Clinton New Era, 1895-08-23, Page 3+halgr.• M � -. .t. . - - �.�+. ..,v.i-' 1�',-'+w',P t �� TS'` tf a•TR. .'•- '"'^'ll' W,"^°'• MaF :I;��,-.r,: ti:,9• ..p .- -na'w - .. . r
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... .,.ern �•+•,m„+-r,.,+r....,�•,..,• ._. _ ..... .. ... .. .. ... _.... ... .... .
MI88.I01� It"]YUL1 itf :+
,!. F'.�;Gtt'�.�Ay�..
Qt eo r, -,.F A.LGFUIl $. i . rkla comes from r a n ala J r sl o rlouitaio .' - k
McLeod! . Y1+ !rf ,., ' ,. 7. IQ -R .. from, 1�rQ,.�t A� #Itll�.�t!#@ t��i..��.t4 . ,. �q.�1 .
" l 1 �7{r IS >VAIiX$' CQbiPANION. aieaining "brother."h'.tin dttorlal about.I4o•'0+ . so, .. fan?•
�I �7 + / M.4. , 11^ r F
* $ U ` 1 .11TV Ax.. $IR s
j 1 The 13aallla11s have thClr #pllz►a ' ,APIl.taappo habit cure. "`Wekxlow of alq>4Y „ t+ �3 t ;' ,
Haab, their founder, ogees Cured by, No. o.Beter o�P0, a romi,
;< bN. bTS�#I Cllr Goo. Baskin, missionary for the In,
ternatioual Mtssiou o! Algoma and North• BtiQdhletA took theft n.. tteapa goalt $t, I,lo;us aVohitect, smoked and. Ctae+w•
og t R �111i1.1 Q , vY4st, attribatga his a .qa from severe ill- Bpddha about 600 a Q ad for twenty ,,eater rata boxes orated him
. so that even the smolt of tobacco, m%kga ,
` e naffs tltrotrgii samP4Olt+ OomV . Int • to ,the Thg +1bliot• '_takoa his up me f 10 the rr N t7' sold and ear n• I 31 1, •, <
nnT'C t r Fo'ttllar' Ek tlt> df wild ' tao word, him sick. C C Aao R et .
�.- �, Y.. 1.s .haply )t4Ne of J2 SYr rd abbe. rpcoping t, fyxhtr." Dare no :;, k ee.Sterling
�, fL teed nq. ., B90 ?r
,Wok and Impp 1pl la# ° Skl aW.b4rry, He w itee ae br wa.. I The Bootless were the John' 4 t. Pahl 1St. Montreal rt•' L a . j, r r �. '%�d•
iia,' Elleoplesa11l3selr ' * `wish to say that II!e owlet's ,xtt`act ot
tun, bpria 27i1, !fled iq 1809 1' Remedy Co., 87 r
labra ea t, T�iv6r Cloin Wit, Wi1d.I�tratvbetry hat7b en, to me a wonder, The P eeb' o lana Wit t r 110111. rt who �•aslu i :�„
t M$iiyio "Broil 4al, soothin , eed and effectual rowed . y Mr Ebenezer � yleswo h. 'who, Up rz . , /
ItQila o1L ry g sP Y Y from a Greek word meaning "der." to a f..eW years ager was a well known M� r! •,r•) ]fl° r f) s
p{; !;Fall' t�'�olaes, danndioe, Bite It it has been my companion for several The Donatista were the ;gllow a of Don- tesident of Lou on, died v&ygr sudden- ' '
Is weir, S•il.�(3tga' Dange' gears during the labors and exposures of , ares, the Bishop of Nuw[dia ly teceloltly at Alexander„ Manitoba. ' i {' " ' '' 9
itleo . a Orsi tebili$ mq midslonary work in Algoma. Well y worker, the evening riot rt " 1NEMONEST a~8
p Itftor old'tabd• young to have it in store Calvinists atg naaled'ttonm oelr leader, Mr A lesworth was a ver actIXe ''
0 : f Q E ICN, Q.NT o ainst the time of aegd which so often John Calvin, born, 16091 died 1604. church w e ,sad h e r1ing p
1 d° , g g to his death attended a prayer mret- t
comes without "tti'ii$rning. Yours truly, ' ,'Phe'ffionothgista were oiltled because p y t1' r 'ANQ B
J. M, MoLEOD, of their belief in one God and but one. tug• He took an active park, and at ,
Prop, and Manufacturer GEO. BIISTiN Missionary. its conclusion chatted with friends.
