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Clinton New Era, 1895-05-24, Page 7
THE ULINTO` NEW , .ERA DicLeod's • System RENOVATOR ¢Naz? RTg7/R. Tested 'Relies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, r Y/a1�::, .144 0riiahCd Blood D1�ppeepllliA, `.SIeepl ve-:,, ,. Pal t4r trtion o'f tI t He`a'�r�s, Live.;. diii la Ud�t Neuralgia, Lose of Memory, Bronohitie Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid nay and Urinary Diseases, fat. Vitae' Dance Flirtrale;Irregularities- and .Getieral De)rility LABORATORY, • OODERICH4"°' ORT J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in C1irt'tidn by ' J. H. CORSE, and ALIAN &WILSON BUTCHER SHOPS BUSINESS, CI ANGB Central Butcher Shop IT PAYS TQ The nndereignedhaving bought the butchering brlslnese lately carried on by ,Mr John Scruton, blfwill carryon the same in the o1d',atand. As he will give personal attention to all the details of the business customers can rely on their orders being promptly and satisfactorily filled. His motto ie "good meat at reasoneb(e prices." Caeh1aid for Hides, /3kine, &o. LACE KENNEDY r o- Albert fit„ Clinton. Clinton NEAT Market BUSU ESS.- nCHA.-NGE has boThe gndersi nod desires to intimate that he l�,t ou th interest Mr Oo .q tyc ei the butoherJng btis .WO lately carried on tinder the aieaEhandCn`trsiygiinh me old and trusts bg te closest and moat careful attention to the busi- ness,straightforward and courteous treatment to al, and handling only choice meat, to merit and receive a fair share of public patronage. All orders carefully and promptly JAMES A. FORD . FLOUR AND FEED STORES. New Flour & Feed Store CASH AND ONE PRICE. Clhe- undersigned begs to inform the people of inton and vicinity that he has opened a purply Cash Flour and Feed Store on Victoria St., near MoLennan's Bakery. A full stook of FLOUR, MEALS, CHOP STUFF, BRAN, OATS, WHEAT, &c. for Cash only I am in a position tovo the very best value for Cash or trade. Goode exchanged for grain at the highest market pito rice. Give elle a call and I will do nay ostside value. Goods guaranteed or money re - ROLLED OATMEALbe had.ialty; the very best to0; OLSON, Victoria St., Clinton Flour, Fee ' i-Se-ed`Storb Have you noticed by the press how mans; et the etadente of Tic Cualtimolwoulgi The lrpeoeaat he undersigned toIntimate FLOUR and FEED Of all kinds also the choicest variety of Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds Which will be sold ,at close margins for cub. SALT also will hc e variety kinds of TEASwhic con- sumers will find to be excellent value. J. W. HILL •$F1RON gT:;. CLINTON." CHATHAM, ONT., have ansa la g Positi�p9l ,slur n tWi a ding the 1(110'0 1t ,, Anot er has a dad to be 1 e . Jamel•Dobttoegtlly,risf Lochalsh, a graduate, has been placed as book-keeper with D. McDonald, Lumber & Builder's supplies, Orangeville. It pays to attend the beet. For Catalogue address D. McLACla A 1,C atbam POWDERS Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neerslgia is 20 MINUTEll, also: Coated Tongue,Dizzi- ness, B.iliousaes9, Pain in the Side,.opi nation, Torpid Liver Bad; Breath. to may our d alio regulate the bst bowel,. Misr NINRKT'r'QQ t'AKR. Feuds 26 OgITTS AT ORuq;-BTOszeie Coogas Flour Feed Store BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choice OatoOatmeal for 1 D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. Tlie Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1866 CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,300,000 Valuable PROPERTIES For Sale or to Rent. COMMERCIAL Hotel, Clinton. A splendid stand, where;"good'businese is dine. The house has excellent accom- modation for travellers and public generally. Terms made known on application to JNO. ROSSIER, Benmiller. Also HOTEL at Exeter North— Will be either aold,gr rented. For par - Herders apply to "`J. T. WESTCOTT Exeter, or JOHN BOSSIER, Benmiller, Also, FARM of 200 ACRES— being lot 12, 1st Con., West Nissouri; good soil, 140 acres cleared and in good shape of cultivation, 60 acres good beech and maple bush. Also FARM of 50 ACRES— being East:half of Lot No. 4, 2nd Con. of West Nissouri. Will give party who wants to do business a particularly good chance on this property. Any