HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-03-01, Page 21l Unti... :.tW 1aFiti<I:14' 't 11t4RQHr 89G. Those who do net think that protec. WO has done what was claimed for it, 00V114. data -for a change in tariff.,, le cannot make matters any better, 710r could a change make them any *Worse. Seventeen years of N. P. ex- perience should convince nearly every- one that it is very much of a humbug. This is called a statesmanlike speech, although there is nothing in it about o- foreign invaders, and was delivered by the Minister of Militia, Hon. J. C. Pat- terson, at Toronto:— "He charged the Liberals with being unfaithful to the country, and the country wanted none of them. The young Conservatives would fight their efforts to secure power with their ballots, and if necessary with their bullets." Hon. J. C. Patterson, Minister of Militia, addressed a meeting of South Wentworth Conservatives on Friday afternoon at Dundas. When asked if he ,would accept the nomination in West Duron, he gave no definite re- ply. It hasbeen currently reported -ever since his nomination, that he would not run, in case his opponent was Mr Cameron, and we do not be- lieve he has any intention in running here; though his supporters say other- wise.” A NUISANCE.—One of our exchanges prints the following, the truth of which is not disputed, as it happens at our post office every day: --"There are many children in this town who go to the post -office perhaps a dozen times a day to enquire for ,nail. Of course, those who go oftenest are usually the ones whose parents receive a paper once a week and a letter once a month. This is a decided nuisance to the post- master, and the parents should not al- low their children to do it. Often several children from one family go in- to the office and enquire for mail with- in a few minutes of each other. Pa- rents should impress the nonsense of thus running to theost office on their children. If the childrenpare expected to carry the mail, let one in each fami- ly be appointed to the task, and let him be instructed as to what time he should go to the office." Crisp County Clippings John Berry has bought James Nich- olson's farm, containing 50 acres, being south part of lot 34, con. 13, McKillop, for $2,000. Mr Jas. Blair, of Kippen, has bought a hundred acre farm near Centralia, he having sold his fifty acre farm to Mr McLean, his neighbor. Current report hath it that Jonathan Miller, late of the Albion, Goderich, is about taking the Colborne hotel, Mr Martin, the owner, wishing to retire from public lite. J. C. Kalbfleisch, Zurich, is preparing to build a flaxmill next. summer. He can put one into operation very cheap- ly, as he has the power in his planing mill, and will build there. Cold in the head—Nasal Balm gives instant relief; speedily cares. Never fails. Mr John Dearing, son of Mr Wm.. Dearing, sr., of the 3rd con. of Stephen, was burnt out at Marlette, Mich., dur- ing the severe storm of a few nights ago, and Lost everything he possessed. Sallow complexion, blotches pimples, boils, abscesses, old sores, scrofula and skin disease depends on impure vitiated blood. Burdock Blood Bitters purifies the blood, removes all effete matter, and cures all the above named diseases. Mr Peter Douglas has purchased the farm of Mr Otterbine, near Blake, which adjoins his own. He got it very reasonably, and it is a splendid place. Mr Douglas now has a farm of 280 acres of as good land as there is in Canada. In Goderich another centennarian died on Wednesday, in the person of Mrs Malcolm McDonald, who had reached within four years of the cen- tury. Deceased was in poor circum- stances, and had been a resident of the town for many years. NORWAY PINE SYR UP s•urea Coughs, Golds, Hoarsens', Sore Throat, Asthma, Bronchitis, ete, Messrs Beachler and Murney, of Goderich, have decided to erect a large saw mill on the bay shore, Sarnia, and will do an extensive business in lumber. They are now buying logs to be deliv- ered at McCrae's mill on the bay shore preparatory to commencing operations. Last Friday, Station Agent Straiton, of Goderich, rPcei ved word of the death of his mother, at her home in Glasgow, Scotland, on January 26th. She had reached the patriarchal age of 06 years, and might almost be said to have es- caped a days' illness during that long perion. A paragraph appeared in last week's issue, stating that Mr Miles McDonald, a former resident of the 9th con. of Tuckersmith, had been killed in the powder explosion in Montana. We are pleased to learn from Mr McDon- ald's relatives that the- statement is not correct. RHEUMATISM CURED IN A DAY.