{ Sold in Clinton by The French Huguenots were named r . 1
from a French religious teacher, uarncd Next Morning at.ten o'clock he was HAIR 'e 00
pAAflil, and ALLAN &WILSONHush.corpeta. He had complained of pains at .{�
The 9ervites was a religious order the heart, and during the temporary i a. Ito t�YE4
g absence of his wife expired.
t BUTCHER•SHOP9 WgegpaDFwrtsuiei,wegaveLer(7aetorla i founded by seven Florentine merchants i'
about Its& a feet the Harr'that whicthtY t$ck
When she was a Child. she cried for C soorla. 1 t� ) 1
The Albigenses were named from the MARK IT WELL. , , ; and nature restores the color. ,
When,shebeoameMiss, she clung to owwris. prinolpal town in their distript, a city
h A Derelo 11it Peculiar to tate Present
bombe s lac Butcher' •Shop. 1Yh0itshsizadOhlld:°n,eh°6avothemUastOr4► Balled Albi benuratlea Dangerous and Often IFat�. THEORY.
The Puritans were go named In doris- As each generation comes and goes it
g g NOVA& ScAlp Foot) destroys thedlaeased germs.
N, ion at their pru$esgions of being eater is marked b changes, developments `pyo' e `
CQUCIH a 'VYILSJ) y g p '� of the scalp and ahealthyattfonisaotup.
than other people.* It Contains the principal properties of the hair that '
1 f PSP and discoveries unknown to lrredeces- i
alfpllQltliue '• ealre to uo,0 y the public 'li 0 The Brahmin's faith was thus called cors. From a physical standpoint one.of arenecessary toislifewithoutwhichitwitlnot W.
theybo* b ught out the butchering 1)uslg4Aa` p p CURES BALDNESS it tort" the scalp the sumo as yo do a field of
A#011:110t111gt4a by oar Jt►s 6:kord n pfIII' oen ;; SHE HAD A SON. beesuse it was supposed to be originated the most to be dreaded conditions and + corn a growth is certain. It invi rates the slug
ttb m$;ulldar tllei>k p0rp4ua� • I Mien,; by iirahma peculiar for -its rapid increase during the STOPS FALLING', HAIRS h ecsip, cleanses ►t and thorougy eradieateaau
J ,proeri1L'.h ve promp land tarejtrI at, tidaM;. The R' cl resent eneration is when the mind CURES•DANDRUFF,, draft whichiatheforarunnero baldneea
4 teth3n lith all romp''6A., akeptin etfegp�° But There was Noth in His Condition y lilltes took their name Prom p $ + RESTORES FADED AND ItiatheONLYremady ever discovered that will re-
so1�aP4naillJe rat @s anddelivere9danywhere ; to Comfort the Tramp. WYollffe, an English reformer, born, 1926; abors under the delusion of persgcution, store the Life. Beauty and Natural Color to the hair
{, x; died, 1987. continual restlessness pain in the back GRAY HAIR TO NATURAL �houtharm. Man.OaasssPaonra7.x.iiFuAXn,-
ala „ " t t J' , •
"Modem," began the tramp, as the p COLOR AND VITALITY. S=M iron Fara PAxprrr rrs,
t The Lucitertane an earl Christian and head, twitching ott the muscles of the
WILSON kitchen door' was opened In response to ' Y face and hands furred tongue, breath foul PERFECTLY HARMLESS. S+�Ta AND Loeu• AOt:lr18 Wet+rxa
his knock, 'have you a sone" sect, took their name from Lucifer; the ' WARRANTED.
