HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-07-26, Page 10e , onto Y nr r on Naos• o"' • ane atour'Smoked ONes oft sirIolted Wale b" Boots attsl Shoes at'J'AS,.' -fUielr Coleinbla lie Qeda' of,shingles, stele lo and, frglAzoo alien ri, #Wt! 111C111L, lalaJ frieadl•.,. gae was ed a Forest,;s last Thmursday, ba, in that place and C into. % resulting victory for the visitors by four 404'040e ROV NG,�•-Thedtactgts in Toronto itat thought, that Mrs Carline rwid. be ,go ~Mich improved by her tai in the hospital 'that Mr Carline oncludecl oto proceed to gngIand, and Wiled on the i3tbi� $ET EE,—M1es Tabby Cruickshank, Who put jn;tnepat year: in attendance ate the Clinton Collegiate, but who, ow- Ingo, illness, wae`prevented frontwrit- ing or Cho:examinatbon, le now domi- b;led tib flier friends:ini Sarnia, and is. .fast,; recuperakt;ng, ,A relaxation from study `producixig the desired benellciai eft ect. , �krria,mit�•u�,'�:ii)4xTRi�,—Thpb,P R., 1 tearnerAllierta,one ofthe finest equip- edboats oil' fresh water,.is now run - ng between Windsor, and Fort Will - calling. at : Sarnia and Macinac .1$44,0' 3!..on man, .Londesboro, and' her t tee children, will •take passage boat leaving Sarnia, Saturday, 3rd,, She was eketed through b i�ooper, C.P.R. agent, Clinton. LEG.4.-The`case of Stevens vs Mc- Gill, -(one of local interest,)which.was 'under Way. at the time of udge Tom's death, wasresumned before Judge Doyle on Tnesday. Considerable evidence was taken,. Mr, Campion act urg- for the de- fendant, and Meyers Scott and (farrow foYr the plaintiff?;. The casewas comple- ted'eo far' as taking evidence was con- p cernedr find argument was heard at Gfodericb'yestesday, decision being re- or F e>3 The Clinton Foundry bas beoa quiff busy lately forwarding `pha nth arch ,'reahers to the colebrate d Mon persona. In ditfareetr , arts � of tl�e 129.. mninloq. &r day Mir G. Mair, <Qoderlch township, invested in a, new one as 414 also Messrs 11i and,J.Den niet of Walton. . #4,t474nit nr rr a: -lir' .'oval. drvn, of the London 'sad, .shipp a `I consigninent'of cattle to the ol(t conn.; try en Saturda , and aceonmpanied' ;them, , Mr Gteo,. Sttanburp manes ship, •7m$nt of several. Care to the seine plate last week. Noxtweekltlr,Monteith of Stanley, will ,shipa quantity and ac, ..77-3747 ON i T �'W .Lik -,r vomtiaxey them •persol ally, 'MMPs=Several tramps were report - 4)40 last week to besleepin�g in an empty box car near the oldL„1I.& JJ,station, and giving people considerable urieasi- nese: by attempting to, enter houses;— $o a party was organized -one night last week to hunt them out, Amongdthn olice, enee and was fter they res, ned rce, and mpt- uple on - Mrs iza- bert S.s. da ery de - and the Par- om- ele- b the ~m- an uds ose gat ac- dy aTo- pu- ted ent hn of hi - ate he on the ch ed e; al e- el v; 11- 1, cI-- m is ry rbe he d x - e twenty or mare persons who joine he expedttion=were the ghiefo f P Bell ranger, Town Clerk, and Lic Insliecto, anal properly armed equipped, they started out., It none too light to see well, but a skirmishingaround for some time, returned without making any captu the tramps evidently being frighte awn by such an overwhelming fo On Wednesday Messrs Wheatley Walsh had an exciting time in atte ing to arrest or drive away a ea of these undesirable gentry. THE LATE MRS COWANS.—The M treal Star thus refers to a sister of Brewer:—The sudden death of El beth S. Parsons, wife of Mr Ro Cpwans, of this city, on board the Parisian, in Liverpool, has create wide -spread sorrow amongst a v large circle of friends to whom the ceased was endeared by her genial kindly nature. Mrs (Iowans was eldest daughter of the late E. H. sons, editor and publisher of the 0 mercial Advertiser and Evening T graph, who will be remembered many of his contemporaries as most brilliant writer, and best -info ed journalist in all Canada, a , m whose pen was mighty against fra and all kinds of humbugs, and wh influence worked for good amon oliticians everywhere. Hous of REFUGE NOTES—Contr or S. S. Cooper has got his roof rea r the slaters, who will start to -d ridgy. Messrs Hutson & Sons, of