Clinton New Era, 1895-08-30, Page 9•, ;.'fir"`" r- y,_ t. - -. + SEA. aUlwEfl LITTLE T)wA11R MrN, i AEtiOd!h� FROM OVER THE EA• ' up 1n%-. HOT WEATHER "WI~T. „v Ilortiep aF Carious, nlawk Idl�etlos lu the Mrs Langtry`s jewels are valued .1)y •, ' , 1 j�'�j p i�1j� NRR Country. The Dootor 'tells ,Tsai what ThU194 &Kwy , experts at over $860,000. Srtem RW 1 j T.01a Dwarfs have furnished themes for be uncut► with Irn"nity. I The number of draught dogs in Belg1- f �"Countless romances. They divide with « ,QTBHR giants the interest of a thousand nursery The doctor sauntered eq, blue ahmalt I um a probably not less than 60,1><l0. AND r dep$3,ingly Doul �her pale blues chaesntbsAy The wearing oP awrsoGa by mon le not a Irefited Rejn04jeS• v le trigs. To no silgall extent the domain of H+aist ano her light-Relght black silk skirt. uncommon in the British metropolis, I supgrAttlon is Invaded by them. All She eyed the heated individual lying in The best briar wood for pipes ootnes ; P "CIFIC AND ANTIDOTE 0ountriee more or less, but Germany in muslin neglige on the ImUge with somo from thq borders of Italy and Franca SOT " Impure, Weak. and Impoverished pattloulau, are infested by gnomes and disapproval+ The lion" Individual grunt- T p >� t . A p goblins, and Palmer Core's Brownies have tin fatinexi Cas vi orously as The tallest Copia in the world aro the /Q���l/�S 0 8104 Dyspepaia, Sleeplessness, Pal a• ed out a gree & A Patagonians; the shortest are the Lap- 7✓ A%tlon of t e Heart, Liver Complaint not ceased to delight grown people as well sho aoujxL took a drink Of iced olaret loin- landors. Nagralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis 1 as children in the United States, But Ouade twin a glass pitcher at her elbow At the Odeon Theater in Paris fi00 QOilfltlmppt��ion, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Rid the man who knew most about real dwarfs and then anathematized the weather- Tho ON E HONEST MAN aasy and+TJrinary Disease 8, St, Vitus' Dance , was M. do Quatrefages, who died only a doctor listened with 11"essional patience every sorlpt days are roce.vod and read few months ago. This eminent scientific " What did you have for breakfast this I every year. ''gpntltlelirregularities and General Debility matt devoted much of his life to astudy of Tiro spring sale of Abeerden Angus AND BUT ON R�1.IABL.� �.BQAAiDRY, GODERICN, OKT 1 g p morning?' she domandtuu" florally, rornov- ti mies, as he called thorn and tt ost- Ing Wtupta►tion in the form of 0,d dFinka I bulls in England show °n average oP J. M. MoLEOD, burnous work on the subject has just been h $10`,3 for 250 auiinatls. /A FOOD* F to a distance and srot►Liag herself on t_u H � � published by ll. AppIaton Br Co. With the exceptlun oP the King of Den - Prop. and Manufacturer foot of the lounge The ancients quite generally were us,• "()cold sctrooly ext city bruvktattt " I mark, sovereign Queen Victoria is the oldest reign- a•• Sold in Clinton by quainted with the pigmies. Horror speaks lug soverei =u of Europe. NO QYEP J. H. COMBS, and ALLAN & WILSON ' of them, and they figuto in many �f the growled the Fvarm roll an "I had a couple b P legends of antiquity. Aristotle described of cups of coffayt a roll and soros eggs and Frederick Law Olmstead) the landscape e feed the Hair that Which It lacks bacon- I liko oggs and bacon." architect, bears a striking resemblance to BUTCHERI$HOP$ them as dwelling in Africa towards the „Urn " remarked the doc,.tur in non- Rudyard Kipling's father. ail(( nature reStOrO$ the color• sources of the Nilo and It was in this very committal tones. "Did you have Cream To