HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-07-26, Page 8• 'run (Jed 'VON ELR�Y' AVE- CO WITH BEEP, IRON and WINE. . POUN A NEW AND WONDERFUL BLOOD PUEIFIEII AND NERVE TONIC, Iiontaina no Injurious Drugs 1 Every ingredient is a Health Builder, Certain and Permanent Relief is guaranteed iu oases of Con- etipation, Dyspepeia, Nervousness, All Weetkuesses,Bleod and Skin Diseases. It ie based on Glycerine instead of Alcohol. For Pro - 4A duping. Soft, Clear Skin and Bright Complexion and Relieving all ills Peouliar to Women it is Unsurpassed. gold al ALLEN 8a WILSON'S Drug Store, Clinton. Be certain to. get "MA N LEY'S." Take No other Sirang., bit True The child that cannot igest milk can digest Cod-liver Oil as it is pre- pared in Scott's Emul- sion. Careful scientific tests have proven it to be i ,ore easily digested than milk, butter, or any other fat. That is the reason why ' puny, 'sickly chil- d:e n, and thin, emaciated r reel anaemic persons grow lie hey so rapidly on Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil and IIypophosphites -w1 en their ordinary food Cues not nourish them. Don't t persuaded to accept a substitute! Scott & Bovine, flellsrine. 50c. and $L, A COSTLY ERROR. The want of punctuation in tele- grame has sometimes been followed by serious complications. A notable case occured some time back, when a certain nobleman, while at his home in London, despatched a wire to a cele- bratedEdinburgh physician, the fav- orite doctor 'of his wife, Almost imm- ediately following the despatch of this telegram, another followed it, stating that the doctor would not be required, in the following terms: "Don't come. Toe late!" The telegraphist made the message! "Don't come too late."1 The medical man, constructing this as urging him, to the greatest haste, arrived at London, claimed his fee and expenses, amounting to £200 and, by legal proceedings, obtained that sum, Tit -Bits. WADES THE WORLD QVER- Enernrons Variation,' From ponatry to Country and $tats to State. It is popularly supposed that the tin - mutable law of supply and demand oper- ating through a country mal;;es the wages for the same labor uniform in every part of it, as a dearth of labor in any one place cannot be of long duration while men ore employed elsewhere. A reoent eupple- mentary bulletin of the manufactures of the United States, however, shews - this general view to be false. In Colerado the average yearly earnings of an employe of a manufacturing company was $720; in Montana, $722; in Nevada, $718, and in Wyoming,$788. In the States where col- ored labor is abundant the total average earnings are much less. In Alabama the average is $878; in Mississippi, $910, in North Carolina, $218; Georgia, $807, and in South Carolina, $287., In New York the average is WO; ; in Pennsylvania, $492 ; in Ohio, $479, and in Massachusetts, $494. When it is considered to what extent female and child labor enter into the fac- tory operations in New York the figures are surprisingly high. The total wages paid in New York manufacturing enter- prises amount in ordinary years to $500,- 000,000. England stands at the head in Europe as the best market for labor. Scotland and France are a little behind her. Then there is a heavy drop until Austria, the Netherlands, and Belgium are reached; the scale goes still lower in Germany, whore the rate is the same as in Ireland. Spain, Sweden, Russia and Italy follow here in the order given. Accord- ing to the table of Bodio, an Italian au- thority, g1a4eblowers are the best paid mechanics in Italy, and papermakers the poorest. The rate of wages in Italy, low as it is now, was still lower twenty-five years ago. In England the increase of, wages has been about twenty per cent. in twenty-five years. A French bricklayer now gots fifty per cent. more wages than was paid for his work in France forty years ago. REDUCED TO A SHADOW. SAVED BY A STRAWBERRY EX- TRACT. Gentlemen, —Feeling it my duty to give you an unsolicited testimony for the direct benefit I have received in my family from the use of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, let me say that while we re- sided at Fenwick, Ont., my little daughter had an attack of Dysentery or Bloody Flux, by which she was reduced to a mere sha- dow and became quite helpless. Fortun- ately my family physioian advised the use of Dr Fowlers Extract of Wild Strawberry, as he neither had or knew anything bet- ter for this dreadful disease, and therefore we gave it an impartial trial. I am happy to say that less than a quarter of a bottle _Snail@od t... heft ow o f blood a nd clots to cease, _.. and the child promptly recovered We al- ways have had Extract of Cherry in the house