of the above are good investments, and all particulars can be obtained on application to JNO. BOSSIER, Benmiller HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLSON President. F. W. THOMAS,....General Manager. !B- oned,Notes , S erlingntedand American a exchange boftught and sold at lowest cur ent rat ©s. Interest al- lowed ErARMinELK • Money advanced to fartnee on their own note with one or more endorsers. ctNo mortgage re- qs 1 y H. C. BREWER, Manager. GEO. D. McTAGGART. BANKER ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. rmgmerrIle A. genera! Banking Business tl ansaeted NOTES DISCOUNTED Draft° leaned. Interest allowed on deposits. WOOD'S PHOtsPHODf`NE. The Great English Remedy. SIX Packages Guaranteed to promptly, and permanently cure all forms of Nervous _Weakness, Emias{on$,Spernt- ' atorrhea.Impotenoyand ¢rt erects of Abuse or Exams; Mental Worry, excessive use of Tobacoo, Opium or Stimtt- Befa�a andAfte3 • tants, which soon read 0 a. "trinity insanity, don -gumption and an tarty grave. Has been prescribed over as years In thousands of cases; is the only Reliable and Sanest 3fedtetne known. Ask druggist tor Weed's Phosphodinetu he otters some worthless medicine In place of this, inclose price In letter, and we will send by return mail Price. one package. $1; six, P. One will please, eft will cure. Pamphlets free to any address„ The Wood Company, Windsor, Ont., Canada. , Sold in _Clinton by ALTAR & WILSON, Druggists. JERUSALQL OF OLD, RECENT DISCOVERIES OF IMPORT- ANCE Al THE HOLY CITY. Dr. hilae iia. Uncovered a Part of the Or- iginal fiouthere Wail of the City and Has Found an Ancient Getaway -Relics of the ?arly chri.t(ans. I,.aet year the I'!glestipe Exploration Rind ?began the work of tracing the an- cient, trail of Jerusalem, under the direc- tion of Dr. Bliss. When tt ie remembered that Jerusalem had been besieged Land taken twenty-seven times before the mid- dle of the 13th century, the nit}tre; and diffloulty of the task will to soine extent be realized. Dr. Bliss sot himself to find and follow theancient wall of the city, beginning aif•thu eastern wall of'the Eng- lish cemetery', up to Which it had been previously traded. He soon succeeded in laying biro the bade of a tower on the line, -o4 the ;pggiexit, Well, with ; three courses. of urge . drafted, atones still, in poiltiou. 'kilo ea$ru gdrner of this tower }fs ia.)qu't into, ; feet from the . bemctery wall,, and' the progress since made by Dr. Blies may into:on& dtigree be" gauged by the fast, that, ,he' hints now traced the well, with its scarp and ceuntersoarp for over 1,000 feetleBetWard 'front the point where he hegen. ; The gimlet this wl, so; fpr at least as it hits ?leen followed, is probably that of the most ancient defenses, as the eouthorn parts q the hills, now known as Zion and Ophel *ere most likely to have been occupied by the earliest inhabitants. dd tion W the tower referred to above tour other towers were found,rl lihe,l l4 of the wall; and there are pro ably the remains of at least another between the third andIlmirt4,;whioii,D,r, Biiea•did not see, beZn unable to come to tq;ms with the owner of fhb giTolihl adobe it. "ARRAN SvTISDALL BANKERS,' CLINTON. ONT , Advances made to farmers on their own notes at low rates of interest. „a general Banking Business trensaoted Interest allowed on deposits. Sale Notes bought t.1'. TT8I?Af tl, Manager Rob Roy Cigar It's no because I'm Scotch but you canna smoke a better Cigar than "ROB ROY,?? They cost 5c. but I get sax of them for a quarter. ENPIRL TOBACCO CO.. MoNtarAu.. SPERSIA itJ , 1)C '1Ir 'i'T Of the marvelous success of Burdogk• Blood Bitters lies In its specific enroll/0 power" over every organ of the body. The Liver, the B1oo4i, the Bowels, thea Stomach, the Kidneys, the Shin, the Bladder, in fact; all parts of the hunlail system are teg'ulated, purified, and: restored to perfect natural action by this medicine, Thus it CURES all diseases affecting these or other parts of the system, Dyspepsia, Constipa- tion, Bad Blood, Biliousness, Head- ache, Kidney and, Liver Complaint, Obstinate Humors, Qld Sores, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Nervous or General Debility, and all irregularities