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Clinton New Era, 1895-03-08, Page 1
L1NTO s ROBERT HOLMES, Editor and teropristor We opened some new shapes in Collars last week that are Correct in Style and Good They are . . . "The Essex" A turndown roll Collar. Value. "The Viking A turndownCollar with long points "The Carmel" A standup Collar of medium height with roll corners. The Ha Ha" A standup collar with open front, very comfortable for short necked men. CLINTON, ONT., MARCH 8, • 1895. $1 year in advance, $1.50 when Ino, so paid "M1aaaa. AROUND THE EUS• What wide-awake and reliable correspondents find worthy of recording for publication Blyth HOTEL CHANGE.—Mr John Kelly, sr., has rented his hotel to Mr W. Mc- Caughey, formerly of Mullett. BRICK.—Messrs Wettlaufer & Wil- ford, of the brick yard, who had a successful season last year, expect a similar turn over this one. FARM RENTED.—The farm of the late Frances Wright, we understand, has been rented to a Mr James, who takes possession at once. We believe that Mrs Wright will take up her resi- dence in the village. HovsE BOUGHT.—Mr C. C. Howe, late deputy -reeve of Morris, has bought from the executors of the Tanner estate, the house lately occupied by Hallett DEATH•—This township lost one of its pioneers on Saturday, by the death of Mr John Ford. of the 2nd con.. who had reached the age of 80 yeaarsi De, ceased settled here over 50 years and has ever since remained a resident of the township; he was a quiet, unob- trusive man, and leaves a wife, two sons cn the farm, two residing in Clin- ton, and one daughter. Politically he was a Conservative; and an adherent of the Episcopal church. S. S. No. 2.—The following is the re- port bf S. S. No. 2, Hullett, for the rnonth of February. The names are iven in the order of merit, and are All sizes in The Rival, the best selling Collar we ever bad. All made with four ply linen and perfect fitting. CASH AND ONE PRICE based on diligence and conduct: -4th Mr Tanner, paying therefore the sum Sr.—John Snell, 4th Jr—Rosy Walker. of $1300. He has secured a handsome Ella Tyndall,Wealey Shobbrook, Eliza- residence aat a low piece. beth Churchill, Annie Noble. 3rd Sr, STOLEN GGODS. —A G.T.R. detective Lena King, Archie East. Brown, was in town on Friday and Saturday Lena Pope, Jennie East. 3rd Jr — of last week, lookingup some stolen Jennie Churchill,DoreathaSnell, Geo.Snell, Ida Murphy, freight supposed to ave been lost or Jennie ,Je Rich. Brown, Henry stolen from a car at the station here, ill, Walter, Jeremiah Noble, Jno. Church some time previous, the seal of which ill, Hattie Bulien, Maud Porter, Eva was broken. So far his efforts have Noble, 2nd Sr.—Eva grown, Percy been unsuccessful in locating it. East. 2nd Jr.—Randy Churchill, S. _ of East, Thos. East,Wm. Brimfield. 1st. LhC�HEE CHEESE FACTORY. have —Thea peopleed the Geo. Bayley, John Brimfield. erection of vicinity cheese factory by a com- S. S. No. 4.—The following is the re an incorporated for the arcose. port for S. S. No. 4, for the month of They have Purchased a site from Mr February, based on the conduct, resit - Marshall, East Wawanosh, about 1 ]silty and diligence of the pupils:— miles north. and receive? tenders for Sr. IV.—A. Scaes, M. Sundercock, F. the building up to Saturday, the 9th. Hunter. Jr, IV.—R, Weymouth, J. DIVIDEND. — We understand that Reid, B. Medd. Sr. III.—E. Stewart, L. Scales, T. Reid. Jr. IIL—C. Stew- will ho tuly decl tors �fethet, DIa first VI Estate art, S. Reid, E. Hunter. II—W, Sun- and TI.—Ldend of k, E. Sanders, ,.. evcher.V. evt when5 per cthe'assets ale realized increase upon. It IL. Cartwright, C. comes rest hard on a good many ens. Part 1.quh . R. C. A. Liver- ed le here, who labored and econo• more, W. Farquhar. R. C. RIlHARIr niized to save up a few dollars, to find sox, Teacher. it all swept away by the failure of the S. S. No. 5.—The following is the late firm. standing of the pupils in S. S. No, 5, F.NTI:R'rAtNEn.