to be ready for emergencies common to children in summer from the effects of fruits, etc. I would just as soon think of losing my right eye as being deprived of Dr Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. This is a testimony' of thanks for the un- told benefit myself and family have receiv- ed from this great remedy. Mas W. H. GaanOLL, St. David's, Ont., formerly of Hamilton, Ont. A Bedside Dialogue. "Why oughtn't I to kill a fly?" "Because God made it." "He made boars, too, didn't he?" "0; yes.,, "You said las' night it was right to kill bears. Why?" "Because bears might eat people." He shook his yellow curls out of his eyes. "Yes, but—mamma! Don't bears havo to eat?'' "Not people, dear." "What else, then?" "I'm—not—sure." "Is God sorry when bears is killed?" "No, it is bedtime, Gerald." "Why ain't God sorry?" Because bears have not souls." "What is souls?" "A—a spirit that God are spirits God makes." "Did he make 'oo one?" Rev. Canon Green's son Ricbard of Or. illia was drowned. Col Henderson, City Solicitor and Treas- urer of Belleville, dropped dead in his office. RELIEF LS nix HOURS—Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the "Great South American Kidney Cure." This now remedy is a great surprise and delight on accountEof its,exoeeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder. kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages is male or female. It re - Reece retention of water and pain in passing it, almost immediately. Sold by WATTS & CO Archbishop Langevin expressed himself in an interview at Montreal as opposed to any compromise on the school question. The Belgium Government is reported to purpose giving Canadian Cattle another chance by authorizing some trial ship- ments. Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam cures coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, tightness of the cheat, and all throat and lung troubles. Summer coughs are more dangerous than winter coughs. Among the notable defeats in the elec- tions in Britain is that of Keir Hardie,who was famous as a labour leader in the last House. A few days ago Mrs. Coombs was mur- dered at Plaistow, an eastern suburb of London, by her two sons, aged thirteen and eleven, because she had whipped the young- er of them. The boys stabbed her to death while she was asleep. "Have tried others, but like Ayer's beat" is the statement made over and over again by those who testify to benefit derived from the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Disease never had a greater enemy than this power- ful blood -purifier. It makes the weak strong. Recorder Goff, of New York, sentenced Maria Barberi, who murdered her lover Crr"talod, to die in the electric chair during the week beginning August 19. If the sen- tence is carried out, she will be the first woman to undergo execution by electricity. 1.. You (ANT Gore SLEEP �N CHURCH 1P YOU'VE 40T A BAD COUGH, A quick PiCaen'r for An obs,' i nee (ough.coid No orsinn$ Bhonchifet i� „Yes No One to Dq'the Work. Hames (the polittotan)--"Hors's a pretty-messi I've been invited to prepare a speech on the financial question for the residents of my district." TWs—" Well, why don't you go ahead and prepare it?" Hames—"I can't. My private secretary says he doesn't konw anything about the subject." A Paying Business. Dreamt eigh—" Hullo, Skeamlelgh 1 You look quite prospnous. What are you working at these days?" Skeamleigh—"Getting up sensations for New York preaohers." rhere are e5 landowners in France to one in England. A GREAT DISCOY_EIT Fast . . Diamond Dyes ...' For Cotton' and4 Mixed Goods! creates—souls The Only Com. thte Des e Market on that Make Fast and Unfading Colors. The Fast Diamond Dyes for Cotton and Mixed Goods(12 colors) are triumphs of science. They are new and im- portant discover. les, controlled by Diamond Dyes, and are found in no other package dyes. They will color more goods than other package dyes, and make colors that are absolutely fast to light and washing. Be sure that you get Fast Dia mond Dyes for Cotton and Mixed Goods, as they excel all others. Sold everywhere. t•"Dlrectton Book sod forty samples or colored cloth free. Wr.LLs..t RrcaAavdoi'f CO., Montreal, P.Q.: '' ., T An meP "Yes. It is time for bpd." "An' he didn't make the bears none?" "No. Let mamma undress you." "Wes, but—mamma! ain't there any other weason its right to kill bears?" "We do not need bears. "Wonder why God makes em' then." He mused a while. "It's right for people to kill boars, for bears ain't got enny souls? An' God never made 'em enny? Does God think.that's right?" "0 yea." Gerald thought it over. Then he re- marked: "What a funny God!" Ten minutes elapsed. The small philogopher had been 'wriggling out of his knickerbock- ers and into his nightgown. "Wes, but—mamma! What do day have to eat in hebben?" "1—never heard." 