HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-05-31, Page 1ts' 0 cents Jid in advane, will secure the NEW RA. to J`an, let, 1890, Sent to any Place fq Oanada or the United States for this amount ROBERT HOLMES, Editor and Proprietor THIS IS JUST the KIND .of. WEATHER a ' For those light weight Coats and Vests we advertised a couple of weeks ago. You'll be able to keep comfortable and look well dressed these hot days if you wear them. IT'S ALSO Good weather for selling Sum- mer Underwear. You can get it here from 26c the single gar- ment up as high as $2 the Suit, but a plain Cotton at 75c. the suit, and fine Balbriggan at el az e big sellers because they are not expensive and A 1 value. Cash and One Pried Z;tito :aii IBMS, OL1NTON Summerhill C}ARDEN PARTY.—The garden party at Mr Robt. Miller's, on the evening of the 24th, was a decided success. The Weather was all that could be desired, and the time was spent in games, etc., and in lending destruction to the ample Suppyy of viands provided by the ladies, which latter were up to the mark as usual. The gathering was then called to order, with Itev Mr Stout as chair man, and a suitable program was then p..rese$t l,' consisting—of :chorusgs hyd The choir, songs by Mess -Brien and H. Crawly; recitations by Miss Stout and Messrs Stout, Kitty, Gauley and Lowery; solos by Misses Gauley and Stout; violin, Messrs C. and W. Lowery: month organ, Messrs W, Johnson and E. Collins. The sum of $10 was realized, which goes in aid of the church improvement fund. NOTES.—Messrs N. Bingham and T. Archer were at Dungannon on the 24th. Mr G. M. Kilty has been re -ap- pointed snail carrier between this place and Clinton; this is for his third term, which begins July 1st. Mr W. Coats, the genial town clerk of Clinton, was the guest of Mr S. Lowery on the 24th; while enjoying his outing he succeeded in capturing several fine specimens of brook trout. Messrs S. Kyle and D. Barr spent Sunday with friends (?) near Constance. Mr and Mrs John Scarlett, of Leadbury, were visiting here last week. Mrs H. B. McVittie, of North Bay, is again on a visit to her parents and relatives here. Messrs McClinchey and Beatty, of Varna, spent the 24th in this vicinity. Rev Mr Armstrong, of Bayfield, conducted service here last Sunday. &ROT, ND THE HUB. - What wide-awake and reliable correspondents find worthy of recording for pubileation , •Henlmesvllle. Stanley S'oos.—Mr James McFaria , whoa' is a firm believer in the value•, and.ad,. vantage of Poled Angus cattle, hot hust added fine yo(in bull to his a herd, .purchased from Dr. Craik, of Montreal. This animal is from stock' which took the prize at the World's, Fair. EPWORTR LEAGUE—This society will hold its first meeting for the month on Monday next, June 3rd. The subject for discussion will be "God's messages —how does he send them ?" SUCCEss.—The Ball family gave their entertainment here last Friday night. It consisted of singing, supplemented with the story of Uncle Tom's Cabin illustrated by lime light views. The attendance was quite large, and over $30 was raised. WARNING.—Would it not be well if the owners of Bowe, ,which are allowed to run at larger on our streets, would' exercises tlittle more supervision over them, instead of allowing them to mri- tilate the gardens, which are already damaged enough. Some hogs are re- ported impounded this week; the cows may suffer the same. TRESPASSING.—We understand that a syndicate of sportsmen have leased the farms of Messrs T. and W. Murch for a term of years, for the purpose of fishing and hunting, and have posted notices forbidding the gublic to indulge in the same practice on these grounds. We trust that the practice of Sunday fishing and hunting will be discon- tinued. ACCIDENT.