keep i rano horse 1n oven moderate j region that a modern explorer, Schwein- with your coffeel'" condition in England, with proper at- i Sha Furth, discovered a race of dwatrfs. Says said the teen who tondauts, costs $1,625 a year. , THEORY. combo's Black B�tGller u\ p Aristotle: This id the district which the Yd of ocutat' B pigmies inhabit, whose existence is not a wished to be treated for heat UP to the present time the Neoropolls ROVAL SCALP FOOD destroyIs s the diseawdgerma "Do you really wish to be cool, healthy I Company, the biggest undertakers in ,f of thescalphealtllvtsctito riles up, rb E"`� LION. `fable. There is really, its men say, it and energetic for the matt of the sum- England, have buried IW,000 bodies Itcontainatheprincipnlpropertlesofthe hair that WI species of mon of little stature,. anti Choir arenece:sf,toitalifavia-s meashitwillnotgrow x inert" demanded the doctor. Tho wheat crop of South America has CURES BALDNESS, G Lertillzes the scale the same as you do a field of -r horses are little also. They pass their time "Or do I prefer to bc; sizzling sick and steadily increased from 48,850,000 bushels corn and growth is certain It inv� otntoa the slu 'Tisaribers desire to notify the public that gg g ahy have bought out the butchering business in caverns." languid? You may Proceed cin the normor in 18:)1 to 104,W0,OW bushels in 1893. f3URES FALLING HAIR' scalp, sissies the thoroughly eradicates all Lately conducted by Mr Jae A.Ford, and will con- Schweiufurth found no horses among sail CURES DANDRUFF druh which 1s, the forerunner oar baldness assumption, " said the patient, Hipp y More than 1,000 PoOPlo earn a living Itis the ONLY remedy ever discovered that will re - lately the same under their personal supervision. I his dwarfs, but neighboring tribes had Very we,11," said the doctor, beginning in Paris by fortune telling, and their RESTORES FADED AND storewith t harm- Beauty and Natural Color to the haft Orders will have prompt and careful attention, cows and shed of such small size as to tx; GRAY HAiti TO NATURAL „SENDtharm. Mnrr,OHnunsPrwttrtyYEttl.tra. Fresh meats of all kinds will be kept in season, P to write a ptbsoriptlop When it was writ I total earnings are estimated at .t4W,OW- COLO AND VITALITY. i3T>An�CALAGNNTS t sold at reasonable rates ano delivered-anywbore truly liliputians. Two pigmies were ten she hauled lt. to the p:DtLOnt, Who read: gr�� exn LOCAL Aaut9rs WLNTiA sold La town. 1 brought to Europe and adopted by Count „Breakfast; fruit, plenty of It; whole M. Edwards director of Lo Matin, the PERFECTLY HARMLESS. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS. N. WILSON Minisoalchi, who brought them up and wheat or graham bread withatut bettor, most mo jour and enterprising of the WARRANTED. educated them. Th'oy proved intelligent Parisian journals, has retired Pruni jour- CLEAR AS WATER. ROYAL. SCALP FOOD GO. CLINTON. and did clic well in their studios. coffcct, one on[) without crutm. Cession- nxllsm. q ally on rainy or cool days, vary by having NO SEDIMENT. NO LEAD, Bax 305, WINDSOR, ONT. The pigmies of Schweinfurth, whose reins a broiled chop, at boiled egg or a dish of IA Madatgasc:u correspondent tolls of 400 SULPHUR OR CHEMICALS. BUSINESS CHANGE -_ I existence has given rico to many fables, `4ellcooked rice. pineapples being bought and dolivorod. a} •i call themselves Akkns. Tho territory oo- for at school picnic there for $1 -four shil- Celitral Butcher Shop cupied by them is of considearble extent, Luncheon: grali FYttft, speed ricbroad. )holo ling, 1 in the neighborhood of 8 degrees north wheat or graham; whentuva rice or