—Smith Am- erican Rheumatism Cure, for Rheumatism and Neuralgia, radically cures in 1 to 3 days. Its ac- tion upon the system is remarkable and mysteri- ous. The Bret dose greatly benefits. 75 cents. Sold by WATTS & CO., Clinton We deeply regret being called upon' to record the death of Mrs Wm. Ross, of the 4th con. L.R.S., Tuckersmith, which took place on Monday, at the age of 73 years. She had been a severe sufferer for a long time, and we are sure that in her case the great change was to her a welcome one. On Monday morning a bright and hopeful young life was brought to an early close, when Clara, only daughter of Mrs Michael Murphy, of Seaforth, aged 17 years, was called to her long .home after a brief and severe illness She was one of the brightest pupils of the Collegiate Institute. We have to record the death of Mrs John 0. Allan, of5ed - ondville, which tiok place on T t, \, She was a 1 aOghter of Iffe Wm. Wright, of Ttlek.. er_suiith, She'had scarcely reached the Wilma of life, .being only '31 years and i Mont s- fthe leaves a fam%ly of Several Children, the youngest being twins, only a few days ofd. It is with regret that we have to an- nounce this Meek the death of one of r the old settlers of Huron, in the per- , Robert McMienael, of McKillop, who died on Monday last the 19th, at the age of 61 years. Some years ago deceased had an attack ot apoplexy which left him in a helpless, paralysed condition. Since the attack in question be had been bedfast and was.a great bqrden to himself and anxiety to bis friends. Death came at last and put an end to all his sufferings. Mr Mc- Michael was a native of Scotland, but came to Canada with his parents in the early days, hence he was one of the pioneers of the county. Deceased was an honest, persevering industrious man and a good fanner, and like his other brothers, made a fine home for him- self in this fertile country. His wife died several years ago, since which time he felt lonely. He was a Liberal in politics and a Presbyterian in religion. His funeral which was large- ly attended, took place on Wednesday last, THE MODERN WAY. Comrnenq itself to the well -formed, to do pleasantly and effectually what was formerly done in the crudest man- ner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse the system and break up cold, headache and fever without unpleasant after effects. use the delightful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup ot Figs. The late Storm in the South 7'o the Editor of the New Era : ATLANTA, GA,, Feb. 16, 1 DEAR SIR,—By far the greatest most eventful blizzard of which t is any record, or even within the m ory of the 'oldest inhabitant," sta in southern Texas on the 5th of present month; sweeping on with celerated ' fury at the rate of 40 t miles an hour over the entire coun leaving an unprecedented record frost in every section throughout "sunny south," It was colder 1 y f degrees in Tennessee than in Chic Especially at Galveston, Texas, and New Orleans had the pranks of the king never been so strangely exhibit Seventeen inches of snow fell at former city, and nine in the latter,glass registering much below the fre Ing point. In northern Georgia it, 4 to below, and at Atlanta 4 abo zero, forming thick ice on the vari ponds and small lakes throughout country, and skating parties were r merous. Last Sundays daily gives account of the rather serious termi wh tion of a frolick of this nature, la* .h happened a day or two ago at Alabama, of life remaining, Choy may sprout again when shorn of their Gleed limbs, and in time again bear fruit, but this is only conjeet Ore, ane], r eluaius as a sornewhitt 'doubtful hope. Florid:t'e late expel ience in tropical fruit culture, has been 'ad indeed, and quite unex- pected. Such a frightful storm may never occur in it lifetime, and new groves malt' be started, but many years must elapse before the trees become large enough to he profitable, and, after all, there will be a lingering un- certainty