44- 'Cos if dey ain't got custard pies as good as yours I'd redder stay here." "Kiss mamma good -night Gerald." "Wes, but—mammal Why did God make horseflies?' "I —don't know." "Fore horseflies, eats ten yfbby files a minute. Did God make de horseflies to eat de yfbby files, or de yfbby flies for de horse -flies to eat?" "I'm not sure." "'Yes, but, mammal What do God look like?" "I never saw him." ' O, wes 'oo did! When he was makin' , 'oo—don't 'oo member?" "No, I—yon must keep still, Gerald, 1f you want to stay down." "But when I 'tay up I 'tay down. I 'ony want to 'toy up. But when I do dot I 'tay down." "It's bedtime. Good -night, Gerald." "Wes, but—mammal" "Good -night!" " W ee—but—" "Good -night I" "Wes—but--" TO GET RICH QUICKLY. r.. ,W E R A Put Vour,'ewes X41 gut Placa, We presume than some ptop10 th#nkc Ap newspaper then are perstetont done. Lott a farmer place himself'in a similar bust, noes poeitten and see if be would do the. same. Suppose he raises a crop of 1,,0Q0 bushels of wheat,and his neighbor would come to buy a bushel and the price was only the small sum of two dollars or less and the neighbor says: "1 w111 pay you, the bum in a very few days •" As the farmer don't want to bo small In the matter he says "aU right." Others Donde in the same way, until the whole of the 1,000 bushels are gone out to one thousand different persons, and not one of•the purchasers oonoorna himself about it, for it is a small account he owes the farmers, and, of course, that oould not help him any. He does not realize that the farmer has frittered away hie orop of wheat in tittle dibbles and that he is fearfully embarrassed in hie business beoause bis debtors treat it as a little mat- ter. But if all would pay him promptly (whloh they could do as well as not) it would be a very large amount indeed to the farmer and would enable him to carry on his business without difficulty. Far From Universal Peace. There is a rebellion in Macedonia; an insurrection is going on in Cuba; a oonfliot between French and Brealllan citizens has taken place on the Tr antler of Frenob Guiana; Bulgaria is preparing to avenge a raid into her territory by Turkish ir- regulars' a French expedition is engaged in an attempt to conquer Madagascar,and in three months, wolf Informed officials believe, Russia and Japan will be at war. The year of universal peace is nob yet in sight, uotwithetanding the modern in- ventions whloh havo mads war so terribly destructive of human life. A<tOH VALUATION "If there was only one bottle of Hag - yard's Yellow Oil in Manitoba I would give one hundred for it," writes Philip H. Brant, of Monteith, Manitoba, after hav- ing used it for a severe wound and for frozen fingers. with as he says, "astonish- ing good; esults." A Christian Act. There was a pretty touch of courtesy in a Brooklyn church on a recent Sunday. After the service began some late comers, evidently strangers, were shown, other seats being occupied, to the very front pow. There were four of them and they scrupulously followed the routine of wor- ship, rising and remaining seated, as they noticed those around them doing At the hymn before the sermon, having stood during the singing of all the others, they rose as well. It is the custom of the con- gregation, however, to sit, for this hymn, and the four stood alone when the first note was struck. Only for a few seconds, for a young woman, a church mombor, who saw the mistake, rose to her feet to share the situation with them. An old gentleman just behind her followed suit, another at his side joined the standers, and in less than a minute the entire con- gregation was on its feet, put there by the quick tact of ono young woman. And the strangers never knew they had blunder- ed. Some Sound Advice for Young Men Going Into Business. Among the answers received by the Bos- ton Globo recently to the question, " What is the quickest way to got rich?" was the following from Hon. Elijah A. Morse, M. C., of Massachusetts. ' ` 'What is the quickest way to get rich?' I undersand your inquiry to curie from a young person in the morningIn of life, just starting..nut_for himself in tihy world and dependent upon his own rosoure,•s. Thu'}.. first requisite of success is to establish a reputation for integrity and good charac- ter. And these qualifications must be sup• plemented by ability, industry aiid perse- verance in overcoming untoward obstacles and untoward circumstances. And as a rule in this favored land of ours these quali- fications carry in their hand the prestige of victory and