HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-05-24, Page 6• "lr 'Wanted*° Scare Ms Wife. John Miller, of 415 Weet Thirty-fifth treet, Was arraigned in the Jefferson Mar- ket police court yesterday on the Charge of attempted suicide, says the New York Re- F,c.'H L CLI TON NEW EVIL o Gin Relish and Enjoy Thir Meals ndigestion and its Terrors. W CELERY COMPOUND,ItESTORtES PERFECT DIGESTIVE3VIGOR. fatltwe's Great Medicine will Give You a Healthy and Natural Appetite, Pure Blood, a Clear Head and Sound Sleep. mosmi iv 6s ;_ The t serabler"mortals in our com- Inanities are those who .are weighed down by obstinate and cruel indigestion. The digestive erge,Oe are all out of gear; "and the sufferer 1e tormented every hour of the day. The greatest distress le experienced utter eating; there is heaviness or weight in •the"_pit*llf"_'the stomach, almost continual 11ettdache, want of appetite, palpitation of the heart, sluggish and tcrpid bowels and 'oonatipation. The common cathartics and medicines of ithe`day only aggravate the, sufferer's troub- les,and pause him to sink deeper. in the !]mire;of suffering and despondency. Natures wondrous remedy, Paine's Celery 4lompound,•is the only medicine now gener- :ally.presoribed"by the best physicians. It suite directly on the nerves, it cleans the ')blood, and removes all obstruotionsand dis- ,ritressing matter from the digestive organa, :,Bind gives that perfeot vigor of body that only the healthy can enjoy. After using Taitle.'s ,Celery, Compound, sating becomes a pleasure, Bleep ie natural and sound, and rife` is worth living. Mrs. H. Cormack, of Halifax, N. S., who rid for years, writes as follows:— is with pleasure that I add my testi- y to the value of Paine's Celery Com. 1 pound. For a number of years, I have,suf- fered greatly from indigestion and palpi- tation of the heart. It was perfect misery fo me to go upstairs or up a hill, as my b ath waste° short and weak; and eating a eat was something I dreaded, as I sui- te ed ench agony afterwards. I could only g temporary relief from doctor'e ; medr- ci es and remedies Last summer my h art troubled me so frequently, that I be- w{eak and miserable —so miserable that 1 felt life abnrden. I had heard a great deal of�the Celery Compound but had no idea it w uld.benefit,nie in anyway. At last I w s persuaded to try it, and by the time the first bottle was used I was greatly ben- efitted. I have used five bottles of the com- pound, and say with truth, that ne other medicine has ever given me such wonder- ful results. The palpitation of the heart has not troubled me for some months; I can now eat a hearty meal, and do not ex- perience any pain afterwards. 'r? "Paine's Celery Compound cannot be too highly spoken of, and I trust all who suffer from the complaints which I have had ,will use it without delay or fear, for I am certain they will receive great Benefits, and will soon be convinced that Celery Compound is the surest, safest,and best of remedies. WOULD BE REPEATED. 'Dean Church has told a very good °story about the eclipse of the sun in 1864. -it appears that at Whatley—the ,dean's country parish—the eclipse was et failure. .,,Some wag in the neighbor - ling county town sent the common crier ::around to announce that, in conse- quence of the disappointment, the !+eclipse would be repeated uext day. "I don'tknow," says the dean, "what ---effect the announcement had; I only "know that the bellman took the fee .:o,nd very solemnly went around crying !the intelligence." 