ronto, secured this contract; the re Cation of this firm, who have sia many government jobs, is a sufHci guarantee for the excellence of t work. They have done thousands dollars worth of slating for the Arc tecta; Fowler & Fowler; all the sl will be laid on tarred felt paper. T same firm will do the galvanized it work in'ccnnection with the roof. Messrs Harland Bros are making eave troughs and downspouting,whi will be of solderless-seam corrugat galvanized iron, the very best mad they will also supply the internal met ventilating pipes. Crystal & Co., God ch, have made the tanks and the ate rams for their support are on the wa e same firm have completed the bo Mr Fiddes, of Fiddes & Hogart plunmbers„ T -pronto, was: _titre .-n. W esday, in connection with the stew eating tender. Contractor McBeth II expected on the barn; the mason mpleted by Tom Walker, is a re oil job; some grading remains to ne around the barn to level t ound. The House has had a goo any visitors of late, and some of the d amusement in damaging tfie wor d making a target of the cistern an mp, which has been broken. An e ple will have to be made of some on wanton mischief is continued. NOTES.—The appeal of the Bell Tel- ephone Co. will he heard here before Jdge Doyle today. The infant son of Mr Clarence Young, of Stratford, (son- in-law of the late Mayor Muraay) was brought here for interment, Friday. Fruit is supposed to be a pretty scarce article here this year, ana so it is, but Mr W. Robb, nevertheless, gathered over forty quarts of cherries ~row his trees this year. Mr Isaac Bezzo has been seriously ill for some time, but is improving. The Lacrosse Club goes to Walkerton today. Mr Thos Rumball is riding a new cycle, Mr Riter has also invested in one. Mr PeterCantelon,sr. has been confined to his room. Mr Hoover's Little girl, who has been suf- fering from a mild form of scarlet fev- er, is getting better. Mrs Brownlee, mother of Mr Andrew Callender, died on Sunday, at London, aged 84 years. She was a former resident of Clinton. Mr and Mrs J. H. Lowery left for De- troit on their wedding tour, on Wed- nesday, and were ticketed through by Mr W W. Jackson. The two daughters of Mrs A. Ross, who are on the sick List, are improving; one of them is at Bayfield, not yet being well enough to be brought home. Mr Sid. Smith, jeweller, is laid rip with a mild attack of ty phoid fever. Mr G. E. Pay, for- merly of Clinton, has been elected No- ble (*rand of the North Bay Oddfel- lows' Lodge. Mr Arthur Couch has bought from Mr John Gairdner, of Goderich Township, a splendid tboro- bred Durham bull. Mr Arthur Oan- telon, of the Ba Reid Road, has bought a handsome Williams piano from Mr Geo. Emerson. Mr and Mrs John Gil- mour, of Stanley, will spend a couple of months visiting in Manitoba;pthey left Tuesday, and were ticketed through by A. T. Cooper, G.T.R. agent. Men are often jocularly told to "go to Hal- ifax”, but they don't always go; how- ever, Mr A.M. Todd goes to Halifax to- day. as a delegate to the Orange Grand Lodge. On Wednesday evening, while returning from Bayfield, Dr Bruce lost a valise out of his buggy, containing his instruments. The regular time of meeting of the I.O.F. was last night, (Thursday); a number from tna Man- chester court were expected to be pres- ent. The Good Tem lays purpose holding a picnic at Ba eld, on Aug. 2; the arrangements an management is in the hands of an enthusiastic com- mittee, and this will be one of the most enjoyable outings. Mr A. Turnbull, of McKillop took away a new top buggy from Rumball's Oarraige Shop, the other day; this is the fifth vehicle he has bought at the same place. Fri- day next being Civic holiday, bush e will be suspended for that day. e ageht of the Phoenix Insurance.Co as in town this week and adjusted the loss on the stable and residence of Mr 3. Medd; $140 was allowed for the barn and40 for the damage to the house. Mr Fowler, architect, to superintend- ing the im�iroveteents at the sch&d. Mr L, 14'. Appleton, of the Molson's. ,Batik, London,forreerly of't lirrtott, wilt b, transferred to f thThoinas Ina p 61t. elrved WTLLL' RE PERMANENT. — We un - r deretand that Mr' Fowler, architect, who is superintending the House of Refli e, is preparing g' P p g plane for the Blyt. School H.ofise, and also seve- ral ober buildings. We are glad that • • Mr Fowler will be able to make our totr'n his>permanent home, as we well knowthat'an' architect is a useful per- 9on in any community, for every per - n bpi}}']ding a house should have plans refulli drawn, se that they can see t what they are doing. YELLING.