HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Advance, 1919-05-15, Page 11001011011100.101111050.111 poi ana Wingham Stores will be open next Wednesday afternoon and closed all day on Saturday, May 24th. Single Copies Tree Cents WEDDINO BELLS PAIR-PA.TTERSON On Thursday, May 8th, 1019, Eleanor V. 0.. only daughter a Mrs, John L Pat- terson, Francis St., Wingham, became the bride of Mr. Frank Garfield Fair, Onon- daga township. The marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. Albert Finlay- son, Onondaga, Ont Mr and Mrs. Fair are visiting at the home of the bride's mother, Francis St. piall$1111Y=1$1,11$11,1_114r$.9!!"$11 °ambling And Liquor Charges Fred Mason, of London, son of William Mason, of the Queen's Hotel, Blyth was before Magistrate Reid on Saturday morning on the charges of k eping a gambling house and of having liquor for sale. He was fined on the first charge. VS and. costs amounting to $99.00 On the second charge he was fined for a first offence under the 0. T. A. $50. and about $15 costs: Wiugnani Monumental Works. • Over • $8000 worth • of monuments in stock,'an g bought before the big raise in prices on April 1st 1010. These will be sold at the old prices during May and June. Time will not permit us to.calL on you and weep and plead for Barr business as some dealers do. We have the stock. for you to come and choose from. Monuments in all kinds, sizes and designs, form $35.00 to WO. Large consignmeet of Scotch monuments unloaded last week, Call and see these before placing your order and by so doing save for yourself the expenses of the "travelling dealer." A pleasure to show you our goods, ROST. A. SPOTTON, ...,:«04:..:4:..4K...).;....x..x.,.:.,..:...:...:..).:,..c. I: ALL ACCOUNTS MUST ••41.: 1 .t. X • BE PAID ..e. A4 A . 40P $.;• Z ..:t: Owing to the change in owner- ; 5; ship Of...THE ADVANCE, all accounts ss, s, s. owing this office before May 1st s X mestbe settled at THE ADVANCE . + 4. , Office before Saturday, May 24th. •,,f. * This arrangement has been made si X s o a s t o n o t inconvenience 4: 's, t,. 4r customers. . st.... .4 . As our year also ends April 30th. *.s. 1.•• All accounts for yearly cards ern.* ..: X •:••:,•+:••:.••:•+:•.:**X••:••,:s.:+•:**:••:**:••:••••:••:••:* • due and payable. EVERYBODY'S COLUMN A N XP ISBIENc ED SALESLADY WANTED Appiy HANNA & CO. - RANDMABTER WANTED -Must be good U coronet player. Address R. Stone, See y INGHAM CITIZEN'S BAND 11.11.0% N HURON RANGE for sale. Apply U at THE ADVANCE AEA!) liORS144 A N D CATTLE TAKEN m away promptly within a radius of 20 miles. No animal reruoved without the hide Will pay front $3 to $5 for animals brought to fac- tory. Phone at, our expense. Phone day 12, Phone evening, 178. THE FARMERS' FERTILIZER 00., LTD. pOR SALE -60 young pigs• and 6 head of good • grass cattle. ALEX. BASTIN, Wroxeter, Phone 601. ssOR SALE -A one-horse delivery wagon, one I Single be.. gy, one set heavy single harness and one set, light, single harness. Apply to R. S. MCGEE. SALE-1Viason and nisch player piano 1 and $4.0.00 worth of rolls, used 1 year, all as good as new. Price when new, $800.(J0 with- out rods. Will sell piano and rolls for $576.00. Can he seen at 13itlie Burke's. • _ ----- VCR SALE -A number of articles including L Rugs, Furniture, Chicken Coops, etc. F. J. Buz. ROUSE TO RENT -Apply to II. E. ISARD , HIGH SCHOOL REPORT Report Of The Easter Examinations at The Wingham High School Class I includes all those who obtained an average of 6o% and failed in no sub- jects. Class Il includes all those, who obtain- ed an average of 6o% but failed in one subject. Class III includes all those, whose average was less than 6o% or failed on more than one paper. FORM I A Class 1 M Cosens go M Redmond 8 I A Irwin 78 ✓ MeBurney 75 Wilson 72 14 Deans. . 