HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-04-05, Page 5THE OL1NTON N I+;,W ERA....... We sell the Best WATCEHS . CLOCKS . . . JEWELERY SILVERWARE J. B. RU M BALL Watchmaker, Jeweler, &c., TelephoneExchange FINE WATCHES CAREFULLY and SKILFULLY RE FAIRE D-41° H. Jackson, :: Clinton Our Stock is Complete Pure Drugs, Perfumes, Patent Medicines, Toilet Articles, &c. All the - - - - Manley's Celery Nerve Compound. Pine Malt. Latest Remedies Woodward's Celery King. Kickapoo Remedies, &c. P. S.—Prescriptions and Family Receipes a Specialty. The best and purest drugs used only. J. E. HOVEY'S, Dispensing Chemist. Clinton Wampole's TastelessCodLiVerOil Lofoten Cod Liver Oil. Stearns Wine of Cod Liver Oil. We handle these goods in large quantities. Buy from us. Our 25c Hair Brush is a good { IIront laBe y dus Piplsl 5ioresforsection.1.The seller. See them. JAMES H. COMBE CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, PHYSICIANS SUPPLIES, ET• C. Originators of Low Prices Apol 5, jR95 Corner Huron and Albert Streets EIOLJSE C Are you thinking of decorating your parlor or dining room with a New Carpet? If so, you must see what this store is showing in these goods- It certainly will not be to the interest of any one furnishing new rooms or fitting up older ones to do so,without seeing. The latest mixtures and patterns and colorings in Carpets, at all prices, are here for drawing rooms, bedrooms, landings, parlors, stairs, dining rooms, and away down in pric e. Tremendous display of LACE CU RTAIN S inWhite and Ecru.all taped and bound from 35c per pair to$10. Magnificent Linoleums, all widths GIIaROY etc. IATISIEBILAATft BULLS FOR SALE Two Thorobred Durham Bulls, both red, bred from Al DairyCows. WALTER CUNNINGHAM Lot 93, Conceselou 13, Hullett, Londesboro P.0 Yorkshire Boar for Service. The undersigned keeps for service at their pre- mises, Con. 15, Goderich Township, a thorobred Yorkshire Boar, (registered). Terms -$1 at time of service, with privilege of returning if neces- sary. LINDSAY BROS. BULLS FOR SALE. For sale, at lot 22, eon. 11, Hullett, two Thoro- bred Durham Bulls, dark roans; good pedigrees, and will be sold cheap.l One 11 months and the other 18 months old, dam Wimples. ROBERT SCOTT, Londesboto P.O. '41 Nttltttitttttttltttittitt tit tit 11t1tt!t1tt1t11 Milliner__...__... -I Openfng ! __..._4.__.. 1111111 We purpose holding our Spring Millinery Opening on I- --4IP Saturda y Afternoon - and Evg., March 30 figt f--� 111110. A cordial incitation is extended to the Ladies of town and country to attend our opening, and 11110 ' see the beautiful display of all the new styles do— that are to be had in Ladies' - MP -- i HATS and BONNETS. r Our Milliner has the reputation for turning nut the newest and 4111...- most Stylish Goods at Moderate Prices. Our stock this spring will be better and cheaper than ever before. We wish every lady to see our goods and get prices before she makes her se- lections for spring and summer. Our stock is now complete in all depar tments. We carry so many lines that we never have space to mention more than a few lines at a time, and then only a passing notice. We want to draw your attention to our fine display of Dress Goods, Capes and Mantles. We want them to be seen by all as they are sure to please. Every one Welcome. PLUMSTEEL & I -- r GI BBI NGS CLINTON � 1l,� 1,11tt iu�u� SEALED TENDERS. Sealed tenders will be received by the Direc- tors of the Brucefleld Cheese Manufacturing Co., up to the 10th day of April, 1895, for the erection of a Brick or Frame Cheese Factory Building, (to be erected iu the vicinity of Brucefleld.) Plans and specifications can be seen at the residence of Mr Alexander Mustard, Brucefleld, cm and after the first day of April. Brucefleld, March 26th, 1895. FOUR SHORTHORN BULLS FOR SALE. I haye for Sale four good young Bulls and some yar prngoved Hifers of de"breedingg. how1ianimalsand omostf the a specialty. Prices to suit the times. All the Shorthorns are from good Milking strains. JAS. SNELL. Hayne-Barten Farm, Hallett, Clinton P. O. BUSINESS CHANGE. CARD OF THANKS. Having disposed of my Boot and Shoe business to Mr R. J. t;luff, I desire to re- turn my sincere thanks to tha public for the generous patronage accorded me during my 19 years experience, and solicit on be- half of my successor, a continuance of the same. All outstanding accounts should be paid before the 15th of April, at the store, in order to save collection. CHAS. CARLINE, Clinton SALE REGISTER. BO1tN FELKER.