HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-04-12, Page 1L1NTON
ROBERT HOLMES, Editor and i'roprietor
CLINTON, ONT., APRIL 12, 1895.
We want to tell you
of our
Black Suit
You can have your choice of
two styles of material and plain
venetian finished or a twill
Worsted, both of which are
meeting with great favor.
Neither will get shiny with
wear, the qualities are ex-
ceptionally good for this
price, we use the best
of trimmings in them,
and the workmanship
is first-class. They're
so good that there's
no Suit like them
for the money in
the trade.
Cash and One Price
Tho Est.
What wide-awake and reliable correspondents find worthy of recording for publication
Goderich Township.
SAD DEATH.—A sad and unexpected
death took place at the home of Mr
Henry Perdue, on Friday last, when
his eldest son, William Henry, passed
away at the age of 21 years. Deceased
was a promising young man, and a
week before his death was around in
his usual health. Pnuemonia was the
cause of his demise. Mr Perdue has
been sorely bereaved, having suffered
the loss of his wife and eldest son with-
in about 15 months.
HOUSE BURNED.—The frame house
nn the Lawson Moore farm, base line,
was entirely destroyed by fire early on
Friday morning last, and the barn had
a narrow escape. Mr Samson Carter,
of East Wawanosh, was driving into
Clinton early that morning, and was the
first to discover it, the fire then having
considerable headway. He roused the
neighbors, but nothing could be done
to save it. As the house was unoccu-
pied, the fire was clearly of incendiary
A NEW TREASURER.—At a meeting
of the council, on Monday, Mr Josep
Whiteley, jr.,was appointed treasurer,
to succeed the late Adam Cantelon.
There were seven applicants for the
position, and it was a tie vote, the
Reeve giving the casting vote in favor
of Mr Whiteley. Personally nothing
can be said against the new appointee,
but many are of the c inion that the
council made a mistakeuy not selecting
some one more centrally located, who
would have been more easily accessible
to those having business with him.
Mr W. Stanley, who was an applicant,
would certainly have made a thorough-
ly competent treasurer, with the ad-
vantage that he is centrally located.
A BIG FLooD.—One of the most dis-
astrous floods that has taken place in
Gorrie on the River Maitland occurred
on Monday. For the last 24 hours
every precaution was taken by the citi-
zens to prevent the coming disaster,
but in vain. At 5 o'clock the flood
came, it washed away Wm. Dawes'
dam and totally wrecked it; Hammond
Bros' steam saw mill, including their
office, was carried away, and lumber
and logs were also swept in large quan-
tities down the river. At present every
indication is that the new bridge, which
was built last summer, will share the
same fate as the former one did in a
similar flood last spring. The total
losses are estimated to be fully $5000.
Apart from the actual destruction it
will be heavy loss to the town, as it
will be some time before the saw mill
can be rebuilt.
(Too late for last week.)
NOTES.—Mr John Clark and family
left last Friday for Manitoba; we wish
them success. Mr S. S. Cole moved
his saw mill to Grey on Wednesday.
Miss Holland is visiting at Mr James
Snell's. Prospects of a wedding in the
village; full particulars next week.
Rev. Mr Musgrave preached a very
fine sermon on Sabbath evening last.
Mr John Staples has moved into the
house on the corner; we hope John
may have success in his new store.
Mr Hugh Robb, D.D.H.0-, visited
Court Constance last Thursday even-
ing, a very pleasant time was spent;
there was three initiations. The Lea-
gue met as usual on Monday evening;
a very profitable time was spent.
Tuckersm ith.
NoTEs.—Miss Mary Townsend very
ably represented our League at the
Union meeting, Friday evening, in the
Presbyterian church, Clinton; she gave
a very good address, and we think
most of those present received some
good. Miss Mary Shipley is attending
her sister, Mrs Geo. Turner; the latter
is recovering from her illness. We are
sorry to hear that Mr A. Oosens is
confined to the house through illness,
but it is to be hoped he will soon re-
cover. We hear that Mr R. White, of
this neighborhood, has taken un%
himself a wife, Miss Ashton; and their
future residence will be in Grey, on her
father's farm; we wish them great haps
piness and prosperity. Owing to the
inclemency of the weather, on Sunday,
we were unable to have our missionary
sermon, although Mr Smyth and Mr
Holmes managed to get dawn, there
was very few out to hear them; ac-
cordingly it was postponed till afuture
date. The raging occupation now is
making maple syrup, and the boys ex-
pect to have a taffy pull some night
soon, so that any of the neighbors
need not be surprised if they find strag-
glers around their sugar camp. Mr
Fowler disposed of his stock very fair-
ly at the sale on Monday afternoon.