of stability of climate, and a constant fear that a damaging frost of like severity may again prove their ruin. Yours truly, E. S. LEAVENWORTH. A POPULAR TRAVELLER. Mr G. Fred. Anderson, the popular re- presentadve of T. S. Simms & Co., St. John, N. B., in speaking of Norway Pine Syrup, says:—"It is the best cough oure I ever used and I prefer it to any other. Have given it to friends of mine and it cures every time. it would be difficult now to induce me to use any other. Mr J. McInnes, of the Regina Stand- ard, has been nominated as the Patron candidate for Assiniboia, and will op- pose Mr Nicholas Flood Davin. TO DESTROY WORMS' and r. •pal them front children or adults use Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. Mr C. W. Spiers, a Griswold, Man., farmer, has been nominated by the Liberals to oppose Mr T. M. Daly, Minister of the Interior, in Brandon. Mr Postlewaite is the Patron candi- date, so that there will be a three - cornered contest. U HEART DISEASE BELIEVED Is 90 MINTES Dr Agnew's Cure for the Heart gluege'�pperfect re- lief in all oases of Organic or S'�mpathetio Heart e!n 30 minutes, and sr -neatly a cote a cure. It is a peerless remedy fo, i alpitation, Shortness i5of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Left Side , and Iand all symptoms or Diseased Heart One dose convinces. Bold by WATTS & 00,, Clinton here Attorney -General Sifton, of the Man- itoba Government, on Premier Green rted way's behalf, denies that the latter had the given any letter to Mr Laurier promis- ac- � ing to change the school law if the Lib - 0 gp l eral party won at the coming elections. try, The Manitoba Government has sub- ofthe' milted a bill to the Legislature which will cut off all supplies to Government our F house at Winnipeg. The supplies are ago. to be cut off' when the time of the pre - in sent Governor expires. ice ed. IN ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS. the { Norway Pine Syrup gives great relief, the rendering breathing easy and natural and ez- enabling the sufferer to enjoy refreshing was , sleep, while a permanent cure otter results. ve, I As a prisoner on .Thursday, in Vic- ous the toric, B.C., was leaving the dock, after the having been sentenced to five years' lu- imprisonment for robbery, he said, an "Thank you, sir," which was interpret- na- The young Lothairs, each with his "best girl, sallied out to one of th lakes, frozen over to the thickness six inches, to enjoy a good time on ice, and were soon skimming over glassy bosom. The day was bitter cold, but they were warmly attir and the strength of the ice appearing satisfactory, when the party was in motion, they finally got near together., when suddenly the ice gave way, fr< their concentrated weight, and preci toted the whole party of fifteen in the ice cold water. The lake was b yond their depth, and it was by almo superhuman efforts that the whole party were rescued. Close" carriages were speedily procured, and they lost no time ih taking 'a hurried drive to their several homes, presenting a ra- ther ludicrous spectacle on their arriv- al, and declaring they would nev again trust themselves to theficklene of Alabama ice. To get a glimpse of the appearan Of our city, at the present time, or can readily imagine he had migrated o a northern clime—overcoats, muff- ers and overcoats were in great de - and; snow six to eight inches deep, nd more coming; cotters and sleighs f every description, with jingling ells in great variety, and of original at terns; electric street car service de- oralized, although for the past week nndreds of shovellers have been work- lg both night and day to open up heir several lines, with only partial recess. Flying avalanches of snow nd ice were being precipitated from he various buildings, upon the walks uring midday, as the sun grew warm- r—in fact a pretty accurate copy of an 'dimly Canadian winter, The peo- e seem to take the matter very good- aturedly, even if they do frequently et a tumble upon the icy walks. The suffering poor in the city, es - &ally at this season, when, (just, ow) all outside work is suspended, ie - Its in making a formidable army of le dependents upon the liberality of e city, for the necessaries of life, to hich it has responded most liberally. ast evening a meeting