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Clinton New Era, 1895-08-02, Page 3
at i" `McLeod's ByStem RENOVATOR tam rpm • Tested ReredIt S. '..SPECIFIC ANO ANTIDOTE or Impure, Weak ail sImpoverished a �ov fish Blood Dyspepsia, Fleein PP - Nolen i Los $ofrMemorrr yy, Bronchitis cot nsumption, Jaundice Kid ('�oly�mpption, Glall Bt<cluep, r nay and Urinary DiseIves, St. Vitus' Dance lg'9fxiale;Irregalaritie AODERI�N, DebilityONT $ORATORY, J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and: Manufaotnrer Sold in Clinton by J. U. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON BUTOHER;BHOPB • • 10* • MEREDITH MAY LEAVE' THE BENCH. 1 ^� ISOME OR THEM WEIGH AS MUCH AS —,—,----_, other means of education on successful prattle THE IIIN"TON NEW r : o E R8 ENO a MOUS WALE S. ORGANIZATION OF FARMERS. ' ,4 FEATE*E OFO* vim DAN James Mogen Spe.lui Earnelltly. 2,000 POUNDS. The development of Femora' Instttuteeand And accept a Portion° in 8uge Creatures ThAt won't Might.but 07 cal farming has proven beyond a doubt that 1, M CoiiiiBlect1ttC1I1* shop. Coves & 'WJLsoN. Subscribers dot o the tienabsnss theyhave Oatnbriuie �1tyoonduotedbyMr Jas A.Ford, and will con- tinuo the same ander their personal enpervieioc. Orders will have prompt and :afetal attention, Freak meats of all kinds will be kept in season. sold at reasonable rates and delivered anywhere In town. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS. N. WILSON CLINTON. BUSINESS. CHANGE the Dominion Cabinet • Succeeding Bowell as Premier. A. very startling rumor is beingdis. cussed at Montreal and one thahas given high hopes to those Conserva- tives who have been more or leas de- pressed since the recent Ministerial unpleasantness at Ottawa, and more especially to those who have felt all along that the discordant fires would certainly soon as Parliament burn is nr ecalled in afresh s January next.ana- "What Chief y JustiicFe nMerOedith di 'ene say if were to telae down from the bench and enter the Bowell Ministry?" a leading citizen was asked by a gentle- man high up in Conservative circles, and who is certainly in touch with the powers that be at the Dominion Cap- ital. "Splendid," was the enthusiastic re- ply. "If Meredith would adopt a fair attitude in the school question, and make one of his rattling speeches in the Commons, he would charm the French-Canadian members and save the Conservative party." The French gentleman then went on to say that it was a great mistake to suppose that the members of eHue- bechierarchy were opposed to Mr Meredith. In the first place, he said, they realize that it is none of their business, and if it were Bishop Lafieche of Three Rivers and other prelates have expressedltheir aux grvrecia- tion of the sterling q power of the ex -leader in the Ontart"b douse, and would be well satisfied to see the eloquent Chief Justice return to public life. "But what is there in the rumor?" he asked, and was given the following by the English-speaking politician: I will tell you all 1. MackenzieBawell now aoout it . You are are aware that Sir is well to do and donot need salary to keep the wolf from the doors It is most likely then thathe Hon. ir Mr Patterson will go out, Mac- kenzie relinquishes his portfolio and re- tains the Premiership. This will cre- ate a vacancy in the Ontario repre- sentation in the Cabinet, and I believe that nine out of ten of the Ontario Deputies believe that this place will be filled by Chief Justice Meredith." The gentleman who had given the above information went still further, and said: "Sir Mackenzie d I think Bowellthat Bonis o longer young, Mr Meredith, with a successful session to his credit, would certainly go to te odhe country as leader of the party, a„ me his success would be certain. "Do you think he would object to entering the Ottawa arena?" "I have reason to eel the converselieve that es would not." to be taken up again again where `p ion. ended, only olitcians are wont, and to assemble in