Mr and Mrs Ball are feeling revived
after their sickness. Friday, being a
holiday, we think that all our citizens
should rest from their work on that
A PIONEER GONE.—One of the best
known and most widely respected
residents of this district died on Friday
morning in the person of Mr. Adam
Cantelon, the treasurer of the town-
ship of Goderich, for somewhat over
twenty years. —He died at his home,
Willowgrove farm, near Clinton, after
only a few days' suffering, from pneu-
monia, which followed an attack of the
grippe.He was in his seventy-first
year. :Mr Cantelon was a promi-
nent Conservative, and took a leading
part in all public matters. He was a
pronounced temperance man, and had
no hesitation in showing, his colors.—
For 14 years continuously he was poll -
clerk in his own division. He was a
Methodist, and had been a leading
member of the Orange order. He
leaves 5 sons and 3 daughters, two of
the latter being married, one the wife
of Mr E. Floody, of Toronto, another
being Mrs David Cantelon, of Clinton.
His death has caused general regret
throughout the district, and his fami-
ly have the sympathy of the wide cir-
cle of friends who knew and respected
him. The pall -bearers were Messrs.G
Miller, G.A.Cooper, James Richardson,
W. Crooks, Jas. Currie and B. Switzer
NOTES.—Mr Thos. Fear, of the gravel
road, recently bought a short -horn
bull from Mr David Milne, of Grey.
Mr Chambers, ditch contractor, 15 on
hand and getting ready to complete
his contract. The other day a cow
owned by Mr M. Hill gave birth to a
monstrosity, in the shape of a calf with
two immense water tumors on its head:
one of them was as large as a patent
pail. Mr Walkinshaw's sale, on Wed-
nesday, conducted by Mr Carling, was
a most successful one, good prices be-
ing realized and a large crowd present.
MAIL ROBBERY. — A mail robbery
was committed here on Thursday
morning, supposed to be between the
town office and the railway station.
The first train going east leaves here
at 6.56 a.m., and while the bags were
being carried by the contractor to this
early train, the theft must have been
done. The mail clerk who received
the bag reported that there was a slit
made in the side of the mail bag about
four inches long, . large enough to al-
low the abstraction of registered let-
ters of which there were a number
missing. The value of the contents is
not at present known, send how the
theft was committed is a mystery. A
man who has been loitering about
town for some time, and has since dis-
appeared, is supposed to be the guilty
party. He is thought to have got
about $200 from registered letters,
which will have to be made good by
either the postmaster or the carrier.
25 cents
Our Blood BuildingIron Pills
Are unequalled as a blood purifier at
this season of the year, when every-
body requires a "spring medicine."
Satisfactory results guaranteed.
25 cents
Our Balsam of Wild Cherry
Cures Coughs and Colds. 400 bottles
sold across our counter alone this
25 cents
Our Cocoa Cream .
Keeps the skin soft and smooth. Is
not oily or sticky, but dries right in.
A necessity at this time of the year—
only at
Prescription Drug Store, Clinton.
Art Materials, Stationery, Public School Hooke
W. M. S.—The monthly meeting of
the Women's Missionary Society of
this place was held at the residence of
Mrs H. B. Evans, on Wednesday last.
CHEESE.—The well for the cheese
factory, the contract for the digging of
which was awarded to Harry Sweet,
was finished this week, and, we under-
stand, has been passed by the directors.
EXPLANATORY.—We are sorry that
there were no news reported last week.
but the fault was not ours The bud-
get was prepared as usual, but through
some miscarriage did not reach the
office until too late for publication.
