HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-07-12, Page 6a,r.y,y, _,,,ac. •bra `'.7- w "N ?"7C'FWI!C,,,F.r,,...1,., "�R-T�..�.-. �°?��� , : � .r'i"'f"t'-, "1F'!'. We sell the fest WATCHES . CLOCKS • • JEWELERY . SILVERWARE J. B. R.UMBALL Watchmaker, Jeweler, &c., TelephoneExchange 25c. a Pound, Pure Paris Green. J. E. HONEY. THE t71,1 N TONT NSW ERA ul 2,, ._,.. Timm This Store's Annual July BARGAIN DAT tak8s pZa� on WEDNESDAT? JULY i7th When every line of goods carried by us within our four walls, will go at our. big Bargain Day Prices. .Everything has been marked to the bone for this day only. We will offer on that day all the balance of our, Summer Goods at prices that will be almost certain to clear them out along with every other article in our big store that you may need, eq, come early and bring your fiends and neighbors. GaLii!rtiCrir ocwIsEMAIv.. sterling SILVER NOVELTIES Ladies' Belts, Belt Pins,` Shirt Waist Setts, Long Watch Chains, Brooches, Stick 'PinsA&c•, In great variety. Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks and Jewelery at H. JACKSON'S, THE JEWELER, Red Cap ti Red Cap BINDER TWINE A limited quantity of the old reliable brand, only 6zc. Get it at once. Full stock of Scythes, Forks and Snaths NSt:,re BRAS. Old Stand MewaokayBlockN ARLAND Brick Block 1 A PARLOR SUITE FSR $ Have) you. seen that Parlor Suite, Upholstered in Raw Silk. with Oak Frame, that we are offering at $23? If you are needing anything in this line, you should see them at once, as we can get but a limited number. • ANOTHER LOT THIS WEEK ' CASH GROCERY Pure :: Paris : Green 25 cents a pound. No -To -bac, Little Tanglefoot, Lane's Family Medicine Dunlop's Corn Cure. -COMB . CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, PHYSICIANS JPPLIEc, ETC. THE letter G stands for GROCERIES, lo do we, all the year roaad, and for First -Class Groceries at that. Groceries are to eat, and what is to eat should never be tampered with. Any article we sell is Top Quality. Buying Groceries from as insures a well supplied table, and 1 w gives you the benefit of the lowest prices obtainable anywhere for high grade goods.• Fruit is right in line now, and you will want G _E... J- . `. stock of Jars is large and the price is right. Farm •produce taken as cash.—Telephone `So. 28. Curtain Poles for 22 Ce,nts We can give you a Curtain Pole with ends, rings, brackets. and pins all complete for 22 cents. In every line ox Furniture our prices are lower than ever JOSEPH W.CHIDLEY,, FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. Our OGLE COOPER & CO. Cash Grocery 1 door North of News -Record. The Finest JPHOTOGIAPHIT to are taken by • U. H. FOSTER .40 SALE• CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon Tharaday, July 11, 1895. • 080a080 o 80 a 0 80 O 34 a 035 O 45 a 050 •055a060 250 a 275 550 a 550 O 10a012 0 9 a 009 040 a 045 603 a 800 O 25 a 030 Wheat, spring Wheat, fall Oats, Barley Peas Flonr per cwt Pork Batter Eggs per doz Potatoes Hay, New and Old 1PNo Trimmed Hides ...... 4 00 a 4 25 Wool ' Dash 0 18 trade 20 We will, during the remainder of this season, sell all 4,4 ILLINERYI At a big sacrifice to clear, aswe do not want to carry over any lines of this spring and summer's buying. We have so far bad an exceptionally large buniness, the best we have ever had in Millinery; still we have yet a large stock of Hats, Feathers, Flowers, Ribbons, Etc., Etc. THE MONTREAL CATTLE MARKET Cattle shippers continue to play a losing game. Advi3es from the other side show no improvement in either Liverpool) or London, and shippers say that any quan- tity of money is being lost. A Gabel to a leading shipper read:--" Best cattle, 5id; sheep 51d; demand weak." The local sit- uation, in sympathy with the poor foreign markets, is naturally very weak, and mark- ets are slow. At the Point cattle—that is butchers' stook—were not quoted over 4c. while 3c to 31-o was the range for sheep, Hogs were slow and ranged from $4 50 to $4 60. There were about 400 head of butchers' cattle, 250 calves and 400 sheep and 400 sheep and lambs offered for sale at the East End Abattoir to -day. The mark- et was considered to be the dullest of the season, as not many butchers put in an ap- pearance, and those who came seemed to require very little beef, having already on hand about all they will need for some time and the weather is rather unfavorable for keeping fresh meat long. There was a gen- eral decline as well as the "grasshoppers," and it is probable that a Large number have been held over. Prime steers and heifers, fed with meal on grass, sold