—What might have prov- ed a fatal accident occurred last week, while a number of neighbors were as- sisting Mr W. Colclough to raise his barn. Shortly after the work was done the foundation gave way, allow- ing machinery, etc., to fall. Luckily no one was under, all having moved out a few momenta previous, and no serious result followed. R. T. OF T,—Announcements are out that a grand literary and musical entertainment will be given under the auspices of this Order, on Tuesday, June 11th. The program will consist of a play, "The sub -editor," which will surpass any thing heretofore, and a de - hate, "Resolved that bachelors over 30 should be taxed," the affirmative to be upheld by this council, against Clinton R. Ts., who will uphold the negative; besides a number of readings, recita- tions, etc. It will be good; don't miss it. The delegates to District Council, at Centralia, June 12th, are Misses E. Walter, Cassie McLeod and Messrs Jn. Ford and J. Jervis. Next regular meeting, Friday June 7. No'rEs.—Miss Ida Murch Is visiting relatives in Mitchell. Mr Courtice's new, store ie,_ nearing_ completion, and will Tyr welt,nlsi:Ptil Ve'r? •-h Mir-r•r }.t3•. birthday passed off very quietly here; numbers went to the sports in Clinton. Mr Fear and family, of Brussels, spent a few days this week, visiting the for- mer's brother, Rev E. A. Fear. The "palace" is being enlarged. Mr and Mrs Govett, Clinton, spent Wednesday visiting at Mr T. C. Pickard's. Opera- tions have begun for the building of Mr W. Elford's new house. Mr Fred Ford is enlarging his barn by raising and splitting it; he had a bee on Wed- nesday. Mr John Pickard has disnosed of his driver. The cheese factory is producing over a dozen cheeses a day this week; we understand Mr James Connolly, salesman, will go to London next Saturday, to offer for sale what is already made; a can of sour milk re- turned on Wednesday should be a hint to patrons to take good care of their milk this warm weather. East Wawauosh. NOTES—L. Pearen, of•Wingham,was visiting at John Coultes' last week, f John _ cLauchlin spent Sunday with Ed. Wightman. Mrs Rogers, of Wing - ham, returned home on Saturday after a week's visit with her parents, Mr and Mrs John Black. John Scott and Aaron Bennett spent the 24th at Mild- may, Mrs Littlefair and Wilkinson, of Morris, spent the 24th at David Scott's, David Dunbar is having his barn re -shingled. R. Leishman had a barn raising on Wednesday; C. Camp- -bell and Peter Scott were captains, and the race was very close, both sides claiming a victory; everything passed off nicely and no one was hurt; the young folk had a merry hop in the evening. W. Hoolihan will have his raising shortly. The ice cream social at Westfield on Wednesday, was a grand success, over $42 being realized. Robert Taylor sports a new hike. The cheese factories have commenced ope- rations; cheese is very low in price at present. Thomas Lind had a bee last week hauling the brick for his new house, to replace the one recently burned. a West W anosh w• NOTES.—R. Muner, of Blyth, is en- gaged with McCartney & Davidson for a couple of months. Mrs Thos. King, of Kincardine, is at present visiting friends in this locality. Miss Kirkpat- rick, of Nile, spent Sunday at her sis- -ter's, Mrs R. Medd's, jr. J. F)rltzley, of Lucknow, Sundayetl at H. G. Tay- 1or'e. Wm. Mills was in Clinton one day last week. on busipess. Susie Jones is atresent rusticating under the parental roof. Nearly every one took in the sports at Dungannon on the 24th, and report having a good time, there being a very large crowd present. VIBITORS.—Mr Corbett, of Lana k shire, Scotland, but now of Montreal, ; ! ROAD GRADING MA,esn3E--On Tues. SAA" 31, 1895. Londesboro. ENTERTAINMENTi—The Mission Band in connection with Knox Presbyterian Church here, purpose giving an enter- tainment this evening, 'Friday, at 7.30; Proceeds in aid of missionary work; come and assist a good cause. LAWN SocIA7—Up Mopday evening next there will be' a lawn social and en- tertainment at the residence of Mr E. McVittie, 10th quill rp'iieii east of the village;proceeds in a ld of the parsonage fbodyund ofinv- thoited. Methodist church; every - paid a short visit to Mr Wm.,Graham; day there was exhibited a' maehineff this week, Miss Bella McCown hot, g reed. ading the ad, It was, gorked_ypit gone to London fora month, to vis 140 teams of horses, and is,, gait out friends there. Mr Wt ' therhead doubt,astrongapdserviceable machm .. St. -Helene, and visiting W.inown Wit Of jThe council has some notion Alf pini.. Wanosh, were itinrg'tat, Mr Wig,. Graham's during the 24th. chasing it. ,.. Myon BETTER.