—The members of the for February. The report is based on Christian Endeavor society ere the the diligence, derneanorand attendance Auburn Presbyterian cocietyerethe of the pupils :-5th class --Jas. Thornp crests of the young people of St. An- son, Arthur Smith, Joseph Carter. Sr. 4th — Harry Jackson, Charlie Way- drews here, on Tuesday night, each mouth, Thos. Manning. Jr. 4th—Lily society contributing to the program, McCool, J. McCaughey, Jessie Thom making a very successful and pprofit- son. Sr. 3i—Wesley Vodden, Chas. able evening. After which, ,;store Tyner, Geo.Webb. Jr. 3rd—Humph- leaving for home, the vi etot s were re - Lee. galed with light retieshments. -ley Snell, Willie Nott, Wesley Sr. 2nd—Alpert Radford, Maggie MC- MONTHLY HORSE FAIR.—The month - Cool, Thos. Lee. Jr.2nd—Jos.Vodden, ly horse fair, .on Tuesday, ,was fairly Wendell Jackson, Sarah Radford. Pt. well attended, and • several horses 11.—Mabel Vodden, Martha Crawford. changed hands. The buyers present Part 1—John Vodden, James McCool, were Messrs McMann, Se,Lforth; Pol- Albert Vodden. J.H.LoWERY,Teacher ley, Goderich, ,and Wallis, Clinton. The horses offered were not in as good S. S. No. 8.—The following are ar- a condition as they might have been, and buyers were a little indifferent. The :tit Rocn; CLINTON Stanley DEATH —Mr• Geo. Spaoresi- t theldest and most highlyrespected is of the Bronson line, died at his Holtnesville. CONTRACT.—From a large number of tenders for the building of the cheese factory, the executive committee have awarded the contract to Mr McKenzie, of Clinton, who wtll begin operations very soon. ROYAL TEMPLARs.—The membersh ip of the council has increased materially since the work of the Crusaders. The debate last Tuesday. "Resolved that ladies are equal in mental ability to gentlemen," resulted• in a tie. The Crusaders went on Friday to Bayfield, then to Goderich, where they are spending this week. ACCIDENT.—One day last week Mr T. C. Pickard met with an accident which might have proved fatal. While driving a load of hay out of the barn, he lost his balance, when the sleigh began to ascend a large snow bank, and fell on his forehead behind the load. Beyond a few cuts and bruises and a sprained hand, nothing serious resulted. MISSIONARY.—Rev H. Irvine preach- ed here on Sunday morning on home missions, taking as his text, Acts 1, 8, proving clearly why the church should support, our hone work. Rev W. W. Baer preached in the evening from Isaiah 55, 10-11. Both were admirable sermons and well rendered. Rev E.A. Fear took Mr Irvine's work in Goderich and Zion on Sunday. aeuranged acrording to standing for the residence 'on Wednesday evening, of rnonth of February. The standing is heart failure. He was between 65 and bayed on , attendance, general profici- 7ayears of age, and leaves a wife and envy and behavior: -5th class—Maud large Presbyterian A Liberal hod member Fair, Lou Ouimelte. 4th class—Edith of the Presbyterian church. Fair, Olvettie Brigham, Nellie Lyon, S.S.• No. .3.—The report of S. S. No. 2 Rose Riley, Lydia Shohbreok, Alice for the month of Feb:—IV class, F. Mountain, Edgar Mogridge,—(Wilfred sr., A. Rich R. Reid, W. Mcllveen; IM. Crisp, Bernice Moon), Ada Brigham, P., o Richardson,toScotchmere, M. Willie Day, Carrie Crawford, John Pollock; III, jr.,Stella Rathwell, LE. M Proctor, Vincent McCon- • Reid, G. Saunderson; II, sr., I. Reid, L. Richardson, L.Beid; II, jr.. J. Pollock, H. Reynolds, W. Peck; II, sr. part, E. Peck, E Burnside, C. Parker; II, r. part, P,Tippett, G. Reid; I, sr. part, 'E. Burnside, L. Peck; I, jr. part, T. Burn- side, 5.•Bates, E. Spikeman. NOTES.—Mrs' E. Rathwell, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs (Dr) Dia- mond, in Mich., returned home on Sa- turday last. Miss Georgena Johnson, who -has been on the sick list, is better again. We are glad to hear that Master Oliver Mcllveen is improving. Miss Sarah Fee, Goshen line, is visiting friends in Bayfield and the vicinity. Messrs Dan. Campbell and John Baird have been visiting in Bruce co. the past week. Mr James Mustard, of Chicago, has been visiting among his friends here for some time. Miss Ross, of Mich., who came over here with M -r James Aikenhead to spend some time here, has been very much indisposed for the last three weeks: she is at pre- sent with her cousin Mr Jas. Aiken - head; her father is also here with her. Rev: Mr Stewart, of Clinton, held a prayer meeting on the 2nd, at Mrs Mc- Gregor's, on Tuesday evening; there was a full attendance. Miss Sarah Dnnbar returned to her home in Ash- field, on Monday. Miss McKenzie, of Lucknow, is visiting at her aunts, Mrs Walter Moffatt. We are glad to learn that Mr Murray Gibson is now on the fair way to recovery. Sicx.—Mr John Marquis and wife are both confined to the house with a severe attack of grip. Al rn Murch is laid up with biliousness. The friends el' Mr E.G. Courtice will be glad to know that he is recovering, though slowly, from an attack of congestion of the lungs. Miss Ida Murch is not improving as rapidly as might be ex- pected. Ales Forster has been indis- posed for a few days, with a severe cold. Mrs J. L. Conrtice suffers from a severe cold. Mrs Goodrich is also in- disposed. MUNICIPAL:—Our municipal elections instead of heing settled in January, as they should have been, and -it is stated would have been, were it not for sev- eral blunders made, were finally set- tled on Monday. At the,nominations in January Mr McGee was chosen, but resigned; some of his friends asked Moan, Ina roc hirn to withdraw his resignation and nett, John Crawford, Chas. Watson, run, which he did, and was elected, Alice Laurence.3rd class — Ethel , notwithstanding the fact that his resig- nation once in was final. After he had taken his seat a protest was entered against him, and sooner than be un- seated, he resigned and offered for re- election. On Monday last he was re- nominated, as was also Mr W. Camp- bell; a public meeting was held and the candidates paid each other the usual election courtesies, when Mr Campbell withdrew, and Mr McGee was declared elected by acclarnmation. Barr, Howard Adams, Minnie Lyon, Earnest Adams, Maggie Nelson. NoTEs.--Mr E. Dawson. of Kincar- dine, brother of Mrs B. Tyrernan, has been lecturing in the cause of temper- ance in this vicinity. Miss Daisy Mc- Gregor, who has been visiting her sis- ter, Mrs A. Best, for some time, has returned home. Miss D. Spooner, of Clinton, has been visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs C. McGregor, of Kin - burn. Mr John Ball and family have moved into their brick house, which was erected last summer. Miss Cade, who has been visiting friends in Mor- ris for the past week, has returned home. Messrs W. Mills and J. Watt, of the boundary, spent an evening re- cently, the guests of the Misses Little of the 13th. Miss Bella Cummings, of Morris, is visiting friends and relatives in this neighborhood at present. Miss Jean Watt was visiting friends in Tuckersmith last week, Mr Doherty, of Clinton, has placed a handsome piano -cased organ in the home of Mr Wm. Knox. Mr Simon McVittie had another bee last week, and invited a few of his best friends. Mrs J. Lamont, of McGregor, Man., who has been vis- iting her friends in this vicinity, is about to return to her home in the west. Kippeu Much BETTER.—Mr Robt. Mellis, of this place, has returned from London, where he was under the treatment of Dr. McLellan, for cataract on the eye, and is now very much better. A FINE ANIMAL.