70 O Bowers 67 M Stewart 66 C Robertson 64 Class ix H Mitchell 59 Class III O Hartnell. M Linklater IC Donaldson I Watson OST -Large white Fox -hound with black and Ji tan maskings Answers to name of "Sport" Any person detaining this dog after this (late will be prosecuted. Rowe.rd offered J. ROGERS, Phone 202 BURSE LOST-ln Wingham on Tuesday afternoon; black leather purse with sum or nioney. Finder will bo rewarded by leaving same at • TETE ADVANCE N Johnston., • Fell H Sperling V Joyut A Gibbons S Harrison E Fells R -Henderson A Metcalfe A Walters R Currie , Fox Class M Armstrong A Proctor ANTED -Regular boarders 00 r 1, 2 or 3 11 meals a day. Special reduction. THE PURITY RESTAURANT. (Mrs. Hough's old stand.) PAUL E. VAN NESS, Pr*prietor_. °COURT OF REVISION Not ice le hero by given that the Com t of Re- vision on tho Assessment Roll for tho Town- shi,of Bast Wa.wanosh tor thc year 1910; will be held in the Forester's Pall, Belgrave at 1 o'clock p. m., on Monday, May 201n, 1910. All appeals against the said Assessment Roll ntust be handea to the clerk of the municipal. ity before thr meeting AI= Ponrnarxmo, Clerk a4.••44•44••••04144440440'.. LIVE FOXES WANTED FORM I B M Mulvey E Doubledee 14 Johnston A Blackhall Class II II Wilson Class III N Isard L Ella cott Rintoul M Vanstone • Angus Patterson We wish to buy live silver, black, cross and red foxes. Fisher and IViarten both young and old. W rite us when you ave a..y to offer. GRAHAM BROTHERS strathroy, Ont. TENDERS FOR DRAIN ....... ' FORM II Class I 'A Williamson E Musgrove U McLean M Beecroq MR Johnson ... ........ ... Et Mundy 14 James . E Kew J Vanstone M 14 Johnston Class IT J Lutton Class III J Allen II Mills C Zurbrigg C Armstrong D Perrie A Anderson S Holmes A Kennedy 0 Hamilton • M Reid A Galbraith C Adams Hardy., • Bennett Thompson Scaled tenders will be received by the under. signed up till noon on Monday, May 1.91h, for the construction of the OcCreight drain, ex- cept that portion of the Grand Trunk Railway property. Plans and Hp( cifieations e a n be seen at .ho home of Henry Godkin or at the home of the undersigned. A certified °Moue 00 10 nerscont. of ((alderman accompany tend. er as a guarantee of due coMpletion of the Ork lowest or any tender not necessar- ily ac. Opted. PAM POwELL, Clerk of Turnberry, Route 1, Wingham, 4-1-1.44+siss1-1.4÷1-1-4-1-1-1144-14 E • KJ. COWELL Pianos and Organs Tuned and Repaired, Price $2.00. Countryside visited. Pricer ate - cording to distance. T4444 FORM III Class R Armstrong ... • ....... M Carrie • Sellers M Montgomery R Muir A Clubb G Ferguson M Walker . Class II J Perdue D Pells Class III Tucker M Armstrong m Haugh Hazel Taylor . ... . , . G Allen ..... . . . McKague G Pryfogle PORM IV NORMAL RNTRANCR Class I / Bow:sten D Brooks ......... R. Currie DI Bone W Shaw Class fl E Brooks ..... .... . Myrtle Bennett dress III P Johns CIsard ....... A MacKay / Jeffers= • Gibboes ..... 58 57 55 55 53 52 51 51 49 48 47 39 35 34 33 ces$. 4.,44,4,•44,4.44,44.• ••d es., • 441,444/44,044/444.44 no./ .44,4 Personals • • 4 44 •401-4/444 4,4,44444 444.••• 444,444".4, ..