Clinton New Era, 1895-07-12, Page 41. 8t)5 Cheaper than, ever y the sellien is now Kdvi>Enoing we will lve goodcash buyers 'a decided advan- I► a theCpetoalRf •Wheels. It will pay Vgiti° egad crud a" ns. 4-1441.;#i tX9ulr'.0PalrinfOio us. 'EMERSON, Clinton !Yew° $tore in Smith Block. pi* ti ertioenztn tg Correct &tyles—Estate J. Hodgens. ,Baking powder• --Allan?& Wilson .Evety dtt/^ .Estate J odgens Sweaters;, &c J'atkson Br os Adiannistrator's notice--sJames.Scott 1400Ce to eredrtoxs,—Jamal Scott ii airs daj L-ttiir"•bt`& Wiseman Bi11 • er twine—garland Bros, groceries—O.Cooper & Co, TheFair—Gilroy & Wiseman , C,F(Ri'Stxiarners—A.T, Cooper Card of.:thanks--John Medd 3 day's Dale--Jessop & Co `(Card Dr Agnew 'Bayfeldtads ':> These is not a newspaper man in ' 4iiiilttida; 'hinmis t iclll deeply syathi se With Mr Andrew 1?attulo, of the Wood- stnnkSentinel Review, in the loss of Pis :' wife.- The ife.The Dominion Government is to be comnnendedfor its determination to etlt,dQWn the expenditure en the Mi11- tlra:this year. IR this country there is On )usttiication or excuse for a large expjltlditure in, this direction, and the. C' gvarnMer}t could even abolish the Military Colleges without injury to any one. C IHTON Vi SLU.L1'ST.MARIE BY BTEAMSHIP8 CARONA or CAMBRIA let olass Sngle-118.70• 2nd class, $5.20 let ()lass return—$14 70. FOr rates to Sarnia, Windsor, Kincardine, Bruce Mines and other points, enquire from the under signed. STEAMER "BALTIC" is now running between Windsor Fort et rsion ress.he bstaccommodation. Fall particulars from the C.P.R. Agt. A. T. COOPER, Clinton. 1iinton ) ,env (bra FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1895. Some of the papers, discussing the engagement of Radclive, the official hangman, claim that he is an employee of the Ontario Government, while oth- ers contendrthat he is an employee of the Dominion:Government. Thelatter is correct, We have the best, of auth- ority for stating that he is responsible to the Dominion Government, who em- ploy him at a salary of $6110 a year, and travelling expenses. Whether his name appears in the public accounts or not, this is the fact, nevertheless. No Remedial Legislation. Affairs at Ottawa have evidently been in a critical condition during the few days, the culmination of is that the Government has de - not to introduce remedial Legis- lation this session. When the house met on Monday, Hon. Mr Foster made —this announcement :— .1 HE 14TN'.11o . NEW ERA atropa WIa0ae t tested a an eat , e, ins of town, with members of the ' pp milk failed tot Iii°/ and order from outside, attended at.Panle• in moil ,case i s % . d ilpwards, e n ilk nd ati h church,where Rev,W. Stout, Provtn-I Now, when a man fisb t+ B the nsilk clad Dputy Grand Champlain and l emit to the fnotorY, and .then, testing p ' County amstnpreached Ch 1 an excel sample, which he knows ie such as same J lent sermon. ev, Mr Parke also took P part in the aervlces, that contd. be said would be that the. cows !rpm the cow, and finds the tests to corres- Se.r.vATtort AR1i1[Y i t oTEs:—•There was a good crowd on the Market S 'rare last Fridaynight to hear Brig. . iar- getts, Ad j. Taylor, and Capt. Creigh- ton. Capt, and Mrs McLeod went to Seaforth yesterday to,assist.A.djt. Tay. for to prepare the dinner and supper, to, be held in the barracks today. Giant McLeod's subjects for Sunday, will be "Profit and loss" at 3 p.m., and "A tragedy in real life," at 8. At the regular meeting of the Ont- ario street E. L. cis Monday evening the following officers were elected:— Hon. lected:Hon. Pres., Rev. Mr. Ford;Preaident Mrs Ford; lst Vice., Thos Wa ker; 2nd ice, Mrs B. J. Gibbings; 4th @Vie, Miss Newcomb: 3rd. Miss Liby tGibbings; Secretaryy, David Smith; Treasurer, Bliss N. Rutledge; pianists, Miss Azie Gibbings and Miss Minnie Couch, B. Gibbings organist. At the close of the meeting Mrs Ford the newly elected president,ave a short and very appropriate address on the future work of the league, which was highly appreciated. LOCAL UNION. The third meeting of the Local Union in connection with the Christian Endeavor Societies, was held in the Rattenbary kit. Methodist Church, on Friday evening, and was well attended, the President, Mr. Colt- man, in the chair. The first topic was presented by Mr. T. Murch, Holmesville, and was "How En- deavorere may win souls." To win