HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-08-16, Page 5THE BAYFIELp ADVERTISER. VOL I—N,o6 BAYFIELD, ONT., AUGUST -16 , 1895 ()MANTIC scenery, high elevation, wide and beautiful treets, pure spring water, and an air that will in a short time restore the most depressed feelings, c3upled with un. surpassed boating accommodation, makes popu- lar among those seeking a pleasant summer resort. LOCAL NOTICES. DR. BRUCE, Dentist, Clinton, visits Bayfield professionally the first Thursday of every month PERSONALS.— Mr J. Gemeinhait was in Detroit this week on business. Mr W. Caldwell, wife and family, who have been visiting at Mr T. J. Moorehouse's, have returned to Bay City. Mrs Davidson and two children and Miss. Davidson, of Seaforth, are this week's additions to the " W idders' Din" at the White City. Mr Alex. McLeod, of Indianapolis, spent Sunday with his brother, Mr R. McLeod. Mr Herb. Calliday was down from Goderich on Sunday. His sister, Mrs A. Thompson, returned with hire to the village, after a short visit in Gode- rich. Mr H. Young, wife and family, of Clinton, spent Sunday in the village. Mrs Whitehead and the Misses Little, Clinton, were enjoying the lake breezes on Saturday. Mrs F. Fox and family are visiting at Mr Wni. Parson's, Goderich town- ship. The Misses Hyslop, of Toronto, are the guests of Miss M. Sterling, 4th con., Goderich township. . Mr and Mrs Bausiaugh,, of Seltfor h,,,, s'pentseveral days at the White City last week. Mrs Grainger, of Clinton, was visit- ing friends in town on Thursday last. Miss M. Wiltse, Clinton. and M. Miss Charlesworth, Egiuondville. are board - the mining camps of British Columbia for some nionths, returned home last week. OUR Gu "Wanderers weary, Oh, come hither Where the green plumed wlllows bend, Where the grasses never wither, Or the purling noises end." The beautiful weather of the past week has brought a number of new guests, and retained many who had intended going away. There are several weeks suitable for summer visiting left yet, and the hotels and ^ramping grounds will no doubt be kept well populated for some time. Following are the last - est arrivals :— River Hotel—J. W. Sidi pson and wife, Sam R. Monness, Dr. McLeary; Dr. Hadley Mains, London; F. J. Pridhimi, W. Davis, Goderich; Mrs Hiscocks, Griffin Hiscocks, Wingliam; F. H. Mc- Lean, Jay Farrow, Stratford; F. F. Bush, Jas. Bengough, A. Whiteside, Hensall; Mrs DIM bar, the Misses Cook, Detroit, Queens Hotel—Mr J. Keenan, Violet Keenan, Detroit; J. H. Flock, wife and child, Mrs Broderick, W. Simson, Lon- don; H. Davis, Mitchell; R. Foster, Clinton; Misses Bunn and Bean, Strat- ford. Commercial Hotel — Misses Anna, Mary and May Irwin. Miss Bessie Ross, Mr J. C. Doherty, wife and child, Clin- ton; Rev E. A. Hughes, Adelaide; Mis Chesney a.nd Geo. Gheeney,,-:Seatee,ll,..,. BREEZY BRIEFLETS. — The steam yacht, Sea King, of Goderich, was .in port on Sunday. According to the Record correspondent we have omits ted from our Village Directory the L.L.L. (which we suppose means the ing at a private residence in the ' Loyal Lodge of Liars) and its Grand village. Master—the said correspondent --we Misses Dowzer and Carter, Anna beg a most humble pardon. The guests orifi Mary Irwin, of Clinton, were the at the River Hotel had a very enioy- ,c nests of Mrs H. Grieve, of Seaforth, able evening on Thursday lass at their al Minniehaha Cottage. beach party. Reeve Burns and Billy Mr J: Thompson and Miss Olive went Sturgeon both ride a wheel now; next. to Ripley this week, the latter remain- The Bayfield boys beat the Stratford lug to visit her sister. Miss Violet campers at Kase ball on Thursday hist; Thomson returned from Ripley on score 18 to 12 with Bayfield an innings Wednesday. (to spare. The hest compliment, the Miss Mabel Newcombe, of Goderich, Tizer has received yet was the cern- is visiting Miss Clara Erwin. Mrs plaint that we had some news. in last Brydges, of Belgrave, is visiting her week too soon after it happened; it was daughter, Mrs Brandon. i too bad, indeed. Mrs T. J. Marks en - Mrs Brown, Mr and Mrs A. Scott, of tertained a number of young people Seaforth, and Miss Mills, of Stratford, are this week's visitors. Miss L. Porter, of Seaforth, is a guest at Hiawatha Cottage, the summer home of Mrs McMurray, of Clinton. tMr A. Chittenden and wife, of Sea - on Tuesday evening at ake 'ertace, her beautiful residence overlooking the lake. Revs. A. Stewart, of Clin- ton, and Wm. Graham, of St. Andrews church, exchanged pulpits on S'abbatt.h. Mr Ferrier, the Huron College student forth, spent Monday in the village. who is conducting the services at Tien - Rev. Peter Straith of Inuerkip, was ity church for the summer, delivered a guest in our village for a few days f an