4COLD IN THE HEAD AND HOW TO CURE IT. One of the moat unpleasant and danger- -ons maladies that afflicts Canadiang at this season is cold in the head. Unpleasant, laecause of the dull, heavy heaeache, in- flammed nostrils and other disagreeable symptoms accompanying Tit; and danger- ous,` because if neglected it develops into catarrh, with its disagreeable hawking and .spitting. foul breath frequent loss of taste and smell, and in many cases ultimately developing into consumption. Nasal Balm is the only:remedy yet discovered that will instantly relieve cold in the head and cures in a few applications, while its faithful use will effectually eradicate- the worst case of catarrh. Capt. D. H. Lyon, president of the C.P.R. Car Ferry, Prescott, Ont., says —"I used Nasal Balm for a prolonged case of cold in the head. Two applications ef- fected a cure in less than 24 hours. I would not take $100 for my bottle of Nasal Balm, if I could not replace it." Sold by all dealers. or sent by mail postpaid at 50 cents per bottle, by addressing G. T. Ful- ler d &Co., Montreal. ' Bert Ferguson, porter at the Imperial Hotel, at Niagara Falls, Ont., was found 'dead in his bed on Friday morning. He was about 47 years old, and has no relatives :here. When Baby was etok, we gave her Oastorfa When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she became Mies, she clung to Castor's. .When elle had Children, she gave them coterie, Since Mr MacKenzie and Sir Richard -.went out, the debt of the Dominion has .Bono up $100,000,000, and the end is not yet. GET THE BEST. The public are too intelligent to purchase, a worthless article a second' time, on the contrary they want the best! Physicians are virtually unanimous in saying Scott's Emulsion is the beet form of Cod Liver Oil. The Hamilton Times points out that the Canadian Government in 1894 collected $8,245,845 duty on $38,717,226 worth of British goods, and only $6,960,950 on $53,- 034,100 worth -of United States imports. Talk about discrimination against Great Britain! SHILOH'S CURE, the great cougb and croup cure, is in great demand. Pocket size contains twenty-five doses, only 25c. Children love it. Sold by J. H. Co>frbe. Prisoner—Yes, sab, I tuck de chick- en. I was gwine ter make some chick- en pie, and I tuck de cook -book and read de direcshuns, and it says, "'rak' one chicken." It don't say buy one chicken, or borrow one chicken, but it says tak' one chicken. It. don't say whose chicken to tak', so I jes' tuck de fust one I could lay my'han's on. I follered de direcshuns, sah, in de book. HEART DISEASE RELIEVED IT 30 -MINUTES' Dr Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives perfeot re- lief in all cases of Organic or Sympathetic Heart Dioeeae in 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure, It ie a peerless remedy for Palpitation, Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Left Side and all symptoms of Diseased heart. Ono dose convinces. Sold byWATTB & CO„ Clinton Think of Other People. We ought to think of other people's con- venience more than some of us do. The home is the place where this thoughtful- ness ought to begin and be cultivated. Ong who comes late to breakfast admits that he has been guilty of an amiable self- tndulgence,but forgets that he hes marred the harmonious flow of tho household life, and caused confusion and extra work. The other day an important committee of fif- teen was kept waiting ten minutes for one tardy member, who came sauntering in at last, without even an apology for causing fifteen men a loss of time that to them was very valuable, besides having put a soro strain on their patience and good nature. Common life 1s full of just such thought- essness. corder. .t 10 o'oloole'on Friday ,night Mid - Miller, John's young wife, rashes , breath, lessly into the West Thirty-seventh pollee station, soreamings "My;hnsband ig. Kopf;to bang hIinself Come quick, oh 1 Dome giilok, or he'll be dead' 1' Polioeo tan Pe ortid hurried off with the woman, who explafned`that she had hada row with 4ehn, and he Bald he was going to kill himself.e' "Why, he had the rope around his neck when I came out," sobbed she. The door of the Millers' rooms was look- ed.