HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-08-16, Page 6• TltL H4 YPIELu AuVI t'1I ';l uppb uient to the Clinton New V a The Mission Band, which was form- ed lately in connection with the Pres- ' byterian church, tweets on Saturday afternoon at 3 p.m. OMITTED.—In the hurry of prepar- ing our 11th hour notes for last inoue we overlooked the name of William Tippet, which was amongst those who were successful in passive' for 3rd class certificate examination at, Seaforth; this is pretty good fur one so young. SAD,—Almost every one in Bayfield knows Mr T. G. Davey, of London, and his amiable family, who have been resorting here for a number of years. They were here in the early part of the season, but left after a short stay, as Mr and Mrs Davey were going to Eng- land. Their many friends here were sorry to see in the Saturday papers of the death of Flossie, their seven-year- old child. Sincere sympathy is extend- ed in the sad" belreavement. CONCERT.—No one who can possibly be there should miss the concert in the Town Hall on this, (Friday) evening. The Band boys nave been doing excel- lent work, and, as it is under their aus- pices, every one in the village should turn out. • Then outsiders have but to look at the program to be satisfied that they will have a good time. Don't miss this, the great treat of the season. THE LAST IssUE.—Owing to the pres- sure of other duties, we have decided to make this the last issue of the Adverti- ser for this month. We must cordially thank the Bayfield business men for the hearty support which they have extended ue, and also the people one and all for the assistance they have .,._....,tgiften_ u-.gatherain news - We -believer it has been a fruitful means of adverti- singour favorite Summer Resort., as welas the business of the place. COUNCIL.—Council met on the 12th inst., in the town hall pursuant to call of Reeve. Present, Reeve Burns, Coun- cillors Bailey, Erwin, Frazer and Stan - bury. The reeve in the chair, minutes of last meeting read and signed. Mov- ed and seconded that the following ac- counts for road work he passed and Reeve grant orders for same:—Wm. Bates $5, Jas. McDool $2, Jas. Sturgeon 50c' Henry King $2.50, Wm. Osmond $2.75,fJim. McLeod $1.75, Wm. King $2.50, R. McDool $5.60, R. Elliott. $16.- 86, John Wamsley $1.87, John Fergu- son $1,36. Jas. Thomson $19.37, Geo. Castle $1, Jas. Spackman $3.05, Jas. Erwin $1.50, D. Leitch $19.25, Rich. Elliott $9.45, Wm. Eggleson $11.23. C. Parker $40.29. J. Whitten $2.13, T. J. Marks $34.93, Jas. Donaldson $5, Jno. Biggart $7.50, Thos. Leddie $5, J. Blair $1, Wm. Woods -$6, also $26.94 for ex- amination and removing Miss McMur- ray to London asylum. Moved and sec ;nded that the Stanley Branch Ag- ricultural Society be granted $10 for the current year. Moved and sec.:nd- ed that the following rates on the $ of assessment be levied upon all the rateable property of the village of Bay- field for the year 1895 for the following purposes: -8i mills for school purposes, 2 mills for county purposes and 4 mills for village purposes, and that a by- law be passed to that effect. Moved by J. Fraser and seconded by R. Bail- ey that a plank walk be built on Ann St. from Jas. Whitten's corner tp the Methodist church, and the Clerk adver- tise for tenders for same. Moved and seconded that John Pollock he paid $9 for board for Robt. Nr i tleys from April 2nd to May 4th and Reeverant order for same. Moved by J. Fraser and seconded by R. Stanbury, that Mr Jae. Gairdner be offered $50 for a road allowance across his property to road allowance in front of T.J. Mark's pro- perty and that Stanbury, Frazer and Burne wait. nn Gairdner to arrange the matter. Moved by G. Erwin and seconded by R. Stanbury, that, this council give a donation of $10 towards Band, and reeve grant an order in fav- or to the treasurer of said hand. Mov- ed by J. Fraser and seconded by Geo. Erwin, that a license fee of $15 be charged for any person or persons not a resident in the village peddling meat or bread in the village of Bayfleld, and that the clerk draft a by-law to that effect. Council adjourned to meet on Sept. 9th at 8 p.m. H. W. ERWIN, Clerk. SUNSET ON Hu RON.— " 'Twas sunset. and old Huron's woodcd'shore Bathed In the beauty of the mellow ltirht." —We fancy there is no morebeautifut eight than that which thQ last rays of receding day make as they t row ont their lingering tints across the lake, lighting the weatern sky with peculiar beauty, an4,tipping the eastern .filjlswith a brightness whioh is not shared -111y the valleys beneath. Stand- ing the other evening an the bank -we watch- ed ouo of those beautiful sunsets for whioh Huron is famous, but whioh nevertheless are not an everyday occurrence even here. The awn had just emerged from a heavy bank of cloud and was gliding gently towards the horizon casting out a long gold- en bridge across tbe water es if to invite the admirer to the oonveted region of beauty bo j ond. The whole west was aglow with splendor, while here and there a little