HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-05-31, Page 6Il' Illv'895. D 0111 - THE DA VALLEY; TO THE ENJOYMENT HEAL THl P AINE'S CELERY COMPOUND SAVES A WELL-KNOWN • affatimalENORFOLK. COUNTY FARMER. Completely Curedafter four of the Best Doctors had Failed. Few men in Norfolk County, Ontaric, are better or more favorably known than Mr. Joseph Rolston, of Nixon. This gentleman, some time ago, was in such an extremely alarming condition of health, that relatives and friends were: fearfulf results. Four skilled physioians did all for the sick mazy that could be done, but a cure was beyond their best efforts, peovdieetiallye mr,Rol- ston \v`dein'duoed"to give Pain's Celery Com- pound a trial, with the result that sickness ,and disease were banished, and a valuable life staved to the •community. Mr, Rolston who Writes fuqr the benefit of suffering men. and women, has'his s.atement i vouched for, by two well-known Methodist ministers, Rev. T. R. Clark, of Delhi, and Rev. D. Williams, of Nixon. • Mr Robson says:- .. ..�v,a.,:n 4 "It gives me great pleasure to add my testimony to the ever increasing popular- ity of your preparation known as Paine's Celery Compound. It is now a year past since I had a severe attack of nervous pros• tration caused by chronic dyspepsia, and for a year I could not sleep at night. Thia condition of sleeplessness brought on delir- ium. 1 was attended by four of the best doctors of the country, and took a great quantity of medicine, but all failed to do me any good. Having been persuaded to read your books I thought I would try your Paine's Celery Compound; and after I had used four bottles the nervousness and dys- pepsia left me, and I have done more work since than for years past. I novr enjoy ex- cellent health and consider myself com- pletely cured. I have highly recommend. ed your Paine's Celery Compound to others, and I know of several persons who are now using it." IN A STREET CAR. The car was crossing the city of New York from the west to the east, when a very young mother, evidently from the poorer class, got into the car. Both she and her baby wore the positive evidences of refinement. The modesty of the bonnets worn by each, the dain- tiness with which the plain clothes were worn, all showed the woman to' be one iu spirit above her class. The little girl was just beginning to talk. She looked long and earnestly at an old woman, dirty, scuttling, and repul- sive, on the other side of the car. The child tooked so earnestly at the*•old wo- man that the mother thou ght:perhaps that was the reason why the old yeo- man wits scowling, and she tried to ;at- tract the little girl's attention, but it • was useless. The big blue eyes'were ' not removed from the face of the old Woman. At hast the little girl became so iest)ess that the mottle'. stood he: on her fee•r by her knee, whet] the child, g x"WitIe'sh`r'Sti'd k step and outstretched arms, threw herself against the scowl- ing old woman rand said, in her. sweet -baby tones, •'I d_t. dealt ma home; rue -loves draninas " The'old woman was so tartied at this unexpected display of d,f1ectton and interest that her eyes $lied trgittl tears, and, patting 'me hand on the child's shoulder, she pushed her . gently front, her knee, and said, "I'm not fit for ye7 to touch, child, ver so sweetand pretty." But the bahy,with that clear look of innocence that is so startling in some children, pushed away the detaining hand and again leaned heavily against the old woman. This tirue, putting her elbow on the old women s knee, and her chin on her band, She ga7,,ed with the most bewitch- ing smile into the old woman's face, murintu im„ "I love drrutunas." The tears overflowed and trickled down the face of the old wilinan, and there was -not. adry eye in the car. The little mother, keit t;r•e wisdom. let the angel of inercv alone. and there the child stoe.el, fluidly inking the corner of the ;old woi.au's shawl in hey hand. smiling liai..ttr'szutlinp,-4 int() 1 ho face of the woman who evident ly- years hel'ore had built .a wall.' bei ween her: -elf and the world's good fellowship. V', H. frard. Almost a Hopeless Case. Terrible Cough. No Rest Night aos Day. Given up by Doctors. A LIFE SAVED DY TAKING � CHERRY A ti PECTORAL "Severalyeare ago; I caught a severe cold, attended with a terrible cough that allowed ...MOOD relit,.ither day or night, The doc- tors, after Working rking over me to the best of their ability, pronounced my ease hopeless, and said they could do no more for mc. ..,friend, learning of my trouble, sent Inc h bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which I began to take, and very soots I was greatly xelleved. By the time I had used the whole bottle, kiwis completely cured. I have never bad touch of a cough since that time, and I *rally believe that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral bared ily life."