HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-05-31, Page 5THE OLIN VON NEW ERA We self; the Best WATOEHS . CLOCKS JEWELERY SILVEItWARE J, B. RUMBALL ` Watchmaker, Jeweler, &c., TelephoneExchange • Wilson's Root Beer. A healthy and refreshing drink. Ten cents for a bottle that will make Bye gallons. Guaranteed equal to any on the market. Try a bottle, you will like it. We -also have Hires famous Root Beer. Lime Juice at 25 and SQc. per bottle. J. E. HOVEY, Dispensing Chemist. Clinton The . Hot FAIR For May, 31, 1$9 Ladies' Li• ght Weight Undervests, bleactiec and unbleached. Beautiful things in Cream, and Cold Silk an Taffatta Gloves. The new things i net Fa ...yt,. Colored Lace Mitts. m New White and Cream Spotted Lawns. Blew White and Cream Frilled Parasols. Weather New Pink, Lemon, �n , Pale Green, Cream and. White Lawn with white worked spot. New light ground Prints, Sateens and Pongees, just the corect weight for the hot weather. Chambrays, Challies, Haxnotsook Muslins Cream. Delaines, Nainsooks, Victoria; all new and especially for hot weat a� her. THE GREATEST SNAP OF ALL.: A- first-class SUIT of Navy Serge, all sizes, 36 to 42, only $4.25 crxiarto escwismiwAdsra fy Stirling SITVER• NOVELTIES Ladies' " Belts, Belt Pins, Shirt Wrist Setts, Long Watch Chains, Brooches, Stick Pins, &c., In great variety. Gold and Silver Watches, Clocks and Jewelery at H. JACKSON'S, THE JEWELER, To Farmers and Fruit Growers. Useful information for spraying. We have all the latest formulas andiinformation on this subject which we gladly give our patrons. Our Copper Sulphate, Copper Carbonate, Paris Green, Hellebore. We BEESWAX for Graftine h vkkeep but one quality, the best. g— large stook at very much reduced price. JAMES H. COMBE CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, PHYSICIANS SUPPLIES, ETC. "Always be sure you are !tight, then go ahead." This is the reason for our success, and large turn out of MILLINERY and DRESS MAKING. We have the correct things in all the latest and newest goods procurable. Our prices are the low- est, quality of goods considered, And further,our Milliner and Dressmaker can turn out work equal ,..-� to any of the cities, and not equalled by any in town. This is no boast, but a recognized fact; the 7.3 amount of work which they are turning out is a 4!� IF- 4s110.No- 4,� IP- PP- 0- `- Ati►- 0- 0- �-- ..- �-- sure indication of their popularity. No lady should -1 -0 -- 0 -1 -1 -1 -.1 -0 -1 -i --0 -1 -0 -0 -r -r -+ --r Full Limes all through the House. -�� all to see them when they want the correct styles. TAILORING. We have a full stock of TWEEDS, SUITINGS, and FURNISHINGS, and can turn out SUITS equal to any, for fit, style and low prices. Come and see us before buying your SPRING SUIT. We will give you pricey that cannot be beaten by any, Our Cutter, Mr. C. C. Rance, is known to be a No. 1 tailor. See what we have before you bay. It will Pay you. 00 Plurnsteel Gibbings .4-410 CLINTON --0 4fl•-- 1•- `- 4l-- 4l-- 4fta- A'- 0 r ttttttttttttrttttttttttt-ttt tit !t!tt!t!ttttS: The Barber's Story LONG HOURS AND CONSTANT STANDING BROUGHT ON KIDNEY TROUBLE. FORCED TO QUIT WORK AND FEARED THAT HE WOULD HAVE TO DROP R18 TRADE—HOW HE AT LAST FOUND A CUEE. From the Stratford Beacon. Among the residents of Stratford there is probably none better known or more highly resseoted than Mr. James E. Smith, the Ontario street tonsorial artist. M Smith is also well known in Toronto, which city be worked for several years'in longe street barber shop. To a report of the Beacon, who is a customer of his, tl affable barber recently -told of his recovery from a late very severe illness. He had, he said, for some years been afflicted with a weak back, so much so that at times if he stooped he could not gain an upright pos+ Won unassisted, and asfor lifting anything, that was out of the quection. "For years," to use Mr. Smith's own words, "I could not carr,f a scuttle full of coal.'He had, so the physicians whom he consulted told him, disease of the kidneys, but they failed to cure him. Be grew weak at length and rapidly lost flesh. Quite frequently he would be obliged to give up work for a week and take to his bed. He lost his ap- petite, was pale and so nnnerved that he could not possibly hope to continue longer at his trade. "Customers of the Barber shop," he remarked, "dd'not care to be she ved by ,a man whose -hand trembles:" - He had been in bed for some time :undergoin treatment when one morning his wife said to him,"Jim, I've got a new medicine want you to try." It was Dr. Williams Pink Pills she had. He objected to more medicirM, as invalids will do, but at length its sensib'.elinen generally are ;he was pled by his wife. "But mind you" he said, "1 had no faith in the pills; I only took them to