HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-09-13, Page 3Sy 07971•+tgF.;,;-r"+! c 771(11A.471Wri st rr. secure the NEW EDA to the end orthe ear. fj,fl •-1 ANT() NEW ERA September 18, Icii44 CELERY : NERVE : COMPOUND A PRIMITIVE MOLASSES MIh1..• WITS BEEF, IRON and WINE. A NEW AND WONDERFUL' BLOOD PURIFIER AND NERVE TONIC, Oontaine no Injurious Drugs 1 Every ingredient is a Health Builder, Certain and Permanent Relief is guaranteed in oases of Con- Ittipation, Dyapeiieia, Nervousness, AU Weaknesses, Blood and Skin Diseases. It is based on Glycerine instead of Alcohol. For Pro- ducing Soft, Clear Skin and Bright Complexion and Relieving all ills Peculiar to Women it is Unsurpassed. acid at ALLEN & WILSON'S Drug Store, Clinton. Be certain to get "MANLEY'S." Take No other ! Scott's ion is Cod-liver Oil' emulsified, or niacle easy of digestion and as— similation. To this is added the Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda, which aid in the digestion of the Oil and increase materially the potency of both. It is a re- markable flesh -producer. Ema- ciated, anomic and consumptive persons gain flesh upon it very rapidly. The combination is a most happy one. - Physicians recognize its su- perior merit in all conditions of wasting. It has had the en- dorsement of the medical pro- fession for zo years. Don't bepersuaded to take a substitute! Scott & Bowne, Beilevllle, 50c. and $1. SIX RICH MEN OF TELE WORLD. "Who are the richest men in the world? It is doubtful whether one person in a hundred could answer this question off -hand. Certainly few would put at the top the name of Li Hung Chang, the great Chancelior of the Chinese Empire, yet that is where he belongs. After careful search and investigation, the Sunday World has arrived .at the following list, which may be accepted as authentic:— Li Hung Chang $500,000,000 John D. Rockefeller 180,000,000 The Duke of Westminster100,000,000 Col. North 100,000,000 Cornelius Vanderbilt 100,000,000 Woh Qua 100,000,000 s $1,080,000,000 Think of id Over a billion dollars. Enough to buy a bicycle for every man in the country. Yet it is doubtful if any of these modern Croesuses gets any more pleasure out of life than does the average man, who works hard for six days, and sleeps and eats well, and rests on the seventh. No nightmares over great hoards of gold and lying awake to checkmate the schemes of other millionaires. A man can only eat so much, wheth- er he's a prince or a pauper. In fact, the latter's appetite is ordinarily far and away ahead of the former. Then the pleasure of sleeping in a solid gold bed, certainly after one's eyes are clos- ed, is in no way stlperior to dozing on a $2 cot. HOW THEY GOT IT, The Duke of Westminster and Cor • nelius Vanderbilt inherited their for- tunes. Li Hung Chang is a self-made ..."70gttan, and scoopecLup:his wealth in -thee •f and'easy way that Chinese offici- als have. He is a great student. C 1. North, the nitrate king, is a Yorkshire man, and arrived in Chili when he was 23. He had a talent for mechanics and speculated in the Peru- vian nitratefields. He is aggreat friend of the Prince of Wales. His country house is in Marvel, England, and he was recently defeated for election to Parliament. Rrockefeller, the oil magnate, came from German ancestr , who settled in New England. His father was a hy- sician; - He started a commission busi- ness, and went into oil refining in Cleveland when 22 years old. Since then he has prospered steadily. He gave $2,000,000 to the Chicago Uni- versity, Woh Qua, the tea Croesus, of Can- ton, became partner in a tea firm years ago. He soon controlled the business. Now he is the centre of the world's tea trade. He is a polished linguist of great brain, and his children were ed- ucated in Europe. Result of a Neglected Cold. DISEASED LUNGS Whfoh Dootora palled to Help, CURED BY TAKING AYEIZS Pectoral • Ch—- °lgud°°dhshf°oeen myunsandid whichsettled in such cases, neglected it thinking It would go away as It came; but I found, after a ''tle while, that the slightest exertion ed me. I than suited a Doctor rd, on examining my lungs, that the trt of the lett ono was badly affected. erne some medicine which I took as ted, It happened to read inyAyer s Pmanae of tho effect that Ayer's Cherry ectoral had on others, and I determined to rd've it a trial. After taking a few doses my I ronble was relieved, and before I bad fln- ished the bottle : was eared."'