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Clinton New Era, 1895-03-08, Page 6
la; ![are! % 1896• °aiE BELLE OF TIN EV'U. WEB LOVELY PINK SILK DRESS A few weeks ago a ball was given in ;dourishing town. Youth and beauty was duhy repreeented, and many of the ladies woreatherming coetumes. The belle of the .evening was a young lady of (twenty years; she was the personification of grace and beauty, and won the admiration of all who ae were present. Her brother, an intimate friend of the writer, told the following seoret: "My eister looked charmingly beantiful at Mrs Y —'s ball last evening. From what I bad heard about her ball dress at borne, I fully expected °herein and disappointment ae far ae I was concerned, beoauee I heard sake was to wear a dress that had been dyed with Diamond Dyes. "For surae time she had worn a cream silk, but it had become somewhat soiled, eo mother and sister determined to dye it a slight shade of pink, and I fully expeoted a ffailttre. Before going to the ball I was palled to nd I could 7lardly ,believe sister t was the old dher new ress re -dyed. The lovely light pink was a marvellously rich shade, and the whole costume so be- coming that I was fairly delighted. Young and old at the ball were charmed with 84s - Jere good taste, but of course they had no idea that Diamond Dyes played so impor- tant apart in the success of the costume." Moral. -When you re-dve any valuable material always use the Diamond Dyes, if you wish success; they never fail to give .good results. NE WS NOTES. Mr Gilkinson, of Kingsville, was thrown off hie 'bus on the M.C.R. track at Maid- stone and killed by a passing train. Mr Arthur Thurwall, a Lobo Town- ship farmer, cit his throat in a fitof elespondency. He is in acritical condi- tion. Mrs T 0. Hawkins, Chattanooga, Tenn., says: Shiloh's Vitalizer"Saved My Life " 1 consider it the best remedy for a debili- tated sys e n I ev I ,soft," Fo:• Dy ;pepsia, Liv r ur Kidney trouble it easels. Price 75 cite, The (-tee against Thomas .1.1Vol tees, late acting commis loner of Customs, was heard at the Ottawa police curt on •Coesday. Watters was sentenced to one years's imprisonment, in the conn! v ref Carleton jail. He pleaded tech tiically guilty of certain charges of ftatel. C\I•t I1HRFLIE VEi1IN10•roIll) llIN)')ES, eu, sii ,rtpuff of the breath through the Blower Y sups 1 d with each bo't10 of Dr Af;nu\v'n Cat ar that I' ,4 1 s er di1 t . a t1 o this Powder s o rhe nye t the stir. fat•.• „ the nasal passages. Painless and delight, , it relieves instantly, and permanently Attire, t' 1 rrb Hay Fever Colds Headache, Sore 'Tile at, '1'olsilitis and Do tfness, GO cents, At W •'1' s & CO'S., Chntou, When a prince of the Austrian fami- Iy • his horse follows the funeral, c, ...(1 with a dark cloth, and lance in one h ,of. The lameness is produced by Ile; ving a nail through the hotee- zhoe.. This is a sign of the deepest .possible mourning. / f/ !''",TROY WORMS and exp./ ikon . franr chi dean or adults new Dr. Low's Wr. m,s'yrap. Crit t le market returns at Toronto .show receipts of cattle daring January and February of 13,613 head, as corn - dared' -with 8,776 for a like period last year. Entries of sheep were 9.199 for :1•ynuar•V and Fehrua.ry. 1895, and 13,136 in 1804; of hogs, 14,685 in 1895, and 14,253 in 1894. Sallow complexion, blotches pimples, boils, abscesses, old sores, scrofula and skin disease depends on impure vitiltted blood. Burdock Blood Bitters purifies the blood removes m all effete matter, and cures all the above named diseases. John Gilkilson, a prominent business. Titan of Kingsville, was killed on the Michigan Central at Maidstone Friday morning, coming from Windsor. The teain bolted, and threw him upon the Track. His leg and arm were cut off. He lived for half an hour. He was a man highly esteewed,and many friedpds bot no relatives here, only his wife.and one son. He was a man who will .be much missed, especially by the Cone eervatfees. • W- n, Ward, Almost a Hopeless Case. ,1' -A Terrible Cough. No Rest Night nor Day. Given up by Doctors. A LIFE SAVED BY TAKING AYECHERRY R PECTORAL "Several years ago, I caught a severe cool, attended with a terrible cough that allowed me no rest, either day or night. Tile doe - tors, after working over me to the best of their ability, pronounced my case hopeless, and said they could tlo no more for me. A friend, learning of my trouble, sent mo a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, which I began to take, and very soon I was greatly relieved. Ry ito time I had used the whole• bottle, I was Completely cured, i have never had much ot•a cough since that time, and i firmly believe that Ayer's Cherry Pectoral saved my life." -W. A. WARD, 8 Quimby Ave., Lowell, Mass. Ayers Cherry Pectoral }IIGHEST AWARDS AT WORLD'S FAIR, tat ep', Pitts the Blast Family Physio. SHO tt 1' S i uRIES RETOLD. The late Ge,,rge M. Stearns, during a recent State c.wnpaign, received tbie telegram from a printiinent Democrat in Montpelier: "Will you address the Democracy of Vermont at this place?" lois characteristic reply was: "To save car -fare, send the Deluucracyy of Ver- mont to iny hack -yard, and I'll address them there." On one occasion, when Von Moltke was, in a south German town, the news leaked nut that the great general had arrived. Sitting .in the dining• room of a hotel, somebody addressed him saying that he had heard that Moltke had arrived and that he wondered what he looked like. ro which Moltke ingenuously replied: "What should he look like? Why, like one of us." Mr Beerbohm Tree, who is now playing in New York, good-naturedly told a story recently, the point of which contained a, rebuke to the con- ceit of the average actor. In Dublin he remarked tentativly to a carman that the advent of the Beerbohm Tree Company seemed to cause a good deal of excitement. "Sure, 'tis noth- ing compared with the small -pox scare," replied the jarvey. And such is fame, even for actors. COLD IN THE HEAD AND HOW TO CURE IT. One of the most unpleasant and danger- ous maladies that afflicts Canadiang at this season is cold in the head. Unpleasant, because of the dull, heavy heaeaohe, in- flammed nostrils and other disagreeable symptoms accompanying it; and danger- ous, because if neglected it develops into catarrh, with its disagreeable hawking and spitting. foul breath ,frequent loss of talste and smell, and in many cases ultimately developing into consumption. Nasal Balm is the only:remedy yet discovered. that will instantly relieve cold in the head and cures In a few applications, while its faithful use will effectually eradicate the worst case of catarrh. Capt. D. H. Lyon, president of the C.P.R. Car Ferry, Prescott, Ont., says -"I used Nasal Balm for a prolonged case of cold in the head. Two applications of• recited a cure in less than '24 Iwurs. I would not take S100 for my bottle of Nasal Bain, if I could not rct,laee it." Sold by all dealers, or sent by mail postpaid at 50 cents per bottle, by addressing C, T. Ful• ford d• Co., Montreal, Here is a story told of the late Bishop -of St, Asaph, 1)r. Short. After the ',suet exnmutation foe ordination, the Bishop requested one of the candidates to teem). into hisdiawing room and pay 11110 a pastor al visit as a sick parishion- er. In due tl c tnnethe n'1 t. �h•t'e t c entered el I he drawing -room and found the weld Bishop lying on the sofa, with a hand- kerchief over his face. Summoning up his courage, he advanced to the sofa and palled off the handkerchief, exclaiming, "Thomas Vowles Short, you are shamming!" DOMINION FISHERY OVERSEER, HENRY W. (,FILL Gives a,Few Pointers and Some Good Advice WHICH MANY WILL BE GL:1D TO FOLLOW. Urroan, Oct. 14, 18',14• Messrs Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto: GE8TLEMES,-I think it is due to you to let you know the benefits I have received from Dr. Chase's kidney -liver pills. I have been suffering off and on for three years from bladder trouble with a con- stant desire to urinate, with its accompany- ing weakness. Medicine furnished by a skilful physician afforded me temporary relief, but the tr ou51e would return, often it very awkward times. I was persuaded to try the ills andobts- tnecl relief eltef from h P