HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-07-26, Page 4THE BAYFII:LD ADVERTISER OUR. FIRST ExotIANGEL—The Adver- tiser felt quite honored the other even- ing by rbceivin a copy of the Strat- ford Herald. This was our first ex- change, and we can assure the editor of the Herald that the Bayfield people will see to it that he has a good time , when he and his party pitch their tents here for a holiday sojourn. GM GUESTS.— "Are they not all proofs That man immured in cities still retains His inborn inextinguishable thirst for rural scenes." As we predicted last week, a large number of visitors have arrived during the past few days, and many more are expected. Those who are here seem to be enjoying themselves splendidly, and are highly delighted with both the place and the accommodation. Some of the guests have their carriages with them, and do a great deal of driving, while others spend their time at boat- ing, fishing, bathing or tennis playing. The following are a few of those who registered at the different hotels during the past week:— Commercial Hotel—Mr Gowanlock, Mrs Chesney, Mr and Mrs McMichael, of Seaforth; Mr Lough, wife and daugh- ter, Clinton; Rev Colin Fletcher, wife and. niece, of Thames road, Mrs Fletch- er and daughter, Hamilton. Queen's Hotel—Miss Austin, Miss H. Austin, Miss Flynn, Detroit; Mrs Bea- ton, Mr Wm. Beaton, Miss Dineen and Miss Whately, London; Mr S. Smith, Toronto; Messrs W. Stoneman, R. Babb and P. Baker, Mitchell; Rev Dr McDonald and wife, and Miss Allie Mc- Donald, Mr Wilson (of Lumsden & Wilson)) wife, son and two daughters, Seaforth. River Hotel.—J. T. Merritt, Miss Clara M, Johnson, London: Geo. Gra- ham, A. D. McLean. Miss McLean, R. S. Dickson, F. Wright, Ed. J. Parr,W. W. McVicar, E. H. Bird, Thos. Swarts, J. W. Smith, J. A. Reid, John Knox, J. Armstrong, Goderich; Robt. Downs, W. Holloway, L. Kennedy, J. B. Rum - ball, Thos. Jackson, jr., Misses Keane and Dowzer, Geo. Emerson, F. Beattie and G. A. Stewart, Clinton; George M. Baldwin, A. J. Bright, W. D. McLean, H. G. McCosh, F. Davis, H. G. Watson, H. R. Colbert, Wm. Ament, W. W. Irving, L, G. Kruse, J. Sutherland, W. R. Jackson, Seaforth; A. Wright, H. R. Neild, F. Yeandle, A. B. McDonald, J. N. Cook, Stratford; T. G. Wood- maney andwife, Norfolk, Ohio. PERSONA. -Miss N. ' McHardy, Of Olinton;who-is-stopping at the Queen's Hotel, returned to the Hub for a cou- ple of days this week. Amongst the visitors at Minne-ha-ha Cottage, the summer residence of Messrs Bruce and McMurray, during the past week were Miss Kay, Detroit; Miss Murray, Kin- cardine; Misses Irwin and Kaine, and Messrs J. B. Runiball, T. Jackson, jr., and G. F. Emerson, Clinton; Messrs Fitzgerald, Triern, McCosh and Davis, Seaforth; H. Read, Crews and Misses Couch and Gibbings, Clinton. Mrs H, W. Irwin is visiting friends in Stanley this week. Mr W. Dowson and wife, of Hay, were visiting the latter's mo- ther, Mrs Peck, last week. Messrs T. Trow,. of Stratford, and W. Baker, of Seaforth, who are resorting here, took a drive to Grand Bend on Monday; in their estimation our low sandy sister resort is not to be compared with Bay- field. Messrs McPhail and Pickard, of Porter's Hill, were basking in the sun- beams on Hayfield's breezy banks on Sunday. Miss Hagan, of Hill's Green, was a guest at the home of her uncle, Mr F. Wild, Sauble line. Miss Annie Erwin is home from London at present. Mrs Ross, of Clinton, who has been here for a week or two, has returned home. Mise Nora Ferguson returned home from Detroit on Monday evening, after en extended visit. Mrs Black: burn and children, London, who have been at the Commercial Hotel for the past month, returned home this week; they expect to return later in the sear son. Rev J. T. Kerrin,wife and family, of Mitchell, are the guests of Mr Parke, front road; Mr Kerrin is here for the benefit of his health. Mr G. Emerson, of Clinton, was here on Monday on bi- cycle business. Mr J. McMurray and Dr T. C. Bruce, of Clinton, are spend- ing this week with their families at their cottage. Mrs Jas. McDonald and son, of Wal -Kington, D. C., are the guests of the former's father-in-law, Mr James McDonald. Rural Dean Hodgins and family, Seaforth, have taken the cottage on Lorisa street, owned by Mrs Rutledge; Seaforth pee,- ple seem to appreciate Bayfield as a summer resort. Mr Henry Brandon, of Belgrave, is visiting his nephew, Mr