HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-07-05, Page 7.wr ,J.- fi [it / While i, stayed at the Aintchkoff cLeoU's Palace, before taking, op.his .re eilce, stem RENOVATOR sten Czar wee led ed as rnodeStly as n bachelor Ws, limited income' He had AND OTHFE only two email rooms there, and was bli ed to as', the Governor-General to in the Winter , Al ace, t l Aft ?01111 X119 Tested i emedi �. s r e $PEtIFIC AN4 ANTIDOTE For Impure, -'Weak end,..;,Irpoverislaed- $1cod Dyapepeia, Sleeplessness, ?MIA - tattoo et the Heart, Liver Complaint Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bron:tip/f1 Coneum tion, Giell Stones, Jaundice, Kid nay And Urinary Diseases, St Vittle'rno@; Females Irregularities and General.Deililit ri • LABORATORY, OODERICN, :Mx J. M.laps ,OA, Prop. and Manufaotarer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBS, and ALI, N WILSON BUTCHERiSHOPS Code's Block Botcher Shop. COUCH & WILSON, Subscribers boughtiout the bfutellerithe public g bueinees they lactate eoeduoted byMr Jas A.Ford, and will con- tinuo ereonal supervision. Oro the.11 have neer mein P Orders will prompt and Careful attention, Preen meats of all -kinds will be kept in season. sold at reasonable rates and delivered anyiChere in town. ARTHUR COUCH, CHAS. N. WILSON CLINTON. BUSINESS CHANGE Central Butcher Shop o g given two or his own rooms, este to be used as a dressing room for the Em- cees and the other for her maid. In Em- press Winter Palace the Empress has Mr life the superb a arttnents occupied by the Czar's grandmother. ,Y:!clOne of ray sick headaches," you will :fir people frequently say, as it the oolsi- -p int was hopelessly incurable. As (� matter of fact, Ayer'e Pills net only relieve et(tlt headache but effectually remove the ot*nse of this distressing complaint, and eo bring about a permanent cure. Stark Rahman, a Hindoo, of Calcut- ta, India, and an adherent of the Ma- hometa,lp ,faith, died the other day in Ili Grady Hospital, Atlanta, Ga. Be- fore dying he made the following de- claration:—"Science is. great, like God. I am nobody—a stranger ip a strange land. What is man after death but a shell ! The being is gone; the clay is left. I care not what c3mes of me af- ter the breath is gone. My body may help science. I want you to give it to the colleges." The undersigned having bought the butchering business' lately carried on by talr John Scruton, he will carry on the same in the old stand. AB be will . give personal attention to all the details • ofor the business aaptlyandseatisfaotcily Sled orders going p rices." His motto is "good meat at reasonable p Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &o. LACK KENNEDY Albert St., Clinton. -FLQl ND FEED STORES. New Flour & Feed Store CASH AND ONE PRICE. The undersigned begs to inform the people of CCash Flour and Feed Store on hasthat be opened a St., near McLennan's BakerIIyy. A full stock ToBf WHEAT, MEALS, at the lowest CHOP STUFF, prices for Cash. Selling for Cash only I am in a position to give the very d best rain at the highest marketrice.lue for Cash or trade. Goods oxGive me s call and I will do my best to give ono and all outside value. Goode guaranteed r money re- re - ROLLED OATMEALto be had.specialty O. OLSON, Victoria St., Clinton Flour, Feed & Seed Store The uwillrkeep ond chand thenvemate bethatbo FLOUR and FEED Of all kinds also the choicest variety of Clover,- Timothy & Small Seeds Which will be sold at close margins for cash. SALT also kept on hand. He will also keep a boleticon- sumers will find to bof all e excof eAS llent n va ue. con - J. W. HILL HURON ST., CLINTON. '�i! 'Fri 'CLINTON ON `NEW ERA Tail, 94.0 WAYi s TH4. BEST. MBA we ggoot� rich andatY11aL, and took to 1 A SEASON OE DREAD .AND traveiim 'round, t�pl 6, 189 1411 Wife she avant res "Aiieter"- -can't say lake And t>;y,Eir no longer call me "pa"'t is "dear CURES t' Y :v P G "s Cr"" arT17 3A® BLOOD* CONSTIPATION, '7J 19 MIMS, I•EABACHE, iiLLOUSNESS. B.E.E. unlocks all the secretions and removes Ell impuritles,from the system from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. B iJ R D O C K P,I L S act gently yet thoroughly on the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. the fiord-- papa" iogbd . papa" the9e days They're all of them all taken pp with high- falutin ways, 1 put up with a tot of things, but I'm Metaled it Ican stand To see my wife beginning new to write tilts new -styled hand, It's well enough for Helen and for Clara, I sup. pose ; They learned the horso•track fashion while still they wore short clothes, But they.reifa waabrought up different, and We tough I do declare, To see her learning the girl& wage, now she has { got gray hair COOK'S F#ofuriFeed Store BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 pounds(' hoice OatOatmeal for 1 oD. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855 CAPITAL, - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,300,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. F. W. THOMAS,H. It. AIOLSO...General Manager. Notes discounted Collections mado, Drafts ie - and soldrlatglowestccurrent rates. exchange Inteht rest lowed on deposits. F'ARYIIIl:Rl9. Money advanced to formes on their own note with one or more rrs. No mortgage re- eied aae 11. C. BREWER, Manager. Ma alw nmetook to writing, and her handwrite's beeoy, Bines ever wo was boy and girl way out in Illinois, When we -were ,children long ago out in thal ppt s trio school (Bun In that good old.fashioned way with rod and dunce's stool) She used to write her name and mine, and link 'em like our fate.. Before ehe learned the capitate, upon her little slate. And after we grew up and I went off to war,how eweet The letters that I used to get in her handwrite, small and neat. She used to call me "noble" and a "hero of the land," And say she'd -always love me, In a fine Spore cerfan hand I And once she wrote some poetry, real poetry, with rhymes— I've got it yet, you Just can beir-about the old war times ; It's in her prettiest tanning hand—not all sprawled out and straight, Like that confounded "angular" she's taken to of late. I'i'pose I'm an old fogy, but I declare to- day There's scarcely any sum you'd name I would- n't gladly pay It we hadn't got so stylieh and moved here to New York, Where you havo to eat each kind of food wit)) a different kind of fork ; If wehow the bob links sunwe g used to live (Oh, If my wife would write as she used to write when she and I was young 1 The results aro infinitely more satisfactory. TeuidabingisColicp CHATHAM, ONT,, - tl Still continues the good work of placing its etudents in choice positions. Two stenographers placed last week. Two other applications to supply- teachers for other Business Colleges; one to teach pen- manship, book keeping and arithmetic, the other penmanship, shorthand and correspon- dence. han 850.00 per month to start. aro worth less IT PAYS TO ATTEND THE BEST. Active, energetic young men and women will find a coin•se in Shorthand and one of the best avenues to a suCes fel life. For catalogue address, D. MCLACHLAN, Chatham FEAR FOR THOU - SANDS OF PEO- PLE. If you Wound Banish the Bines and all your other Distresses use Paine's Celery Compound. Yee, this to just the season when we hear men and women lamenting about their half-dead condition. They and that phy- sical and mental energy has deserted them, and they are sinking deeply into the pit of despondency. The hot weather invariably products thousands of miserable feeling mortals. They laok nerve force, strength and vitality. They are usually tormented by dyspepsia, flatulence, biliousness, heart trouble, con-, stipation, nervousness and sleeplessness, they cannot rest day or night, and life be- comes a burden heavy and intolerable. The great recuperator, strength and health -giver for each weary, wornout and suffering people is Paine's Celery Com- pound, now so universally approved of by Medical men. Paine's Celery Compound in its peculiar composition, combines the best producers of healthy and pure blood, the first essen- tial to perfect• health, strength and activ- ity. When the great medium is used in summer, languor, irritability, nervousness and sleeplesenese are permanently banish- ed, and men and women go about their duties with a vim, will and energy that in- dicates health, strength and robustness. Use Paine's Celery Compound at once, if yon would enjoy lite in the hot weather. Even a Camerae Lies. One of the most eminent architects in the kingdom onto showed a photo f a column and a capital to a number of col- leagues. Had they ever seen such a capital? They had not and they said so. precise Then arose disputes as to the p nature of the architecture. Finally sundry big wagers were