is to gain; the soul is in possession of an enemy and must be released, and in order to do this there is much to overcome. Either the manner of doing this was not well un- derstood, or is not successfully practised. In the past it was supposed to be the work of the minister only to win souls; it was not so now. The first essential towards the winning of souls was to get right your- selves; have true religion in the heart; blind men are poor guides; clean water should run through olean pipes; every Endeavorer should be able to say "The Lord is mine," and man and God combining we are able to work for him. God does not desire an idle man either here or in Heaven. Simply getting into the Society is not enough. Then, again, to win souls we must have power, this is the great qualification, and if we study Christ's method we will be in line with the Bible. Christ showed love, and if we don't show love we can't save souls. Wer should realize the value of im- mortal souls. Put ourselveson an equality with them. Use tact, judgment, prudence. Keep away from doubtful things, and do not talk louder than we live. By follow- ing these and other good suggestions, we shall be able to win souls. The discussion following was participat- ed in by Bev. Messre Holmes and Ford; Miss Wilson, Mise May 'Irwin, and Messrs Murch, Coltman, Foster and Holmes. The second topic was "How bestto interest young people in Endeavor work.' It was taken up by Mr. R. G. McGowan, of Blyth. He eaid that we must exercise great care lest we introduce subjects that are hin- drances rather than helps. Act upon our motto "Look up, Lift up." Have an at- tractive place for meeting; we lose much by not acting on this suggestion. Saloons attract people by being well -lighted, while churches are often cheerless and dark. Every member should be on time. Intro- duce variety of subjects and get as many to work as possible. Have plenty of leaders, and after an address has been given throw it open for discussion. One element which contributes to the interest of a meeting, is the way in which the answers are given; get the members to stand while quoting a passage of Scripture. Then to interest • young people in the meeting, we should be should be social, f riendly, enthusiastic, sympathetic, make use of opportunities as Christ did with the woman of Samaria. Be consecrated and prayerful; if we want to be successful we must work, watch and pray The discussion following was parti- cipated in by Mrs Ford, and Mrs Stewart, Mise Wilson, Messrs Holmes, Cooper, Ganl- ey and Holmes. The next topic on the program, "How beet to prerare and present the subject," was taken by Mr Coltman, who divided it into let Preparation; 2nd Presentation. The preparation needs greater care than the preparation. We should have before ne mentally those to whom we intend to pre- sent the subject; then start with ourselves, prepare our hearts by prayer and if we do this we shall present the subject much more acceptably. Feel the magnitude of the work and put our whole heart into it; we cannot take a subject from the Bible, which is not a mighty one, then apply the subject to onrselvee and as it radiates throngh our system we will realize what power it possesses. Use references, as these give ns broader ideas, taking illustrations, when possible, from God's word. In brief, to properly prepare your subject, know who will be there and govern your remarks ac- cording to their needs. In presenting the subject, (peak as ,for Eternity, put your best efforts into it, let the address be oral, not written. Don't generalize in your re- marks, but particularize, make the applic- ation so that it will emits the hearer; a subject cannot take effect unless it is ap plied. The discussion was participated in by Misses Taylor and Wilson, Messrs R. Holmes, Ganley, Foster and McLeod. A good many practical suggestions were advanced, both in the addressee and the discussions, and the meeting was consider ed the most successful yet held; ten mi utes of social intercourse added greatly, its profit. "I desire to state that the Government has had under its consideration the reply of the Manitoba Legislature to the remed- ial order of the 21st of March, 1895, and after careful deliberation has arrived at the following conclusion: "Though there may be differences of 'opinion, as to the exact meaning of the re- ply