HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-06-07, Page 6t. e.,t.!Ilt :8' e$♦tor.ss.. natOrekl,i color *44. the hair, loud oluo • prevents it Wine out. Nara. ?Wiwi*** of Pili,, °N tl., says: tlA,.littl 'mdre two years eat, My hair began to tUrnn� and fall out. Af- ter the use Of o ;hp ire QfiA er'IT rikY >� rr>jtproO oIts original co or an ceased railinga"out. An Oteaajen p11c1 tlonhas;sincekept the 'halt n ed Con ition. —Mrs. H. F. Fltuwteu, Digby, N. S. Groh of Hair. "Eight .ye'i11' `agii;1 had itfie:vai O- tOld,j an "lost my hair 'which pr led • u}Ulya:3Y itaza,I2iva 0:tal'iar) , 'rations; btit'W1th- out beneflci result, till I began to fear I should be permanentl3 jald. silt sital:,amonthe ago my husband tat h llt. l>tomeR: a' bottle Of 4yer's Ii it >.�41, I°>l0gan at onee to e lir, :; na abortatime, new hair hegan`ti1'.`appear, and there is now `every prospect of as thick a growth of hair as before my .illness." — Mr"O.'A. WEnga, Polymnla St., Now Orleans, La. AYER'S Nair VIGOR • - ,PREPARED,BY OR. 1. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS., U .S. A. dyer's .Pitts cure Sick IZeadae:v.;. -WANTON Nr . COINS ANC) f'f • i'` • The Cttrthagiutans hail leather coins. Tin o01ns were oast by,Dioeysitis of Sy- 1 mouse about 405:'9. C.-; !Jho Chinese "bash" IS said to have had its origin about B.tl tlbaa s The Roman easteatlue was like our '•pit,,, a money, ef' tteconnt, haytwg no coin to reptesekrt itei Yatne. The first geld. coins made by, the. Unit- ed States 'mint were finished July, $l 1795, and consisted of 744 ten -dollar pieces.: • s The earliest Amen' ooips were stamped with the figure of, an ox, hence `too . Etat, Lish word peouniary, trona peous, battle: Leaden comet or 4ekene„ were 4 use by many anofenti pattens, and up t6 a short time ago were, ej iployecl in Burmah. One of the. early Washington coins -bears - the legpend, t' Washington the Great. D.Q. " Only *so apeglmene are 'amen to extei.• Before the French revolution the Aus- trian monaroby liad a distinct coinage for each, of its'prinoipal districts or polit- ical dibtsidns: . A series of coins was 'made for 'Kens tuoky'during the Revbliltion: ' One side bore'the legend "Oar cause is. just," the other the wdtdb trOnaiiimityt, is the strength of society." The "noea constellatio" Dopplers of 178, so highly valued by'btflleotere' Were Made in Birmingham, England, for Gouver- neur Morrie • Forty tons of oopper were used i!l the manufacture. , The deln s„ 'wok be,the Rgidian 'd'eikr- tltors o1;, Jti'd iwettedeoigno, ?to show re- spect for Jewish peejudtee p'Bgainse imi= earrss of corn,bpalm tbore rees,Ich subjects as vases, flowers and shields. The Imperial Roman coins always con taln on the obverse the poreit and uabie of' this Emperor, (mettle ,r , verse a riRte- a afyion of some event; nneotled Y.vtth litlgn. The ootns otTltris slowed the Coliseum, those of Trajan 'a triumphal arch, those of Vespasian a picture of Je- rusalem. d'o , Dhta, L'T.1i. was 'r.►" Qhsee ,1t, �A, stat ease of I` ewr hfp Es- , !N rarlptbru theta[ restPWti MI!' i' ter. R riles a�a g8ro., t.AM' inteueoifmliOaai Triedsedinumacd Itnew lEt ''rte. ., St ALMOST CRAZY SUFFERING FROM CONSTIPATION. EXPECTED TO BE IN THE ASYLUM — AFTER ALL OTHER REMEDIES FAILED B.B.B. MADE A PERFECT CURE, REsTORINO ROBUST HEALTH. According to a report presented to the Dominion Parliament, the premi- ums paid for life insurance in Canada during 1:'!4 aggregated $9,909,284, an increase of $276,505 as compared with the previous year. 4" t SEE "TmanA named Archie Spofford, a Ca- nadian, whose relatives live at Cam- den'East,` Ott., Committed suicide on Tuesday night by jumping into the Charles river at Boston, Mass. SHILOH'S CURE, the great'cough ani croup cure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 250. Children love it. Sold by J. H. Combe. One Rev. Wm. Kettlewell, of Paris, .l;Confererlce�i sidf thtofe the od et Church on the first ballot. CATARRH RELIEVED rig 10 To 60 MINUTES. One abort .ruff of the breath through the Blower supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Catar rhal Powder, diffuses this Powder over the sur- face of the nasal passages. Painless and delight, fnl to use, it relieves instantly, and permanently cures Catarrh. Hay Fever. Colds, Headache, Sore Throat, Tonsilitis and Deafness. 