—W. 11. WAItn, 8 Quimby Lowell, Mass. 'AlyeE's Cherry Pectoral IIIOHES A U5 A -WORLD SS FAIR.. xeoet .ra»tt1y FISH TRAINED TO FIGHT. A Curious Sport Indulged in bythe,Peo- ple of Far-Ofl' Siam. The two fish aro placed in the same bottle, says the London Field. They pro- ceed to take each other's measure, shoulder up to each other in schoolboy fashion, and back and push around the "ring," the small fins vibrating rapidly all the tiniie, and each little being quivering with ex- citement and wrath. This goes on for some minutes, until as the specters are growing impatient, one fish suddenly flips his head around, makes a dart, and a con- siderable dent in his adversary's tail shows at once that ho has got home. Henceforth there is no hesitnion until one or the other crus "peccavi." In regular fish fights, on which money depends, the battle is continued nntil one fish turns tail and is chn.sed around the bottle by the othbr. But this is usually an affair of an hour; and frequently of three or four. .The pluck and determination of the fighters are wonderful. The ordinary stream fish do not evince nearly so fru :h as these that have been bred and reared for the purpose. The tail is the part which shows most damage. for it is very easily torn, but a good grip on a side fin is more effective. When one pins the other by the nose a very exciting struggle takes place, the two ly- ing fastened together like professional wrestlers, and then shaking each other back and forward with might and main. They often seem extremely exhausted, but still fight on bravely, and sometimes It is a matter of difficulty to part them. They display considerable agility in evad- ing their opponents' mouth, and also in suddenly twisting around and taking a piece out of his tail. In twenty minutes or so these appendages, which looked so brave and bright as they went into the fray, aro torn to ribobns. The fish's gen- eral appearance after the fight suggests that of a sailing ship emerging from a hot action, with her canvas hanging in streamers,her topmasts shot away and her crew gasping for breath, but still read to fight again. The combatants some- times succumb to a long contest, but gen- erally they only take superficial damage and are inmediately ready to feed. After a match they aro always rested a week or longer, aceordtng to the extent of their in- juries, ami. most of the rents and cuts are repaired by nature. Enthusiastic owners often wager £6 or £7 or morn on their favorites, and many people earn a little money in this way by breeding fighting fish and then backing them rp.gafnst others. Stub Enda of Thought. Loving art for art.'s sake is not greatly unlike loving pie for pip's seke. Tact is sometimes an acquired habit but neverin its highest form. A loud laugh in a woman is like a noise in a picture. Poetry is the language of poverty. Money is often a concealed weapon. Woolen hate with their hearts and de- spise with their heads. • Selling a poem or a picture doesn- in jure the sentiment of Dither. In that far, woman is neither a poem or a picture. Cupid doesn't know a dollar from a doughnut. B. B. B. Purifies, renovates and regulates the entire system, thus curing Dyspepsia, Constipa- tion, Sick Headache, Billoueneas, Rheuma- tism, Dropsy and all diseases of the stom- ach, liver, kidneys and bowels. It also re- moves all impurities froni tine systedi firont a common pimple to the worst sorofalous bore. Drunkenness In England. In England, during one year for which returns have been furnished, there were 142,726 convictions for drunkennessof which 111,178 were for offenses • committed between noon and midnight on Sundays. This does not show that there was exces- sive indulgence on Sabbath days more than on others. In Wales the proportion of Sunday convfotione was still lege, numbering only 772 out of a tetal of 10,- 847. Compared with this return for the whole of Wales, there is significance in the fact that in the border county of Monmouth, to which the Sunday closing act does not apply, there were 110 convic- tions for drunknness on Sunday, against 668 on other days.