Clinton New Era, 1895-08-23, Page 4N 1 The (R,A sn `TRUNK Aa4NOX. •--The Clintono'(va, r follewin_gpassengers left en the excur- TY .to Manitoba Tuesday being ticket- , k'R14DAX, AUGUST `2$,18R1i�. ed} by W.: Jackson, town agent G,T'.R : ' Bett.$umballn and Thos, P well,x9 nen- 4^ Bette Nelso . i ,� � 13 Yeo n• . LOCAL NOTICES. ry Akam, K B 'Weston, R. Churchill, H. B. Turner, Geo. Winters, 4. King. ll VTT {R aid EOgs wanted qu•:Ts1,os Boos iIVINTIE `�, rgApeda, iritelligeht lady,fors BURNT ,(OUT.-'lhursdap' the'', large ition, of Lruet . 4ddteiig by, letter, A. DI, Co.,- four-story building at ? King street pw la, Oflico . west, occupied by George P. Diehl '& CASH FOR EGi1s .Tryy one of our Smoked Co.,,:and.usud as a factory fpr mantels, er Pickled Stara cull lines of Smoked Nests , grates, tiles;; etc. was discovered, to be eel hood. ,ST.EP & CONN,ELL. on fire,and was almost entirely de - MONEY The damage is= estimated at i/IO�iPX REFUNDED it you are not satieSed g 'with oarBaltin .1 Powder. lb. tin at 250ta at •'$2pr The flim errs loyyed about . iLLLEN & WILSON's Drag Stora. . , thrrty•hands, who will b thrown out B Discount $ale Boots and shoes at JAS. of ernployrnent, The tactor:yp was built TwTToilise uLnts,. E0ritieh Columbia Rod cedar. about tont year& ago, [Mr D4ehl iq an -nd other Brands of Shingles"; wholesale and old Clintonran, and his Man friends retail. Victoria Block, ebnton. here, are very sorry to hear of his n3is- WREE I.i:I1i;MIi TO sADII14—A free illus- fortune.. -t,rated Health Lecture tO laalies will;be .gluon In Clinton, on Aug. 27th or 20th. no speak- HOUSE OF REFUGE NOTES—OR Tues- •er, Mrs 8. C. Ainsworth. Asa well-kno n lectur- day last. the committee of tbi► House of Cr on health. she is lecturing under the tuspi- •ces of "The Toronto Vdavi Co:" .Look -out for Refuge met in Clinton, and among oth- the bills. ' - er business made an official visit to the &in 11, omHouse with a vies,' to satisfying them- selves• as to the truthfulness of the corn - WILD CAT,—A large wild •eat was plaints as to the work. It was. deemed seen on'the Ransford farm on Monday pbest to have the services of experts to and on Tuesday several of undonet ande building, andced alsosadvise our hunters went out, determined to wok over thert n he f capture him but they returned empty with the and stent the question e banded, his catship not .showing, the strains and strengths, roof, and the IV- services of Messrs Rynas, of Goderich, BASE BALL. -A match will be :play- and Hardy, of Exeter, were secured.— ed this (Friday) afternoon, between After thorough investigation they re - Clinton and Go er,ion, on the Rearm- ported that a great number of the corn - tion Park, play to -commence at 3.30. plaints were unfounded, in a couple of On Tuesday next Clinton will play instances some improvement might be Stratford, in that place. .made..and stated that few buildings of -CRICKET MATCH,—On Fr�'day 'last a the sizewere erected with fewer faults, four -horse rig brought the Exeter and that the plans and appearance of Cricketers here for a match with the the building were first-class. To put local team, Clinton winning by,8 wick- the roof in the strongest possible state eta and a run. On Monday the Lou- the•eEperts and the architect devised 111% -don Asylum Club will tackle theCliu- some additional work on the trusses, ton Club, on the Park here. which will give a power of resistance to practically four times any weight STOCK NOTES.—Mr James Snell, of ever likely to come on it, or about ten Hayne -Barton stock fariu,ships to -day tons to the square. . With the barn and a fine Leicester Ram Lamb to Mr A. stone work the committee were thor- Smith, Maple Lodge.; next week he oughly well satisfied, the latter work ships a shearling tarn t.' Neil McCaig, being the more minutely inspected on Beauharnois, Que.; both are for show account of the slurs cast on it. The purposes, and are the pick of Mr general opinion being that Contractor Snell's flock. cBeth and his men have made one of ' GOOD GRAIN.—Mr Robt. Sterling, of the nicest little barns in the county.— McGregor, Man., formerly of Goderich The committee let the job of making township, sends us samples of grain the approach to Mr McOuaig. Mr A.S. which are really excellent. The oats Chrystal has completed the steel tank are nearly six feet in length, 'while the at the House, and has it in its place.