" >✓X�INTOK* `Yes, sir," replied the woman as she Bishop of Cagliari, and heavy, nausea and further indications ROYAL SCALP FOOD CO
P of stomach trouble, There may be de. CLEAR AS WATER.
looked him over. The Old Catholics were do called by rho NO SEDIMENT. NO LEAD,
+ , M xr'K>l�t � TE S LCHANGE lirium, convulsions or sinking spells. Box 305, WINDSOR.ONT.
Is he among strangers, may I ask?"Gannon doctor, Dellinger, burn in 1799, SULPHUR OR CHEMICALS.
"He ie." died in 1890. Medical authorities apply different names
Butcher Shop "Ah I You Can appreciate my position 1 The Cistercian Monks took thier name to the conditions that are unintelligible to
Who knows but what your eon, Is a wan- from Citeau, where Choir order was first
the average reader. The actual fact is
the demoralized and dangerous state of
h ` ndareiggnod having bought'the butchering darer o'er the Puce of the earth to -night- established' the system is due to the accumulation of
usresslato carried on by Mr John Scruton hungry, raggod and compelled to beg for The Franciscaus, or Gray Friars, took "Body Poison" in the blood that •should MANITOBA S C H O O L�
lea qiµ carryon rhe same in the old stand. As he his bread. Have you heard Prom bio their name from St. Francis, the founder
tlrlll rg ye, personal attention to 6,11 the details and would be thrown off b the Kidneys
" Df .tl}e,,buataeae customers can rely on their lately?" of the order, if in a healthy condition. In order to re-
ordigre"boing prc•nptly and satisfactorily ailed, "Yes, air. My son is no wanderer, and The White t�uakers, a sect founded in store health, strike at the Toot of the dis-
?uigtto ig "gvod meat at reasonable prices.' be gets three square meals a day and 18'10, took their name from the color of
-- wears pretty good clothes." ease with Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills, the Look over these prise
„ g• only medicine known that will control the .
Cat1h paid for Hides, Skins, &o. Then be has a steady job?" Choir clothing.
„ The Jesuits, or better, 'Tho Society of changes going on in the Kidneys, enabl-
y Ho has, sir. He'd like to wander but Jesus," was so called by Ignatius Loyo- ing them to furnish for the whole system SUGARS Special quotation in obls. I_ellipg- by $ less than wholesale piieea
Albert St., Clinton. he cant. He's in the workhouse on a sin la, who died in 11134, blood free from disease -breeding poison,
Clinton -
months' sentence, and has over three The Gallivan Church was the church of building, u the shattered condition of Put u b TSE BEST PACERS. Tomatat3
c ; t.• months yet to serve. Did you want any- g CANNED GOODS P y
the Gituls, of French. It was founded by nerves, an relieving mental depression. Corn and Apples, Pumpkins, Salmon and 1Vlackeral.
Edman -
LOUR AND. FEED STORES. "Why, ma'am -why, considering the
Porro Hyacinthe. Price 25c., sold by all dealers.
} x cirourpaitanCes"- The Mugglotonians took their name son, Bates & Co., Toronto. TEAS Extraordinary values in Japan, .Black and,,Green. Good Japan only:l6a
You won't ask for anything?"
gg eton, a self-styled prophet of a pound. Chinese Mixture only 20c s pound.
