HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-04-12, Page 3i Thomas A. John.. A Common Affliction Permanently Cured by Taking AYE !c Sarsa . 44.3 narnl!.� A CAS -DRIVER'S STORY. "I was afi'ioted for eight years with:Salt Rheum. Luring that time, I tried a great many medicines which were highly rec- ommended, but none gave me relief. I was at last advised to try Ayer's Sarsa- parilla, by a friend who told me that I must purchase six bottles and use them oecordln:: to directions. 1 yielded to ids persuasi u, br.uzht the six bottles, and took the contents of three of these bot - ties without noticing any direct benefit. Before I had finished the fourth bottle, my hands were as Free from Eruptions ar e• 'r they were. lify business, which is 't .t ..f a cab -driver, requires '010 to be out in cold and wet weather often without gloves, and the trouble has never returned."—THOMAS A. Jori_;s, Stratford, Ont. � jiSa saaiiilqAyer'"s Admitted at the World's Fair, _Baer<cr:-�a flyer's .Pit's Ciecrrse The .Dotecto, George More�ith's Boot -black, 13Y ANNA SHEILDS. • "Black your boots, sir?" It was a childish voice, ' sweet and pleading, most unlike the usual shrill, half impudent tone of the boot -black army, and George Meredith looked down to see the speaker. Being a tall man, over, six feet, and' somewhat portly, with fifty-five years of life, mostly of prosperity, he looked quite a distance downward before he saw the little fellow who spoke. Such a very little fellow! He did not look more than six years old, and had close crust ering curls of fair hair, and big blue eyes like a baby. But the small face was pale and thin, the limbs, but scant- ily clad, were far too slender, and the low, sweet voice had, an unchildlike ^pathos in its tone. "No—" said Mr Meredith, before the look. "Well, yes, you may]" he added after wards. "What's your name?" he asked presently. "George Scott." "H'in. Orphan?" "No, sir. Mather is living, but she slipped on the ice about two weeks ago and broke her arm. She did not think I was big enough to work before that, but she had to let me try then. I don't make out very well. Gentlemen think I'm too little. But I can make boots shine, can't I?" "You have certainly made that one shine," was the reply, while Mr Mere- dith thought: "Here is something rare, indeed, a boot -black who talks correct English. Has he stepped out of a novel? In a moment he spoke again. "What work did your mother do?" he asked. "Embroider for a fancy store. She couldn't work very fast, because she isn't very strong; but we don't eat a great deal, that's one comfort." "Sorry comfort!" muttered the gen- tleman. "Any brothers or sisters?" "All dead, sir. Mamie was the last 'cept me, and she died in consumption. She was sixteen and helped mamma sew and keep the rooms in order. Oh, dear!" It was just a child's sigh, coming from a full heart to answer the look of interest and sympathy in the gentle- man's face. "Do you like blacking boots?" was the next question. "No, sir!" "Would you like to run errands?" "I think I should." "How much can you make a day now?" "The most I ever made was forty cents. This is my first job to -day." "Can you read?" "Why yes, sir. I am ten years old?" "You come to -morrow morning to the address on this card, and I will try you for an errand boy." Then giving the lad a fifty -cent niece - and refusing to wait until be went to get change for it, George Meredith strolled off to his hotel, bis solitary dinner and bachelor apartments. "Odd," he thought. "how much that boy reminds me of some one, I can't think who it, is. Some one who had just such big blue eyes, at once shy and frank, drooping most of the time, but candid and faithful when they did meet your Own. II'm; It is -very vague, but somebody I once knew had just such eyes. Poor little chap! I'll give him a decent suit of clothes and pay him enough to live on until his mother gets well. It won't ruin me!" And considering that the speaker Counted his money by hundreds of thousands, it seemed likely it would not. The little, eager lad who walked in- to the rich lawyer's office the next day was an improved edition of the hoot -black of the night before. He had on his "hest" suit, well worn, but whole, and his linen was white, his hair nicely brushed and his boots shining. "Mother better?" asked Mr Meredith. "No, sir," was the sad,: quiet an- swer, "she couldn't get over to the dis- pensary this morning to have her arm dressed. She was so dizzy she had to Children r for piliaifoca3 tae 'VI --IE OLIN -TON NEW ERA lie down." "That's bad! Suppose you tell me where you live?" "No. 18 Merriam Court, sir, back of —street." "H'ml Well, I'll give you your first errand." He wrote a note, directed it to "Dr. James Turner," added the address, and gavegit to the boy. "Am I to wait for an answer, sir?" "No! Leave it, if the doctor is not at home." "Now," he thought, "I