cloud drifted past like the dissolving view of a magic lantern or the silent solitude of some mysterious being of the spirit world. The empurpled water glittered and danced in the sunshine and the little waves hur- ried in to kiwi the pebbly strand, murmur- ing their tenderlullaby as they rocked old s dipped behind the The Farmer's Story:, --- 000 -- We keep a choice A good stock (: line of Groceries. New Japan Tea—this year's crop Flour and Feed —25c and 45c Complete assort- sol to reh d Ynent of Boots distant waters and as he ders there seemed to rise from the bosom of the lake ouo hugs sigh for another weary day ended, and the little stars, sky -diamonds of the night, ono by one from the haze to relieve the sombre shade that crept over the face of the land. REMARKS I3Y VISITORS.—' "We like Bayfield better every day we stay in it., and think it is one of he most delightful places we have ever visited," are the words of a party of Londoners, who are spending a few weeks here. "My little git 1 gained seven pounds the first ten days we were here." re- marked a cottager the other day. "I don't think Goderich can compare with BayReld for purity of air, for cleanliness or for lovely scenery," was the expressed opinion of a gentleman from Ohio, who drove dovq,3 grs✓:fr4*,. -the-'tntriltrtotvri`one`c ay this week. "Yes, we are very glad we came to Bayfield. If all's well we'll have a cottage next year. We are looking round for a nice lot and will have a place built just to suit ourselves."—A visitor. BAYFIELD A8 A SUMMER RESORT.— Opinion of M. Y.oMcLean,M .P.P., Ed- itor of the Huron Expositor:—This place is year by year becoming !nor* popular as a summer resort. It is one of the most charming places for a men- tally tired man to go to fort est and re- cuperation, that we know of. He can lie on the banks or the beach, inhale the refreshing and life-givingbreezes from the lake, thue resting anrefresh- ing both body and mind; or, if he wear- ies of this, he can bathe, boat, fish or hunt, there are excellent facilities for the exercise of any of these pastimes. The roads, also, for miles around could not he better for pleasure driving, and nowhere in Canada are there more beautiful drives, made beautiful by na- ture. In fact, nature has done notch for Bayfield as a quiet., healthful and agreeable summer resort, while for children it is a perfect paradise. The hotels that are 'there do the hest they can to accommodate those who go there, and the people of the village arenoted for their kindness and hospi- tality. Village Directory. VILLAGE COUNCIL. and Shoes. Fresh Canned Meats and Fruit for Picnicers. OHN WHIDDON Main Streia t West • Po you oi►1 Lake waist a sail Huron? For Sale or to 11/16 Two•story building on Viotoria Street, x 30, first flat workshop, dwelling abuv, ; comfortable stable and good orchard, facto of land, enclosed with snbstantial ptekt t fence. '1'errns cosy. Apply to THE DAU!' TLESS, JA \VHITTEN • A sn,tlg. Yacht, -managed- by -,a iailiiira,f fifteen-yvara-elrperierR'4 is now prepared for excursions on the lake any hour of the day, or by moonlight. Special Kotex to purtlex on application to Scots and shoe Made and Repaired. 1Vorkmanship Neat and Execution Prompt. Murdock Ross, VictoriaSt. 11> M. WH11)J)O1 , Tho undersigne the public with prices. N.B.— with our wag epared to furnish eats at rrasonable as. Falconer will call gon every morning J. W. BRANDON, - Main .3t. East Carter's New and Perfect Tailor System of Dress Cutting By square measurement. A perfect Ladies Tailor system, is withoutt a rival, and easy to learn Call for price of system. Also Ladies' Attentior MISS M, WIIiDDON, BAN. FIELD'S EXPERT DRESS AN] MAN'rLR1MAK1;R'. TAILOR SYSTEM URF 1 Anne St., next to Methodist Ghurrli W. N. WALKER TI1E 1RELiABLE' Upholsterer and Mattress km Lounges, Chairs, tt.e., Stuped and lie -covered. terms and condi- Parlor Furniture repaired Mons of teaching I and made to 0!'414'r Miss M. J. Martin, Main Ft, Wo at SPECIAL AGENT Stoic opposite .i. Barna', BAYFIELU Reeve—JamesBurns. Councilors --Rich. Bailey, George Erwin, John Fraser, Dr. R. Stanbury. l;IVIC OFFICIALS. l:oilector—Charles Tippet. Assessor -Benj. Ftiggine. ()lark—henry Erwin. Treasurer—John Whiddon. Chief Constable --John Ferguson. BOARD OF EDUCATION. Wpr. Whiddon, Chairman. Thomas Cameron, Secretary. John Whiddon, John Pollock, John Ferguson, Jno. Falconer • PUBLIC SCHOOL. Prinnipal—Wm. McCluskey. let Assistant --Mies M. Porterfield SOCIETIES. C. O. F.—C.R., Jas. Donaldson; Bee. Sen., Wm. W hidion; Fin. Seo., Jn. Fraser. I. O. F.—C.R., Geo. W. Woods; Rec. Sec., Wm. Elliott. L. O. L.—W.M., Jas. Pollo,;k; Rec. Sec , Geo. -S. Castle; Treas., Chas. Parker. 0. Y. B.— M., Alf. Erwin; Heo., Ed. Reid; Treas., Henry Darrow. R. T. or T.—S.C., Murdock Rose; Seo., J. Ylollwain. URNS & CO, MEN'S SUITS - $4.00 MEN'S SUITS - - 5.00 MEN'S SUITS - - 8.00 MENU'S SUITS, - 10.00 CALL AND SEE THEM In CROCKERY and GLASSWARE we handle the newest patterns and sell at to lowest prices, No trouble to show the BURNS CO {