— barley and wheat are tip-top; the Mr Croll has nearly one coat of plaster heart of the Manitoba farmer should put on. To explain why Contractor rejoice this year. Cooper wishes to exercise his rights in ' to a re- keeping people, unaccompanied by one HOME CIRCLE.—Referring cent Home Circle garden party at in authority, out of the house, we may Blyth, the Standard says:—"The ad- say that a large amount of small donna - dresses by Dr. Ferguson and Mr R. ges has+ been caused by people pulling, Irwin, of Clinton, were good, particul- touching or breaking down work, all of arly the way in which they explained which is his loss. Sonne one here asked the object of the order of Home Circles the London Free Press if the contractor and the benefits to be derived from it had power to prohibit the •ratepayers as a purely benevolent society." froth oing through the workil, and the C.P.R. TRAVELLERS.—Mm Jas, Body,Free Press states that the contractor of town, left.for Manitoba on Thurmay prohibit any one from going in day. Mr John Knox and wife, of Au- until the house as completed and taken burn, go next week on a two months' off his hands. trip. Mr and Mrs S. J. Pollock, of NOTES --The Globe of Saturday con- Brucefield, and Mrs Ashley, Londes- tains ars illustration of the students of both, go to Sault Marie, by the steam- the Ontario Medical College for Wo- er Cambria, and Frank B :les to Crook- men, among which Miss May H. Irwin ston. Above were ticketed by A. T. figures. Mr John Robinson, who has Cooper, C.P.R. agent. been living on the other side for some - WILL NOT BE HERE.— The Lieut: time, where he has done well, has Governor has written to the Secretary come back to Canada in the hope that of the Huron -Central; intimating that it will improve his health, and he will he cannot be present at the Fair this work with his brother on the Huron year, he ha't'ing an important engage- road. Mr P. Cantelon has been select- ment elsewhere. He had fully expect- ed as Judge of Dairy Produce at the Sea - ed that he would be able to visit Hu- forth Show; this is an excellent selec- ron this year, intending to be present tion. Mr C. Wallace, who has return - at one or two other shows in the eon n- ed from England says the sale of Cana- ty, but all these engagements he has dian horses is very slow there. Messrs ,had to cancel. Brown and Houson, of Auburn, ship a PROPER DATES,—Several papers are load from Blyth to -morrow for the old ,announcing the Huron Central Fall country. Mr and Mrs Geo, Hanley Fair as being set for Sept. 25 and 26, have returned from Toronto, the op - even the News Record giving these oration the former underwent being dates. They are incorrect, the time beneficial to his eyesight. It is said originally fixed and previously an -..that at least three of the newspapers .pounced being Sept. 24 and 25. We in this county are in the market for notice that the Turnberry Society last sale; the newspaper business, like week fixed the same dates for its show others, is much overdone. Last week, .at Wingham, This is unfortunate, as owing to an accident to our own ma - both draw, to some extent, from the chinery, the NEW ERA had to make same territory. However, the directors use of the News -Record press, which 4Mthe Huron Central will simply re- n kindly placed at its disposal by -double their efforts to draw as much Mr Todd. It may set at rest some talk RE' possible, regardless of the other, to say that the editor of the NEW ERA RUNAWAY.—On Sundayafternoon is not an applicant for the Registrar- oustaS Dr. Blackall was drivingaround ship, Messrs the, Johnston and the corner ofShl le and Read wern among the contestantslaswat k. Shipley Queen streets the London Rifle matches last week. the bit broke and the horse becoming Mrs W m. East, who has been confined unmanageable, ran away down the to her room for the past two weeks by street, throwing both Mr Blackall and nervous illness, is now slowly improv- HarveyDavis out, who was in the rig ing. Messrs Grant and Duncanhavewith him. At the foot of the street the frame of their storehouse up and carriages and people were waiting to roof on. Mr John Avery ships a car attend the funeral of Mrs Dowzer, and load of horses to the old