at from 4c to 44a per lb, with pretty good stook at about 3 c,and more common and leaner beasts were rated at from a little over 20 up to about 3o per lb. A letter from Liverpool toThe country is nper, dated June 28 s now suffering from a spell of intensely hot weather, and th is, coupled with the drought which has prevailed for some rious de- cline inoprices. eks st Ifathere is nc rain) within a short time the markets will be flooded with home stook and the results will be most disastrous." Mines of N nod. A curious source of wealth is reported by the French consul at MongtI.e. in upper Tonquin. It lies 1., wood mines. The wood originally was .a pine forest, which the earth swallowed in some cata- clysm. Some of the trees are a yard in diameter. They lie in a slanting direc- tion, and in sandy soils which cover them to a depth of about eight yards. As the top branches acl o nvulsion ion which ed, it is thought the geological buried thein cannot be of great antiquity. The wood furnished by these timber mines is imperishable, and the Chinese gladly buy it for coffins. Along the coast regions of some parts of New Jersey there are trunks of cypress trees, deeply buried in the sand, the recovery of which forms a valuable industry, r being used for making shingles. Which we are bound to clear out before the season closes. If you have not got a hat or want another, Dome anti see us, we will give you what you want at your own price. Come quick while the stock is well assorted. (Plumsteei :. '3-ibbings, When a girl is young and pretty Platonic friendship is very difficult to keep up. Of course. it is possible, but it le only when one is long past youth and much experience has been gained, often very sadly. SPLENDID FARM TO RENT The farm on the 16th con. of Coderich town- ship, known as "Mrs Barre" is offered to rent on reasonable terms. It contains 80 acres and pos- session can be had at once, The house and one field will be reserved. Full particulars on appli- cation to D. A, FORRESTER, Clinton. For Sale, Lease or Exchange. for other suitable property, Store and 8 roomed ggomed dwelling, incumbrance. oorlshed and apply M.; (3. OLIVER new,s all Noelm Whitechurch, Ont. SNAP. French China Tea Sets ... . ONLY SIX SETTS, the $10 kind for $6. Will you be one of the fortunate few who will secure these goods Royal Ironstone China Looks as well as French China, and is much more durable. Beautifully decorated, at $fi per set. POSTS FOR SALE A ear Toad of first-class 8 foot Cedar Posts for sale at Clinton Station, Price 1040 each. Also poste 84 feet long, suitable for Page wire fence, 114e each, Also for sale at Twitoheil's Shingle yard, a quantity of 3 toot Cedar Poste at 104 Ms. each. JOHN LANDSBOEO or JAMES KEANE Clinton, 4V BREAD REDUCED. R. McLENNA pbae decided etoo reflitoe the r 4 cents a Loa (undelivered) At bis store, Vic ria 8t, Clinton. COAL AND ;WOOD YARD Sot scriber has deciddd to keep on hand both Coal and Wood of the very best THE HAY CROP The Hay Trade Journal, with reports from all parte of the United States and Canada, says that the States east of the p l not produce 50 per cennorth of aof n Ohio t average Drop. In the Provinces of Eastern Ontario in- dications promise a fnllorop. England has a short yield, and that country has buyers in Canada now and will divert the supply which would come to the United States, to that country. In Logan connty, Kansas, the farmers have what they call "thistle bees," at wh' h all hands turn Oct and fight the Russ thistle, quality, and will deliver the a lti4iiat lowest prices, Or - dere taken for future or Present delivery of goal. All kinds kept in stock..W 4EATLEY FgucrondSt Valuable Properties for Sale. { 1 flowing vaivatie and elegggible properties in onoffered for e block, or ineseparate pon arcelseable: terms, either he handsome brick residence at present oc- ofRied by very ceA. n Meaning, Albert street, COn ta ng eon The premises adjoining the above, occupied bypMr o Nhtson, and d bbing in all respects sim iliaThe largo frame dwelling to the rear, fronting on Queen Street; at predeht coon}ppied by Mr mead. The whole Mock oo;Full p.rticulares,owith eppli number of trait troae. ' cation to J. P:LTI8IJAI , ,Anton Semi -Porcelain at 83.25 per Set. English Printed Ware at 32.50 to 33.00 per set. White Granite at 32 per set. Semi -Porcelain Cups and `Saucers, Gilt Flower and Band, 31 10 per dozen. Semi -Porcelain Plates, Gilt Flower and Band, 81 per dozen. . Enamel Vegetable Dishes, Meat Dishes and a general assortment of Crockery and Glassware. L. OUIMETTh CASH DEALER, LONDESBORO