Clinton New Era, 1895-08-09, Page 3THE -BAYFIELD ADVERTISER. • V I—No 5 BAYFIELD, ONT., AUGUST 9, 1895 OMANTIC scenery, high elevation, wide and beautiful streets, pure spring water, and an air that will in a short time restore the most depressed feelings, coupled with un. surpassed boating accommodation, makes Bad -field popu- lar among those seeking a pleasant summer resort. LOCAL NOTICES, DR. BRUCE, Dentist, Clinton, visite Bayfield professionally the tirst Thurssc}ay of every month HER FAME.—A party from Bayfield was on the excursion boat hast Satur- day, going down the river from Sarnia to Detroit, when the name of their native village fell upon their ear s. The party npposite had been looking up and down the river at the beautiful returned home the end of last week on their wheels. Miss Annie Sturgeon, who has been in Clinton for some time, is house again. Mr and Mts A. Grainger, of Clinton, were visiting their old friends here on Friday. Mrs M. M. Smith, California; Miss A. M. Middleton, Mount. Pleasant, and Miss H. M. Middleton, Whitehall, Goderic•h township, and Miss C. McNaughton. of Clinton, have been the guests of AL s T. J. Marks. M. Y. McLean, M. ecenery, when one exclaimed, "This is P.P., was in town (01 Monday. The really very fine, but nowhere yet. have Misses Barr, of Seaforth, were the I seers scenery to come up to Bayfield." guests: of Miss Sparks, Bronson line, this week. D9r oht. Blair, who has In -en at, the Soo for some tune, is home again. Miss Mary Osborn returned hum London Inst week. Mr Hari y Smith, London, is a guest at Mrs Card's. Miss Robson, of Burr, return- ed home (01 Monday, :after a visit to Miss .M.:NaughLon, Front, road. Mr Ike Reid spent one day last week with friends who are summering here. Miss Free], is visiting her sister, Mrs (Rev) H; clgins, of Seaforth, at her cottage on Louisa street. Dr A. Elliott, Luck - now, and wife have been the guests of Mr and Mrs J. 1•'razer. Mr Ed. Rout- ledge, of St. Thomas, arrived here 00 a visit, 011 Saturday. Mr James Switzer and Miss Switzer, Grey township, Fred and Eva Panhale, Stephen; Mr Penfouid •and son, Stanley, wore guests at Dir Wm, 13ate's, on Sunday. Mr Win. Peck has been spending most of the past week inGoderach township. Among the transient guests at the River Hotel the past few days have been: NV. A. Hurley, London: Mr and Mrs G. Berry, D: 13. McIntosh, Lucks now; 11.11. Pierce. Toronto; John Beat- tie, If..1. Smith, 13, Geary, 11. J. Hoop- er, Brussels: J. Yule, NV. S. Welsh, 1)r J. 13. Whitely and wife, 1'. J. Pridham, W. Davis ,and .1 as. Doyle, Goderich: J. C. Miller and wife, Miss Miller, E. Mc - Luau, �lintyxa; Fred Davis, >.m.l taste rte, 5i•aforth, Miss 1)ot Fair, Clinton, spent a couple of days this week l he guest of 5liss Attie 51cl)onald. Seaforth, nl the Queens. Miss Mary 13(11,11 ie, of Brussels, is visiting friends in town. Mr Murdock lloss took 01 the excursion to Toronto (01 friday. I3itt:t•:zv' BR11 l't.l.'rs. — Mr Yeo, of lodcrich township, is having his house painted, which adds greatly to its ap- pearance. 