in question, the Government believes that it may be interpreted as holding out some hope of an amicable settlement of the Manitoba school question on the basis of possible action by the Manitoba Govern- ment and Legislature, as the Dominion Government is most unwilling to take any action which can be interpreted as fore- stalling or precluding such a desirable consummation. "The Government has also considered the difficulties to be met with in the pre- paring and perfeoting of legislation on so important and intricate a question during the last boars of the session. The Govern- ment has therefore decided not to ask Parliament to deal with remedial legislat- ion during the present session. "A ooibmunioation will be sent immed- iately to the Manitoba Government on the subject with a view to ascertaining whether the Government is disposed to make a settlement of the question which will be reasonably satisfactory to the minority of that Province, without making it necessary to call into requisition the powers of the Dominion Parliament. "A session of the present Parliament will be called together to meet not latex than the first Thursday of January next. If by that time the Manitoba Government fails to make a satisfactory arrangement _to remedy the grievence of the minority, the Dominion Government will be prpeared at the next session of Parliament, to be called ea above stated, to introduoe and press to a conolusion,sach legislation as will afford an adequate measure to relief to the said minority based upon the lines of the judg- ment of the Privy Council and the remed- ial order of the 21st Mrrch, 1895. By this it will be seen that the Gov- ernment confesses it cannot recom- mend parliament to legislate on the lines of the order -in council. It is plain enough that the major- ity of the Cabinet never intended that the order -in -council should be executed by the Dominion. They hoped that Manitoba would pass remedial legisla- tion in a fright at the order, to which threats were appended, or that parlia- ment would be dissolved without any further action and that further steps would not need to be taken, if taken at all, until after the general elections, which it was hoPed would be influenc- ed in Quebec by the passage of the order. I9 fact, the order -in -council on the Manitoba school question looks like a mere election dodge to win votes. Of course the Government gains time by postponing action till another ses- sion. But it is nonsense to talk of Manitoba taking any action, after the stand its ministry have taken. Mani- toba will most assuredly do nothing, and in order that the Government may do something, if it really intends to, an extra session of parliament will be necessary, because the present session is the last one which the Ministry can hold, without holding an emergency one. The question is doubtless a compli- cated and vexatious one, but we have no idea of seeing any legislation what ever on the lines first laid down. AS a result of the:trouble Messrs Oul- tf let, Angers, and Caron, the French Ministers, ,sib alt tenderedhair ire AAsLicllt w pond, ahoald they be even 2%, why then all men, they are ahead of their times,- or--,> else that they cannot afford to keep a cow. ' With oaf? tmtnense sweep e p Qf commons, .and >miles of wide streets, we would have the dirtiest town in the Province, if the cows were shut up. Now our streets and commons are like a well kept lawn. NOTPJs,--There is a sore hay famine here; we hope for better things soon. The Local Union of the three Leagues and C. E. Societies in town meet in North street cilurcli Friday night. The Orangemen marched to North street church and listened to a sermon from Rev. J'os, Edge, last Sunday morning. were certainly not good, butstill by the above clause the patron wold be clear. But when a sample sent to the factory tests 1.80%, and another sample procured from the same plane tests 3%, (rarely something, 'must be wrong. The following is the comparison of tests, the numbers are need to represent the names of the patrons, oppositewhich the tests are placed :— Tzar No. 1.—No. 82,. 2.40% No. 107, L80% No. 109, 2.90% TEST No. 2.