—The many friends MEMORIAL SERvIcE. — The funeral of Mr Dan Ross,.of the 2nd con. of sermon of the late John Garrett was'' Stanli3 , are leased to see that he is touchingly delivered by the pastor,' y p Rev Me Lair, taking for his text let not only able to ebed about, but that be John 17, 24, "Father, I` will that they has fully recovered from the effects of alto whom thou hast'g1ven line, be the recent operation he underwent in with me where I am; that they may Detroit. To entirely remove a cancer » with from the lowerpart of the mouth was behold myglory. The Choir, much feeling, rendered that beautiful no small task, but Mr Ross believes anthem "Shall I receive a welcome that there are no traces of it left. A home?" and at the close beckoning beconsiderablew portion of the taw had to hands. The solemnity of the occasion taken his speech a for a time affect- was felt by the whole congregation. ed both aeand his looks, but The church will miss our .departed there are no traces of this now, brother, as he was seldom absent from NOTES.—Mr J. Jacobs has the con- prayer meeting, being a man of won - tract of keeping the graveyard known derful faith in God "Aa a rewarder of as Band'scemetery, for the summer those who diligently seek him," and season. Miss Is. May McEwen has always ready to testify to Christ's gone to Lion's Head, Bruce county, for power to save. The church mourns the benefit of her health. Mr George with his family in the great loss.—CDM. Johnson has sold his farm on the front 1 NoTEe — On Thursday evening last road to Mr Thomas Brownett, or the the Jubilee singers were in the Metho- sum of $1,200. Mr Geo. MCUo h, (son dist church; theentertainmentwas fair of Rev Mr McCosh) of Goderich, ac- and „the proceeds about equal to the fey an ted by his friends, Messrs Duf- full 1. glee thereof. Friday, 2lth, passed fey and Stewart, spent Sunday with off quietly, most of the people resorting Mr Jas, Parke. Mrs McNaughton, bf to other places for amusement. Rev. Clinton, has been visiting her son, Mr. Mr Hamilton and Rev. Mr McLean, of David McNaughton. Mr Darling, of Blyth,exchanged pulpits Sunday even - Stephen, was the guest of Mr H. Peck, iiig, Mr A. Wilken, shoemaker, pur- on Saturday and Sunday. poses moving from here to Thamesville, COURT OF REvesioN.— he members about June 10; he goes because there is of council met as a court revision on no school in this place. Monday was the assessment roll, at 10 .m. on Mon- like a fair day in our village, on account day, 27th. Lot No. 2, L R. E., was of Court of Revision and also the meet - changed on the roll from Sabena Hus- ing of the Creamery shareholders; it is ton to Wm, J. Stimson. Court then said that this association is over $100 in adjourned to meet on June24th at 1 p, debt for last season's operations; the in„ to further consider the appeal of business will not be run this year; the Hugh McGregor, or any other appeals patrons got 10c per Ib for the last lot of which may may be filed with the clerk butter. on or before June 6th. n resuming PRESENTATION—On Friday, May 24, business as council, the account of W.at the meeting of the Sons of England Reed, keeping A. Crawford, 513, was lodge here, Mr B. Lawrison was pre- paid. and also F. G. Neeli s', printing, sent.ed with a Past President's Jewel, a and Municipal World, forpress seal, very handsome badge, with a genuine '''' alae elerl;_.• as instructed to notifys 1glI sov reign in it, and the follow- .., - id'Dr. At t'Tr" ti •`gess:... _ a 1 Zftrtres net g _ Mullett LIME.