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TOEHS • ,4...
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Matchmaker: Jeweler, &c., TelepheneExchange
25e.a Pound,
Pure Paris Green.
Steriifl-Sterling SILVER IOVELTUS
-Ladies' Belts, Belt Pins,=Shirt Waist Setts, •
Long Watch Chains, Brooches, Stick Pins, &c•,
In great variety. Gold and Silver Watches,
Clocks and Jewelery at
1 angleIoot, Wilson's Fly Pads,.. Briggs' Fly Traps,
Wilson's Root Beer, Lime Juice,
Paris Green, Hellebore.
We have an Expert Optician visit our store each month.
Next visit will be Wednesday, June 26th
We will, during the remainder of this season, sell all
At big sacrifice to clear, Ps we do not want to carry over
a,ny lines of this spring and summer's buying. We
e so far bad an exceptionally large burliness, the
t we•have ever had in Millinery; still we have yet a
e stock of
Hats, Feathers,
Floviters, Ribbons,
Etc., Etc.
ich we are bound to clear out before the' season
you have not got a hat or want another, Dome and
will give you what you want at your own price.
k while the stock i€ well assorted.
steel s Z Gibbin , o
Y 8c WISE1Vt
Corrected every Thursday afternoon •
' Thursday, June 20, 1895.
Wheat, sppring 0 90 a 0 90
Wheat, fall 0 90 a 0 9Q
Oats, 0 35 a 0 86
Barley 0 45 a 0 50
Peas 0 55 a 0 60
Flour perowt • 2 50 a 2 75
Pork 550a550
Butter • 1...- 0 10 a 0 12
Eggs per doz 0 9 a 0 09
Potatoes 0 40 a 0 45
Hay, New and Old 6 03 a 8 00
Sheeepekine 0 25 a 0 30
No. 1 Trimmed Hides 4 00 a 4 25
Wool Dash 0 18 trade 20
Montreal, June 17.—Quite an active
business was done in the horse market last
week with fairly liberal purchases both on
export and local a000unt. Advices from the
other side are not actually better. They
offer a fair amount of encouragement and
shippers evidently see their way 31ear to
ship right along. About forty head were
taken by Laurie at the Horse Exchange
during the week, and about 400 head were
consigned through, principally from the
Western States. The general quality of
the stook sent forward was good. Values
continue about the same. Desirable heavy
draught horses are quotedfrom $75 to $125
and the same range about covers the valve
of good light horses. At present there are.
about three oars for sale at the exchange.
There wore 600 sheep, and of butchers'
eattlr;;"600-oalties;-600 aheepr and lambs- and_
80 store hogs and small pigs offered for
sale at the Ease End Abattoir today.
The butchers were present in large numb-
ers and trade was fair; with prices about
the same as on Thursday, except for lean-
ish stock, which were not so plentiful as on
that day and sold for rather more money.
The best butchers' cattle sold at about 4$0
per lb, and some 25 large cattle were
bought by ehippers at that rate. Pretty
good stook sold at from 4o to 4c, and the
half -fatted animals at from 30 to 4c per lb.
Lambs sell at from $2 to $3.50 eaoh; very
veryfew bring over $3.25; fat hogs are not
very plentiful and sell at about 4/o per lb
for fed hogs; lean store hogs are rather
lower in pride, or from $5 to $8 each: young
pigs sell at from $1 to $2 each.
The Great Northwestern Telegraph
Company has gathered reports of the con-
dition of the Drops throughout Ontario
from their agents. Generally speaking,
the prospect for grain of all kinds is that
the prop will be a fair one, but fall wheat,
on a000unt of the severe winter and the
early spring frosts, will be mnoh below the
average. There is a universal outcry for
rain, and most Drops are already suffering.
Hay, owing to the prolonged drouth, is
everywhere reported light. While fruit is
likely to be very scarce in the Niagara and
Huron district,it's gratifying to learn that in
the western peninsula the prospect of a
large crop is promising for all lands of
fruit, with the single exception of grapes,
which were touched by frost.
Clinton—Timothy very light. Clover
average. Fall wheat, prospects for 'more
than average. Peas generally an average,
crater sown not doing so well. Oats look
well and promise moreithan average. Bar-
ley, very little sown, and it was damaged
by frost Flax backward from frost and
dry weather. Corn promisee well. Roots
backward, but with rain will be good Crop.
No summer fruit to speak of; fall and
winter apples very Blight. •
Seaforth—Fall wheat is now looking
fairly well; but will be barveated two weeks
later this year, and rust may oatch it,
All spring grains are looking well, with
small acreage of spring wheat sown —
Other coarse grains, average, acreage above
the average. Hay will be generally light.
There willl be no fruit of any kind worth
speaking of.
Goderioh—Owing to the May frosts and
continued dry weather throughout thie
section the prospects on the whole are b• -
hind last year. The fruit saffered the most
from the frost, and promises s. tight yield.
Early eats are looking well, later sown,
not as good, but a good average expected.
Wheat, a poor average, even on most favor-
able lands. Peas, looking well; will have
n -op about same as last year. Hay w''1 he
...r crop; clover, veru seriously hurt by
ay frosts and droughts. Apples will be
a poor Drop in early varieties; the later
fruit being not so poor. Small fruits will
be a good half crop, excepting grapes,
AN hon are a. failure.
Telegraphic reports received at Tor-
anto, friday, from ellparts of Western
Ontario, including Middlesex, EI in,
Perth, Oxford, Brant, Lainbton, fI'i-
ron and Kent, show that as a rule the
fall wheat acreage is not as large as
usual. The crop was seriously inured
by the frost and successive drought,
and in many places will not yield more
than half a crop. Other cereals have
also suffered from frost. Hay will be
a very light crop. Fruit, especially
apples and grapes,will be scarce. Rain
is badly needed at most points. Essex
teports prospects of crops equal to best
season, with the exception of hay And
The above reward is offered for the return or
information which will lead to their recovery.
'Strayed from the farm of (Mrs Proowr, 14tn
con., Goderieh Township, about the 15th of May,
,14 bead of cattle, all yearlings except2, which are
coming two. Two of them are nearly black the
remainder rod and white. Ten or eleven of them
are steers. WM. ELLIOTT. Bayfield line, Olin -
ton • P, O
Came into subscribers' premises, lot 32, con. 7,
Hullett, on or about May 20th- a yearling Roan
Bull. Tho owner is hereby notified to prove pro-
perty, pay dhargN. Haway.
BINGHAM, Smmn.erhill
Two Thorobred Durham Bulla both d ed
from A 1 DairyCows. WALTER Bulls,
Lot 33, Concession 13, Hullett, Londesbo
For Sale, Lease or Exehang .
Have you seen that Parlor Suite, Upholstered in Raw Si11iH
with Oak Frame, that we are offering at $23? If you are
needing anything in this line, you should see them
at once, as we can get but a limited number.
Curtain Poles for 22 Cent
We can give you a Curtain Pole with ends, rings, brackets
pair,suitable property, Store and 8 *loomed I and pins all complete for 22 cents.
dwelling, woodshed and stable. Buildings all
new. No incumbrance. Apply M.O. OLIVER
Whitechurch, ant. lm In every line of Furniture our prices are
lower than ever
Lot 88, Maitland Concession, Goderiah
Township. For terms and particulars ap-
ply to JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Clinton
A comfortable Cottage on Mary St., suitable
for small family; will be either sold or rented
on very reasonable terms. Apply to ARTHUR
COUCH, Clinton.
The very comfortable house on Queen Street
aV=preseai-oceupied, by.C.:A- Hata,; is Offered_
forsale on reasonable terms. The house is welt
built, with stone foundation, and has every ac-
commodation. The lot is three-eighths of an
acre. Hard and soft water. Applyatresidence
Brick Cottage or Rooms ty, Let
Situated on Townsend St. Large airy rooms,
high ceilings, freshly papered and kaleomined.
