HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-07-19, Page 517' 740717-90tirrvr THE CLINTON NEW ..ERS . Flail leo We sell the Best WATCHES CLOCKS JEWELERY SILVERWARE • J. B. RU M BALL Watchmaker,, Jeweler, &c., TelephoneExchange .. Excelled by None . . Our Baking Powder Is surpassed by none. It contains nothing that is hurtful or injurious. It is always fresh, as we make it every week. Our sales are steadily increasing. We have never had a customer complain of it. It is much cheaper than any other as it takes less of it for the same results. Everybody likes it who tries it. We guarantee it in every way. We sell any quantity. Pride 2bo a lb. Come to us for Fly Poison, Sticky Fly Paper, Root Beer, Etc. We have a large stook. J. E. HOVEY. Dispensing Chemist, - Clinton. Sterling SILVER NOVELTIES Ladies' Belts, Belt Pins,"Shirt Waist Setts, Leong Watch Chains, Brooches, Stick ;Pins,&c•, In great vi.riety. Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks and Jewelery at H. JACKSON'S, THE JEWELER, ANOTHER LOT THIS WEEK Pure : Paris : Green 25 cents a pound. No -To -bac, Little Tangleloot, Lane's Family Medicine Dunlop's Corn Cure. • CH EMIST and DRUGGIST, PHYSICIANS SUPPLIES, ETC. SALE7ti\': We will, during the remainder of this season, sell all MILLINERYI At a big sacrifice to clear, aswe do not want to carry over any lines of this spring and summer's buying. We :have so far had an exceptionally large boniness, the best we have ever had in Millinery; still we have yet a large stock of Hats, Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Etc., Etc. Which we are bound to clear out before the season closes. If you have not got a hat or want another, Dome ana see us, we will give you what you want at your own price. Come quick while the stock is well assorted. Plumsteel & Gibbings, CLINTON SOME LEFT TET. ■ WE RAVE SOME Ends of Siunnier ,u Many of them dark colors but , li,t weigl others both light colors .and lightweight• ,, all very seasonable and desiarehle. but All must be Cleared alit once We will not allow anything to stand in the wa way of the . people getting real well serveta when they buy here. Our very best service at their disposal, and this store's very best arid; closest prices are their's too, and we want you to know it. GIY..ROY Bc WISE1VLAN. CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon The death of Francis Clark, the success - Thursday, July 18, 1895. Wheat, spring 0 80 a 0 80 Wheat, fall 0 80 a 0 80 Oats, 0 34 a 0 85 Barley 0 45 a 0 50 Peas 0 55 a 0 60 Flour per owt 2 50 a 2 75 Park 6 50 a 5 50 Butter ., 0 12 a 0 12 Eggsper doz 0 9 a 0 09 Potatoes 0 40 a 0 45 Hay, New and Old 6 OD a 800 Sheeepskins 0 25 a 0 30 No. 1 Trimmed Hides 4 00 a 4 25 Wool dash 0 18 trade 20 THE MONTREAL CATTLE MARKET The long looked for improvement of the live stock situation has so far failed to ma- terialize. Cables from the other side to- day were about as disoonraging as they possibly could ke, and there seems to be no check to the losses which are being sustain- ed. A private message from Liverpool read:—"Beet cattle in Liverpool, 5td to5id and in London 51d to 5ad, supplies heavy; demand slow." There were about 500 herd of cattle, 250 calves and 400 sheep and lambs offered for sale at the East End Abbatoir to -day. The attendance of butobere was not large and trade in cattle was exceeding dull,with low prices prevailing all round. The best grass fed cattle sold at front 3 f to 30 per lb. and choice stall -fed steers were held at 5o per lb. but none of the butchers care to go so high. Pretty good stock sold at from 24 to 3.0. and dry cows at from 2a to3c per lb with some of the leaner beasts at about 2c do. Calves were lea. numerous than they hav"e been lately and brought slightly high- er rates, good calves selling at from $5 to$8 each, and common ones at from $2.5Oto $4.50 each. There was an improvement in the prides of sheep