5It .Toho Davison had his buggy la ()ken somewhat (010 day last weak, by his but se becoming frighten- ed at as passing bicycle. Mr R. Bailey is having his frame building on Delc- The Bayleldites were naturally pleased to hear this gratifying remark so Inc from home. GREAT PROGRESS. — To those who heard the Bayfield Brass Banda month ago, and then again last. week, it was a great surprise to note the wonderful progress they have made. They sere- naded on Thursday and Friday even - ins, of last, week, and Wednesday of this, and succeeded in visiting a large number of the stores and private resi- dences, as well as the hotels, cottages and camps. As we predicted, they 'were warmly received wherever they went. Their playing was good, though only a little sample of what they can do in a week or two longer practice. They are working very hard, and ex- pect to have several new pieces shortly sufficiently well up to play iu public. EXAMS.—We are pleased thIi week to give the report of the recent En- trance and School Leaving exau11ina- Lions held in Bayfield. 21 wrote, and as will be seen below, (1 of these wet e successful. Bayfield public school--- Ent.rance —Dan J. McLeod, 520, :\lex. McLeod 490, John R. Cameron, 1251. Public School Leaving— Flossie Stan - bury (182 Jessie Biggart 007. No. I Stanley—Entrance--;H en Spat ks 512 No. 3, St anley la Sccic Pti11ock l2(3, Ii: Reid L(> . life 6ifn ler account see the NEW Int.\. VVe a:,u notice. that.I. \V, Whiddon, of town, and NV. Stirling, of Gode ricli township, have passed their 3rd class exam. Oula Gu1sTs. —The past week has seen the latgest numter of guests and visitors to Bayfield that the village has ever accommodated. The three large summer hotels were filled to the doors, while many wet in })Ii \L( 1 houses. The boat to Goderich, on Wednesday, brought a large bustler more from De- troit for our popular resort. Following are a few ot the fates arrivals: River Hotel—,Mrs 5I. A. Selleck, van st reel. re -shingled. The funeral Misses Marie and Eugene tielleck, Airs of Mervin 1)avisnn, the infant (laugh - P. Dee, 51iss Jessie Dee, Miss Florence Dawson and Master Hanley Dawson, Detroit. Mrs Snow, Miss N, and Mas- ter Eddie Snow, Misses A. and 5I. Johnstone, London, Mrs (its) Gunn and family, Mr II. C. and Mrs Brewer and family, ('IinLan. Rev Mr Jic•Mil- ianaud wife, Miunico. 1, S. Miller and F. Krug, Tavistock. Rev James Le - gear and wife, and 51iss Ella Fisher, ler of Mr aand DJrs Davison, look place to the cemetery on Sunday., One of our young ruin was op before Reeve Burns, on Monday, for too severely chastising as hoy on the street; he was fined $1 and costs. The birth is an- nounced at Guelph of as son to 511 and Mrs W. 13. Bower, wlio, it will be to - membered, spent their honeymoon here last summer: the Advertiser ex- ...tnneapchs, ! Lends very hearty congratulations. A QUEEN'S HOTEL. -3. V. Golden and � small picnic party from Clinton and Miss Golden, Brantford; Alts (1)r.) Goderic•h township c.c•cupied i'rostpect Eidt, child and nurse and Miss, Stint- Park 00 Saturday. .A party of villaag- ford; Mr Beaton, London; 51iss Dot. er s 8.nc1 visitor s took as trip to (.oderic•li, Fair, Clinton; Mrs Austin, Misses Al. i Monday, on the steam yacht, Eagle, and H. Austin, Mrs Hanley, Misses upon the kindinvitaation of Mr .1oweLt. Kate and Nellie Hanley, SIr Hanley, ' Messrs .Jackson and families, of Eg- Detroit. PyatsoNAL—Mr John Stanbury and bride, of Toronto, are here at present. Mrs Peter McDonald and child. of St. left him in as precarious condition. Mr .Paul, Minn.. apse theuests of Mr and John Whidl on has some tall corn Mrs Jas. McDonald. Messrs D. 11. Mc•- glowing near his store, one stalk he In tosh and H. H. Pierce drove drown measured went 111 