—If you want good first class lime for the small price of 15c a bushel come to Hog's Back lime kiln or delivered for 18ats, HENRY LIVERMORE, Londesboro. SOTCR—Mi James Webster has just sold to Mr Wallace King, of East Wa- wanosh, a 14 months' old Durham hull, for the sum of 510(L PERSONAL. — Mr James Armstrong left last Saturday for Parry Sound, on a visit to his brother Nelson, who is so low that his are is despaired of; he ex- pects to be absent for a couple of weeks PERsoNAL,—Miss Julia Carter, for- merly of Hullett, who for the last few years has been living in Detroit, has taken a good situation at Chicago. Misses Sarah and Lucy Carter have left Detroit and gone to live with their father, Mr F. Carter, of St. Joseph, hlic•higan, formerly of Hullett. A Comm: EVENT.—invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Jennie E. Little to Mr Jos. Mills, which will take place at the residence of the°bride's pa- rents, ore Wednesday next, June 5. Both are well known and popular young people, and we take time by the forelock, and extend our congratula- tions in advance. ASSESSMENT STATISTICS. — The fol- lowing figures are from the assessment roll of this year:—Number of acres of cleared land, 41370; of woodland 5368; swamp or wet land, 6734; total number of acres, 53474. Value of real property $2,145,410; personal property, $4450 ; taxable income, $900; total amount of roll, $2,150,760. Population 2898. No. of cattle, 6497; sheep, 3305; hogs, 2075; horses, 191L No. of acres fall wheat, 3149. Centralia. R. T. of T.—The next District Meet- ing of the Royal Templare of Temper- ance, for the county of Huron, will be held at Centralia, on Wednesday, June 12, commencing at 9 a.m. MABTER WILLts WiLsotlf sang several songs, receiving wellmerited encores. Master Wil- son possesses a Sweet, clear, flexible soprano voice, and gives promise of beoo'ming a favorite songster.—Toronto Mail, April let Willie Wilson will take part in St. Paul'e Guild Concert sera, oil lune 7th. T of a I h O c 0 n c pa strong,,or vaccinating the children. to MRS.'I.AWRAeON,— pay t :. same to the clerk, before next Des r Brother,—The time has come that we t, Thehave to bid you farewell, and it is wi h deep COU meeting. standing by regret. that we have to parch with such ai kind 1 zivh' h sed at the previ $1 year III advanoe, $1,60 when not eo paiw Auburn. NOTES—The Rev. Colin Young occu- pied the Presbyterian pulpit last Sab- bath. The serenade given a young cou- ple last week was a shame. MrsYoung and family, Toronto, are at present visiting at y the Presbyterian manse.— The trustees of our public school have coupe to the conclusion to enlarge the school during the holida ,•and have advertised for' tepid ri . ,f ere are• in- dlcatious that tunable teacher din this, vicini nj lIR- try ^ rofession forth m00,140040 0fl4„' locoDoh*: afor ++ a l"Acid i •, o: ia Lalli , butnow • " op a visit. Mr ” ultt� kie�left last Week for. thud ; Bvv'! ''dlopt; he intends masking it:+ie,ihonfe $}i. future. sena the district lodg` In tKirYburn last week, by isa a Errat, Sturdy, R. foberton and .&. Knox. ' Wilroo nitt f`thehappyevents of Young u a re es . e , May ung t o ,A,ull tri,. �"!� d y 22nd. This was a marriage of Mi is Lirnie Sri, of Hullett to Mr Fred Deflated Blyth. The ceremony was' peed by Rev. Mr Beker, of Colborne, in the presence of about 100 guests. The bride looked very charm- ing indeed, dressed in a beautiful cos- tume of cream crepon, handsomely trimmed with lace, and wore a beauti- ful bridal veil. The bridesmaid, Miss T. Brown, looked very nice in her gown of a similar shade. The groom was ably supported by Mr William Youngblut, nephew of the bride. The presents were many and costly, as well as use- ful, showing the esteem in which the young couple are held. The supper followed, with the best of everything; everyone spent a most enjoyable time until 10 o'clock, when the guests went to their respective homes, wishing the couple a full measure of happiness and prosperity in the future. awe, ' iC were reel - and lovingg Brother ns you ave ern, a ways ous meeting of the council, were read ready to .lo that which has been most profitable and passed. A number of road allow- to the lodge. As secretary you have been ha antes were made 1Vrn Donaldson pais your remove r adjourned to meet on June 24th, at 2 ter. shall have very lit 01 ot your company ' • work o ourbt•loced order. Woo cn''t that what is our loss will be your gain. useful enc efficient member, and we regret t e cireunt-tance which have arisen, necessitatuig 1 $loO on cedaraccourt and council 1 from our midst, and that hereaf• p.m. J. T. CAIRNS, Clerk, and•.