—A. LEEi.An, watcl FinakerrOrang vllio, Qat, Ay Chefr Pectoral. ithAat. Awards at'W orld'. ikota; 4lfsea 1111. Csira Ardigaattaisa riYMN BOOKS OR BABIES. The Pooy, Deaf Rector's Remark Caused the Congregation to Smile. The curate of a country ohuroh had to give out two notices, the first of which re- lated to baptisms, the latter ton new hymn book. He accidentally inverted the order and gave out as follows: "I am requested to give notice that the new hymn book will be used for the first time in this church on Sunday next: and I am also requested to call attention to the delay which often takes place in bringing chil- dren to be baptized. They should be brought on the earliest day possible. This is particularly pressed on mothers having young babes." "And for the informa- tion of those who have none," added the added the rector, in gentle, kindly tones, and who, being deaf, had not heard what had been previously said, "for the informa- iton of those who have none, I may state, it wished, they dan be obtained on applica- tion in the vestry itntnotiiatoly"after ser- vice to -day. Limp ones, one shilling each: with stiff backs, two shillings." Charles Lamb's Wit. A hundred years ego in a quaint old English inn, located in the heart of Lon- don, at a table, boor -stained and aged, sat two very curious characters playing at cards.: Otte was rough, unclean, shabby and much the worse for wear—Martin by name. The other, poor in appearance, was, howover, neat, refined and attractive, one whose genius we admire, whose wit al- ways refreshes us, and whose character we love for its unselfishness. He was Charles Lamb. The two men played and played long into the night, and while beer and some- thing stronger found their willing course down their tihrsty throats Lamb kept up his accustomed broadside of wit. The night passed into early morning, and yet they played. Luck kept favoring Lamb, when toward the close of their game, seized with a bright idea and the consciousness of the dirt which the morning light seemed to reveal more clearly in the appearance of his companion, ho said, "Martin, if dirt WAS trumps, what hands you would hold!" DON'T TOBACCO SPIT OR SMOKE Yong LIFE AWAY. is the truthful startling title of a book about No -To -Bac, the harmless guaranteed tobac- co habit cure that braces up nicotinized nerves eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and manhood. You run no physical or finan- cial risk, as NO -TO -BAC is sold under guarantee to cure or money refunded. Book free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co., 374 St. Paul St., Montreal. Sold by Allen & Wilson. Over 2,000 electors of Charlevoix attend- ed the great public meeting addressed by Mr Laurier at Les Eboufments, and never, in the history of the constituency, it is said, was such a sense of enthusiasm witnessed. The Mayor of the parish, Mr Clement. pre- sided, and a large number of the principal inhabitants occupied the stand with the Liberal leader, who was introduced by the local member, Mr Morin, and by Senator Pelletier. Then followed the presentation of an address of welcome to Mr Laurier, who, in rising to reply, was received with a perfect hurricane of cheers and who spoke in most eloquent and vigorous style for nearly an hour, going over the whole range of poltioal questions of the hour, THE CURE FOR DIARRHOEA. .DEAR SIRS, I was suffering:very mach from Diarrhoea and could get nothing to cure me. A friend told me of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and a few doses completely cored me. THOS. L. GRAHAM, Melita, Man. Since the Thompson Ministry was formed, of the ten bye -elections con- tested by Liberals and Conservatives, the Liberals have won six, four of which were gains. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT, the great blood purifier, gives freshness and clear- ness to the complexion and cures Consti- pation, 25 cts., 50 cte., $1. Sold by J, H. Combe, Clinton. BRIEF BITS. *to men are like Strasburg geese— iiiaars. undertaker gets many a man dead to rights. A true friend will stick as olose to you as fly -paper. Tho miser saves in this world only to lose in the other. If you wear your shoes out, they aro bound to wear out. Some artists are so poor that they can- not even draw a cheque. Woman's love increases with the com- plaisance of her husband. Even the smallest and youngest baby can keep abreast of the times. Just imagine a man with a double chin making love to a pretty woman. It always increases a man's respect to know that his wife is a good 000k. A school boy's pocket le like soup. A groat many strange things Flet into It. What foreign country docs a fat man put you In mind of? Why. Greece, of course. A preponderanoe of belly usually keeps the pompous man from falling over back- wards. If you want a favor, the stranger out- side the gates will grant it much sooner than a relative If God had intended the human stomach for whiskey ho would have lined it with asbestos. Some men are so stingy they take very long breaths to keep from wearing out their lungs. The man who can preach a $10,000 aormon on a $1,000 salary is as sure of heaven as if he was already there. When a man faces a court and pleads not guilty, nearly all the lawyers present believe that he is lying. If you do not want to wear out your coat, only wear it while you are in the house; then it will not bo worn out. Children Cry for 'Pitcher's eastern". (411611011. Ask your Druggist for Murray & Lanman's FLORIDA WATER A DAINTY FLORAL EXTRACT For Handkerchief, Toilet and Bath. A true bill has been found at Mont- real against Napoleon Demers for wife m urder. YOU DON'T HAVE To SWEAR OFF says the St. Louis Journal of Agriculture in an editorial about No -To -Bac, the fam- ons tobacco habit cure. "We know of many cases cured by No -To -Bac, one, a promi. nent St. Louis architect, smoked and chew- ed for twenty years; two boxes cured him so that even the smell of tobacco makes him sick." No -To -Bao sold and guaran- teed no care no pay. Book free. Sterling Remedy Co., 374 St. Paul St., Montreal. Sold by Allen & Wilson. Mr George Rennie, of Woodstock, attended a funeral and died before leaving the cemetery. When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorta,. When she was a Child, she cried for Caatorla, When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla. When she had Children, she gavethem Caetoriit,, Ganada won the international cricket match by 140 runs. The Oxford -Cam- bridge team defeated New York, by eight wickets. o:F0. 15 YEARS OF ITCHING. Wm. Golding, commercial traveller, 130 Esther St :Toronto, says: For 15 years I suffered untold misery from Itching Piles, sometimes called pin worms. Many and many weeks have I had to lay off the road from this freebie. 1 tried eight other pile ointments and so called remedies with no permanent relief to the intense itching and stinging, which irritated by soratohing would bleed and ulcerate. One half a box of Chase's Ointment cured me completely. The mutilatedremains of Mr Norman Ferguson, of Dunvegan were found on the Canada Atlantic Railway] near Alexandria. ,syn scan :SUMMER COMES With the flowers and sunshine. Birds poor out their melody and the chirp of the grasshopper will soon tempt the fisherman to stretch forth his hands and grasp the shadow of his flight. The playful mosqui- to will do her nicest to soothe the weary pleasure seekers into the realms of slnm. ber, and the stinging, aching corns will ren move every semblance of comfort, make sad the songs of the birds, and evoke cloud - nese in the soul, that even the brightet sunshine cannot dispel. Corns are thorns in the flesh, but Pntnam's Painless Corn Extractor remcves them in 24 hours. Put• nam's Painless Corn Extractor is the best. A VILLAGE HELD IUP BY HOR- NETS. Centre Moriches, L. I., is being held up by a swarm of hornets that have a nest in the branches of a ,tree on one of the main streets. They hold poses- sion of the thoroughfare for more than a block, and Justice George T. Osborne has been asked to take steps to have them taken into custody. Apparently the Justice is -in as much of a quandary as are the residents of the place. He is anxious to have the pests removed, but so far has been linable to find any- one brave enough to undertake the job. GIVES FRESH- NESS AND CLEAR ..�ofc„, SKIN, ORES CONSTIPATION INDIGF.0T10N DIZZINESS. t.RUPTIONS ON THE SKIN. BEAUTIFIES t'`C0MPLEXION An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC. Bold by Druggists or sent by Mali. 460., 60o., and *1.00 per package. Samples free. KONO The Favorite TO$TH POWDER �R �tl \d for the ;~eeth and reach, Sold by .1. E. _IUM BE. Perhaps you wore'nt able to begin your course at the first of this month There are others like you. We expect. them along a+ soon as work Is over: Our en- bm- will be increased every week. '\ by not come with the •t,' -'t.? Write its for circulars. 