t.e first. Before I had taken one `25c. box I felt better than I had for years, and have ,tot the slightest symptoms of the corn plaint since. As there are, no doubt, many others who are suffering from like troubles and to whom a cure would be a similar boon, you are welcome to use this com- munication as you please. I remain Yours faithfully, HENRY W. GILL, D.FIL. The Ingersoll Ti ibune (Conservative) asserts that the candidature of W. W. Buchanan, of Hamilton, against Sir Richard Cartwright, would be a howl- ing farce. Consumption has invaded the home of Conductor John Lyons, Stratford, with dire results. His eldest daughter Rachael died of it on Wednesday, and another daughter is so low that she Cannot recover. IN ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS. Norway Pine Syrup gives great relief, rendering; brteathing easy and natural and enabling the sufferer to enjoy refreshing sleep, while a permanent cure ofter results. Rev Father Downey ppaid• a visit to ('hattelle in the Stratford ,jail. Tuesday. He found the prisoner quite resigned to his fate, whatever it may be. He is not building up any hopes for himself; but on the contrary, looks forward to the worst, and is endeavoring to slake his peace with God. To search out impurities area drive them from the system is the work of Burdock Blood Bitters, thus B.B.B. cures dyspepsia, constipation, bad blood, billiousnese and all diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels and blood. A sad accident, happened at the home of Mrs F. Gaynor, in Palmer - town, Oxford county, on Wednesday, Her three-year-old son Harry was walking backwards and car eying with hint a small chair, when he fell into e pail of hailing water, terribly §scalding the (;rester part, of the lower portions of his body. He soon died of his in- juries. RELIEF IN SIX 110 URS,DistressingEldon, and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by th. Grnewerer ed'yyttAmerican ia great entwine and ure." delight Lon Lecouot of Re exceeding promptness in relieving pain in th. bladder, kidneys, t eek aud every par of the urinary passages ir, main or female, It n• Illmostrimmediately. el ld byuptention of water an WATTS &to in eCo rting i, At to t wit aFaather Jamseveral lle Heests aly of Kiill net in Ireland because he wets nota mor. , active' Nationalist. "i t. is all very wel for you young rnen," he replied, with twinkle in his eye; " but one nigh with my double-barrelled gun in clamp ditch would`�he the death of me rho owner of a large oyster estalish neat in Dublin was one day tellin hien of the musical aecompltshments r. nit dryrghter, when Father Healy wits ' hearty sympathy, said she would be "a regular oyster atti." 1,ll \.I'()N NEVI/ I u'i..l 9 THE Hie i�lllO PlE. AN ANCIENT INSTITUTION POPULAR. IIZED IN ENGLAND. A Staple Article at Food In This Counts? -The Various Changes That Have (le- curred Until the Present -A Wonderful English Pie, Pie may, without exaggeration, be called an institution. The history of the pie has yet to be writ- ten in a profound and scholarly way. It is a thing of stupendous antiquity. The word itself is one of that small class in modern English derived from the ancient British or Celtic languages. In mediaeval English it was commonly spelled "pye," and this word appears to have been derived from the Gaelic "pighe." The Irish lang- uage also has the word "pighe." Allied words in Irish are "pithan" and "pig - beetle." This fact alone, it will be perceived, is full of historic significance. So great was the vitality and tenacity of pie as an insti- tution that it survived the Teutonic in- vasion of ancient Britain and imposed itself on the conquerors. It had already lived through the Roman invasion of Britain, and the temporary introduction of Latin civilization and cookery in that' island. It is unfortunate that ahistorian like the late John Richard Green, who vyrites so tfascinatingly of the life and customs of the people, has not attempted to give us a sympathetic description of an ancient British, Gaelic or Irish pie. When, in their turn the Anglo-Saxons were conquered by the