+''isUance in the t LEGAL,—In the case of Halliday v-, and that you may be long spared to work in township of Stanley, an action for other fields. In your new home we hope you will he happy and prosperou*•, and that you d theQ Bench Divisional k' 11 feel' towards emeses, Queen's enC will alw•ayi entertain ins y ee m R Owen d Court on Thursday dismissed, with this lodge, which you have been so rnstrumen• tal in building up. And now as you are about to leave us, we, the officers and members of Lodge 113,Sons of England, Benevolent Society, desboro, desire to present you with thus costs, a motion to change the venue from Sarnia to Goderich. The follow- ing is the judgment in full :—The de- fendors swore that they would require twelve witnesses at the trial, all of whom resided in the township of Stan- ley except one,who lived in the county of Perth. The plaintiff swore that she Sarnia and sevetr of het herself lived in a, an also lived there, while two lived in the township of Stanley. She a ho E. �Vi1.LI A�t�, also swore that, in her belief, there would be a great danger thatshewoukl I Mr Lawrison made a suitable reply; not have a fair trial at Goderich. She he remained in the village over Sunday also swore that she had not sufficiently and went home on Monday. recovered from her injuries to travel SOCIETY SERMON.—The annual ser - to Goderich, but that she could, with- mon of the Sons of England lodge here out risk, he carried to the court house was preached in the Methodist Church, in Sarnia. The order of the Master in at 3 pan., on Sunday, by Rev. J.Ftrrgu- Chambers was made on the 2nd March, son, of Southampton, a former ani 1895, and that of the judge on the st.h nnrch-respected pastor of this place — March, and notice of trial was given llis text was Ps. 48, 12-13. The great for the Sarnia Assizes, which began on point he wished to inculcate was Pat - the lith April, 1895, but the trial was riotism. Zion he took as a represent a-. postponed, roving to the illness of a tive of England. Ile showed her great witness for the defendants. Therefore, ness and the reasons thereof. Among when the appeal came before this others was 1 he nation's love of the bible court, the action was in a different pos- and that she was carrying out Gcd's ition, inasmuch as the trial could not plan for the elevatingof the human take place at either Sarnia or God- race, Ile held that te English lan- etrich until next autumn, and leave -was garage is destined to be the universal 'asked upon the appeal to read further ,,ne; that Engliind's sons, with all her affidavits as to witnesses; it was also faults, love her, no matter in what land suggested that by next autumn the i ley may be placed. The sermon was plaintiff would he recovered sufficiently_ t•+ cellent for the time and c•ircumstan- to attend at Goderich. Held, that the res under which it was prepared, as Mr affair must be dealt with on the facts , , rgilson had a lot of extra work im- as they were exhibited to the Master Inset] on him by the district meeting. and Judge; and the court ought not to there were present beside the village look at new material or listen to sug- lodge, a goodly number from Goderich gestions of possible chanes in the phy- ,tract a few from Wingham. The church sisal condition of the plaintiff, unless, choir assisted with some excellent mu - in a proper case, to allow a new -sub- sic, and one of the Goderich brethren stantive application to be made. Held, sang a solo. Mr Ferguson made a few also, to foliow the opinion of theemai- rails on Monde , and then drove out to ority of the Judges, that the plaintiff s right to select the lace of trial