Clinton New Era, 1895-08-09, Page 8aging 9, 1:$0.4",'''. "'1iue Triumph of Love I,o loopy, PrUitfnt 11Tp,rr1&ge" VVIART MAN WHO WOULD KNow THE GRAND TRUTHS; THE PLAIN FACTS; THE NEW DIs- COVERIE6 OF MEDICAL SCIENCE AS APPLIED TO MARRIED LIFE' WHO WOULD ATONE FOR FAST' 1E ORs AND AVOID FUTURE PITFALLS, 'SHOULDSECURE THE WONDERFUL ' LITTLE BOon, QALLFID" OOMPT,ETE MANHOOD AND Row TO ATTA41rXT.," "ere at last is it.'ifbr1Yiation from a high mnedioal"souraet't1Kt'must work wonders with the generation of men." The book hilly describes the method by Which to attain full vigor and manly power. A method by which to end all unnatural drains on the system. To cure nervousness, lack of self control, despondency, etc.. To exchange a jaded and worn nature for one of brightness, buoyancy and power. To care forever effects of excesses, over- work, worry,. etc,_ .. . To give full strength, development and tone to every portion and organ of the body. Age no barrier. Failure impossible. 2- 000 references. The book is purely.medioal and soientific, useless to curiosity seekers, invaluable to men only who need it. A despairing man, who had applied to ns, soon after wrote: "Well, I tell you that first day is one I'll never forget. I just bubbled with joy. I wanted to hug very body and tell them my old self had died yesterday and my new self was born to -day. Why didn't you tell me when I first wrote that I would find it this way?" And another thus: "If you dumped a cartload of gold at my feet it world not bring snob gladness into my life as your method has done." Write to the Erie Medical Company, Buffalo,N.Y., and ask for the little book •called "COMPLETE MANHOOD." Re- fer to this paper, and the company prom- ises to send the book, in sealed envelope, without any marks, and entirely free, until it is well introduced. I•tA•i�T oFCRING, SCIATICA,IHEUMATISM SG 'NEURALGIA • TAINS IN BACK O IDE •0i j ANY MUSCUTAIj VAII6 • LIES IN USING 71$EN®0ItA. •JEA1-THOL tine(vtgnocrtr . . • PLAsTERIO ,she Mr John Quincy Adams, of Niagara Falls, N. Y., took a 'header" from his bicycle and was killed. A little child of Mr Coulson's, in London, was neatly burned to death by some burning fluid thrown over it by accident. Some stables and outbuildings on the Governor -General's ranch in Brit- ish Columbia were destroyed by fire, and two horses were burned. 5 LINES ON K. AND L. r 1 find the people around here prefer Dr, Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills to any other I have in stook. They are a wonderful pill. Bend 3 dozen at once, I am nearly out. - P. S. -Send by Post, J. W. Ireland, Gour- 000k. • George:McGill, who taught school in Mitchell many years ago, was killed by a vicious bull, on his farm near Car- roll, Manitoba. He had attempted, it I supposed,' to tie up the brute when t animal turned upon him. Dr. )'i. F. Merrill. Results Astonish MEN OF SCIENCE. AVERS S parilla A MEDICINE WITHOUT AN =LI Statement of a Well Known Doctor *' Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is without an equal as a blood -purifier and Spring medicine, and Cannot have praise enough. I have watched its effects in chronic eases, where other treatment was of no avail, and have beers astonished at the results. No other blood medicine that I have ever used, and I have tried them all, is so thorough 1n its action, and effects so many permanent cures as Ayer's Sarsaparilla." -Dr. H. F. MERRILL,, Augusta, Me. Ayer's.. Sarsaparilla Admitted at the World's b'air. ,ltyer's Philo for liver and bowels. rS IT A WASTE OF TIME THE PRESIDENT OF A COLLEGE PRO- TESTS AGAINST LOVE -MAKING. Criticism of The Position ---Lovers' Can Afford to• Laugh at College Dignitaries ---The Lasaies Will Now Be Learned and Loving. It has just been reported that the presi- dent of a oollege in the United States protests against love -making on the part of women who desire to be scholars. "Love -making, love -giving, love -receiv- ing " ne says, "do not usually promote scholarship." • ^ Probably a good many other college dons. both on this side of the water and on the other, think likewise, though they do not as yet appear to have been so out- spoken on the subject; and no doubt they would have no speolal objection to apply the same to love -making on the part of men as well. If this is a speci- men of the wisdom of eminent sobolars, we may well prefer the foolishness of un- learned ordinary men and women, who find that the occupation of love -making is far too delightful and agreeable to be thus unceremoniously bustled out of the way as a thing of no account, and as a mere hindrance to more serious