SCHOOL.—The following have been
promoted from part II to 2nd reader,
such promotion to take place after the
Easter vacation,viz.:—Ira Merrill, Fred
Potter, Rose Dempsey, Tessie Crooks,
Joseph Cook, Robt. Colclough, Nettie
NOTES.—Rev. J. Edge preached to
the sailors on Sunday evening. The
condition of the country roads keeps
our town very quiet,
FIRE NOTES.—Geo. Acheson, with
his usual energy, is preparing to repair
the damage done to his block burnt
during Thursdays fire. Mr Calbick is
recovering from the injuries received
while trying to save his goods from
burning. Mr Armstrong lathe heaviest
loser from the recent fire, and may not
open business again; he did our town
good by the competition he introduced;
big profits and small sales were the or-
der of the day before be came, and
while it was a blessing to Clinton it
hurt our town; many will be sorry if
he leaves town. The fire led to an ex-
change of courtesies between our edi-
tors that almost recompensed us for
the fire; the Signal offered its premises
to the Star, and the Star spoke of its
"esteemed contemporary, without
being ironical; we all feel easier since,
as all danger of a collision is over for
the present.
$1 yea; in advance, $1.50 when not so pa
OPENINGS.—The millinery openings
caused a flutter of excitement in town
on Saturday evening, the streets and
different establishments were throng-
ed with those interested in the art,
and 'the displays, to say the least,
would have done credit to a much more
pretentious town than Blyth. The
young ladies in charge of the different
depar tments have reason to feel elated
over the success of their efforts.
NOTES.—Mrs Micklejohn Harriston,
was a guest at the home of her father,
Mr Forsyth, last week. Mr F. W.
Tanner was in the Queen city last week
on business. Watson and Emigh ship-
ped cattle on Thursday for Montreal
from t1 station. Chief Davis lodged
traveller in the cooler on Wednesday
night. Mr Jas. Sims left on Monday
morning for Seaforth, where he has
secured work; popular among his fel-
lows and a steady workman he will be
very much missed; we wish him suc-
cess. Mr John Metcalf is able to be
around again after a few days indis-
position. A phonograph concert will
be given in St. Andrews church on
Saturday evening; proceeds to be de-
voted to the Sunday School. Mrs Cur-
tis is visiting in Wingham this week.
Miss Mabel Jameson, who has been
confined to the house through illness,
is slightly improved. The annual ves-
try meeting, in connectiou with Trini-
ty church, will take place on Easter
Monday. Mrs Edward Watson visit-
ed in Clinton a few clays this week.
Mr J. S. McKinnon paid an official
visit to Teeswater on Tuesday, on busi-
ness in connection with the C.O.F.
Services are being held in Trinity
church every evening this week. We,
this week, welcome a new business
man in the person of Mr Chowen,
Clinton, who will open a butchering
business in Mr J. McMillans store on
Dinsley St. Miss Maggie McKellar
left on Wednesday a.m. to visit friends
in Wroxeter.
PATRONS.—The• Patrons of Industry
held an interesting meeting on the 4th,
when matters of interest were discuss-
ed. Remember the next meeting
Thursday, April 18th; entertainment
Com., A. J. Courtice, Wm. McLeod
and J. Ford. Entertainment for next
night Mr J. McCartney on "Present
Legislation in Local House, Toronto."
H. Elford on "When and how to grow
grass seed;" B. Forster on "Cheese
Factory, etc," and J.Gi aham on "Com-
parison of markets between Canada
Farmer's Son, Mail-Empite and Globe."
Remember next meeting, all r equested
to be there.
NOTES.—Oscar Forster has so far re-
covered as to be able to go around
again. R. T. of T. Council next Mon-
day. The roads in this vicinity have
been, to some extent, impracticable,
but are improving. Mr J. L. Courtice
was in Hamilton on Tuesday, on busi-
ness. A number of the villagers have
visited the Crusltders, who are holding
a series of meetings in Clinton this
week. Mr Will Jenkins sports a new
horse and buggy. The corner grocery
started their rig on the road this week.
Fred Stanley is home this week with
an attack of quinsey. Mr R. Grigg at-
tended a monster shooting match in
London on Wednesday; we feel sure
Dick will not come home without some
ON THE SICK LIST.—The laird of the
village has been laid up during the
past week with an affected ear, being
quite deaf; we are glad to hear that he
is better. Miss Maggie Horton is con-
fined to the house by illness; we hope
soon to see her around again. We are
glad to hear that Mr J. G. Glutton's
family are improving.
NOTES.—Master W. Wise le in our
burg again, having finished his engage-
ment with Mr Goldthorpe. Mr W.