country this though they -endeavored to get out of week, and accompanies them there. the road, the, horse plunged madly in- It is altogether likely that Mr W. to their midst, managed to pass''kround Thornton will take up his residence in several rigs and onward up to the rear Winnipeg, where his two sons reside. of the Commercial hotel, where it was A slight frost was experienced here on caught. From first to last the buggy Tuesday night. A much-needed stone maintained its proper position, and crossing will be built from Cook's feed singular to say, not big about it was store to Miller's blacksmith shop. We injured, nor was anyone hurt, are pleased to learn that Mrs John PRACTICAL, ,JGt•B,E. — A practical Shobbrook, who has been seriously ill joke may be car'ri'ed too far, more es- for several days, is much better, al- pecially when it affects a good many though not yet able to be brought home people, as was the case on Tuesday Inspector Paisley laid information be - night. At about ten o'clock people fore Police Magistrate Seager, of Gode- were startled by cries of "Murder," rich, last week, against Messrs. Tilt, "Help," &c., that came from the west- Marsden and Robinson, of Goderich,for em direction of Ruron Street. People selling liquor in prohibited hours; the turned out of their houses end armed charge was sustained in each case, and with clubs, came from all directions to a tine of $20 and costs imposed. A new see what was wrong. 4nd when they boiler has been ordered from Goldie, found out they felt like using the clubs McCulloch & Co., Galt, for the Electric • on some of the participants, It seems Light Works, and it is intended to put that, disguised as tramps, some youths in other new machinery during the fall had "put up a job" on one' of their Deputy -reeve Cantelon has a man buy - companions. pretending to way -lay ing his supply of apples in Prince Ed - 'm, and they succeeded admirably, ward county, and expects to commence {t they disturbed the nerves of many operations personally next week. Mrs ere. John Campbell. whose husband has CAaELEeeBICYCLING—Monday even- been in London for some time, removed ting Mr Whitely was driving a pop is that recovering on Wednesday. MrLong and two -wheeled rig on Mary Street of just ica. Mi Fowler, from a severeitattack Suddenly and noiselessly there loomed was s^marri Mr l.onitect, who up in front of him, a few feet away, a takenied ati residence in one Mondays Mr young man on a bycicle, making as Rumhas up his s, Maryrs SMr.W. though he would ,cleave the pony in Swaim, B houses, has sent ea two. Mr Whitely had given the bicy- Swann, Bruce en ue 'The cle rider much more than half the road, measuring seven lightning feet in length. shock Thr but he pulled still further to the right other day farm ofstruck a shh,b se � oats on the farm of amesCorniah,base almost into the water table. The bicy- line, burning it up. Mr W. J. Carter, meet the pony face to face, seemed rmined and juto t Goderich, is now the happy possessor avoided doing so by Doming into con- of alien Hur home, h'adrn purchased tact with the pony rig with a crash oneThlast week from Geo. Emerson, that was heard 'a block away, damag- willho next neld o sitting theof the Division ha ing the rig considerably. Baker Cas- beg ned farm 30th.en Ayfi ne a s sella disclarnds any intention of a wilful sirng a e tenantenb sending ren may find a de collision, thou h Mr Whitely says it triable bycMillsui, own, to n - looked mighty like as if he did. It is a thisdeoffice. Mrs McMillan, of to Wednesday, . very, poor excuse for a wheelman to for the manalofaoperation on lcancer. A say he did not look where he was going for thremoval of a small cancer. A when his carelessness might have re- good program will be given to-night,at stilted very seriously to the occupant Mthe meeting of the Good Templars.