HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-03-01, Page 5THE CLINTON NEW ER.A March 1, .895 Ronairii 1 1 1 I Kaye just engaged a First-class Watchmaker and Engraver and all work will Lave prompt attention, andAwill be guaranteed. If you have any engraving to do we will do it for you iu first-class style. Remember we do it in our shop and don't send it away. J, B. RUMBALL • Watchmaker. Jevieler, &c., TelephoneExchange HOUSEKEEPERS! If you never disappoint tyou. If you wanour t thorouou articlewant an w want the best gh y good and healthful it Baking Powder, Flavoring Extracts, and Fresh Spices, which are Strongest and Bests go to J. E. HOVEY'S. Dispensing Chemist. Clinton Special Value in Combs at ..� Allen & Wilson's Drug Store ,h• Having received a large import order of Combs, we are in a position to give special value in this line of goods. Our Leader is a Heavy Rubber Dressing Comb extra strong, which we are selling at 10e., usually sold at double the price. From that we have them up to 50c. Side Combs, Circular Combs, Dart Hair Pins, &e all to be sold at a profit, but with us that means a moderate one. We carry the best stook of Toilet Articles in town, and it will pay yon to remember us. ALLEN & WILSON'S I'REtCRIPTION DRUG' STORE, CLINTON. Art Materials, Sattionery, &o Wampole'sTasteleSsCOdLiverOil Lofoten Cod Liver Oil. Stearns Wine of Cod Liver Oil. Originators of Low Prices Corner Iluron and Albert Streets It is not what You Pay, But what it pays You 1 We are told almost every day that it pays people to visit this store, as here prices are found to be the lowest, and the store being crowded just now with New Spring Stuffs of almost every conceivable kind and color and weave, from the daintiest wash Fabrics, to the heavy and beautiful Priestley Dress Goods; all are there in great variety. Just in, the latest - novelties in GOLF CAPE materials, pretty stuff, and all the style, and our Mantle maker is now turning out some of the prettiest things in this line you have ever seen. We handle these goods in large quantities. Buy from us. Our 20c Hair Brush is a good I Iron odPPills, 5 boxes The seller. See them. most largely usedthis o on. JAMES H. COMBE CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, PHYSICIANS SUPPLIES, ETC. NEIL GOOD We are placing in stock many lines of new spring goods. Cottons, Shirtings, Flannelettes, Prints, Dress Goods and Small Wares. GIIJtOY Br WISE1VLAN_ A Successful Business and Shorthand School, Young men and women find a thorough Business or Shorthand course at the Can- ada Business College, Chatham, a sure avenue t� a good position. This schoolis wonderfully successful in securing good positions for graduates. Among many other graduates placed last fall,was Mr A. E.Yates, from Washington, Mich., who was sent to New York to fill the position of Stenographer with Col. H. H. Hadley Vice-Presid_nt and Director, Christian Men's Union, New York. In a letter received from the Colonel, who is an entire stranger to Mr McLachlan, dated Feb. 15th, be has this to say: Mr D. McLachlan, Principal, Canada Business College, Chatham, Ont. DEAR SIR:— Having had Mr A. E. Yates, a graduate of your College, with us as stenographer, type -writer, secretary and office manager for three months, it might please you to know that he gives perfect satisfaction, and if your college does its work as well in every case as in his, it :is one of the great- est blessings in the business community, or in fact, for any of the great army who need such men, that can be imagined. By reason of my acquaintance with him, thA Canada Business College stands very high in my estimation. . Trusting that its success may continue, and that you may be so fortunate as to se- cure such young men as s peater for your scholars, 1 am; You„en Henry H. Hadly, Vice -Pres, and Director 1�4 e have this week placed in stock a large amount:of Ready ; Made : OLOTAING NEWS NOTES OLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon Thursday, February 28, 1895. 