Normaus, pie did not succumb. Gallieized methods of cook- ing, in which pie does not appear to have figured, prevailed among the'ruling classes, but pie lived on in the homes of the peo- ple. It was solidly established there, and gradually it fought its way into an impor- tant position in the domestic economy of all classes, from which it has never beet' dislodged. Mince pie, in various forms, is one of 1 he most characteristic feature, of old F oglish cookery, The pie, as it has developed in Canada i. 0 flat, circular thing, with a sodden under- c•rust_ This forst is scarcely known in England. There the fruit or meat is put in a deep dish and the crust spread over the top. An English cook -book of the eighteenth century contains the following recipe for something not very differentfrom a roiuce pie: ``To slake a ]tunher pye'--'Take it pound and a half of veal, parboil it, and W11(.11 'US curl chop itvery small, with Iwo pounds of beef suet 41)1(1 some candied orange peel, some swe0t herbs, 41, thyme, sweet marjoram told an handful of spin age. Mince the herbs s nLll', • bf e e1 yol put u t them to the other. `u chop all togcihty, and a pippin or two, then add a handful or two of grated bread, a po011d :ilia 0 half of currants, washed tout dried: some cloves, mete, nutmeg, a little salt, sugar and sack, and put to all these as many yolks of raw egg, mai whites of two as'wil' make it 0 moist, forc'd moat. Work it with your (lauds into a body and snake it into ball; as big as a turkey's egg: then having your coffin 0lade put in your halls. 'fake the mar- row out of three or tom hones as whnle as you can; let your marrow lie a little in water to take out the blood and splinters; then dry it and (lip it in yolk of eggs; season it with a little salt, nut meg, grated, and grated bread, lay it „n end between your forc•d meat Balls, and over that sliced citron, candied orange and 4e11100, erynstu roots, preserved barberrie.e: then lay on sliced lemon and thin slices of butter over all; then lid your pye and hake it, and when 'tis drawn have in readiness a caudle. made of white wine and sugar and thick- ened with butter and eggs, and pour it hot into your pye." 'This is indeed a pie wherewith to feed a stalwart, conquering race. 'l'he remark about "having your coffin made" has a Peculiar significance1lfcan te in these degenerate days. Not ouly has; the pie acquired a national shape in Canada, but materials are used in it which England does not possess- Squash pie, pumpkin pie and custard pie are all our inventioy8. In England they only eat mince pie at Christmas, and not three times a day all the year round. Near and Tear on Railways. Taking the length of the permanent railways on the surface of the globe at nearly 60,000 geographical miles, with a daily average of ten trains, it is estimated that the total loss suffered by wear and tear each day by the metallic rails of the earth is about 600 tons. The 600 tons are lost in the forts of a white powder, and are carried hack into the earth in the 'shape of soluble iron salts. Consumption. The incessant wasting of a con- sumptive can only be overcome by a powerful concentrated nourish- ment like Scott's Emulsion. If this wasting is checked and the system is supplied with strength to combat the disease there is hope of recovery. Scott's Emulsion of Cod-liver Oil, with Ilypophos- phites, does more to cure Con- sumption than any other known remedy. • It is for all Affections of Throat and Lungs, Coughs, Colds, Bron- chitis and Wasting. ParrrIshletfret. Scott & Bovine, Belleville. All Druggists. 