shall know if he is an impostor, at any rate. By Jove!' he exclaimed aloud, "it's Agnes Wellden!" Then clients and friends came in, and the business of the day commenced. But, the boy was not forgotten. Er- rands that were not too far away to tax his strength were provided, a hearty dinner at a restaurant was given him, and he went home with a steady engagement at five dollars a week promised him. In that home a sad -eyed woman, in a shabby widow's dress, her face lined with pain and sorrow, but yet a sweet, tender face, had been all the weary day living her life again. She saw her- self a child in her father's pleasant home, where there was never great wealth, but every comfort and an at- mosphere of love around them all. She saw herself a young, pretty girl, with many friends, and some lovers. One of these was a man older by fifteen years than herself; grave and tender, but who seemedyin ner girlish eyes too old and solemn to think of love. When her father told her that George Mere- dith had asked her to be his wife, she was frigstened. It seemed as if it would destroy her youth, take all joy- ousness from her life, to marry this stately, reserved man, already a law- yer of standing. So she refused him, never appreci- ating the value of the heart that had been taken captive by her brightness and sweet girlishness. How could she know that it would have made the happiness of the grave, lonely man's life to surround her with all that could keep her as joyous and free as a but- terfly? He left his old home after his love - dream faded, but he left pleasant mem- ories. Even after Wm. Scott wooed and Avon the woman he had lost, she could not quite forget the grove man who had loved her. Sunny clays of wedded happiness followed her happy girlhood. Child- ren came to bless her, add when her pa' ents died, her husband, her sons and daughters consoled her. She was past thirty years old when troubles carne, thick, fast, overwhelming. Two children died on the same day, of a prevailing fever, and before the month was over, her husband followed them to the grave. He had been a clerk, oil a moderate salary, and the nest egg in the hank was very; small, yet the wi- dow looked at the little ones left her and strove tol face her future bravely. It was the pitiful story to be heard every day—irregular work, poor pay, sickness, death! The removal from a country home to a crowded city, in the hope of better work and wages, proved a failure, and the air of a crowded tenement house dwarfed and injured the children, who died one by one, till only her baby, George Mere- dith Scott, was lest to console the widow. While she mused and wept over this panorama of her life, wondering a little that some long past memory had made her name the boy for her old friend, never hoping to meet again, Dr. Turner called. He explained very courteously that Mr Meredith had requested him to see if his professional services would not help her, and examined the arm. His directions were brief, and he left her to wonder if indeed her old friend was the gentleman who was helping her boy, and whose card lay between the leaves of the Bible. Dr. Turner's report to Mr Meredith was: "Delicate woman, evidently a lady. Arm doing very well, but general health at the lowest ebb. Wants good food, better air, and, above all, mental quiet. Fretting herself to death." George Meredith being one of those rare philanthropists whose left hand knew not the good deeds of his right hand, made no parade of generosity. If Mrs Scott guessed, she never knew whence came an envelope with a gen- erous gift of hank notes. It enabled her to make George neat, to add to her own scanty attire, and to provide the medicines and food Dr. Turner no longer hesitated to order. In these weeks that followed George's engagement as errand boy to Mr Mere- dith, the boy won his way far into the heart of the bachelor lawyer. For years, after his rejection by Agnes Wellden; he had lived a busy lite, tty- ing to forget the pain of his broken love dream in his amibition. A man always reserved, caring nothing Mr society, he had given to his old friend's child the one love of his life, never striving to replace her image in his heart, never seeking to add family joy to his scheme of life. It would be too much to say that he had not recovered, in the years that followed his disap- pointment, from its sting. As time rolled on there were often months when he never thought of his old love; and when he took George Scott into his employ, her image was entirely buried under the varied interests of his career of professional usefulness and political in.erest. But the boy stirred new well springs in his heart, of love and gentleness. • ALL MEN Young, old or middle-aged, who find them- selves nervous, •weak and exhausted, who are broken down from excess or over -work, resulting in many of the following symp- toms :—Mental