the c'mmercial me- tropolis. THE WESTERN FAIR. C!,t ,A'S FAvoaiTE LICE STOCK Esn1BITION, The annual advsrtiseine t of the 'Western in Fan,. has been received, and appears another place in this idem. The directors are determined to give the people of the Proems? such an adva„ced and educatii,e, eiblbltion as has not been witnessed upon tue;r grounds. Ir possibleaim partienlarchange thatthe it 'shall be every p stale or worn out repetition devoidof of any but on the contrary to m formeryears, make it a live progressive show, replete with new and interesting andenand special features that are pleasing taining beoanse of their immense propor- tions and variety. The Prize List has been carefully and thoroughly revei area eg andnd amended, and is now complete haustide. The wants of the Exhibitors have been carefully studied, and concese'ons made wherever the Exhibition could be proportionately in the Prizes offered thened — liberality being do they expansion of the number and a view to the quality of the exhibits. It is therefore reasonable unusual high order and merit.ill be one of Central Butcher Shop The ons lathy undersigned nbby IMr JohnnSoraton he lately ho will carry on the same in thiPbld stand. Saha will give personal attention to all the details of the businessWto rely on eir orders being pcustomers plyand satisfactorilyailed. 81e motto is"pod meat at reasonable prices." Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &o. W. J. LAN GFORD Albert St., Clinton, ramssimmemweemaessessasssumweemmewensomea FLOUR AND FEED STORES. New Flour & Feed Store CASH AND ONE PRICE. the present day tanner requires to be a stades ll Crush theHunter—AlthoughLarge They of his work. The most suooeeeful ones aro net. Are Very Shy --How They Are Killed-•- i as a rule, those who do the greatest amo}iut of The, Walrus and the Polar Bear. es that Jams Rogers, a reeide4t et Tusonburg, Oxford New York Sun:"On the same day we killed two Aolnr hears eta St.l}3 tthew, s Co., Ont., for 46 years. has taken numerous first /eland, in$ehr,ng Sea, we bagged a wal- ,prises during the year. 4 successful, reliable rue,'' said Captain C. A. Abbey, of the man, his statement will be of interest to many : " I have suffered for eaves or eight with revenue marine, "The Corwin lay at ' anchor above Cape Upright. The two big Itching Piles ; the torture and agony I cannot here find words to'desorlba. Night atter night bear oamasses had been hoisted on board and officers and crew were exanrtning was kept awake with the painful itching. I their points and comparing their size when tried all the physicians and every known several walrus were seen hauled up on the remedy all to no account, not even relief. In rocks a mile or two away and it was de- talking over my curious trouble with Mr. Chas. terminad to try for some ivory. Thomson, our well known druggist, he reoom- "A surfboat was dispatched toward the mended Chase's Ointment. To my wonder and walrus, in charge of Pilot Douglass, with surprise, I got relief from the second applies, Surgeon Bratton, Chief Engineer Kelley, non. I firmly believe one box aulflolent to cure and six men, armed with Remington any case of Itching Piles no matter of how rifles of heavy caliber. Upon nearing long duration. I would not be without 1t for them it was found that there were seven ten times its cost. In volunteering this 'testi- in the group, averaging probably 2,000 molly and my consent for the manufacturers of pounds in weight. They were basking or Chases Ointment to use it as they with, it is resting upon a large flat ledge, round a I that like sufferers may know they can be cured." whish the sea surged and boiled, price (*cents, sold by all declare Edwin - " dangerous. son, Bates & Co., Toronto. "The walrus being very shy is apt at I Alphabetical Name. the slightest alarm to flop and roll his I ,.n alp huge and unwieldy bulk overboard, Arthur Hopper, a laundryman of Lon - huge and disapp,'ars for a long time. The utmost