and lambs as the enpply was rather small. Shippers are paying about 3f c per Ib for good large sheep and others sell at from 2}c to 3i c per lb. Good lambs sell at from $3 to nearly $4 each or from 4i.o to 4ic per lb; common lambs sell at from $2 to $2 87 each. Fat hogs have been advancing in price of late; fed hogs sell at from 4ko to 4ac per lb, and those just dome in the care bring is more eer Ib. A CRUEL AND FIENDISH MIDSUMMER MONSTER. Always Conquered and Ban- ished by Paine's Cel- ery Compound. or of John Brown, the Queen's Scotch gillie who was carried off by a cancer on July7, is keenly regretted by the Queen and her household. Clark spent 25 years in the service of the Queen: Niagara Falls is one of the few towns in the Dominion that has apparently not been affeoted by the depression. The census taken little more than a week ago ebowe that the population is 4,515, an inorease of 1,166 since 1891, or 35 per cent. On Monday night, while M. Stambulofl, (((ex -Premier of Balgaria, was driving home from Sophia, he was attacked by a number of men and repeatedly stabbed. It is not expected that he will recover. The police are believed to have been in the conspiracy to murder the Bulgarian statesmaan. The four•year-old son of Mr Archibald Wilson, of Glenroaden Mills, was drowned this afternoon in the Sangeen. He went with his brothers and sisters pinking berries in the fields along the river, and after stray- ing from them fell over the bank into the water. The sad, weary and wailing cry of men and women around ns is : "I am sink," "I suffer so mach from day to day," "What can I do to regain health and strength?" The intense heat of summer aggravates the sad condition of those who suffer from dyspepsia and indigestion, and there is no physical or mental rest for the afflicted ones, Have yon tried Paine's CeleryCompound, that marvellous health and strength giver? It is natures true and infallible cure for your distressing ailments. It never fails to banish disease; it gives natural and healthful strength when most required, so that the oppressing and enervating wheth- er cannot overcomeyour bodily powers. header, if yon are numbered in the large army of Dyspeptioe, and held oaptive by a cruel and destructive disease, use Paine's Celery Compound at once, if yon desire fall and robust health, pure blood, strong nerves, good digestion and a healthy appe- tite. In past days thousands have been saved by Paine's Celery Componnd. It will do the same blessed work for yon. Strong testimonies sent in every day from cured people. Sufferer, try it, "it makes people well," ie.Bamnel L. Clemens (Mark Twain)is poor and in very bad health. Fire destroyed the barna of Mr E.S. Mar- tin, Cayuga. Nothing was saved. A very valuable horse perished in the flames. Loss abont $1,000. The fire is auVpoeed to have been caused by tramps smoking on the pre- mises, as a pipe was found among the ruins. At the instance of Humane Officer Sand- ers, Andrew Kirk, a farm laborer, was charged with cruelty to a horse, The an- imal was the propefty of Mr. Nichol of concession six, Westminster, near Glan- won*, whohired out the animal to a neigh- bor for whom Kirk was working. Kirk undertook to onre the horse of"breaohiness.' propensity to break down fences, and as part of the treatment he shot a charge of peas into the animal's haunch. The "pep. pering" process, whether effective or not as s cure for "breaching," is contrary to law. Ma latrate Laney, however, was very lenient with Kirk and Iet him off with a fine of 31 and costs. Every iron ore mine in Ishpeming and Negannoe,Mioh., is idle, about three thona- and men being out. A mass meeting of Neguanoe and Ishpeming miners was held, and by vote it was decided to remain out until the mining companies advanced the pay of the miners to $2 per day and the laborers to $1 75. The Farmers' Advocate says that now that the portfolio of