depression, premature old age, loss of vitality, lose of memory, bad dreams, dimness of sight, palpitation of the heart, emissions, lack of energy, pain in the kidneys, headache, pimples on the face and body, itching or peculiar sensation abont the scrotum, wasting of the organs, dizzi- ness, spooks before the eyes, twitching of the musoles, eyelids and elsewhere, bash- fulness, deposits in the nrine, loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby rankles, desire to sleep, failure to be rested by Bleep, constipation, dullness of hearing, loss voice, desire for solitude, excitability of temper, sunken eyes, surrounded with nra&DSN animus, oily looting skin, etc., are all symptoms of ner- vous debility, that lead to insanity, unless cured. The spring or vital force having ]oat its tension, every function wanes in ooneequense. Those who through abnee committed in ignorance, may be perma- nently oared. Send your address and loo i t Stamps for book on diseases peculiar to man tient sealed. Address 11f. P. LUBON, 24 Maodonnell Ave., Toronto, Ont., Canada Thule mention this paper. tie was a quiet,entle child, with a active brain, but delicate constitution one of the frail little ones who see utterly unfit to cope with the trial and sorrows of this hard world. Willing, respected and gentlemanly he was trusted with many errands that Mr Meredith would have• hesitated to give to a boy of less refinement and intelligence, and his gratitude made him ever eager to do his best to please his kind fn send. Winter was over, and April winds sweeping over the city, when on day Mr Meredith sat waiting an answer to a note, in a state o€s.,wondering im- patience. It was something altogether new for George to loiter on the way or to neglect any detail of an errand. Yet he had been sent on a mission that need occupy twenty minutes, and three hours had elapsed without his return. Impatience was giving way to un- easiness when a policeman presented himself. "Lad employed here name of Scott?" he asked. "Yes. What has happened?" "Knocked down by a runaway team; badly hurt. We took him home, and he wanted me to let you know why he was away." "Thanks. I will go to him." He took up his hat as he spoke, wondering himself at the thrill of pain at his heart. He knew then that he loved the boy as he had not loved any- one for many long years. The lad's own sweetness, with the eyes that were a memory of his mother, had endeared him to the world -worn law- yer, till it was with positive pain he hent over the bed and saw the little face white and drawn with agony. "My poor boy]" he said, tenderly, "what can I do for you?" "Did mother go away?', the child whispered. "She said I aright see you alone." "There is no one here but ourselves." "Maybe I'm wicked," the child said, "because mother told me not to tell you now. No please, don't stop me. I'm badly hurt, sur, and I may die, and mother will be alone; and so I want to tell you that she knew you once, many years ago, and that my name is George Meredith Scott. I was named for you, sir; and mother's told the much about you, and how good you always were, that I ani sure you will he kind to her if I die." "You may sure,be George, that your mother will never want a friend while I live." Presently she came inwa pale shadow of his brilliant young love, and yet when they greeted each other the voices of both were unsteady, and in each heart was a memory that made the meeting at once a pain and a joy. Over the little bed where George lay for weeks in patient suffering, George Meredith once more let his heart ex- pand to new hope, loving with deep, protecting affection his love of long ago. , And the woman who had once thought life was to be all brightness, who had shrunk from even a shadow on her path, knew at last what a heart she hod once rejected. That he could love her again, with her beauty faded, her life broken by sorrow, did not, oc- cur to her, though she knew that her passionate gratitude to him had long been love, deep, sincere love, such as she had thought buried forever in her husband's grave. It was in their first grateful joy over Dr. Turner's assurance that Geoge was out of danger and would entirely re- cover, that these two long separated hearts met at last. They scarcely could have told them- selves in what words they exchanged vows of fidelity and love, but in Mrs Scott's heart there was not one thought of the worldly rain that would follow her marriage, and George Meredith knew that for love, and by love alone, his wife was won at last. Apra 12, 189 THE KISS OF CHILDREN. 