—The Guelph Mer- cury says:—Mr Alex. Monteith, jr., of Ki pen, . has purchased through Mr Alfred Stone, Guelph, the extra fine young Hereford bull "Cherokee" (17188) E. H. B. He was one of the reserve bulls of the "Moreton Lodge" herd, and is a first class animal individually and as regards his breeding. Mi Mon- teith was induced to purchase a Here- ford from his experience in feeding halfhred Herefords alongside other breeds, he finding them to feed to bet- ter advantage. Goderich. NOTES—Rev. G. Richardson, Forest, preached educational sermons in North St. church, on Sunday, Rev. J Edge doing likewise in Mount Forest. The late Mrs Hutchinson, Mitchell, formerly Miss Medina Papist, of town, was brought here for burial, Tuesday; mine a large number of the friends of the family gathered at the station to show their sympathy with the aged fa- ther and husband. The Rifles family, temperance Crusaders. are holding forth in the temperance hall this week; they are excellent singers. Rev. E.A. Feel' preached in Victoria SL Church Mount Harlock. West Wawvanosh. NOTES.—Mr and Mrs John Ricking - bottom were visiting at Mrs Radclift's, of E+Lst Wawanosh, last week. Miss Ploughman has returned hone after a weeks sojourn at Mr Medd's. Mr and Mrs Washington spent aday last week calling on friends in Auburn. Miss M. Bruce was the guest of the Misses Mills, of Maitland Ridge, last week. Robert Salkeld and family spent Sunday last at the lady's parents. Andy Feagan disposed of another horse last week, realizing a handsome figure. Medd Bros: have been engaged grinding grain• and c.itting straw for W. H.Wi - son and J. M. Smith, of Saratoga. David McDonald, of Lucknow, was in this part last week looking up fat cat- tle. On Feb. 28th, A. Dunkeld disposed of his stock and implements by auc- tion, everything being sold at a good figure; John Knox, of Goderich, wield- ed the hammer. George Howitt has leased the farm of Mrs Knight for a second term. Wm. Wilson has rented bis 200 acre farm on the 5th to Mr Lours, fora tet m of years. Chas. Moss, cattle dealer, has bought the hundred acre farm which he had rented for the past five years, for $1,800. Large crowds attend the concerts given by the Kickapoo Indians, who have been in Auburn the past week. Miss Sarah Jones captured the prize offered by the Kickapoo doctor, for being the most handsome young lady in the audience on Saturday night. Three very pleas- ing events took place lately in this neighborhood, they being the weddings of Robert J. Rutledge to 'Hilda Nelson, of Hullett; Ezekiel Phillips, of White- church, to Nellie, youngest daughter of Robb. Medd; and Wm. Scrimgeour to Mina Windmill, of Auburn; we ex- tend our wannest congratulations to the young couples. Mrs Phelan, who has been in the asylum at London for the past fifteen years, died at that place on the 1st inst.; she was taken home for burial, and Norah and Mary, daughters of the deceased, were home fr,;rn Detroit and Philadelphia for the funeral. :AN EXPLANATION.-- Many of the residents of this community were per- plexed to know why the lecture an- nounced to be delivered by Rev W.W. Baer, on Monday evening, did not ina- terialize, and in cider that all may have a correct knowledge of the ob- struction, Mr Baer asks us to make chemicals ' n. A box of then 1 nate this e x a c� dstock and neces- saryp "'1ti o0 checked from'Woodstock, sary to the manufacture of the gas for the calcium light, did not arrive along with the other apparatus. It was a hitter disappointment tc Mr Baer, but as no chemicals could be obtained in town, had there been a thousand dol- lars involved, the enter tainment could not be given. NOTES.—Mr John Watt, sr., had the misfortune to have his arm broken, 'with a kick from a horse, one day last week. Mr Geo. Allen is still unable to be around. Mrs Slemmens, of Brus- sels,was visiting friends here last week. Mr Arch. Ried sold a horse last week for the sum of $100, while Mr J. Reid also disposed of one at, a good figure; the farmers are pleased to see a raise in horse flesh, as they have lately been presenting the buyers with good hoeets. SCHOOL REPORT.—The following re- ports the standing of the pupils in the school here for Feb., based on attend- ance, demeanor and progress:, 5th class —Edith Tebbutt, Eldred Yeo, Bertha Stanley. Sr. 4th—Samuel Cook, Tillie Colclough, Lenus Yeo.