HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-07-19, Page 6tory
Vog tilha eA.'ixbi Trv4s Q '
,mean ?Audiles,
oda x4.14, x D nnaidxvnn solo:muss
V1 ;_, PlOtTlt'0: , PeaiiaH ' an , eTO
all017e" x, hT !Sr Oarfa4/* a, ' lrioa Tamar
ftRifixx .Hien WAIT * W
{ Dan glttoorsormir Mono= •
F Cllr 'tbC Qtt1'ina itiZen,
`Terex*die #here ono healthier ,pople on
►fa contxngnt. of I.i'atoelaqu%a la than a of Mer-
of ilia p eturesq
e ; splinted! an/,.the Y„1lRideau l in {,�river,
as in the wise prep lffia ss
ken by'ite inhabitants in warding
f din
timelY .ties . of proPer }
t favpxltl its I?t`i Williams, Pink
, mai!' axe the stirn rrsel ondent
+�. l six vh1tues. `?cur p4
away last Galled at the residence at
dMrsl . astoo and;interviewed their
•1 y fr 2OEwho ie known nto
•isle of 20 yearns, restored
v 411 , d iiias,lleeii,
Al use of Pink Pills.'•Yes,"
.,. ff'{ d ,. gretrt dews but I am
thli ul ilia =i ttni errors more restored
helilth, portals
o tave no idea lsand feel thataeverything
to it is to be
f lea thus pour
ln}1iie a future is about to -slip fonmdoom.
en and an early grave to be Y
rWalt taken ill four years ago with troubles
,eCtiliar to inViex' acid which hoe hurried
m*nye a` youii .-Nie aaia to her;
early`grave. ,1 havtatakeli in abent twenty
bolter of Pink Pills, and I am only too glad
to let the world know what these wonder.
fnl'little pellets have done for me, hoping
thAA li alltheregaa1 wasto young woman
heneilted ae I Wee.. when sixteen
stirs of lige I began to grow pale and weak,
$ndisl a 4y thdught I was going into deolino.
hie atibleot to fainting .spells and
!Webs Mild become. nneonacioue. lay
ength idually deore'ased an a li became so
ug A ele-
entia �atet3ltb.&t'Iwas Simply
teh+ l4 ,,' bl(1q'd seemed to turn to water
end my face was a color of a corpse. I had
tried different kinds of medicines', but they
did me no good. I Was at last oonfined to
i;tiy room: for several menthe and recovery
Was given up. At last a friend strongly
urged the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
'toad after using a few boxes I began to grow
,.'slightly stronger, I continued their use nn-
`ti1:I had used°about twelve boxes, when I
found myself restored to health. I now
quit tieing the pilin far six montes. I never
felt better in my life. Then I began to
feel that Iwas not as regular aa I should be
and to feel the old tired feeling once more
earning on, Once more 1 resorted to Pink-
;Pille, and by the time I had
d . keep used
sixI boxes
I found my health fully ed
a box by me nd ocoasionly wbeirI feel any
symptoms a return of the old trouble,
I take a few and 1 am all right again. I
words of sufficient weight to ea
No swan I}os,t Could )viva in the Whirl,
In 4 zosito.strow" Oft the Norwegian
Voast,but a Ship Might Fara Through—
Not as lead as DeplotedYa Story.
One again a. legend of romance has
been torn to shreds at the hands of soi-
enoe, atattleniolishe bby ta e wink of romt of
eftiher4 rf shutte.
the Neriaggfan e The old
coast, 011e of the harpvt-
ing rut 400ts of the school of romenotsts
and tale -tellers, exists no longer a a e -
girds ilia) Imrr B Imaginative havethat .been
A daring
F'renohman skimmed across Its aurins
the other day in a basket that swung a
bundted`feet below the car of a balloon,
ands suspended ' 'twixt heaven and the
torrent, unconcernedly took instantane-
ous photographs of the whirlpool's seeth-
ing 'waves.
He found that, after all, the ab ssttihm
was not the frightful watery
tradition and folk lore had been depict-
ing tt for centuries. Down to his little
basket, o§oiilating to and.fro, almost
within reach of the stnpP s n of where no
felt no fear. There,
mq>rtal nian had over been before, the
flret on earth to see the whirlpool of the
world as it really was, he leaned, and he
has brought back
undying lens, that the gmaelstrom is sim-
ply a succession and conglomeration of
torrents,, eddies and currents in which no
finiall boat could live, but through
any large vessel, properly
pass to safety.