` Tho policeman forced it open. There was no light: There was the . stillness of death, as the policeman and the wife groped their way toward the bedroom. This room was black as ink, and the frightened gasps of the woman blew out the first match which the policemen lit. Another match flickered for a minute, the gas was lit, and what the policeman saw made him fall over on the bed and laugh until he cried. Even the sad -faced wile swilled. There in the bed, sleeping comfortably, was John Miller, ,with four yards of clothesline coiled about his neck- The policeman woke him up. John's eyes blinked, but as he was fully dressed Pepertid yanked him out of bed and took him to the police station,where he was looked up, In court he deified that he had any desire to kill himself, only to scare his wife. "She's been gettiu' purty flip with her tongue lately, and needed quietin'." Mrs. Miller refused to make a charge againts him, and he was discharged. Pulmonary consumption, in its early stages, may be checked by the use of Ayer'e Cherry Pectoral. It stops the distressing cough, soothes irritation of the throat and lunge, and induces much-needed repose. Hundreds have testified to the remarkable virtues of this preparation. ALMOST CRAZY SUFFERING FROM CONSTIPATION. .Z''XPECTED TO DE IN THE ASYLUM — AFTER ALL OTHER REMEDIES FAILED B.B.B. MADE A PERFECT CURE, RESTORING ROBUST HEALTH. 'GENTLEMEN—To say all I ought to in favor .of B. B. B. would, be impossible. It has been a great health restorer to me, and I do swear by it. T am a different man now to what I was ten years ago, when it was .was expected I would be in the asylum, but ,now I am in perfect robust health and it was the B.B.F. that did it. I suffered for $ve or'six years froth constipation, some- -times so severely that I went oat of my smir>d, ; T •tried various doctors, both in the •country and in the oity, and took medicines teat numerous to name, but everything Mailed to have the desired effect. When I :used ,to Blood Bitters, however, it -enteeeded beyond all expectations, requir- ing only two bottles to euro me. To make it still more certain that B-B.B, is the real •eure for constipation, I may say that some two years afterward I felt the symptoms • treturning and took one bottle more, and -from that time to this present day (over eight years) I have never had any retnrn of the disease. I never knew any medicine ate work se well. It does not seem to be a mere reliever, but a sure and certain cure. As I oan certify to, for hnndrede of dollars' werth of medicine and advice, failed to do Me any good, but three dollars' worth of B.B.B. made a permanent cure that has - .given me years of health and comfort. Toronto. Yours` ruly, C. L. KILMER. Children Cryfet it boleti °scoria. FORGOT HIS OWN NAME. Unveiled Once a Year. According to a dispatch from Constanti- nople, in consequence of the rumors cir- culated regarding alleged plots organized by the Mussulman element which is dis- contented with the present government and especially by the Softas, unusual pre- cautions were taken on the occasion of the sultan's annual visit to the Mosque of Top-Cadou on the Old Seraglio Point on the 12th inst., says the London News. This day, the fifth of Ramaban, is the only one in the year on which the sultan as commander of the faithful, leaves Itildiz Kiosk in order to perform the ancient ceremony of unveiling and exposing to public veneration the reliquary containing one of the prophet's mantles. It is stated that his majesty would this year have gladly delegated the duty to a representa- tive, but such a course is impossible, as it is for -the (caliph alone to expose the relic with his own hands and be the first to kiss it in the presence of the imperial princess, the clergy and the high