Cook has hired with Mr .l. McManus,
jr.. for the coming six months. Mr J.
Chisholm's cellar was visited last Sat-
urday night by some party or parties,
who helped themselves to three jars of
preserves, a loat of bread and some
cake' it would be good thing if they
could' be caught. Miss A. Walters
Visited het grandmother, Mrs J. Mc-
Manus, las week.
(Intended for last week.)
R. T. of T.—The council continues
to increase in numbers. The debate
"Resolved that love is more influential
than money," was well contested by
the ladies at last meeting. The judges
declared the result a tie. At next
meeting a debate "Resolved that an-
nexation to U. S. would be beneficial
to Canada," promises to be an interest-
ing affair.
CHVRcsr.—Our pastor preached a
very Admirable and appropriate ser-
mon to the Sunday Schocl children
last Sunday morning. As Mr A. J.
Courtice, on account of sickness, was
unable to take his work at Sharon on
Sunday, Messrs F. C. Elford and E.W.
Jervis officiated in his behalf.
ACCIDENT.—Wm. Fluker met with a
painful accident in Young's milt on
Monday. He was working with a
small rip saw when a piece flew back
and struck him in the face, making a
bad gash on his cheek.
OPENINGS.—Mrs Howson's millinery
opening oil Saturda evening last was
a grand success. Judging from the
number of times that we heard the ex-
pression of "0, how nice," "Isn't that
pretty," &c., &c., we would judge that
the ladies of Auburn and vicinity were
well pleased with the beautiful display
of new headgear.
NOTES.—Mr Jas. Welsh bas gave up
hotel -keeping and has moved to Gode-
rich to reside. Mr J. Kuntz has mov-
ed back into the hotel. We are glad
to see that Mr W. D. Wilson is im-
proving, and is able to be out again.
Mr C. Decker intends going to St.
Helens to start tailoring business. Mr
John Clark, of West Wawanosh, was
visiting friends here last week. Mr E.
Mole has the contract of splitting wood
for Mr Youngblut; Edward is a work-
er. Mr J. Young's new house is rapid-
ly approaching completion; he expects
to move in a short time. Judging from
the way that our local marriage lic-
ense commissioner walks off with the
boys, he is doing a rushing business.
Miss McBean, of London, arrived here
on Monday last to take charge of the
millinery department in Mrs Howson's
NOTES.—Mr J. H. Aiken, of London,
lectured to a fair-sized audience in the
Methodist church on Tuesday evening;
Miss Gilmour, the Scottish > ac -
companied him, and her different num-
bers were much enjoyed. Mr Geo.
Fox, the celebrated violinist, accom-
panied by MissWhite, and Mr Hewlett,
are to appear in the town hall on
Tuesday evening next. Mr Pete
Keyes, for some time past in the em-
ploy of Mr D. C. Taylor, has gone to
Galt, where he has secured a more lu-
crative position. Drs D. M. Gordon, J.
S. Tennant, J. H. Gardiner, Reeve
Lyons and about flfteen-other . of our
citizens, attended the assizes court in
Walkerton last week as witnesses in
the manslaughter case against Alexan-
der Frazer, of this town.
DEATH.—Another old pioneer has
passed away in the person of Mrs
Alex. Murray, who died at her late
residence, Inglis street, on Tuesday
morning. Mrs Murray came to Luck -
now in 1875, her husband being at that
time a merchant here. A family of
six daughters and one son survive her.
One of her daughters, Mrs Dr. Bark -
well, is living in London, Eng .•, Nina,
is in Germany. Mrs Holt, of Chicago,
Mrs Welsh, of Huron, and Miss Mag-
gie and Maria, who resided with their
mother, were with her at the time of
her death. The son, Mr A. Murray, is
a resident of Red Jacket, Mich. The
funeral, which took place on Tuesday,
was largely attended.
OYCLISTS.—A bicycle club has been
organized in town with the following
officers for the ensuing year:—Hon.
Pres., John D. Nichol; Pres., J. G.
Murdock; 'Vice -Pres.; A. B. McLeod;
Treas., J. F. Berry; Mec., Ai. B. Mur-
doch; Capt., D. N. Lawrence; lst Lieut.,
R. Hughes; 2nd Lieut., W. M. Stuart;
club reporter, C. K. Wilson; bugler, J.