-In Blyth, on March 27th, the wife of Mr W. Felker, of a son. HENRY. -In Hullett, 13th con., on March 23rd, the wife of Mr John Henry, of a son, TIERNAY.-In Blyth, on the 1st inst., the wife of the late A. H. Tiernay, of a daughter. CLARK -In Blyth, on the let inst., the wife of Mt John Clark, of a daughter. PAISLEY. -In Clinton, on March 31st, the wife of Mr W. J. Paisley, of a son. BROWN. -[n Hensall, on March 23rd, the wife olMr Geo. Brown, of a daughter, M ONALD.-In Goderich on March 27th, the wife of Mr G. P. McDonald, of Millington, of a son. WADSWORTH.-In Egnondville, on March 27th, the wife of Mr W.Wadsworth, of a daugh- ter. LYNCH. -In Seaforth, on March 26th, Mrs (Dr) Lynch, of a daughter. HALL. -In Seaforth, on March 26th, the wife of Mr 1. Hall, of a son. McKAY.-In Seaforth, on March 28th, the r wife of Mr Win. McKay, of a daughter. MARRIED GLAZIER -COOK. -In Seaforth, on March 27th, by the Rev. A. D. McDonald, D.D., Mr H. Glazier, of Clinton, to Miss Delta Cook, of Gode- rich township. MVR,DR4, Bring along your Grain Bags. Another car Redpath's Extra Standa r Granulated and Coffee Sugars at lrwin's. APRIL - - - CASH - - - BARGAINS 30 lbs Standard Granulated Sugar, $1 2811bs Extra Standard Granulated, $1 34 lbs Bright Coffee Sugar for $1 Extra value in Teas, Currants, Raisi Prunes, &c. 4 large Plugs Smoking Tobacco for 25a SPECIAL BARGAINS : Crockery & Glassware Lot 22. Maitland con., Goderich township, at it Commercial hotel, Clinton, on Saturday, p 6. T. M. Carling, Auct. Farm stock of Mr W. H. Archer, who has reohA April 8th. D. Dickinson, auct. on Monday, p Farm stock, etc., of Mr James Walkinshaw, lot 13, 2nd con. of Hullett, on Tuesday, April 9th. -T. M. Carling, Auct. Lot 29, con. 11, Goderich township, at Com mercial hotel, Clinton, on Saturday, April, 10.- D. Dickinson, Auct. Household furniture, on the market square, on Saturday, April 13.-D. Dickinson, auct. -+ GORDON-McKAY.-At the manse, Kippen, on March 27th, by the Rev. S. Acheson, Mr W. Gordon, to Miss I McKay, all of Tuckersmith. RATH-HILL.-On the 3rd inst., at the resi- dence of the bride's mother, by the Itov. W. Smyth, James Rath, of Melancthon to Miss Martha Hill, youngest daughter of the late 'rhos. Hill, of Hllett. DIED. JOHNSON. -In Denver, Colorado, on March 19th, Jas. Johnson, formerly of Constance, aged 79 years and 6 months. FOOTE.-In Stanley, on the 2nd inst , .4.nn Reid, wife of Mr John Foote, aged 43 years. GIDLEY.-In Blyth, on March 126th, the in- fant daughter of Mr S. W. Gidley. McGREGOR.-In Morris, on March 28th, Jno. McGregor, aged 57 years. . Mr. Patrick Flannel y, an old resident of Paris, was found drowned in the mill- race. Two very destructive fires occurred in Chatham on Sunday. The heaviest losers were Mr. J. W. Burriss, dry goods merchant, $23,010. and Mr. E. Jordan, $13,5(X). Both were insured. The land offices of the Canadian Pa- cific Railway Company at Winnipeg are crowded daily with intending set- tlers in Manitoba and the North-West. The pressure is so great that the com- pany will open a branch office at Cal- gary. Miss Pollington of Hamilton had the unpleasent experience of rolling down the mountain side. She was walking a few feet away from the edge at the topand falling on the slippery ground rolled over 'and went to the bottom. Shs escaped without serious injury. John A. Patterson, the acting teller of the Traders' Bank at Strathroy,who absconded about three weeks ago with over $1,000 ofle bank's funds, has been located by the Guarantee Com- pany at Las Vegas, New Mexico. He will be brought back to stand his trial. The hasty trial at Stratford of Chat- telle, the murderer of Tessie Keith, who was undefended, and into whose sanity no enquiry was made, is creating a great deal of indignation in Montreal, and a petition will shortly be circulated for signature praying tor Executive clemency. A despatch from Regina. N. W. T., says that the Court -house building, containing all the records of the North- West Territories, was totally destroyed by fire there on Sunday night. The valuable Government and judges' libraries are a complete loss, and can- not be replaced. The loss on the build- ing is thirty thousand dollars. It is an interesting astronomical fact that on Good Friday, April 12,the heavenly