—London Daily Newt Children Cary for Pitcher/a Castors. KEELY, AT WQRK ; G; ABOUT TO i?ftd'+11: • "GME olN$"EQRITY OF HIS VIBRATORY SYSTEek Says He Has Conquered Al1,Obetaeterr and is Ready to Give to the iVoi kil a Oreal rower /Derived Fro a (thstlesr Toree- A'Waitet& sir; Keely'ii Zaberatnre. efeely 1 ; at work again i, hid" vibratory fot'oe3 are vibrating and hl a)tt}}pportets are Boon to eaeber to see hiseWonderful 800 horse -power inbtor go. Really, while the world has laughe t at and sneered at this map, for many yeate and w}zlle, ie has not been backward about affording the oppor- tueitla(s„ Keels/lee,gotihold' of something whioh wo know proolous little, about. The hereat trouble with Keels/ in ;the path hes been' that 'he tliought he Wink timid about these 8trabge vibratory forces and the laws' dontiolltng them than lie did (always, of course, atssurning him to be an honest 1nvegtige4tq )r. Every time be has • annduncod - 'himself as ready to astonish the world ,,he has found that something was wrong.. It remains to bo seen whether his latest expectation will turn to disappolntmmente Keely has been able to demonstrate enough to lead the people to furnish hila the moans .to live anc?i to'pnrsue his ex- periments for years. ` 010 who has lately visited Mr. Keely's weirrrooms and who has been a believer in hien for years, has written as follows: "Nothing is so misunderstood as to the real facts as are Mr. Keely's inventions. Three-fourths of the statements Inado by the public press during the last few years have been entirely at variance with the real facts. Mr. Keely has always ob- jected, heretofore, to having anything said of his work until the proper time Dame. "'Not till I can produce a mercantile engine, ono that will du practical work, will scientists and the people generally believe in may discoveries,' we have often heard hill say. "Mr. Boyd Elliott, the eminent mechanical engineer, says: 'I have seen the etheric liberator df Mt. Keely. I be- lieve ho has six times the value in 111s shops to -day that Mr. Edison has,' and in answer to a letter he wrote: 'At first I thought I would reply to sonuu,,of the critics (against Mr. Keely's workout I have concluded that the game is n rth "e powder. Lot them scribble asAay: a5 e 11 enjoy the fun when these follows compelled to compare the new engine heir predictions of it. I have al- njoyed several such victories, and ore long to lead some of those round and rub their noses into ive conviction.' Mr. Elliott of the great English scion - 11, in an article heeded les and Ether Waves,'fore his death, is said by baro struck upon the le (if we may use the sha are with ready hope lief prophets this sousit was n frieze. tint,"J. Tynda `Mr. Tynda `Atoms, Moles published just be licely's friends t vary foundation-sto terlu) of Mr. Neely's gives the beginning, a: rovers iu vibratory while Mr, Tyndall was s the truth, Mr. Koely_hat has-iilready liruduced sot every successive ono of which improvement upon the other, present one, now about to be gi world, will show how grand tin is upon which he has labored su lo "Mr. Tynda in the article reft•r says: 'The a on of bodies in fixed multiple proportions constitutes the b of modern atomic theory. Wo cannot form water but by using two volumes o hydrogen and ono of oxygen invariably. A group of atoms drawn and hold to- gether by what chemists terns affinity, is called n molecule. The ultimate parts of all compound bodies are'moleculos. When water is converted into steam, the dis- tances between the molecules aro greatly augmented, but the molecules themselves continuo intact. We must not, however, picture the constituent atoms of any molecule as held so rigidly together as to render intestine motion impossible. The interlocked atony, have still liberty of vibration which may, under certain cir- cumstances, become so intense as to shake the molecule asunder. Most molecules, probably all, aro wrecked by vibratory motion. The constituent atoms of mole- cules can vibrato to and fro millions of millions of times in a second. Further atoms of different molecules aro held to- gether with varying degrees of tightness; they are tinned, as it were, to mutes of varying pitch -the Sarni' as to what occurs when n piano is opened and sung into. The waves of sound select the strings which respectively respond to there, each string constituting itself thereby a new centre of !notion.' Mr. Tyndall then re- fers to how vibrations aro increased or ac- celerated by sound, and how grunt is tho power of vibrations when stimulated. "Scientists are at work in the same direction that Mr. Seely is, and such men as Prof: Koeing of the University of Penn- sylvania, and the late Prof. Leidy, Prof. Daniel G. Brinton and a dozen others wham wo !night mention, after visiting Mr. Keely and seeing his work, and the wonderful progress made, have aoknow- lodged a belief in the man and his ability to give the world n new power. We have seen a list of names of over 2,100 who are interested in the Seely Motor Company, and among them are men of the very highest respectability in this and other cities. "We visited Mr. Keely's laboratory last week and had an interview with him. He said, after showing ns the coming mercantile engin, which is now almost set up. " 'I am, es far an proving to the world the integrity of my vibratory system, apeut through with my work. My pro- :0e4O0riil engine (from which the coming 800+horse-power engine is modeled) was a perfect one in every respect, and the big one will be a more mechanical structure, and Which ooaibines within itself all of my system. I know scientists and all others will dye pleased with its running, its power, etc., and all done with a oostless force.' " I;, \ int t awa hotel keepers propose to raise the price of whiskey to ten cents a ;drink, — Wbat was left of the viHrtge of Aiwa, Ont., froth the Hie of tier months ago, was almost entizely destroyed There - day morning. Only a few dwellings are left standing. The Rev Dr Gal bratth,.,fi „dim strhgt Alethodlit ebureb, Toronto; has been offered the presidency of t he Methodist College of £c,kio, ,Jepat>,, Heed, futons nection therewith, the otiperl.ptendelicy of the inlissious ietpiat, tiOtltlttry. yJIe declined the offer. ' According to the.Review of Rev'iewe it is estimated that in Great Britain, with its population of thirty-six mil, lions, there are generally abort seven hundred thousand then out of work. There are about, eight hmideed thou- sand pttipers. Out of every thousand per•seneewhodie, over nine hiWjred die n ztht)i1C leavin ' any propert$ at till. About eight millions exist always on the borders of destitution, and twenty inllllnlis aapoor. AI.Tel OST CRAZY SUFFERING FROM CONSTIPATION: EXPECTED TO RE IN THE As]•LUDI — AFTER ALL OTIAEB REMEDIES FAILED B.B.B. MADE A PERFECT CUBE, RESTORING ROBUST HEALTH. GENTLEMEN To say all I ought t0 in favor of B. B. B. would be impoosible. It luta been a great health restorer to me, and I do swear by it. . I am a different man now to what I was ten years ago; when it was was expected I would be in the asylum, but now I am in, perfect robust health and it was the B.B.B. that did it. I suffered for five or six years from constipation, some- times so severely that I went out of my • miud. I tried various doctors, both in the country and in the city, and took medicines too numerous to name, but everything failed to have the desired effect. When I used Burdock Blood Bitters, however; it succeeded beyond all expectations, requir- ing only two bottles to cure me. To make it still more certain that B.B.B. is the real cure for constipation, 1 may say that some two years afterward I felt the symptoms returning and took one bottle more, and from that time to this present day (over eight years) I have never had any return of the disease. I never knew any medicine to work so well. It does not seem to be a mere reliever; but a sure and certain cure, as I eau certify to, for hundreds f dollars' worth of medicine and advice, f iled to do me any good, but throe dollars' worth of 1.11.13. made a permanent cure hat has given ire years of health and cmnfor . Toronto. Yours truly, C. L. KILMER. A strange incident occnred on the farm of 1Vtn. H. Chown, Fullerton, lately About six weeks ago he had 0 ewe which rave birth to a Iamb, and on. May 10 the same sheep giwP birth to two more Iambs. The first Iamb was apparently healthy. but it was trampled on by its mother and killed about a ire. k after its birth. The other two are strung and head thy. � ��� MackayBlock D BROS Adm Loveiy Twins at Ailtn & Wilson's Drug Store. Like a fond Mother I )Ove both. Some lathes like one,'some the other. Many knowing their great value line both and buy them. Any way you oan't find two better articles for the corn' piexion. Both guaranteed. Cost, 75 cents each. Lola Monfez Creme the Skin Food and Tisane builder, in ele- gant opal pots, feeds through the skin pores, keeps the skin healthy hence pre- serves the complexion, prevents wrinkles, old age look, freoklee, tan. ucumberandElder (ower Cream g oZtit ties. An ideal skin tonic. Noted for its cleaning power. Greatest