HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-03-08, Page 5,:ir -ti.'i'ry r`R► r 7r" t" T" rr 4..,. , tr , - rrwrwf .,1, ir THE CLINTON NEW ERA Marclb 8,189 Watch Ropairin haye just engaged a first-class Watchmaker and Engraver and all work will have prompt attention, andliwill be guaranteed. If your have any engraving to do we will do it for yon in first-class style. Remember we do it in our shop and don't send it away. J. B. RUMBALL Watchmaker, Jeweler, &c., TelephoneExchange HOUSEKEEPERS! If you want the best value for your money. If you want an article that wit never disappoint you. If you want thoroughly good and healthful Baking Powder, Flavoring Extracts, and Fresh Spices, which are Strongest and Best, go to J. E. HOVEY'S, Dispensing Chemist. Clinton Originators of Low Prices Corner Huron and Albert Streets ..ACES Will be in most unusual demand this season, and their ecaroity is a foregone conclusion as the season advances. We have prepared the largest range of Laces we have ever shown, and are showing the latest creations of the French, German, Swiss and English maker. 'Our list comprises the following makes Chantilly's, Bruxelle's Applique, Bourdons, Planeu, Vandyke, Broderie, Point de Venise, Point de Irlandes', Point de' Paris, Valincennes, Real - Torchons, Sevillas. Also Insertions to match above. You will find this store right4n the front rank as regard variety, style and price, and would, strongly impress upon l allies seeing here before they think of doing any buyin.a. GIL.flOY Bcdar �7'LS�IV.IA�11T_ Not Yet Decided! We have not yet decided to adopt the Strictly Cash System but we have decided to sell as Cheap for Cash as any house in the trade, and at the same time give credit to responsible parties. Note our Cash prices 26 lbs. Granulated Sugar 28 lbs. Cream Coffee Sugar SO lbs. Good offee Sugar For $ 1 In Black TEAS we have the Dalu Kola Blend at 50cts a pound, and the Solaria Package at 40o., ,lest value in town. In Japans at 25 and 35 cents we beat them all. In fact no matter what you need in our line, we guarantee to giye as good quality, and as low prices as can be got anywhere. Canned Goode of all kinds. Soaps in great variety. Hams, Bacon, Lard, Cottolene always in stock. Crockery and Glassware away down. Give us a call and see what we can do for you. 11Z.CMITURR4Y & WILTSE, Wampole's TastelessCod LiverOil I NearPostOflice—CENTRAL GROCERY—Telephone 40 Lofoten Cod Liver Oil. Stearns Wine of Cod Liver Oil. We handle these goods in large quantities. Buy from us. Our 25e Hair Brush is a good Iron Blood Pills, 5 boxes for 51. The seller, See them. most largely used pill in this section. JAMES H. COMBE CHEIVIIST and DRUGGIST, PHYSICIANS .sUPPLIE44, ETC. NEIN CO We are placing in stock many lines of new spring goods. Cottons, Shirtings, Flannelettes, Prints, Dress Goods and Small Wares. V4 e have this week placed in stock a large amount:of Ready : OLOTHI C� Which for style, quality and cheapness, we have never been able to equal before. See it before buying. You will be surprised and pleased when you get our prices. THE TAILORING business is opening up; our styles and prices are sure to take. THE DRESS and MANTLE MAKING DEP'T is booming, orders coming in faster than they can be filled. "Good Goods and Low Prices:' PLUMSTBEL GIBBING 1] ry Goods, ouse Furnishings, &c.; 1r..f LINT ON. NEWS NOTKS I CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon Thursday, March 7, 1895. Dr. Clarkson Freeman, ex -Mayor of Milton, died suddenly on Saturday night, after retiring in apparently good health. Thomas Brown, aged 69 years, a prison- er in the Montreal jail, on a serious charge preferred by his daughter, committed sui- cide by cutting hie throat with a razor. Mr Wellington Parliament, a respectable farmer, whose house was near Consecon, shot himself dead on Sunday morning. Ill-kealth is supposed to have unbalanced his mind. Writing from Calgary a former Clinton- ian'says:—"The elections are ")t hand I see, and we in the North West Territory are very seriously thanking of sending a mem- ber this time who will oppose the present government. There is a 'strong feeling here that a change