1, No thought or sense unsatisfied at The kiss of obildren brings, s No after taste of bitter things No tearful prayer for peace denied, No shadow of remorse's wings, No sense of fallen Werth and pride— But from their llpa contentment springs. The kiss of children wakes The hope of endless better things. It stirs our hearts, till memory sings Of our lost innocence and takes Us by the hand—that childlike clings To hers—along her paths, and makes Us nobler for the truth that breaks The dream the kiss of children brings; —Charles G. Rogers, in N. E. Magazine. A LONDON DRUGGIST. Mr B. A. Mitchell, the well-known Lon- don druggist, says of Stark's Powders, the great new cure for sick and nervous head- ache, constipation, billiousnese, costiveness, neuralgia, the stomach and liver: "My customers report that they are an invalu- able remedy for those diseases. B. A. Mitchell, druggist, London." They are nine to take, immediate and permanent. Tao preparations in each box. Sold by all medicine dealers at 25c a box, 5 boxes $1, nice to take. 5 • TOO SLOW FOR THE DOG. A. Drummer's Story About Southern hallway Speed. There is a fallacy in the North that Southern trains are lamentably slow as regnrrds speed. A New York drummer told a story to a newspaper man the other day in which this idea was illustrated. I heard of a drummer," said he, "who got on the train at Atlanta to go to New Orleans. He had a dog that he was very fond of, but the conductor wouldn't let hien carry it into the coach. " 'I suppose you'll let me tie him on to the rear coach, then,' said the drummer. " 'Oh, yes,' said the conductor, deris- ively, 'do that by all means; but,' he add- ed 'I shouldn't guarantee that you'd have much dog by the time we got started.' " 'Oh, that's all right; I'm willing to risk that,' he said, and he tied his prized canine to the mar coach. The conductor spoke to the engineer about it, and it was agreed that the train should do some of the swiftest running of its history. It fairly flew until the first station was reached. Then the conductor came around with a smile to where the drum- mer was sitting and asked about the dog. "'Oh, he's ali right,' said the drummer, carelessly, and continued reading. The conductor went back and saw that the animal was trotting along behind without effort, the rope hanging slackly. He gave the cite 'to the engineer, and some magni- ficent running was the result. A few miles further down tho conductor Came around to the drummer and said : " 'Where's your doggie now P' 'He's keeping up,' said the drummer. The two walked back to the rear end, but there was uo dog. The rope was trailing along behind. Tho conductor smiled trium- phantly. The drummer laughed easily. " 'By jove, he's gnawed his rope and gond on ahead.' And sure enough it was true. When the junction was reached there sat tho dog patiently waiting for his master, " This is the way some drummers while away the hours.—Atlanta Constitution. Prof. Froude'eProperty The late Prof. Froude has "cut up" bet- ter than any historian since Macaulay. The total value of his property, which, I am told, is about £60,000, is in marked contrast to the estate of his ancient enemy, Prof. Freeman, which only figured out at £5,041. There would seem to be something in a picturesque .tyle and a robust literary conscience after all. Mr. Froude got into hot water through some of the highly flavored Carlyle correspondence which he published, but the fact that he has ordered in his will that a holocaust should be made of the remaining Carlyle letters and manuscripts seems to indicate that he could have startled the world still more had he chosen.—Lonion Figaro, INSTINCT BETRAYED HIM. A cul ions story is told by a Vi- enna correspondent of Loudon News. A young man, the representative of a large firm, who carried a large sum of money with him, recently spent the night at a hotel at Presburg As usual he remained some time smoking in bed. Suddenly the burning cigar fell to the floor. Ile bent over to extinguish it, when he saws -a hand projected from under the bed to put the cigar out. It made him feel very uncomfortable. He lay awhile, then, staying aloud, "How very cold; I shall get my fur coat,', he jumped out of bed, flew to the door and cried for help. The would-be robber was caught. He confessed he knew he occupant of the roo m had money, which he hoped to get while he slept. He had been a fireman formerly, and could not exsist the impulse to exting- uish the burning cigar. Papa's Pants Would do for Willie if they were made over and dyed with Diamond Dyes, the great home money - saver. The children's clothes — the faded cloak, wrapper or dress—can be made to look like new, at a cost of only 10 cents, and no experience is needed. DIAMOND DYES come in more than 4o shades, and the Fast Blacks are fast. Direction Book and 40 samples of colored cloth, free WELLS & RICIHARDSON Co., Montreal, P.Q. BEAR IN MIND that the WARRANTED DIAMOND DYES are sold at the same price as common dyes; therefore CHOOSE THE DIAMOND, To II' ten sok and Arms, To whiten the neck and arms the fol- lowing treatment is highly recommended. First wash in as hot water as possible, drying the skin very thoroughly after- ward. Then