- Jr. 4th—Harry Evans, Will Tebbutt, John Walter. Sr. 3rd—Winnie Sl ardy, Minnie Evans, Willie Merrill. Jr. 3rd—John Mulhol- land, Lorne Fear, Thomas Cook. Sr. 2nd—Emma Colclough, Clarence Stur- dy, Lillie Colclough. Jr. 2nd—Luella Fear, HarveyMulholland, Lizzie Demp- sey. Sr. part II—Ira Merrill, Joseph Cook, Robert Colclpugh. Jr. part II— Mabel Pickard, Edith Mulholland, Myrtle Lavis. Owing to sickness the attendance for the month has been small, averaging 38.—J. W. McRo- NOTES.—Holy communion was ad- ministered in Trinity church on Sun- day morning. Mrs Curtis is at piesent visiting in Wingham, the guest of her sister, Mrs Gracey. P. 0. Inspector Hopkirk, Stratford, paid an official visit to town on Tuesday. Captain Scobell, of the Salvation Army, gave a lecture in the Temperance hall on Tuesday evening, on "The General's darkest England scheme;" it was not very well attended. Mr J. S. McKin- non, D.D.C.©.F., visited the lodge of that order in Bluevale, on Wednesday, in his official capacity. Mr and Mre F. W. Tanner returned from Watford, on Tuesday evening, where they have been visiting. The funeral of the late Wm. Tucker, for so many years a re- spected citizen of Blyth, passed through town on Thursday last on its way from Wingham, where he has lately resided, to the Union cemetery. A number from here drove over to Au- burn to attend the closing entertain- ment of the Kickapoos in that village on Monday night. Miss Annie Ham- ilton spent Sunday with her parents here. W. W. Sloan, Toronto, was a guest in town over Sunday. Mr Torr Rance spent Sunday at his home in Clinton. Mr C. Hamilton was in the county town on Monday. BERTS, Teacher. NOTES.—Through some means a mis- take occurred last week, "Rev Mr Murch ono wife" should have read Rev E. A. Fear and wife. Rev W. Ayers returned on Thursday last to Lucan, where he was to deliver one of his re- nowned lectures, the same evening. Miss Mand Pickard, of Porter's Hill, is visiting relatives in the village. Mr Robt. Andrews, of Pickering, has been visiting for a few days at A. J. Conr- tice's. A couple of the head pushers of the sleighing party to y;sit the Cru- saders, in Goderich, carried out their project on Wednesday night, taking their best girls with them. Edith and Will Tebbutt are the victims of very severe colds. The backbone of winter, we believe, is broken, and spring will he on the wing soon. By the way, when are we going to hear from "Myrtle Green" again ? Porter's Hill. NOTES. — Mr O. W. Potter's bee, which was to have taken place last week, but owing to the thaw took place on Monday, when seven loads of lumber was drawn to Clinton for the purpose of getting it kiln dried and dressed, and a large quantity of stone drawn to the site of building, not- withstanding the storm a good day's work was done and in the evening the boys and their sisters were treated to an n stereupper. Abound belonging to Mr Peter McDougall, was found dead in the creek near Porter's Hill last week. The indications in our school are towards progress, as a number of the scholars, during the last week, have been promoted to higher classes. Owing to the freshet of water the saw mill was not running for two days last. week. Miss Amy Cox, who has been away visiting friends in Goderich for some time, has returned home. Mr J. Woods was suddenly called away on Tuckersmith. 4111aa1111W, Bayfield. NOTES.—There was a large par ty at the house of Mr Jewett, on Tuesday evening; everyone seemed to enjoy himself and a very pleasant time was spent. Rev. Mr Stewart, of Kincar- dine, occupied the pulpit of St. An- drews' church last Sunday during the absence of Rev. Mr Davidson. Skat- ing has been excellent on the lake dur- ing the week, and numbers of the young people have indulged in this enjoyable recreation. Miss Mary Whiddon is home from Clinton. Miss Nell King and Miss Lill Elliott were visiting in Clinton this week. COUNCIL—Council met Monday even- ing, all the members present. Minutes of last meeting approved. It was de- cided that the applications for printing be laid over until next