—No. 82, 3,10% No. 107, 3.00% No. 109, 3.40% No. 1 represents the milk as delivered at factory, and No. 2 that procured at the homes of the patrone. The above figures can be verified by pomparison with teat sheets as furnished by Iuspeotor, and which are now in poeseagion of the company. Not a day passe° but eeveraltests are. made, and a record kept of the same. Thanking you, Mr Editor, for trespassing so mach, I remain, W. B. FORSTER, Pres, HURON PRESBYTERY. The regular meeting was held in Knox church, Goderich, on Tuesday, Rev. Mr McKay, presiding. The min- utes of previous meeting were confirm- ed. The election of moderator for the next six months, resulted in the elec- tion of Rev. Dr McDonald, of Sea - forth. The Commissioners to the Gen- eral Assembly, Rev. J. S. Henderson. Rev. C. Fletcher, Rev. A. McLean, and the Rev. J. H. Hamilton, and elders Fotheringham and Boston, were then heard, regarding their deligence to the meeting, which .was satisfactory. The Standing Committees for the year were then appointed as follows:— Home Mission—Messrs Martin, Mus- grave, J. S. Henderson, and their el- ders. State of Religion—Messrs R. Hen- derson, Hamilton, Anderson, and their elders. Temperance—Messrs Stewart, Muir, McLean, and their elders. - S'tbbath School—Messrs J. S. Hen- derson, Aitcheson, Graham, and their elders. S. S. Observance—Messrs Carrieve, Fletcher, J. McDonald and their:elders. Finance—Messrs Fletcher, Musgrave, Shaw and their elders. Supt, of Students—MesSSrS Stewart, Dr McDonald, Fletcher and their el- ders. Systematic Beneficence—Messrs Dr McDonald, J. S. Henderson, Stewart and their elders. Christian Endeavor—Messrs Shaw, Anderson, Muir and their elders. A resolution was passed expressing sympathy with Rey. A. Stewart, in the loss of his son. Rev. R. Hender- son, Commissioner to the congrega- tions of Leeburn and Union, regarding resignation of Mr McKay was heard; J. M. McKay -s resignation was accept- ed by Presbytery and Rev. R. Hender- son was authorized to declare these charges vacant on the first Sunday of August; Rev. M. Anderson to be mod- erator for these two Charges. The Rev. Dr McDonald and Rev A. Mc- Lean were appointed to attend a meet- ing of Kirkton congregation, for the designation of Dr Thompson to the Foreign Mission Field. Presbytery then adjourned to meet in Clinton the second Thursday in September. A Varied Picnic. (By tone of unfortunatee.) On Monday a number of our young peo- ple went to Bayfield to spend part of the afternoon and evening on hayfield's breezy banks. After a little difficulty in getting started, a pleasant drive was enjoyed, and the party, in number about 25, camped in in Mr Jowett's grove. Then it was thought that to take a trip to Goderioh would be so nice, on such a pleasant evening, that a fishing smack and tug were engaged, and the camping party changed to a sailing party. Tea, however, which had been brought along, was served before starting out, but alas there was no tea, so a few of the crew's most noble and willing lade left for town, to bring some drink, whiohlwas much needed, after the dusty drive. They got bank after a tedious wait to those who were anxious to get sailing, but beat -tea or lemon sour evidently did not agree with one young man, who since asserts it to McMurray much differenoe as to what one has on board when going for a sail. A happier group never left Bayfield har- bor. The lake was like glees, and beyond, a lovely though deceitful sunset. All was enjoyment, while experts displayed the handling of ropes, hencoops, etc„ in cases of emergency. Such remarks might now be heard, "Oh, isn't it lovely!" "I like it when it is rough." "Young man, there, show up both hands." Goderich was reached in safety, and after a quarter of an hour's atay, the return trip was begun. It now seemed rougher than on coming in, but it was thought that after getting clear of the harbor mouth and on the deeper waters it would be all right. A think fog came on, followed by a strong wind, and the waves began to roll fast and high. The awning over head became loos- ened, floated up, and so the vessel carried sail. Ballast was thrown out, which great- ly tended to alarm. Now it was they be- gan to get quiet. "I had better Linway, fcr I am getting sick," and his andrew away to something more firm and support• ing. On nearing Bayfield the captain con- cluded port could not be reachsd there, and a return to Goderich must be made. The turning of the boat was very turning, and a number here lost` their good-" behaelstes- "There are moments when one