J. W. Brandon. Miss Lottie Martin arrived home, on Saturday from To- ronto, and will spend the week here. Dr Chas. Logan, of the American Soo, who has been recuperating at home for the past few weeks, has returned to his professional duties. Miss Anna Ross, Clinton, is the guest of her aunt, Mm. • Campbell, Keith Crescent. Dr Watt, of Minnesota, was in tc wn one day this week calling on his old friend, Mr John Esson. Mrs Greer and two daughters, of Cleveland, arrived on Thursday, to speed a few weeks in Ontario's famous resort; they are visit- ing Mrs Martin. Mr R. McLeod, our popular band master, was called to London on Thursday evening, on ac- count of the serious illness of his father. Mr Robt. Gibbings, wife and family, of Hullett, spent a couple of days last week, holidaying at the lake, as guests at the residence of Dr Stanbury. Mrs Johns, of Clinton, Was visiting Mrs Harrison, Sauble line, last week. Miss Tiffany, of Ewa -Yea cottage, was the guest of Mrs Harold Southam, London, over Sunday. Mr T. C. Ballantyne, of Hensall, accompanied by his mother and sister, spent a few days last.week, the guests of Mrs Harrison, Sauble line. Mrs McDermid and granddaugh- ter, of Seaforth, have been visiting at the home of Mr Arch. Galbraith, Front road. F. W. Stephen, a young bneinens man of Berlin, died on Friday of inflammation of the bowels. IIe leaves a widow and three little girls. BUTCHER SHOP The undersigned is now prepared to furnish the public with Fresh Meats at reasonable prices. N.B.—Our waggon will call every morning J. W. BRANDON, - Main St. East FOR AN A 1 SUIT In Canadian, Scotch or Irish Tweed, In Black or Colored Worsted, In Black or Blue Serge, or a Fine Beaver or Melton Overcoat, go to H. DRAMEN, . Tailor, WIN deer '-s 444-S irr?n er 'Hotel Bayheld's Popular Sommer Resort. Everything about the hotel Is new and fitted for the accommoda- tion of a large number of guests A broad double verandah runs round two sides of the house, mak- ing a -.„sl and pleasant resting place. Lawn Tennis Court and Bath House for use of visitors. Choice Liquors and Cigars, and good stabling iu connection. Free carriage meets all trains. Rates and full information on application. JAMES POLLOCK, PROPRIETOR Flu plenieilt to the Clinton Now Era The Farmer's Store. Doo= •--;- We keep a choice line of Groceries. A good stock of Flour . and Feed Complete assort- Fresh Canned ment of Boots Meats and Fruits and Shoes. for Picnicers. JOHN WHIDDON Main Street West DoYou want 2 Save Money THEN DEAL AT H. F. EDWARDS TOWELLING, 4, 8, 9, 10 and 12 cents.. FLANNELETTES 5, 8 and 10 eta PRINTS 5 7, 8, 10 and 12,} cents MUSLINS and CHALLIES 6 Dents WIDE APRON GINGHAM ... .10 cents WOOL DELAINE, good value at 36oents, only 25 eents 20 per Dent off PARASOLS STRAW RATS at CLEARING PRICES We have the best values in FACTORY COTTONS, 3i, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 10 cents. See them and yon will be convinced that they are the cheapest and best. MILK! : MILK! Fresh Milk, Buttermilk and Crean Delivered anywhere in the village or neighborhood every horning and evening. CAMPERS oan be supplied with Vege- tables and general farm produce at re- gular prices Watch .for—the .Bayfield Dairy, WM. BATES, - Proprietor. . Albion Hotel . Excellent : Accommodation for Summer Guests. Large, Nicely Furnished Rooms. HEADQUARTERS FOR COMMER- CIAL TRAVELLERS. First-class Table. • : Every Attention. Terms Moderate. ED. ELLIOTT, Proprietor. Do you!! ' Lake want a sail, Huron? THE DAUNTLESS, A snug Yacht, managed by a jA sailor of fifteen years experience is now prepared for excursions' on the lake any hour of the day, or by moonlight. special Rates to parties on application to Murdock Ross, VictoriaSt. Boots and Shoes Made and Repaired. Workmanship Neat and Fxecution Prompt. WM. WHIDDON, Oommpced iifotei Ladies' Attention MISS M, WHIDDON, BAY FIELD'S EXPERT DRESS AND MANTLEMAKER. TAILOR SYSTEM USED Anne St., next to Methodist Church. BURNS & CO: - FOR CROCKERY Gopmercial - Hole! THE TEHPIRANCE HOUSE Open forSummer guest - LARGE AIRY ROOMS MODERATE TERMS SPECIAL RATER FOR FAMILIE 1 Free carriage mete all trains GEC. ERWIN, ProT RE STAURANZ". Yu../1,V••14/ •WWN.✓w,....-..-W.J.J..r.J Commercial Hotel Blot is Choice Fruits&Conlcctionel y Soft Drinks always cold Ice Cream Parlor LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS: -1 Fume & Ica Cowl 'applied for parties, ..to