matters. If it comes to be a question of compari- son, love -making will, on its merits, hold its plane as a far more serious and important business than any other in- terest of life whatever. We need mit deny that there is a great amuunt of fri- volity attached to 1t, but the frivolity is mere masquerading, and net to be con- founded with the reality, which is the salt of life, the thing that gives life its 'flavor, and without which life would be but a poor, colorless, hopeless affair at best. The barefaced statement that love -mak- ing interferes either with the attainment of eminent scholarship or any other am- bition of life may be unhesitatingly given the most emphatic and unqualified denial. It may, in exceptional cases, considerably interfere with many things, even with that most important function of life. the digestion itself; but with most well- balanced, ordinarily constituted poop'', it forms rather a stimulus to well -doing, and to increased exertion in every depart- ment of activity. No doubt it is possible to trot out once more the well-worn example of great men, and especially groat scholars, who have been unfortunate in their lova affairs; but if these are viewed without prejudice, it will generally be found that these cases were failures just because of the lacking element of genuine love-nlak• ing. The wooing was either douo by proxy, or not done at all. If the learned man, absorbed in his books, took a wife on the recommendation of a friend, he has himself to thank if the marriage turned out badly. It would be a very sad thing for the race if all the mon were so fully occupied with business or study, or any pursuit whatever, that they cellild find no time to devote to the society of women; and then when they had sonlehow-for love will find out a way-eithir fallen clean head over heels into love, or Loon more moder- ately attracted, be prevented from culti- vating -ether more-- intimate acquaintance of their charmers. Tho least ardent lover would laugh to scorn any insinuation that:he was wasting tinlo in wooing, and would tell any one who said so, be he who be might, that he was an old fogy who knew nothing of what he was talk- ing about, and that time could not pos- siblik be spent to greater advantage than in "wooing a bonnie lassie," And, in truth, could it? The strong, healthy young man, free from morbid tendencies of all kinds, heart -whole until he meets his ''fate," finds in the process of courtship a whole now world of thought, feeling and experience opened to his view, and pursues the exploration of it with zest. True love -making -there Is no question here of shams, trifling, or mere flirtation -will do more to expand a man's intellectual perceptions and strengthen his character than the perusal of the whole British Museum library would do; for reading, even at its best, is something outside a man, this is a trans- formation ()Mho whole inner man. And in this connection reading 1s mentioned but as being typical of every matter in which a man may become absorbed. In truth, the time occupied in love -making is no more wasted than the time spent in eating -all of course taken in modera- tion, and it is no more necessary for any ordinary man to neglect his business or his studies for the one than the other. Then as regards the fair sox. Once upon a time -and not so long ago either -a woman who took to study was at once dubbed a "blue stocking," and con- sidered foredoomed to go through life un - wooed. We have changed all that, and now women who aspire to learning are no longer the butt of sarcasm or ridicule. They have shown that they can fairly hold their own in this Iv in most other fields they have sought to cultivate, and they are encouraged in proportion as formerly they were discouraged. It has o(late been plainly epough shown that the cultivation of scholarship is not in the least degree incompatible with the preservation of the purely feminine graces no less than of womanly dignity; and the halls of learning where the fair sox cultivate literature and science, even to the driest of the "elegies," are by no moans gloomy abodes of dull and plod- ding grinders who never lift their noses from their books. Rather are they made far brighter than those occupied by men by the sprightly wit and charming beauty of their ininatos. Yet to think that in these latter days there could be found even one of those whose real duty it is to mold the lives and the formation of character of the ris- ing generation, rather than to oram them full of ponderous loco and exploded no- tions, foolish enough to suppose that the brightest