dignitaries of state. As the sultan was thus obliged to per- form the ceremony the greatest precau- tions were:taken to prevent any untoward incident. Ylldiz Kiosk was literally sur- rounded by a picked regiment of Albanian troops, who seduliously guarded all the, entrances to the palace during -the, sultan's absence. The route to Old Seraglio Point was lined with soldiers through its entire length and on the day previous to the ceremony, which is known as°•that of Hirkal-Cherif (the kissing of the mantle), a special commission commanded by m naval captain and composed of ten offi- cers,under the direct authority of the min- istry of marine, made a minute inspection of the great bridge of Karakieul, which was, moroover,oarefully guarded by sailors. The imperial procession, however, reached the mosque without incident. Dat Jefferson Remembered That Ho Played Rip Van Winkle. Some of the most amusing stories of the tricks of memory aro thecae which illus- trate the facility with which porper names escape the recollection. They elude you like greased pigs. "Then I had it on the end of my tongue," and "I recall your face, but for the life of me, I can't place you," are so commonly heard as to excite no oomment. "By the way how do you your name?" inquired a young lady o an old acquaintance. She took this way of moiling, without embarrassment, a IMMO that unaccountably escaped her reoollootion. "S -m -i -t -h," he replied to hoz oonfualon. It is related of Joe Jeger - eon that he was one day introduced to General Grant, an event that naturally impressed him strongly. Later in the day, •boording to the New York Mail and Ex- press, he got into an elevator of tho hotel at which they wore both stopping. A a6ost heavy set man also got in, lifted hie i� to Jefferson, and made some remark. "I beg your pardon. Your fano is familiar to me, but I cannot recall the name," said the actor. General Grant courteously gave his nano. "I got off at the next floor, for fear I should ask him if he had ever bean in the war," Jefferson maid in relating this story. Worse than that, he once forgot his own name. Ho had gone inilo a postoffiee at some small resort whore he was un- known and asked the clerk if there was any mail for him. "What's the name?" asked the clerk. "lin rneP Oh, yes, certain- 1y. Why, lot ole see! 1 ploy Rip Vim :;." "Joffe!, on," arid he f,• ((dig'. •' ek•rli. ,,.•ra rilou r�1,t,ilu.:,..s, hr ; or •d-polltcly, 0, himself Nets Bonk State's Great Cavern, It hue puzzled the °writer snot a little to understand why it is that so little has been. said or written concerning Bowe' cave, It is situated in New York state, only about forty miles from Albany, and is the third largest cavern in the United States, Mammoth cave, Kentucky, and Lury cave, Virginia, being the two which outrank it in extent and magnlflcenoe. The, cavern in question was discovered by one Lester Ilowe, in the year 1840 and was formerly known by the name ,of,; Otagargee .cave. $owe'' penteyrbted !tris, winding passage for a diatance,gf over twelve miles, but ,visitors'de trot usually go beyond Stygiatl lake, a small body'of water about ,tour relief frog' the entrance. The stalactities and stalagmites ate both abundant and beautiful. It is well light- ed with gas back as far as .the Stygian lake, and s1',iIi thpigrttey',6 iesi UO$10r��, one of the n ers Or the oo iitinetlt.•—St. Louis Republic r , : ' CATARRH RELIEVED is 10 To 60 MINE' IES. t.ne abort buff of the breet.i through Lilo Blower supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agn 's Catar Thal Powder, diffuses this Powder over the sur- face of the nasal passages. Painless and delight, fu' to use, it relieves instantly, end porinauently cures C tarrb Hay Fuver (;o,us Head Lche, Sore Throat, Tousilitis and Deafness. 