Clinton New Era, 1895-06-07, Page 7"System RENOYATQR ANL? OTUER Teste'd ;Remedies. SpECIRIC AND ANTIDOTE For ,- W4a:and ItapaQei!shed'. ,mod�paiai„dleeplesen�iss,.5�'e►},°'+, "ration o t e Heart, Liver Complaint Neuralgia, Loua of Memory, Bronchitis Uoasumptlonr° "Gall Stone, J.andioe, Sid ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Danoe Frmaletlrregnlarities and General Debility LABORATORY, UODERICH, OMT J€M. MoLEOD, Prollr>al}1l,lil0111ftl to Sold inClinton. 'by^ ' °=° J.11. OOMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON BUTCHER.SHOPS -Central . Butcher Shop COUCH "&? WILSON. Subscribers desire to notify the public that they have bought out the butchering business lately oanduo std pbr Mr dao A,L'ord and will eon - 'nue the s under their personal BnlaeLvision. Orders will have prompt and careful attention, Fresh meats of all kinds will be kept in season. sold at rialmnable rates •and deEkiyer d;anywhere in town. AR):113R COUCH, Oras, N. WILSON BUSINESS C$ANGE Central butcher Shop. The undersigned having bought the butchering dress lately carried on by tMr JahnScraton, will carry rsonale same in stand. As he attentionotodall the details t pep atomere can rely on their icing promptly miler aei�g promptly sand'; eatiefaotoril ; 811ed. HU Motto le 'goodmeat.af ow:enabla hes.” Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &o. LACK KENNEDY Albert St., Clinton. FLOUR AND FEED STORES. New Flour & Feed Store CASH AND ONE PRICE. The undersigned begs to inform the people of inton and vicinity that he has opened a purely d h Flour and FeedStore on Victoria St., near ennenar Bakery. _A fail stook -of, FLOUR,- =r L9. 01101' STOW BEAN. OATS, WHEAT`, &o,, at the lowest living price� toiCtttb. Sell g for dash only I am in a position to give the ver beet value for Cash or trade, Goode exchanged for grain at the highest market price. Give nil aoitaideenvalue ])Goode guaranteedvor moneyd e-' DOLLED OATMEAL a specialty; the very beret to be had. 0, OLSON, Victoria St., Clinton tT F.P!„Y TO Last week we noticed the placing of a student. Here is what a prominent thinksof our work:— New York. Feb.'15, 1895, Mr, D. MO�ACHLA MauN, Chattham Ont Mau SIH,—Having had bir.A. E. Yates, a graduate of your Cellege,Witb in: as stenograph- er, type -writer, secretary.' And oaioe ,mandger for three months, it might ulama ,yea to lu1ow that ho.gtves pertget yption, and it your college does its work aswell "in every ease as in his, it hi one of the greatest blessings for the business community, or in fact, for any of the great army who need suoh men, that can be imagined. By reason of my acquaintance with hiln, the Canada Business College,of Chatham, stands very high in my estimatin. TrusttZ1 that its success may' cotitdone„and t to t yo may be eo fortunate seonre sneh•.7nttl as Yates for your Bohola •� c"'`°' I am, yours respell fully, HENRY H. DADLEY Pice•Pres. and Director, ;Christian lien's Tem- perance Union. ' For Catalogue of Canada Business College ad- dress: D. McLAOH:LAN, Chatham • Flour, Feed & Seed Store POWDERS Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia in 2,0 M, ��t,Ttr8 . o tv g 'longue Dizsf- ness. Bitioutness, rolaa 1n meanie, Cebitl,itioit. Torpid liver, Bad Breath. to stay cured also regulate the bowels. vsRF Mom TO TAKE. 'PEKES Set Creiri x7'°bltt3d 8'Tti ertTf:' Valuable PROPERTIES For Sale or to Rent. COMMERCIAL Hotel, Clinton. A splendid stand, where good business is done. The hone& has excellent accom- modation for travellers andppiblio generally. Terms made known on application to 00. BOSSIER, Benmiller. Also HOTEL at Exeter North— Will be either sold or rented. For par- ticulars apply to J. T. WESTCOTT Exeter, or JOHN,ROSSIER, Benmiller. Also, FARM of 200 ACRES— being lot 12; Sit 1 6n;i-w3W Ni enri, good soil;:l4O sores cleared and in.good shape of onitivation,• Agee, go beegh and maple „1Llishl,• � �• Also FARM of, 50 ACRES— be1bgEast hatlf f of - No. 4, 2nd Con. of WestN'iseenri, Fi�1give arty Who wants to do rbnslnese a part,ti14ty geed chance on•tbie propdity. Any of the • above are good investments, and all partioniars can be obtained on application to JNO. BOSSIER, Benmiller lir„.3.75.41FitimpepiereArre. � 1 , : THE CLINTON NEW ERA. A NEW QURE•FORRY$IPEwI-A6, , Colorless Liquid SYit't au Extraordinary Name lir. illitaituorek alae Made, It Is reported that a I'nrisianphyeiotai, Marmon,+}i by name, has discovered' a flew sertun for the euro of oryipelas,, puerper- alfever and btpt?oblal pneumnoniq. This recently disoeyertd remedy .has been given the peenliar and lengthy name pt Aug; streptoeotweiti ie. It has been seen at' the Pasteur Institute In Parte; and is,,ar,thln, colorlesB.l,iqu).d, rfjsembling water Ih al- il.