apply: Powdered borax, one draoh m ; glycerine, half an ounce; eight ounces elderfiower water, two drachms simple tincture of benzoin, hazel- ine, two drachms. Rub this mixture on at night and do the arms and neck up in soft linen until morning. All. J 4pNEItS Was VE USED pALMO•TAftSOAP KNOW THAT ,Ir 1!f THE ass? QABY8 SOAP roe t ea1ig thhee a i tof Delital SI`Sores. Baby wall troubled with sores on head and legs. !tried "Patmo-Tar Soap." in a very short time the sores disappeared, skin became smooth and white, and the child got perfeetly we0. Crediton. Oe1y Zea Bir Oaks. Mu. Hooson, Coughing. For all the ailments of Throat and Lungs there is no cure so quick and permanent as Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil. It is palatable, easy on the most deli- cate stomach and effective Scott's mulsio stimulates the appetite, aids the digestion of other foods, cures Coughs and Colds, Sore Throat, Bronchitis,and gives vital strength besides. It has no equal as nour- ishment for Babies and Children who do not thrive, and overcomes Any Condition of Wasting. Send for pamphlet on Stott's Ensulsion.FYIe. Scott d Dowse, Betteville. Alt Ihuggtsts. 60e. & $t, CASTOR IA for Infants and Children. Pm" a■ewa.e■w.y OTHERS, Do You Know that Bateman's Drops, I odfrey's Cordial, manyso-called Soothing Sy, V, most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine? Do Yon Know that opium and morphine are stupefying narcotic poisons Do Yon Know that in most countries druggists are not permitted to sell rear_ withoutlabeling them poisons? Do Yon Know that you should not permit any medicine to be given your unless you or your physician know of what It is composed P Do Yon Know that Castoria Is a purely vegetable preparation, and that a list of its ingredients is published with every bottle P Do Yon Know that Castoria is the prescription of the famous Dr. Samuel Pitcher. That it has been in use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castoria Is now sold than of ail other remedies for children combined f Do Yon Know that the Patent Office Department of the United States, and of other countries, have issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use the word k Castoria "and its formula, and that to imitate them is a state prison offense l Do Yon Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protection wag because Castoria bad been proven to be absolutely harmless? Do Yon Knew that 35 average doses of Castoria are furnished for 31 cents, or one cent a dose f Do Von Know that wnen possessed of this perfect preparation, your children may be kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest P "®Nell, these things are worth knowing. They are facts. The fao-simile signature of ie on every. wrapper. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. intsferS et,_ /. REAT AE'SAR• gad to "orin and Bear It" when be had a pain. Yon can grin and ban- ish it at once by using Pavans Dews' Bad and need everywhere. A whole medicine chest by itself, gate every form of external or internal pain. DoeE—A teaspoonful In half glans of water or milk (warm convenient). STRICTLY C�B1.I After the 1st of February, I will sell for Cash or itec equivalent—feeling as- sured it will be the most satisfactory to all. It will enable me to buy my goods to better advantage, and conse- quently will sell at a closer margin, giving my customers the benefit. Thanking;my customers and Patrons for the liberal support extended to me in the past, 1 respectfully solicit a con- tinuance of your favor, feeling assured that the Cash System, being the true principle, will recommend itself to all right thinkingrpeople. The Crown Blend and Russian Blend—We direct your attention to those high grade Indian and Ceylon Blends. I have had the exclusive sale of these Teas with mast gratifying results; rothing bub igh grade Teas are used in these blends; ask for these and take no other; get sample. Sole agent for Sailor Boy brand Japan Tea 30c., 41b for $1. Special value in all Teas. Fresh Lake Herring, Boneless Codfish, Freeh Haddock,Finan Haddie,CannedFiste Canned Corn, Peas and Tomatoes, Flour Oatmeal, &c. Bargains in Crockery,Chinla Glassware, Dinner, and Toilet Sets, eta. Produce taken as Cash. N. ROBSON, - Clinton OUR STOCK OF LADIES' ONDERCLOTBING Is the largest, Cheapest and best we have evershown. LONG SLEEVED VESTS From 16c to $1.60 each. Full range::of CHILDRENS' VESTS in three qualities Men's SHIRTS and DRAWERS from 30c. to $e ' ROBTi. COATS & SON' CLINTON 1-1"CTB 0-1R-OOMIR,IE- max.A.s Goons New Raisins, New Currants, New Peels, (Lemon, Citron, Orange) Fresh Exttaote Oranges, Letnons; Nnts, (Walnnte, Filberts and Almonds). In Crockery, we have a fine assortment of Tea Sets, Dinner Sets, Toilet Bets, Lamp Goode, Hanging Lamps, Parlor Lampe and Library Lamps, Fancy Cups and Senora, goode t0 suit the times. (*E0 'WA.LLC, W, '■ Clintons.