—The'following persons e ticketed through to their respect- ive'`destinations by Wm. Jackson, ag- ent oG ' T. R., Clinton:—Messrs Jno. ac a}ight, Jas. MacNaught, and Miss . Kennedy, for Portage La Prairie, 7llre Peter Campbell, of Stanley, for M'aioseja'tv,. MrBert-Murphy for Oxbow, S� 'W.•T,:Mr Wm. Vodden,, Hallett orn . ice; 31dii`,.Ir cert voddini AMi's Vodden, sr., of Clinton, for tevan, Assa., and Mr Jos. Inglis, for randgn, Man. a er n h sti co SHOOTING NOTES—In the CountyGun go ub contest, at Seaforth, last Friday, do iCteame competing were Seaforth, gr Clinton, Mitchell and Brussels, the cup m .yh : being won by- Seaforth by6 points.— fin Rtist agg.re- an e or the day, and Mrn Hovewon the Ed g Cantelon pu ` Ahe "'third highest. While out shooting am the other day Doc. Blackall brought if , .,ado; f, in two shots, two birds that were on the wing, broke and reloaded „his gun, and brought d,aan a third, all ,'Without taking the gun from his shoulder. IN..... ESCAPE. —Mr Will Smith, 'wife and child. of Indianapolis, who ;Spent a week visiting Mr James Smith, sand 'calling upon friends in town, re- . urned home on Monday. Previous to ;,going theydrove up to Goderich, and ~;when near• the bank of the lake there, wh re there is an • old cannon, the ho ses became frightened at the relic o .war, and made a bee line for the gel 'the precipice. Fortunately rSreith turned them shor t round just gas they were on the crumbling edge of the bank. This, movement tipped the ,occupants out vehicle'the wheels .. of which. passed 'over Mrs Smith, but . not doing ,any. serious damage to the -':'lad'y, nor" were the other occupants r ., trakeh injured. The short stop in all ,;probability raved their lives. 8AsE-BALL.—Some members of the �,,tTopwmi Council, re-inforced by several Others just as green in the art of Base Ball, played the members of the school board Friday evening. The. latter had by far the hest team, as was quickly ' 'seem . Joseph Wheatley was caatain of the Council team and Robt. Welsh at Of the school board. The latter 1st -Went to bat. After three innings dr;been played by both sides and Me remarkable play displayed, the pine declared the gaine over with a :nal score of 19 to 15 in favor of school board. The band was pre - and the largest number of spec - re that has been on the ground its ear, enjoyed the spot t. The Jun- lar. Base Ball Club was successful in its match With Blyth last Thursday, •-hie Score standing 18 to 19 in favor of •Clinton. BOTH. LAW Bi;1EAKERB. — A tramp - looking character applied at one of our licensed houses a few days ago, during Prohibited hours, for a glass of spirits, which was at first refused him But ss-the enistohe epaattlyne a -hakes ent entreaties nn of the,applicant Prevailed, and a glass was given him in the hope that it would tebins p . The imposter their cooly 0 demanded 14as a condition of his not I. i i lforeding on thevendor. The money Was refdsed, and the bonifice informed t his stoMer that be would have him pr ut'ed for making an Illegal pur- e ,,- The seallawag • vamoosed in - iter. , He was afterwards seen at fife station~ where he'ppurchased a tick- et ick- et<for Kincardine.. , Sdrnearties who were` *Ware, Of the preceding eirc'nn- statteeth :,w'ent and asked• bun if he knew' that the minions of the law were titbit:. a ata not wait fax' partl- ara, bout romped aboard the Seaforth tutlny. winch' happened to be leaving t tIieh. 