HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-04-12, Page 5We sell, the Best W ATCEHS CLOCKS . JEWELERY SILVERWARE J. B. RUMBALIL Watchmaker, Jeweler, &c., TelephoneExchange Our Stock is Complete Pure Drugs, Perfumes, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, &c. All the - - - -Manley's Celery Nerve Compound. Pine Malt. Latest Remedies I Woodward's Celery King. Kickapoo Remedies, &c. P. S.—Prescriptions and Family Receipes a Specialty. The best and purest drugs used only. J. E. HOVEY'S, Dispensing Chemist. Clinton -- REMOVED --- I1 JACKSON, THE JEWELER, HAS REMOVED TO Emerson's Old Stand in the Cooper Block, Where we are better prepared to serve the wants of the people. CALL AND SEE US. MR. J. E. DAVIS, Expert Optician, WILL BE AT J. H. COMBE'S Drug Store . . THURSDAY, April 25th . . Your Eyes tested free, and properly fitted. No exorbitant charges made REMEMBER THE DATE 'ttt ttt ttt ttt ttt ttrttt ttt ttt tt! ttt ttt ttt ttt tttM --1P --+ -IP --IMP -411 4!- �� Opening! 1 ...r --41P1 _r I-7:7 Saturday Afternoon and Evg., March 30-40 .41111.- t --4011 ..- b f 1 d' l y y --40 AP- r HATS and BONNETS. , -40 1 tSt 1' hG d Moderate n P OP- b tt h b f '-� PP-ld d before h k ,� �- 1 ,a that p more than a OP - to draw your attPntlon to d 1 f r Dress Goods, IP- -ifs= We want them to be seen by all as they are sure PP- PP- Ow- 4100- Capes and Mantles. to please. ......-1"-IP-1.-41P-41:...-4.-.4. --1 --ter -�. -4111 -410 -� -411 -4111 -� -moi --me -410 �+ID ui ii1 auii1iiiu1J11g Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiii lVlltilliner y We purpose holding our Spring Millinery Opening on .►- 1 ayder a�- PLUMSTEEL & r A cordial imitation is extended to the Ladies of own andcountryto attend our opening, and see the beautiful display ofall the new styles that are to be hadin Ladies' Our Milliner has the re utation for turningout the newest and most Stylish Goods at Prices. Our stock this spring willbe better andcheaper than ever before. We wishevery lady to see our Foods andgetprices she makes her se- lections for spring andsummer. Our stock is now complete in all departments. We carry so manylines we never have space to mention few lines at a time, and then only a passing notice. We want our fine display o Every one Welcome. GIBBINGS CLINTON THE E OLINTO ' NEW ERA Originators of Low Prices 4.r.l 2,. 189 Conner Huron and Albert Streets E4STEE A At no tine s,' ce this Store has been in existence has it presented such an attractive appearance, as now. Elegance and excellence, quality and quantity. Newness and novelty awaken interest at every turn, and command the attention of every shopper. Never before such ex- quisite styles foi so little money. Never before such immense variety of things you're sure to need. England, France, Germany and America contribute to the showing and the best wit of the world is focussed in the display. Come, by all means, and see the Easter Display.. Corrie expecting more for your money and better service than ever. Come with the implicit understanding that money will be refund -M ed if anything you buy here isn't exactly right. GIY..ROY Bc WISEWLAN. The Manitoba Government on Satur- day received a letter from a gentleman in Washington, D. C. who promised he aid of 100,000 men and S3,000,000 back up the Government in case they had to defend their position on the school question by a resort to arms. This offer came from an organization that has a membership of 3,000,000 in the United States. [This is likely pure buncombe.] ROOM FOR RENT. • Large room, conveniently situated, easy of access, at low rent. Apply to W. C. SEARLE. BU (SLS FOR SALE Two Thorobred Durham Bulls, both red, bred from A 1 DairyCows. WALTER CUNNINGHAM Lot 33, Concession 13, Hullett, Londoeboro P.0 MONEY WANTED. Wanted to borrow, the sum of $9,000 or more, for a term of five years, or more, at 5 per cent interest, on good farm lands. Address in writing, Box 74, Clinton, or NEW ERA OFFICE. Yorkshire Boar for Service. The undersigned keeps for service at their pre- mises Con. 15, Goderich Township, a