W. Armstrong; mascot, Geo. Berry;
club liar, Henry Grundry, Man. Com.,
Al. Miller, Geo. Lawrence, and W.
Stuart. The Club will be known as
the Sepoy Cycle Club, and it is their
intention to join the C. W. A.
CHEESE.—Mr Harry Sweet has been
awarded the contract • of digging the
well for the new cheese factory. Sorne
dissatisfaction has arisen concerning
the quality of the brick supplied, but
we understand a settlement bas been
NOTES.—Master Ernest Call, a mem-
ber of S. S here, left a few days ago
for London, where he will undergo an
operation for some internal ailment.
Geo. Parmenter, who has been living
with Mr John Marquis during the
winter, returned on Monday to his
former station near Toronto. Mrs R.
Wade is visiting relatives in Mitchell.
Mr E. McRoberts, of London township,
has been renewing acquaintances in
the village and neighborhood for a few
days. The report that the bridge on
the Maitland river'was gone, was un-
true, Mr John Pickard, cut line, lost
a fine horse the other day by inflam-
Grange No. 935 held its regular meet-
ing on April 9th. The subject for dis-
cussion was "The hest way of building
and maintaining roads." Some of the
points brought out in the discussion
were, the necessity of Netter draining,
the use of tile for small culverts instead
of wood, and the higher grading before
gravelling. Regarding the commuta-
tion of Statute Labor, there was con-
siderable difference of opinion.
MOVING. — Mr Hugh McCartney
moved to his farm on the Mill road;
Mr -Granger, who occupied the house
for some time, has moved to the vil-
lage into Mr J. Turner's brick cottage.
SOLD.—The sale of the Ross church
property took place last Saturday,
when all was sold; Mr W. Scott, of the
village, bought the church and ground
for $220; the lots near the village were
purchased by Mr Robt. Ross for $500;
the manse and grounds were sold for
$520. Mr J. P. BriirfiS was the auc-
tioneer for the sales
NOTES.—The butter which was burn-
ed in Mr McCartney's house was not
insured; it will be a loss to both the
patrons and Mr McCartney. The Ex-
positor of last week spoke of black
snow falling on Monday of last week;
the strange phenomenom was also seen
in[our village, to the no small annoy-
ances of those who had just put clothes
on their lines. Mr Geo. Simpson has
placed a ]Oct counter in his already
well equipped store. Mrs Ross, of
Clinton, visited friends in our village
last week, Messrs J. Foote and A.
McEwen left for Detroit last week.
Mr Wm. Scott is in Tilsonburg on busi-
ness. Mr J. Hart, of Egmondville, is
at present in the village. The Royal
Templars had a taffy pull on Monday
FLOOD.—The main point of comment
for the past few days has been the
height of the river. Lower town is
once more flooded, the people there
having to vacate their homes. The
road leading south of the town has
two feet of running water going across
it. On Monday night there was great
danger of the bridge and dam at the
mill going. However, by hard work
the ice passed over and all was safe.
DEATH.—There died at the home of
Mr Alex. Kelly, John Kelly. Deceased
was in his 92nd year, and was abbut
the oldest pioneer of this county.
When such men as this die, this coun-
try may well mourn, for great has been
his services. •
NOTES.—The new firm of John Clegg
& Co., who bought Cline & Co's hard-
ware, have completed taking stock,
and are now ready to begin business in
earnest; Mr Clegg is well and favorably
known among the farmers in this vi-
cinity, and we have no doubt he will
meet:with success. Mr Jos. Bullard
was, at the last meeting of council, re-
elected to the office of Chief Constable.
Kincardine Reporter thus alludes to
the death of a former resident:—A.
good old man has gone to his reward
in the person of Samuel Fisher, for as
bout twentyyears a resident of this
town. He ded at the home of his . son
Quince, at Lowell, Michigan, on the lst
of April, aged seventy six years. De-
ceased had been in declining health for
some time owing largely to the ever ins
creasing weight of years. A few mon..
the ago he left for Michigan. The im-
mediate cause of his death was paraly-
sis. Deceased was in the highest sense
a good man as he at all times endeavor-
ed to do unto others as he would have
them do unto him; he always held the
highest respect of his acquaintances,
and none knew him who had not a.
good word to say of " Uncle Sam Fish-
er." Deceased was born at Fisher's
Mills, Yonge street,:a few miles front
Toronto. For a time he farmed in the
township of Colborne, near Goderich,
then came to Kincarcine in January,
1874, and worked for a time in Messrs
Fisher's foundry. He afterwards pur-
chased a tug and engaged in the fishing
business for a time. He was a clever
artificer in iron, and he was often call-
ed upon to make special tools and other
fine articles which required great skill.