60 cents. At WATTS & CO'S., Clinton.if a bli'y' Much of the valuable timber in the Fort Pelly district, in Northwestern Manitoba, is reported destroyed by fire during the last year. ' Ex -Alderman Stewart was acquitted at the Toronto Criminal Assizes yest- erday of the charge of civic boodling brought against him in connection with the electric lighting contracts. The cef'emony of laying the corner- stone of the new Forester's temple in Toronto was reormed on Thursday afternoon by his Excellency the Gover- nor -General, -before a large and appreci- ative audience. -�•,;,,-1 Mik o>at1'1tilGlr't itip4.— I condMrD ,,ab$I•'a Intent a nod -send to . anyone aria�jthoav itching weeitu or arty WADI skim.seiton4tseaaa **Weed t-fromXuo 4 an* t1,31i • 1)estliy. %York er tee New Dailey:. Sir Benjamin Reiser, in a paper on "War Ana Engineering," calls attention to the devastation which the smsll•bore rifle effects in the human body, He soya; "The magazine rifle bullet, though ate larger to t jeeeeter then a.•; ked' .Pot►oi1, does not ei iplly perforate a bone, but "the part is always pounded; ; :h;agrmnts are frequently (ari t t1 t'a^, through ..the wound of exit, whlo is puOoznmonly Bou- verted into a gapingw'.61WCO, tt� O. mit ii., are pulped, and, in feet, she limb mangl- ed and damaged beyond repels'. " Itaxiay not unreasonably be•bontende therefore, that by .supplying eeldtersfwitb a Weep*. which kills or maimI3 for -»fe e'botyetia•a bone of whose body is touched by a bullet even' at a mile's distance, afiid'further,'by Raking° victors and vanqufehed suffer squall'y,so d the cost of killlnfg• maofto it edniparbbly goat& than "old'jv'bn- glnoertng science:has done more to make weir unpopular than all the army tailors of the world will ever be able to undo, however muchthey may endeavor to dis- tract attention. COLD IN THECURE IT HOW TO One of the most unpleasant and danger- ous maladies that afflicts Oanadiang at this -di3.rson is'ildla itt the Wtft. °Unpleasant, because of the 'dell, 'beet' h`eaeache, in- flammed nostrils and other disagreeable symptoms accompanying it; and danger. p't k if awe irataglee d it cleVel�egpgs into 'aIxtatt -,with itt 4iss eable hawfi,iirg and eprttifig,.!ital.:Ire/oh requal t Ingo of taste and smell, and in many cases ultimately developinsrhato consumption. Nasal Balm is the only remedy yet discovered. that will instantly relieve cold in the head and cures in a few applications, while its faithful use will effectually eradicate the worst case of catarrh. Capt. D. H. Lyon, president of the O.P.S. Car Ferry, Prescott, Ont., says —"I used Nasal•Balm for a prolonged case of cold in the head. Two applications ef• fours. I onld not take h ake 0100forbottlemy e in less than 24 of Nasal Balm, if I could not replace it." Sold by all t 50 Dents per abottle, by , or sent by mail G. T.Fut- ! o Ful-!o rd&Co., Montreal. MERRY MOMENTS. Tomiinj—Pop,what is a popular' song? Torim___y��'s Father—One that everybody "pas't'y 4!dk'iatiid tired of hearing,—Philadel- phis Record. "How on earth did Smith become a col- onel?' In Geos gia and he attleded Train as de- s pio- nie. "—Atlanta Constitution. Jingle—Here, you can take back this dog yon gave me. Dingle ---What's the matter with him? Jingle—He's eaten bis tag. I can't afford to get him a new 11- cense.