HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-03-08, Page 7MAROH I MONTH WHEN 'FIS EASI- EST TO REGAIN HEALTH. GET STRONG BEFORE DEBILITATING SPRING COMES ON. FEED THE WORN OUT BRAIN WITH PAINE's CELERY COMPOUND. Let Changing Season Find System in Health. Take the Great Remedy that Makes People Well. perfectly healthy body has its parts co pletely nourished and its nerves con - ata tly refreshed and stored with energy fro the vigorous blood that all the time bat, es it. ut to do this important work of convey- ing sufficient nutrition to the tissue, the bio d must be kept rich and full of red cor- pus les. The only trouble with two-thirds of the men and women whom the coming spring will claim for its victims, is a pitiful lack of proper nerve food. What these weak, nervous people need is a more general feed- ing and storing of their blood and tissues with fresh, highly vitalized material. There is undoubtedly nothing that can compare with Prof. Phelps' remarkable discovery, Paine's Celery Compound, for restoring health and strength. The great body of physicians throughout the United States, England and Canada, believe profoundly in it, and prescribe it in all cases of nervous weakness and debility. In preparing this greatest of all nerve tonics and blood renewers, the eminent professor of Dartmouth college, Edward E. Phelps, M. D., L. L. D., had in mind the countless men and women with brains overworked nerves unstrung by worry and lack of pro- per nutrition. Clerks, their employers, lawyers, doctors, mothers of families, hard working men and women in every county and province, and hosts of brain workers—the most intellect - trial part of the community—are to -day taking Paine's Celery Compound, with the happiest results, to relieve themselves of rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous exhaustion, dyspepsia, sleeplessness and low spirits. Paine's Celery Compound cures diseases of the important organs of digestion, circula- tion and excretion, by purifying the blood with strength to combat disease. Paine's Ce'ery Compound makes people well. It takes away all the tremor and ir- ritability from the nerves, and gives that calm, strong feeling of assured health that invariably accompanies, a perfectly well- nourished bodily system. Get rid of langonr, clear the muddy, un- healthy skin, pinmp out the body and get back to a normal vigorous condition with Paine's Celery Compound, and begin now. Leader Haycock has respectfully de- clined the usual courtesies extended to members of the Legislature from Gov- ernment Hoose. The Patron chief is wise. He has preserved his freedom to carry out his pledges for the aboli- tion of an ornamental but useless in- stitution. James E. Nicholson. Almost Passes Belief Mr. Jas. E. Nicholson, Florenceville, N. B., Struggles for Seven Long Years with CANCER ON THE LIP, AND IS CURED BY Sarsa- parilla ..` AYflRS Mr. Nicholson says: "I consulted doe- lor's who prescribed for me, but to no purpose; the cancer began to Eat into the Flesh f spread to my chin, and i suffered In agony for seven long years, Finally I I began taking Ayers Sarsaparilla. In a week or two I noticed a Decided Improvement. Encouraged by this result. I perse- vered, until in a month or so the sore under my chin began to heal. In three months my Hp began to heal and, after usin the Sarsaparilla for six months the last trace of the cancer disappeared.'t Ayer's Only arsap rilia /) Admitted World's . Po tt ,• a.tdir'S. King's t ount , N.B., L;beral' 1 nnluillaOt41 t u,r. i).,tt1%111e, a. t0 Conser•vat i t'e. M. tl. Hackett H. Y. t' for tilanet will proballs take the pub; ion of Trea er in the Queb.