wants to be alone." Such expressions might now be heard. "Oh, please, please do not talk to me." "Will we ever see dear old Clinton again ?" "I wish Jim wee here." "I feel like going 'up in a baloon.' " Others, again, spoke with more firmness. "Why don't they run it into the beech?" "Don't let me see a person leave his Beat." Of course some of the boys were not (?) afraid or trembling, but do you see that little dot just over that last big binff? Well, that is Goderich lights. Quiet rejoicing. A cou- ple of young men who had ben most anxious for the welfare of those on board, when the sea was calm, could not now be heard from or seen, but then it was not so aza for one to keep his seat,while the other was couched in a corner swallowing, aye gulping down some remarks that seemed bound to come up, and wishing for allanding place. Bry- donned the best position possible, and it was scarcely fair to have to take care of more than one being maimed by a slight dis(inolination,) O1 course there were youths who displayed noble and redeeming qualities at times, but /7 -winning a recom- mendation as seafaring people will have to learn to set more upright in a little squall like that. The contrast in one's dignity on land and the sea, in squalls, differs so much that it would be ma/comparison to speak in any way of it. As Goderich drew near, and the moon came np, it was a beautiful sight to the few who were able to enjoy it, to see the tng ahead dancing in the waves. Port was securely reached before 12 o'clock, after perhaps 40 miles of a sail, and rigs taken for Clinton, while the teame that had been left in Bayfield were sent for. "Home sweet home" was never sang by any crowd with so much real thonghtfnl expression, than by this group; humble, though enriched by experience. It is scarcely likely this exoursion will bs re- peated by the same party, realises Mr Jow- ett provides each, before etarting, with a life -preserver, and an accident insurance polioy, otherwise they macalluni down. Ell NEWS NOTES Mr Allan Bond, of Inverary, Ont., died last week, aged 76. He had spent his life in that section. The Bev. L.B. Stephenson,wbo had late- ly been appointed rector of the Episcopal church at Frankville, Ont-, died on Mon- day morning of typhoid fever atter a brief illness. A newspaper has just been started in London which is printed on a postal , card. The first number has four illustrations, a comic tragedy, a few jokes and puzzles, and some advertisements. Mr Jaoob Wiemer, one of the oldest pio- neers of Markham township, died yester- day at his residence north of Markham, Ont., in his ninety-seventh year. He had been a resident of Markham township since 1806. The Paris Figaro publishes an alleged interview, in which Mr Eustis, the United States Ambassador to France is made to say with reference to the movement in Canada to separate the Dominion from Great Britain, it rested entirely with the United States as to whether Canada should or should not be taken into the con• federation of states. HOUSE OF REFUGE NOTES —Contrac- tor Cooper commences to roof in this week, and a large gang of men will be kept at work in various trades, until completion of the building. Messrs Heywood & Prior have made a very satisfactory job of the brickwork, now nearly completed; the walls have a neat even appearance for a building taking so large a number of brick. Dr Cham- berlain, Provincial Inspector, went mi- nutely and carefully over the plans; no changes of any moment were suggest- ed, but some method of fire protection was discussed. The Dr. will not insist on baths being put on the ground floor, put will take the plumbing as re -arran- ged by Architects Fowler & Fowler, saving a lot of expense to the county. 0 CORRESPONDENCE. [We are in no way responsible for anything appearing under this heading.