1), 0 in. in height; from Lucknow on Sunday; Sits Mc- this is pretty good so early in the year. Intosh and children and Miss 510111- A small picnic party from Brucetield -tush, who have been stopping art the spent Wednesday at the lake. Good Riper Hotel, returned ponce with evening 1 it you want a. copy of 1 h them 011 Monday. Miss ('.L.1' Nat- Ita.ytield Advertiser No, .,, call at any tin, President of the Ladies Bicycle of the stores; when you have read it, Club of Toronto, who has been visiting send it to come of your city friends. at her home here, ret urncd to the cit y The council meets on Monday evening, on Friday. Mr Sher hi mike of Wal- • atter as couple of months vacation in ton, was ra, visitor to our village one the state of obscurity, border ing on day lest week, Messrs J. Englehart non-existence. Seaforth and Clinton and Win. Metz, B. A., of Berlin, who gun clubs had a shoot here on Friday have been visiting at Mr F, Wild's, —the former won, 101)11(1% We, have returned hoita, after spending some weeks under canvas here. Ex -reeve Castles had as sudden attack of illness the other day, which �o U kno H. F. Edwards IS THE LEADER IN Gent's Furnishings, Straw and Felt Hats, Caps, Braces, Ties, Collars, Underwear, Fancy Top Shirts, White Shirts, -&c, Your special attention directed to our Unlaundried White Shirts at 50c, and our Laundried White Shirts at '5c. As good as you often pay $1 for Extra values in Tweed Remnants iVer Hotel. Don't Think OF COMING TO BAYFIELD Without ;ettintp�,your IlairCut •{ and a Shave, Beautifully Situated. Overlooking the Picturesque Scenery ot the River and Lake Huron. ItEFURNIS1IED •Eck, �-- 3. THROUGHOUT. ,Boats for guests or to rent by the day or hour. Bath House on excellent bathing' grounds. Good accommodation and courteous treatment. - - Iii' stables and obliging host 149..4% Free conveyance to and from station ,V4V First-class cuisine:II, TE131118--i$4 to $5 per week ED. SWARTS• PROPRIETOR Albion Hotel . Excellent : Accommodation for Summer Guests. Large, Nicely Furnished Rooms. 1JEAi)QUARTERS F013 COMMS 13 - (:IAL TRAVELLERS. First-class Table. : Every Attention. • Terms Moderate. ED. ELLIOTT, Proprietor. BOATS. BOATS I Best boat service in connection with Jowett's Grove Steam Yacht Sailing Yacht Free entrance to Park. Good Stabling for picnicers 311111 •a large liui uh -r of ItOw (COATS ranted by 1be day or week. At the New Barber Shop OPPOSITE ALBION HOTEL. Shaving done while you wait A free shave to -morrow. REouLAu PRICES It. McLEOD, City Shaving Parlor The Misses Parke FASHIONABLE DRESS & MANTLE Makers, MAIN STREET, BAYFIELD, JOHN ESSON f NOTARY PUBLIC, COMMISSIONER FOR TAKING AF- FIDAVITS AND CONVEYANCER. Lanl, Insurance & General Agency Office. FARMS & TOWN LOTS FOR SALE VERY CHEAP. MONEY TO LOAN FOR SALE—$700 in Division Court Judgments —40 per cont discount for cash Louisa St. - Bayfield FOR AN A 1 SUIT In Canadian, Scotch or Irish Tweed, In Black or Colored Worsted, In Black or Blue Serge, or a Fine Beaver or Melton Overcoat, go to 11. 1)ItAMEN, . Tailor, 'TIN Commercial - Hotel o THE TEMPERANCE HOUSE Open forSui merguests LARGE AIRY ROOMS MODERATE TERMS SPECIAL RATES Fon FAMILIES. Free carriage meets all trains GEO. ERWIN, Prop. RE STAURANT. .-->--0kCommereial Hotel Block Choice Fruits&Conlectionet Soft Drinks always cold Ice Cream Parlor LUNCHES AT ALL ROURB Fnufrs& Its CREAN supplied for parties, &c