-444, 444,44 44 4•44$ The Misses Little have moved to Tor- onto, Misses Annie and Margaret McLean attended Hackett -Carruth wedding at Lucknow. Messrs Norman Brandon and Allison Butcher of St. Marys visited in town over Sunday. • Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Knox and little daughter of Toronto, are visiting with friends in town Mrs, James Madigan and son, Richard, of Toronto were visitors at Mr. J Cun- ningsaM's last week. Mr. and Mrs, Jeffreys of Toronto, are visiting at the home of the latter's broth- er, Mr. Amos Tipling. Mr, Tom. Powell of Winnipeg, is visit- ing at the home of his father, ex -reeve Tom. K. Powell, Turnberry. Mrs Alvie Fleming and son Walker of Toronto, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs Jas Walker. Mr. and Mrs. Fleming purpose moving to Chatham. •40.1. Correspondents Wanted We appreciate the good workof our cor- respondents and would like them to show it. We want real live news and can stand a lot more of it. We wish the paper to be as local as possible and every contributor is an aid to that end. We want corres- pondents in every unrepresented corner of the adjacent townships. Let us hear from those who will undertake the task. A Former Wingham Ohl. Captain Jarvis, who has had charge of 81 the local Salvation Army Corps for the 68 past nine months, left today for her home 67 in Chatham Captain Jarvis is to be mar - 65 ried May 22nd, to Captain Martin of 6, Leamington, who three years ago was in so charge of St. Mary's Corps. Captain Jarvis has endeared herself to the public at large, who will regret her departure, but at the same time they wish her a happy future.- Stratford Beacon. North tiuron Liberals. • 50 59 57 54 52 The annual meeting of t h e North 45 Huron Liberal Association as constituted 30 for Federal purposes will be held in the Town Hall, Wingham, on the afternoon of Tuesday, Mav 27th. There will be the election of officers and other important hairless. It is urgently requested that all polling sub -divisions in the riding be represented at this meeting A general invitation is extended to all Liberals, both ladies and gentlemen, to attend this 69 meeting. 68 The regular meeting of the Nbrth 61 Huron Liberal Asaociation for Dominion 61 purposes will be held in the Town Hall, Wingham, on Friday, May 30th. 60 tlydro Rates Will be Submitted That Mayer Gurney is keeping in touch with the hydro officials is evident by the following letter which he received recent - 77 77 76 73 71 70 61 59 57 56 ly. Toronto, May 5th, 1919 56 Mr. W. H. Gurney, Mayor 55 Wingham, Ontario. 55 Dear Sir: 54 With reference to your communication .51 of April 30th, we beg to advise that our engineering staff, is preparing estimates in connection with serving your district. 46 In connection with this matter you 44 should realize that it is quite an extensive 44 problem to figure on distribution for a 38 large number of towns involving a consid- erable length of transmisison line and a number of substations, and consequently 77 we have been unable to complete our es 76 timates before this date. 72 We expect very shortly to have the in - 66 formation available to submit to the 66 people at a public meeting, and you can 85 assure the ratepayers that the Commission 65 is pushing the mattes as fast as possible, 64 and that the informrtion will be given out to the public and the rates and estimates 66 submitted as soon as our, engineers have 60 completed their work. Yours truly, Hydro Electric Power Commission of Ontario WINGRAM, ONT. THURSDAY. MAY 15th, 1919 , THE MATH ROLL Mils. THOMAS 130LT Another of the oldest and most highly respected residents of Turnberry passed to her reward on Monday morning in the person of Mary Mitchell, beloved wife of M r. Thomas Bolt, The deceased lady suffered from a fall which resulted in her breaking a blood vessel about a week ago, to which her death was due. She was in her 7fith year and was born in Devon- shire, England. When in her. teens she migrated to Canada and in the year 1886 was married to her now bereaved husband in Oxford county. They came to Turn - berry shortly afterwards and took up a bush farm which they cleared and have ever since made their home. The old log house which Mr. Bolt first built is still standing on their farm. Deceased was an active worker in Salem Methodist church where s h e will b e greatly missed. Besides h e r husband, one son and three daughters survive, viz.; Mr. Eli Bolt.of Turnberry, Mrs. E. Merk- ley, Wingham, and Misses Llzzie and Eva at home. 