is not lightly to he interfered with, where it has not been vexatiously chosen; and in this case, it could not be said that the defendants had not shown an "overwhelniing" or dven a "consider- A.ble"preponderanceof convenience;and quit e apart from the question of the plaintiffs disability and the suggestion that a fair trial could not be had at Goderich, the venue should not be changed. Appeal dismissed with costs to t lailtiff in any event. Garrow, Q.), O., and D. Armour for defendants. L. G. McCarthy for plaintiff. Lon Past President'sJowel, as a token of the esteem In which you are held in this lodge. Wo trust that as oten as you may glance upon it mom• ory will carry you back to the many pleasant evenings which you have spent with us in our lodge room. R 'siting you many prosperous and happy days in the future we are, in behalf of the lode, Yours fraternally, 01•x0. SNELL, ARTHUR WOODMAN, Committee. the seal e, Wheft wog; tear l are made o e.. k tr el enC of Mr Bayfield. COURT OF REVISION. —The Council met in the town hall on Monday, at 10 o'clock, as a Court of Revision, alt pres- ent, Reeve Burns in the chair. Coun- cillors Bailey, Erwin, Frazer and Stan - bury subscribed to the oath required by statute. The list of appeals were handed in.by the clerk and disposed of as follows: Neil Murray, that appeal be sustained. Wm Logan, that appeal against personal property be sustained: Rachtel Campbell to be taken off lots 5, 6 and 7, St. Andrews, and put on as tenant on lot 278 Hill Crescent. Neil Murray to be taken off lot E, part 207 Louisa St., and put on lots 5, 6 and 7, St. Andrews, as'owner. Anna-Strtith- ers-takeii e.ff - k t 278 .Hill Crescent, ,as tenap.t. Charles Simons, t.h'tt appeal against personal property he sustained. John Falconer's appeal sustained. G. H. Hewson that appeal be not sustain- ed, The clerk was, instructed to amend the roll in accordance with the sante and the roll thus amended be accepted and the court closed. COUNCIL—The Council met on Min - day for regular business, all present, the. Reeve in the chair. Moved and se- conded that this council meet on Wed- nesday at 2 o'clock p.m., to view roads requiring repairs and that clerk adver- tise that jobs will be let on Monday, June 3,at2 p.m. The constable was in- structed to remove or cause to be re- moved any undue obstructions on the streets. The Reeve was instructed to grant an order to the assessor for his salary for 1895. Council adjourned to meet at the call of the Reeve. H. W'. ERWIN, Clerk. Orwin RY—Another vacancy has oc- curred in the ranks of those early pio- neers who made their home here when it wad almost an unbroken forest. The deceased, Mrs James Scott, was born in the County of Northumberland, 80 years ago, close to the Scottish border. Arriving in Canada she for a short time resided in the township of Dumfries. Forty years ago she and her late hus- band removed to the lath concession of this township, where she has since re- sided. Mr Scott died 13 years ago.— She leaves a family of eight children, two of whom. James and William, are in British Columbia, Mrs Denton in the north west; Ellen in Galt; Mrs Shetier in Dashwood. The remainder of the family reside in this township. She suffered severely for a long time, hut bore it with calm and Christian resig- nation, willing, as she expressed it, to bide her time. Her remains were in- terred in the cemetery on the 13th con. Gbrrie 0i1ESE FACTORY BURNEb--Between 11 and, '12 o'clock last Thursday night the ] eople'sOheese and Butter factory, situated three-quarters of a mile front Gotrie was burned to the ground. The Manufactured cheese was saved by Mr f�, McGrath, who was on his return from ralmerston when the fire broke Clinton, and from thence to London and Hamilton to the Conference. His friends here were much pleased to see him and know that he is getting along well. (Too late for last week.) NOTES.