A more important apiece of news, a
more valuable bit of contribution
day -book of science,
given out. One by one the old myths of
the world, dating batik to the timewhnd
fairies, elves and goblins, gods
demons, giants, satyrs and pigmies were
belived in, are being disproved by care-
ful investigation. The tradition of the
maelstrom is the latest to go.
To explore the waste of untamable
waters, by hanging over them in a fragile
basket, swinging by slight cables from
a balloon car, is a plan that would only
have suggested itself to a man immersed.
in modern 80101100 and willing to p
his theories by risking his life for them.
That is exactly what the Frenchman
Castellani did when he journeyed up to
Norway, and stationing his .friend, La-
truffo, an experienced aeronaut, in the
ballon oar, himself, s rai0. hod,o
barked in the tiny camera
the balloon to be loosened and Latruff
to direct its course from the little fishing
village on one of the isles of Loffoden
across the "Meek Ther passage tin lower
!eland of gores
midair, with the basket at times but a
hundred feet above the surface of the
seething waters, took scarcely an
but this time was sufficient to provethe
real terrors of the maelstrom to h
been a fairy tale and to make Castellani
a Stanley of the sea.
His life was in his hands as he swung
in his cradle jest above the towering bil-
lows, leaning over the edge with an in-
souciance that was sublime, snap.shotting
meanwhile- rift be had~ beer e' Off a ten-
nis field. The day was dark and the sky
was lowering. The sea was just at the
end of a tempest from tho northwest that
bad lashed it into fury twenty-four hours
before, and the mountainous billow had
not yet subsided, Such was the exact
condition of affairs that Castellani wish-
, His project was to take the mael-
strom at as near its worst as possible,
and he ventured out witli balloon at
the first moment the winds w would allow
him an opportunity of guidance.
As it was, the frail airship came very
near being blown out to sea by the veer-
ing currents which renderedaerialy the
gation almost impracticable.Latruffe, saved
skill of the aeronaut,
them. With the balloon they had brought
carboys of acid and a complete e holo
t of
instruments to make the gas,
apparatus weighing nearly 8.000 kilo-
grammes or four long tons,
gr duple
being equal to 2.67 pounds.
made their famous trip on April 26, and
arrived in Paris on May 10. The half
dozen photographs obtained were taken
on the moat sensitive plates known to the
camera world, and despite the fogs,
mists and the cloudy sky, Castellani
obtained pictures that are fit to have
high ranking in sea photography, and be-
sides athe most
that exist in specimens
the world
to-day'h the air is all
This expedition throng
the more wonderful and remarkable when
it comes to bo recalled that the slightest
misadventure would have resulted in Cas-
tellant's death. It was infinitely e for hazardous than ballooning prop
balloon is at the mercy of the air currents
alone. Down to his little basket Castel -
tont was at the a mercy
feet in wtaves
ba s
well. A drop of
loon, which might readily have been
caused by the striking of a new current,
a sudden changing of wind or a thousand
and one chances, would have plunged
him into the trough of the whirl, and
torn his basket from its cables as easily
as a woman snaps a bit of thread. For
tomblike as the maelstrom really is, as
Castellani's close view of it has proved, in
comparison with the yarns that skilled
romancers have spun, it is a sufficiently
terrible sea and sufficiently oruel and
The Trade in Sawdust.
In New York City there aro about five
hundred venders of sawdust, having a
capital of $200,000 invested and doing a
business of $2,000.000 annually. Forty
years ago the mills were glad to have
sawdust carried away; twenty-five years
ago 1t could be bought for fifty cents a
load ; noW It brings $3.80 a load at the
mills. It is used at hotels, eating -
houses, groceries and other busineee
over floors
places. It is wet and spreadAssns
in order to make the sweeping
work. Plumbers use it a groat deal about
pipes and buildings to deaden the walls
and floors. Soda -Water Men and packers
of glass and small articles of every kind
use it and dolls are stuffed with it. Yel-
low pine makes the best sawdust, as it is
the least dusty and has a pungent, heal-
thy smell. But any light wood will do.
Blaok-walnut sawdust will not sell, and
is burned.
rr FIE '
vivo, uottunurota.