meeting. The following accounts were ordered to be paid:— G, H. Hewson, printing, $28; Hart & Riddell, stationery, $1.55. T. J. Marks, wood and oil, $3.68. The reeve was authorized to grant an order to J. Whiddon, treasurer, for $21.51, to re- fund to County .measurer, for back taxes on Janrieson's lots. Messrs Ed. Sweets and b Blair were appointed poundkeepers for 1895, and C. Parker, W. Harrison and W. King, fence -view- ers. Chas. Tippett was appointed Col- lector of taxes for the year. The reeve was instructed to grant an order to Mrs Sellars, of $5 per month, for board- ing Donald Ballentine. John Pollock was paid $2 per week for support of Robt. Nottley, from 1st of February to present time. Mrs Dunlop was paid t13 for scrubbing town hall and seats. Dr Sheppard was appointed medical health officer for the year. The constable was appointed truant officer. The clerk was instructed to advertise for tenders for the market scales, also for mount- ing the big gun, under the instructions of Capt. Jackson. TheCouncil decided to view the Gairdner property, with the view of buying road allowance,and in the meantime Mr. Gairdner's offer to be laid over until next meet ing of Council. John Day was paid $2, given to the municipality in error for use of hall at Sune election. Council adjourn- ed to meet again on Monday, April 1st, at 7 p.m. H. W. ERWIN, Clerk. NOTES.—Cutting feed and crushing grain seems to be the order ojnthe day in this neighborhood: We understand that Messrs S. McKenzie and J. Pat- terson intend going to the old land bI r McNaugh- ton, load of horses; tL1 O.L with car wi t a former resident of this neigh- borhood, goes on a like mission. Mr Charles Avery and family, late of Har- pur•hey, will return to the London road, and take up his residence on the old Aikenhead farm; he will assist in working the farm of Mr John Avery, his brother; we welcome Charlie back to this locality. Mr Thos. Moore of, the London road, is improving, though yet unable to be out. Mr Thos. Fowler bas leased his farm to Mr Geo. Layton, who takes possession this spring; Mr Fowler retains the house, where his family will reside; he will dispose of his form stock, etc., early next month. Mr Geo. Crich is getting the material ready to erect an implement shed next summer. Mr Roger Pepper is laid up withrip. Prior to the departure of Miss Edith Walters to her home, in Exeter, a number of invited guests spent a veryleasant evening at the residence of Mr W. Plewes, last Tues- day evening. Miss Mary Stanbury, of London Road, is visiting Mr Joseph Townsend this week. Owing to the snowy -weather last Sunday evening, a great number were hindered from corn- ing to the league, but a fair crowd was present and we had a good meeting; it was conducted by Newton Crich. Mr Frank Crich killed a beefer last week. Rumors are going around thatsggie of our young people are going to be unit- ed, but we think that it is not likely to happen yet for awhile, although we have visits from a neighboring town- ship pretty regular. Mr A. Dusto is visiting at Mr Abner Cosens. Mrs Cosens, sr., has returned from Buffalo, where she has been staying with her daughter, Mrs Day. Mr Sidney Jack- son, of Clinton, is visiting at Mrs E. Johns. The contract for the building of Proudfoot's school house,'west end, Tuckersmith, has been let to Welsh & Cudmore, Henall, for $850. Summerhill NOTES.—Mr Henry Woodyard has been engaged with Mr Geo. Hill for the summer. The Orange Lodge met on Monday night. The Messrs. Sanderson of Kintail, were visiting at Mr. C. Bea- com's last week. Miss ;Sophie Kitty, of Honghton,Mich•,is visiting her brother here. Mr H. McBrien had the, misfor- tune. a few clays ago, to get an ugly wound in the face, from the hcrn of a beast he was feeding this points in fa- vor of dehorning. Mr. Chas. Johnson got his foot, cut on Saturday, while working in the woods. At school one day last week Jonathan, the little son of Mr Thos. Mcllveen, while playing at coasting, had