The body was brought to Kincardine
for interment, and was accompanied
here by his son Jasper, of Lowell, and
his daughter, Mrs Vandewater, of
Standish, Mich. His wife died a few
years ago in Kincardine. Deceased
leaves a family of two sons and four
He now has in his spring- and summer stock
of tweeds, worsteds panting, over coatings and
Cottonades, etc. Over two hundred different
patterns to choose from. Parties wanting
clothing will do well to call and see his stock
before buying elsewhere. All goods cut free of
charge, and a perfect fit guaranteed.
NOTES.—Messrs Lasham and Bell
have got in several head of cattle to
put on grass. We have not heard of
anyone starting seeding around here.
BACK.—On Saturday Mr Wm. Web-
ber, nephew of A. Woodman, returned
to this ilace. He has been for a time
at Tilbury Centre. He is a baker by
trade, and is looking for a situation.
—Mr Thomas L. Adams, after a six
months' visit to the Northwest, re-
turned home on Thursday evening of
last week. He looks as if the country
agreed well with him.
NOTES,—Mr Robt. Watkins has been
engaged to work for Mr W. Wallace,
and Mr Robt. Miller for Mr W. Fear,
of the gravel toad. Maple sugar mak-
ing is going on at present. Mr C.
Lowery had an encounter with an axe
the other day, with odds in favor of
the axe, as will be seen by his appear-
ance. Mr J. J. McLaughlin was the
first to begin plowing here.
OPIrN MEETING.—The Templars had
an open meeting on Wednesday even-
ing of last week, at which they had a
debate on the subject, "Resolved that
the world is getting better." The cap-
tains were GM. Kilty, affirmative; J.
H. Lowery, n,egative. The judges de-
clared the affirmative side victorious.
It was unfortunate that one of the
speakers on the negative failed to
speak at all, leaving that side weak.
There was also a program of music,
recitations, etc.
East Wawanosh.
NOTES.—Geo. Coultes delivered his
heavy draught horse, which he sold res
cently, at Seaforth on Monday. Jas.
Rath and bride spent a few days with
friends on the Oth con. this week. Mr
J. M. Henderson, of Belgrave, was
around last week buying up the pota-
toes on the 6 and 7th con. Thomas
Fothergill has hired with R. Corley for
the summer months.
NOTES.—Mr A. Weseloh wail in the
Forest city on Friday last. Mr Wm.
McCloy moved hisfamily into town on
Tuesday. Gilbert Dick, of Seaforth,
moved his family to Hensall this week.
Miss McGregor, of London, was a visit-
or at Mrs E. Rannie's for a few days
this week. Mr J. R. Beek last week
sold his house and loton Brock avenue
to Mr Geo. Hudson, for the sum of
$580. Win. Luker left on Monday for
Marlette, Mich., whither he went for a
stallion belonging to Jas. Troyer. Mr
Alex. Moir is home from Toronto for
the Easter holidays; he has been at-
tending a Collegiate Institute in the
Queen city since the beginning of the
year. Chas. Burford, who has been
"section boss" on the railway here for
the past 10 or 15 years, has been re-
moved to Wingham Junction; he left
town on Monday. Mr W. H. White -
sides, who has served sr term of five
years on the Northwest mounted po-
lice, is at present on a visit to his par-
ents here; Mr Whitesides is a man o£
splendid physique and weighs over
two hundred pounds; he has had many
adventures with Indians and the wild
animals of the plains, but escaped with-
out' an accident; he was last quartered
at Fort Saskatchewan; he has been on
duty at Regina, Red Deer, and all the
different stations.
West Wawanosh
NOTES.—Woodbees are the order of
the day, there being no less than four
last week. Mr Jas. Rose moved his
family and household effects to Dun-
gannon last Friday. MrBrien will take
possession of Mr Rose's place this week.