of government will be beneficial to the country. Mr F. Oliver will be the nominee for the Patron and Liberal convention; and I am safe I think in making the prediction that he will be the next member for Alberta. At half -past twelve Sunday morning fire broke out in the fine new seven•Etory were - house of Robt. Simpson, on the corner of Yonge and Queen streets, Toronto, and spread with amazing rapidity, until the whole place was destroyed. The flames leaped across the street and set fire to Jamieson's clothing store, entirely destroy- ing it and the dry goo's premises of Sutcliffe & Co. Several other buildings were also seriously damaged, and the fine tower of Knox church totally destroyed, Eaton's big store narrowly escaped de- struction. The total lose is estimated at $750,000. At Valleyfield, Que., Friday night, a young Irishman named Bertie Shortie en- tered the office of the Montreal Cotton Company,where Mr John Lowe, assisted by two of he office clerks, Loy ar.d Wilson was making np the pay. After getting possession of Mr Lowe's revolver, Shortie shot and wounded Wilson; fired a bullet in- to Loy's heart, and shot at Mr Lowe, who ran into the vault with the Dash, about $12,000. The desperate criminal then turned his revolyer on Watchman Lebeouf and killed him. The details of Bhortis' bunt for poor, wounded Wilson, who had crawled away, and his cunning attempt to lure Mr Lowe out of the vault, make up a story of crime seldom equalled in ferocity. Robbery appears to have been the motive. He was subsequently arrested. BORN ('I•RRiE.-in East %t"awana-h, on Feb. 211h. the wife of 14r John Currie, of e -on. ELLIOTT.- In Er=t \Cawanosh, on Feb. 251h, (he wife of 7dr Irwin Elliot t. of a ,on. WHEELER. in Morris. on Fcb. 271h, the wife of 2lr John Wheeler of a sou. TOW \ SEN i). - En (1 elerieh town-bip, on Feb, 24111, the wife of '1r Albert Townsend, of n daughter. Eit14"IN. -in Bayfield. on the 1st inst , the wife of Mr H. W. Erwin. of a son. WALMSLEY. -in Bayfleld, on Feb 13t1, the wife of John Walmsley, of a son. Mal( AY. -in Tuckersmith on Feb. 22nd, the wife of Mr George McKay, of a son. MUSGROVE.--In Wingham. on Feb. 21st, the wife of Mr A. H. Musgrove of a son. MARRIED MARRS.-SHAW --At the:residence of the bride's father, Brussels, on the 6th Inst. by Rev. John (toss, Mr Marrs, i .D.S., Port Engin, to Miitnic F., second daughter of Mr John Shaw, of Brussels. BURGESS-THORNE.--At the residence of Mr Wm. Thorne, father of the bride, cn Feb. 27th by ltcv. Dr. Williams, Mr W.W. Burgess. to ,Diss Nettle H. Thorne, all of Mitchell, and sister of Mrs Chown, of Clinton. DIED. ' SCOTT. -in (Tinton, on the 5th inst., James Scott, youngest son of Mr James Scott, libra• rian, aged 37 years and 8 months. (Funeral to day at 2.30 p. m. FORD.- On 2n0 con., Millet t, on the 2nd Inst., John Ford, sr., aged 80 years. TUCKER.- in «'ingham, on Feb. 2,5th. Wnr. Tucker. aged 74 years and 2 months. ORA Y. -in Tnrnberry, on the 22nd Inst , Ben. Fenngest son of Mr Wm. (fray. aged 18 years and four monl hs, REiD.-Tn F.ast Wawanosh, on Feb 26th, ( . Roid, aged 68 years and 6 months. SHEPPE D. -Ln Colborne, on Feb. 26th, Jc• James., ton th son of Mr George Shepperd, agd 33 years an 6 months. Wheat, spring Wheat, fall Oats, Barley. Peas Floor per bal P irk Butter 88egeper doz Potatoes Hay, New and Old Sheeepskins No. 1 Trimmed Hides 056 a 058 056 a 058 031 a 032, 090a045 055 a060 350 a 35_0u 475 a5 W ..014a 016 0 14 e 0 16 030 a 035 603 a 600 025 a 030 400 a 425 Hides & Skins Wanted The HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid for Hides and Skins at the CLINTON TANNERY O. S. DOAN & SON, Clinton SALE REGISTER. Thursday, March 12th, at 1 .m., at Ingleside Farm, Seaforth, of high bred Short Horn and grade prize winning Cattle, Horses and Imple- ments. D. D. Wilson, proprietor; T. Brown and E. Bossonbery, auctioneers. SEED GRAIN FOR SALE 4,000 bushel. Choice Selected Seed Oats. four kinds. Also Peas and Barley, all clean, good samp'e. Can get, any kind of oats ordered. 1 ' ^y infor saes or exchange for any kind off desired. d in some Deese give six months' time if desired. Will have two oars Ensilage Seed Corn In good time for planting. It only coats 6 to 8 cents per acre to exchange your seed oats, and you get clean seed and larger yield per actg...