his hip -joint dislocated, and the services of a doctor were re- quired to replace it; he is doing as well as may he expected. last Sunday. The Epworth League of Monday to see a friend of hie w o it Victoria St. Church gave a delightful i was supposed was dying. Coasting, "at home" last Friday evening, to thehas a wonderful attraction for the young people of the congregation, and I young people around here. Mrs D. quite a number enjoyed their hospital. Cox !eft here for London on Wednes- ity. Spring assizes ops here Tnesday. day„ where she intends spending a few Frank Crabb retur o Lion's ead, days, on Tuesday. , a Varna. FRATERNAL—A number of the Bruce - field and' Varna Royal Templar•s paid a fraternal visit to the Kipp en Council last Monday, and spenta most enjoy- able njo}able evening. A prominent feature of these fraternal visits is the develop- ment of the social ;and mental elements NOTES—Mr and Mrs Torrance and Miss Grace, Zurich, were visiting old friends here on Saturday. Mrs—lames . Wanless, sr.,who has been visiting her daughter. Mrs. Haxlfy, Seaforth, re- turned home on Saturday. Miss H. Keys returned from Toronto, Thursday SoLn.—Mr Andrew Duncan, of this piece, merle a good sale of thorobra d Shropshiredowns. He took a car load to London last week, realizing a fancy figure for the same; he also sold a horse for $120, and refused $300 for his hand- some driver, Black Jack. Mr. Duncan is a hustler on good stock; considering the hard times these are good figures. Constance. NOTES—Rev. Mr. Fair is conducting revival services, and they are likely to continue fcr some time. Mr R.Squires of Manitoba, is visiting in the village. Misses Annie Millson and A. Hinchley have gone to Seaforth to learn dress- making. Mr. John Britton has pur- chased Mr JohnClark's farm; this gives him now 300 acres. Mr James Stanley has purchased the old MethodistChurch and will convert it into a dwelling. It is said that Mr. Cole will wind up the sawing this week, and intends moving his mill hack to Grey, where he has purchased some timber. Miss Regie Bell, of Londesboro, was the guest of Miss Lott a Cook, on Sunday. Ashfield. DEATH.—in Ashfield, on the 12th con., western division, on Feb. 27th, after a long and painful illness, borne with Christian resignation, Elizabeth, relict of the late Richard Brown, died at the age of 85 years and 6 months. Her remains were interred in Kincar- dine cemetery, there to await thegene- ral resurrection, - She was a person who was highly esteemed by those who had the pleasure of her acquain- tance. PRESENTATION.—A very pleasant and sociable time was spent by the young people of St. Johns church, Varna, on Wednesday evening last, at the residence of Mrs John McNaugh- ton. The object of the visit was to ac- knowledge the services of the organist, Miss Maud McNaughton, by present- ing her with a well-filled purse and highly complimentary address, as a slight token of recognition and esteem for her valuable assistance as organist and leader of the choir. After the presentation a sumptuous repast was provided by the ladies. It is needless to say that all did ample justice to the good things provided, The remainder of the evening was spent in music. The tamily will be much missed in the community, as they were very highly rhspected and ,esteeerned by all who had the pleasure of their acquaintance. wishing them prosperity in their new home at Clinton. Brucef}eld. LAW SUIT. —The law suit between Mrs Halliday, of Sarnia, who was in• jured by being thrown out of a vehicle near Mr Kitchen's last summer, will shortly take place in Sarnia. Dr. Mc- Tavish and a number of witnesses will attend the trial. It will prove an ex- pensive trial to either the Stanley council or Mrs Halliday. LECTURE.