60 acute. At WATTS Be CO'S., Cmton, A Love For the Good. A love of what is high, true and pyre, often keeps out from the heart what is contrary to these. Even when the hetet and hitbit are not in tho right, if once the right bo chosen, be aimed at, be pratioed, the base, the false. .the impure become gradually crowded out and eventually ut• terly supplanted. To destroy a bad habit, cultivate thegood habit; but before this oultivation can be real, a love for the good mustbe felt. • The hunger and the thirst for the good are tho best assurances that the evil is to pass away. The great con- verts of history, as well as the humblest of those who have succeeded to rejecting the evil part of their lives and substituting good 1n its place, have been actuated by a sort of passion for the beauty of holiness, and this passion, deliberate, calm and pa- tient though it may be, is sure to triumph in the end. Getting Ont of a Tight Place. An old admiral, well known for his power of exaggeration, was describing a voyage at supper one night. "While crfus- ing in the Pacific," ho Bald, "' we passed an island which was positively red with lobsters." "But," said one of the guests, smiling Inerodiilnusly, "lobsters are not red until boiled." Of Bourse not," re- plied 1bounden n0ul ndntiral;"but 0118 was a vol,vtnle island with boiling springs!" GIVES �RESH- f r' E 3 . 4N� c,. nR SKIN , CURES CONSTIPATION INDIGESTION DIZZINESS. r. TIOS ON THSK IN. BEL RUTIFIENC(.11.1v1. v1F ON knICTi11113i11l7AK An Agrieiibin axative and NERVE TONIC Sold by Drugg ette' or Bent by Mail, 25o., 50o. and 21.00 per package. 9amDles frac. KO NO The Favorite TOOTH POWER for the Toot and Breath Sold by J. H. O0111BE. SRISTOI.'S PILLS Cure Biliousness, Sick Head- ache, Dyspepsia, Sluggish Liver and all Stomach Troubles. BRISTOL'S PILLS Are Purely Vegetable, elegantly Sugar -Coated, and do not gripe or sicken. BRISTOL'S PILLS Act gently but promptly and thoroughly. "The safest family medicine,' All Druggists keep BRISTOL'S rims emeaeasae POWDERS Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia in 20 MINUTQB, also Coated Tongue, Dizzi- ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. to stay cured also regulate the bowels. VERY NIDE TO TAKE. PRIOE 26 GENTS 4T DRUG STORES, CENTRAL BUSINESS COLLEGE Stratford, Ont. WHAT OTHERS . HAVE DONE . Youlcan do if you want to, Let u talk the matter over at least. .d card to us wiil do it. The troublt to us is nothing, We are always pleased to make your acquain tatnce, and have something of in terest to tell you. Handsome catalogue free. P. McINTOSEI, Principal. COTTOLENE. VarkS:1,rst'tDON'T 16, t ti fiy v., Find fault with the cook if the pastry does not exactly suit you. Nor with your wife either—perhaps she is nos, to BLAME It may be the lard In b using for shortening. Lard is indigestible you know. But if you would always haven YOVR Cakes, •pies, rolls, and bread palatable and perfectly di- gestible, order the new allort- ening,"COTTOLENE," for your FE Sold In 3 and 5 pound pails, by all grocers. Made only by THE N. A. PAIRBANK COMPANY, Wellington and Ann Sts., Montreal r -'r n Y J. C. STVENSON, —THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND— EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEPT ill STOCK ThebestEmbalming Fluidused Splendid Hearse. ALBERTST.,CLINTON Residenceoveretore ; OPPOSITE TOW BALL !' v Lovely Twins at Allen & Wilson's Drug Store. Like a fond mother I love both. Some ladies like one, some the other. -Many knowing their great valttia like both and bay them. Any way you can't find two better artioles for the com- plexion. liotfi guaranteed. Cost, 75 cents each. Lola Monies GvemelF� cumb�rrtndElder Ehe Skin Food and Tissue builder, kr ela. ower p poly np gaol opal pole, feeds through- the Elkin QW �/� Cream e o bob the Skin and fu ele• ryry�p�1 y /y put ap 1n gent opal