- • W. G. PERRIN, Clinton. Noxon Steel Hoosier Drill. Combifed Dril & Broadcast Seeder, Siegle Dri1ls,Sinile Broadcast Seeders There may be other Drills! But there is only One Hoosier ! All others aro. back numbers? The proof is, there are more Hoosier Drills and Seeders in use in Canada today than "of all other kinds combined. No Purchaser Dissatisfied Yet ! Why should they be, when they have got THE BEST DRILL EVER MADE! WE GUARANTEE THIS. NOXON BROS" Mfg, C'1, Lt'd,• Ingersoll, Out T. T. COLEMAN, Seaforth, E. BOSSENBERRY, Zurich, Agents The Finest 11.d. PHOTOGRAPHS are taken b LI- H. FOSTER 11, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE For sale a well situated house and Lot on James St. Clinton. House is frame and has every accomodation for ordinary faintly; lot one• quarter of an acre; hard and soft water. Will be sold on any reasonable terms. Apply to MRS KITT, Huron St. C,inton. Thoro-bred Durham Bull for Sale. A thoroughbred Durban. Bull, ged 1 year; he is a first-class animal with a splendid pedi- gree, color -red; will he sold cheap. His mother has won six first prizes out 1 six entries. JAMES TABIC, Auburn Ont. "4i BULLS FOR SALE. Po, sale, at lot 22, con. 11, Mullett, two Thoro- bred ilurhanr hulls, dark roan.; wood pedigrees, and will be sold chomp,' One I1 months and tl.e other I5 months old, dam Wimples. ROBERT SCOTT, Loud( ,bolo P.O. "41 HOUSE AND LOT FOR $225. A frame Cottage with five room= and pantry and summer kitchen attached. 81tuat d near centre of the town of Clinton. Convenient for t retired farmer or a working man with small family. A special chance that will rot last Apply to T. M. ('ARLING, or QCEFINS HOTEL FOUR SHORTHORN BULLS FOR SALE. I haye for Rale four good young Bulb; and some young He iters of Oood quality and of the most a• proved brooding. Show animals a specialty. Prices to suit the times. All the Shcrthorns are from good Milking attains. iAS. SNELL. Bayne -Barton Farm, Hullett, Clinton P. 0. JERSEY BULL. SIONAi. CURTIS, BRED BY MRs F. M. Jot Rs OHMIC,' MLR ONT. This high bred registered A. J. C. C. But: for service at Hillside Stock Farm, London Road• one mile from Clinton. Tested butter records of some cows closely related to tb.s bull. Bertha Black 231bs. 10 OZ. in a week. Croton Maid, 211ba II oz. to a week. Mies Satanalla, 201be. 6 oz. In a week. Terms -Thorobreds 84, Oradea, 8160, with the privilege of returning g l neo EEly. H. TENDERS WANTED TENDERS FOR BARN. -Sealed tenders wirl he received by the undersigned (merited tender) up to the 15th day of March, A. I). 1895, for the erection of a bank harp oe the Ifrdustrlal Farm, of the County of Huron (one mile South of Clin ton.) Plans and specifications Ban bo seen at Mr Alex 6leMurohie'e Office, Clinton,rom now up to March 15, and at T. H. Mo(lalium's, Reeve of Exeter, from now up to Mar n 8th, and at the Queen's Hotel Wingham, from the 9th of March to the 15th. 'llbe lowest or an render not noes sarily seoopted. HENS EILBER, Ohairma t of Building 0 •, Crediton P.O. ood Investment 100 per cent. Interest for your Money ... . That's what you'll make by buying any of cur BOYS' OVERCOATS, or one of our Fine Melton or Worstad MEN'S OVERCOATS. WE'VE LITERALLY HALVED PRICES .. On every Boys Overcoat, and every Melton, Beaver and Wors- ted Overcoat in the stock. We have been obliged to resort to this tremendous sacrifice to ensure otlr entire clearance of the balance of this stock. The goods are bought from the best makers. taut, style, trimming and workmanship is first- class. This is an opportunity you may never have again. Will you take advantage of it SPECIAL DRIVE—Can you wear 'a size 3 Boot ? if so, , you are in luck. We offer 40 pairs Buttoned and Laced, worth from $1 to $ 1.50, all at one price 50e a pair. The presentation of ('rayon Portraits and Oil Paintings will he disc(stlf rived ort Monday, March 18th. A satisfactory settlement will he made with customerej„ holding cards that ale not complete at that date, L. OUI1flETTE, CASH DEALER, LONDESBORO r ....'