— of the rigas well as to himself. A bi- agent, A. tis0tedPaJamesaG. Butler, station cycle rider who cannot find room in Watson,antdd nn o Man oJ. erne -half 'a wide Street to navigate his biton and day. HeWatsonl to ickete - narrow -gate a vehicle, would be safer twelve on Tuesday.esHe also tea Falls e�tperimtenting In a ten'acre field, excursion on last op the Niagara Falls e�rcursi+s jn last Monday, l: • . e • Gre 26 days - left . . SaR�. \. ' • When Goods can best , Be had is the time to buy them. Now, you have an opportnnity, the like you never had before, to buy Thy Goods at prices lower than we ever quoted them at, at prices that save you money on every dollars' worth you buy, • r Towels Large Huck Tow- els, all pure linen, red border, were 20c, now 15c. Carpets An immense stock, a good stock, a stock without an equal in Hur- - on, to be cleared out quickly. Good qualities, good patterns, prices low, lower than you ever bought . carpet at before. Dress Goods Dozens of pieces of plain and fancy all wool Dress Goods were 50c, 55e & 60c 37IC Cotton A regular 8c. Fac- tory Cotton 5c and our regular fine 12ic WhiteCotton toe. This is a ... Great Sweeping Sale It will end Sept. 21st, and prices are such as will make short work of stocks in all departments Corsets 50 pairs odd makes of Corsets,were $1 & $1.25, some $1.50 any size but 20, 21 and 80 55e. Cottonades . American & Cana - dian Cottonades, the best qualities were cheap at 25e. °w 20c. Gloves Perrin's Lacing Gloves, this sea- son's goods,blacks tans, fawns; as long as they last $1.05 'Millinery TrimmedHats and Bonnets, were $2, $3, & $3.75.. Take your choice for $1 Hosiery Ladies' Fine Rib - bedCashmereHose worth 60c, were 50c now 39c. Dress Goods All Wool French Serges, Black and Colors. The 25c kind 19c. Parasols Every Parasol in the house must go. We'll sell you one at a figure that'll it make it worth your while to buy for next season, if you don't need one now. Prices run from 15c up to $3 Flannels All Wool Gray Flannel, was 25c., now 20c. You can 'gauge values all over the store by those OBGBIS ROM Clinton.Cliton printed above, m SE\4 k, „I- t • QICE p 4�1 CASH O _T 'y' 4)pRoo\ .... ✓rs-*ITj?R' �V . . p The Desire To do business has, at times induced some men to lower the standard of the quality of goods they had been accus- tomed to handling. This is, in most cases, a fatal mis- take. Our motto has ever been to maintain the standard and quality of goods we purchase at the highest possible pitch. This, in a manner, is the reason for the success that has greeted the cloth- ing we make, and it is no scant praise to say that it is hard to tell our Ready for -use Clothing from custom made. This fall, the $10 and $7 Men's -Suits will he made of a higher grade material than formerly. The $2 and 53 Men's Pants have given entire satisfaction in the past, and this seasons article will be an im- provement on former efforts. The Boys' Clothing department shows an improvement in the Odd Pants at 50c, 75c and $1. Whatever size you may take, we are yet able to fit you in the Pants we we are closing out at $1.25. Jackso$t The Note lot3$ j liliitol/' 25c. will secure the NEW PRA to the end a A POINT FOR AtuDENirs ° ' . w .TONOI While they last, we offer Scribbler for io ets GOOD PAPER GOOD VALUE.I', Complete lines of High and Public School Books • and Requisites. The Will 'Di -Fair News Dealers and Agts. for Par'cer' Dye Works;»! Combination in Boots & Shoes �, This is of special interest to you. As a rule we don't- like on'tlike to hear of combines, but this is one that will please. you. It is the combination of high quality and low prices-. Our stock is large, so is the demand. You will make no mis— take to buy your Boots and Shoes now. Many lines, at the prices we offer now, cannot be repeated with the- manufacturers, owing to the advance in. leather. Antici- pating the advance, we bought heavy at the old prices',' and are willing to share the benefit with you. Special dale °f Ladies;��eut�; & all Tanaoods for one week. We want the room and must have it.-- Come early while we have a good assortment. WR.TAYLOR &__ THE ONE PRICE CASH STORE. Btitter:and Eggs taken OUR - - S U M M. E R SALE - - a BARGAINS COTT LA We want you any day this week to see our WASH FABRICS at 5, 8 and 10 cents ES WHITE SUMMER CORSETS 75e, for 60 cents DIES BLACK COTTON 20c HOSE, (Hermsdorl) 15cts; A LINE OF LISLE THREAD HOSE worth 45c, for 35c LADIES WOOL VESTS, light weight forl45cts and 55cts.. the best value yet. CREAM PARASOLS 35c. MILLINERY AT LESS THAN H When it comes to downright B prices are the lowest when yo price i F PRICE gains in Summer Goods our consider quality for quality, r price. Ths Ladls:t Fay,rit. Eitabllshm. EEd.vEIi 1E3T,0(l8, n BEESLE ., CLI NT ifs► Iii