taste, feeds through; the skin Q(A/er / eGf g oz. bot- kee the skip healthyhence��@m� . Au ideal ekionio. Noted for its pores, pe pre- �,,. m.. Greatest preventive 1 keeps skin hence tics. An ideal akin tonio. its serves the Com lexion, prevents wrinkles, cleaning power. preventive of P I pimples and blackheads. Pure, harmless, old age ',sok, freckles, tau. - 1 effeotive, Leets 3 to 5 months. Mrs Nettie Harrison, America's Beauty Doctor, 40 and 42 Geary -St., San -Francisco; Cal. Easter -n, Officer °•54-W "54— »- Ave., Detroit, Michigan. Not Pamagedby Our Stook of Sugars and excited, we quote Prices obt ained by calling In Black 'TEAS we have Package at40o,,'best value in fact no matter what you need low prices as oan be got anywhere, Hams, Bacon. Lard, Cottolene Give fie - MCl1IURRA.Y NearPostUffice—CENTRAL the Frost. 0 were not damaged by Frost, but as the market is higher no prices, but will not be undersold. at our store, also Bargains in everything in our line ii the Dahl Kola Blend at 50cts a pound, and the Salads town, In Japans at 25 and 85 cents we beat them all. I11. in our line, we guarantee to give as goQd quality, and as Canned Goods of all kinds. Soajf"sin great variety. always in stock. Crockery and Glassware away dowr a Call and see what we oan door you. & WILTSE, GROCERY—Tolepho1 e 40 a 3 1 GOOD INVESTMENT WE HAVE FOR CUTTING 18 inch AVOID Screen (EARLY'). New Stare• nack'ayBlock is SPR4Y and spray bour a PUMP fruit trees THEM—ALL KINDS, FROM $1 to $10. PREPARE YOUR LAWN BY GETTING ONE OF OUR Lawn- Mowers. only $5.54 THE TROUBLESOME FLYS BY PUTTING ON Windows and Doors WE HAVE THDEM VERY CHEAP. Old Stand AR`„aN Bane• Brick Bloch LASH GOOD EATING You can The ' CASH In Canned of table delicacies, Teas & Coffees a Specialty For or or Farm produce OGLE Cash Grocery Is KING is the keystone to health. buy the keystone kind of Groceries at GROCERY Goods, Vegetables, Meats and all kinds we carry a full assortment. Sole agents for the Celebrated "Monsoon" Indian Tea, Extra good value in Young Hyson, 5Ibs for $1. Prompt Delivery, e Good Goods and Fresh Groceries, Low Prices and Fair Dealing. taken as cash.—Telephone No. 23. COOPER & CO. • 1 door North of N,ew$ Record. ' Featherbone Skirt Bone For Giving and STYLESHAPE to . Ladies Dresses A light, pliable, elastic bone made from quills. It is soft and yielding, conforming readily to folds, yet giving proper shape a Skirt fo Dress, The only Skirt Bone that may be wet without injury. The Celebrated Feather - bone Corsets are cords" with this material. For Sale by loading Dry Goods Dealers. Adams' wE HAVE RECEIVED GRAND STOCK OF For Men's, Youths' HANDSOME DISPLAY Special value in BOOTS, very nice. We have also Patent Twist. Field and Tea and every line ADAMS' EMPORIUM, LONDESBORO Emporiuni A Ready Made Clothing and Children. They are splendid value. OF MILLINERY SHOES and RUBBERS. A large line of Tan Shoes, BARB WIRE, Black Wire, White Wire and Collins Garden Seeds of best quality. Special value in Sugar, of Groceries. Produce taken in exchange. I. ADAMS, 4,.:.,�.-%, II •.. : �a ' a '• 4'r''„ ' \\tS li ,= t rtfip� I g7 SIG/1 OM\ R •,,:�', +. N>Pl ..ate . J. Brunsdon & Son, ,� ;r•LONDESBORO y s'."a s' Agts. for all Farm Implement `aB"•.... " MASSEY-HARRIS Binders, Mowers, Drills I►ik �t seeders, Curtivatorv, Sonlen ors and ,n: gl , all kinds of Plows < Full line of Machinery and Plow Repairs .�r;, s y� BINDER TWINE—Boat brands o4 Twine ; at low prices. A complete line of �A,., Buggies, Road Carts, Waggons - ; d k_vt o, .. y... �%"';,,,, y_ Ftno {laggles and StandardtVaggons ,, ^' Or �tl 1. n • .Xa•.4t Agents fdr Gould, Sharply & Muir Wind Mille OUR MOTTO—First-Class work and best material; prioos consistent with good articles.' Prompt attention given to Repairing and all kinds of Job Worlr. ,T013 j` IBRENSbON & SON, Londesboro.