of the system, caused by Bad Blood or dis- ordered action of the Stomach, Bowels, Liver or Kidneys. Thousands of testi- monials warrant the assertion that ' B.B.B. is the BEST SPRING MEDICINE FOR YOUNG OR OLD. Laseneemwessmasmemi 1. ,i ir'eiri'.oua Igoe" - it S.1 Thomds Doherty. of .Sarnia, ,,Qnta; Ihds dieoovered a now process for improving castings. The sample for punching Bent appears soft, like wrought iron, bat not ea strong. He writes :--f; "Y inclose you sample of what 1 nine ferrous steel. It is punched out cold from a top of an ordinary range.You can see the grain and Sharp edgdl. It le so ductile that a strip 1 tush w(4*, }� inch think, 12 inches long, 4an be *aura ground1pinoh gas pipe without break•• in t t� m time It is of gree! fSri• AN ITOBA SCHOOLS Look SUGARS Special quotation in bbla. Selling by;$ less than :wholesale pricer CANNED GOODS Put tip lady THE BEST :PACKERS. Tomatoq, over these prices. Corn and Apples, Pumpkins, Salmon an Mackerel. g; a e as e elle strength, a t„ inch square bar 111 TEAS Extraordinary valnestintJapan, Black and Green. Good Japan only 154 inches long bearing on the points will a pound. Chinese Mixture.only 20o a pound. oarry a load of 600 lb. without fteeture. It is made from a mixture of 60 per Bent. RiCE-25 pounds for $1. RAISINS -281b. box for $1. PRUNES, FORNIA APRICO 1 a l P EACHES Perhaps the mest'tnteresttug discovery common scrap and 40 per cent. No. 8 pi� Largest and ,be,(t assorted stock of CROCKERY and GLASSWAREyet made in the course of these excava- iron. My process is to injeot steam je tions was that/.pf the refnaii{e of an and- into the toyer. at cupola, which forme all- Selling at close Iprices.gl See, quality and price. ent,gatewey,rwbiab pierced the wall 'at a other element in combustion (hydidgep distance of 170 feet from theoematery. At gas), giving,out great heat; forming onepoint Ir. Bliss sunk'a shaft in` the black oxide oiron on the iron at t b Th11d itd hit ofchargeed some distance by inking openings and adherent that the absorption iii -from aboveat five dierent points in a phur from coke is entirely prohibited on MACKAY BLOCK, its course down through the lThe Dolor of the gases 1s entirely chaugesLThe molten metal Is much mors Stt{ttil11lid, and almost free from gas or dross, and gives a casting of a much sm000r etl!- face, with a steely appearance, is pro- cess saves fully ten per cent. in file; and has several advantages of greater or leaser importance not stated here. It is being patented in all countries. The days of common oat iron aro nearly ended. "— Scientific American. HURON AND BRUCE Loau St Investment Co This Oempany ie Loaning Moneyy on FarmSecurity at Lowest Rates of Inters hope of #indig t e. w , • an ns ea a po noame upon a large drai, This he follow- netio oxide, and it is so olosoly W. Irwin, northeasterly direction. "But in the meantime," continues the report, "an ex- amination of the shafts aqui to reach the. drain flashed a new light upon me. At- every tevery point the flagstone which covered the drain extended in a pavement at one side, and sometimes on both. At first. when this paveniont,had appeared only at one or two points, I had thought little of it, aeslgning tt to houses at these points. But when It had appeared at five points, all in one line, all above the drain, some explanation was necessary. Then those questions crowded themselves upon me: Is this a paved street above the drain? it a street, ie it not leading to a wallt If to a wall must 1t not be also to a gate? Step by step the oluo was followed. The paved street was traced for sixty feet. It always shows signs of wear, and of foot wear. At one place a house of the Byseni.Deperiod had leen built over the disused pavements With a mosaic pave• merit of its own x31 foot above the street. Beneath this paved street, and in line with it, was a drain four feet in depth, two feet wide at the top and one foot at the bottom. The roof consisted of slabs, which also formed part of tbepavementot the street." The street and drain were fol- lowed toward the wall, and, as br. Bliss anticipated, let. directly to a gateway. Dr. B11ss believes this gate to be the Dung Gate of Nehemiah and the Gate of the