HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-08-16, Page 101
The loveliest thingsear those somebody
WITH 3E4FIS IROS. kLUt1 Wv.M. else gets.
Contains no Injurious Drugs 1 Every ingrediient}a a Health Builder, Certain and Perm nent Relief is'guaranteed in oases oi' Con-
stipation, Dyspepeia, Nervousness, All Weekheeses, Blood and Skin Diseases. it is bawd on Glycerine instead of Alooho1 For P o -
841d at A OMIC& .'WILSO Deft' Store,;Clintou. Be,lfiectaip to get "MANLEX'S." Take No other Z
duoine Soft, Clear Skin and Bright Complexion and Relieving all ills Peculiar to Women it is Unsurpassed.
I am getting to hate amiable people.
"I didn't thin" is qne of that family,
"I didn't think" is fat, serene, jolty
and smiling It never troubles itself
about anything; hut if your head aches
and the door is stemmed continuously
be sure thet "I didn't think" has done
If pencils, paper, stamps, pens, blot-
, ting -paper, or scissors, are missing
from your desk, ryou can alwayR find
them in "I didn't think's premises.
Ifour needles, pins, combs, gloves,
andyelippers have absconded look in
the same place. Qf course "I didn't
think" is always "so sorry"—amiable
people always are; but meantime they
keep on doing it all the same.
"I didn't think" is remarkable for a
conveniently poor memory. When
your hair is standing on end, and cold
drops of perspiration boze from your
brow, and the precious moments are
flying, "it never has seen" what yon
are hunting for; oh, nol it "never has
the least idea of what you mean."
It hands you a chair, and begs you
sweetly"not to worry," when you'd
just like to smash it over its "amiable"
head. It softly commences hitlnining
some little namby-pamby time when
your soul is wound up to screaming
pitch, and you feel as iflittleants were
ereeping from under your finger -nails,
and as if somebody were belling a tea-
kettle on the top of your head.
I had rather see "cloven -foot" him-
self—horns, hoof and tail-tthan your
"amiable person." I should feel a
certain rtispect for hint. He'd pro-
bably say':
"Fanny, I dict take your pen, or
your paper, and misplace it; I don't
know what the dickens I did with it,
and I .don't care, you may make the
most of it."
Now he'd be an enemy worth fight-
ing; one could match claw for claw
with Hilo; but your amiable smirk. who
sneaks out of a dilemma with a (`hest-
erfiehlian smile and a fib—we'll, I don't
know what choice specimens Lucifer
inns have in his keeping, but I query
if, in cool diabolism, he can rival the
amiable "I didn't think,"
Cod-liver Oil is us<;1.11
beyond any praise it
ever won; and yet few arc
willing or can tag;. it
its natural state. Sc'.i.i';:
Emuiaion of Cod -live.:
is not offensive; L. isl-
11tzen like it. It i:;,
Cod-liver Oil made more
effectllal,•'and con-71iine•'i
with- the I�ypaj;llc' t
its Strengtho:', .l-
lately :increc rJ -
Doh't beperduarled to ace>:,t
Scott.& Bowno, Bella:L!e, 5 .:: '
r -r Thos. Simpson, of 1\'n,rdstr•k,
fCtempted to comm t. suicide by taking
lau,l n n to r,n'lt.e.:,lay.
FI:e= practically been derided that
H. if. [intim;, t he alleged purr rder•er• of
]Minnie :incl Nati to
Piety,"I and half a de/.^I, u; h,'i s. will go
to Ceie age ter trial fur the murder of
the \\''Bionic girl;,
(;1.1; THE BEST.
Th nnh:u: are ton intelli. nr t,. purehasr'
a wor,olks; article a seeorel time, on the
contrary they want the\ beat! 1'hysiciars
are chorally unanimous in ta'.irig Scott's
Emnl:ion is the beat form of Cod J.iverOil.
The \l•t•sitoh:t Go;-ernInent's rfficial
Crop i, u'I,•'in w ra issued \\'eduesdny
morn i.. iI sleets.; that 1heestimated
yield of '!i • mo •i rice will be as fol-
lows:—\Vbe.tt, 21.5 bushels per acre,
or a total of 211,1:0.81.5 hut: lel.: eats.
45 s bushels pet ecr,•; tot al, 21.8`7,110
bushels: h t' t»y, 56 8 bushels per ac re;
total, 5.507,:310 bushels; flax, total,
1,124,0.1.) bushels; rye. [4 (01, 62,810
he -diets; pea:, total, 21,250 bushels.