and cleverest of the sex will voluntarily shut themselves out from the full enjoyment of life, and eschew love -making, the greatest of its blessings, for the sake of learning -good as that is, but only as a means, not an end. Some may indeed be induced to do it; but these, we may certainly say, will be but few. The rest, more sodsibly, will pur- sue learning for its own sake while and as far as they may fled it satisfying, but will never consent to give up everything else for its sake, and least of all the op- portunities of loving and being loved. �I n cre.el 1 ble. First Humorist -That now man on the Blatter is writing some funny stuff, isn't he P Second Humorist (gloomily) -Yes, but confound him ho is spoiling the busi- ness. First Humorist -Flew sot aillItittattOSAittefiliti '1' H (,1`- i ."\ rf () N .1 t %V' J:; I A. ...,." .«MW Mmorwod WwWr.4-..... •Lott r+,w.rarrr. NEAR TILE DARK VALLEY A YOUNG GIRL RECUii D FROM aN EARLY GRAVE. PALE, LISTLESS AND WEAR, TUE 1rICTIM OF HACKING COUCH, SHE Wats APPARENTLY GO- ING INTO A RAPID DECLINE -A CA,aE OF DEEP INTEREST TO EVERY li(t,THEa IN THE' LAND. From the Cornwall Standard. It re now a common tnlug 111 this local- ity to hear peop'e a::knowledge the wonder- ful benefit that' base dertveu from the use of T_'r Williams' Piilk Palo. and it is not to be wondered at that the druggists find the sale of this medicine so large and yet e:on- stautly increasing We could Rive any number of leetauces of splendid results following the use of Pink Pills, but so many of these are well-knowu to many of our reeders ae to not used recapitulation However, now ••nd al;aiu a case f more than lis tai wtereet aribes; a d we will give the particulars of one of these for the bene - tit of the public at large. Some years ago a girl of 14, a daughter of Mr Leou Lore, a well-known and ree,.euttu resident of Corr - wall, began to sooa serious et' mhtutes, and caused her mother great anxiety. She was just at the oriticttl period of her life, and medical aid was called in and everythiug " Was merely a shadow of her former self' done to help her. But it appeared to be useless, and week after week she oontin ued to grow worse, until it was evident she was fast going into a decline. A hack- ing cough set in, and the poor gi;1 who was formerly plump and healthy looking, with bright rosy cheeks. began to waste away, and in a few mohths was merely a shadow of her former self. Her mother had about lost all hope of saving the young girls life, the doctors being apparently hepless to do anything to cheek the ravages of the mysterious disease. At length the moth- er's attention was directed to Dr Williams' Pink Pills, and she derided ;o give them a trial. A box was taken, and as the girl did not show any visible suns of improve- ment, ber mother was un the point of dis- continuing the medicine, wheeu a neighbor persuaded her that a single box was not a fair trial, and induced her to coutiuue the Pula. By the time the second box was completed there was some improvement noticeable and there was joy in that small household, and no more persuasion was needed to continue the treatment. The use of the Pink Pills was thea continued for some mouths, by which time the young girl had completely recovered her health and strene,'h. To day she it the sera pic- ture of health, and the colt r in Ler cheeks is as bright as it was before iter illness commenced. To those who saw her during the days of her iliuess.and suffering, he, rcoveryis tittle s}r'ori of a miracle. ''15Irs. Dore ;;ave the Standard reporter permis- s:un to publish au account of her daughter's illness and recovery. She said she cored not find words strong enough to express the gratitude fur the Miraculous cure this great life•sayirg medicine had effected in herdaush.er's case, and she hoped Ler test. imonv might be the means of leading others siulilary afflicted to gine them a trial. After writing the above, the reporter again calk i on Mrs Dore and read it to her salting her if it was ent1-ely correc`. She replied that she would like to give even stronger expression to her approeiation of this wonderful medicine. She further said that Pink Pills had greatly helped herself. She had been suffering from the effects of an attack of la grippe and the Pink Pills had restored her to health. Her daughter also expressed her gratitude for the extra- ordinary change this medicine had wrought in her health. In the case of young girls who are pale and sallow, listless, troubled with a flutter- ing ur palpitation of the heart, weak and easily tired, no time should be lost in taking a course of Dr Williams' Pink Pills, which will speedily enrich the blood, and bring a rosy glow of health to the cheeks. 