Essence; mentioned by Josephine. -While-Dr. Bliss has been so snoaessfuiy tracing the line of the ancient walls ot Jerusalem on the south, another disoovery woe Made at taco gtttto know Ike tlye, Bab Noy Dand, `abboutt+'fin y from where Dr. Bliss was working, r a recent storm, itwas found that a door which had stoed,opian for years fasteneg back againet the wail, was blown down. This "Ill wind" resulted in some real archaeological good, for behind that door was an anoleryteausarlption, built into the wall, which archaeologists must have passed again and again. The inscription is in Latin, and proves to be a votive tablet to 4.upitev on bellt}il of, the great- ness and prosperity of the'Eruperor Trojan and the Roman people. The tablet was erected by the Third Legion. Another interesting discovery *au made on the side of a small hill about 800 yards northwest of the Damascus Gate. In digging for the foundation of a new house, the workmen came upon a beauti- ful mosaic floor about three feet below the surface of the ground. Tho owner wisely sent for Herr von Schick, an authority on such matters. Then news of the find reached Ibrahim Effendi and the Gov- ernor of Jerusalem, who promptly stop- ped the work and placed the site under guard till Dr. Bliss could complete the ex- cavation and photograph the mosaic, which is considered to be Byzantine. To the reoovery'ot those remains on the north and south of Jerusalem must be added the discovery cif equally important remains in the east. Herr von Schick, hearing that excavations were being made for tho foundations of new build- ings on the top of the Mount of Olives, preoeodod thither, and found by the side of the road leading to Bethany a curious and interesting series of ruins, with the newly excavated walls standing from one to six feet high. Beginning at the west "ie an extensive flooring thirty-two feet long and, most probably ,nineteen feet wide, all of white mosaic, with no color- ed cubes, and very well preserved. The walla round are three foot thick, and on an average of the same height. The atones are squared, but small, and placed in good mortar," Adjoining this, on the east, is a smaller room, at a lower level, also with a white mosaic ,floor. Next to this is another small room or court, with slmtlar floor, and in the east wall 1s a new with a round . hole, which pierces the wall and communicates with a cistern ten feet Jong by .. about ,six feet wide on the other side. The (Astern his a'saultec goof .9krqugh Tibi4.h.is aeras'► iri4,it Northoxthis cistern le a rniall >� ttt+e 7P � lea A9t§� 1?4c , MORTGAGES -- : PURCHASED SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposita, according toamount and time left. OFFICE -Cor. Square n N orth St., 0oderich HORACE LI ORTON Manager Penmiller Nursery FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a specialty. LARGE STOCK ON RAND. The above ornamental trees and ehrnbbery will be sold at very low prlcee, and those wanting any thing in this, conneoti n -still pave money by par bhang bete. Orders by Ma{twilt be Promptly attended tea Address. JOHN STEWART, BENIIILLER CORSUIM ve-twi. y sad,ivo•tpWes o p�Mldae "nt Tree r -�Q;re' ErPrdfi sad Psr!' Olga c,M � A. 1 NE' All. L^ Beet h Syrup.. sates Geod. Mee in in ,.aa .'1• b dreg sta. q S0MPTIC>NWO Henry Di. Stanley Under Pay. According to the Belgtan blue book on the subject of the purchase of the Congo Free State it appears that Henry M. Stanley receives from the King of Bel- gium two thousand pounds sterling a year when on duty in Africa and one thop- sand pounds sterling when in Europe. While in the service ,:he..muat-neit'her'pub fish a book nor deliver a lecture without the king's permission. idteii is n, jil Tering bed, and 1 0isa 1n! deem,etlWelve, toe" aa1�=�c Inoh&a o�lIf r«A ea�veh ee4 di inched' fade. A.fittte t1er eastward. ;4na bul{lling was found, with a Peau ful mosaic pavement in colors; measuring ,fifteen feet two inches by thirteen feet ten inches.. At the Southern end, and readable to anyone facing south, is a Greek insoription, of Which the following is Dr. A. S. Murray's translation : "For the repose of Presby- ter Eusebius, the Deacon Theodosius and the Anchorites Eugenius, Elpidius, En- Iuhratas, Agathonicus." Herr von Schick ggnats that tombs are under the pave - Mont, but no entrance has yet been found. 