•.•.No word has come al- most every data so far ms to..ita.Auneesa: orwhether any really definite cures have been made. As a matter of foot, there is only a very small quantity of it 1g5l9 yet in 'ef[i4t- ence—little more than a tfnje.vlad>iul; •:in, deed, but this is sufficient to 4have arous- ed pretty nearly all Paris—that ,sectiptt;of it It least which takes an intere9E "i1} me- dical affairs and in the science of curing disease—into making frequent inquiries and regarding the discovery as of:'*great „ practical importance. Dr. Marmorek atm''' that he is beset on every hand with re- quests for a small quantity of the serum on the part of both p1lysieians and sager- ers, and he has been obliged to shutout the puisne and the medical fraternity for a time until he has prepared more of the precious liquid. His reason tor so rioting is his remem-. brume of the time of the discovery of the antitoxins curer when the institute was besieged by anxious crowds demanding ,. the new remedy and offering large sums ° of money for even a little of. It.. When the doctors then explained fo them that it was impossible to give therg what. they asked for because there was no supply of it on hand, the crowd returned and up- braided the Pasteur physicians violently, calling them unhuman and brutes. Dr Marmorek is anxious that such a scene shall not occur in connection with his discovery. In a month and,a half Mar , morek claims that he will have an'ample supply and will meet all demands that may be made upon him. ho that The undersigned desire to in timate wilt ;keep on hand the very; best FLOUR arid FEED 01 all kinds also the choicest variety of (lover, Timothy & Small Seeds walla) will be Bold at close ma for cash. SALT also kept on,band. , He ,will also keep ti, ehetee,varkcty of all y jnds o! TES- which con- sumers will IIhd to be a oellent valne. HURON ST., CLINTON.A GOOK'S ,FIour'mFeed tore BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushed; of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANkFl. 1. The 1 o1squs Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855 CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,300,000 READ OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. g. R. MOLSON President. F. W. THOMAS,....General Manager. Notes discounted Collections made, Drafts le- aned, Sterling and American exchange bought Brad Bold at lowest,eurrent elates. Interest al - ;lowed; tin, {7,eposita., FARINS*RtB. Money advanced to.ffarmey ori their own note wflaione or more ebdorsdrd. N11 mortgage reg qutred especnrity H. C. BRbikEti, Manager. GEO. D. McT.4Gl6 AII'. BANKER ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. 9 ' i.1 lot k�S:C oto _ COMPOUNp. s rpoeitt di6bielry'tit an old physfeldn. • Suaeninuitrt}ted monthly by tMwand'tt". o1 Ladies. Is the only perfectly �$ :. ea{g and reliable inedlctne dL- OOpd,�� of =Principled drnegists who offer Inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for ;O b1e1Pi'C6tfi1A'8e a rttunlneelnll; sake°ritr tutsti- tute, or Inclose u and 6 cents In postage In letter and we winsend, sealed, by return mall Fnnaealed particulars in plain envelope, to ladies only. 2 stamps. Address The Cook Company Windsor, one, c Sold in ,Clinton by ALLAN & Wizxt, Druggists. A general Banking Business et ansfdeted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on depotth. FA•RRA li .dt,,TISDAU BANKERS, cLZxrdN. (N I Rob el Roy Cigar It's no because I'm Scotch but ybu 'canna smoke a better Cigar than KIDNEY FACTS. In Jan., 1892, my son was taken with kidney disease. Though attended by three Physicians, and change of climate he grew worse and by '93 had fallen from 195 ibe to 95 lbs. In ten days from starting to use Dr Chase'e Kidney and Liver Pills we were able to take him home. In four months he had gained 50 ibe, and was folly restored to health by the use of this medi- cine. Jno. S. Hastings, 23 St. Paul