1.,ese pills are a positive cure for all troubles arising from a vitiated condition of the blood or a shattered nervous system. They are a epencific for troubles peculiar to 1 males, correctiug suprressions, irregr'ar- ities, and all forms of weakness. Manrfactured by the Dr. Williams' Med- icine Co., Brockville, Ort., and Schenect- ady, N. Y., and Bold in Boxes(never in loose form by the dozen or hand -ed) at 5Ccents a a box, or six boxes for $2,50. May be had of all druggists or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company at either ad- dress. Slighted Gifts of Royalty. It must be rather distressing to royalty to see the small value set upon the gifts which it is in the habit of distributing among its friends and followers. These gifts are constantly being converted Into cash In a most public and open manner, without the slightest delicacy of restraint. Thus, at a great public auction just hold in London, there was a valuable gold - mounted and jeweled cane,which had be- longed to the late Maharajah Dhuleep Singh, and had Won presented to him by the Prince of Wales as a token of friend- ship and regard. It was but the other day that a number of vent' charming etchings, made by the Queen and the late Prince Consort 46 years ago, were presented by her Majesty and her husband to one of her former ladies-in-waiting, on whose death they wore offered for sale by the helm. The shop windows of one of the great pawnbrokers at Berlin were filled some months ago with an entire collection of valuable watches, snuff-boxes adorned with 'gems, articles of jewelry, eto., all presented by various sovereigns and royal personages to the late Count Visone, minister of the household to the King of Italy, and pledged without being redeem- ed by his ecrapgrace son, who, until the other day, was a secretary of the Italian embassy at Berlin. When Babr was reek, we gave ber Castorta. When she was a Child, she cried for Cestorta. When she bycame Mire, She clung to Castorla. When shot fled Children, she gave them Castorla. I)UN T ToaACCO SPIT Olt :'>5101ia' Yoga Lira^ AWAY. is the truthful eta>•tiing title of a book about No.'1'o-Bao, the harmless guaranteed tobac- co habit 'sure that braces up •nlcotinized nerves eliminates the nicotine poison, makes weak men gain strength, vigor and reaflbogd. Yea run no physioal gr nuan- oipl risk, as NQ-TO.iiaz} is. Bold under guarantee to pure or money refunded. Book free. Ad. Sterling Remedy Co , 374 St. Paul St., Montreal. In New York last year one out of every ten persons dying had to be buried at the expense of the public. an Ottawa despatch says that Thomas J. Waiter, who, when act- ing Commissioner of Customs was sentenced to on.e year's imprisonment for misappropriating public funds, was released Phutsday evening, after seta ing five months of his sentence. The doctorr reported that he would not live to put in the fall penalty of 12 wont hs. "Caner thou minster to a mind diseased?" asks Maolleth. Certainly , my lord; the the condition of my mind depends largely, if not solely, on the condition of the stom- ach, liver, and bowels, for all of which com- plaints Aysr's Pills are "the sovereigneet thing on earth." Win. Marshall, 79, of Chester, Pa., was married Wednesday to Minerve Cochrane, who has seen 78 summers. The coupe have been engaged for 35 years and had several previous dates fixed upon for the nuptials, but sorne- thing always interposed to prevent the ceremony. The bride was gaily attired in a gown of white silk made for her wedding on the first date set 22 years ago. September 3rd Our fall term commences Sept. 3rd,and we expect a grand class of young men alai women. Would you not like, to juin us. Can you think of a better way to spend three or four months ? Send in your name and let us tell you what we are prepared to dq for you. Central Business College, Stratford, Ont. P. McINTOSH, Principal. PERSONS TO TRAVEL WANTED — Severi.I faithful gen- tlemen and ladies to travel for an es- tablished house. SALARY 8780 and EXPENSES Position permanent if suited ; also in- crease. State reference and enclose self-addressed stamped envelope. THE NATIONAL, 315.317-318 Omaha Building, CHICAGO.' GIVES FRESH- NESS RESH- NESS AND CLEAR • SKIN, C RgS C.O N S T-l•PATI ON U INPIGESTIUN.DIZZINESso `RUPTIONS.ON THE SK!N, BEAUTIFIES tit` COMPLEXION. An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIC Sold by Druggists or sent by Mail. 95c., 50o., and 81.00 per package. Samples free. KO NO The Favorite