'te,,lents may entrr at any time Central Business College, Stratford, Ont. P. MoINTOSH, Principal. An Interesting Description of Cane Culture OA a Sinai' ljoalo, While no doubt most of your read- ers are familiar with sugar and syrup making, as praotleod on the large plantations, since our periodicals from Mule to time have given frequent de- scriptions of the intricate process, per- haps not a fow may be Interested In a little account of the cane culture of North Louisiana, and the primitive molasses boiling of the small hill farmer. First, of course, Is the planting of the cane, for we have no seed here, and this is done about the,last of Maroh by putting it lengthways in furrows, and then covering to the depth of six or sovon•inohes. Sometimes, how- ever, we use the stubs of the year before, if they happen to stand the frosts, and these we simply cover by ploughing on either side of the row, and the Dane grows from them. • Whether you plant the cane itself or leave the stubble, the cultivation is the same. There is an eye at every joint of a stalk of cane, and when the stalk is plant- ed, cane will spring from every eye, if they be good ones. When the nano gets up sev- eral feet, all the grass and wends which are among it are hoed away and oast into the middle of the rows. Then follows a suc- cession of ploughings and hoelngs, till the crop is ready to "lay by." Work is now over for a brief season till cutting time comes about. Tho nutting of the Dane is in keeping with the rest of the process and may be briefly described as follows: There are two men to every row, one gathering a bunch of cane in his arms, while the other with a sharp hoe cuts It off about an inch from the ground. Tho stalks aro then stacked la large "wind -rows," with every top turned the same way, so that the long blades cover the cane thoroughly, leaving no part of the stalk exposed to_the frost. The small stalks are usually saved for plantingitho next ,year, and theee are by and by taken down, put to a pile and cov- ered over with dirt, so as to keep them from tho frost. The largo stalks aro strip- ped clean of every blade and the small top joints' broken off. The cane is now.read,,y to be hauled to the rnill. The mill, whether large or small, is usu- ally a very primitive affair in our country, consisting merely of an arrangement of cylinders or wheels, which crash the juice from the stalks. The mill is fed by hand, and turned by horse -power, the juice drip- ping into an open vessel, usually a barrel or tub. Close by is the evaporator. When a sulfiotent quantity of juice has been ground, the boiling begins. One mull however, never stops except for change of horses, the juice being cooked as fast as it 1s ground. The evaporator is partly filled and a bar- rel of juice is placed over it,so that it may be turned on:when needed. Then a fire is bailt in the furnace beneath, and as :Abe juice boils '11 will pass from one partition of the evaporator to another, the skum be- ing carefully removed by moans of a long - handled perforated tin skimmer. As it cooks, the color changes gradually to a desk reddish -yellow; at this stage of the process there will rise largo brown bubbles, which Indicate that it is ready to be drawn off. • Vhon put upon the market it coin- - • fairly good price. There is nothing to prevent anyone con- cocting a'mixture 'and calling it sarsaparilla, and there is nothing to prevent anyone spending good money testing the stuff, but prudent people, who wish to be sure of their remedy, take only Ayer's Sarsaparilla and so get oared. 