agriculture is vacated by the resignation of Mr Angers, the Pre. mier should seize the opportuniy and put a farmer in the position. It strongly gbjeote- an to filling the-vaoancyb yone who has not a practical knowledge of agriculture. "Does anyone suppose," The Advocate says, "that li the necessities of agriculture would have been so well served in the Province. of Ontario, foresample had the Minister of ag- riculture been picked, say, out of the legal profession, and on account of his political claims merely, instead of such eminently practical and competent men as the Hcn. Charles Drury and Hon. John Dryden, the present incumbent. WHO CAN READ IT?—How many apples did Adam and Eve eat? Some say Eve 8 and Adam 2—a total of 10, Now we figure the thing out far differ- ently. Eve 8 and Adam 8 also—total 16. And yet the above figures are en- tirely wrong. If Eve 8 and Adam 82, certainly the total will be 90. Scien- tific men, however, on the strength of the theory that the antediluvians were a race of giants, reason something like this. Eve 81 and Adam 82—total 163. Wrong again. What could be clearer than if Eve 811st and Adam 812 would not the total be 1623? We believe the following to be a clear solution: Eve 814 Adam, Adam 8124 Eve—total 8928. Still another calculation is as follows : If Eve 814 Adam, Adam 81242 oblige Eve—total 82,056. We think this how- ever, not a sufficient quantity; for though we admit that Eve 814 Adam, Adam if he 8081242 keep Eve company —total 8,082,056. All wrong. Eve, when she 8181 too many, and probably she felt sorry for it, but her companion, in order to relieve her grief, 812. Therefore Adam, when he 81814240fy Eve's depressed spirits. Hence both ate 81,896,864 apples. When Baby was sick, we gate her Caetorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Mise, ebe clung to Castorla. When she bad Children, she gave them Castoria, POSTS FOR SALE A oar Toad of first -plass 8 foot Cedar Poste for sale at Clinton Station. Price 1010 each. Also Poets 8} feet long, suitable for Page wire fence, 1110 eaogh. Also for sale at Twitohell's Shingle each,aJOHuanN LANDSBORO or JAMES of 8 foot Cedar Posts aKTt ANE Clinton, 41+ BREAD SEDUCED. R. MoLENNAN has decided to reduce the pried ot bread to 4 cents a Loaf (undelivered) At his store, Victoria Bt., Clinton. COAL AND WOOD YARD Sat scriber has decided to keep on band both Coal and Wood of the very best quality, and will deliver the same at lowest prince. Or- ders taken for future or present delivery of coal. All kinds kept in o solicited.stook. WHEATLEY.HuronBt Valuable Properties for Sale. The following valnatto and °legible properties aro offered for sale on reasonable terms, either in one block, or in separate parcels: - The handsome brisk residence at present oc- cupied by Mrs A. H. Manning, Albert street, don tainiug every convenience. The promisee adjoining the above, ocoupl ed by Mr N. Robson, and being in all respects a im Mar to the other. Tho letg• frame dwelling to the rear, fronting on ueen Street; et present occupied by Mr Medd. The whole bleak contains 1} aeret, with a nhmber el fruit tong._ Pallpotticultte on applf• canon to 3, A Tr$1Tb.I4-, uffibtow A PARLOR SDITE FOR $ Have) you seen that Parlor Suite, Upholstered in Raw Silk with Oak Frame, that we are offering at $23? If you are needing anything in this line, you shouldsee them at once, as we can get but a limited number. Curtain Poles for 22 Cents We can give you a Curtain Pole with ends, rings, brackets and pins all complete for 22 cents. In every line ot Furniture our prices are lower than ever JOSEPH W.CHIDLEY, FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. F The Finest M. . PHOTOGRAPHS to are taken by O u.a H. FOSTER THIS SPACE: BELONGS TO W. L. OUIMETTE, THE CASH DEALER, LONDESBORO Who sells all goods at Rock Bottom Prises, and pays the highest price in Cash #oir *11 kinds of Farts Produce. rs: v• t