60c. & Si. Doctor What is -good for cleansig the Scalp and Hair, (seem to have tried overytht g and am in despair Why Mrs R. the very fiestthil4is PALMO TAR SOAP iris splendid for Washi, file head itpreventsdryne55 thus puts an end to Dandruff and Dreg 5 the hair nicely. • 25. ORA URGE AB4.ET 1 - A terir1813 Cave, They have a mammoth cave In Turkey which takes all the brag out of Kentucky. It is near Selefkeh. Aad where is Selef- keh? Well, it is near that part of the Turkish coast which is just exactly north of the Island of Cypress. One of the natives went In with a party and roamed around for five days, and when ho Oante Out he said he had tramped fully twenty - live miles until he came to a large lake with great cliff$ rising up in it. Having no boat he had to turn back. Of course, be was a Turk, and perhaps we should be a little careful about accepting his idea of distance too literally; still it is probable that the exit of the cave is at Cape Lisau el Kabeh, fifteen miles eastward of Selefkeh, right on the sea, where the vpaves dash in the mouth with a rush and tt roar, which has given the place the name of "The Roaring Hole," If one stands at the en- trance at Selefkeh, he can hear a dull, booming roar, which is in all probability the waves at Cape Listiu el Kabeh, rush- ing into the Roaring, Hole. -St. Louis Republica Th bye -election to fi1l the vacancy io Hnldimand, caused by the unseating o" Ali. Senn, will he held on March 10. CURE CTHITH AT ©UGH W SHILOH'S 96ots., CURE 50 ate. and $1.00 Bottle. One cent a dose. TAKE THE BEST It is sold on a guarantee by all druggists. It aures Incipient Consumption and le the best Cough and Croup Cure. UO•l'Tt ) I. EN 1•;, 4 0771 AR 9 Li,i9,1 i ii a Find fault with the cook if the pastry docs not exav:tly't suit you. Nor with your wife either-perLhaps she is nJ to lr . .s' • r $14 fl, It may he the lard she is using for shortening. Lard .✓� isindigestil,l'you know. But if you would always have •4 YtURC Cakes, pies, ro 1.i, and bread palatable a:td perfectly di- " gcctible, order the new short- ' ening"COTTOL ENF.,- for your . 4.. t.. \I t 19 RY�}} =5 l.., ice• Sold in •; end 5 pound pails, by all grocers. Mode only by -� ' THE r'J N. I;.. FAIRBANK COMPANY, f;, wellington act: Ann 4119, Sts., Montreal. 43. tfr ' WVAM ittleirrr►'i4et',f 1 STARKS POWDERS Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia in 20 MINUTES, al,o Coated Tonne Dizri- ness, llienu•ness, rain in the Slde, l;onsdpation, Torp.d Liver, h •di i nreath, to soy cured also echo :, 10 the b„„•'s. VERY NIDE 70 TAKE. • Pr'Ior ",7 CEs-,9 sr nvuo 4.rORr-3, 1 CURE FITS! Valuable treatise and bottle of medicine sent Free to any Sufferer. Oise Express and Post Oa'ce address. n. a. ROOT, M.C. 185 West Adelaide Street, Toronto, Ont. J4 C, STEVENSON, -THE LEADING— UNDERTAKER —AND - EMBALMER. A FULL LINE OF GOODS KEP iv STOCK Cho lestEmhalminir t luidused SpiN1111iIi ('Vf' t. I4Ul'i It'1' C 1', t,'1 It 'r'si,lelil •r'• „1'I fL 4' IF THEE Y IN THE 00/1 TOOK SICK WHAT WOULD 11E DO? JUST SPEND HIS FOUR QUARTERS FOR. A BOTTLE OF BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS AS ALL SENSIBLE PEOPLE DO ;. BECAUSE IT CURES DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, BILIOUSNESS, BAD BLOOD, AND ALA, DISEASES OF THE STOMACH, LIVED, KIDNEYS AND BOWELS. Pure Quills Make a better filling for Corsets than any other known material. lice c� G Redoc l'. � ,f p � c nes Regular price $1.00 Reduced price 65 ants - Regular price 76cts Best C,tlnaliian foal Oil only 10c per gallon, No second grade kept in stock. � atllg,\erSt,1151le 'HARLAND Boos C.ld Stand kay'11)ck • Brick Block nu CASH YS HING — THE ONLY I•i' TO DATE GROCERY IN TOWN IS The CASH GROCERY Tell us your wants and we will do the rest, if your wants refer to groceries. SATISFACTION a• Is what we aim to give our customers. 111141 d,y careful attention to their wants, wehope to secure and merit a putt 14,11 of the public patronage for the coining yea' . Bargain Day Prices, Our Every day Prices Every day Bargain Day with us. Sole Agents for the celebrated MONSOON TEA. Farm produce taken as cash. -Telephone No. 23. OGLE COOPER & CO. Cash Grocery . 1 door North of News -Record. Pncea for Hard Times ! We have opened out this . • : week a new stock of . Ready Made Clothing . Of fine work and material and astonishingly low prices, a few of which we quote: - Child's Suits from $2.25 up. Youth's Suits from $4 up. Men's Snits $4.75. Boys' Pante 75c. and up. Men's Vests, grand value, only 41. Men's Pants $2.50 and up. Groceries We have had quite a run for Raisins the past week, but can hold out a while on them yet. We are sorry that the 32 Ibe of Sugar for $1 did not show up, but we are in hopes of getting it yet, and in the mean time will give 30 lbs of another that is wcrth more money. If you want a really good Syrup, try ours at 4 cents per Ib. We will give you as good value for your money as it is possible. ('lease give us a trial order and be convinced. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, LOND�ES130RO R. ADAM i A 4.1. Sas'h, 1)oor & B!illd Factory 1 (Th /Flu -f 0 -vite_ °? - r , 'L alp T :v/1;�. • 11 Illll 11,,el,i 111 f alit OW V, ,�Mltm_,, ., ....,irrr,.r,,mcs, :: •S. S. COOPER Proprietor arra ar▪ m •y OPP W▪ OO sty e a e e Owing to my increasing hnsiness, I am building an extensive addition to my premises, and also putting in one of the latest improved Patent Dry Kilns, and will then he in a better position than ever to fill all orders entrusted to me. We prepare i, 8.0,i ar.d estimates for all kinds of residences, and execute contraote for the Flume on short net ice, and in a workmanlike manner. We manufacture to or Cr son also easy in emelt all kinds f Window Sash, Door Frames, needs, firm ber, Lstll, &c. Persons who luted to build will find it to their own Interest to see me b fore sodoing. `') .J. PE I', C 1 i i t fL 4' IF THEE Y IN THE 00/1 TOOK SICK WHAT WOULD 11E DO? JUST SPEND HIS FOUR QUARTERS FOR. A BOTTLE OF BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS AS ALL SENSIBLE PEOPLE DO ;. BECAUSE IT CURES DYSPEPSIA, CONSTIPATION, BILIOUSNESS, BAD BLOOD, AND ALA, DISEASES OF THE STOMACH, LIVED, KIDNEYS AND BOWELS. Pure Quills Make a better filling for Corsets than any other known material. lice c� G Redoc l'. � ,f p � c nes Regular price $1.00 Reduced price 65 ants - Regular price 76cts Best C,tlnaliian foal Oil only 10c per gallon, No second grade kept in stock. � atllg,\erSt,1151le 'HARLAND Boos C.ld Stand kay'11)ck • Brick Block nu CASH YS HING — THE ONLY I•i' TO DATE GROCERY IN TOWN IS The CASH GROCERY Tell us your wants and we will do the rest, if your wants refer to groceries. SATISFACTION a• Is what we aim to give our customers. 111141 d,y careful attention to their wants, wehope to secure and merit a putt 14,11 of the public patronage for the coining yea' . Bargain Day Prices, Our Every day Prices Every day Bargain Day with us. Sole Agents for the celebrated MONSOON TEA. Farm produce taken as cash. -Telephone No. 23. OGLE COOPER & CO. Cash Grocery . 1 door North of News -Record. Pncea for Hard Times ! We have opened out this . • : week a new stock of . Ready Made Clothing . Of fine work and material and astonishingly low prices, a few of which we quote: - Child's Suits from $2.25 up. Youth's Suits from $4 up. Men's Snits $4.75. Boys' Pante 75c. and up. Men's Vests, grand value, only 41. Men's Pants $2.50 and up. Groceries We have had quite a run for Raisins the past week, but can hold out a while on them yet. We are sorry that the 32 Ibe of Sugar for $1 did not show up, but we are in hopes of getting it yet, and in the mean time will give 30 lbs of another that is wcrth more money. If you want a really good Syrup, try ours at 4 cents per Ib. We will give you as good value for your money as it is possible. ('lease give us a trial order and be convinced. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, LOND�ES130RO R. ADAM i A 4.1. Sas'h, 1)oor & B!illd Factory 1 (Th /Flu -f 0 -vite_ °? - r , 'L alp T :v/1;�. • 11 Illll 11,,el,i 111 f alit OW V, ,�Mltm_,, ., ....,irrr,.r,,mcs, :: •S. S. COOPER Proprietor arra ar▪ m •y OPP W▪ OO sty e a e e Owing to my increasing hnsiness, I am building an extensive addition to my premises, and also putting in one of the latest improved Patent Dry Kilns, and will then he in a better position than ever to fill all orders entrusted to me. We prepare i, 8.0,i ar.d estimates for all kinds of residences, and execute contraote for the Flume on short net ice, and in a workmanlike manner. We manufacture to or Cr son also easy in emelt all kinds f Window Sash, Door Frames, needs, firm ber, Lstll, &c. Persons who luted to build will find it to their own Interest to see me b fore sodoing. `') .J. PE I', C 1 i i t