preventive of pimples and blackheads. Pare, harmless, effective. Lasts 8 to 5 months. Mrs Nettie Harrison, America's Beauty Doctor, 40 and 42 Cleary St.. San Francisco. °al. Eastern ()Mee, 56W ashington Ave., Detroit, Michigan. Not Parnaged'by the Fruit. u Our Stook of Sugars were not damaged by Frost, but as the market is higher and excited, we quote no prices, but will not be undersold. Prices obtained by calling at our store, also Bargains in everything in oar line. In Black TEAS we have the Dale Kola Blend at 50ote a pound, and the Salads Paokage,at 40o., best value in town. In Japans at 25 and 36 cents we beat them all. In fact no.mattar What you need in our line, we guarantee to giye as god quality, and as low prides as can be got anywhere. Canned Goods of all kinds. Soai�''sin great variety. Hams. Bacon. Lard. Cottolene always in stock. Crockery and Glassware away dowe Give us a call and see what we can do for you. MC1MURRAY & WILTSE, NearPostUflice—CENTRAL GROCERY—TclephoGe 40 A. GOOD Igo SPRAY INVESTMENT �a37. . .PUMP WE HAV THEM -ALL KINDS, FROM $1 to $10. PREPARE FOR CUTTING YOUR LAWN BY GETTING ONE OF OUR and spray your fruit trees 18 inch Lawn Mowers only $5.50 AVOID THE TROUBLESOME FLYS BY PUTTING ON Screen Windows and Doors (EARLY). WE HAVE THEM VERY CHEAP. N'.,w Store Old Stand discoveries, which 1 Brick Block •ittwere, of his dis- power, etc. ; but, ill groping after found jt, tal eral ' engines, has been an until the ren to the system tog. rod to and sis f Lady Randolph Chnrehill's Tattooing. Lady Randolph Churohill, it is Raid, is the only woman in the English peerage who can boast of having been tattooed. The operation was pef'formed while tray. it and heard tho Om of the tattooing. • CURE THAT ' Co U G.H WITH 11 I LOWS 50 Ote. and $1.00 B°ttle. C R E One cent a dose. TAKE THE It Is sold on a guarantee by all druggists. It sures Incipient Consumption and is the best Cough and oroup Cure. teASH- ST POW DERS Cure SICK HEADA ness, Biliousness, Pain in th Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. regu!ate the bowels. VERY CHE and Neuralgia oated Tongue, Mari,. Side, Constipation, to stay cured also NICE TO TAKE. PRICE 26 CENTS AT DR CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE StraMrd, Ont. IIAT OTHERS Youican do if you want to, Let ti. talk the matter over at least. A card to us wiil do it. The trouble to us is nothing, We are always pleased to make your acquain- taince, and,have something of in- terest to tell you. Handsome catalogue free. P. McINTOSII, Principal. C. STEYENSON, -.THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER - EMBALMER. A PULL LING OP GOODS KEPI' ill -STOCK Splendid Hearse. Residence over t ore OPPOSITE TOW HALL KING GOOD EATING is the keystone to health. You can huy the keystone kind of Groceries at The CASH GROCERY In Canned Goods, Vegetables, Meats and all kinds of table delicacies, we carry a NH assortment. Teas & Coffees a Specialty Sole agents for the Celebrated "Monsoon" Indian Tea, Extra good value in Young Hyson, 511is for $1. For Prompt Deliver y, OP Good Goods and Fresh Groceries, or Low Prices :raid Fair Healing, Farm produce taken as eash.-Telephone No. 23. OGLE COOPFR & CO. Cash Grocery 1 door North of News -Record. Featherbone Skirt Bone For Giving A light, pliable, elastic bone made from (polls. It is soft and yielding, conforming readily to folds, yet giving proper shape to Skirt or Dress. The only Skirt Bone that may be wet without injury. The Celebrated Feather - bo e Corsets are corded with this maTerial. For Bale by loading Dry Goode Dealers. STYLE a: SHAPE Ladies Dresses Ad ams' Emporium WE HAVE REC GRAND STOCK Ea" A Ready Made Clothing For Men 's, Youths' and Children. They are splendid value. HANDSOME DIS PLAY OF MILLINERY Special value in BOOTS, very nice. We have also Patent Twist. Field and Tea and every line SHOES and RUBBERS. A large line of Tan Shoes, BARB WIRE, Black Wire, White Wire and Collins arden Seeds of best quality. Special value in Sugar, of Groceries. Produce taken in exchange, ADAMS' EMPORIUM LONDRSBORO R. ADAMS Brunsdon & Son, LONDESBORO Agts. for all Farm Implement MASSEY-HARRIS random Mowers Drills Seeders, Cultivators scurners and all kinds of Plows 11 lino of Meobinery and PlOw Repairs DER TWINE—Post brands of Twine at low prices. A complete lino of 131 los, Road Carts, Waggons uggiee and Standard Waggons a specialty. Agents for Gould, Sharply 84 Mair Wind Mills OUR MOTTO-Eirseolass wo k and hest macula; prieoe coaetetent With good articles. 1,terept it