bodies which gravitate a- round the sun will be in exactly the same position that they occupied in the firmament on the day that Christ died on the cross. It will be the first time that such athing has Occurred for 1,862 years. Mrs. Hartley, who was on trial for murder of her husband. Caleb Hartley, last summer, was in Woodstock recent- ly interviewing the A.O.U.W. officers in regard to the insurance policy for $2,000 that the late Mr Hartley carried in that order. A settlement was re- fused, and both parties say they will push the matter in the court. The conditions on which Tupper has surrendered are that no Government bill will be introduced next session on the question of Manitoba schools, that the matter will be left • an open question, and only the estimates will he submitted to Parliament, with a view to the session being as short as possible, so that an early appeal to the country afterwards may be had. A horse owned by Rev. Dr. Hindley, Congregationalist minister of Forest, was being led through the yard when a piece of barbed wire caught in the blanket which covered the horse. The frightened animal broke away and dashed through the streets, goaded by theclinging wire. Coming down James street the frenzied animal headed straight for the G. N. W. Telegraph Company's office, and went through the large late -glass window of the office at a single bound, nearly fright- ening the wits out of two young lady. clerks. Mrs. H. B. Ledyard, wife of the Pres- ident of the Michigan Central Railway, dropped dead on the street in Detroit on Saturday afternoon. The Princess of Wales is going to Co- penhagen this week, and much com- ment is made upon, the fact that the Prince and Princess seldom remain in the same country together. BUGLESS PEAS -AND- CHOICE SIX -ROWED BARLEY From Northern Ontario, FOR SEED. For sale by R. IRWIN, Standard Elevator, Clinton CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon Thursday, April 4, 1895. o 60 a 0 060 a0 034 a0 O 40x0 O 65a0 370 a3 550 a5 0 13 a 0 010 a0 040 a0 600a6 O 25 a0 400 a4 Wheat, spring Wheat, fall Oats, Barley Peas Floor per bal Park Butter Egg a per doz Potatoes Hay, New and Old Sheeepskins No. 1 Trimmed Hides In Dinner Sets, T.ea Sets and Bedroom Sets. Call and see quality and prices, Fresh Clover, Timothy, Field and Garden Seeds. W. Irwin, Grocer MACKAY BLOCK, CLINTON. The Finest 1w PHOTOGRAPHS. V1 are taken by \ • 0 H. FOSTER 62 62 35 45 65 70 50 1.4 10 46 00 30 25 MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS There were about 400 head of butcher's cat- tle 350 calves, 60 sheep and 20 spring lambs offered for sale at the east end abattoir, Mon- daThe butchers werebo s and trade was fairly good, but pricesresent in laren con- tinue about the same as on last week a markets, prime cattle being a little higher, while com- mon stook were a shade easier in price. A few of the best animals sold at were sold from 3it tto.3 orper prettyrgoodsold rough and half -fatted beasts at from 211c to 3e do, and some of the loaner ones brought very little over 2o per lb. A few of the best calves were sold at from $5 to $8 each, but common vealO sold at from al 50 to $3 each. Mixed lots of sheep sold at from 4c to 4 c per lb. Spring iambs sold at from $2 50 to $4 50 each. Fat hogs are easier Li price, or from 5c to 51e por lb. Hides & Skins Wanted The HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid :for Mies and Skins at the CLINTON TANNERY O. B. DOAN & SON, Clinton gin 0 PIA co ro,t-r The secret of success : Selling what the people want, and quoting popular prices. W. L. Ouimette General Dealer, Does just that o Hence the magic circle. Have you seen the vast assortment we have to offer in NEW Spring PRINTS Neat, dainty designs, dark and light grounds, pink, blue and other tasty tints in spots, stripes and checks. CA.RPETS4 An importer has kindly consented to send us a set of Carpet Samples, on Friday, April 5th, with permission to hold them for one week. They will contain all the new things in Wool, Tapestry and Brussels. You will have an opportunity of making a selection from a large assortment, and the price will certainly be much lower that we could afford to quote if we had to place the goods in stock. If you have any idea of buying a carpet, be sure and see these samples. You can or -a der the goods now and take them when convenient, W, L. OUIMETTE. CASH DEALER, LONDESBORO