success. "Many young persons enter life with a fear that they will not be appreciated. They couldn't make a greater mistake. I tell you, young man, they will size you up about right, and you will pass for about what you are. I said in addressing the pupils of the Roxbury Latin school a few days since that I didn't underestimate the fact that it was a good thing to be born well; but if I am addressing persons of humble birth and untoward circum- stances, if you have the qualities I have mentioned as essential to success, you can rise above the circumstances of your birth. "Do you want illustrations'' Abraham Lincoln was a rail splitter, Andrew John- son was a Kentucky tailor, Henry Wilson was a Natick cobbler, James A. Garfield drove a horse on a towpath, Nathaniel P. Banks was a bobbin boy In a factory. "Do you want similar illustrations in bluenose life of men who have risen from poverty to affluence? George W. Childs was a newsboy on the street when young, George Peabody was a store boy, Elias Howe, the inventor of the sewing machine, was a poor mechanic in Cambridge, and died worth millions, and what 1s of more consequence, ho died acknowledged in every land and clime a benefactor of his race; Singer, the inventor ofthe lockstttch. was a poor mechanic in Bridgeport, and while working on his invention he only allowed himself one meal a day and four hours a night sleep; John Roach, who as a shipbuilder and master mechanic, rvao to stand on the highest pinnacle of world- ly honor and fame,camo to this country a ragged, bare-footed, homeless, friendless Irish boy. "1 have seen young men who thought they could play Jekyll and Hyde, and ride in the smoking aar and drink some, and swear some,and go to questionable places, and the people wouldn't know it. Young man, yon are mistaken; read the ques- tions thgt the Boston banks ask about a young man who is seeking a situation. Young man, paring woman, a good char- acter, yes, and a clean, religious life, good habits, no drink,no tobacco, no cigarettes, are the foundation stones of success in business. "My son, with all thy getting, get nderstonding, get wisdom - (Heavenly wisdom), the merchandise whereof is bele ter than the merchandlse of silver,and the gain thereof than mere gold. 'Finally and lastly, in this favored land of ours, above all others, is it true "that there is no royal road to learning (and wealth), and that honor and shame from no condition rise.' Young man, young woman, set your mark high, enter upon its pursuits at once, persevere." COLD iN-THE HEAD AND HOW TO CURE IT. One of the most unpleasant and danger- ous maladies that afflicts Canadiang at this °cation is cold in the head. Unpleasant, because of the dull, heavy heaeaohe, in- flammed nostrils and other disagreeable symptoms accompanying it; and danger- ous, because if neglected it develops into catarrh, with its disagreeable hawking and spitting. foul breath frequent loss of taste and smell, and in many cases ultimately developing into consumption. Nasal Balm is the only,:remedy yet discovered that will instantly relieve cold in the head and cures in a few applications, while its faithfnl nse will effectually eradicate the worst case of catarrh. Capt. D. H. Lyon, president of the C.P.R. Car Ferry, Prescott, Ont., says —"I used Nasal Balm for a prolonged case of cold in the head. Two applications ef- fected a care in less than 24 hours. I would not take 5100 for my bottle of Nasal Balm, if I could not replace it." Sold by all dealers, or sent by mail postpaid at 60 cents per bottle, by addressing G. T. Ful - fcrd&Co., Montreal. A Kankakee man tried to drown a cat by wading out into the river and gutting it un- der water. The oat came back, but the man took cramps and was drowned. $1,175,750 is the sum of the claims filled against the city of Chicago, for damages to the"destrnetion of property during the Debs riots. Had not the federal authori- ties acted so quickly as they did the claims would probably linve been very muoh great- er. nr-. abbr.. . Are GET THE BEST. The nnhlin are ton intelligent to purobase a worthless article a second time, on the contrary they want the beet! Physicians are virtually unanimous in saying Soott's Emulsion is the beat form of Cod Livor Oil. Children Cry for Pitcher'R Caetorlas. lei AYER'S Fair VIGOR Restores natural color to the hair, and also prevents it falling out. Mrs. H. W. Fenwick, of Digby, N. S., says : "A little more than two years ago my heir began to tarn gray and fall out. _ A f- ril ,a :ieti'' ter the .�•....... - _. use of one bottle of Ayer's Hair Vigor my hair was restored to its original color and ceased failing 001. An oenasional application has since kept t{te hair in good condition."