-u Govorutu, r,t, left va by the resiguatiou of Hun John S. Ha Hon. J. C. Patteist•n. Minister ldi1it ia, denies ti be rumorI hat he to he the Conservative eandidat North Bi ore, at present represen by Mr McNeill. Mr Buchanan thinks he was nut reedy reported when it was btu he would likely run in South Oxfo as a prohibitionist. He has not yet pressed any resolve, Norway Pine Syrup cures o�•ughs. Norwa\ Pine Syrup cures colds. Norway Pine Syrup heals the lunge. Mr R. Henry, who Iran been th times Mayor of Brantford, was Thursday nominated by the Cons vatives of South Brant, to oppose candidature of Mr W. Paterson, 1 present mernher, for the Domini House, A private let.tet from Winnipeg sa that Hugh' John MacDonald will I agree to run for Winnipeg with prospect of becoming Minister of t it terror. Mr MacDonald has no liki for public life. The Toronto Evening News (Censer- vative) says: The almost. official an- nouncement that the government has decided to grant remedial legislation in the matter of the Manitoba schools has aroused indignation throughout Ontario. Steps are now being taken to give effect to this feeling in the most striking manner. possible. COUGHS, Colds, Sore. Throat, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all Lung Troubles are quick ly cured by Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. The Mail -Empire says:—Some of the French Conservative members, ii seems, are still pressing for a session of Parliament before dissolution, and their views are re-echoed in the Presse, which declares that Bishop Lafleche, of Three Rivers, and Bishop Gravel, of Nicolet, are in favor of having a session, at which remedial legislatior1l. shall be passed, before dissolution. D . Lachapelle and several other nroud ; ent French-Canadiaps have expressed themselves to the same effect, While no physician or pharmacist can conscientiously warrant a cure, the J. C. Ayer Co, guarantee the purity, strength, and medicinal virtue's of Ayer's Sarsapar. illa. It was the only blood -purifier admit• ted at the Great World's Fair in Chicago, 1894e, In entering a protest against :Hon. Mr IIarty's election, the Kingston Conservat ive rnac'hiue ;is eit her desir- ous of fighting for purity in,electious Or to secure the seat for its own man., They will scarcely he accused of pro- testing the result on moral grounds, and the idea roust therefore be to ent- har:tss Mr Harty. The 11!otest is idle. Mr Hartru y was elected because the ua- ,jority voted for him,. and that major- ity was not. secured by corruption. It would he a sensible act to drop all idea of pretesting and accept defeat grace- fully.—Toronto Star. DISEASE aELlEVED Its 30 MiNUTFS Dr Agnew's Cure for the Heart gives perfect re- lief in all eases of Organic or Sympathetic He ,rt Disea•e in 30 minutes, and speedily effects a cure. It la a peerless remedy for Palpitation, Shortness of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Left Side and all symptoms or Diseased Heart One dose convinces. S�Jd by WATTS & CO,. Clinton rave tot ead, sur- oant. 11 of is e in ted tor- ted rd, ex." r'ee Olt er'• the he 011 Ys lot the he ng Some Conservative speakers have been using the argument that the farmer is in as good a position to -day as he was twenty years ago, because thrugh he received but half what he did for his wheat,the purchasing power of a dollar is much greater than it was. It is just as fair to apply that illustra- tion to the dollars the government re- ceives and spends. and that being the case the $27,579.203 revenue of the Do- minion should go as far as $55,(XX),000, twenty years ago. This would go to show that the expenditure of the Gov- ernment has been grossly extravagant, because even this Irnlllense revenue is not equal to the expenditure. A POPULAR TRAVELLER. Mr G. Fred. Anderson, the popular re- presentative of T. S. Simms & Co., St. John, N. B., in speaking of Norway Pune Syrup, says:—"It is the best cough cure I ever used and I prefer it to any other. Have given it to friends of mine and it cures every time. ft would be difficult now to induce me to use any other. T me ing con he Farmer's Sun and the Patron tubers of the Legislature are rnak- a great mistake in condoning the duct of Mr McNeil during the late contest in South Perth and in the el- ection protest which followed. Put even in. the most favorable light the conduct of this Patron was sue h that no body of men banded together to elevate the standard of political mor- ality, can consistently approve of it. Even if MrB'tllantyne,the late member for the riding, has done wrong in times past, this is no excuse for Mr McNeill. A party that has purity of administra- tion for one of its planks cannot afford to use the `you're -an -other' argument. The Patrons can better afford to lose a dozen seats than condone the action of Mr McNeill.