TOOTH POWDER for the Teeth and Breath, 25c. Sold by J. H. :.OMBE. BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS CURES DYSPEPSIA, BAD BLOOD, C©NSTiPATION, KIDNEY TROUBLES, HEADACHE, BILIOUSNESS. B.B.B. unlocks all the secretions and removes all impurities from the system from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. BURDOCK PILLS act gently yet thoroughly on the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. J. C. STEVENSONJ -THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND -- EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT in STOCK ThebestEmbalming Fluldused Splendid Hearse. A. LBERTST. ,CLINTON Residence overetore OPPOSITE TOW HALL MANY PARTICULAR LADIES . Who want to look nice, feel good and make the most of themselves, find the an efficient help, for I make articles that make ladies beautiful of face and form, and healthy in body. What I do for others can be done for you.. Wb' Can't tell all about it in this advertisement. Ask ALLEN ct WILSON, Clinton,Ont.,Druggists for my book. These articles are specially goad for sum- mer use. FACE BLEACH $1 per bottle. Clears the complex- ion. You must have it if you want to get rid of freckles, moth patches, &c. POWDER -White, Flesh and Brunette, 50 cents a box. Perfection for powderiusers. VOLA MONTEZ CREME 75c. in opal jars -creates and im• proves face beauty for maid, wife cr widow. Foe to wrinkles. Mrs Nettie Harrison, Americ'i's Beauty Doctor 40 and 42 Geary St.. San Francisco. Cal. Eastern Office, Fi0W ashington Ave., Detroit, Michigan. ?OCASH GROCERY 1 THE letter G stands for GROCERIES, so do we, all the year round, and for First -Class Groceries at that. Groceries are to eat, and what Is to eat should never be tampered- with. Any article we sell is Top Quality. Buying Groceries from us insures a well supplied table, and gives yon the benefit of the lowest prices obtainable anywhere for high grade goods.' Fruit is right in line now, and yon will want ;GEM T P S Ou stook of Jars is large and the prioe is right. Farm produce taken as cash.—Telephone No. 28. OGLE COOPER & CO, Cash Grocery 1 door North cf News -Record. Red Cap !! Red Cap BINDER TWIN£ A limited quantity of the old reliable brand, only 61c. Get it at once. Full stock of Scythes, Forks and Snaths New `Ic;e H A R LA N D B B O S Cld Stand iViackayBlock o Brick Block Not 1)amaged by the Fro -t. Our Stock of Sugars were not damaged by Frost, but as the market is higher and excited, we quote no prices, but will not be undersold. Prices obtained by calling at our store, also Bargains in everything in our line In I31aek TEAS we have the Daln Kola Blend at 50cts a pc.i.nd, and the Saladr Package at 40o., best value in town. In Japans at 25 and 35 cents we beat them all. It fact no mattar what you need in our line, we guarantee to give as good quality, and ar low prices as can be got anywhere. Canned Goods of all kinds. Soap tin great variety. Hams. Bacon. Lard, Cottolene always in stock. Crockery and Glassware away dowr Give us a call and see what we can do for yon. 11UC11IURR4Y & WILTSE, NearPostOffice—CENTRAL GROCERY—Telephone 40 .• i" •� '-----MV - . farms �-ian'.I\�i� -, � ;tjmote yNems';r° 1�6r1-'^fit n . yt off - it fllrlf__ -• . 2-, J. Brunsdon & Son, LONDESBORO Agts. for all Farm Implement MASSEY-HARRIS Binders, Mowers, Drills Seeders, Cultivator, Sonifiers and all kinds of Plows Full•line of Machinery and Plow Repairs BINDER TWINE—Best brands of Twine at tom prices. A complete line of Buggies, Road Carts, Waggons Fine Buggies and Standard Waggons a specialty. Agents for Gould, Sharply & Muir Wind Mille O"UR:MOTTO-First-class work and best material; prices consistent with good articles. Prompt attentionlgiven to Repairing and all kinds of Job Work. JOHN BRUNSDON & SON, Londesboro. RUMBALL' S CIII FACTORY Huron Street, Clinton We have in stock a few Buggies and Waggons Which we guarantee to be of first -claps material and woi kmanl-hip. If you want a good article at the price of a poor ono, call and eec us. F. Ft UN/La ALL4 - - C1—A1INT TCl�T BooTs : and : SHOES! We have a large stock of Boots and Shoes bought when prices were low, and although there has been an advance in the price, we have not increased, but on the contrary, decreased the price, in order to cleat out the stock, and will give a good discount for Cash on almost every line in stock. It will pay intending purchasers to call and examine for them- selves. Any quantity of Good BUTTER in Tubs, and also Fresh EGGS wanted at highest market price. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, R ADAMS, &4QNDFSBORO R. 1