'The funeral was held from her late resi- dence, Lot 5, Cons 7, Turnberry, on Wed- nesday afternoon and was largely attended. Rev. Mr. Stride conducted the services at the house and grave, Interment took place in Wroxeter cemetery. WILLIAM NETHERY • There passed away at his residence in Belgrave, Mr. Wm. Nethery, whose death occurred on April 28, after a lingering ill- ness. from paralysis of the throat. De- ceased was one of the early pioneers, being born in the County of Fermanagh, Ireland, 76 years ago, coming to Canada with his parents and 8 brothers and sisters when he was 9 years of age, of which fam- ily; only two survived him, M r. John Nethery of Morris, and Mrs. Richard Leishman of Belgrave. With the excep- tion of the first seven years, 'which were spent in Cartwright, Mr. Nethery spent his life on the farm in East Wawanosh, which he found a bush lot and where he made a home for himself and family, re- tiring four years ago to Belgrave. He was married 47 years ago to Miss Martha Henderson who is left to mourn his loss with one daughter, Mrs. James McGill, and four sons, A. H. Nethery of Sarnia, L. F. Nethery of Bruce Mines, G. A. Nethery of Hamilton and C. W. Neth- ery on the homestead-, 57 57 53 51 49 49 29 • $ . • • Ma.cDostald ............. •••0 N MacLean Maria Bennett X Smith A Cummins I ease . P Moore 82 82 73 67 iSr 4.16•••••!•••••••••• Class III M Bone 57 A McKay..., . I 4 53 P Gibbons ...... 44•014 •••064.••••• 39 • Isard M MacLean MacDonald K Smith - . .. , ... F Moore FORM V Part 1 FACULTY RNTRANCIt Class I 62 W Wallace 6o P Tate W Armstrong • Johnston Class /It D Douglas A Alton ... • . .57 56 35 35 S5 54 53 ,52 52 1 45 40 ItORM IV JUNIOR MATRICULATION Class t lienrean Claes Ix P. Currie 69 64 • • 49 48 48 45 37 68 67 65 ... 64 Part n FACULTY IIITRANCU Class I I, Johnston N Wightman Class II • Weiler...... ...... • . Class Itt A Williamson • Deatas Neirtms HONOR .11 TR/C1.11.4,TION Cleo A/ Is.* MO" j Spat **try, 55 54 74 73 61. ETHEL H. FERGUSON There passed to her eternal home, on April 25th at the Regina General Hospital, Ethel H. Ferguson, beloved wife of Chas. G Sled. She leaves to mourn her loss be- sides Ire r bereaved husband, a little daughter (Ethel Kathryne) eight days old, her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ferguson, one brother, Gershom, all of White Bear, Sask , thrse sisters, Mrs. John Murray (Olive), of Tugaske, Mrs. Robert Sharpe (Mabel) of Weyburn and Mrs. Thomas Badenoch of Regina. The funeral took place from her own home, 2246 Toronto St., Regina. Rev. John Lewis and Dr- Milligen conducted the service The casket was banked with beautiful flowers, testifying of the esteem in which the deceased was held. The late Mrs. Sled spent her girlhood a t Wingham, having attended High School here; later she taught school . at Donnybrook and, going west, she taught for a number of years at Weyburn. Sask. s6 5/ 51 AMONG THE CHURCHES MA.ITLA.ND PRESBYTERIAL The 6th annual Convention of the Pres- byterial of Maitland Presbytery will be held in Ripley May 20th. Program has been issued and will be as follows: -Morn- ing session -Psalm selection 72: Scripture Reading, Miss E. Waghorn, Walton; Prayer Mrs. Mitchell, Wingham; Presi- dent's address, Mrs. Bell. Molesworth; Home Helpers' Conference, (Huron Church) led by Mrs. Lundy, Walton. AuXiliary repoats-One minute -Best plan of work or study, Reports -Stranger's Secretary, Mrs. Linklater, Teeswater; Supply Secretary, Mrs. Young, Wingham; Messenger Secretary, Mrs. Mudie, Luck - now; Literature Secretary, Mrs'. Murch. son, Lucknow; press Secretary, Mrs, Fer- guson, Belgrave; Hymn 301, Prayer. Afternoon session -2 o'clock -Psalm Selection 97; Scripture Reading, Miss E. Bell, Pine River; Prayer, Mrs Overend, Kincardine; Words of welcome, Mesdames McLean, Ripley and Steele Pine River; Reply to words of welcome, Mrs. Mal- colm, Wroxeter; Reading of minutes, Mrs. Coombe,,Kincardine; Business re next an- nual meeting, etc Reports --Mission Band Secretary, °Mrs. Lundy, Walton; Home Helpers' Secretary, Mrs Ireland, Teeswater; Treasurer's report, Mrs. Ged- des, Wingham; Dedicatory prayer, Mrs. McQuarrie, Moncrieff; Hymn .449; Pre- sentation of Forward Movement, Mrs, McEvoy, London; Special music; Address ReVs D. A McDonald, Korea; Exercise - Knox Church Mission Band, "Little Sun- beams"; Offering; Report of Nomination Committee, Mrs. Boyle, Belgrave; Elec- tion of officers; Closing words, Mrs. Gil- more, Ripley; Doxology; Prayer, Mrs. Dickson, Port Albert. Evening session - 7.30 o'clock, Hymn 269; Prayer, Greetings from Presbytery, Report of Corresponding Secretary Music by choirs, Address, Rev. A, McDonald, Korea; Offering, Hymn 608; Prayer The entertaining will be in charge of the 2 Presbyterian congregations of Ripley and Pine River will also lend a helping hand. Large delegations are ex- pected to attend from Brussels and neigh- boring charges. WILLIAM BUROMAN The following from the Milverton Sun refers to the father of W. F. Burgman, station agent at Wingham. "Word has been received from Belling- ham, Washington, that, Mr. Wm. Bu?g. man, for many years postmaster at Mus- selburg and more recently a resident of Milverton. had died there at the residence of his daughter, Mrs. W. C. Williard, on Sunday, April 6th, Mr. Burgman was a native of Germany and came to Canada when a young man And worked the most of his life at the trade of shoemaking His wife died in 1915, after which he resid- ed in Baden for a time, afterwards going to Bellingham, wnere several me hers of his family reside. Mr. Burgman is sur- vived by a family Of six sons and five daughter% namely, Harry, Collingwood; Richard and George, Lethbridge; Thomas, Bellingham; Albert, Medicine Hat; Wil- liam Wingham; Mrs, S. Langley, Calgary; Mrs, Doughty, Toronto; Mrs. J. Richard- son, Wellesley; Mrs. Williard, Bellingham; and Lizzie." 4.4444444•444.44mommosurnmia4•44444 Exatninstions Later. Because the change made by the De- partment of Education in the time of the inidsumrner examinations to be held this year Hon. Dr. H. J. Code issued a state- ment as to the dates the results will be made known He said that the public probably would not fully realize the fact that the change had be made and would make their summer plans in accordance with the dates the results were made know in former years The dates of the examinations were put off for about two weeks in each case this year because of the unavoidable interruptions to school work last year, chiefly from the influenza epidemic and there will be a corresponding delay in announcing the results as corm pared with previous years. The dates of the exarninations are: Jun, high school entrance, July 2; junior public school graduation, June 30; lower sehool, July 2; Middle