thorobred Yorkshire Boar, (registered). Terms -$1 at time of eorvioe, with privilege of returning if neces- sary. LINDSAY BROS. BULLS FOR SALE. For sale, at lot 28, oon. 11, Hallett, two Thoro- bred Durham Bulls, dark roane; good pedigrees, and will be sold cheap.' One 11 months and the other 18 months old, dam Wimples. ROBERT SCOTT, Lundesboro P.O. "4i BLYTH BRIUK YARD Subscribers have a limited quantity of briak on hand which they wish to dispose of in order to make room for this season's trade: the brick are No 1, and will be sold at a reasonable pri e. Persons who contemplate building will find it to their interest to come and see us. Mar. 8, 95. WETTLAUFER Qc WILFORD, FOUR SHORTHORN BULLS FOR SALE. Ihaye for Sale four good young Bulls and some young Heifers of Good quality and of the most ar proved breeding. Show animale a specialty. Pnoes to suit the times. All the Shcrthorns aro from good Milking strains. JAS. SNELL. Bayne-Barten Farm, Hallett, Clinton P. 0. PIANO TUNING. The undersigned has returned from Evane Broe., Piano factory, Ingersoll where he has acquired a there"knowledge of piano tuning, He is well recommended as a Piano tuner and is prepared to tune any piano at a reasonable price. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address J. W. MOORE, box 113, Clinton. BOAR FOR SALE. A Tamworth Boar 11 months old (registered) a good Berkshire boar, elegible registered, nine months old will be Bold cheap. Also kept for service a largo improved white Yorkshire boar, and a good young Berkshire boar (registered). Terms 81 at time of service with privilege of returning if necessary. JNO. HOARE, Auburn P. O.: Ont. Valuable Properties for Sale. The following valuable and elegiblo properties are offered for sale on reasonable terms, either in one block, or in separate parcels: - The handsome brick residence at present oc- cupied by Mrs A. H. Manning, Albert street, oon taintng every convenience. The premises adjoining the above, occupied' by Mr N. Robson, and being in all respects aim iliar to the other. The largo frame dwelling to the rear, fronting on Queen Street; at present occupied by Mr Medd. The whale block contains 11 acres, with a nnmber,ol fruit trees. Full particulars on appli- cation to J. P. TISDALL, Clinton' BUSINESS CHANGE. CARD OF THANKS. Having disposed of my Boot and Shoe business to Mr R. J. Oluff, I desire to re- turn my sincere thanks to the public for the generous patronage accorded rhhe during my 19 years experience, and solicit on be- half of my successor, a continuance of the same. All outstanding accounts should be paid before the 16th of April, at the store, in order to save collection. CHAS. CARLINE, Clinton WEST HURON LICENSE DISTRICT. The Commissioners will meet at the INSPECTOR'S OFFICE CLINTON, on MONDAY, APRIL 16th, 1895, at 4 p.m. to consider applications for 1895-98. The number of Licenses issued for 1894-95 was -35 Hotels 2 Shops and 2 Brewers. Tho num- ber of applicants for the license years 05 1895.98 is -38 Hotels, 2 shops and 2 Brewers, Now ap- plicants are as followe:- JOHN MASON, Hotel, Blyth, W. CRAIG Hotel, Ooderioh, JACOB I UNTZ, Hotel, Auburn. Any petitions or other communications aro to bo sent to the Inspector befpre the above date. W. J. PAISLEY, Inspector, Clinton. JAMES STEVENS, Chairman. Mr. Gladstone is writing a work on extinct forms of life, with the object of reconciling Darwinism and the Bible. HenryN.Entwistle, who was sentenc- ed to fifteen years in prison in Lowell Mass., in 1802, for shooting Maria Clegg with intent to kill, has been released through the efforts of the young woman and they will be married shortly. On Sunday in Knox church, Toronto' was celebrated a triple anniversary, viz, seventy-five years of Presbyterianism in Toronto, fifty years of the existence of Knox church, and fifteen years of incumbency of the present pastor, the Rev. Dr. Parsons. Rev. Dr. Dewart will sail for England on May 25. At the last conference Dr. Dewart was appointed delegate to con- vey greetings to the meetings of the Wesleyan Methodist Conference of England, the Irish Methodist Confer- ence, the Methodist New Conference, the Primitive Methodist Conference, Rev. A. C. Courtice will assume the ed- itorship of the Guardian early in June. SALE REGISTER. Household furniture, on the market square, on Saturday, April 13.