of citizens as called to raise additional funds for is purpose, and a subscription of ,000 was raised before the meeting osed. A great deal of work is being planned r execution in and around the city, soon as it is possible to make a corn- encement. An electric plant is pro- cted, of 80,000 horse power, from attabooehie river, distant some ten twelve miles, by building an im- ense dans, and raising the level twelve t. The cost is figured at $700,000. wealthy syndicate of northern and rthern capitalists has been former', e money is ready, and it is expected e power will he ready for use, on the ening of Atlanta's Cotton Exposi- n, in September. It will be a long p in Atlanta's prosperity, when the erne becomes a reality. came near forgetting to tell you out the very sad results of the pre - t cold wave, in the adjoining State Florida,. It was the third blizzard t visited that State since Christmas, d although the two previous frosts re unprecedented, killing outright garden crops, which were just com- into market, and greatly injuring orange groves, and fruit prospects, now, on the third visitation, it was n more severe, and it is feared will npletely discourage all future enter - se in orange culture, in a great por- n of that State. Every tree being he time full of sap, has been killed to the stump, and if there is a vestige ed as contempt of court. He was tak- en hack and given three years addi- tional for each word. ese CATARRH RELIEVED IN 10 TO 60 MINUTES. One short puff of the breath through the Blow, r of ' supplied with each bottle of Dr. Agnew's Cate the rhal Powder, diffuses thio Powder over the aur - its face of the nasal passages. Painless and delight, ,Iv I fnl to use, it relieves instantly, and permanently cures Catarrh Hay Fever. Coles Headacee, Sore ed; Throat, Tonsilitis and Deafness. 60 cente. At WAliB & CO S., Clinton. Odd Things In Fashion.` There are lots of odd things about the clothes of to -day. For instance, a "hearts- Pi- ease" belt is a long, narrow ribbon, tied in to a bow with drooping ends. Collars are cut e- in spirals and put on twisted. The lamp - 82 I shade style is now a recognized one so far as capes are concerned,and the lamp shade ballet wouldnolonger be ridiculed were it to"a`ppeaf ou the street, says the Horne Journal. Moire ribbon -is still a subject of fond conversation to modistes, but some- how the public seems to have had enough er of it, and very little is seen. The "1840" SS sleeve is cut all in one with the shoulder fronts, and laid in tucks at the wrist. Not ce only are skirts wired to keep them in place, e but an adroitly adjusted wire, so arranged as to be absolutely invisible, is put inside the newest sleeves, and slakes the admired "bulge" on them. The newest brown is a sort of coffee shade and is called "Moka." About every outdoor costume has at least two capes made to wear with it, onea long full cape for cold days, the other a little butterfly affair, cut on :s circle, with fur trimmed edges curling round the face like the petals of a flower, t 1 m a 0 b P m h lI fit a t d e or P1 n g pe n sir id th w w th $4 cl fo as m e Ch or m fee A sot th th op Ste sch 1 ab sen of tba an we all ing the but eve cor p1'i do at t TIDINGS FROM ZION VILLE, I suffered everything but death iron In- digstion during four years and tried all sorts of medicine to no effect, at last I was advised to try Burdock Blood Bitters, and before finishing the second bottle I was as well as I could be, and have had good health ever since. BENJ. STEWART, Postmaster Zionvllle, N. Ft3. clerical Frit les of Old. Recent discoveries in Palestine have made more clear the sec:511u- use of the terms "deacon" and bishop' before the establishinent of c dist 11 1ty. Texts and inscriptions have been found with men- tion of diacouoi its being certain subordin- ate civil officers. Episeopol or overseers were functionaries of a higher grade under the Roman regime, and several lists of these have been found. From the first the terms were used by the church to meet the needs of her own organization, being bor- rowed from the civil organization of the times.