056 a 0 58 0 58 Rey- Mr Lancely has been chose next pastor stor of Bridge Street Methodist Wheat, spring Ichurch, Belleville. wheat, fall Oats Thomas McBride, of Chatham, has been Barley. found guilty of conspiracy and defrauding peas the Metropolitan Life Assurance .;o., and Charles Davis has been arrested on a aim- iliar charge. A school teacher named Whittington, living with his brother near Moosomin, attempted to out off /his head with a car- penter's drawknife, but only partially sev- ered his neck, and will probably recover. Trade returns for Canada show a contin- ued falling off in exports and imports. The decline in imports is over $1,500,000. The duties declined $274,000 for the month. Baptiste Cornelius died in the County Such a testimonial from a man of Col. Hadleys' integrity and standing, speaks •volumes for the school. This institution has been doing a grand work for years, and is well deserving of the success which it is enjoying. Miss Clara Old, of the shorthand depart• ment has just been placed as stenographer and book-keeper with the "Calgary Herald'; the previous week &lies Alice Murdock as stenographer and assistant book-keeper with Wm. White & Co., lum- ber dealer, Boyne city, Mich. Such results speak for themselves regarding the work of the school. Which for style, quality and cheapness, we have never been able to equal before. See it before buying. You will be surprised and pleased when you get our prices. goal, London,' from consumption. Cor- nelius had been sentenced to two months imprisonment for selling liquor to Indians on his reserve. His pardon arrived just before he died. THE BAYFIELD FISIHERMEN. To the Editor of the New Era BATFIELD, Feb. 261895. DEAR Sin,—Allow me space in your pa- per to correct a mistake in an item in the Clinton News• Record of last week, which stated that Inspector Briggs passed through Clinton, after burning illegal nets belong- ing to the fishermen of Bayfield. Now, the editor of the News -Record knew better than that, for he knew that they were not illegal nets, and knew about their seizure befcre they were burned. In regard to the seizure of the nets: since license was first issued, one license did for Lake Huron, but the Minister of Marine and Fisheries issued new laws this year, and did not notify the Bayfield fishermen to that effect. We went up the lake this fall, unaware of the change in the law, then were pounced upon like a pack of wolves, and our nets and boats were/seized. Chief Overseer,Captain Dunn, told us at Bayfield, in the summer, that .those licenses were all right for fishing up the lake. When we were seized on we spent two dollars in wiring to Capt. Dunn; he made no reply, but told the Government we knew all about it, that's what the man did was to tell us it would be all right to go up the lake. When we came home, we sent a petition, and affidavit taken before Justice of the Peace, to Ottawa, stating our case, that we were not notified of the change in the law, still the Government refused to hear us, told the Inspector to burn our nets, and that these instructions were final. Inspector Briggs did not want to burn our nets, for he knew what an injustice be was inflicting on respectable citizens of Canada, but what better can we expect from a cor- rupt Government? I think if we were to go into the heart of India we would find better government for its citizens than in Christian Canada. It is a shame we can- not pick men out endowed with common sense to govern our country. Thanking you, Mr Editor, for space in your paper, I remain, yours truly,A FISHERS/AN. THE TAILORING business is opening up; our styles and prices are sure to take. THE DRESS and MANTLE MAKING DEP'T is booming, orders coming in faster than they can be filled. "Good Goods and Low Prices." PLIIMSTEEL & GIBBINGS, Dry Goods, House Furnishings, &c., CLINTON. .7„, i ..; nre.....:,, O 56 a O 29ja 0 31 U 40 a 0 45 050 a 055 Flour per bal 3 50 a 3 50 P-Jrk 500a500 Butter 0 14 a 0 16 Egg eper doz 0 14 a 0 16 Potatoes 0 30 a 0 35 Hay, New and Old 6 03 a 6 00 Sheeepskins 0 25 a 0 30 No. 1 Trimmed Hides 4 00 a 4 25 Hides & Skins Wanted The IIIGHEST CASH PRICE paid, for Hides and Skins at the CLINTON TANNERY O. S. DOAN & SON, Clinton MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS The East End market was a very poor•onec this morning, there being no demand whatever. Seven hundred cattle were on the market, but only 400 were sold. The price paid was 4ic per Ib livc weight. A prominent cattleman said—: 'Prado was completely demoralized. Butchers were making money, bat the drovers—well drovers were losing; from $50 to $75 a car. There were 00 sheep and lambs, and the ruling price was 31 per Ib live weight, and 60 calves, which realized from $2 to $10, according to size and quality. The receipts of the C. P. Ft. stock Nardi.; during the pant week were as follows:— Cattle, 423; sheep, 830; hogs, 83; calve. 