1310 interrogator told him 11 'M "azo the wrong train, but his ired look told plainer than words, any train IVO better than an in- ew with one of tier Majesty's'jits- .t the Peace. arse Fashion demon Ave Or desire to save money on their dry goods purchases, have now a golden opportunity at our semi-annual stock taking sale. All summer goods must go, remnants, odds and ends; broken sizes, small quantities must ' be out when we enter stock on August 1st. We're giving values like these every day. Ladies' large Hemstitched Hankfs' 5c Ladies' Black Cotton Hose,25ckind 19c 85c Black & Cream Silk Lace Mitts 25c Children's Black Cotton Hose, two pairs for 5c Cotton . Laces at - z 2, 3, 5, 7 and 8 - Good Black Sateen Parasols - - 38c Gloria Silk Parasols, $1.80 kind $1.15 Ladies' Egyptian Yarn Vests, were 37 cents 25c Ladies' Cotton Vests 5c All wool Figured Delaines - , - 19c Black double fold Grenadine - 35c - 15c Fancy Charribrays. were 20c AnotherraLot Of Ladies' Sailor Hats is just to hand. The shapes at 25c and 50c. Estate J. HodgoosCLIN� newest ,and damp nature ]las• made,the de a i re&sonahlet We Oaf Supply the deanand' I.L.4 all R pi ieties... iii 0 •. WELL " atio lox tete besI, $oelal or • Fashionable Funeti4a$ in good qualities .. and right prices. The Will DI r Go, Fgi News Dealers and Agts. for Parker's Dye Works A SqUare Deal 1.1111111 We Close at 7 p. in., sharp, during , July and August, except Saturday Evenings -- Is what we aim to give every custo-' mer. We never recommend low -- priced goods, as we believe in the long run, the best, even though they costa little more on the scut, are°by far the cheapest. We have all kinds of Boots and Shoes Low priced goods, well worth the money we ask for them, and good goods which we guarantee to,give satisfaction. Have you given us a trial? If not why not. Special Bargains in all kinds of Tan Goods. Have yon tried our Tan Dressing? Cash & One Price CLINTON. Is a fixed point of time, established in history by the occurrence of some grand or remarkable event, ora point of time marked by an event of great subsequent influence. Thus there occurrence of our Semi- � Bargajn Annual Day . . —0.N— Saturday, N Saturday, July 27, Will be looked upon by hundreds of shrewd buyers in Clinton and vicinity, as the fixed point or remarkable event in the history of low prices in the Clothing business. Everybody is more or less in- terested in the prices of Clothing because everybody is forced to wear the same. The following prices will interest hundreds to the purchasing point, as has been the case In every previous sale day held by us. Our reason foroffering these low prices is that we have found this method to be the best for cleaning out odd ends of stock and at the same time giving the public an opportunity of laying in a stock. of Clothing at prices the equal of which for lowness of amount comes only twice a year and these offers are given only by JACKSON BROS. Note the prices good for July 27, only. No goods let out on approval. Everything sold for Cash. Men's $10 Suits at $6, . Men's $3 Pants at $2.00 Men's $7 Suits at $4.50, Men's $2 Pants at $1.25 Boys' Suits from $5 to $7, (long and short Pants at $4 Boys' Suits from $3.50 to $5 at $3, $2.50 to $3.50 at $2 Men's $1.50 Wool Pants at $1. Overalls 1-5 or 20 per c.ofl 40 Children's Suits, age 5 to 9 years, at half regular price Men's White Vests from $1.25 to $2.50 at hall price Men's Summer Coats and Vests and odd Coats half price 111 our Mens' and Boys' Straw Hats at half regular price About 20 doz. Meng' and Boys' Flannelette Shirts at 171e. each or two for 35e 3 lines of Ties at 15e, 20c, and 25c. Special values. A number of other lines, such as Summer Underclothing Shirts, etc., at extremely low prices, whieh • space does not permit us to enumerate. JACKSO IS:Ro.T.0.--ott.0,,,, J e, BARGAIN DAYS IN . MILLINERY .� Friday, . 19 SaturdayA When we will ober all our Ladies' and STRAW Children's .HATS Regardless of former price or cost at the small price of 25c. Saturday will be the special Bargain Day, not only in Millinery, but in Dress Goods, Prints and Summer Stuffs, Ladies' and Children's Gloves. Hosiery and Vests, and all Summer lines of Goods. Don't forget the days are Friday and Saturday, July 19, and 20, and the place is Beesley's two Stores. C' The Ladies Favorite £1t*blIshrn n fjh,kvion ittoOt ilk __ `»- -mom ",ra+mss.-�. i''•. w M• •� . : t,