—En1 THE CHEESE FACTORY. To the Editor of the Clinton New Era. DEAR Sia,—Whilst not wishing to enter into a newspaper controversy, I feel that a little explanation is necessary regarding the visit of Mr T. B. Miller, Inspector, to the Holmesville cheese factory. Now, I do not accuse your correspondent of misre- presentation, but I must say that he must certainly have been misinformed on the matter. In the first place he said that the Inspector complained that one or two of the patrons' milk failed to come up to the standard. Now the Inspector proved that the milk delivered at the factory by three of the patrons failed' by a large peroentage, as the appended tests will show, to come up to the standard, In the next sentence he says that "it appears that if the milk does not test 3% the sender is liable to a fine of frcm $5 to $50 for the first offence, a heavier for the second." I have before e a claim from Chap.207, R.S.O., Sec. 1, 'Whoever knowingly and fraudulently Boll(, supplies, brings, or sends to be manu- factured to any cheese factory in this Prov- ince (Ontario) any milk diluted with water, or in any way adulterated, or milk from which any cream has been taken, or milk commonly known as "skimmed milk," or whoever keeps baok any part of the milk known as "strippings," or whoever know- ingly and fraudulently sells, sends, brings or snppliee to any cheese or butter mann• factory, milk that is tainted or partly sour, for want of proper care in keeping pails, strainers, or any vessels in which said milk is kept, clean, atter having been notified of such taint, or oareleasnese, either verbally or in writing, shall for every offence forfeit and pay a sum not less than $1 and not more than $50, in the discretion of the justices before whom the case is heard." He say( again, "That if the milk taken i1f had been tested, as many desired, such a case as we have at present would not have arisen," Does be mean us to infer from this that he considers it wrong to break a law, when he knows positively that steps will be need to find it ont, but that when he knows anoh steps will not he resorted o, then it is all right to depart from the Griot letter of the law ? The Inspector eisited the factory, and I milk brought thereto, eat test to be 3.90%, and 0% He then procnred from tach o* the three . Church Chimes. Rev Mr Holmes and Mr Ford will ex- change pulpits Sunday morning. The union S.S. picnics, Tuosday,teok about 220 picnicers, and that of yester- day about 420. The W. C. T. U. will meet at the home of Mrs John Stephenson on Thursday next. Miss M. Washington left on Tuesday for Boston, where she will represent the E. L. of C. E. of Clinton. An excellent program has been is- sued in connectionwith the League of Rattenbul'y St. Church. On Monday Mr A.T.Cooper deli vered his inaugural; it bristled with good practical points and an eloquent peroration. A parlor concert was held at the residence of Mr T. C. Doherty, Tues- day evening in aid of Mrs. Anna Ross' Mission Band. Those who took part were Misses Doherty, Miller, McCon- nell, and Trowhill. Miss L Miller, organist, Proceeds *1 05. Ott is`tlnday att,e ne cn lass. the Orange- . Are built for One Two Three or Four . The kind we have in stock hold but one. We will sell you a Fine New Wheel for $6.. The six-year -old daughter of Mr Curry of the tenth concession, Bnrdford, was burned to death. She set about building a fire in the stove and pouted coal oil over the smouldering embers. The flames caught the can, which exploded and sat- urated her dress. The child lingered only a few hours after the accident A terrible accident happened at Craig'e Road station, on the Grand. Trunk railway about sixteen miles from Levis, Que., by which one ,seotion of a pilgrim exoursion train from Sherbrooke, the passengers of which were made upof residents fromSher- brooke, Magog, Windsor Mills, and sur- rounding parishes, plunged into the rear of the one in front four o'clock yesterday morning. Twenty-five people were killed, and double that number injured. A butcher of Winnipeg is accused of us- ing cats in the manufacture of hie sausages. A recent purchaser suspected something wrong, and as numerous tabbies have been missing lately the health Inspector made a visit to the premises. Here he found the back yard covered with skeletons and heads of cats and the premises in a filthy condi- tion. Meanwhile the accused has been fined for keeping unclean meat; the charge of sell- ing feline for pork sausages has yet to be investigated. made a teat of a and found the hi• the lowest to be 1 a .