I1 preferred would rent the rooms singly. Apply
to MRS 0. B. HOVEY
A car load of first-class 8 foot Cedar Poets for
sale at Clinton Station, Price 10}c each. Also
posts 8) feet long, suitable for Page wire fence,
1110 each. Also for sale at Twitohell'e Shingle
each, aJOHN1yyLANDSBORO orof 8 foot aJAMESPosts a%SANE
Clinton. 4t•
The undersigned has returned from Evans
Bros. Piano factory, Ingersoll where be has
acquired a thoro knowledge of piano tuning, He
is well recommended as a Piano tuner and e
prepared to tune any piano at a reasonable
price. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address J. W
MOORE, box 113, Clinton.
Subscriber has decided to keep on hand both
Coal and Wood of the very best
and will deliver the same at lowest prices. Or-
ders taken for future or present delivery of coal.
All kinds kept in stock. Patronage solicited.
An agreement of sale of Furniture business
from me to J. H. Chellew,of Blyth, has appeared
of late in these columns tending to mislead the
public. That writing exists and was made yes re
ago; but the revival of it is intended to convey
the idea that it is of recent date, and that there
is only one furniture business in Blyth. I con-
duct no such a business, but A. E. Scott has an
extensive one and has without doubt the finest
Undertaker's' outfit in the County of Huron, and
conducts funerals with all the deportment be-
coming the occasion. He has just started a
special Bale of Furniture, and bids you oome
quickly for snaps. T. W. SCOTT, Blyth.
In the Estate of George H. Bowers, late o/
the Town of Clinton, in the County of Hur•
on, Painter, deceased.
On the 6th of July 1895, at 2 p.m., at the
late residence of the deceased, on Huron street,
here will be sold at public auction, by
David Clinton,Dickinson, auctioneer the following
real and personal property of the deceased, viz:
FARM—being lot No. 37, In the 12th conces-
sion of the township of Goderioh, in the County
of Huron, co.itaining 80 acres, more or leas
There is a small orchard of old bearing fruit
trees, with a number of new fruit trees not yet
bearing. There are a log dwelling 'house and a
frame barn on the promises. The property is
about four miles from Clinton, on a good road.
TOWN PROPERTY—being part of town lot
29 and town lot 30, on Huron street, and town
lot 31, on Mary street, in the said town of Clin-
ton. Thorn are on tho property facing on Mary
street two comfortable frame one storey Cot-
tages, in excellent state of repair, and facing on
Huron street, a substantial frame two storey
Dwelling Hduse,with good cellar and other con-
veniences, add with the last named house a
frame paint shop and stable
'P'Y — consisting of
several buggies, one mare, a quantity of fire-
wood, all thehousehold furniture and effects,
including Piano, together with all other the
Personal ofteats of that e0eased.
TERMS.—The farm ill be sold fmbjeot to a
mortgage of $1,000 and i terost, and possession
of the same can be given next fall, after the
tenant has rano-iced crops'*p besession can bo
got to do fall plowing, eta., iqunedtately after
harvest. The town property *ill be sold sub•
feet to a mortgage of 9500 and interest The
real estate will bo sold in separate parcels or
on bloc, to suit purchasers. Ton pbrccnt of the
purchase money down on the daylpt the sale,
and the balance in 30 days thereaftkr, without
intorost. Further terms and partiouiiii�s made
known on ,day of sale. or upon applice►tlon to
W. W. Ferran, HO., or to tho undersigneMt
Solloitor fol Joseph' Copp, A61111nletrat6'
1), DICKINSON, llilotlonoor.
Clinton, 30 June, 1895,
The Finest
E -1110 -TO
Yn are taken. by
biller 10.
The cheapest and most effective insectide on the
market, applied dry. No mixing required, al-
ways ready and safe to handle.
Being a strong fertilizer, it strengthens the
vines, makes the potatoes larger and better.
Applied to the vines with a very fine sieve in
the morning when the dew is on, it will re-
main until the whole crop of bugs then hatched
out is killed.
Paris Green .
"Government Standard"
• •
Wo sell both these articles at close prices and
will be pleased to have your order.
cnsx »taVrR0 ibNntSt0110