excellent discourse last Sabbath this week. morning. The Keach was all aglow Messrs Emerton, Holloway, Downs and Foster drove over from Clinton on Monday; the three former taking part lit the Band Concert that evening, both on the north and south sides of the river, on Thursday evening last, when the River Hotel and camp crowd were each having their beach party. while the latter remains a guest at the On the north beach a huge lire lit up Queeri's. some fifty happy faces of citizens of Zjrs Fisher and daughter, Ruby, of the White City, who were having a Kincardine, are the guests of the form- pleasant evening at the water's edge. ex.'s sister, Mrs H. W. Erwin. A stag party, composed of the young Mr Joe Grier, of Chatham, has been bloods of Clinton, ha'l a great big sail, in town during the past week.all to themselves, last Monday evening. Miss Maggie Vanstone, of Thames- , The largest hop of the season came off ford, is visiting her sister, Mrs rhos. at the River Hotel, on Wednesday King. evening; Messrs Davis and McCosh, of Mrs Beattie and Miss C. Ross, of Seaforth, were the hosts, and all visit - Clinton, spent Monday at Hiawatha ors and campers, as well as many Sea - Cottage. forth people were invited. It is ex - Miss Aggie Cash, of Seaforth, has pected that Rev A. Stewart, of Willis been the guest of the Misses Ferguson. church, Clinton, will occupy the pulpit Miss Lizzie Kennedy was in Wing: of St. Andrews church, on Sabbath haul last week, attending the wedding next, both morning and evening. At cif an aunt. the S. A. barracks, on Tuesday even - Rev. Mr Stewart, of Clinton, has ing, lime light, views were given, illus - joined his wife and family, who are trating the slum work of the Army. spending a few weeks in the invigorat- The business men played the baseball ing climate of our healthful resort. boys at cricket on Monday, the former Mr Kenny Montgomery, of South- winning; score, 95 to 74, The steam tnpton, is visiting friends here at yacht Eagle took a load to the Grand esent ; he came on a wheel. Bend one day last week; those on board v. Hugh McPherson, assistant to were mainly campers and hotel guests, . Dr. McDonald, Seaforth, and Mr and if there was a disgusted crowd it herson, of S. aaforth, spent Monday was that one— sand ! sand ! sand 1 A a.t the lake. t. Crearnore, for mealy stationed the S.A. here. is the guest of Mrs larke, Clan Gregor square. lex. Cameron, who has been in large party drove down from Goderich on Saturday evening, and had a hop Sailing Yacht at the Queens after tea; some of the party remarked that Bayfield had many more guests than Goderich this year. *N E' R EC r MMS , ���11�1111lum 1��1 �rlff C0RSEI's Ladies. when you want com- fortable, good wearing Cor- sets, buy those made by the Eastern Township Co. An assortment at various prices H. F. Edwards iVer fJoteL1-°''t Think Beautifully Situated. Overlooking the Picturesque Scenery (►f the River and Lake Huron. REFURNISHED . '1'1HtOl./C11A(IT— - Boats for guests or to rent, by the day or hour. 4 Bath Nouse wit excellent bathing grounds. Good accommodation and courteous treat meat. 4 Airy stables and obliging hostler.%%. Free conveyance to and from station %AI, First-class cuisine.ti TERMS -1$4 to $r per week ED. SWARTS, PROPRIETOR Tourists before going home 511011141 procure some of the fi>tle Bayfield views, as sou- venirs of their visit. 11 F. Edwards has a good variety BOATS BOATS ! Best boat, service in connection with Jowett's :•.'.Grove Steam Yacht and n large number of ROW BOATS rented by Ike day or week. Free entrance to Park. Good Stabling for pienicers OF COMING TO BAYFIELD Without getting yourNairCut and a Shave, At the New Barbt r Shop OPPOSITE ALBION HOTEL. Shaving done while you wait) REGULAR A free shave to -morrow. Perces R. McLEOD, City Shaving Parlor The Misses Parke FRImj0NABLE— -- DRESS & MANTLE Makers, MAIN STREET, BAYFIELD. JOHN ESSON, NOTARY PUBLIC, • COMMISSIONER FOR 'rAKING AF- FIDAVITS AND CONVEYANCER. Land, Insurance & General Agency Office. FA1tMR & TOWN LOTS FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. MONEY TO LOAN FOR SALE—$700 in Division Court Judgments —40 per cent discount for cash Louisa St. - Bi»Iicld FOR AN A 1 SUIT In Canadian, Scotch or Irish Tweed, In Black or Colored Worsted, In Black or Blue Serge, or a Fine Beaver or Melton Overcoat, go to 11. DRAMEN, . Tailor, MAIN Commercial - Hotel a THE TEMPERANCE HOUSE Open fin -Summer guests LARGE AIRY ROOMS MODERATE TERMS SPECIAL RATES FOR FAMILIEe Free carriage meets all trains GEO. ERWIN, Prop. RE STAURANT, 4-44'44Commercial Hotel Mock Choice Fruits&Confectiones Soft Drinks always cold Ice Cream Parlor LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS FRUITS & ICE CREAM supplied for partie64