—Toronto News. HAVE A GREAT REPUTATION HERE. .1. B. Taylor, Esq.. merchant, Welland, says : "Stark's Powders have a great repu- tation about here as an immediate as well as a permanent cure for Headache, Bilious- ness, Neuralgia, Liver and Stomach com- plaints, C,osttveness. I know people who have been long and great sufferer,who have tried almost everything, and have been cured by them. We have used them in our own family with remarkable snocess." Tao preparations in each box. Sold by all 1 medicine dealers at 25c a box, 5 boxes $1. Nice to take. Converts to the Liberal policy of a tariff for revenue only, with free raw material for manufacturers, are ap- pearing on every hand. At a recent meeting in East Peterboro, Mr John Brown, ex -reeve of Belmont, said he ' had been a supporter of the National Policy in 1t178, but, in the hands of the present Government it hail become a mockery of the promises made in its name. After a careful study of the policy of the Liberal party he believed itwast the hest for the country, and he would give it his hearty support and do his hestto secure the return of Mr Lang, the Liberal candidate. At the same meeting Mr Charles O'Riell, , one of the most prominent (farmers and ' Conservative workers o ''Aspodel also expressed hims f in s mpathy ith th Liberal poli .y. He ad supp ted it:P....in 1878,4...be It that 1 bad fern.,,- :4 1iee ttldl THE CLINTON NEW ERA Ask your Druggist for Nth. Murray & Lanman's FLORIDA WATER A DAINTY FLORAL EXTRACT For Handkerchief, Toilet and Bath. acs's CottollROf COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physic! n. Successfully used monthly by thousands of Ladles. I.s Ito only perfectly sufo and rell;:b:c medicine die covered. Beware of unprincipLJ r:ruggists who offer Inferior medicines in-place of this. Ask for Cook's Cotton o tt n Ro t Compound, takd stn s b u sft• Lute, or inclose $1 and 0 cents In postage In letter an' we willsend, sealed, by return mail. Full sealed particulars In plain envelope. to ladles only. 2 stamps. Address The Cook Cont nn,-, Windsor, Ont., C; hada Sold in Clinton by ALLAN & WILSON, Druggt,ts, Consumption. Valuable treatise and ggto bottles Consumption. sent Free to any Sufferer. Ciro Express and Post Office address. T. A. SLOCUM CHEMICAL CO., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. �,flSTON'S FJSE r, BATTER Cll (Paradise Jrsv 11 NI, I89:i,) dew Process for Making curt sink Rutter from the Solids of the aldk, ',u 1 ktuulcaia or Ex - i liacklnery A:.t;att:•+ �,i,,v,yY.,..-. Ne:-. Process will . n,,.ke two to three times ''4 ,r, rP the amount of Pure Alitk Putter that can be t Inde by any other method yet invented. Therefore semi l ^<1�1• - stamp for full particulars, also cirClara of question, lied and answered. Thurston's fore '(ruff Inviter Co., G3 liir g Street East, Toronto, Ont. V .1 i0l 79 B R 1.9 tG: E Loai,. S Investment Co This 1..,a.,tauy 18 Loaning Money on. Farm SecurLy at Low, '1 Rates of Intere MORTGAGES. - . - PURCHARID SAVINGS BANK BRANCI.I. 3, 4 and 6 per (Cent. interest Allowed or Deposits, according tr_nmount and time left OFFICE-Oor. Square and North St., Godsrioh HORACE HORTON Manager Etenmiller Nursery FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The tattbr of which we make a specialty. LARGE STUCK ON i-IANID The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this connection will save money by par chasing bore. Orders by Mail will he promptly attended tu. Address, JOHN STEWART, — Benmiller. STI D L at the FRONT The undersigned wishes to inform his many customers and friends that he has moved to his New Shop on Rattenbury Street Near the Market Square, where he is prepared to give bis customers better accommodation than ever. I have secured the services of a good woodworker, and am prepared to do all kinds 