The total grain yield for the province
is placed at 57,801,621 bushels. It is
computed from the returns I hat 5.700
extra agricultural laborers will he
wanted te.handie the crop in time to
escape the frost.
Fast e .
They Only Com•
ptete Dyes on
the Market
that Make Past
anti Unfading
For Cottoii
and •t
The Fast Diamond .,
Dyes for Cotton and
Mixed Goods(I2 colors)
are triumphs of science.
Thep are new and im-
portant discover-
ies, controlled by
Diamond Dyes,
and are found in
no other package
dyes. They will
color more goods than other package dyes,
and make colors that are absolutely fast to light
and washing. Be sure that you get Fast Dia-,
mond Dyes for Cotton and Mixed Goods, as
(fug excel all others.
Sold everywhere. liar! Direction Boob and iortj
is ampler of colored cloth free. 1
WZLLit et RacH.n kc.1 ao., kattylafiya j !
rt! I. 6
but don't try to patch up a lingering
cough or cold by trying exp.nmeotal
remedies. Take
and relief is certain to follow. Cures
the moot obstinate coughs, colds, sore
throats, in fact every form of throat;
lung or bronchial inflammation in-
duced by oold.
Large Bottle. 25 emits
A poor, undersized boy, named Tim,
sitting by a bottle, and looking in,
said: "I wonder if there can be a pah-
a shoes in it." He wanted to go to a
Sabbath School picnic, but he had no
shoes. His mother had mended his
clothes. but he said his shoes were so
bad that he must go barefoot. Then
he took a brick and broke the bottle,
but there was no shoes in it, and he
was frightened, for it was his father's
bottle. Tiro sat down again, and sob-
bed se hard that he did not hear a step
beside him, until a voice said:—
"Well! what's all this?"
He sprang lip in great atarnl; it was
his father.
"\Vho broke my bottle?" he asked.
"I did," said 'rico, catching his
breath, half in terror, and half between
his sobs.
"Why did yon?" Tint looked lip.
The voice diel not sound so terrible as
he had expected. The truth was his
father had been touched at t he sight
of the forlorn figure, so very small and
so sorrowful, which had bent over the
broken bottle.
"Why," he said, "I was looking tor
s pair of new shoes: I want a pair of
shoes awful bad to wear to the picnic -
111 the other chaps wear shoes. '
"How came you to think you'd find
shoes in a bottle?" the father asked.
"Why, mother said so: I asked for
some new shoes, and she said they'had
gone into the black bottle, and that
lot's of other things had gone into it,
too,—coats and hats, and bread, meat
and things; aril I thought if I broke it
I'd find 'ern all, and there ain't a thin
in it." And Tim sat down again an
cried harder than ever. His father
seated himself on a box_ in the disor-
derly yard, a.nd remained quiet for so
long a time that Tirn at last looked
cautiously up.
••I'rn very sorry I broke Four bottle,
father; I'll never do it again."
"No, I guess you won't.," he said,
Laying a hand on the rough little head
as he went away, leaving Tirn over-
come with astonishment that, his father
had not been angry with him. Two
days later, on the very evening before
the picnic, he handed Tint a parcel,
telling him to open it.
''Nev shoes1 new shoes!" he shouted.
"Oh, father, did you get a new bottle'
and were they in 1t?"
'•\e, any hoe, there isn't going to be 0
new hot tle. Your mother was right—
the things all went into the bottle,
but yen see getting them toff is no
easy matter: so, God helping rue, 1 lull
going to keep them out. after this."
1 t; kI•.' 1)ESLER GIVES EAC•1'S.
Orillio, Feb. 10th, 15ttt.
Geri lemen,—About three or four weeks
neo I had an attack of Itching Piles. I
tried two o; three different remedies re-
commended by druggists as "the best and
only cure." etc., etc., but got no relief.—
About the time 1 was beginning to despair
of finding any relief, with some slight mis-
givings 1 bought a box of your I•iie cure,
which 1 am glad to say gave me almost in-
stant, relief and permanent cure. I con-
sider Dr. Chases Ointment a God-send.—
A method of securely attaching a rub-
ber sole and heel to boots and shoes of
A simple but substantial eaves -trough
hanger, formed of a single piece of gal-
vanized steel wire.
A novel chain pipe -wrench, composed
of plate links united by pivot pins passing
through the links, the outer links having
circular projeotings around the ends of
the pins and the pinheads being riveted
up within the countersank recesses of the
A pool counter to obviate the necessity
of placing each ball in the rack as
pocketed, which consists of a frame with
rows of movable devices, each adapted to
bo turned separately by hand, to mark
the number of balls made by each player.
A banjo with the head formed of thin
sounding metal, such as aluminum.
A process for dephosphorizing iron ore,
whereby the ore, while highly heated, is
subjected to the action of a reducing gas,
afterward magnetically concentrated, and
subjected to the action of diluted sulphuric
A trolley -restoring attachment, Invent-
ed by a Philadelphia genius, consisting
of spirally -grooved pulleys of larger dia-
meter than the trolley wheel, which assist
in replacing the wire in the wheel when
In Jan., 1802, my son was taken with
Kidney disease. Though attended by three
physicians, and change of climate he grew
worse and by '93 had dropped from 1951bs to
95 lbs. In 10 days from starting to use Dr.
Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills we were able
to move hien home. In 4 months be gain-
ed 50 lbs. and was fully restored to health
b the need this medicine. Jno. S. Hast -
in 28 St. Paul St., Montreal.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castor's.
From the Montreal Hosed.Instances -of marvellous cures by the
use of Dr Williams' Pink Pills for Pale
People are numerous, but the one related
below is of special interest, owing to the pe-
onliarity of the illness, and alae to the faot
that in the present instance the gentleman
is well known in Montreal. Mr Charles
Frank. inspector of the mechanical depart-
ment of the Bell Telephone Co., tit 871
Aqueduct etreot; and who resides et 54 Ar-
gyle Avenue, in an interview h a
ter, relates the following wonderful
cure by the use of Pink Pills. Mr Frank,
who is 25 years of age, is a Russian by birth
exceedingly intelligent, speaksseveral lan-
guages fluently, and is now apparently in
good health. "My illness name about in a
peculiarjway,"said Mr Frank. "Up to three
years ago I was in the beat of health.
About that time:while in Glasgow,Sootland
where I was employed as a clerk in a hotel,
and while ekulling on the Clyde, a storm
came up, and I had a pretty rough time of
it for a while. I evidently mus` have injur-
edmyself internally, although I felt nothing
wrong at the time. On my way home how-
ever, I fell helpless on the street, and had
to be conveyed home in a cab, as my legs
were utterly unable to hold me up. I was
confined to bed for several days in the same
helpless condition,when I raised, but found
that my urine was of a strange reddish hue
Cuufl/rt in n Storm on the Clyde.
I called in a physician. who prescribed
but did me no good. I then called on Sir
George McLeod, M.D., who also prescribed
and advised me to go to the hospital. I
was averse to doing this, and he advised
me then to try a change of climate, telling
me that my bladder was affected. 1 acted
on his suggestion as to change and came
to Montreal. 1 did not do anything for
about a year, as I wished to get cured. All
this time my urine was tainted with blond,
although I was suffering no pain, but this
abnormal oondrtkin was a source of contin-
ual anxiety. I finally went to the general
Hospital, where the physician in charge
advised me to stay, which I did. After re-
maining there fur five weeks with no bene-
fit, a consultation of physicians was held
and an operation soggeeted, to which I
this time agreed. After the operation was
performed I was no better, my condition
remaining absolutely unchanged, From
this out I was continually trying medicin, s
and physicians, but derived no benefit
from anything' or anyone. I was in des-
pair, as the physicians who had operated
on melcould not decide as to my trouble.
I visited the hospital once more, and they
said they would operate again; but I did
not care to undergo a second and pea baps
equally unsuccessful operation. Some
physicians thought, my trouble was con•
sumptior, of the bladder, others that it was
Bright's disease, but could not cure that
strange bloody condition of my urine.
"Finally I went to work for the Bell Tel-
ephone Co., some two years ago, where i
worked myself up to my present position.
But I was in a constant state of anxiety, as
1 felt myself getting weaker all the time,
and was hatless ani sleepy and weak in
the legs. I was also pale and ill -looking,
no doubt owing to loss of blood. From a
naturally cheerful man I became morose,
and gave up all hones of ultimate recovery.
One Saturday, some months ago, while
walking alone Bleury street. baying seen
the advertisement of Dr. Willians' Pink
Pills in the Montreal Herald, I stopped at
John T. L)ons' drug store, and bought a
box. I had tried so many medicines that
I said to myself, "If they don't cure me I
can't be any worse off than before." After
taking the first box I felt stronger and
more cbeerful,although there was no cban)e
in the bloody condition of my urine. But
1 felt encouraged and got three more boxes,
determined to make a thorough trial of
Pink Pills. After I bad finished the se-
cond box I found my urine was getting
clearer, so I continued the use of the pills,
taking two after each meal. When I bad
finished the third box my urine was quite
clear, for the first time in three years. I
was delighted, and continued taking the
pills until I had fluished six boxes. I am
strong now and have had no recurrence of
the trouble, and as you can see, the flush of
health shows itself in my face. To think
that I was cured by the nee of $8 worth of
Dr. Williams' Yink Pills after trying a
number of physiciatis and undergoing an
operation in vain is a puzzle to me, and I
am sorry that I didn't know about this
grand medicine before. I would have will-
ingly giver, $200 or $300 to have been
guaranteed a pored by anyone."
"I am willing," said Mr Frank. in con-
clusion, "to see anyone who wishes to ver-
ify thie interview, as I consider it my duty
to my fellow -men and a matter of grati-
tude to the marvellous cure their medicine
has effected. I have come to the conclusion
that Pink Pills are the beet blood benders
in existanr'e, ar,d I think everyone should
try them."
For some time past certain dealers have
been selling inferior brands of tobacco when
"T & B" is asked for, thus riot only trading
on the reputation of the manufacturers but
also injuring the sale of the article.
The Geo. E. Tuckett & Son Co., of Ham-
ilton, have taken the matter in hand and
intend prosecuting the offenders.
Smokers should be careful to see the "T
&B" stamp on each plug, as unscrupulous
dealers tear the tag off other brands and
say it is "T & B" and "just as good."
John Little, Winnipe , broke his
neck the other day, but• it lives.
.A man loses everything when ho wins a
woman's coutompt.
Some hearts grow softer by
Kisses are the punotuation marks in
the chapter of love.
Some men expect their wives to buy a
dollar's worth of stuff with a hundred
cents and keep the change for pin zueney.
There isabout'as much rejoicing over a
good man lost, as there 1s over is bad one
A man roust ask for a woman's hand,
but her heart goes without the asking.
Cupid is a crank.
The procrastinator will get to the
graveyard just as soon as the man who
The real hero is born that way.
.A pretty woman is never quite without
1. ops.
When a woman is flrm in her convictions
tit Isn't wise to call her stubborn.
When a man bus more money than he
knows what to do with, he very soon
learns what.
Some people's fine clothes are no more
than the pretty label on the empty can.
Many a corn may lurk behind a polish-
ed shoe,
A wmnan's tact will buy more than a
man's dollar.
The eye can lie more in a minute than
the tongue can correct in a week.
It takes less courage' to marry a woman
than it does to be a husband to her after-
Not every woman is glad she is a wife,
albeit the world doesn't know it.
Don't wear feathers
patchus Olt your boots.
Don' t wear a sailor
after your fortieth bir
Don't pinch your
murder will out—sons
Don't put all your
A ragg,:d petticoat
in your hat, and
hat and a blouse
waist. Fat, like
allowanc9 outside.
kills the stnarte, t
Don't pot cost before cut. Corded silk
won't cov, r a clumsy 11t.
Don't imagine that beauty will atone
for mit Hines-.
Don't wear tt white petticoat unless it f;
Don't wear heels to your boots 11111,
you can ;itford to have theta s,1w:rv; hoer,
and not half ones on ono side only
:i' sJ+sua7LL:l E c'RBUS7
FAT lift
or r r ,irar ar rr ? :'res of the
a•as. r. a, 'a ant ,-1: t:c for
r''.. -ion or Adrlts-
�eel� Bore ache
with muscular Phin,,agd
1a6 ju6t put on that
Ban 6lier of Backacheb
he .0.42. MENTHOL PLA5rr1j
J. MCLACnLAN, Point nu Cheng, writes: Noth-
ing better for Lome Back dnd Lumbago then the
D. & L. Menthol Plaster.
A. E. MACLEAN writes from Windsor: "The D.
& L. Menthol Plaster is Curing Sore Backs and
Rheumatism eta Treat rate in this vicinity; '
9r . each in .:i .41. r . tie mz,
Western - Fair.
London, Sept. 12th to 21st, 1895
Canada', Eavorlte Live Stock Exhibition
Live Stock, September 12.
All other Departmente, September 5.
Final payment in Stakes, August 15.
CRUUon& AUG. 26111.
SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS—Wild EastShow, 60 people
—Arabs, Turks, Skeiks, Ladies of the Turk•
Jan Palace, etc., wltb Horses, Camels and
Donkeys; and a hoot of others.
Prize Lists, Programmes and Conditions of
Sale of Boothe Free. Apply to
CAPT.A.ty PORTE, Fres. T A.P.rtOWNE. Cec,
SEPT 2ND TO 14714
The I•inest and Fullest Displaylof LIVE STOCK,
TURAS to be seen on the Continent.
Increased Prizes, Improved Facilities and Spe-
cial Attractions, etc.
A trip to TORONTO at FAIR TIME is an
There is MORE to BEE MORE to LEARN and
MORE to ENJOY at the
than at all others put together.
Entries close August 10th.
For Fr'ze List, Programs, etc., Address
H• J. HILL, Manager. Toronto,
SSC\` eseseese ssesesesess. ses\\.
for Infants a d Chill ren :,
"-"" years' observation ofCastoria with the putioaar• tet
millions of persons, permit us to.`apea]tc of it: witheutiguesdrts,
It is unquestionably the best remedy for Infants and Children
the world has ever known. It is harmless. Children iiiro it. It
gives them health. It will save their lives. Ia it Rather* hays
something which is absolutely safe and praotioallz2 rfedt as a
child's medicine.
Castoria destroys Worms.
Castoria allays Feverishness.
Castor's prevents vomiting Sour Curd.
Castoria cures Diarrhoea and Wind Collo.
Castorfa relieves Teething Troubles.
Castor's our Constipation and Flatulency!
Castorfa neutralises the effects of carbonic acid gas or poisonous airy
Castoria does not contain morphine, opium, or otter narcotic rpropertp
pastoria assimilates the food, regulates the stomach and. bewail
giving healthy and natural. sleep.
Castor's is put up in one -sirs,, bottles only. It is not acld in:bulk.
Don't allow any one to sell you anything else on the 1; lea or promise
that it is "Just as good" and "will answer every lurpose."
See that yon rat C -A -S -T -O -R -I -A,
The fan -simile
signatures r•Y
is on every
Z�fifrik wrapper.
Children C ,f for Pitcher's Castoria0
and Burns are soothed at once with
Perry . Davis'
It takes out the fire, reduces the inflam-
mation, and prevents blistering. It is
the quickest and most effectual remedy for
pain that is known. Keep it by you.
Clothing :4-
for spring,
The best value in the:trade.
$3.50 to $5 per Suit
As regular as the seasons; as steady as the Polar star, as constant as the
compass. The quality of our goods do not change; webuy the best in the
market. We have a big stock of
If you need a Washtub, a Pail, a Broom, a Mop or
Scrub brush, it will pay you to call.
TEASWe have Ben Hur, Bee Brand, Monsoon, Maravilla, the finest of
—Ceylons, Japans, the best that can be had in the market.
COFFEE—Fresh Ground, leads them all. Take a look at our window fpr e
Bedroom Set.
After the 1st of Nebr Lary, I will sell
for Cash or its equivalent—feeling as-
sured it will be the most satisfactory
to all. It will enable me to buy my
goods to better advantage, and conse-
quently will sell at a closer ,margin,
giving my customers the benefit.
Thanking:my customers and Patrons
for the liberal support extended to me
in the past, 1 respectfully solicit a con-
tinuance of your favor, feeling assured
that the Cash System, being ;the true
principle, will recommend itself to all
right thinking/people.
The Crown Blend and Russian
Blond—We direct your attention to those
high grade Indian and Ceylon Blends, I
have had the exclusive sale of these Teas
with meat gratifying results; clothing but
high grade Teas nee used in these Mende;
ask for these and take no other' get Sample.
Sole agent for Sailor Boy orancl Japan Tea,
80o., 41b for $1. Special valve in all Teas.
Fresh Lake Herring, Boneless Codfish
Fresh Haddook,Finan Haddie,CannedFisb
Canned Cnrn, Peas and Tomatoes, Flottr
Oatmeal, &o. Bargains in Crookery,Ohinti
Glassware, Dinner, and Toilet Sots, eta.
Produce taken as Cash.
ON, MM. Clinton