John Ellery left on March 26th for
Morden, Man., where he will reside for
the future; as John was a jolly good
fellow, and he will be much missed.
John iiowitt, who has been visiting at
his brother's for a few days, returned
to Dungannon, where he will work for
the summer. M. 0. Johnston, barris-
ter, of Goderich, was through this way
last week on business in connection
with the Boil property. Miss S. Jones
is engaged with Mr Goldthorpe, of
Saltford, for a time. What might
have been a serious accident occurred
while J. Taylor was returning from
visiting friends near Ebenezer; as he
was going over a rough piece of road
he was thrown out of the cutter and
the horse ran into a wire fence; no fur-
ther damage was done than a few
scratches on the horse and a good
shaking up. Caroline Moss, who has
been very ill for the past week, is slow-
ly recovering. John Bruce is on an
extended visit to friends in Morris and
other points east. Mr and Mrs John
Mills spent lastSunday at Donnybrook,
the guests of the lady's parents. Mr
Wm. Plunkett occupied the pulpit of
Ebenezer last Sunday very acceptably.
The entertainment in the Methodist
church, Monday evening, was a very
enjoyable affair. The music was first-
class, the addresses, though brief, were
interesting, and the best of good order
prevailed. The occasion was the de-
dication of new pipe -top reed organ
recently purchased for the church
from the Doherty Organ Company of
Clinton. Mies 1. Boles, of Clinton,
played the instrument, and the various
selections rendered by her were atten-
tively listened to. In securing Mr Sib-
ley, of Clinton, the committee made
no mistake, as his singing greatly
pleased the listeners. Mrs Chowen, of
Clinton, was advertised to appear in
two duets with this gentleman, but
was unable to appear. However, her -
place was admirably fill by Miss Case.
Rev. W. Torrance—a great favorite
with Hensallities—gave a short ad-
dress, talking especially to the boys.
Rev. J. S. Henderson spoke briefly on
the tendency of music to ennoble, and
Revs. J. Walker and H. E. Curry also
said a few words. Miss Hotham, of
Staffa, rendered two solos in flne voice
and received merited applause. Rev.
F.E. Roy was announced to give an
address, but he chose the rather to
sing, and gave two solos very satis-
factory, if the applause which ensued
each number be any criterion. Men-
tion should also he made of the singing
of three numbers by the Hensall Male
Quartette. Rev. F. Swann occupied
the chair.
MISFORTUNE.—The residence of Wm
Cameron, of West Wawanosh,with
the contents, were destroyed by fire on
Friday morning last about 10 o'clock.
We learn that among the contents
there was quite a sum of money burn-
ed, some of which belonged to the
funds of the school section, he being
secretary -treasurer. The dwelling and
contents were insured for about three
hundred dollars. He hashowever,
sustained a heavy loss. Fortunately,
it happened in day time for had it oc-
curred during the night., the result
might have been more serious. As it
was, the fire spread over the dwelling
so rapidly that very little clothing or
other articles were saved. It was one
of the oldest relics of log houses in
West Wawanosh. The cause of the
fire,.so far as known, was from the
stovepi a which entered the chimney,
having iecome detached froni it,
C.P.R. PASSENGERS. — Miss Sophie
Kilty left on Wednesday, for Calumet,
Mich. Israel andWilliam Taylor went]
to Toronto, via Wingham. W.J. Mof-
fat went to Shoal Lake, Man., andMiss
Cantelon to Douglas, Man., all being
ticketed by A.T. Cooper, C.P.R. agent,
of town, has bought out Martin's hotel,
Saltford and takes possession on the
1st of May. Mr G. D. Findley, of town,
has bought a hotel at Cobourg, and re-
moves thereto. Both are experienced
hotel men and know their business.
CATTLE. — The butchers show some
beautiful Easter cattle, a heifer fed by
Mr Jos. Lyon, Hallett, (in Mr. Fitz-
simons' collection) is especially good,
for one less than 2 years old, . dressing
5611 lbs. Many farmers have sold their
cattle for May delivery, at, 34e. per Ib..
and upward. As high as i>f has been
offered for some, but they are particu-
larly choice. Messrs. Stanbury, Lon-
don road( have 160 head on hand.
Mr. G. F. Marter, M. P. P., is still
confined to his bed. The Complaint fe
peritonitis. No danger IS anticipated.