A litho auiaaettlgotof Ave . the pn leWho been
iistenlog e and ACC
undrumas of the older children, seemed
et last to divine them method
their eouoon
struotled, ?d4'' Otter
"W,hat could you get on a vary high,
steep naouutalAY"
The; . answers were lora, snow, rooks,
theles' neons and
shook her head.
the little one p
When asked to tell the answer she`trium-
pbantly cried, "Nothing I"
,But why ?" asked the others, h3 a
"Because you couldn't get up there
after it " was the demure, reply.
>Eaeh to His Trade,
Kullack, the famous pianist, wag once
invited to dinner by a wealthy Berliner,
who was the had been a shoewner of a gmeaker iot n his
ime. After the repast Kullack was re-
quested to play something, and he con-
sented. Not long afterwards the virtuoso
invited.theboot manufacturer, and after
dinner handed him a pair of old boots.
"What am I to do with these?" inquired
the rich man.
With a genial smile, Ku laokeplli after
"Why the other day you
' dinner to make a little music for you, and
E0. h to his trade,mend
' a Musik eboots for me.
rVby 110watt Trrit lue.
hfCastione—S0 YOU aro d
that r. A,tI th O , are yen? Nowo
rota, honeetlY, what nail you see in him
that dietbigpisliee hint from ell the other
men in the world whom yen have ever
Mies Pass`e's with unlooked-for frank -
cannot fii,.
fy appreciation of the won
,4; ative qualities of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pilin and sincerely hope that all, who are
afflicted as I was will give them a trial and
I am certain they will find renewed health.
The faots above related are
ng gids juat
nt to
parents as there are many yovng
into womanhood whose condition
isatti"tif^9 tlitj.least, Meteoritical
than their
parents imagine. ahoompxionspale
and waxy in appearance, with
heart palpitation, head aches, shortness of
breath, on the slightest exercise, faintness
v ably lead
,grave unless
variably lead to a premature
prompt stens etre taken to bring about a
natural condition of health, In this emer-
gency no remedy yet discovered can supply
the place of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, which
build anew the blood,
dd, strengthen
gthh no the
and restore the glow
sallow cheeks. They are certain cure for
all troubles peculiar to the female system,
young or old.
Rev Emerson Bristol, of the Hamil-
ton Conference, better known as Elder
Bristol, of the former M. E. Church,
now superannuated, died at the resi-
dence of his son-in-law, Rev E. L. Cle-
ment, Tilsonburg. Mr Bristol has two
sons in the Methodist ministry, one sett!
Arkona, the other at Lynden. He 'Lc
82 years of age. s;>+
To make your business pay, good health
is a primo factor. To secure good health,
the blood should be kept pure and vigorous
b %he use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. BnWhen
t e vital fluid is impure and sluggish,
ss-be-*,ertfter health, strength, nor ambi-
At Elmira, -on Thursday, while a
number of men were engaged in rais-
1 ing a barn at James Longman's,,le h
con., Peel township. Mr Peter
ming, a highly respected farmer in the
neighborhood, fell from the top of the
building,a distance of abouttwenty
feet, striking his head on a piece
timber, and was almost instantly killed.
He leaves a wife and large family of
young children to mourn his loss.
nese)_fle asked rte to be his wife.
se Sudden,
Snibley (ole the ocean liner)—Wha# you
rOuro tto,NewYerk,wbat wouldyntiimat
like to become engagedint
May (sweetly) --In July, thanks!
fiQtitlulr at Ail. �T
lllett8-^^vat's /31ollaon doing noWt
( tlletts—Se isn't doing` auythtug.
ge's get a government position, 4,, -
With the Dear Girls.
Mabel—How lovely of you to recognize
me at once when you haven't seen me for
over three years!
Maude (with charming amiability) --oh,
I knew you the minute I laid eyes on your
_ . No Familiarity There.
Mrs. Blues—Do you have to treat your
cook as if she were a member of your fam-
ily P no! We have to
Mrs. Grey—Goodness,
bo very kind and polite to her.—Oakland 1
(Cal.) Times.
Mexico eaves n CatioVisitors.
ns oApril—Ber-
Two countries are to hold world's fairs
in 1806 --one in the old world and one in
the new. To Americans, the iuternational
exhibition of industries and fine arts,
which is to be opened under
the shain dow
of theCastle of Chtal of Mexico, April 2,
milese of the cap
will be the more
interesting, especinext year, ally from a commercial
point of view.
Mexico, under the
ortua oinreeant
Diaz, has had the opp resources
few years to cultivate the great
of the republic, and is now looking for
purchasers of her products, as well as for
bidding for the sale of things she needs.