please my wife." It was fortunate he did so, for he was soon back to work and after tatting several boxes of the medicine was stronger than he had been for several years. Within two months after beginning to take Pink Pills he felt like a new man and had gained over twenty pounds in weight. There is certainly no healthier looking man in the city to -day than Mr. Smith. Since his restoration to health by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills he has recommend- ed the remedy to many of his friends and has yet to here of a oase where the remedy faithfully tried was found wanting. In cases like tnat of Mr. Smith, Pink Pills furnish a speedy and effective cure, as in- deed they do in all cases dependent upon a door or watery condition of the blood or Impaired nervous fouces. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure when other, medicines fail. Sold by all dealers or sent by mail postage at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 52.50, by addressing the Dr. Williams Medicine Co„ Brockville, Ontario., or S:henectady, N. Y. Under no circumstances are the genuine Pink Pillssold in bulk, but only in boxes, the wrapper around which is printed in red ink and bears the full trade mark, "Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People." Pills offered in any other form, no matter what color, are wcrthless imitations. CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon Thursday, May 30, 1895. Wheat, spring 1 00 a 1 00 Wheat, fall 1 00 a 1 00 Oats, 0 34 a 0 35 Barley U 45 a 0 50 Peas 0 57 a 0 62 Flour perawt 2 50 a 2 75 Pork 550a550 Butter 0 10 e 0 10 Egg sper dos 0 Si a 0 9 Potatoes 0 40 a 0 45 Hay, New and Old 6 03 a 6 00 Sheeepskins 0 25 a 0 30 r. No. 1 Trimmed Hides 4 00 a 4 25 in l Wool 0 18 a 0 18 er Seed Corn for sale. 1e Have large amount of seed corn for ensil- age. Mammoth Southern sweet, very best quality. Also Esiell Co (Canada) Yellow Dent Corn, Oats, and other grains for feed. Drive right to the warehouse, opposite the railway station. W. G. PERRIN, Clinton HEED THE WARNING. The common and ever-present warning of kidney trouble, back -ache and weakness in back, are quickly relieved by Dr Chaee'6 Pills. The original and only 25 cent Kid- ney -Liver Pills. When all other remedies fail, they cure. ROOM FOR RENT. I Large room, conveniently situated, easy of access, at low rent. ply to W. C. SEARLE. ONE and a half story house to let• g �N New, Clean and Comfortable, lately occupied by Mr Vance. Five dollars I W per month. W. COOPER of Cooper's Book Store, A four-year-old girl named Laura Craw- ford was killed by a troley.:ar in Hamil- ton. TORONTO LIVE STOCK MARKET A cablegram from London quotes United States cattle as selling at did ver Ib.. and Cana- dian cattle 6d; at Liverpool Canadian cattle are selling at 51d. Supplies are only moderate; the weather Is very hot. In Export cattle prices ranged from 4 c to c 5 per Ib. Good Butchers' cattle ranged from 44 to 14c. Tuesday; and sec- ondary grades sold at from 33 to 4c per lb. Tho supply was short and good cattle *ere in better demand the local requirments being more pro- nounced. OUTLOOK FOR WHEAT. During the past four days King & Co. Toledo, have received, replies from 4578 reliable grain dealers and millers, covering every wheat county In the six principal winter wheat states which generally raise two-thirds of that crop in the United States. Three thousand one hun- dred and eleven replies are from the larger wheat producing counties and 1467 from the Less important. The present prospects in the six states, reduced acreage considered, is for about half a crop. Ohio and Michigan promise about, two-thirds of a crop; Missouri about half a crop; Indiana a trifle below ball• Illinois worse and Kansas about a quarter. The dam- age has occurred mostly during the past three Weeks. The acreage harvest will be materially less than last year. More Is being plowed up than usual. Reserves of old wheat aro very small. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS The rain did not prevent a large number of butcher's visiting the East End Abattoir Mon- day forenoon, where the supplies of live stock were rather small. Especially was this the case with fair to good cattle, which sold at higher prices. Milkmen's strippers Were much more numerous than usual, and many butchers bought these instead of better cattle. Tho best butchers cattle sold at from 5c to 54c per lb, with pretty good stock at from 42e to nearly 50 per Ib; rough and half -fatted dry cows and steere sold at from Sic to 4c per lb; milkman's strippers sold at from $25 to $45 eaeh, or from 3e to 4c per lb. There wero about a dozen hard - looking bulls offered but they did not seem to take well with the butchers. Calves were in Lair demand at from $2 to $.5 for common and from $6 to $10.for good verde. Sheep continue to sell at from 4o to 4110 per lb. Lambs evil at from $2 to $1 each, most of the sales being at about $3 each. Fat hogs are slightly higher in 6rice than on Thursdays selling at from 410 t0 o per lb. , BULLS FOR SALE Two Thorobred Durham Bulls, .both red, bred from A 1 DairyCows. WALTER CUNNINGHAM Lot 33, Concession 13, Hullett, Londesboro P.0 Horse and Buggy for Sale Forggsale, a fine young driving Mare, coyered Buand harness ess are almostunewt and the whole du. The buggy fit will bo sold cheap either entire or in separate attieles ROBT A, MOORE, Rattenbury St For Sale, Lease or Exchange. for other suitable property, Store and 8 roomed dwelling, woodshed and stable. Buildings all new, No incumbrance. Apply M. G. OLIVER Whitechurch, Ont. im Is0000t s,MOif Furniture 10 per c. off for spot Cash, for shortltime only. LOTS OF NEW GOODS JUST COMING, BARGAINS in PARLOR SUITES NICE SUITE FOR $22.60 See our Si Rocker, best I ever offered for ' the money. Netw Picture Moulding in. Bedroom Suites from $10.50 J. C. STEVENSON, - Clinton • The Finest PHOTOGRAPHS (i) - are taken by H. FOSTER House and Lot for Sale or to rent For sale or to rent, the Cottage just south of St J,seph's Church The house has ever) con. EIIvenA otce, hard and soft water, >uitable for small I KEEP DR' famil Will rent or sell cheap Apply at Nw . tu oft ce MANY MERCHANTS ADVERTISE THE FACT THAT THEY Brick Cottage or Rooms to Let Situated on Towrseud St. Large airy rooms, high eilinge. freshly papered and kalsomined. 1f ]preferred would ret the rooms singly, -'pply to MRs C. E. HON Enum El PIANO TUNING. The undersigned has returned from Evanu Bros., Philo factory, Ingersoll, where he has acquired a thoro knowledge of piano tuning. He is well recommended as a Pfauo tuner and ie prepared to tune any piano at a reasonable price. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address .f, W MOORE. box 113, Clinton. COAL AND WOOD YARD Subscriber has decided to keep on hand both Coal and Wood of the very best quality, and will deliver the same at lowest prices. Or- ders taken for future or present delivery of coal. All kinds kept in stook. Patronage eolloited, W. WHEATLEY. Huron St STRAY CATTLE. Strayed from the farm of:Mrs Proctor 14th eon., Goderioh Township, about the lath of May. 14 bead of cattle. all yearlings except 2, which are coming two. Two of them are nearly blank, the remainder red and white. Ten or eleven of them are steers. Any one returning them or giving information as to their whereabouts will be suitablyrewarded. WM. ELLIOTT, ;Bayfield line, Clnton P. 0 HURON COUNTY COUNCIL Tho Council of the Corporation of theCounty of Huron will meet 'in the the Town of Gode- rich, on Tuesday meet, 4th day of Junor at 3 Tuesday, o'clock p.m. On Tuesday, the 6th day of June, at 3 o'clock a special meeting is called for pass- ing the proposed by-law to rafre by way of loan $$1200 for the purpose of establishing a House of Jtefuge. Up to the first day of meeting appli- cations will be received by the Clerk for the position of inspector, manager, matron and physician for the rrduse of Refuge. W. LANE. Clerk Tenders for Heating and Ventilating. Sealed tenders addressed to the undersigned will be received by the Trustees of the Clinton Model School, up to Saturday, June 8th, 1895. For the heating and ventilating of school build- ing with hot-air Coal 'Furnaces. Building can be examined on Saturdays er outside of school hours any day. Plan of build- ing, conditions and particulars van be obtained by addressing J. CUNNINOHAME, Secy. Also sealed tenders will be received up to the same date, for the excavating, brick, stone and carpenter work. , The contract for these works will bo let en -block or separately, as the board may determine. Plane and epeeificatinns of the different works can be seen at the office of W. S, Harland, Chairman. The lowest or„ any tender not neoes.arily accepted. J, CUNNINGHAME, Seep 011nton Model School NOW, WE DON'T, WE SELL THEM 000— - .�_. Prints We bought more Prints than our trade required. That was an error of judgment. We must put up with the loss; we do not keep a storehouse, the goods must move. We now offer40 pieces of Print, about 120G yards, new patterns, best wide cloth, regular price 1210 to 16c for loc. a yard. Do yon like a bargain ? then come early and get first choice. ugar . . We bought a large quantity before the advance in price; we find out cellar is not a suitable place in which to store it. For ten days we will sell a bright yellow sugar at 32 lbs for a dollar. Nothing less than a dollar's worth sold at this figure. Bring along your dollars, This is a good deal less than refinery prices to -day. a � OUIMETTE. pG"A li DEALE].R, tioNDES C Ro. ,a ,