at., Montreal. "ROB ROY,” They cost 5c. but I get sax of them for a quarter. tYrtllL TOBACCO SCO, MONTREAL Of the tx1 lwtr1Qus uteeene of Burdocl* Blood Bitteralies.inits Specific : curative power over every ;pi'gn of the body. The Liver, the, BloOdl, the Bowels, tri Stomach, the •Iidne�yts,- the' ,Skin, elle 'Bladder, in fact, all parts of tho;Mtna.4p '3'. s system are regulated, purified,, !t . restored to perfect natural action by this medicine. Thus it CURES ,all diseases affecting these or other parts,' of the. ,system, Dyspepsia, .Qonstipa't tion, Bad Blood, BiliQusnesss; Head,. ache, Kidney aid Liver Complaint, Obstinate H1aalnors, Old ' Sures, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Nervous or General • •t Debility, and aU irregularities of the - system, caused by Bad Blood or dis- ordered action of the Stomach, Bowels; Liver or Kidneys. Thousands'of testi- monials warrant the assertion that B.B.B. is the BEST SPRING MEDICINE FOR YOUNG OR OLD. DYSPEPSIA , (1 a: A Carleton' Co. Miracle. BACK TO HEALTH AFTER YEARS OF EXTREME SUFFERING. YIELDED TO THE ADVICE OP A FRIEND AND OBTAINED RESULTS THREE DOCTORS HAD rsILED TO SECURE. From the Ottawa Journal. Mr Geo. Argue is one of the beet known farmers in the vicinity of North Gower. He has passed through an experience as painful as it is remarkable, and his story las told a reporter will perhaps be of value to others. "I was born in the county of Carleton," said Mr Argue, "and have lived all my life within twenty miles of the city of Ottawa. Ten years of that time have beenyears of pain and misery almost be- yond endurance. Eleven yeare ago I con- tracted "a cold which resulted in .pleurisy and inflammation of the lungs. Other complications then followed and I was con- fined to my room for five yeare. The doc- tor who attended me through this long ill- neee said that the reason I was unable to move about was due to the contracting of Sir Mackenzie Bowell, replying to a question in the Senate, said the Gov- ernment did not know whether the Hudson Bay Railway Company intend- ed building the road at all. Health and happiness are relative con- ditions; at any rate, there can be little hap- piness without health. To give the body itslfnll mea eqrre of strength and energy, the blood should be kept .Fire and vigorous, by the naeRf Qyer's,Sarseperilla. • 3'zic,.4s s erab- • In Africa there exThts a certain member Of the crab genus commonly known as the great tree crab. This peculiar shell- Sab ankle ,offensive trick of ordWling up the cocoanut trees, biting off the c000a- nute, and Bien creeping' down again bigtk- wards. lr,< The theory fa that ,"1-*. e site are lrhatter- ed t►y,4Le fan, and the.ti t tree F�.ttrs) ie thlta hied to ettj5 .a >ieirty , ' ."tt N -q*} ltllatives who inhabit regions in- feste gib,:, 'that 111-oonditioned crab ale well aware that the lower portion of the crab's anatomy is soft and sensitive, and -b i n��I4..ght ,thli3!u. eons er ati a might know when he had reached the ground, and when, consequently, he might with safety release his grasp of the trunk. So what they do in order to stop his depredations, which often ruin the cocoanut arops, is this : While the Drab is engaged in nipp}fad off the cocoanut they climb half wglr,np the trees and there drive a row o(Tong nails right around the tree, allowing an inch or so of the nails to projeot. The crab has no knowledge of disaster,•por yet of the fitness of things. As he desei nd4, the sensitive part of his body suddenly touches the nails. Thinking he has reached the ground, he naturally lets go. Instantly he falls backwards, and oracke bis own shell on the ground. HURON AND BRUCE ; is .� Load ' Investment *Co This Company is Loaning Moaap ori L'arin Security at Lowest Estee Of intete•_ MORTGAGES - . - PURCHASED SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. Advances made to farmers on their own notes at low rates of interest. A general Banking Business transacted Interest allowed on deposits. Sale Note, bought J. P. TXBBALL, Manager on Deposita accordier ng toamoent. u{fitandreet timleft. OFFICE—Cor. Square n North St., Goderich HOBAOE 1109,,T011 Managbr 13ensm,illt Igw ter9 FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH P ,. , • The�ter'of Whiehsliainakica epe6lUlty, Fruits of a Collage Education. Three Williams Oollege graduates met at the athletic club the other day. One had taken a ooureo with a view to becom- ing a minister. Iie is now a doctor. The second had taken a law course. He is now a newspaper writer. The third had taken a course to fit him for medicine. He is now a minister. I could hobble around on crutches. the mnecles and nerves of my hands and Leet through long confinement 'to bed.::: -1 eogld hobble around .a little on crutches, but.whs well nigh helpless. At thie stage a second doctor was called in who declared my trouble wee spinal complaint. 