She wants many things in return for her
cereals and fruits, coffee and cotton. She
wants agricultural machinery and tools,
equipment of all kinds for her railroads,
machinery to develop her mines, printing
presses, books and paper, pianos, canned
meats and the thousands of things which
the United States has to sell, and which
this country, through its advantages of
neighborhood, should furnish with more
benefit to herself than any other nation.
The exposition is to be a pe
colony. The Mexican government will
admit free all material and machinery to
be used in the construction of exposition
buildings. The railroads and steamship
companies will charge less than half the
regular tariff on freight sent to the exposi-
tion. All goods and articles
i freed, d for
it will be admittedpractically
I being
Ignacio Bejar-
imported as in bond. Sig. g
the official mayor of the federal
egoxornment, is•acting. as-dlreetor general;,
and the local directory includes some of
the most prominent men of the city and
the republic. In this country California,
Oregon, Nebraska, Kentucky and Iowa
have already appointed state commission-
ers to look after their interests, and Chi-
cago bas lost no time in organizing a stock
company to build the exposition palaces.
'Berlin will also hold an industrial ex-
position next year. The managers, hav-
ing issued their invitations, are now en-
gaged in looking after the comfort of ex-
pected visitors, and, having control of the
prices to be charged in the restaurants,
have arranged matters so that all who
come can find good entertainment, accord-
ing to their means. One of the features
will be the sports exhibition. There will
be a great display of fireartw, showing
their biatorical development,' nd a mus-
eum of rare objects of the
hh will and
ing trophies. A dog show
and competitive trials of guns.
Cures Rheumatism, Gout,
SciSpres, and all ca, $Eruptions.ia, la,
Cures Liver, Stomach and
Kidney Troubles, and Cleanses
the Blood of all Impurities.
Cures Old Chronic Cases where
all other remedies fail.
Be sure and ask your Druggist for
,nn i HEPATIC WAt':
Wox ieA, hildren, Teachers, Scholars,
Thiners, Lawyers, Merchants, all buai'
ness',mer to enjoy good health and per-
form their work must have liver and
stomach in good condition. One halt
the misery of life is caused by liver and
stomach troubles. If you are a sufferer
know that
Allen & Wilson sell HepaticWafers.
$1 pays for one months' treatment, Only 3 to d months' treatment necessary.
ID ekk inadditiontake a SerditzPowdeafter r or Cit ate Magnesia.
ast or on retiring at night
Once a we
Mrs NettieoCle&t Gearyd 42
St., San FanisscCal. O1U o, 5?W as40 h ugton
Ave., Detroit, Michigan.
Ga 't :i6 .i.c6''h !y . rt �:.`4, 7 4
THE letter G stands for GROCERIES, so do we, all the year round,
and for First -Claes Groceries at that. Groceries are to eat, and what
is to eat should never be tampered with. Any article we sell is Top
Quality. Buying Groceries from tie insures a well supplied table, and
gives you the benefit of the lowest prices obtainable anywhere for high.
grade goods.
Fruit is right in now, and you will want
1V.L V S
f r
Our stock of Jars is large and the pride is right,
A� Common
Permanently Cured by Taking
WANTED— Several faithful gen-
tlemen and ladies to travel for an es-
' Position permaf4Il4'if suited' also in-
crease, Stag k f l'e>li d envelope. nd enclose
self•tl ddreeaeil. stamp41.01,siebtai,invhendieg,0 r0010.
find all Summer Complaints and Fiuxes of the
Bowels. it is safe and reliable for
Children or Adults.
For Sale Iry ril Dealers.
VERS SarS�- l
"I was afflicted for eight years with ;8ait
Rheum. During that time, 1 tried ;i grout
many medicines which were highly rec-
ommended, but none gave me relief, I
partlla, bylast
afriend d who told me that^I
must purchase six bottles and use theca
according to directions. I yielded to M3
persuasion, bought the six bottles; an,1
took the contents of three of these btt-
ties without noticing any direct benefit.
Be Ladwee nished the fourth bottle,
ns were
Farm produce taken as cash.—Telephone No. 248.
Cash Grocery 1 door North of News.Record.
Free from Eruptions
as ever they were. My business, which
is that of a cab -driver, requires me to
be out in cold and wet weather, often
without gloves, and the trouble has
never returned -" a1
&tratford, Ont.
Ayes-s-M-Sarsaparil1a .
Admitted at the World's Fair. +e e
dyer'd Pills Cleanse the Bowels.