don, Arthur laneL has a daughter who rejoice- caution and quiet are necessary, therefore, ' gn of twee -sin given in approaching him. Accurate judgment nameeInthe,onepossesalfor every letter in the alphabet. and rapidity in firing are required to se- I This wonderful aggregation of praeno- oure a shot that shall strike the creature mens which. taken together, make the the head. The enormously thick hide ingest "given name" (names) that has manual labor, but they are fougd ranking Arlt The undersigned vicinitys thathe has opened a pform the uree ly Clinton or Y Cash Floor and Feed Store on Victoria St, near MELS, CHOP STtiF1', full stock WHEAT, deo., at the lowest living prices for Cash. Selling for Cash only I am in a position to give the veru best value for Cash or trade. Goods exchanged for grain at the high( .t market piie rice. Give ane a pall and I will do my best to outside value. Goods guaranteed oravery bre- re- ' ROLLED OATMEAL a specialty; to be had. • O. OLSON, Victoria St., Clinton Flour, Feed & Feed Store The wllrk ep one hand theto nverryabestat t he FLOUR and FEED Of all kinds also the choicest variety of Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds Which will be sold at close margins for cash. ST also kt hholee vari ty of all kinds of He which cwill also on- sumers will find to be excellent value. • J. W. HILL HURON ST., CLINTON. ue,u and heavy blubber of the walrus are al- most impenetrable to an ordinary rifle ball an unless d struck in a very . uner- O ever been bestowed neon any civilized person, is: Anna Bertha Cecelia Diana Emily Fannie Gertrude Hypathia Inez MAN ITQBA SCHOOL Look over these prices, S• Speokil quotation in obis. Selling by $ lese than wholesale priops CAST ��L! G9ODS Put up by THE BEST I'ACKi;RS. Toaa,ttoe Cora Apples,umpkine, Salmon and :Mackerel. EBS Extraordiniiry values in Japan, Black and„Green. , Good Japan only 16o a pound. Chinese Ditxture only 200 a pound. • RICE -25 pounds for $1. RAISINS -28 lb. boa for 11. PRUNES, CALI- FORNIA APRICOT and .PRACHRS Largest and best assorted stook of CROCKERY and G1•LAa8WAR)S in the oouuty Selling at close prices. Bee quality and . ice..• , J. W. Irwin, GrOcer MACKM BLOCK, - . - - CLINTON , able part, nothing short of a cannon shot Jane Kate Louise Maud Nora Ophe a is sufficient to kill one of these enormous pearl Quince Rebecca Sarah Trixy Unice pigs of the sea. Venus Winifred Xenophon Yeala Zeus "While still a oonsiderahle distance Hopper I away, the oars were taken in and the noise- les6 paddles substituted. The riflemen lay in the bow as the boat was car. fully steered toward the walrus. 'Ile surfof the ocean washed nearly up to the e beasts and tossed the boat in dangerous proximity to the rooks. Quick work was necessary in every respeot, and the situa- tion was full of danger., The only line of escape for the walrus was toward and al- most upon the boat. One blow of a flip - Coog's FlourmFeed Store BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL BINDB. • 10 pounds CJ ofel of Oatmeal for 1 b. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 18661 CAPITAL, - - 22,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,800,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLSON F. W. THOMAS,....General Manager. Notes s is- sued, Sterlingn an'd American sexchanr exchange bought and sold at lowest ocurrent deposits. nt rits. Interest al- lowed IF ARMRI . Money advanced to formes on their own note with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re- quired asIeeourity H. C. BREWER,' Manager. per or stroke of a tusk would crush the frail craft and drown the crew. Even the awash of the waves when the big animals should flounder heavily into the sea would nearly swamp the boat. Orders and in- formation were given in whispers and signs as the boat stole cautiously on, wind- ing in and out among the rocks and breakers as close as it was safe to go, Pilot Douglass, an old and experienced Arctic hunter, gave the orders: " 'Now, keep as still ouhcan. The down the minute they see us they'll rooks for the water, and your only chance of getting one is to firing as soon as they come in sight. Aim to hit them in the back of the nock. If one is wounded and stops on the rocks. try to spring on shore and finish him, hut mind you keep out of - range of his tusks and tall. He won't fight, but he'll be likely to blunder on top of you or flounder over you, and ife does there'll be nothing left where you stood but a hole. Ln -the ground.' " Slowly the bow of the boat came round the last intorveping rock close upon the walrus. The rifles were instant y raised, as good aim taken as possible. and a volley poured i;; at such heads as were vis- ible. ' 'Great Scott! What a rumpus'.' cried Kelley, as the huge masses thus sharply awakened, hewing, !tepid ng. and. grunt- ing in th' it fright, rolled, slid and tumb- led. overboard, nearly swamping the boat as they plunged into the water. One huge beast fell between the rocks and the The Reason. Mrs. Biggs --"I wonder why it is that none of the park policemen notice my children, when they aro patting Mrs. Blnn's on the head half the time.” Old Biggs (rapturously)—"Ah, yon never saw Mrs. Binn's nurse, did you?" qEO. D. MeTA.GOARTs BANKER ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A general t ansacted Business NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FARRA' & TISDALL BANKERS, CLIN1OJ7n Coxt,T Advandee aft ltheir own ow rates of interest. A general Banking Bneinese -transacted Intermit allowed on deposite. Sale Notes bcngh J. Tlh DdtLL, Mallapr Mrs. May Johnson. Ayer's Pills ~mg ' 1 weuid like to add my testimony to t' ref others who have tine,{ Ayer's Pals, and to say that I have taken them for many nears, and always derived the Lest results from their use. Effort is the fire; eftooess is the warmth that comes from it. boat causing such a lurch as nearly to Sash, Door & pitch the crew into the sea. Another came up just outside the cutter with the appar- ent intention of trying his tusks upon 1t. Quick as thought Bratton put a ball into him, when he sank and was seen no more. Six escaped, but one was left on the rooks. He was hard hit and had floundered into a cleft he, p oo away. Leaping n the rocks the hunt- ers gave him two or three more shots and be soon lay dead before them. He was so large that six of the boat's crow stood at one time inches longhand three ody. His tinches wereusks thirty in diameter. With an axe the head was sev- ered from the body, after which, there hie- ing ohope of © reappearance otherwa walrus, the boat returned to the ship. "Old voyagers in Behring Sea tell of a strange association between the walrus and the polar bear. The walrus furnishes carnivore, he principal food of this great which is his deadliest foo in fact, yet to see them together, as they frequently are en- countered, one wouldnhinu they heye fieled boon companions. Ly ioe w,togek' of walrus esill often he seen 'patches' het and with containing from thirty y, each of the groups will be found the polar bear. They all appear resting together in the haliplest sort of unity. Occasionally a walrus flops in the water and sinks leis- urely into depths,while others will be seen emerging therefrom and climbing upon the ice. and decides The hear becomes hungry he will dine with tho walrus that day. He rises on his haunches and sways heavily upon all fours.Attea yawn and a stretch he saunters to the nearest walrus and swings his powerful paw in a crushing blow upon its head, instantly killing the animal. He then proceeds leisurely to make a comfortable dinner off the unfortunate object of his selection. This performance, apparently, does not startle the others. turbed, seem - Ing They indifferent to the f icontinue to bask taseof their com- rade and awaiting their turn like stoics. The female walrus with young, however, does not tolerate the presence of the bear. She regards him with merited suspicion and