-D. Dickinson, auct. SEED PEAS. For rale, a quantity of choice seed peas, hand threshed. Price reasonable. TYNDAI'.ri BROS., Clinton. SEED PEAS FOR SALE. Subscriber has for sale a quantity of choice seed Peas. J. W. MARQUIS, 9th con., Goderloh township. The Finest PHOTQGRAPHZ Oare taken by' LL. H, FOSTER NUB GROCERY As regular as the seasons; as steady as the Polar star, as constant as;thei compass. The quality of our goods do not change; we buy the best in the market. We have a big stockof WOODEN WARE. If you need a Washtub, a Pail, a Broom, a Mop or Scrub brush, it will pay you to call. We have Ben Hur, Bee Brand, Monsoon, Maravilla, the finest of TEAS—Ceylons, Japans, the best that can be had in the market. COFFEE—Fresh Ground, leads them all. Take a look at our window for s Bedroom Set. (-FO SWALLOW, - (Minton BUGLES PEAS -AND- CHOICE SIX -ROWED BARLEY From Northern Ontario, FOR SEED. For sale by R• IRWIN, Standard Elevator, Clinton CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon Thursday, April 11, 1895. Wheat, spring 0 65 a 0 67 Wheat, fall 0 65 a 0 67 Oats, 0 33 a 0 34 Barley 0 40 a 0 45 Peas 0 55 a 0 65 Floor per bal 3 70 a 3 70 Park 5 50 a 5 50 Batter 0 13 a 0 14 Egg a per doz 0 9 a 0 10 Potatoes 0 40 a 0 45 Hay, New and Old 6 03 a 600 Sheeepskins 0 25 a 0 30 No. 1 Trimmed Hides 4 00 a 4 25 THE BRITISH CATTLE MARKET John Swan & Sons, limited, Edinburg, in their weekly report say: -"There have been generally fewer supplies of fat oattle all over. There was more demand from the south, and trade was steady at last week's prices, and an easy clearance effect- ed. There have been about 800 head of States cattle on offer, which are reported to have met a fair trade. Best beef, 7s Gd to 7s 9d per atone. MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS There were 800 head of butchers' oattle, 300 calves, 150 sheep, and 75 spring lambs offered for sale at the east end market Mondrey. The butchers were out in full force, and were rather surprised at the high figures to which cattle had advanced during the past week. Some of the butch- ers assert that good beeves sold at from 1}6. to $8 per bead higher than, similiar ani - male would have brought last Monday; ex- tra cattle for Easter market sold at from 5 to 5o per lb. Common to good oattle sold at from Q to 4io,.and rough and half -fat- ted stook at from 2 to 3}c per lb. Large fat bulls Bold at from 4 to 6o per Ib, and the rough, bardlooking balls at about 3o per lb. Mixed lots of sheep Bell at about 46o per lb. Fat bogs continue to sell at from 5 to 510 per lb. That Canadian horses are steadily grow- ing in popularity in New York was evi- denced by a recent important sale of high class animals by a Montreal firm to Dr Seward Webb, of New York, who, with a party of friends, visited Montreal for the purpose of procuring the best Canadian animale they conld find. The Montrealers sold them a carload and have shipped them to the great American metropolis, where they are to be used principally in the old country coaching club's drive from the Ho- tel Brunswick to their club house and are said to be an exceptionally fine collection of highly bred animals. Hides & Skins Wanted The HIGHEST GASH PRICE paid:for Hides and Skins at the CLINTON TANNERY 0. B. DOAN & SON, Clinton 041••••••• ••••••••••••&I Prints and Dress Goods The pile of Remnants already accumulating is evidence that we have got the right thines in Prints and Dress Goods. The designs are right, the quality is right and the price is right. Clothing! We have this week received an- other consignment of Clothing; among them is an assortment of Children's Sailor or Blouse Suits. Very dressy and comfortable. AVE you had any of our Cheap Tweeds? If not, why not. They are money savers. W. L. Ouimette, LONDESBORO. � .7