Colonel of Many Regiment..
The Prince of Wales ' is the greatest
colonel, in a numerical sense, the world
has ever nothing of his
honor'arygtol noloieno in foreign armies,
besides tfie leadership et the Blucher
Hussars, he is the colonel of no fewer
Ghats sixteen vigi:defite in hie royal
q,other's ettalei
arra )1,t1.w..
Great : Luxury
, // fit
/1/�'r l/ll
/ /often bring coughs and colds,
fiammationk ofthe
s all lc.
tubes, throat or chest. No un-
certainty. Relieves, soothes,
heals promptly.
A Large Bottle for 25 Cents.
ed Cap ti Red Cap
A limited quantity of the old reliable brand, only 61c.
Get it at once. Full stock of Scythes, Forks and SnathsCid stand
Brick Block
i Iaokay.Block
qi' IS
& NINE E L0.1 11D.
of Damaged by the Front.
Our Stock of Sugars were riot damaged by Frost, but as the market is higher
and excited, we quote no prides, but will not be undersold.
Prices obtained by calling at our store, also Bargains in everything in our line
In Black TEAS we have the Dain Kola Blend at beets a pound, and the Salad*
fact no matter what yen nneed in our Hoe, e in town. In we guarantee ans at 25 to give as gag35 cents we a a qualityt them , and ae
low prices ascan adgot , Cottolenooalways inrdstGoods
ck. d Crockery kinds.
and Glassware great
Hams, Bacon.
Give ns a call and see what we can do for yon.
Stratford, a c
ABOUT good bookkeeper
FALL. every day
Let you how we can
work and catalogue.
For summer use
In lighting and
cooking over the
WHAT You are thinking of tak-
ingommercial course.
want to become a
or an
expertlehorthander. Per
practical edu-
cation. You want to begin about Sep-
tember. us show
help you. Write us for samples of
W r
P. MCINTOSH, Principal.
hats you don't want to be
ither but want a good
IM10I V RREi 1 & f;7 1 L 1SE a
NearPostOftice—CENTRAL GROCERY—Telephone 40
Waxer Lamp
A good meal for
8 persons. Joint
roasted, and ve-
getables and end
ding cooked for
less than 1 cent.
All put in same
time giving ase•
'sere letting alone
requiring no no
tention; can be
absent for two
and ono bours;on
your return you
will find a nice cooked dinner, and no odor.
So many smyall (lehee can be cooked over it
white you porridghee,
water boiled,uch etea -and coffee
wade, steak broiled, eta., make the lamp very
desirable and without an equal for the sick room
or for warming the baby's food, and when not
used for cooking a beautiful lamp for the draw-
ing Worn.Great step savor, making cooking a
pleaA'4 ENTS WA.NTEg111—Send for eiroiilars.
Wafer Lamp aid Matmtaotormg Com'y
trAMtt foil,AT.
a Loa,
ThebeatEmbalming 1+ luiduaed
Splendid Hearse.
Residence overatore
orroSY2"St TOW !AI
Adams' Empori uni
For Men's, Youths' and Children. They are splendid value.
Special value in BOOTS, SHOE'S and RUBBERS. A large line of Tan Shoes,
hite ire and Collins
Patent Twist. Field and Garden Seeds of estt quality. Black 'WSpecia
l value in Sugar,
Tea and every line of Groceries. Produce taken in exchange.
3. Brunsdon & San
ys� +l*" ti-'. LONDESBORO
„ ��i� Vie Agta, for all Farm Implement
�` MASeeder3ARRIS Binders, Mowers, Drills
Seeders, Cultivators, Senfilors and
f�,r „ 4 1) .r all kinds of Plots
N� A lr�;y�! l �pa��'�' ! .:± p tiy. Full line of > achtnerY and Plow Repairs
BINDER TWINE—Best brands of Twine
,,amP.m- ^ 'M at low prices. A complete line of
, 4
'"'yr "
di a.
Buggles,Road Carts, -Waggons
Fine Baggiesa andepeoialtY Standard Waggons
� � ii \► ` „� 'f%""`.'"�^�d^^�/,
eats for Gould, Sharply dMuir
Wind Mills
OUR MOTTO—First•claes work and boot material;
prices consistent with good articles.
attention R & SON
°gail ,e
s of Job Work,
JOHNUNSDON Londesboro.
A,.n.,,M.n.AN.,,n A..,,... A)•.1.. /•«',N '.'
ter N~
iia chef aint+rh