r u + from Mu l
4'y1Ds • S�1 �/ D� "No, ma'am, I won't If your son was the seventeenth century. RiCE-25 pounds for $1. 1IA15IN5-28lb. box for $1. PRUNES, CALF
i ' a wanderer -hungry, Y'aaged and hopeless The Jancenists were the followers of BURDOCK,
n; -I would modestly osk for a bite to eat, Jansenius, the Bishop of Ypres, born in
but seeing -but seeing"�- 1685; died in 1698 Largest and best assorted stook of CROCKERY and GLASSWARE in the county
We will exchange "That he can't wander." The Church of England was so called Selling at close prices. See quality and price.
and TIMOTHY SEED "Yes'm-that he can't wander, and has because its jurisdiction did not extend ;
r + a good job of it, I'll try the next house outside of that kingdom. r,
v r -FDR+ W.Irwmq Grocer
and , let you off. Afternoon, tma'sm. The NonseOtarians are thug denominated
ATS, PEAS, VpAEAT Barley Hope your wanderleag' son will stick because they claim to be unfettered by { r B O O.� J.
'Rolled Oat Meal to 1 bush. Oats. right to it and come out as fat ass fall the bonds o seuietllanisni -
Give us a call. pig,•' The Gabrielites bad their name from (t ' MACKAY BLOCK, CLINTON.
Gabriel Soherling. They were a German
# . " Twenty -Five Bible Events. sect of the sixteenth century.
t U�TVELL. L The, Creation of Man ........ B a 4004
The Lobtue Bo a body of German rwere ' ��� Sash voor c� Rhin Factor
°' � ''''•', ��' 9 The Deluge... ............... 93#8 ,
g ionietg of the seventeenth• century, were
-tk - 3. The Dispersion ........ ...... 2� named from their leader, Labadla "1
oA fi�, 4. The Call of Abraham....... 141?1 i.s )w
'I011r, Feed & Seed More The Descant into Egypt .... 1700 The Atiollioarlans we1'e thaa}oallea be- ; * $
ba cause the orlglnater of (heir sect wasApol- CURE13 fir,
}. 8, The Exodus from Egypt.... " 1491
„ linarius, the Bishop of Laodicee, DigpEPS1A,
• 7. The law given on Sinai.... 1490
the undersigned desire to•intimate that he 8. The Passage of the Jordan.. 1451 The Plymouth Brethren, a sect.founded `• ^ ��
will 'keep on hand the very beat in ISM, was named from the of where I• ' �y
9. The Period of the Judges B. C.1451 095 4 BAD BLOODY >�
and FEED 10. The Kingdom instituted their organization was effected CONSTIPATION 6C3
`') under Saul ................. H C. 1096 The Covenanters were so-called because'
„t' , eti kinds also the choicest variety of 1L Dai Reign .......... B. G 1095-1016 they formed a solemn leagne and coven- KIDNEY TROUBLES '-
(,•�s 12. The Dedication of the Tem- ant against the designs of Charles L '�"� _z . • 1 r
� I er, `I'inlothy & Small Seeds ple „B. C. 1000 The Macedoulans, a soot of Christiane HEADACHEp 9 i " ' --
t. R , u,iNni art Rtitit telt!
e !w Which will be sold at close margins for cash. 13. The Division of the Kingdom ., 975 In the early centurlea were rod by Mace- ••t' •� _ ._ �, ,,„„„„„,„,,,,,„,,,, �� ,
SALT also kept on band. He will also keep a 14. The Fall of Samaria, and end dogrlus Lhe Patriarch of Conetsnttnopla BILIOUSNESS.
hoice variety of all kinds of TEA -3 which coo- ` I „
enmera will and to be ezcelleut value. of tho Kingdon of Israel.. " r°� Thci Carnoronlans, a Seotttsh sect, Were B.B.13. nnloelrsallthe secretions and removes
J, W. HILL 15. The First Babylonish Cap- Called frorn their leador, Archibald Camer- all impurities from the system from a common
pimple to the worst scrofulous sore.
• tivlty of Judah ...... ... 60IS on, retro was put to do Lth in 11388.