4D; horses, lb. SEED GRAIN FOR SALE 4,000 bushels Choice Selected Seed Oats, four kinds. Also Peas and Barley, all clean, good sample- Can get, any kind of oats .ordered. 1 sell for cash or exchange for any kind of grain,and in some cases give six months' time if des lred. W ill have two cars Ensilage Seed Corn in good time for planting. It only costs 6 to 8 cents per acre to exchange your seed oats, and you get clean seed and largerield per acre. W. G. PERItIN, Clinton. Thomas A. John.. A Common Affliction Mr P. Mahon died cn Saturday from injuries received in falling off a load of hay in Puelinch. Lulu Lacey, aged thirteen years, is un- der arrest in South Grimeby on a charge of poisoning Mrs Pierson's baby'; in some way it got hold of a bottle of strych- nine and swallowed enough of the contents to kill it, ",Crick in the back," a pain under the shoulder blades, water brash, billiousness, and constipation, are symptoms of disor- dered stomach, kidneys, liver and bowels. For all ailments originating in a derange- ment of these organo, take Ayer's Pills. Out in Western Kansas the sufferings of the farmers are great. In some parts peo- ple arelresorting to horse flesh,being unable to get other food. Yet Kansas has all the blessings(?) of a protective tariff. If such a state of things existed in free trade Eng- land what a howl wonld rise from a certain sedtien of the press of ()made. tAiDith- j: Permanently Cured by Taking AYERS zrisall: A CAB -DRIVER'S STORY. "I was afflicted for eight years withISalt 1,',eum. During that time, I tried a great many medicines which were highly rec- ommended, but none gave me relief. I was at last advised to try Ayer's Sarsa- parilla, by a friend who told me that I must purchase six bottles, and use them ac: ording to directions. I yielded to his persuasion, bought the six bottles, and to Ik the contents of three of these bot- tles without noticing any direct benefit. 'ore 1 had finished the fourth bottle, my hands were as Free from Eruptions an ever they were. My business, -which is that of a cab -driver, requires me to be out iu cold and wet weather often ii ! limit gloves, and the trouble has no• r returned."—THCMns A. JOHNS, Fr: ratford, Ont. AyeeslaSarsaparilla , Admitted at the World's Fair Ayer's Pills Cleanse the Bowels. JERSEY BULL. e FEATHERB OE Corsets are now recognized to be the Standard Corset of Canada. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. ASK YOUR DRY GOODS DEALER FOR THEM. • The Finest w PHOTOGRAPHS WO are taken by •j; IL H. FOSTER RSEa �- 31--4UR lIf you want anything in this line, now is your chance to buy it for little money. We have had a wonderfully suc- cessful sale of Fur Goods this season, and will clo-ie' out the balance of the stock at prices that will put the fortunate buyer in good humor with himself and all the world. SIGNAL CURTIS, BRED BY Mas E. M. JON6s BnoCKV'ILLe LINT. This high bred registered A. J. C. C. Bul: for service at Flillside Stock one mile from Tentedn. butter records Black,231bs.10oof some cows z. nrelated s.weektCrot Cron Maid,ertha 211bs lw week. Terms—Thorobreds. Miss Sate al$4,�Z Grrades,$1.60, with the privilege of returning ifnH. eTEELy FOUR SHORTHORN BULLS FOR SALE. I haye for Sale four good young Bulls and some young Heifers of Good quality and of the most a• proved breeding. Show ,animals a specialty, also one Berkshire boar nt for service. Prices to suit the times. All the Shcrthorns are from good Milking strains. JAS. SNELL, Ifayne-Barten Farm, Hullett, Clinton P.0, ClintonPackiiigH ouse CUSTOMERS WANTED To try one of our CASH Tickets, price $1, good for $1.05. No booking and a receipt for you every time. Dealers in Meats, Milk, Cream, Butter, Feed and Seed. WANTED—A quantity of Timothy Seed and Live Hoge. STEEP & CONNELL. BEAVER CAPS, PERSIAN L 1113 CAPS OPPOSSUNi COLLARS and MUFFS, WOOL SEAL COLLARS and MUFFS, WOOL SEAL GAUNTLETS, ASTRACHAN COON COATS Two only GOAT ROBES. All our Fur goods are A 1 quality, and as we have only a few pieces of each line, and are determined to sell every article and carry nothing forward, so if you can do with any article that we have yet in stock, it will be to your interest to secure it, "A penny saved is a penny gained." "1A word to the wise is sufficient." W. L. OUI1YiETTE. CASH DEALER, LONDESBORO