2'iot- withetanding medical advice and treat- ment I was sinking lower and lower, and was regarded as incurable. I was now in such a state that I was nimble to leave my bet%lSnr"d cnii"fiattr li1(fd°a otie''irpos- sible, and sent for one of the moat able phy- sicians in Ottawa. I was under his care and treatment for three years. He blister- ed my back every three or four weeks and exerted all his skill, but in vain. I was growing weaker and weaker, and began to think. the end could not be far off. At this juncture a friend strongly urged me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I yielded to his solicitations, and by the time six boxes of pills were used I found myself getting bet- ter. I need in all thirty boxes, and they have accomplished what ten years of treat- ment under ph} siciane failed to do. Thanks to the wonderful medicine, I am able to at- tend to my duties and am as free from dis- ease as any man in ordinary health is ex- pected to be. I still use Dr.Williams' Pink Pills, and they are the medicine for me,and so long as I live I shall use no other. If I had sot these pills ten years ago I am satis- fied that I would not have suffered as I did, and would bave saved some hundreds of dollars doctor bills. It is only- •those who have passed through such a terrible siege es I have done who oan tally realize the wondertnl merit of Dr Williams' Pink Pills." Mr Argue's experience should convince even the most skeptical that Dr Williams' Pink Pills stand tar in advance of ether medicines and ere one of the greatest dis- coveries o1 the age. There is no disease due toimpure or weary blood or shattered nerves which will not speedily yield to this treat- ment.and in innumerable owes patients have been restored to health and strength after physicians had pronounced the dread-, ed word "incurable." Sold by all dealers in medioine or sent by mail post paid, at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 92.50 by ad- dieasin the :lir. 'Qd!illieme' Medicine Co., Brockville, (int,, or gehenegi:tld'y, IN. Y. Befnee ipiitations and do not becperauaded to try tobieihing else. MANITOBA SCHOOLS e D Look over these prices. SUGARS Special quotation in bbls. Sellingj;by,$ less than wholesale prices CANNED GOODS Put up by THE BEST PACKERS. Tom a t oe Corn and Apples, Pumpkins, Salmon and Mackerel. TEASExtraordinary values in Japan, Black and Green. a pound. Chinese Mixture only 20o alponnd. RTCE-25 pounds for $1. RAISINS -28 Ib. box for $1. PRUNES, CALI- FORNIA APRICOT and PEACHES Largest and best assorted stook of CROCKERY and GLASSWARE in the county Selling at close prices. See quality and price. Good Japan only 15o J. W. Irwin, Grocer MACKAY BLOCK, - - - - CLINTON. A PARLORSUITE FSR $ Have you seen that Parlor Suite, Upholstered is Raw Silk, with Oak Frame, that we are offering at $23? If you are needing anything in this line, you should see them at once, as we can get but a limited number. B. B. B. Purifies, renovates and regulates the entire system, thus curing Dyspepsia, Constipa- tion, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Rheuma- tism, Dropsy and all diseases of the stom- ach, liver, kidneys and bowels. It also re- moves all impnrltiee from the system from a common pimple to the worst scrofulous sore. LARGE STOOD' ON HAND The above ornamental trete bpglietsylowpc�dic ira o 3' thinn hilow will save money by pbr chasing here. Q;ders by Mailwill be promptly attended to. Address, JOHN STEWART, BENMILLER Mr H. D. Cameron, of Hamilton, who was stricken,vpethie,ralyeis at the Manitoba Hotel several weeks agd,'died at eWinnipeg•GE npral,Rospital. He was founder o the Hamiiiitdri -ProviL dent and Loan 4.evocSa41,91?. - Mr M. C. D. Burden, of New York, whose colored butler, Ferdinand