—The Bowers Brothers are engaged painting the residence of Mr W. H.Whiteley. Rev H. J. Fair visit- ed the Sunday School on Sunday, as Rev Me1Oosens attended at Constance. B. Lasetrson returned to town on Mon, day for a visit; he expects to remain a week. The members of the Methodist choir attended en masse the wedding of Miss B. Sphul, on Wednesday after- noon, at Auburn. Goderieli Township NOTES. -Mt Turnbull, teacher in No. 10, spent •tbe latter part of last week t his patents home in Grey. Mr W. '''Burney, of Goderich, visited at Mr B. Switzer on the 24th. Rev Mr Arm- strong,of Bayfleld, occupied the ppul- pit in 1liddleton's church last Sandal'. out. A strange feature was that the Mr W. Jervis Intends erecting a house fire broke out at the opposite end to this summer. Miss L. Sheppard, of where the engine was situated. At Clinton, .pent Sunday with her sister, present the origin of the fire is a mys- Mrs I. G. Steep.,Miss G. Middleton, tery. The loss is estimated to be $1,800.has ''hae b e rd h ieth g in Tuckeremith, No insurance. sito What will" You have A GLASS OF WILSON'S ROOT BEER of nothing g more healthful or refreshing on a hot day. Yon can get a bottle that will make you five gallons and Dost you but 10 Dents at ALLEN WILSONS Drug Store, manufacturers of the celebrated Allen & Wilson Baking Powder. - LIME JIIIO1111 25 & 50o a bottle Agents for SCOTTS' BARBA- . PARILLA, the kind that cures. Varna. NOTES.—Messrs J. Wanless and J. Barnwell, spent the 24th in Kincar- dine. Mr Joe. Cook, while riding down the big hill at the river on his wheel, met with an accident which might have resulted seriously; he lost control and guidance of his wheel and was pitched headlong injuring his face and spraining his wrist. The 24th was highly celebrated by our citizens here! football and baseball were the princi pal snorts of the day. The school en tertarnment was quite a success, rea , lizing the sum of $13 which will be de- voted to the interests°of 'the school. Tuckersm ith. • NOTES.—On Wednesday afternoon last, Mr Chas. Layton and Chas. Crich discovered a large grey owl and for- tunately, after a little trampingaround, managed to shoot it; the bird measur- ed four feet and a half from tip to tip, and about two feet or over from head to tail. Mrs Day, of Buffalo, is at present - visiting her relatives here, Mr Absolem Cosens is home 'from Tor- onto, having completed another year's work. Mr John Landesboro is at pre- sent busy unloading the car -loads of pests he has at Clinton. Mr Lewis Crich has purchased the 50 acres of his father's, which is opposite bis own place. Mr Ira Johns will conduct theI:eagtae•rin :ti .undau..even]ng__ Additional Local News. FOOTBALL. --Clinton loses the Hough Cup by default. The game which was to be played at Seaforth next Saturday afternoon, between the Seaforth and Clinton Collegiate football teams, has been declared off, owing to several of the Clinton team being unable to at- tend. This is to be regretted, as the last match with Seaforth was so closely contested, and our boys having made several changes in their team, and hav- ing had considerable practice since then, they would have been almost • sure tohave carried back the coveted treAy to the hub,where, with due cere- monies, it would have been placed in the acropolis. Our boys defeated Strat- ford on the 24th, 2 to 0; the Stratford team was not a strictly collegiate team, as advertised. They also last week de- feated a combination from the teach- ers of East and West Huron, by a score of 4 to 1. Blyth NOTES.—Miss Dinsley, Wingharn, is the guest of Miss Curtis at present. Mr Jas. Moffatt, Kincardine, spent the holidays with his parents here. Miss Chamberlain was the guest of tVing- ham friends one day this week. S. II. Gilley was in the forest city on Tues- day. Miss Emi h left on Wednesday morning, to make an extended visit with friends in Buffalo, Miss Kerr, of Wingham, was the ess of Miss Rus- sel this week. Mr W. W. Sloan, To- ronto, was in town this week. A. 8. Dickson, barrister, spent a few days in Seaforth last week. The 24th was right loyally observed, many of our citizens spending the day in different towns around, and a picnic was indulged in by a number of the young people on the hanks of the river. Mi T.W. Scott was in the forest city last week. The funeral of the late Miss Cluett took place on Friday, 24th, to Trinity church cemetery. Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was dispensed in St. Andrew's church on Sunday morning; eight new members were enrolled. Rev Mr Ham- ilton, Londesboro, and Rev A. McLean exchanged pulpits on Sunday evening. Rev Mr McPherson,Seaforth, preached very acceptably in St. Andrews, on Monday morni.ig, at the thanksgiving service. Holy communion will be ad- ministered in Trinity church, on Sun- Iday next. Miss Curtis has been ap- pointed organist in St. Andrews, Miss Stewart having resigned and gone on anextended visit to Thamesford and Detroit. Rev Mr Higley attended the Sunday School !convention and ruri decanal meeting in Seaforth this week; Mr Metcalf also was a delegate to the convention. Leeburn. NoTEs—MissMaggie Fortberingham, of Brucefleld, is at present visiting her sister, Mrs A. H. Clutton. Mr John Walter paid our village a visit this week. Miss Jeane and Addie Stirling are visiting their sister, Mrs Campbell, Ip Bruce county. Miss Potts teacher No. 9 S. S., has sent in her resignation. Mr James Taylor had his barn raised on Tuesday. The captains were John McDonald for north side, and Mike Carney for south; Mr Carneys side were the victors; Mr C. Morris and inen nre doing the frame work, but Mr Goldthorpe took the contract. Master Horace Horton spent the 24th with friends in Holmesville. Mr and Mrs Joseph Cook spent a few days with friends at Holmesviale last week. PURELY PERSONAL—Mrs Ed Holmes and Miss Louie Holmes leave this week to visit relatives in St. Catharines.— Misses Keane and Kerr, of Grace Hos- pital, Detroit, are horse for a holiday. Mrs Tugwell, of Stella; Mrs Smyth, of Wingham; and Mrs Field, of Teeswat- er•, all sisters of Mrs McMath, are here on a visit. MrJas McMichael and wife, of Seaforth; were the guests of Mrs W. It. Lough, this week. Mr W. Bruns - don, of Pickford, Mich., was a caller a the NEW ERA office this week; he likes his new home, but says it is nothing like as good as old H uron. Miss Hattie Sutherland, of Hensall, was last"week the guest of the Misses Murray. Mr Schinouse, of the Ilensall Observer, spent Sunday in Clinton.- Miss May, of Wingham, was the guest of Mrs Spooner, last. • week; Rev. Mr Ross, who has been visiting his daughter in Boston, has returned to town. Mr D. Cluff, of Goderich, was in towns this week, Miss Minnie Rumball has re- turned from Walkerton. Miss Hattie Rumball has returned home from Tor- onto. The St. Thomas Times says:— "Mr W. J. Paisley, of Clinton; License Inspector of the West Riding of Huron, was the guest of his daughter, Mrs R. J. Dunsmore, 113 Elgin street. on the Queen's Birthday." MrsMorris, of Detroit, is the guest of Mrs McGar- va. Mrs Wetherstone, of Detroit, is visiting her old friends here. Mr Mil- ler White,of the Exeter Times,es, was the guest ot Mr W. Muir, on Sunday. Messrs Joseph and Earnest Holmes were the guests of their brother, Dr. Holmes, London, a couple of flays last week. Mr R. A. Callander and family, of Newburry, spent the 24th with re- latives here. Mrs J. W. Riter and. children were guests at the. residence of Mr W. Oornyn, Wingham; last week. Mrs H. Young, is visiting her daughter Mrs Etcher, Bluevale. Mr and Mrs Seale were renewing acquain- tances on the 6th line, of Morris, last. week. Mr Seale has leased his pasture. lot to Mr Thos. Bielby. Mr ttuasel, Manning, of Exeter, spent the, 24th here. Mr Page and wif, Wingha•tn,. visited relatives here last Week. Mr S. • Taylor, of Minnesota, visited relatiyee here last week. Misses Ida and Dello. Walsh, Londonroad, were visiting friends in Goderich last week. Nesst'a Proudfoot, Holt, Malcomson and Dr. Whitely, of Goderich, were in town oa ';; •,, Wednesday; they had been taking, ,;t: some evidence in Stanley, and while here got a few leiasons fro.n the howl t, ing Club. Mrs H. Hartt, Chatham, i#•'` visitlug here.