0111E9 Cg; 3/73, CVZLETlily Y. '''_UTERY, aad all Suet,::,.: C.,r. ' .,ct; :Inxes tithe , d re!i:.ble for CIil:rca Far 'a sin by 7 -i nc.:Ars. .SHE (- 5JACKACHE Fel& Sore. ache with muscular RmS, aqd haS ju,§t put on that' BaniLher of Backache, he .942 MENTHOL PLANER .1. MoLAontax. Point au Chene, writes: Noth• ing better for Lame Back and Lunibago than th. D. & L. Menthol Plpetsr, A. E. MACLEAN writes from Windsor: "The 1). & L. Menthol Plaster is curing _Bore Baok. and Rheumatism at s great rate in this vicinity. ear,, in tirtlah. tat Son. 1 CURE FITS! Valuable treatise and taut. of mediain. sent Pr.m to any Sufferer. Give Express and Pat Office address. n. G. ROOT, M.C., 188 West Adelaide Street, Toronto, Ont. Western - Fair. London, Sept. 12th to 21st, 1895 SPECIAL t-:xCURSION RATES ON ALt. RAILWAYS. F,9TABLIHHED 1Ffi>i. Canada's Favorite Llvc Stock Exlaibitioii CANNOT Die BVDPASSBD ENTLIEHCLOSE • Live Stook, SoI.tember 12. All other Departments, September 5. Final payment in Stakes. August 15. AUCTION SALE OF BOOTHS AND PRIVILEGES ON ChoU,vOS. AUG. 28TH. BPS ciAI. ' TTPACTIONR—wild EastShow,Meooplo —A ..I,s, Turks, riketks, Ladies of tbo Turk. iso i'alaco, eco,, with horses, Cainols and Donkeys; and a host of others. Prise Lists, Programmes and Co dations of Bale of Booths Free, A ly to CAPT.A.W.POR'lE,Pres. T.A.B 1B,yeol t1 ..1.L.:.. ..'Ir . CASTI RIA for Infants and Children. 2 HIRTY years' observation of Castoria with the patronage of millions of persona, permit us to speak of it without framing. It is =questionably the beat remedy for Infanta and Children the world has ever known. It is harmless. Children like It. It gives them health. It will save their lives. In it Mothers have something which is absolutely safe and praotiea 'yerfaot as w child's medicine. Castorla destroys Worms. Castoria allays Feverishness. Castorin prevents vomiting Sour Curd. Castoria cores SHarrho'ia and Wind Collo. Castoria relieves Teething Troubles. Castorla onres Conatipsttion and Flatulency. Castoria neutralizes the effects of oarbonie acid gas or poise; ens all Castoria does not contain morphine, %Ilium, or other narcotic .t .11 pastoria assimilates the food, regulates fixe stomach s Al. bowel/ giving healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is put up lin one -size bottles only. It is not at 4 in ibnik . Don't allow any one to sen you anything else on the }.lea or prosiest that it is "just as good" and "will answer every >'iurpose." See that you get C -A -S -T -O -R=I -A. The foo -simile signature e'f izek is on every wrappeie: Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. `+mer a iT1vtP IVE ,Y A +l� Does•.'One As many good things are lIkelyy to. But you are safe in running the risk if you keep a bode of Parry Davis'. m PAIN KILLER at hand. It's a never -failing antidote for pains of all sorts. Sold by all Druggists. 1^ afbl in ahag gisesof water or milk (warm if convenient., Not Giving up Business But continuing with full lines of seasonable goods. New Flannels. and Flannelettes New Cotton and Woollen Blankets New Tweeds, Trouserings, etc. New Ladies' Underclothing New Readymade Clothing New shirts and Drawers New Dress Goods 0 HT. GOATS & SON CLINTON HUBGROCERY As regular as the seasons; as steady as the Polar star, as constant as the compass. The quality of our goods do not change; we buy the best in the market. We have a big stock of WOODEN WARE. If you need a Washtub, a Pail, a Broom, a Mop or Scrub brush, it will pay you to call. TEAS We have Ben Hur, Bee Brand, Monsoon, Maravilia the finest of —'Ceylons, Japans, the best that can be had in the market. COFFEE—Flesh Ground, leads them all. Take a look at our window for a Bedroom Set. GI' VA' SWALLIC.]►W, Clinton STRICTLY eH After the 1st of b'ebr tary, I will sell for Cash or its equivalent—feeling as- sured it will he the most satisfactory to all. It will enable me to buy my goods to Netter advantage, and conse- quently will sell at a closer ;margin, giving my customers the benefit. Thanking my customers and Patrons for the liberal support extended to me in the past, 1 respectfully solicit ft con- tinuance of your favor, feeling assured that the Cash System, being the true principle, will recommend itself to all right thinkingipeople. The Crown Blend and Russiatl Blond—We direot your attention to those high grade Indian"' and Ceylon Blends. I have had the exolusive sale of these Teas with most gratifying results; nothing but high grade Teas are used in these blends; ask for these and take no other; get sample. Sole agent for Sailor Boy grand Japan Tea, 80o., 41b for $1. Special value in all Teas, Fresh Lake Herring, Boneless Codfish Fresh Haddook,Finan Haddie,CannedFl°h Canned Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, Flour Oatmeal, Etc. Bargains in Crookery,Ohins Glassware, Dinner, and Toilet Sots, eto. Produce taken as Cash. N. ROBSON, .v . Clinton