break- t ' T ^ O T Past hominy served with fruit, syrup or I It is announced that Denmark intends �./ H (�,J) L latitude and 25 degrees east longitude. At proservod fruit; vegetable salads. Toa or to construct a grunt uavul p<ut on the MANITOBA »,,... The undersigned having bought too butchering y island of Bornholm, to Cairo >p wth the 'business lately carried on by e1FIr John Scruton I the time of the explorer's visit they num- WHA without cream, and hot. A els by pe he will Derry on the same in the old stand. As he ( bored nine distinct tribos, cutch having its using waters and iparrnalnde or the like now German carnal. }• :' will give personal attention to a❑ the details own Chief. Schweinfurt}t par sed through Dinner: Clear soup, arn;onurur or The drink bill in most London hospitals 4s, i of the busioess customers can rely on their prices* orders being pre^tptly and satisfactorily filled. the country oP the sunt -\satins, ictal pone- tx>uLllon, hot; flab or meat, crau,n peas, 1s said to be in Less than it used tom Look over, these orders to is 'good meat at reasonable prices... Crated to that of the Munbuttos• It was beets asparagus, bearLi4boiled rieu or hom- ( So much for theElie influence of the tem- over ►7 at the court of a native king named Mull my, stuwod tomatoes, salad of lettuce. to- poranuo Ilosloit+,l. Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &n. za that he discovetud Cho dwarf rico. SUGARS p rnatous or cucumbers; dossers of fruit. I The long-divtanco tolopbono bctweonSpecial quotation in obls. Selling by $ less than wholesale prices W. J. LANG1+`ORD I Munza maintained at iittle dwarf cUluny Small cup of black ooffee." Paris and London hats over two hundred of the dwarfs, near his royal residence. "Will you be kind onough to osplaln calls a clay. At the, rate of two dollars GOODS Put up by TSE BEST PACKERS. Tomatoe Albert St., Clinton. I At that time the vurluus tribes of Akkas CANNED this romarakatble da:umcnt:a asked the for each call, it. pays. Corn and Apples, Pumpkins, Salmon and lYIackeral. had submitted to Mourn meri, ono of 31un- patient whon rho had read it. Sir Henry Bessemer, known in Eng- za's vassals who had come to render horn- „CiFeriirPnlly,"said the doctor. "Almosb land as the " taxrl King," has just roach- TEAS Extraordinary values in Japan, Black and;Green. Good Japan only' 150 it FLOUR AND FEED STORES. age to his sovereign at the head of several all the ills that flesh is heir to in summer oil his 83rd year, and is sand to be pro - hundreds of the pigmies. Thus Schwein a pound. Chinese Mixture only 200 a pound. are dna to Improper diet. Our climate , verbially hale and hearty. I furth had a good opportunity for studying diIf'ors considerably during July and Aug- E. Maundo Thompson, D. C. L., LL. D., RICE -25 pounds for $1. RAISIN S-28 Ib. box for $1. PRUNES, CALI- # SEEDS .SEED . them, In exchange for one of his dogs, rrst from thitt of the arc t4c regions, and yeti F• R. S•, vice-president Por Eugland of FORNIA APRICOT and PEACHES • be obtained Prom Munza a young male we store away heat producing food in a I the Egypt Exploration Fund, has been Largest and beat assorted stock of CROCKERY and GLASSWARE in the county Akka, who died subsequently of dyson- that would astonish the Esquimaux,l try wap knighted and admitted to the Order o1 g Selling at Close prices. See quality and price. We will exchange Most of ,the data gathered by Schwein- verily believe We eat moot as freoly+tts the Bath. forth were lost in a fiat, including meas- we do In December. , In Southwark, London, an old hostel- ar CLOVER and TIMOTHY SEED "We Lain+ fats into our systema with 1 "The Crossed Keys," is about to be Irwmg, Grocer urements and notes which hers, not - rdooL indLfferenCo -cream, milk and but- i to lJe torn down, which belonged to John Hay- �+wo r -Fon- replaced. Subsequent travellers, how. ter, Beeid,es this, we force the stomach to yard 1n 1637, before he emigrated to OATS, PEAS, WA.EAT & Barley ever, encountered some of the dwarfs.- - y do ea hard work in summate as it does in Americas - CLINTON. 101be. Rolled Oat Meal to 1 bash. Oats. Manna having learned their value as ob winter until it rebels. Then we Complain MAC$AY BLOCS, Give ns a call. jests of curiosity, gave some of thorn from of tam having any appetite, being fagged Mr. Gladstone has given a bell to the } time to time to buyers of ivory who visit- o> sad anally we Dome down With drat- new chapel of Selwyn College, Cam= ed him. Thus an individual of the race popda Now, the way to keep 0001 is to bridge, Pounded -f memory E oP his aid �� 1 • r'n STEEL . CONNELL. I reached Khartoum, sent as a prowrlt to friend °ns, school -follow at Eton-, the late a�l/�orthe Governor of the Soudan by Emin lies. o� cooling f°°da-ids°t doesn't mean Cdd Bishop Selwyn• Door & Blind An explorer named Mlani, following to food, obsemv aIId to give the stomach as Onehunga, in Now Zealand, had a wo- Sash, ' finally arrived �y a time as possible. The leas work it �Jottwolnfurth's footsWps, has to do Ulm cooler the body will bw , m or last year. She wiped an may y ped out the among the Monbuttos. Sacocumbing to floating debt of the Uovwq and °dda*1 to dour, Feed & Fran and fresh vegetables are twill iv the sinking fund, but was not re-elooted • .�;.,, Seed Store the fatigues of the journey, he diol, he- If plenty of Chitin are «►tt•a they will give 9•,, queatbing to the Geographical Society of sufficient nourishment Ovid drinks am Mr. W. Murray, harbor master s,4 V » The undersigned desire to intimate that be Italy two young Akkafl, whom be haus got a delusion and a ansate. TlW chill the Harwich, Englaind Is the last survivor �+.. wil1 keep on hand the very best in exchange for a dog and a calf. These interior 0f the stomnoh. The surrounding of the earliest expedition sent out under ✓ dwarfs, Tebo and Chairallah, were the sarcine hotter by taontsat ural perapira� Sir James Ross to rescue the Franklinair - .' ..:. FLOUR- and FEED ansa adopted by CctixnL DSiniaca±ohL flaw is-ahocktiL ModmInbe persltlratLon 1s explorers.. f r�� I all kinds also the choicest variety a1 Some anthropoloKistr were inclined to one of the greatest aids to 000iness. Now, An English oflleer has discovered a believe that the Akkats were fakes so to will you try my prescrlptionT' working telephone between two tampitae - ..!.9.P-1 nr11{ 1.illi. GL '' 1 bVer�.�j`jplpt Small Seeds speak, and that Tabo and Chairallah "gor a fortnight," agreed the hemed of Pauj in India. The system is said to r )Call grow to a good size some day. individual. have been in operation for over tv e Which will be sold Close margins for cash. Ij �• - SALT also kept on hand. He will also keep a Chairallah died, but grow to manhood,andThat will mean all the sxruiuxtr,"said thousand sutura hoses variety of all kinds of TEAS which con- I did not pass the stature of the average pig- the doctor, cordially. `•Once tried itis al- Nine horse power gas engines propel sumers will find to be excellent value, my reported. His height eves tour feet ways used „ the street cars in Dtseden. They run 94 "'••„, �'• W. HILL seven Inch: The mean stature oP these a speed at nine miles an hour, oarry N S. S. COOPER Proprietor dwarfs appears to be but four feet four A Cool and Cleaver Girl. passengers each, and the cost to 15 Conus HURON ST., CLINTON. and one-half inches. Tl Is,' reckoning A girl I know told me a little story the a mile for gaa. Owing to my increasing business, I am building an extensive addition to my makos them the smallest people in the other day, says a writer. She is quite an A special mouthpiece for public tele- premises, and also putting in one of the latest improved Patent Dry Kilns, and world, the Bushmen, perhaps, but not cer- ordinary girl, W*11-bebnvvd enough if peDple phones has been introduced in Ger0AU7 will then be in a better position than ever to fill all orders entrusted to me, 4Y "OO�yL-t tainly, excepted. The color of the Akkas, lot her alone. and making ae clalm to' with the object of avoiding the spread of prepare plans and estimates for all kinds of residences, and execute contracts `j s according to Schewointurth,is like that of equality with My stye except under ea- di�� cawed by the condensed molts for the same on short notice, and in a workmanlike manner. We manufacture coffee alightly roasted. Count Miniscaleht treme aggravation. She is a betty person tate of the breath, to 'order and also carry in stock all kinds of Window Sash, Door Frames, rmFeed Store noticed that It was darker in summer and turd thetefomwhen g�oingbaame to dinner, Blinds, Lumber, Lath, &c. Persons who intend to build will find it to their r! �aU paler In winter. only reaehed the sutten in times for the —~ - I ee own interest to see me before soloing. A marked characteriatto of the Akkas sautes tsa,in which would inane punctualf- S H O R7S is an enormous development of abdomen, ty it wee lata and it WM Wowdc& To Clinton }� BRAN & which causes the adults to resemble the waa� time finding a seat wvmd be to be I GOO 1 i 1 1 t o n l; children of negroes. In tato photographs left bebtnd. She got tato the carriage ff{EAi�id/CiiIKG s S. In large or small quantities. of Tebo and Chairallah this feature Is which stopped apposite hea,aDd, finding i4 -@�, I — 7 OIL CAKE and MEAL most pronounced. The chest, compare- fnll stood quietly by thedoor, %AT0,AMIUMhT13M OF ALL KINDS. tively narrow above,bilated below in order Two mon on opposite aides of the car- r {IIEURAkplh to contain the huge paunch. But it is evi- expect to attend s BUSINESS COLLEGE this season? IP so ge ridge looked at her in wrath and the one INS IN BACK SIDE the merit of the If - 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for I ent that this peculiarity is not a true race said (you Can imagine the air of self- r bushel Of Oats- characteriatio being largely due to the praiser): "I never give up my oat to a ' Oat ANYMUSC111AI� 1� - manner in which the Pigmies live and to lady,,' LAS IN USING D. COOK, CLINTON. the quality of their food. "Neither do I, "said the other. "It's After some weeks of wholesome diet. unrdasunable that they should expect it.” Tebo and Chaltrallah lost their big stom- They started a soa•t of duet an the sub - sells. Thd Akkas have short logs and very ject, enlarging by turns and In unison on , small hands. Their senses are very acute, their firmness in kareping their scats, the {slot tf /WEA f lib 1 tib. •, and Sohweinfurth speaks at their extrawr- sviflshness of women in getting Into full rae� PLASTER• dinary agility. The Monbuttbs say that ctt•r•taxos--they had paid for their seats, /w(t+t�rwera " j�( ns DaRlre the little men leap about in the High her- why should they give them up -and much ate Forest City Business and Shorthand College, London; Onb. The Molso U n bage like grasshoppers. ruore tri the same effect, all directed with °f to worthy of your consideration. I � T7 aware that we have set the pace for Canadian Schools. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 18551 These pigmies are very courageouti. black looks at my friend by the door. �snr e,J ,They are men, and mon who know ,Silo hestrd, unooncerned. The opinions Phi -� � � � heard an thing about our "NEW SYSTEM" _ 2,000,000. TT CAPITAL, ~- how to fight," said 111oummeri, in speak- of the speakers did not interest her at all; > ! u a ,�„� V of Bookkeeping and Business paper? REST FUND, • $1,300,000 ing to Schweinfurth of those who accom- there wag no reason why she should i Drop a card for particulars. Catalogue free. College re opens Tuesday, September 3rd, 1835• Tpanted him. They are great elephant hunt- touble to answer them_ All she wanted l J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. erg, attacking the gigantic boasts with was to be home In time for dinner. When TH. R. MOLSON......... president. short bows and with lances hardly longer some ono in the carriage alighted at a ata- F, W. THOMAS..... General Manager' than themselves. It 13 said that the WO- tion ala+ took tltc• seen vacant and would men arra as warlike as the men, As for the have thonght no more of the matter had r' « f• Notes diso0nnted Collections mado, Drafts is- Note Sterling anrS American eachange bought hhbit of skipping about, Sottwelnfurth's not Lho two men still continued to talk at tl sudsold at lowest current rates, Interest sl• purchased dwarf, who afterwards died of her with wcxtrig0me Iteration. AfU+r n f lowed on deposits- dysentery, no rer got over this inclination, few more stations were passed another i »]a • so that he could not ss Carry a piate without passenger gut out, and a woman, getting Money advanced to farmee on their F'ARMh spilling more or less of Its Contacts. own nolo in, awkod my friend at quit» unnrat vrssry with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re- uestlon Tho two nwn Irs,krcf np; they r. ;, •, qulred aelseourity A Hint to Baldheaded Men. q BITTER r maker Det in Rozbor- could not help lining interea.•te'I In anything H. C. BREWER, Manager. There is a a#ga the wcmtan they had been talking at so cc who has i nvontod o Little device _ lou might nary. CURES which will doabttess be hatted with joy by 8 r other men who are constructed upon lines She smil9vi ncv+l;y ami ehaxtk h9 -r hoed. �) (��• R. McT.4aaAR1. similar to those of the disk. oigarmaker. The queFRiou Etats rupd•at"(1. ()f c'um', 07SPEPSIA, The oigarmeker to very hntd, and during Llyr�y four pnciplrr in thn carriage i'D answered it as once, hat my frientl ,hook �iAD BLOOD, BANI�F.I% the present hos a Cly. the files have bother - him very greatly. They gathered from her head mord# sadly still and 139,11)uxi to CONSTIPATION, d near to gamblo upon the shiny here mtrs. 11 +•y .. ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. tar an gIDNEY -1 HOU K Cutlass on top o[ their atottm's hoed The "Ah, doevf! Poorthing! sttkcl the quos- ... .•---. - fir that first discovered this pleasure . tion' HEADACHE, y ground acetas to have gone &W%T and And tile k u e blanabs tams of those two brought back his fwnily and all hin friends men were n +tght to ere. My Pri,•nd ;arid BILIOUSNESS. WANTED HELP. -Reliable men in every 10- A genelrl3ti Banking Business g g) s transacted and their families. However Citta may be, their humiliation arould havo mado .,ct the ntrlinbei d v{a;ttora to lite shiny pato rspent her little fraud; luau! la not hr.un for B.B.B. aniockeallthe aecretione aadremovea Fjl1'1R'ON AND j�RUCE co (local or nd keep ooirinailt w oardete