.auddle horses belong- ing to Their Excellencies the Governor- General and Countess Aberdeen were lit• orally steamed to death on Fr:day. The horses were on their way to the Governor - General's Okanagon ranch. Steam fittings bad been placed in the car for the purpose of regulating the temperature if necessary. The steam cock was inadvertently left off. After an hour and a half's run from Van- couver it was noticed something was wrong with the steam, and. on the car where the horses were stalled being opened, both ani - male were found dead on the floor. The horses were thoroughbred animals, one horse, belonging to the Countess, was con - tisidered the best in Canada of its kind. Signed { COLIN KENNEDY ( GEORGE MONROE P. 8.—If this is not plain enough we would like another chance. PASTURAGE. First-class pasturage for a limited number of cattle and horses, on Mrs A. Barr's farm, 16th eon., Goderich Township. Abundance of run- lnng spring water. Apply to D. A. FORRESTER TEACHER WANTED Male preferred for the senior department of 8.8. No. 8, Hallett, the holder of a Second Class certificate for the year 1896. Applications with testimonials received to Sept. 20th. Apply to ISAAC BARR, Sec. P.S.B., Londesboro STRAY HEIFER. Strayed from subscriber's premises, lot 41 Base Line, Hallett, about six weeks ago, a White % earl - inn Heifer, with the bush of the tail cut square off, and the tip out off the left ear, Any one giv- ing information that will lead to its recovery, will be suitably rewarded' JON OOVIER, Auburn CLINTON MARKETS corrected every Thuredny afternoon Thursday, Sept. 12, 1895.24 Wheat, spring 0 58 a 0 60 Wheat, fall 0 58 a 0 60 Oats, 0 23 a 0 30 Barley 0 35 a 0 45 Peas 050a055 Floor per cwt 2 50 a 2 75 Pork 550a550 Batter 0 14 a 0 15 Eggaper doz 0 10 a 0 11 Potatoes 0 40 a 0 40 Hay, New and Old 6 00 a 8 00 Sheeepskins 0 25 a 0 30 No. 1 Trimmed Hides 4 00-a 4 25 Wool clash 0 18 trade 20 Tomatoes, per basket 0 25 a 0 25 . A terribly sad accident occurred about `-a1f a mile from Kerwond nn Friday after- noon, by which A very ealllnable young man may lose his life. While Chas. V. Langford was feeding the geperator, when `what is called the deck !wit came off, Charley leaned over the table tthihnllle the he belt on the cylinder pulley, Cook endeavered to put it nn the d ck pul- ley. This belt became entan,lyd et the cylinder pulley, ar' dr.win•1 Chnrlev's jarm in smashed thr ,.n.1.• tial, r • I ' h •1•e „ I the elbow, and eanaine a terrih!„ 'fad in the laded. Doctors rim. 1 t' i:h arm at the shoulder and several rt- tin;f`t;e from the head. Very slight l• r recovery are entettained. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS. There were about 700 head of butchers' cattle, 100 calves and 900 sheep and lambs offered for sale at the East End Abattoir on Monday. The butchers were present in large numbers and trade was fairly active, but the prices paid for cattle were the low- est of the Beason. A considerable number of the oattle offered Monday will have to be held over unsold. There were no really good cattle offered, and the highest prioes paid by butchers were about 3 1-2o per lb, a few fairly good shippers' bringing a little more. Pretty good cattle sold at about 3 1-4c. Common dry cows and rough young stock at from 2 1-4c to 30 per lb, and the leaner beasts brought less than 2o. Mr J. Stagg, of Brookville, sold a Load of en. perior shipping cattle at Pointe St. Charles for $65 each, of about 4 5-8o per lb. Good large calves continue to sell at from $6 to $9 each, and common are from $3 to $5.50 eaoh. Shippers are paying from 3 