—Life. Mrs. Hicks—How do yon like this the- atre toque? I made it all myself. Hicks —It isn't very big, is it? Mrs. Rieke— No-o; I made it out of an old jet bracelet. —N. Y. World. "Here's the latest thing in watches, said the dealer; "a warranted waterproof case." "I believe," said Mudge, "that one that oould be soaked would be better suited to my needs. "—Indianapolis Jour- nal. "I don't like hash," remarked the musical boarder at breakfast.„ It is not rhythmical.” "Maybe not," replied the landlady, as her eyes emitted a baleful fire, "but yon will always find one word to rhyme with it, and that word is cash." —N. Y. Tribune. GENTLEMEN—TO say all I ought t0 in favor of B. B. B. would be impossible. It has been a great health restorer to me, and I do swear by it. I am a different man now to what I was ten years ago, when it was was expected I would be in the asylum, but now I am in perfect robust health and it was the B.B.B. that did it. I suffered for five or six years from constipation, some- times so severely that I went out of my mind. I tried various doctors, both in the country and in the city, and took medicines too numerous to name, but everything failed to have the desired effect. When I used Burdock Blood Bitters, however, it succeeded beyond all expectations, requir- ing only two bottles to cure me. To make it still more certain that B.B.B. is tha real cure for constipation, I may say that some two years afterward I felt the symptoms returuing and took one bottle more, and frena that time to this present day (over eight years) I have nbver had "any return of the disease. I never knew any medicine to work so well. It does not seem to be a mere reliever, but a sure and certain cure, as I can certify to, for hundreds of -dollars' worth of medicine and advice, failed to do me any good, but three dollars' worth of B.B.S. made a permanent cure that has given me years of health andecomfort. Toronto. Yours truly, C. L. KILMER. Coughing. For all the ailments of Throat and Lungs there is no cure so quick' and permanent as Scott's EmulSian of Cod-liver Oil. It is palatable, easy on the mo_-: << nate stomach and elle::tive ,Scott', Emulsion stimulates' the appetite, aids the dige -tion of other foods, cures ughs and Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, and gives vital stren>;;th besides. It has no equal a5 n 't,l'- ishment for Babies and Children who do not thrive, and overcomes Any Condition of Wasting. Send for pamphlet on Stott's Emulsion. Fre,. -'&cote & Bowne, Belleville. All Druggists. 60e. & t1. ov ly Twins at ,Allen & Wilson's Drug Store. Like'a fond mother I love both. Some ladies like one, some the other. Many knowing their great value like both and buy thein.. Any way you can't AO two better artie1ee for the cora' plexion. t3otb guaranteed. Cost, 75 cents each. �Lola Motes +� 1� ire»e •1 imimberandElder- • Sea Island Dialect. Alfred was a lanky -,loose-jointed youth with the shambling gait of a racoon, and more that his shares the Columbia Siebe, nese. In color, says he was a ohinquapin brown, or as the hands on the plantation called it, 'a boy kind of ntgguh, sub." With the arrogance of the copper -alloyed negro he looked duava upon the darker -hued members of hie ram. He was pployed [nand Ione day Was g odd lobs about the plantation, coming over the railroad cross�a balancing bwayun from the r big spring," the hatless crown of bucket of water ups his woolly head, when, as he ponied to look up and down the lines of glitbering steel rail, ostensibly n totse " he ddercaude shoo fly train dey ht eight of a rival and euemy, Paul Young- blood, a thick -set bullot-headed bl heavi- eryear or two older and many p pi- er than our hero. Putting down bucket and loungin;ward tthe he oomer, who had paused Alfred dem andtul: "Paul, wat you tell Pink 'boot me to de settin' up las' Sattyday niter' "Tell w'ich Pink?" " Ann' Sarah rerandarter Pink. Von know urn berry well l" "Who tall you 1 know 3ho?'' trainban' "Ef you Ain' kn;,w 'urn yotr q sold 'um. " "Well, of I is 'qualntan' wid'um I neb- ber toll 'um. "You tell 'um dot I o, uld'n specify." "Who tall you I tell 'um?" "Lizzyhott' tell me,." " W'ich 'Lizzybet' tint?" " Same Lizzybet' ; you mus' be fool, enty?" "Don't you cues me It foil." " 1 cuss you a fool, yeas, on' I cuss you a lie, en' I cuss you a nigguh I' "Ef you 01188 mea nigguh, yourself is a nig Who --me?" "Yetis, you." BRISTOL'S Sarsaparill the Skin Food and Tissue builder, in ele. ! ower lA r�/ amnt np in LLL °�, bot• gent opal pots, feeds through, the akin ties. An ideal akin Onic. Noted for its poree, keeps the skin heslthy hence pre- cleaning power. Greatest preventive of serves the oomplexion;- prevents wrinkles, j pimples and blackheads. Pure, harmleee, old age look, freckles, tan. 1 effective. Lasts 8 to 5 months. • Mrs �Tettie'Harrison, A.nierica's Beauty Doctor, 40 and 42 -(Weary St., San Francisco. Cal. Eastern Office, 56W ashington Ave.,•Detroit, Michigan. • 9 of Damaged by the Frost. Onr Stook of Sugars were not damaged by Frost, but se the market is higher and excited, we quote no prices, but will not be undersold. Prime obtained by calling atonr store, also Bargains in everything in our line In Blank TEAS we have`the. Data °Kole Blend at 50ets a pound, and 'the- Salads Package at 40o., best value in town. In Japans at 25 and 35 Dente we beat them all. In foot no' ittaetobstldtfneet2'in dor tine; we`giiaranteseto'give ae' d" quality, and as low prioee as can be got anywhere. Canned Goode of all kinds. 13oafein great variety. Hams. Bacon. Lard, LCottolene andsee whaty instook. wecan d Crockery forn Glassware away down Give all 11Iv11IURR4-Y& WILTSE, NearPostOince-CE ttA.L 'GROCERY—Telephone 40 A camphor famine is threatened se a re- sult of the war between Japan and China. Should a warm summer bring cholera and G00111dysentery the demand for camphor will be very gree, t and its price will increase enor- mously. or at any rate in a few days, by the use of is to SPR,4Y and spray buy your . fruit trees Moet coughs may be cured in a few home INVESTMENT a PUMP Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. With such a promo sure remedy is no need of prolonging the agony for weeks and months. Keep [hie remedy in your house. In the course of his sermon in the City Temple, London, Rev, Joseph Parker,D.D. HEART DISEASE ttELiEVED IN 30 MINUTES I said the only action to be taken on the be - Dr Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives perfect re - It of the Armenians was a war against lief in all oases of Organic or Sympathetic Heart I I tisa-e in 30 minute% and Palpitly ation, S a cure. Turkey. l k humane and righteous one the world If B a Breath, Sm therdy IncSPalpPan Shortness had ever known. of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Left Bide and all symptoms of Diseased Heart One dose eonvin008. Sold byWATTt & CO., rlinton An English judge has decided that teachers have no right to keep children in after school hours as a punishment, nor to impose studying at home. t and as this at hand, A bill is now being framed, to be sub- mitted to to the Quebec Legislature at the next session, to abolish the Jacques. Cartier Normal school in Montreal and the Laval Nor mal school in Quehec,and to hand over the revenue therefrom to Laval University, and to place the en- tire education of the Catholic youth of the Province of Quebec under the con- trol of the different religious congrega- tions, male and female. The project, it is stated, has received the sanction of the highest ecclesiastical authorities of the province. Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Diego, Cal. says: "Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy is the first remedy have eveCe found Sold that would do me any good." by J. H. Combe. St. Patrick was an Englishman, if Dr. Nicholson, of the Bodleian Library, is right. He thinks he has found out from the tri- partite life of the saint that he was born at Daventry, near Northampton. Manitoba is at present the only province whose Lieutenant -Governor is a knight, and Ontario is the only one whose Premier sports a title. Formosa has been declared an independ. ent republil. TangChing, formerly Chin- ese Governor, has been chosen President, anfl there is a suspicion that Chinese offic- ials are at the bcttom of the movement, which will probably give Japan trouble. HHEUMATISMM CURED IN A DAY.—South Am erican itbeuu,atlsu, Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically euros in 1 to 3 days. Its ace tion upon the systuiu is remarkable and mysteri- ous. The first does greatly benefits. 75cents. R;dd by WATTS & CO., Clinton Florence, the young daughter of Rev W. R. Barker, Methodist minister of Orillia, accidentally: setfire to her clot hiug while playing in the yard, and flied from the effects of her injuries. "Bion.," It• -od took a heavy u&vit r knot ri"4Sm a pile OT ©ngfii© wooer and brought It down 'with a whack on'tbe. Cures ,Rheumatism, Gout, thick skull of his opponent. The blew didn't seem to trouble the recipient much, .CfC}at1Ca, Neuralgia, Scrofula„ II and he stood looking dazedly at his assail - Sores, and all Eruptions. i ck- ant until of his owntilood � wnn the planksreminded him that he had been dospitefnlly need. Selz- ing Alfred suddenly by the ears he butted him full in the forehead and t the two skulls crashed together like the coupling of freight oars with auto - matte bumpers. The battle was a short one. Alfred fell to earth and was soundly belaboed aroused Paulefore I could niaba don ake the now the thoroughly fight. "Now, Alfud," said the conqueror, " I done bruk y0' moat', you is satisfy, enty?" - Alfred rose from the fray with a triumphant face,his "head bloody but nn - bowed." "N'mine," said he through his swollen lips 1y hastray. A yhow, I burden een de friss' and moved el,r�rly aVvay. lick." t 1 ' Language is a 0011017E assortment of in- ure say, for example, that a man ls in his !sops whe8i as a matter at feat tihG net t�l be of hte'•Illp8 tz% in him. ,rel' ustroL'S Sarsa • aril]. •Cures Liver, Stomach and Kidney Troubles, ,and Cleanses the Blood of all Impurities. BRISTOL'S arsaparill . Cures,. Ohl Chronic Cases ,where del rothed remedies fail. sure olid ask your Druggist for AND „i'4'' CLEAR , SK1N. �R v CONSTIPATION C� INDIGESTION DIZZINESS. ERUPTIONS ON THE SKIN. BEAUTIFIES e'r COMPLEXION. ,. 1 •'',7.:1.1.'"-..2C.,..-3:4 EA_tilvst rtil nye An Agreeable Laxative and NERVE TONIO. Bold by Druggists or sent by Mail. 960.. 600.. and $L00 per package. samples tree. RO HO The Favorite TOOTH POWDER for the Teeth and Breath. 950. Sold by J. li. :iOMBE. POWDERS Care SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia in 20 MINUTES alsb Coared Tongue, Dizzi- ness, Biliousness, Itain in the Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver Bad Breath. to stay cured also regulate the bowels. VERY NIOB TO TAKE. PRIDE 2d CENTS AT DRUG STORES. WE HAVE THEM—ALL KINDS, FROM al to 810. PREPARE FOR CUTTING YOUR LAWN BY GETTING ONE OF CUR 18 inch Lawn Mowers only S5. AVOID THE TROUBLESOME FLYS BY PUTTING O1' Screen Windows - and Doors } (EARLY). WE HAVE THEM VERY CHEAP. Old Stand ivlackayB H ARLAND lock �Brick Block LASH IS RING CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Stratford, Ont. WHAT OTHERS HAVE DONE . Youfcan do if you want to, Let us talk the matter over at least. A