(title of r: i11t Mr Warden King, a prominent business man of Montreal, is dead. The latest crop reports gives of a beautiful harvest all over west. Five.empleyege of Mr J. F. Case and one_ hundred horses were burned in a livery stable at Detroit. Fire has destroyed two hundred and thirty houses in the town of Sambrew, Po- land. Two thoussnd persona are rendered homeless by the conflagration. assurance the Norh■ Two Second-hand Pneuma- tic Tired Wheels at $35 and $40. In good shape and worth more money. Ladies' Wheels at $60 and $85. Ooo per'sBook Store CLINTON few AUt eri1Sewauto. CARD OF THANKS TO THE PUBLIC—I desire most heartily and cordially to thank the public for their efforts to prevent the destruction of my property by tire on Wednesday last. JOHN MEDD,! DR AGNEW, Londesboro, successor to Dr Young. T. AGNEW, M. B., Toronto University, M. D. C. M., Trinity University, Member of College lPhy• sicians ansite Methodist church. NightSureons,taricalls n wero. Office eed a; the same place. Office hours 8 to 10 a,m., 1 to 8p,m; to 9 p.m. BURN WHITE—In Exeter, on the 29th June, the wife of M. J. White,Times, of a daught- er. Srraw—In Belgrave, on July let, the wife of Rev. E. Shaw; a daughter. MARRIED BOWDEN—BOWERS,—At Victoria street parsonage, on the 10th inst., by the Rev H. Irvine, Mr F. J. Bowden, of St. Thomaa, to Miss Tillie Bowers, of Dungannon. McGee—BeecnorT—At the residence of the bride's parents, on June 19, by Rev. Mr Shaw, of Belgrave, Mr Henry McGee to Miss Maria Beecroft, all of East Wawanosh. YifLL.—BAne.—In Morris, on Jane 26th, at the residence of the bride's parente, by Rev. Samuel Jones, Brussels, Mr Walter Ynill to Miss Enphemia, daughter of Mr Samuel Barr, both of Morrie township. DIED. McDowELL.—In McKillop, on July 2nd Helen, widow of the late James McDowell, aged 80 years and 9 months. GEATTsx.—In Stephen, on June 15th, Esther Di Jardine, wife of the late Grigoire Grattan, aged 73 yeses. ACHEBON.—In Goderich Township, on the 6th July, Robert Acheson, in his 95th year. KEATING—In Tackeremitb, on Jane 26th the wife of Mr Patrick Keating, aged 53 years. MARtow.—In Clinton, on the 7th inst., Robert Marlow, Sr., aged 80 years and 11 months. Hensall NOTES.—Miss Jennie Murray, Wing - ham, and Mr Robt. W. Murray, teach- er in Toronto Model School are spend- ing in some time with their parents Hensall. The Methodist S. S. intend picnicking at Grand Bend next Tues- day. Rev. Geo. McKinley, B. D., for- mer junior pastor in Hensall, spant a day or two in town this week before going to his new charge at McKellor, Parry Sound District. A Reading Room in connection with the Public Library will be opened here in a few days. Mr Thos. Jarrott teacher at Courtwright is spending a few days with friends in Hensail, OFFICERS. —The following officers were installed by M, Poppleston, D.D. G., at the I.O.O.F. Lodge, on Friday evening :—N.G., G. J. Sutherland. V. G., J. C. Stoneman. P.S., S. Harold. �area., Geo. Brown. R. S. Jas, McAr- thur. R.S.N.G., Dr Macc:earmid. L. S.N.G., Wm. Elder. R. S. V, G., A. Weseloh. L. S. V. G., D. W. Foss. War., R. J. Carlile. Cond., W. J. Mil- ler. I. G., W. Uolwill. O.G., J. Mc- Lean. R.S.S., J. Beverly. L.S.S., E. Nahlo. J.P.G., C. Meyers. Chap., G. C. Petty. Goderioh. THE Cows.—Our two ed'tors have bovine fever real bad. It s ms a pity the majority of ratepayer areagainst them on the cow q only proves, however, that, 1 e other great Athottstrator's Notice to Creditors. In the matter of the Estate of George M. Bow. ers, late, of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron., Paint.'r, deceased. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to R. S. O. 1887, chap. 110 and amending acts, that all credi- tors and others having claims against the estate of George M. Bowers, late of the Town of Clia. ton, in the County of Huron, painter, deceased, who died on or about the 12th day of March, A. D„ 1895, are required, on or before the 1st day of September, 1895, to send by mail post paid, or t deliver to the undersigned, Solicitor for Josep Copp, administrator of the property of said dol ceased at Ids office in the said town o1` Clinton, ,- their chri,t ian and surnames, addresses and de- r{ scriptions of their claims, and the nature of the security, if any, held by them, together with a statutory declaration proving their claims; and that after the said 1st day of September next the said ad:"ini,tra,or will proceed to distribute the assets, having regard only to the claims of which he then shall have had notico, and that he will not be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, to any parson or persons of whose claims he shall not then have received notico