URON ST. CLINTON. '+ S. S. COOPER Proprietor
+ 1& The Dostivcion of Jerusalem 581i
The I,u11RIY1a. a sacs of reformers, were B U R D O C K PILL 8 act gently yet
17. The Restoration of the Jews 6313 named from Walter Lollard, or J orillard, thoroughly on the Stomach, Liverand Bowels.
-- -- 18. The Temple Completed..... " 51% who rvRs burned for heresy In 13"?, 1 Owing to my increasing business, I am building an extensive addition to my
��0�1y� 19. 'Sire Reforms of Nzra........ 400 - - - premises, and also putting in one of
be Intrst uuhtovrd Potent Dry Kilns, and
1'he Ar amitos s sect of the fourteenth
20. Tho Rebuilding of the Tem- will then be in a better position than ever to fill all orders entrusted t0 me, �V
„ century, were nand from one Picard,wno
pie by Herod.. 11 called himself Adam, the Son of GaL prepare pinus and estimates for all kinds of residences, nia and execute contracts
n 21. The Birth of Christ.... .. . 4 for the same on short notice, and in a workmanlike manner. We manufacture
F'Sour��eG-d Store ThoBuptlata hedEhetr nurno from John Ask your Druggist fox
22. The Ascension of Chrlst....A.D. 80 to order and also carry in stock all k ode of Window Sash, Door Frames,
1 the Baptist they c1a3u.,nR to perform the
3ti Blinds, Lumber, Latb, &c. Persons who intend to build will find it to their
in °� 23. The Conversion of Saul..... 0 rite of baptism in the manner that he own interest to sea me before sodoing.
p 24. The Council at Jerusalem.. did.
BRAN & SHORTS 20. The Destruction of Jerusalem " 70 _-
The Agnostic is so called because he
y In large or small gnantities.. xazrle Dazzle. claims that wo can know nothing of the S. COOPER
C" 11 1 ton
supernatural, of God,ur of a future state. S.
after the fall?
(lid Adam and Eve do -
Dick Hicks -Went out and disgraced the Dox'•r Ton.tcco Srl•r on Salons Yot;n Lrrr. M�
LO pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 family. ALvax. t,1 7 O TT expect to attend a BUSINESS COLLLGI this season? If so
brlshel Of Oats. is the trutbfnl startling title of a book about `,J the merit of the
D, COOK, CLINTON. No-To-Bac, the harmless guaranteed tobac-
co habit cure that braces up nicotinized
nerves eliminates the nicotine poison,
makes weak men gain strength, vigor and J x • ;%1 �-"'
manhood. Ym run no physical or finan-
BANKS• tial risk, as NO -TO -BAC is sold under _
gnarantee to cure or mnney refunded. -
Book free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co , 371
%: f St. Paul St., Montreal. s �:m
'[']18 o]goIIS Banka t - - For
City Business and Shorthand College, London, Ont.
' is worthy of your consideration.
Incorporated by Ac Parliament, " PLOW HANDLE PLODDINGS. -p
+U.IYfTAL, $2,000,000.
t .GV "v aware that we have set the pace for Canadian Schools.
FUSE), $1,300,000 /�>'..': r- -7- YT -rte beard any thing about our "NEW SYSTEM"
The duller n liotrr the worse he boron H `/ i --i ;
• ,i{EBT , •,'•,5,;.•'• ' ; i ..,i_..y., y v �.�+ of Bookkeeping and Business paper?
�t�T �• A aur h ,r„• 6 not t,u ho conipLred to a Murray �c
' -HEAD O [PFICE, 1rI0NTREAL• .rpanto duukrj. ' ih•np n earn for pnrl.tad+Lr+. Cntnlognc free. College reopen+ 'I'nesrinp, ficptembcr 3rd, 1835.
J. H.
R. DIOLgON..... ..,President.
��' t singt ar<I is u fellow who tai,- thLr J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal.