utaokod Up on of the dgarmeker increased tremandotis- the hearty inti Fv n,lw•nn4 de!a ;ht it .Il Impnritles from the system from a common Loan It1V8SeXlt Ca► Groes fences and bridges throughout town and NOTES Djj3CJ0U1°1TED AI country. Steady employment. Commiasfon or ly. It finally drove tho old man almost atiord+yi the roe t of khe p,r sang,+r .. rho pimple to the worst wrotulous sore. salary $66 per month and oxpanses, and money Drafts leaned. Interest allowed on frantio, but, while the delighted Hies were shout of laughter 0,i& r4so al the uTpen+e BURDOCK PILLA act geatiy yet Tbi%Nmpany 1aLOaningMOne on Farm deposited In any bank when started. For partf- de site. capering abouton Lho topside a>f that qld of those two r;rnn Eva+ aln,+rst „nou {h Lo thoroughly on the Stomach, Litter and Bowels !� yntOre onpare write The World Med. Electric Co., P. O. i f400urfey at Lowest Renee of I 1 head, a clever tonin was waiting just au deafen any vn,4 in rv+h,: nt=nrat,, Bos ill, London, Ont., Canada. energetically inside. The neault of 01149 1:I � 1-h.,.f to«.++, +, f 1 �tR Nlowro,4.gE PURCHASED brain work ware; tt)e ingenious invention Eery polar c 0 -clition and rrlrsilng "!fGXL=i11or i`s, u=DOrp - heretofore m0ntloned. The old man stop- $ICV IS BANK. BRANCH. � F�RRAIV & TISDALL ped making cigare just long enough to I Tes•9+I whir'h visits rhr 11.+lila Rn rr=inn y �- For lw^enty-love Years construct or himself, out of fir paper, pnra it, ;19 lrn,in• ko Bann, ro ns, to n'lory FRUIT A\ll nRNAMENTAL TREES 3 ri.d 6 nay Cent. Interest Allowed uta t with the ettol�v side outntdo,a largo cap to oxPlroru:sand s,'nnrora to r1�1t rhe rrlri,r tt- ,tORW AY SPRUCE, SCOTCH } cd i eke of laced. Of It rhr• author 14 AND ASTRACHAN PINE, Deposits, accordi�tg toamouratattdtit»aleft. BANKERS, fit snagly over his head. Now fie sits at „ 519 �anvn9n in th. Vrgth" satyr: "it is DUSIN 8 his work to peace, turd the Hies that von- a htko of e •nKlde+vttdn rx;ont„ iying rnrt'y n The Intter,.t which we make 06 SPOelalty. OpplOE-Cor. Srluaro n North St., l3oderfol ! LTAN TO V- UX taro to take libortles with him stick upon fe,.v fccr nhove Ii- level rd the tort, r+nd , HORAGE uOATON e2snsger BAKING his head as monuments to that head's art l,ectr9 re a d'•,+1' Ow : hir,ud nA. * ' 1,AR(iE ioGx ON HAND, h' greatness. Careful ,•swidli,-lynityured,hutv,•r,w, that- T11 ^ s t)ovo ornamental tress and shrubbery will any Ldvsnces ma3e to farmers on their own Hard to lteltecc. Ihr FTarh•r ItG,oif tc:r. *' !'nrr ru9'1 clear as b.• •,dd a, vary low prions jldave monewanty b per f n�td at low rates o{ interest, The story that, a girt In Oakland, Cal., po.rihlr t1w n ,l ,Mitre hvi ng 1111, t o tho fact th,o{; in ,his con abasing helreave money by par BELL FOR SERVICE. Tate lass )sada) to that Chu hnrtom an+i +ht,•• +'R r hr, Ink", as Tibor keeps for eervloo at hl farm, Snr- POW .E_ juind b through a p B well aH the Pew stop- ahtclt wiser scatter- s A gnea nt Banking j3usinesa transacted ! av0{d being kissed by v youngrisim man at a Orders by �lfailto. be prea»ptdy attended of � d,Tuokdigreeh,a rens-red time Bull � T Interest allowed on deposits. ohuroh festival, lacks verisimilitude for sal r+bout in it, waxer rYrnted most Perfoctiy to. Address, of excellent pedigree. Torma-4l at ofsser- i Salo Notes bangh reasons other than the thickness of plate with the red snow plant. In some plac�t vice, with privilege of returA g iHfDr ooCOL7CH, 1.1;!rt' r'� ;r�•� t iRi t•t ika where the water had evapor111, t ,the with- JOHN STEWART, BENNULER S 7 ;j, Li TIS 1)ALG, li?Lmrcr glass. tr+r+i . , r,.,,.,._ t, 91loll awn/dry ncka look- w +