—On Tuesday evening last Rev. Mr Henderson, of Hensall, gave his lecture "Ramble through Wonder- land" in Union church, under the au- spices of the C. E. society. The let- ture was highly appreciated by all who had the pleasure to hear it. The mu- sic for the occasion was also unusually good. Mrs Hoover, of Clinton, gave two beautiful selections, there was al- so splendid duets rendered by Hensall ladies; Miss Annie Murdock, of Hen- sall, accompanied them upon the ore an. Walt erbnrn (Too lato'for last week.) NoT1S,--Kickspeos are all the rage in this little village, several of the young people going to Blyth to hear them, and getting caught in the last blizzard, had •to seek refuge on the boundary; never mind, boys and girls, try it aga.in,when you have the chance. Mr Robert, Roherton is engaged haul- ing slabs t.o Auburn. Mr R. Roberton has returned home from Galt, having had a, very rough journey. Mr George Raitliby has been hauling ice for the summer. Mr Robt. Morrison's horses I resent laid up with influenza, NOTES.—Mr Murray Gipson, who had a severe attack of inflammation of the bowels last week, ie slowly recov- ering. Miss Jennie McKenzie, of Lucknow, is visiting at the home of Mrs Baird. Mr D. lifcNaughton, of Varna, is holding an auction sate of dry goods in Dixon's hall; he meets but limited success in his sales. Mr Wm. McDonald visited this week at the home of his uncle near Kincardine. All the property belonging to the Ross Presbyterian church, including church, burial plot, and the place where u r Ross formerly resided, will he sold by auction nn the 8th of April. Mr Jas. Londesboro. PERSONAL.—The many friends of Mr John Phillips will regret to learn that, he is not improving very much. having been laid up all winter with rheumatism VETERINARIES.—The regular mee'.ing of the Huron Veterinary Association was held in Bell's Hall, Londesboro, on Tuesday. Quite a number of members were present. There was considerable discussion on various subjects of inter- est to the profession; the advancement of veterinary education being the chief topic. The following gentlemen were appointed to read essays at the next meeting in Wingham on July 24th:— J. Wilson, D. McIntosh, C. McGregor. tilled J. E. Blackall. are n with slight hopes for their recovery, as Mustard, of Chicago, is visiting at some of them are very low. Several home. Messrs McGregor and Hunter of the farmers are busy hauling logs to will ship horses 10 Scotland on Seism - the saw mill; business is rushing.— day next; Mr Hunter will take charge Several of our youngpeople attended of the caro. Miss Nevin has returned the convention held in Ar burn last from Edinburg, Dakota. The Blackaa week. Mr W Patterson rdturner in Knightwillletchurchurch; on rid he evening of his home' in Galt. Mrs John Martin, ( G of Blyth, called on a few of ctur citizens T. aveveningprocured his services for the last week. { Colborne NOTES—Miss CartiP Backe is visiting in Niagara. Mr Wesley Marquis, God- erich township, spent Sunday here.— The evangelists, Mr and Mrs Bedding - field, are holding special services in Zion church this week. Mr Hamill on. of the Benmiller hotel, put in a large quantity of ice last week, as did also a number of farmers. i Auburn. NOTES.—Mrs Rowed left, Monday ill, attend the millinery opening at Toron- to. Miss Susie Crawford, of Londes- boro, spent a few days here last, week. the guest of Miss Turrie Brown, We• understand the Good Tempters of this: town intend giving an open lodge con- cert, and lecture in about two weeks. Friday evening Rev. J. Edge. of Gode- rich, will deliver a lecture in the Meth- odist church entitled "A Night. with. McIntyre." Maitland Lodge No. 301 I. O.G.T. is prospering; some of our best citizens have joined during the past month and many more have put, in their applications for membership; there is a good program of musk!. readings, etc., at their meeting every Monday evening. Mrs C. A. Howson has purchased the millinery and fancy goods business ctrried on by Mre Young for the past fifteen years; Mrs. Howson takes possession of the premi- ses. immediately; Mr ..Yourlg•1ntendi moving into his new house on Icing St. as soon as it can be furnished. ,