F. W.THOMAg,..r.0eneralManager. .;,,, }tanlost way to have an e,L.,j time. ---
anted Collactions made, Draft$ ie- i �.5 Some pty:ple impart iufurmntion very unman
1`Otea disco bought ' tt 1 _ ,....,...,., „ +. .. ............... .. „ .. .............•.
sped,sterling and American exchange much as R hulu(t•hu shads hl- r wills. FLORIDA WATER
and sold at lowest current rates. Interest al S One oP the dovil's hest utuan; of kcop
lowed o p �� Ing a woman from earnest living Is t itt i
ILr A Ft-mI I Rt4. tattle. 3
Money advtYneed to farmes on,their own note A boomer is a tnum who has lots nurrr+ For Handkerchief. Toilet and Bath.
( mirh
one or more, endoYeers. 1.o mortgage .ra• , R=1mP=AwN=S
quired as+securtty �, enthusiasm than he hs►g anythlriA to ire++pII. C. BREWER, Manager. B, NI Aoreon. it ua 'f? 9 1YY1 6Z" Nu= SeryE
The water that makes the foam under �
e'ra-9QSt the mill dam, is not the water that an't's FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES i e;
' �GT.�G�ARr� . `.....-r•=-�•=-r•, � the wheal li itro nighill. NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH 5
�l'�O• � Bell ll The mora{aito nliKht have been highly AND ASTRACHAN PINE, 5
Passes lj� prUfid its a singing bind, if It had only ONE GIVES RELIEF. I
BANKER r stuck to thea ]gush nese aluuo• The latter n{ which we make a Specialty,
it i1" Fl
ffi a d°mow A motive has. a right to judge tlw oat LARGE STOOK ON RAND ? a
ae oren a
in -
ALBERT ST - CLINTON. 2t?B,, straggles $or�Seven Long but the minute Lt opens its mouth it in-
's i a' th The above ornamental trPHa end shrubbery will ? •�,• , �y ,� 3
r^d �Ot ,,SHE .,ItAB the lltlNa jlid�tlleilt (10 1't. ........ .. +. ,•.r•.•an•...............u.•....`••..•.......w...+.n...w..r.......u•..•w.
f� A at�� dN LIP, Rp brans band' can tt more life into an t1tl $"1 ' " v"ry low priee�, auu tl,uxe wantiuu any
YRSII f thilig it, Lie aoun^.'rinn III -ave money by Pur
AIiD I8 CVBED 8`If IIs ag 111 a n»lnuta thea a tea acre oat- ohasipg here.
eootai Banki g BUSIDeiii+ R wtxYtr of snn(lays.
A g tt aB8 Sarsa- T Orders by hfailwill be promptly attended'BRUCE
WANTED HELP,-Aelisbte men in every le-
i y ��,�. isn't anything dwA sweetens to. AddTpRR. "?.,?ON AND B R UCi E cality (local or travelling) to introduce a new dia-
parilla hands a woking up and soeing t1u p h P
p. tre e,lent ken our a s t card. tacked u nn
COUITEll •�•••�• the Resat rlotrk tvltlrin tact tulnutea of Low, �(, Investment Cotrees, fences end bridges ghoul town and
JOHN STF.iYART, RENIHILLER country. etearly employment, cammtsetou cr
fJretts issued. Interest t2tiowed on •tr $Ir.rnl,r n sal 4: " I consulted rlon- l{ pull tv.< frau+. salary $65 per month and expenses, and money
i' deposits. p, -a ,,.ur irrrsrt >eri for me, but to 1 �1evn nil that other poo This G+,mpany Is Loaning bloney on Farm depposited in any bank when started. For Parti
security at Lowest Rete. of Intern onlare write The World Mod. Electri0 Co., P. O.
1.0 purpos.;; tete effacer began to ally nt f J Nt own favor, you woum I Box 221, London, Ont.. Canada.