'Vboep retpaills are assigned to the,ear'liljr tetidn period, and v✓ere probably' roue' and buried at the time of the crated: Bake -off of Earring. A curious custom still survives at Yap. mouth, England, by which the toWn 1e, by law, compelled to supply "a ha+IdIvd herring yearly to the sheriffs of Norwich, baked in twenty -tour pies or pasties and thence sent to the Lord of the Manor of East Clareton, who Is to convey them to the king." They are still sent to the Queen's olerk of the kitchen. Dr. H. P. Merrill. Results Astonish MEN OF SCIENCE. AYI3i s=l A MEDICINE WITHOUT AN E21,21 Statement of a Well Known Doctor "flyer's Sarsaparilla 13 without nn equsl SS a blood -purifier and Spring medicine, and ' Cannot have praise enough. I hate watches' its effects 1h chronic cases, where other treatment was of no avail, and have bee!: astonished at the results. No other blood medicine that I have ever used, and I have tried them all, Is so thoronrh In its action, and effects so maty pemmnnent cures as Ayer's Sarsaparilla." -Dr, II. F. MEI:tau., Augusta, Me. Ayer's 0 .S rsapaa lla Admitted at the V'erld'e Fair. hw,.4rr'1.. UU' ,rorlivercan4i:bo:oars. CALF in' the county' Grocer CLINTON. A PARLOR QUITE FOR $23 Have you seen that Parlor Suite, Upholstered in Raw Sil%t;. with Oak Frame, that we are offering at $23? If you are needing anything in this line, you should see them at once, as we can get but a limited number. 'fiEArt de aiNG SCIATICA.4NEUMATisu • -NEURALGIA • INS I N BACK O S%Dt -ON ANY t,'tUSCUTAII, AiI •jigs INUOSING �4Z�� moi✓ . M 401 1i Al* fMR6 a� Vuts!•s Curtain Poles for 22 Cents We can give you a Curtain Pole with ends, rings, bracketfk and pins all complete for 22 cents.; In:every:line ot Furniture our prices are lower than ever JOSEPH W.CHIDLEY, FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. elemsisswwmassimewswwlmtwillIV RUMBALL' sLPMhIfl FACTOR, Huron Street, Cltnton We have in stock a few Buggies and Waggons Which we guarantee to be of first-class material and workmanship. If you want a good article at the price of a poor one,'call and see us. F. RUM13ALL• = - CLINTON ,� 1 n JA,., I.N wrv,n,r.n.+..w.+vs.o/41•11 R-I-P.A-N-S ONE GIVES RELIEF. J..n Mln,n.nM.n.,-J.J-..n.•y,J,..,/,JV,1/M.V4M/V!i/. STILL at the FRONT The:undersigned wishes to inform his many onstomers and friends that he has moved to hie New Shopkon Rattenbury Street Near the Market Square where he is prepared to give his customers better accommodation than ever. I have secured tbo services of a good woodworker, and am prepared to do all kinds of wood -work repairing. As to tho quality of work done and attention shown it is enfliclent 0 ea that the old standard will be t up. In his ahowroome there will bo kept a well moiled stock of Sleighs, utters, Buggies, Plows, Narrows, Ete, Which be will sell at prices to snit the times. In addition to this he is prepared to do all kinds of Bicycle Repairing. Special attention will bo giv en to Horse Shoeing and all Custom Work. All work and stook guaranteed to be ersGolaee and prices low. JJOON TEDFORD, Clinton For Twenty -Five Years D!JNN'S B pow.- THECI1K'S BE ROBERT -:- DOWNS CLINTON, idanuteeturer and Proprietor tor the best.$ Milli Dog to use. Agent torthesale and apple cation of the gi Franca Parisi Anroiierto Bo OttAlaaa. STEAM riTTTNGSfurnished and appf edonshor notice. Boliers. Engines, and all kinds di etachlnery repaired espeditfowalyf and In aseeisfaetory ananner , Farm Implements manufactured and repaired' Steam and water pumps furnished and pain' positipa. Dry Kilns fitted up on applioatUQQ Charges moderate. THE COILED, SPRING( Wove Wire Fencing. .Ituua11>Auu111urur1 113 • 1101•BIA01011111/NiH1111N11111 a 1101111111111111111111111111101111111101111111110000 11101010111111111f1i111101110NtQk#A11111/111111 t iiiiimiiimmotamotommomototormemotex Messrs Stan ay and Steep local agihnte fd- <' the above fence, which is claimed tb be dill', best fencing Wire"manufadtired'e th8 hill Farmers intending to use this fenoilig ar requested to ant their poste 8,1 feet Idngj STANLEY & STEEP, ClintOliir it