JAMES SCOTT, Solicitor for Joseph Copp, Administrator Dated this 9th day of July, 1895 Animals Without Stomaohl. Cats get along perfectly well without stomachs, according to experiments re - e ,rded in the Archives do Physiologic. In o ,e cat, which lived for forty-eight hours after its stomach had been cat out, the oesophagus was found to have been com- pletely united with the intestine. Another P cat, which weighed four pounds when it lost its stomach, was alive and well and weighed four pounds and a half three months and a half after the operation. It found difficulty in digesting pure milk, but got along nicely when the milk was mixed with yolk of egg and rice, and ate cooked meat, cheese and puree of pota- toes. This proves that all three classes of food, albuminoids, fate and (farinaceous substances(i are digested by the agastric eat As it had Teen !previously proved that doge can do without stomachs, the next step would seem to be the produc- tion of agastric man. The Mikado of Japan a sport. The Japanese Mikado is a man of mach energy and endurance, in spite of the fact that he 1s a great cigarette smoker. He is fond of outdoor sports and has warmly enoonraged the introduction of football into Japan. He is a hunter and fisherman, and to quite a good shot with a rifle. His devotion to lawn tennis to marked, and ho wields a very clever racquet. The florae Ile Wanted. • "If 1 could run across a horse called " Money," said the gloomy man at the races, "I'd bet on it." "Whyr "Because that's the only thing that's eure to go fast around here."—Washington. Star. ` Y GREAT 3 DAYS SALE On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, July 16, 17 & 18 We will place on Bargain tables the following BOOTS and bHOES. 75 pairs Misses Tan or Black Oxfords, sizes 11 to 2, price 50e, worth 51 to-dav 75 pairs Girl's Tan or Black Buttoned, sizes 7 t0 10,price 500, worth 01 to -day. 100 airs Girl's Tan or Black Oxfords, sizes 7 to 10�j price 50c, worth $1 to -day." 75 pairs Ladies' Tan or Black Oxfords, small size, price 50c, worth $1.25 t.) -clay 50 pairs Men's Tennis or Lacrosse Shoes, sizes 0 to 10, price 50c, worth 800 to -day 50 pairs Boys' Lacrosse Shoes, sizes 11 to 5, price 350, worth 65c to -day 100 pairs Ladies' Fine Dongola Buttoned shoes, price 950, worth $1.50 to -day 200 Bottles Fine Black Shoe Dressing, sponge at- tached, price 7c, worth 15o. to -day. Remember we do not et srtthis sale until Tues- day morning at 8 o'clock, and owing to the tre- mendous advance in ,Leather, we must close it at 10 o'clock on Thursday evening. Remember this and we will do the rest. In GROCERIES—we offer Tapaoca 5c Ib, Bird Seed, 51be for 25c, Fine Fresh Dates, 50 lb, Can - nod Salmon 10c, Starch 5c Ib, Sweet Wtne Bis - cults, 10o lb. Cash or Eggs. M. JESSOP & CO., Blyth NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the matter of the Estate of John Garrett, late of the Township of Hullett, in the County .of Huron, yeonu1n, decease* Pursuant to the provisions of R. S. 0. 1887, chap. 110 and amending acts notice is hereby given that all creditors and persons havin claims upon or against the estate of John Gil, ret, late of the Township of Hullett, ip" the County of Huron, yeoman deceased, who died on or about the 19th day of May,1895, are hereby required t,o deliver, or send by post prepaid, to the undersigned, Solicitor for Elizabeth Garrett and John McClacherty, Executors of the wil of the said deceased, at his office in the said T of Clinton,on or before the 1st day of Septemb r next, a statement in writing of their names and addresses, together with full particulars of their claims, and the nature of securities, if any. held by them. And notice is further given that after the said lst day of September, 1895 the Said Ex- ecutors will proceed to distribute the ass3ite• the said deceased among the persons entitle• thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notico shall have been given as above re- quired, and the said Executors will not bailable for the said assets, or any part thereof, to any Doreen or parsons, of whose claim or claims no- tice shall not have been received by them at the time aforesaid. JAMES SCOTT, Solicitor for Executors. Dated this 9th day 01 July, 1895 TICKETS TO ALL POINTS For tickets, and all information apply to W. JACKSON. TOWN AGT. G.11.i.. CLINTON. !S 1' a j ss