01 wood -work repairing. As to the quality of work donb and attention shown, it is sufficient to say that the old standard will be pt up. In hie showrooms there will be kept a well asorted stock of Sleighs,(;utters, Buggies, Plows, H arrows, Etc, Which he will sell at prices to suit the times. In addition to this he is prepared to do all kinds of Bicycle Repairing. Special attention will be giv en lei Horse Shoeing and all Custom Work. All work and stock guaranteed to be arst-class and prices low. JOHN .TEDFORD, Clinton MoKiliop Mutual Fire Insurance Ce FARM & ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED OFFuCRRs. D. Rose Pr seldom, Clinton, Geo. Watt Vice Pres. Harlook; W. J. Shannon, Seey-'treas. Seaforth; M. Murdle, Inspector of Claims, Seaforth. ntRrCTons. Jae. Rroadfoot, Seaforth ; Gabriel Elliott Clinton; J. B. McLesn, Tuekersmit.h ; Thos. Car - het, Clinton ; C. Gardiner, Leadbury; P.E.c Hays, Mcltillep, ACENTB. Thos. Nellans, Harlock; Robt. McMillan, Sea, forth; J. Cumings, Egmon'ville. Goo. Murdle, auditor. Parties desirous to effect Insure(i oes or tran- sact other business will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above °MHoert s. t \. sed to their respecitve ofOoea Por '1 weloty-Five Years DUNN'S BAKING POWDER TM E COOK'S BES T FRIER LARGEST BALE 1N CANADA- IHNs rtornody, for and m atitho host• r:nelcet'to � eo, and meatiest, — _ LU C IA:W U 0 System RE�I)V l01, AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, Weak and Liupoverisirec Bit.od Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, Pulps. tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint Neuralgia, Loss of Memory, Bronchitis Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance Female Irregularities and General Debility LABORATORY, GODERICII, OhT J. M. MoLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON BUTCHER„ $l l OPS lllllt'iii MEAT Niarket i3USINESS : CHANGE 1 be undersigned desires to intimate that le las bought out the interest of Inc Couch, to in, .utcheriug business lately Carried on under th, a yle of FORD & COUGH. He will continue to Hume at the old steno, and truars by giving tL. utueest and moat careful attrutlou to the bus,• nese straightforward and courteous treatmeu all, and handling only el nice m. at, to merit nd receive a fair share of I.uhnr patronage. A orders carefully andpromptl) tllltd JAMES A. PORI). Central Butcher Shop Subscriberdesires to thank the public genera ly for the patronage bestowed upon him; an, t the same time to say that he is now in a be er position than ever to supply the wants of ai ks he gives personal attention to all the detat. if the business customers e•au rely on that irders being promptly and satisfactorily fillet, His motto is "good meat at reasonable pricoe " Choice Sausage, Poultry. &c., in seas4►L. Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &o. JOHN SCRUT(-)N, Albert Ht., Clinton, FLOUR AND FEED STORES. New Flour & Feed Store CASH AND ONE PRICE. The undersigned begs to inform the people of Ciiott and vicinity that be has opened a purely Wash our and Feed Store on Victoria St , near 11IcLpt�tynan's Bakery. A fu,l stork of FLOUR, IIEALS, CHOP STUFF, BRAN, OAl's, WHEAT, &c , at the lowest living prices forC`asil. Selling for Cash only I am in a posit:on to givethe ver. hest value for Cash or trade. Goods exchanged for grr in at the highest market price. Give me a call and I will do my best to give one and all outside value, floods guaranteed or money re- ROLLED OATMEAL a specialty; the very best to he had. O. OLSON, Vic.toria St., Clinton Flour, Feed & Seed Store The undersigned theirs to intimate Unit he will keep on hand the very best FLOUR and FEED Of all kinds also the choicest variety of Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds Which will be Bold at close margins for Caeh. SALT also kept on hand. He will also keep a choice variety of all kinds of TEAS which con- sumers will find to be excellent value. J. W. HILL HURON ST., CLINTON. COOS'S FlouriFeed Store BRAN & SHORTS In large or email quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 