promptly takes to the water with her offspring on his appearance." His Scheme. "Pah," said young Jarphley, "I've got a scheme." "Ah,what is it for, my son?" cautious- ly asked his father, "To raise money—lots of it©" enthusi- astically responded the Jarphleyei "How?" , Why, yotl get on a horse oar, and fall off and break your leg, and ma and P11 sue the company_" Fir Stomach and liver troubles, and for the mire of ex .icbc ceased ey these derangements, Ayer's Pills cannot be equaled. When k what is the bestI C-]cdy for disorders of the stomach, L1 -7a1-, or Bowels, 0m arftwer Ayr's P1114, T'yiesnv 111 iHeason they will break up 3 col,). prevent la grippe. check fever, and 'euuAta t. dire 1IVC organ.. They ars - 3 tl.lte, a id Are the best all -rennet family?meeteine I have ever IU,n•, lb — N I fA v ,[OHNRON, Sas Rider Ave., N ".t I', AVERS PILLS Waghest A'varcis at Worlc1....n* _F ir. LVera Slarnayarlliatbr the blootZ. l4 9 ITTEF 4)j CURES ZnISPEPSIAF .. BAD., OLO0D,_ CONSTIF .iiON, s�EY TROUBLES? Eik®AOIIEF . OILiOUZSTESS. 71.r. 71. trlocks all the secret ons and removes •rit..s from the system from a coxW000 the worst scrofulous sore. :,LS act gently yet S,cmach, Liver and Bowels. lind Factory fl • n c v 7•:., $Ile 1 :: S. S. COOPER Proprietor ::.:, Owing to my increasing business, I am building an extensive addition to my premises, and also patting in one of the latest improved Patent Dry Kilns, and will then be in a better position than ever to fill all orders entrusted to me. We prepare plans and estimates for all kinds of residences, and execute contracts for the same on short notice, and in a workmanlike manner. 'We manufacture to order and also carry in stook all kinds of Window Sash, Door Frames, Blinds, Lumber, Lath,interest to swhoee inte nd before sodm. Persona doing. build ugill find it to their own S S. COOPER, Clinton _3 Don't Waste Your Time Attending an inferior school, but ;ti061P-Asia N. -S ONE GIVES RELIEF. Va[llable PROPERTIES For Sale or to Rent. COMMERCIAL Hotel, Clinton. A splendid stand, where good business is done. The house has excellent accom- modation for travellers and public generally. Terme made known on application to JNO. BOSSIER, Benmiller. Also HOTEL at, Exeter North— r- Will be either sold or rente`dd. For paT Which he will riesti at prises to softt the times: In titulars apply to J. T. Benmiller. 1 addition oe this he is prepared to do all kinds of Exeter, or JOHN BOSSIER, 0net0 Horse �h^eingsandjall Custom Work. All Also, FARM of 200 ACRES— work and stook guaranteed t0 be first-olass and prices low, being lot 12, lst uon., West Nissouri, good I ,TOIL TEDFORD, Clinton soil, 146 acres cleared and in good shape of cultivation, 60 acres good beech and maple 1-41IR©111 AND BRUCE bush S Also t STILE at-the�,,.FR-ONT :.vM. The undersigned wishes to inform his many customers and friends that he has moved al his s„ New Shop on Rattenbury'Strei t Near the Market Square, where he is prepared to give his customers better accommodation than ever. I have secured the services of a good woodworker, and am prepared to do all kinds of wood -work repairing. As to the quality of work done and attention shown,itis sufficient 0 say that the old standard will be pt up. In his showrooms there will be kept a well ssorted stock of Sleighs,Cutters, Buggies, Plows, Barrows, Etc, • Canadian Business College, CHATHAM, ONT., Gives a .nock more thorough course of instruc• tion in either BUSINESS SUBJECTS or SHORT• HANDthan any of its Canadian cpontempo &ries, and is vastly more ers successful efoin pllacin+ its gra- The Earn Organ Co., of Woodstock applied to us for ledger keeper last week and Albert E. Wallace, cf Patine, a recent graduate, was plac- ed there on Monday last. We have also just been informed that Mise B. Bean, of the Shorthand dept has secured a post- tion;in the office of the "Sal n a Post. atOn '1 ues- dan we were asked to sappy y er for a leading Detroit house, but had none to send. • IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST. 3 Oolleoe For catalogue ar ddress, , Tuesday, D. MCLACHLAN, Chatham VetY Hatit t When Baby was sick. we gave her Caetorla. When she was a Child, she oiled for Castoria. When she became Mise, she clung to Castoria. When she had Children, she gave them Caetorig, FAR11I of 50 ACRE being East half of Lot No. 4, 2nd Con. of wants Loan Sb Investment Co West Nissouri. Will give party who (wants to do business a particularly good on this property. Any of the above are good investments, and all particulars can be obtained ill r application to JNO. ROSSIER, ,l eumjller Nu% eery In the system, strains the lungs and prepares a way for pneumonia, often- times consumption. PYNY -PECTORAL FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, AND ASTRACHANSPINE,H The latter of which we make a specialty. LARGE STOCK ON HAND Ths above ornamental trees and shrubbery will dIIII og n B STEAM ! TTtN68 furnished and app be sold at very lois prices, and those waurdng any of the �FteaEa AT thing in this connection will save money by par eh�r notice dialing here. Or,lrrr bu •lfait,oill he ,,r"mpttY attendrd Bollsirs, Englnee, and all kind. • Rao1.Inery repaired a*pedltloasly co. Auureaa, I and in asatisfactory wanner BENMILLER 1 Farm implements manufactured and repairer JOHN STEWART, Bream and water pampa furnished and put $ / posltipa. Dry Kilos fitted up on application Charges moderate. This (empany Ie Loaning Money to Farm Security at Lowest Tel of Intern MORTGAGES PURCHASED SAVINGS BANK BRA:fCH.. n .r ,i, 4 and 6 per Cent. Interes? Allowed or Deposita, according toamount and ti,ne left. OFFICE—Cor. Square n North St., Goderieb HORALE u OBTON Manager ROBERT DOWNS, CLINTON, Manut turer and Proprietor for the best bolt t use A ent for the sale and appli- cationENT AUTONATI0 BOILER CLEANER.I edon positively cures coughs and add) U w surprisingly short time. 1/'s'Wigs tido certainty, tried and teal. sad* Mg and healing in its aafNd. LARGE BOTTLE, ONLY 26 CINT& ViroP'P cDf-3PIraTii ii:r . The Great English Remedy'. Six Packages Guaranteed to promptly and permanently cure all forms of Nervous Weakness, Evassions,SPerm- atorrhea, Impotency and ail effects of Abuse or Excesses, Mental Worry, excessive use . 'ter: of bacco, OPfumpr Sltmu- Before and Af lents,Towhir.'soon lead to In- Jlrmtty, Insanity, Consumption and an early grave. Has years In thousands of Icases e is theen e only /Zeliab ocribed over b and Honest Medicine known. Ask druggist for Wood's Phoaphodlnei It he offers some worthless medicine In place of this, inclose price in totter, and we will send bone loin mail. Price, one package, 01; six, S 5.awes, elx wilt cure. Pamphlets free to any eddreel. . The Wood Company, Windsor, vat.. ranada. Sold in Clinton Druggists. ALLAN & WILSON, r Great : Luxury THE COILED SPRING irighrenlighting nd cooking over the Wove Wire Fencing. Wanza Lamp -� A good meal for 6 persons. Joint roasted, and ve- getables and pod ting cooked for lees than time 1 cent. All hpaunt ams ; vera {giving alone requiring no at- tention; can be aheent for two and one bours;on your return yOn will find a nice cooked dinner, and noon o odor. So many email dishes Call bey cooked over tut while y s, enjoy wat,r boiled,teasand coffee madand eggs, porridge,p desirable andak withoutan equal for the sick room or for when net used forcomlingng Lla beautiful tae baby's mpaf d the draw- ing i•a,m. 01 cat step saver, making coking a pleaettre. AGENTS WANTED—Send for oirenlars. Wanzcr Lamp and Manutacturing Com'y HAMILTON, ONT. Consumption. vstnable triodes awl two bottles Consumption. sant Wm 10 L m, ewer. 018? �rwwin, :ad ?oat 'dot r -^"r Messrs Stan ey and Steep opal agents for . the above fence, which is claimed to be MI6 : I best fencing wire manufactured of the kind Farmers intending to nee thio' fencing axe , requested to oat their posts 8JI feet longc'k STANLEY & STEEP, C5.ntOU'r For 'twenty -Five UN;: A OWO THECOOKSBEST mato Year's\