made, and then the architect proceeded gra'vely to explain the structure of the column and its capital. He had made the mysterious pillar out of his malacca walking stick and a few sprigs of succulent broccoli. This explanation of the photograph was received in silent disguise of the du lioity t. An equally amusing P of the camera was found in a law case in London, when suit was brought to tear down a court, which, it was maintained, was dingy, dirty and haunted by loafers of questionable oharacter. The oounsel on the other side,represent- tng merchants having offices in the court, maintained that the passage was well - lighted and eminently respectable. Photos were handed from both sides. The first showed a narrow, disreputable looking alley, strewn with rubbish and fallen boarding; the other picture, how- ever, showed tho court in disrepute to bo a fairly broad, well -lighted city thorough- fare, frequented by merchant a of a thriv- ing appearance. GEO. D. McTAGGAR',. ook'sCottonRooi BANKER ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully used monthly by thousands of Ladies. Is tho only perfectly sato and reliable medicine Ms - covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines 1n place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton Root Compound. take no substi- tute, or inclose acents postage an<' wo wtllsend, alod, by return mallFulleeaied particulars In plain envelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address The Cook C m:,Windsor,C nada. Sold in Clinton by ALLAN & W1Leoe, Druggists. A general Banking Business ti ansacted NOTES DISCOUNTED - Drafts issued.Interest allowed on deposits. Valuable PROPERTIES F.IRRA.N & TISDA.LL BANKERS, CLINTON. Stift' ANtlITQ t Look over tilei76 tileOrioes,. SUGARS Special quotation in ebls. Sailing by $ lees than wholesale:R.l0ee CANNED GOODS Put up by THE BEST PACKERS. Tdutatoe Cora and Apples, Pumpkins, Salmon and Mackerel. TEAS S Extraordinary values in Japan, Black and Green. geed Japan only :14 a pound. Chinese Mixture only 20o a pound. RiCE-26 pounds for 961, RAISINS -28 1b. box for 961. PRUNES, CALII1 ' FORNIA APRICOT and PEACHES Largest and beet assorted stock of CROCKERY and GLASSWARE in the„ooaaty,, Selling at close prices. See quality oriel price. FLOWS IN TWO DIRECTIONS. J. W. Irwin, Grocer mixsziAmismolook MACKAY BLOCH, - - • - - CLINTON. RUMBALL' 5 gilMLIC FACTOR:' A stream that Divides Its Waters Between the Atlantic and Pacific. The Yellowstone Park abounds with wonders, but one of which little has been published is a section of the park which has recently become the study of scien- tists; it is Two -Ocean Pass. Hero is a stream of water which flows in two direc- tions. This spot is tho subject of an in teresting article in the Popular Science Monthly, by Barton W. Evermann, of the United States Fish Commission. He says: Many years ago the famous old guide, Jim Bridger, told his incredulous friends that be had found, on the divide west of the Upper Yellowstone, a creek which flowed in both directions—one end flowing east into the Yellowstone, the other • he also west into Snake River. But, toldabout many other strange and to them impossible things which he had seen— among which were a glass mountain and a river which ran down,,hiil so fast that the water was made boiling hot—they were not disposed to acknowledge the ex- istence of his "Two -Ocean Creek,” Sub- sequent events vindicated Bridger. Atlantic Creek was found to have two forks entering the pass. At the north end of a low square meadovd is a small wooded canyon, down which flows the North Fore. This sore�hugs The theSouth border of the fiat very y Fork comes down the canyon on the south side, skirting the bow of the hill a little less Closely than dons the North Fork. The two, ;coming together near the mid- dle of the eastern border of the meadow, form Atlantic Creek, which, after a course of a few miles, flows into the Upper Yellowstone. But the remarkable phenomena exhibited here remain to be described. Each fork of Atlantic Creek, just after entering the meadow, divides as If to flow around an island, but the stream to- ward the meadow, instead of returning to the portion from whioh It has parted con- tinuos its westerly course across the meadow. Just before reaching the west- ern border the two streams unite, and then pour their combined waters into Pacific Creek ; thus aro Atlantic and Paci- fic Creeks united, and o continuous water way from the rnouth of the Columbia, via Two -Ocean Pass. to the Gulf of Mex- ico is established. Two -Ocean Crook is not a myth, but a verity, and Jim Bridg- er is vindicated. Wo stood upon the bank of either fork of Atlantic Creek, just above the place of the "parting of the waters, " and watched the stream pursue its rapid but dangerous and uncertain course along tho very crest of the Groat Contin- ental Dlvido. A creek flowing along the ridgepole of a continent is unusual and strange, and well worth watching and ex- perimenting with. So we waded to the middle of the North Fork, and, lying down upon the rooks in its bed, wo drank the pure fey water that was hurrying to the Pacific, and, without rising, but by simply bonding a little to the loft, we took a draught from that portion of the stream which was just deciding to go east, via the Missouri -Mississippi route, to the Gulf of Mexico. And then wo tossed chips, two at a time, Into tho stream. Though they would strike the2 water within an inch or so of each other,' not infrequently one would bo carried by the curront to the left, keeping in Atlantic Creek, while the other might be carried a little to the right and enter the branch running across the meadow to Pacific Creek; the one beginning a journey which will finally bring It to the great Gulf, the other entering upon a long voyage in the opposite direction to Bal - boa's ocean. HEART DISEASE BELIEVED is30-MINUTES Dr Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives perfect re- lief in all cases of Organic or Sympathetic Heart Disease In 30 minutes, and speedily offecte a cure. It in a peerless remedy for Palpitation, Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Loft Side and all symptoms of Diseased Heart One dose convinces. Sold byWAT;S 6c CO„ Clint Mrs Carrol, mother of Mrs Robert Casemore, second line of Morris, died on Sunday at the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs Thompson, of Moorefield. Her remains were buried beside those of her late husband, in the Bhievale cemetery. She was the mother of six daughters and one son. C. Donnelly, prop. of the popular 'and well-known Windsor Hotel, Alliston, Ont., was troubled for years with Itching Piles. Ho was pnrsnaded by Jae. McGarvey, Al- liston;Livery man, to ase Chase'BOintment, World's Greatest Forest. It appears that Siberia, from the plain of the Obi river on the west to the valley of the Iodlghirke on the east, or river vYana rivleys ers, thesoneisei, Olinekgreat imbeLena and rbelt,aver- aging more than a thousand miles in bng fully 1,700 dth from north to i miles wide in the Y n setdistriot— and having a length from oast to west of not lees than 4,800 verets (about 8,000 miles). Unlike equatorial forests, the trees of the Siberian taigas are mainly con.ifere,:oomprising pines of several varie- ties, firs and larches. In the Yenisei, Lena and Olenok regions there are thou - mantle of square miles where no human being has ever beon. The. long-stemmed conifers rise to the height of 160 feet or more, and stand so close is difficult. The Tat he among them dense, lofty tops exclude the pale arctio sunshine, and the straight, pale trunks,all looking exactly alike, so bewilder the eye in the obscurity that all sense of direction is soon lost. Even the most experienced trappers of sable dare not venture into the dense regions without taking the precau- tion of "blazing" the trees constantly with hatchets as they walk forward. If lost there the hunter rarely finds his way out, but perishes miserably from starva- tion or cold. For Sale or to Rent. COMMERCIAL Hotel, Clinton. A splendid stand, where good business is done. The house has excellent accom- modation for travellers and public generally. Terms made known on application to JNO. ROSSIER, Benmiller. Also HOTEL at Exeter North— Will be either sold or rented. For par- ticulars apply to J. T. WESTCOTT Exeter, or JOHN BOSSIER, Benmiller. Also, FARM of 200 ACRES— being lot 12, lot Con., West Nissouri, good soil, 140 acres cleared and in good shape of cultivation, 60 acres good beech and maple bush. Also FARM of 50 ACRES— being East half of Lot No. 4, 2nd Con. of West Nissouri. 'Will give party who wants to do bnsinees a particularly good chance on this property. Any of the above are good investments, and all particulare can be obtained on application to JNO. BOSSIER, Benmiller Advoitee at low raters of interesto farmers on t. own A general Banking Bueinesppepp . traneaoted t allowed on ante re gitele Notes bought 1. P DALL, Mt11, @r !,an,m.i1,1or 117tI.s Bora FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a specialty. LARGE STOOK ON HAND Huron Street, Clinton We have in stock few uggies and Waggons. Which we guarantee to be of first—class material and workmanship. If you want a good article at the price of a poor one, call and see us. F. RU 1V113ALL - - CI-411NTPCION Sash, Door & Blilld Factory Caterpillars. No limit has ever been nfound to the e day at school at a small boy's pocket. a little girl put up her hand to attract at- tention. a caterpillar i" ' `leacher, Johnny's gotrP Johnny was of course called to the desk, made to surrender tho cherished possession, and sent to his seat with o. reprimand. In about two minutes the same small hand waved in the air again, and the same small voice complained: "Teacher, Johnny's got another oater- ptllar I" A so and surrender of the caterpil a second admonition followed, Ha bad silence onco more settled over room, when a frantic i shriek ofhe hand a was followed by perfect s - ma Teaoher, Johnny's got a whole pooket- fnl of caterpillars l" This time the teacher's dismay equaled her pupil's and Johnny was promptly sent home with Ms brood of strange pets. The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will bo sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this connection will save money by pus chasing here. Orders by Mailwi l be pptly attended Address, JOHN STEWART, RENMILLER oOnSUMpt l m , tt,atiN � id T ve le enact a il;. tInr-c.i,t „Tezbtts,ont 341 and rally 1 the • • 11:1: p g R itil't1 1111 ij aJag -r-r• !ilMilJ ..- : S. S. COOPER Proprietor : : Owing to my increasing business, I am building an extensive addition to, my premises, and also putting in one of the latest improved Patent Dry Kilns, and will then be in a better position than ever to fill all orders entrusted to me. We. prepare plane and estimates for all kinds of residences, and execute contraote for the same on abort notice, and in a workmanlike manner. We manufacture to order and also carry in stock all kinds of Window Sash, Door Frames, Blinds, Lumber, Lath, uinter et to see a owho intend to build will find it to their wn S. S. C OO -PE R, . Clinton The price of cheese is advancing in Ontario, and buyers now have to pay more money for the article owing to the talk of drouth and the poor condit- ion of the pastures, which it is expect -5 ed, will snake a material difference in the flow of milk. KARL'S CLOVER ROOT will purify your blood, clear your complexion, regulate your Bowels and make your head clear as a bell. 25c., 50o., and 81. Sold by J. H. Combe, The Real Object of Plowing. The obioot of plowing is not merely to turn over the soil to bury the surface trash and soften and pulverize it for seed. It hasadeeper purpose than this shallow ono. It is certainly to fit tho land for the seed and to afford a good covering for it. But it is not to bury the surface, :with the accumulated matter of the previous crop, where it cannot be of use until it 1s turned back again. Tho 8o -called "out -and -cover" kind of plow- ing should be made a penal offense, for it is detrimental to all concerned in the good culture of tho land. On the con- trary, it'.1e tbo sloping furrow slice, laid on edgo at about forty-five degrees with the surface, n laers from the top to the with bot- tom t toing tom of the furrow, that is really plowing. —Rural World. She 1E1a11E Foam a City by a Lake. Be (confidently)—Our marriage will not be a failure. She (pioro confidently)—No, Edwin, it which he di , was cured, has had no 1s impossible, 1 could go through the Dere- turnOm them s are and ergign highly for Piles. this m Masculine Vanity. They were lunching at an ice cream parlor, and the girl in blue said to the girl in gray: "Have you noticed that when the young men meet us nowadays they not only lift their hats off their heads, but hold them in their bands while passing?" "Yes; isn't it dear of them. Shows such fine manners, don't you think." " Wait a bit. You imagine, as I did, that they went through all that perform- ance out of deference to our superior at- tractions. My dear, I have found them oat—it is themselves they worship." "What do you mean?" " They carry small mirrors in tho crowns of their hats, and every time a girl bows to them they take the opportunity to see their own faultless foatur, s." ''Tho sweet things!" ejaculated the girl In gray, "and yet they accuse us of being vain!" Try this office ' for neat lob printing. any with my oyes stmt. ;hlld ®rt Cry for profit oufsay that in order to make a Plteller 8 �.v'asta'�`1 !• ea!, ike a husband he manirg- ar on ora lunch cow. STILL at the FRONT The undersigned wishes to inform his many' d o has moved to his New Shop on Rattenbury Street Near the Market Square, where he is prepared to give his customers better accommodation that{ ever. I have secured the services of a good woodworker, and am prepared to do all kinds of wood -work repairing. As to the quality of work done and attention shown it le sufficient 0 east that the old standard will be pt up.` Jn ,his showrooms there will bo kept a well asurttd . stook of Sleighs,Cutters, Buggies, Plowgs Harrows, Etc, Which he will sell at prices to suit the times. I111 addition to this he is prepared to do all kinds oZ Bicycle Repairing. Special attention win bo giv en to Horse Shoeing and all Custom Work. All work and stock guaranteed to be first-ciase and prices low. JOHN TEDFORD, Clintotld customers an friends that b A BOGUS AGENT. A Mae HIMSELF ABO AGENT HAS FFOR MESALSELY SRS RT.EMIL- nQRN & CO., OF Tn15 CITY. The firm of T. Milburn & Co„ manu- facturers of proprietary medicines, havo for some time past been in receipt of letters from correspondents in and about Orange- ville and Meadowvale, stating that a man has been operating in those districts, re- presenting himself as' their agent, and has been peddling medicines from house to house offering them as the medicines—Bur- dock Blood Bitters, etc.—put up by this well-known and reliable firm. A Globe reporter, having been placed in possession of these statements, called at the office of Messrs. T. Milburn & Co., on CSlborne street, and was shown a number of communications from merchants in the localities indicated, all of which confirmed the information at first received and as given above. Not only had his firm been in receipt o communications, Mr Milburn said, bn some of his customers from Peel county had called at the office in Toronto and had informed him that this bogus agent had sold stuff at several houses which had nee. tr at th© memberthe fl of the famiin of lie iesdootor to who had used hie Componnde. In olosing the interview, Mr Milbtlrn, the head of id: "We have no snob agent, tnor do wehe firm, e ell our medicines throngh peddlers or agents ether than drnggfets and general merchants, and on this account we are desirous that farmers and others baying our remedies should un- derstand that any persona peddling from house to hotase cannot represent ns. They should therefore be on their guard against bogus medicines being foisted on them 1dr those of our manufacture. We are will- ing to defray any expenses incident to the detection and conviction of this man, or of anyone falsely representing himself as our e gent." HURON AND BRUCE Loan S. Investment Ca Tbie Company is Loaning Money on Farm Security at Lowest Rates of Iutere MORTGAGES !r PURCHASED SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed oil Deposits, according toantount and time left,, OFFICE—Cor. Square n North St., Godericll HORAOP ti ORTON Manager ROBERT -:- DOWNS, CLINTON, Manufacturer and Proprietor for the best $ail ant Dog in use. Agent fortbesalo and appli{ cation of the OWFIBfS1 PATENT AUTOMATIC BeILE'rl CLEANSE, STEAM i' 1TTiNGS furnished and app ed on ahor notice. Boilers. Engines, and all kinds Ci Machinery repaired erpeditlonri l and In aQatiSfaetory manner Farm implements manufactured and repaired Stam and water pumps furnished and putt(' positlJn. Dry Rilus fitted up on applfoatiorZ Charges modorato. THE COILED SPRING Wove Wire Fencing: 111101101111111.1111 1•fsttA101101lAfw IR OMR / i erssnnaltnnwur�us_, 4- Messrs Stanley and Steep looal agents fo the above tenoe, which is claimed to be t best fencing wire manttfaotnred of the kin Farmers intending to use this fencing ar requested to cut their poste 8.1 feet long STANLEY & STEEP, Clinton( rror For Twenty -Five Years DU-NN'S AKINO ID Pe-Efrefms04 L►..a,Yr.a.,,.