—Mrs. H. F. FENWIUK, Digby, N. S. Growth of Hair. " Eight years ago, I had the varin- lni,i, and lost my hair, which previ- ously was quite abundant. I tried a variety of preparations, but with - oat boneticial result, ti,l 1 began to fear I should be permanently bald. Aboutix months ago, my husbauii brought home a bottle of Ayer's Ilair Vigor, and I began at once t., use it. In a short time, new hair began to appear, and there is now every prospect of as thick a growth of hair as before my illness." — Mrs. A. WEBER, Polymnia tit., New Orleans, La. ii AYER'S HAIR VIGOR PREPARED BY OR. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U .S. A. Ayer's Pills entre'.'L.• - I.rca,t:, he. 8RI'STOL'S I PILLS Cure Biliousness, Sick Head- ache, Dyspepsia, Sluggish Liver and all Stomach Troubles. for Infants and Cil Hdre . OTH ERS, Do -You Know tutz�. Bateman's Drope, Godfrey's Cordial, many wee -tilted Soothing 8yrus most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine Do Ton Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic) pelotas t Do Yon Know that in most countries druggists are not permitted to dell narcoi without labeling them poisons ? Do Yon Know that you should not permit any medicine to be given your cl'"s unless you or your physician know of what it is composed t Do Ton Know that Castorla is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a tab of its ingredients is published with every bottle? Do Yon Know that Cantoria is the prescription of the famouit De Samuel Pitcher. 'That it has been in use for nearly thirty yearn, and that more Cadtoria 15 now solid than of all other remedies for children combined ? Do Ton Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of ether countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and nus assigns to use the wont a Castoria,"and its formula, and that to imitate them is a tato prison offense I Do Yon Hnow that one of the reasons for granting this government protecttonwal because Castorla had been proven to be absolutely harmless? Do Yon Know that 35 average doses of Castoria are furnished for 3K lents, or one cent a dose! Do Yon Know that when possessed of this perfect preparationk your children >1 lis kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest t Well, these throne are worth knowing. They are sada. The fao-aimile signature of its on every wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. nommemilmossmommaimmmmimmillmilms Cuts; Scratches, a �;,►S�� �1�� �: 5prairs, and all pains, external or internal, are instant- ly relieved by PERRY DAVIS' Pain Killer. Thla old remedy 1s known used and sold everywhere. actat.nd keep it by you. • U BRISTOL'S I PILLS Are Purely Vegetable, elegantly Sugar -Coated, and do not gripe or sicken. [BRISTOL'Ss PILLS Act gently but promptly and thoroughly. "The safest family medicine." All Druggists keep BRISTOL'S PILLS othing.'..for Spnn. READY TO WEAR . MEN'S SUITS7 The best value inithe trade. $3.5(3 to $5 per Suit ROBT. COATS & SON CLINTON HUB GROCERY As regular as the seasons; as steady as the Polar star, as constant as the compass. The finality of our goods do not change; we huy the hest in the market. We have a big stock of WOODEN WARE. If you need a Washtub, a Pail, a Broom, a Mop or Scrub brush, it will pay you to call. TEAS_We have the finest of Ceyluns, Japans, the hest that can he had in the market. Ben Hur, Bee Brand, Monsoon, Maravilla COFFEE—Bedroom h nou. Ground, leads them all. Take a look at our window for a (.71-Y;O SWALLOW, Clinton S'TR2CTLY_ C AB H After the 1st of Fehr Lary, I will sell for Cash or its equivalent—feeling as- sured it will he the most satisfactory to all. It will enable me to huy my goods to better advantage. and conse- quently will sell at a closer !margin, giving my customers the benefit. Thanking my customers and Patrons for the liberal support extended to me in the past, 1 respectfully solicit a con- tinuance of your favor, feeling assured that the Cash System, being .the true principle, will recommend itself to all right thinking people. The Crown Blend and Russian Blend—We direct your attention to those high grade Indian and Ceylon Blends. I have had the exclusive sale of these Teas with most gratifying results; nothing but high grade Teas are used in these blends; ask for these and take no ether; get sample. Solo agent for Sailor Boy orand Japan Tea, 30o., 4lb for 51. Special value in all Teas. Fresh Lake Herring, Boneless Codfish Fresh Haddook,Finan Haddin, CannedFieb Cannel Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, Flour Oatmeal, &o. Bargains in Crookery,Ohins Glassware, Dinner, and Toilet Sots, oto. Produce token as Cash. N. .')BSON, - Clinton 1