1-2o to 3 3-4c per lb for good large sheep. Good lambs sell in lots at about $3 each, or from 3 1-2c to 3 3-4c per Ib; common lambs sell at about $2.50 each, and culls from $1.50 to $2 each. Fat hogs are in moderate sup- ply, and sell at about 4 8-40 per lb. BREAD REDUCED. SALE REGISTER. Farm stook of Mr Geo.' Eno, ,lot 35, con: 10, Hnllett, on Monday, Sept. 16. C. Hamilton, anot. A WORKSHOP ON WHEELS E. Taylor, the celebrated cutler and grinder from Sheffield, Eng., will be here for a short time to do all kinds of grinding and repairs by steam power. Razors, scis- sors, tailor's, sheep and garden shears and all kinds of griqding and repairs done in the best possible manner. Knives re- -bladed and made equal to new. Saws sharpened; cross cut saws gemmed and sharpened; lawn mowers sharpened and repaired. Umbrellas and parasols neatly repaired and old ones bought. Stand: Al- bert street, Clinton. Stock Taking Sale. We commence stock -taking the end of this month, but before we start we would like to reduce our stock. Now, in order to do this prices must be right, and we are going to make them right. From now until Aug. lst every article of Furniture will be sold at a reduction of 10 per cent oil the regular price. Remember we do not put an extra 10 per cent on on our goods before we make the reduction, Our $10.50 Bedroom Suites until August 1st,....$ 9.45 Our 13.00 Bedroom Suites until August 1st,,... 11.70 Our 14.50 Bedroom Suites until Angust 1st,.... 13.05 See our 25 cent Pictures in a nice shaded frame. They are great value. JOSEPH W. C H I D LEY, FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. NEW , GOODS fa - AT ON From this time"forthl we will sell bread .at 4c per loaf, cash BOYD & OAKES VOTERS' LIST -1895 11Iunicipality of the Village of Bayfield Notice is hereby given that I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 and 5, of the Ontario Voters' List Act, 1889, the copies reouired by said sections to be so trans- mitted, or ,Irl ivetcd of the 114 made pursuant to said Act, o: ell persons appearing by the last re- vised Assessment Roll of the said Municipality, to be entitled to vote in the 'aid Municipality at Elections f. r Numbers of the L•gis..tive Assem- bly, and at Nun cipal Elections; and that said list Wathe t day of \ugast,ed ua`nINKJ, and remains hayfield, ns tnere for in=p,-ct.,.u• i'lecrnrs are called upon to ex- amine ' be .sa,l o :c, n' i', omissions or any other errors err l.,und therein, to take immediate proceed' ties ha re th.: said ••mora corrected ac• cording to taw. HENRY ERWIN, Clerk tf tl:o Village of Rayfield. August 30th, 1895 W. L. OUIMETTS'S ew Styles OW AT COUNTY OF HURON HOUSE OF Ii,EF1JGE. Tenders for Furnishings and a•nppliea for the House of Refuge at Clinton, in the County of Huron, will be received in seal- ed envelopes addressed to H. Eiiber, Esq., Credition P. 0., marked tender House of Refuge, riot later than Suturrltt), Septefxber 21st, 1895 The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. A list of supplies and fnrnieh- ings in detail and also forms of tender may be had on application to any of the follow. ing persons: 11 C. SpARLntia, Wingham DAVID KENNEDY, Clinton '1'. I1 r1AUNDERB, Wroxeter i. B. GerN. Seaforth JAMES Brrrs, Ba;: ".'1d V.,B. `. arra, 13lyth W. II. IiERR, Brussels THOS. GAETANO, Exeter PHILIP Her,T, Goderich 1. EMBER, Credition I ir• t 1ioEwnN, Henpson 1 a LANE, Goderidh 5. Corm, Fordwlch A. T. MCDONALD, Auburn.' H. EILBER, Chairman. Dated Aagnet 24th, 1:+95. W. L. OUI1YIETTE'S FOR LOW PRIDES - GO • TO - - - W. L. OTJ'ITTE, THE CASH DEALER, LONDESBORO as