pounds Choice Oatmeal for 1 bushel of Oats. D. COOK, CLINTON. BANKS. The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 1855i CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,300,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. J. H. R. MOLSON President. F. W. THOMAS,.,,. General Manager: Notes discounted Collections made, Drafts is- sued, Sterling and American exchange bought and sold at lowest current rates. Interest al- lowed on deposits. Er FLM JEERS . Money advanced to (armee on their own note with one or more endorsers. No mortgage re- quired as security 11. C. BREWER, Manager. FINE WATCHES Carefully and Skilfully Ripaic ct :)y Jackson t.lbert ,t., Clinton C SIT Credit vs. March 8, 1895 Believing that the only satisfactory way of being Date in business is to sell and buy strictly for cash. have decided after February 1st 1595 to adopt the SYSTEM, believing that it wi;l prove the mnstadvantageousd to every housekeeper in Town and Country. In order to do 5o I will make all goods down to Rock bottom Cash prices that will defy competition. My Christmas arid New Years special Bargain's Days were wonderfully suceessfnl. Everybody was pleased and surprised at the quality and price of our goods. We are•still offering the same lines at Bargain Day Prices. This is one of our specialties. Having had36 years experienc in this particular line. Extra values in Black,Green and Japan Sole agt. for Ram Lal's and Telley'slndia &Ceylon packageleau CROCKERY, GLASSWARE and CHINA GOODS Dinner Sets, China Tea Se's, Bedroom Sets, Five o'clock Teas, Berry Sets, Cheese Dishes, Water Sets, Fruit Dishes, Bread and Butter Plates, &c We have Hall Lamps, Table Ps , Lamps, PPianoarlor Hanging Lamps, Lamps t' ll purposes, Lamps, we are selling at from 10 to 20 per cent below regular prices. Coate and see ter yourselves, no trouble to show goods, Produce taken as Cash.- J. W. Irwin Grocer MACKAY BLOCK, -- - - CLINTON. TEASI LAMPSI it PALLOR SUITE FUR $23 [lave you seen that Parlor Suite, Upholstered in Raw Silk: with Oak Frame, that we are offering at $23? If you are d needing anything in this line, you should see them at once, as we can get but a limited number:' Curtain Poles for. 22 Cents We can give you a Curtain Pole with ends, rings, brackets and pins all complete for 22 cents. In every line of Furniture our prices are lower than ever JOSEPH W C H I DLEY, FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. Grceries tho very-besh And Prices the very Lowest We will sell at prices to meet all competition. We have ti ; best in RAISINS, CURRANTS, PEELS, EXTRACTS a,. d SPICES, and the price is as low as we can make it, do an honest business, and live. Do you want more? Call and compare quality and prices. MIICMURR4Y & WILTSE, NearPostOffice—CENTRAL GROCERY—Telephone 4' RUMOALL' S CLL� FACTOR''1 Huron Street, Clinton We ,have in stock a few Extra Cutters =ts`evil Cheap Which we guarantee to be of first-class material and wobkmanship. I you want a good article at the price of a poor one, call and see us. F. RU :n'W F A T4 IL - - C I ]N'TC-E a EO. D. McTA(3GART.OAFORD �rwenn COAL d... 1�'U RNACES-°' -aRW .. FOR ALL SITES OF BUILDINGS .. capacity from 10,000 to 80,00 Cubic greet ALBERT ST, - CLTNTON. A genera, Banking Business ti ansacted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FARRAN& TISDALL BANKERS, OLIN TON. (iNT Advan es made to farmers on their' own ctes at low rates of interest, gerierel tanking Beninese trepeaoteo t-Inte•e allowed;on depposits. tie Notes+ bought • WOOD FURNACE HEAVY ORATE, o ecially adapted forwood burning --� Heavy Steel Plate Pire Box Dome and Radiator, which heat quicker and are more durable RADIATOR of Modorn Construct- tion onstruo-tion and Groat Heating Power LARGE ASH PiT COAL FURNACE Largo Combustion Chamber Long Fire Travel,enolroling radiator Large HeatingSurface Large Food Ooor Sectional Fire Pot Rotating RI PsASH Dumping Grate FM Guaranteed Capacity :t...d .. and TESTIMONIAL ROOK. LLL ....iliennfaetnre by.... TaoFURNEY FOUNDRY COMPANY I.td., TORONTO, �� '',1ai�il,lLlt�l�llll.Ilf i1.f111i11►r►i��'.:1ti►'►�: