HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-08-16, Page 8kes, Clocks, , Clocks, Watches aches, Clocks, Clocks, Watches Cheap as the Cheapest, Quality and GOA Goods Considered. J. RUMBALL atchjnaker. Jeweler, &c., TelephoneExchange 1 . Excelled y 'lel:. Our Baking Powder - IS surpassed by none. It contains nothing that is hurtful or injurious. It is aiwaya'fresh, as, we make it every week. Our sales are steadily increasing. We beige never had a customer complain of it. It is much cheaper than any other as it takes less of it for the same results. Everybody likes it who tries it. We guarantee it: in every way. We sell any quantity. Price 25c a lb. Come to us for Fly_ Poison, Sticky Fly Paper, Root Beer, Etc. gvo; a large stock. J. E. RO VEY. Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. EOTACL ES.. Spectacles I have secured the services of an expert Optician and you can have your eyes tested at any time free of charge. I have a large assortment of Spectacles, EyeGlasses, ttc., in steel &gold frames 'ACKSON, THE JEWELER, Next door to Cooper's Boik Store To have defects of vision treated scienti- fically and systematically, go to J. E. DAVIS, EXPEROPTICIAN. Mt Davis visits Clinton monthly, next visit rEDNESDAY, AUGUST 7th, 1895. ''Davis has been coming to our store for the last five months, and has fitted greatmany.most-difficult cases. -We can recommend him, and will give the• names of local cases he has fitted for reference. kAMES H. COMBE IIEMIST and DRUGGIIST, PHYSJCIANO SUPPLIEQ, ETC. .400 AUGUST Wishing to reduce our stock as low as possible by the 1st September, we 1 shall, during remainder of August, give •rIr , small +.41111 =1 Special Prices on all lines of goods and40, every department. We Z have many lines of Spx ing Z and Summer Goods that z we want to clear out be- "' fore the fall trade com- mences and we will sell cheap. Come and see what we have to offer. e will be pleased to show you the goods PIumstael & €*ibbirigs Clinton, Aug., 1895 MP -- r ItttMtwtrOnnnnnrrttmrtrrrrlrtrry (W .V.17(N -SEW '>r ER"A. r...r.p Ain 1111.OFtaiit Change in 0urBusjness. On and after MONDAY, SEPT, 2nd, 1895, our business will be conducted on a Strictly Cash Basis and for the balance of our time in Clinton "THE FAIR" will . be known as a house where the people buy and trade for cash or produce only. cw Aligns ; I0,. 1S0:,. • After consulting .with a number of our credit customers, we 00 there is i growing feeling in favor of doing business on the CASH SYSTEM; au+ inpublic will welcome the change, provided we show a substantial 're- duction in 'the prices. We wish to make this so well understood by everybody, that it will not be necessary to refuse credit, as it will not be • asked We believe a cash business will be mutually beneficial. Every person is looking for the cheapest market to buy in, and where goods are sold on' credit cannot be the cheapest place, Neither can a cash and credit busi- ness be the cheapest, although cash customers may get a dlsconnt, yet the credit price is always asked, and even with the discount off, the prices aro not so 1 :w as they would be if the business was strictly cash. It is an undoubted fact that the man who sells the cheapest is the man who sells for cash Buying where credit is not given, customers get their goods at the lowest figure. They are paid fer when got, and there is no long bill to settle at the end of the year. Remember- On MONDAY, SEPT. 2nd, a general mark down will take place throughout our en- tire stock. We will get the prices' down to A SPOT CASH LEVEL, and all new goods received from that date will be marked at LOWER FIGURES THAN IF WE HAD NOT DECIDED ON MAKING THIS CHANGE. at. 15E .111,Mr. J. Y. EGAN, of TORONTO 9 IJELtNJA SPECIALIST. Greatest success in the treatment of all forma of HERNIA of all known agencies it modern times. A. Cure Without an Operation. An Entirely New System of Treatment. You aro first hold securely and IN COMFORT during the hardest work, or severest strain under all reasonable circumstances even horse back riding, THEN A CURE FOLLOWS. My last and greatest invention in Hernial circumstances, is the result of over twenty-seven yearn' continuous professional practical experience. REMEMBER, I have been in business in Toronto over twenty years. This instrument responds to every motion of the body, in coughing, sneezing or lifting, and never slips from its position on the body, either up or down, as all others do, but stays where ycu put it. araffr :N o MIA.ILITTIERAMS . It makes no difference how severe or difficult the case, you can be helped. The undersigned knows the true cause of rupture and has recently discovered the secret -as yet known only to him- self -by which a cure eau be affected 1n this tornblo affliction without resort to the knife. Don't put it off till too late. MOTHERS—REMEMBER—A Hernia in childhdod is a constant menace to your child's life. Children Cured in 4 to 8 weeks, Adults in 7 to 14 weeks, According to the severity of the case, Age of person or length of time ruptured makes no difference MVEIRY- CASE) A. SD -COMBS ! st. This le positive, as I have convincing testimouy from physicians, from parents, and from those declared by socalled surgical machinists to bo ''hopeless caste." This is the evidence a tells the Story ---: vsTL JL - STRATHROY, QUEEN'S HOTEL, Tuesday, August 13th. WATFORD, BAKER HOUSE, Wednesday and Thursday, August 14th, 151h. PETROLIA, TECUMSEH HOUSE, Friday, August 16th. SARNIA, BELLCHAMBER HOUSE, Saturday, August 17th. FOREST, DILTON HOUSE, Monday, August 19th. CLINTON, HOTEL CLARENDON, Wednesday, August 21st. BRUSSELS, AMERICAN HOTEL, Friday, August 23rd. • CURES BALDNESS, STOPS FALLING HAIR, CURES DANDRUFF, RESTORES FADED AND GRAY HAIR TO NATURAL COLOR AND VITALITY. PERFECTLY HARMLESS. WARRANTED. CLEAR AS WATER. NO SEDIMENT. NO LEAD, SULPHUR OR CHEMICALS. ONE HONEST MAN AND BUT ONE RELIABLE HAIR FOOD. NO DYE. e feed the Hair that which it lacks and nature restores the color. THEORY. ROYAL SCALP FooD destroys the diseased germs of the scalp and a healthy action isaet up. It contains the principal properties of the Bair that are necessary to its life without which it will not grow. It fertilizes the scalp the same as you do a field of corn and growth is certain. It invigorates the slug- k�iish scalp, cleanses It and thoroughly eradicates all dandruff, which is the forerunner of baldness. It Is the ONLY remedy ever discovered that will re- store the Life, Beauty and Natural Color to the hair without harm. MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY PILLED. SEND FOR FREE PAsPnLiTa, STATS AND LOCAL AGENTS WANTED. ROYAL SCALP FOOD Co. Box 305, WINDSOR, ONT. CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon Thursday, Aug 15, 1895. Wheat, spring 0 00 a Wheat,fall 0 e6 a Oats, 0 34 a Barley 0 45 a Peas 0 55 e Floor per cwt 2 60 a Pork 5 50 a Bntter 0 13 a Eggaper doz 0 9 a Potatoes 0 40 a Hay, New and Old 6 09 a Sheeepakins "0 25 a No. 1 Trimmed Hides 4 00 a 0 70 O 70 0 35 0 60 0 60 2 76 5 50 O 14 O 10 0 40 8 00 0 30 4 25 Wool cash 0 18 trade 20 NEW MANITOBA WHEAT. The first sample of Manitoba's wheat crop of 1895 was received by the Lake of the Woods Milling Company, Winnipeg, from Melita. It is a splendid specimen of the red Fife variety, the berry being unusual- ly bright, lump, and remarkably hard, weighing 4 lbs per bushel. It is said to be a fair sam le of the whole crop in the Mol- ita distrie .• Fifty cents per bushel was the openin quotation in Winnipeg. A WORKSHOP ON WHEELS E. Taylor, the celebrated cutler and grinder from Sheffield, Eng., will be here for a short time to do all kinds of grinding and repairs by steam power. Razors, Bois. sore, tailor's, sheep and garden shears and all kinds of grinding and repairs done in the best possible manner. Knives re - bladed and made equal to new. Saws sharpened; erose cut saws gummed and sharpened; lawn mowers sharpened and repaired. Umbrellas and parasols neatly repaired and old ones bought. Stand: Al- dert street, Clinton. SALE OF CANADIAN HORES. There was a good attendance at the Bar- bican Repositorylant week, when 220 horses wore for sale, including two consignments of Canadians, The seventeen Canadian horses which arrived by the steamer Gerona wore all sold, the avetage being as near as possible 26 guineas eahh; while on the other hand, the eighteen a ported by Mr J. W. Smith, of Goderich Ont., all warranted good workers, cause but little attention. It to said, indeed, that only two were sold— one for 34 guineas and the other for 28.— Canadian(Bng,) Gaiiette, The Finest PNOTOGRAPHS 'O are taken by •IL H. FOSTER tock Taking Sale. We commence stock -taking the end of this month, but before we start we would like to reduce out stock. Now, in order to do this prices must 1ight, and e are to mae every article of Fuurniltgure w ll behsold at atreduction of 0 per �cen off the regular price. Remember we do not put an extra 10 per cent on on.,our goods before we make the reduction. Our $10.50 Bedroom Suites until August 1st, .... $ 9.45 Our 13.00 Bedroom Suites until August lst,.... 11.70 Our 14.50 Bedroom Suites until August 1st,.... 13.05 See our 25 cent Pictures in a nice shaded frame. They are great value. OSEPHW.CHIDLEy, N TL RE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. FAIR EXCHANGE Is no robbery. Wo do not claim to give you gold dollars for a penny. But we do have the SHOES that please you, and guarantee to give you 100 cents worth for every dollar expended here. Well! Well ! That will be your natural expression of pleased sur- prise at the prices we have marked on the AMERI- CAN PRINTS, the DRESS GOODS & TWEEDS just placed on our counters. It really ought not to be done, but trade necessity knows no law. 0 Our Prices on CROCKERY & CHINA WARE I are interesting to shrewd buyers, who are careful to get best value for their money. California Fruits w Evaporated Peaches, Apricots, and Pitted Plums are very nice for pies and stews. Have you tried them ? L. OIiIMETTE,, THE CASH DEALER, OROS • 0. al 4