school, July Ilth, pass matricula- dos, July 2; upper school and honor ma- triculation, June 30. • METHODIST CHURCH A very successful year has just been closed in the Wingham Methodist church. The records are very gratifying to thes of- ficials and they appreciate the loyalty of the congregation during a testing period. The membership shows an increase of 16, the total being 553. The pastor has re- ceived 51600.00, which is a substantial increase over last year. The finances of the .church a r e in excellent condition. The total givings to the Missionary Funds of the church are 51939.00. All the other funds were well sustained. A special col- lection of $180.00 was given to the Hali- fax Relief appeal. The total givings of the church were 56807.00. The Sunday School Anniversary services will be held in the.Methodist church next Sunday, May 18th. Rev. J. H. Uren of Kincardine, chairman of the District, will preach morning and evening and address the School in the afternoon. A special program will be given in the afternoon session. All parents and friends of the children a r e cordially invited to these services. ••••••••••••=momos 4,44-0,44444.444404 ' Over 25,000 rolls of Wall Paper at Mason's. Dr. Redmond has puchased a new McLaughlin car. Mr, John S Morgan shipped a car of grass cattle to his farm ht Ripley. Boxer's and Staunton's are the best lines of Wall Paper. -Geo. Mason & son. J. S. Dobie sold a light six McLaughlin car to Henry Johann of Belmore on Monday. ST. PAUL'S CHURCH Arrangements are being made to cele- brate the jubilee of St. Paul's church on June 22nd to June 29th. We sell you a Victrola, terms as low as five dollars cash and live dollars per month. Billie Burke. Friends of Mr, Dave I.oughesd were pleased to see him down street on Tuesday in his wheel cha r. Try one of our Electric hair cuts no pulling, cuts clean makes a neat job 25cts. boys 20 cents -Billie Burke. F. J. Hill IS now agent for the White Sewing Machines, the best machine on the market Call and see them. The finest line of Wall Paper ever seen in Wingham will be found at the Wing- harn Bazaar. Eggs taken as cash. Buy a Mason Risch piano from Billie Burke, we make the terms to suit the customer, monthly payment if desired. Mason and Risch Piano can be bought from Billie Burke, terms as low as 25c cash and 58.00 per month till paid for. We trust our subscribers will pardon a scarcity of news this week as two of our regular staff have been off owning to sickness. 3rs-und erstand Mr, Robt. Knox pur- iiosei opening up a jewelry store in the McKenzie building, one door south of the Picture House Mr. Clarence Wilson, son of Mrs John Wilson, Edward St.. a rived home from France on Saturday. He has been Over- seas about three years The Advance has just r eceived a large stock of the very latest in wedding sta- tionery. Prices reasonable and workman ship of the highea grade. Mr. W. F. Burgman has purchased the house in which he resides, from Mr. W. F. Vanstone. Mr, A Cosens, .real estate dealer transacted the business. The members of the Wingham branch saf the G W. V. A. will hold a progressive euchre party in the Wingham Armouries on Wednesday evening May 21se. Mason and Risch Pianos at Billse Burke's, one price to all doesn't matter whether you pay cash or take the terms. We stock them come in and see them. Election Of Band Officers At the regular art sal meeting of the Wingham Citizen's Band the following officers were elected for the ensuing year. President- Norman L. Fry. Vice -Pres -A, J. Pilon. Secretary -R. Stone. Treasurer -L. Hingston. Business Manger -Fred Johnston. Property Committee -Messrs, Fuller, Reid and Walton. Very few towns the size of Wingham have been able to keep their brass band together during war time, but Wingham has not only had a band but they have had an excellent band during the past four years, The boys are this week advertising for a bandmaster. U. W. V. A. Notes The following donations have been re- ceived by the local G. W. V. A. during the past few days: From the Women's In- stitute, Magazines; from Miss VanNor- man, table drape; from Canada Furniture Manufacturers, Mirror; Mrs. H. Brown, cash; Mrs R. Vanstone, pictures; Misses Little, 52.00; Mr. 13rown, stationery and ink stands. The G. W. V A. meeting nights will be Tuesdays in future. The boys are giving a ball in the Arm- ouries on Wednesday evening, May 21st, Blackstone Orchestra will furnish music for the dance. Progressive euchre will be played upstairs and playing will start at 9 o'clock sharp and stop at 12 o'clock midnight If you enjoy a game of cards come out and be on time. 0414.0•041.010..44444111.1.4114••••••••••••boli BORN --- RAE -In Wingham on Thursday, May 8. to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Rae, a son SloAktnv - In Wingham on Friday, May Oth, to Mr. and Mrs. ErnestStoalt- ley, Patrick Sf., a daughter. In Culross, on Wednesday, May 7th, to Mr. and Mts. Georte Kinga on, All who owe accounts to the Advance, are reminded that until May 24th, same may be settled at the office. After that date Mr, Dudley Holmes, barrister, will collect them. The Wirigham High School Football team journeyed to Listowel. on Saturday, and played their first game for the Hough trophy. They tied the Listowel team, the score being 1 to 1. Mr. Wm Forrest and Mr. J. H. Rogers of Mitchell, were in 'Wingham on Monday attending the, meeting Of The Aero Cushion Inner Tire Co The office of the Co. is now in the Ritchie building. Mr. Samuel Burke who enlisted over three years ago, arrived at his home at Jamestown on Monday morning. He spent two years in France. Mr. Burke is a brother of Mr W. D. Burke, Wingham. Don't forget the Prayer meeting on Friday night at 8 o'clock at the "Purity Restaurant" Main Street. The 'sleeting will be condUcted by the Ladies and will be a Praise service, come and encourage the girls. . Mr, Frank McLean, son of Mr. and Mrs, J. A. McLean, who enlisted with the Coburg Heavy Battery about two yeals ago, arrived hoIne on Tuesday night. His many frien ds will be glad to welcome him home. Mr. Evan Haines who has resided in Wingham during the winter is now living at Dilkie, Sask. In ordering The AdVance sent to his address he tells us that the seeding is well advanced but the weather is quite cool. A large crowd attended the sale of An- drew Linklater on Saturday last and good prices were realized, Mr. Linklater will make his home with his daughter Mrs. J. J. Elliott, having sold his house to W. S. Linklater. The silent policenlan took up his stand on the centre of Josephine St, at the crossing of John St and Diagonal Road. one day this week. Ile is the acting traffic "cop" so we would advise autoists to beware Mr. Jas. G. Stewart, real estate dealer, reports the sale of Mr. Wm. Varey's house on Patrick St to Mr. John Dennison of Stanley Township. This residence is at present occupied by Mr. R. D. Blomfield of the Dominion Bank. Mr. Abner Cosens, real estate dealer, now occupies his "new office in the Van - stone building corner Diagonal Road and John Sts while The Aero Cushion Inner Tire and Rubber Co, Ltd. have opened up a temporary office in the Ritchie build- ing just vacated by Mr. Cosens. The name of Rev. C. E.lenkins, Brant- ford, will probably go before the G. W. V. A. convention in Vancouver for the Dominion presidency. He was elected president of the Brantford Assoviation, Rev. Jenkins is a tomer Winghamite being rertor it St. Paul's Church here a few years no. 7'.777:11°120.1 Subscriptions: $1.5Q per year The JI.C.3144:32...C. oi 1 ,1\4,14.111 MONEY SAVING VALUES FOR THIS WEEK SOAP SPECIALS Toilet Soap -Regular 3 cakes for 25c. Special this week, 3 cake § for 21c. Baby Soap -Regular 2 cakes for 25c. ‚Special this week, 2 cakes for 180. Glycerine Soap -Regular 2 cakes for 25c. • Special this week, 2 cakes for 21e. Medicated Skin Soap -Regular 25c a cake. Special this week, 3 cakes fdt,' 47c... ••••••••••••••••••=mouliewmirmarmours44• • EXTRA--FREE-A large. picture 18"x240; suitable for framing will be given FREE with every.:.506 purchace of soap. J. W. McKibbon •:-,.tiLaFit Druggist and Optician .11ERE TO SERVE. J OMNI. E. Merkley sells the Gray Dort auto- mobile and backs up his sales by first' class service. Very different to some of the salesmen who haven't even • a small garage of their own to tighten a nut or fix a tire in for you. We don't make a habit of knocking other cars and we are not going to begin now, E. MERRLEY & SON. Mr. G. Lawson Bisbee who has for some years been bookkeeper for the Can- a d a Furniture Manufacturers has tendered his resignation, and has accepted the position of secretary treasurer for The Aero Cushion Inner Tire and Rubber Co. Mr. Bisbee is a most trust worthy and capable man and The Aero Tire Co. are to be congratulated on secring his services, Ice Cream Social The Itpworth League of Donnybrook Church will hold an ice cream social and entertainment in the church on Thursday evening, May 22nd. A good program will be provided Everybolly welcome. Miss Currie of Wingham and Mr. Baillie . of Dungannon will sing. Miss Pickering will play the violin and addresses will be given by Rev. Mr. Bentley of Walton and Lieut. R. Hetherington M. C. of the Nile. tlarriston vs Wingham Football The first Football Match in the Hough Cup series to be played here will be called at 4 o'clock on Saturday afternoon in the town park when the Harriston boys will meet the Wingham team. The following is the Wingham line up, -Right wings - Norman Wighttnan and Stanley Harrison centre -Harry Armstrong; left wings - Jas. Spence and Frank Moore; half backs -Chas, Johnston, Wm. Wallace and Neil McLean; full backs, A. Nethery, A. Mc- Kay; goal -Archie Williamson. I KNITTERS° • WANTED Beginners, wliile Good light. Steady work. High- est wages paid. Clinton Knitting Co., Ltd. Wingham Branch Ili NO 11111=111111111111111111111 MOM IIIIMMININIMP ille I C IiRISTIE'S -PHONE 59 I Canada Food Board License 1 No. 8-278. 1 1 Come to Christies for Good Tea and Special Coffee st . 1 IThe Tea and Coffee . . House . 1 • wn waraniman owns sumissiseasil XXXV,\XXXXXIVNI.W. XXXXXXWAXXXX ;fa Women's Oxfords I 1 onottoccomx xxxxxxxxxxxx 9T1 -le Oxford has a Poise, an Air of Smartness Difficult to Describe. Vet which wins foe it, such a wealth ot popularity, especially as the warmer days draw near. Perhaps that's because an Oxford is cool, light on the foot, and has every hit as much style as a boot. A smart model 6f Patent Leather Oxford, plain toe, Lewis Heel is $6 00. A Vici Kid Mk Eyelet lace Oxford imitation Tip, Lewis Heel, Flexible NIcitay Sole $5.50 to $6,50. A clever new design in fine Gun Metal Calf, Blucher Cut, Cuban Heel, Goodyear Welt is $7.00 Very attractive Havana 13awn Kid Oxfords in both Cuban and 0.4 Lewis Ile.el, plain toe and imitation Tip, $6.00 to $7.00. 4.2a; SHOE *RE PA /12.0%/0-'11ring along your shoes them neW. We will mend W. J. GREER