card to us wiil do it. The trouble to us is nothing, We are always pleased to make your acquain- taince, and have something of in- terest to tell you. Handsome catalogue free. P. McINTOSH, Principal. SU'FFEREI) FOR OVER ti() YEARS — TRIEI) EVERYTHING AND EMPLOYED TWO Olt THREE'; DOCTORS A well known farmer says: Lot 232, Thorold Township, Welland P. 0., —"For over 30 years my wife had been a sufferer from most dreadful headaches; at times they were so bad she could neither sit nor lie down but her head seemed as if it would split. She tried everything she could hoar of and was attended by two or three doctors, but could not find relief until we got Stark's Powders for headache, bil- iousness, costiveness, neuralgia, and the liver. ' Since then she has been free from suffering, and any tendency to pain Stark's Powders remove immediately. They are the only medicine ebe everlgot that has been of benefit,"—Jonathan Page. Price 25o a box 5 boxes $1, at all medi- cine dealers. Nice, immediate and perman- ent. Jure 7th. SHE hibbACKACIiE feelb gore ache with muscular Phing, and flab just put on that Bani8her of Backacheb �e .9i' ° MENTh L Pi TEil MoLieu LAN, Point au Chone,_ ,. toe : Noth Ing better for Lame Back and Lu go than the J. D. & L. Menthol Plaster. A. E. MACLSAN writes from Windsor: "The D. & L. Menthol Plaster is curing Sore Backs and Rhe-Q.,,t_ to *jr b atetir-tgreao thin vicinity. 1 CURE FITS! vda �l. treaties end bottle o! medioin, cent Tni b Y) SefrereO Olrc Sante,, and Poet Ofbee eddris,. n. BOOT td.d., 1ed Treat Adelaide street, Toronto,thit..._ .. J. C. STEVENSO —THE LEADING— UNDERTLKER —AND— EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOON KEPT in STOCK ThebestEmbalming Fluidused • Splendid Hearse. ALBERTST.,45LINTON Residence over atore OPPOSITE TOW HALL annelleallinale GOOD EATING is the keystone to health. You can buy the keystone kind of Groceries at The CASH GROCERY In Canned Goods, Vegetables, Meats and all kinds of table delicacies, we carry a full assortment. Teas & Coffees Sole agents for the Celebrated "Monsoon" Indian Tea, a Specialty Extra good value in Young Hyson, 51bs for $1, For Prompt Delivery, or Good Goods and Fresh (rcceries, or Low Prices and Fair Dealing. Farm produce taken as cash.—Telephone No. 23. OGLE COOPER & CO Cash Grocery 1. door North of News.Record. • Featherbone Skirt Bone For STYLE Giving A light, pliable, elastic bone made from quills. It is soft and yieldine, conforming readily to folds, yet giving proper shape to Skirt or Dress. The only Skirt Bone that may be to wet without injury. The Celebrated i'eather- bone Corsets are cworcl.ecl with this material. and SHAPE Ladies Dresses For Sale by loading Dry Goods' Dealers. Adams' Emporium HAVGRAND RECEIVEDA OF Ready Made Clothing For Men's, Youths' and Children. They are splendid valve. HANDSOME DISPLAY OF MILLINERY Special value in BOOTS, SEIOES and RUBBERS. A large line of Aad Sn hlis, very nice. We have also .BARB WIRE, Black Wire, White Patent Twist. Field and Garden Seeds of best quality. Special value in Sugar, Tea and every line of Groceries. Produce taken in exchange. • ADAMS' EMPORIUM,. R. ADAMS. LONDFSBORO trt`.mss • k\\\ i1 rdi�I ' k1\'I'A1 bi /1 J. Brunsdon & Son, LONDESBORO t Agts. for all Farm Implement MASSEY•HARRIS Binders, Mowers, Drills „lover, Seeders, Cultivators, Stunners and all kinds 61 Plows Full lino of Machinery and ['low Repairs BINDER low prices. BA coest mplete Twineands of plete line of , Buggies, Road Carts, Waggons wSr"---- yr Fine Buggies and Standard waggons t :, V.„S 1i , +:, a epebi9lty. Agents or dolild, 6barply & Muir Wind Mine l tjli Mo rT'O—pirst-oIAse *ork and boat material; prices consistent with good articles. Prompt attention given to Repairing and all kinds of Job Work. JOHN BRUNSDON At SON, Londesboro.