Pat into the FIC !a o some lying of) your n r�p MORTGAGES . - PURCHASED
Guffnr6d In own n fall Ixrhind 111 the
" spre^d to my chin. and�ts. isd+^fly I p You ne( In't
Y._ ■' ����� ` `1 & TIS" IA t ;,..y t ,r ,,:;rn lnuq );'• ulna. In ire tL hQn's word for it CC�P.'i'PG1)N�. SAVINGS BANK BRANCH•
L-1 it TIS" j/ � 1 , ...,.• , t ' .,n c .�3„'t s 5arsup: ' that he h:Ly dr.n• � For 'l went,'���1V8 Years
^•�' '` o"" u't"'°'"cdy caaan there 1� nu front',ahe cloada hv- Areennt dlsrnvrry 'y nn 3� 4 and 5 per Fent. Interest Allowed on
\ t on hire shoes. Mn rr.)•: frtan. r• ^n`auU ct DepnsitR, rector rlirLy torcmottnt and flora left
t tem before as
\ �� �a iF�d't0'aetl��l3 �, b0 h1a wlt'c, hitLr'k+t Y 11+••1111:p ty I o:11y,Per of ` �
prreP.- ftp 111 rho nusrninlr• / , ca In the ua!y Per tty
1, 1 ,, ,
=;j,'1[jVl j tj� '1T. 'AIX IN*
v 1 3., L .., ',t11 •+ s' tj .1thr o snr7 , r,!:.i .Aor•OdictnedlR Orr.(,F -Cor. S;nnre n �nrth 9t., G}odsrleL
a u , - ! ; ..' ' ' h �- 1 \`, tt 1+ta mwrwl. ",r,var+• < P t r. r! .r .,••.1 druggists who LfoItA(:r .i OHTON Manager
ttmrr, ' 1 , h, r n to heal, at. i; ni rr 1� \ P 1 '' (' i, 1\' i'.'< ' T� o ,t+ .,. iPat c':r i.l:.:!or r,,r.:!. ; v •. i , r:zrn nr C:e A.k for BAKI
tt, h.L! 1•,., yLt•µLtl;ll'llld .'.1• d,I m a.th9{ ...,,, r' ,'� l rnq:�n:rod. ta.S,a no eu5�t{.
w of the c t:,ccr dlsappa.0 u.' t t, n r•' ., I t Dolt's t'nr.on fleet - -
ti,� .,,,,, �� •-as^In,lnc •,'.$1a {,nef^go1-11ettor ,
a made to farmer. on their own �� ,nor lZ • '
Advance. ,•.n •e,I,ac•,,tnrt,t rotuL^,m.''Lru!tacatect PULL 1, f. F(lif _SI�I'vViCi
n�tes at low rates of interest. 1)
it �'� u. *ig� Rl �i „felt t` "' t 'a"h..I. t i. { Ow,
Fftld('Hurl s, t' fit•:oitotnn'9.
ilnainePa traDBat ted A . ^r,y :';te C >. •'t C.,;n;•nn.•. gobs.', keep. Mr serviao nt hfs tnrm, Hnr•A gneernl Banking •' '•t e•+• Ot t. .: or, r r.t.. C', '�. nn lt.'wd,'1,noteromirli a ti,orohred Dnrhsi i RglfTVti^crc'a . {� Ft''gi
Interest allowed on deposits. lr-.'' :e l�. ;, • - •c ,,•w, . • field t of exe�n.•t,y 1 c li�rre, 1 Pana -3t1 at time of dor-
> 1t� t,n by Atr.•Lx ,� �t'udtN, l li•o,,v[th privll(geof tofu ttfngg 1f neees•sry I
Sale Notes bcngli Al.— .._. . -. ,r•..,.,. ,,,� rte. ^re, Pite 1 "U iactraF All7'HiJlt C(sUCFi.
. �3Y v �'�,,Ltu t.ts. '
J. P TIS ALL, U%nx .r �� t