Har- ris, was murdered on Monday in the basementof Mr Burden's offered $10,000house, reward for the arrest the murderers. Conran boom p •, 1•1 Curtain Poles for 22 Cents. GET THE BEST. • The public are too intelliggent to purchase a worthless article a second time, on the contrary they want the beet) Physicians are virtually unenimons in saying Soott's Emulsion is the best form of Cod Liver oil. We can give you a Curtain Pole with ends, rings, brackets and pins all complete e for 22 cents. P In every line of Furniture our prices , are lower than ever OSEPH W. C.H I DLEY, J FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. SHORT JOU$gS ON A LONG Is the characteristipltri;tle of a profusely illustrated book ooiitttif)ing over ono hun- dred pages of charmingly, Mite};1 descrip- tions of snmmer'iteBOrtt' pI the ebntitiy p north and west ot101t'tgo, / '1 reafiiiig matter is new, tlIQ tautly rations are pie!, and the informatlen thdt in i,11%be he* to almost everyone. • ,t ° A copy of "Short Journey's on n Long Road" will be sent free to anyone who will enclose ten cents (to pay postage) to Gro. H. Hr/Fr'own, General Passenger Agent, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway, Chicago, Ill. Children Ciry:for iltohe 't ' ea LtOifd.Y' Ottawa's licensed' victuallers have de- cided to raise the price of whiskey to ten cents a glass. Mr Calven, whose defection from the Government ranks on the division was remarked, declines to run again for Frontenac, and retires into private life for the present. I/1 III U '•, 1t71 , �, with 8 cough, real or .....2.-... sore throat Use a �t t' ' retnedv that relieves • .o ,/,,, 00_0; from the start, soothes �7 l . �Y 9d heal- the inflamed 'erl l;" tissues of the larynx or bronchial tubes. PYNY-PECTORAL Is a certain remedy based on a clear know- ledge of this di eases it wu created to ttnf.. n LARGE BOlit.E 25 CENTS. MBAIL'SCIB9196E FACTOIE! Huron Street, Clinton We have in stock a few uggies and Waggons Which we guarantee to be of first—class material and workmanship. If yon want a good article at the price of a poor one, call and see ns. 'F. RUMBA - CLINTLIN +.MA/bf.M.Vti WWM..... J.V.U. V•WWMA R.I-P-A-N-S ONE GIVES RELIEF. • NWW....M.r.MV••••w^•.•00. STILL at the FRONT Thelnndersigned wishes to inform his man customers and friends that he bas moved to his New Shop on Rattenbury Street Near the Market Square, where he is prepared to give hie customers better a000mmodationgthan ever. I have securedthes rta s ofll ka good woodworker, and in prepared Ato the quality of walk ds of wood -work repairing. done and attention shown ills sufficient o eaY that the old standard will be pt a1'. In hie showrooms there willtock kept a well smarted Sleighs, utters, Buggies, Plows, Harrows), Etc, Which he will Bell at prices to snit the times. In addition to this he is prepared to do all kinds of Bicycle Bspeirbig. Spec" attentionwill he giv en tq nom Shoeing and ell Onistom work. All COILED �t work and Stook gnairenteed,tobe'first-ohms and THE SOILED SPRINU prfceb ldN. JOHN TIEDFORD, Clinton ROBERT -:- DOWNS, OLINTON, Manufacturer and Proprietor tor,tho best maw M121 Dog in use. Agent fortliesale and sppli- oatlon of the EfFlenaa PATENT AtToIArio Bowes Cus&Naa. STEAM a sTT fNQS furnished and App ed on ebur notice. Boilers. Engines, and all kinds • Maebinery repaired expeditiously and In ;satisfactory ataaaer Farm implements manufactured and repaired Steam and water pampa furnished and put in positipn. Dry lliluee tiedmodn eon applioatioa Charg" For Twenty -Five Years s i r ;, ; Ve d*M>ty1uo 1 Wove Wire, Fenclilt " • ,Mesare Stanley and Steels 1001 agentsfor the above fence, which is claimed to be the. beet fencing wire mannfaetured of the kind Farmers intending to use this fending, are, requested to cut their posts 8i feet ioag, STANLEY & STEEP, •C11ftalx •sY it 1111111111111M111111110 01 • I>•A/1111AA111101 1•intw11ttl111w01111ww1110110 ls111111w0l DosailitiMMUMONDIONOMilionliniitinallimai inclunisnakorsnamosicomniontaainioasisno 1 .^s.Iw.,..+saws,n,e.rarrwn...arefsAMII ,Mesare Stanley and Steels 1001 agentsfor the above fence, which is claimed to be the. beet fencing wire mannfaetured of the kind Farmers intending to use this fending, are, requested to cut their posts 8i feet ioag, STANLEY & STEEP, •C11ftalx •sY it