—Churchman. Encouragement for 4oelologints. Sir John Lubbock, addressing the Socio- logical congress at Paris recently, said that in London since 1870 the number of children in English schools had increased from 1,500,000 to 5,000 00, and that in the same time the dumber of persons in prison ,had fallen from 12,000 to 5,000. The yearly average of persons sentenced to confine- ment for the worst crimes has declined from 3,000 to Sal.—New York 'Tribune. When Baby was sick, we gave her Cestoda. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorle. When she became Mies, she clung to Ca8toria. When she bad Children, she gave them Oastorla. r PISO'S CURE FOR CU'E' ERE AL ELS FAIL'. Rest Cough 'syrup. aetes Good. Vee in time Sold by dim - • bee. fV ri CCJ IVtS.IJ TION 4;''f• A GIFTED PARISIAN po,q Ile Knew P Better Trask Than Barking at the inurglarP_s An amazing story of canine sagacity l4 told In a recent number of LaLanterne, of Paris. M. and Mme. Herisson, living in the Rue St. Sauveur, went to the theatre one evening, leaving their domicile guard- ed only by a very Intelligent little dog, who answered to the name of Castor. They valued him highly, and often remarked: "Castor? We would not sell him for10; 000 francs." They had not been long away when bur- glars entered the house. Castor, wbo was at that moment in the kitchen, whiling away the hours by chasing his tail, heard the noise, and not recognizing his master's step, pricked up his ears and listened. A moment more and he decided it must be thieves. To the proverbial fidelity of his race there was added in this wonderful dog the wisdom of serpents. Realizing that if he barked the intruders would seize and silence him forever, he sat down, covered his head with his paws and thought in- tently. At last a light broke over his mind, and he stole noiselessly from the house and ran swiftly to a near -by build- ing which was in the course of construc- tion. There he seized a lighted lantern in his mouth and returned with it to the house. The ruse met with the success it deserv- ed. The thieves, seeing the light in the adjoining room,believed themselves detect- ed, and fled. Castor's joy knew no bounds, and when°his owners returned they found him still rubbing his paws with satisfac- tion. COUGHS, Colds, Sore Throat, Asthma, Bronchitis, and all Lung Troubles are quick. ly cured by Hagyard's Pectoral Balsam. Bulls for Sale For sale cheep, Two Thoro-Bred Durham Bu aged respectively 10 and 14 months. Both are of good pedigree, are splendid animals will t e sold cheap, and may be Been at Lets 35-80, Cone. 2-3, L.R.B. Tinkeremith ELCOAT BROS, Brucefield Valuable PROPERTIES For Sale or to Rent. COMMERCIAL Hotel, Clinton. A splendid stand, where good business is done. The house has excellent accom- modation for travellers and public generally. Terms made known on application to J11IO. BOSSIER, Benmiller. Also HOTEL at Exeter North— Will be either sold or rented. For par- ticulars apply to J. T. WESTCO.FT Exeter, or JOHN BOSSIER, Benmiller. Also, FARM of 200 ACRES— being lot 12, let Con., West Nissouri, good soil, 140 acres cleared and in good shape of cultivation, 60 acres good beech and maple bush. Also FARM of ISO ACRES— being East half of Lot No. 4, 2nd Con. of West Nissouri. Will give party who wants to do business a particularly good chance on this property. Any of the above are good investments, and all particulars can be obtained on application to JNO. BOSSIER, Benmiller Ht IRON AND BRUCE Loan Investment Co Thfi O®tynty LeowaRagtMnetn rFara MORTGAGES . - , - PUROHASID SAVINGS BANK BRANCH: 3, 4 and 6 per Cent. Interest Allowed on Deposita, according toamount and time left. OFFICE—Cor. Square and North St., Goderioh HORACE HORTON Manager Benmiller Nursery FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TRESS, NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a specialty. LARGE STOCK ON HAND, The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this connection will save money by par chasing here. Orders by hfailwill be promptly attended to. Address, JOHN STEWART. — Benmiller. DON'T DEEP. Alli WILL CURE YOU ae ofrtaiiPills Bigh'lcese KidneyDabes Lumbacure go Dropsy, Rheurnaticm, Heart Disease, Female Troubles, Impure Blood—or mono) refunded. Sold by all dealers in medicine or by mail of receipt of price, Soc. per box, or Six boxes lima DR. L. A. SMITH & CO.. Toron>DC Rob c Roy Cigar It's no because I'm Scotch but you canna smoke a better i ibar than "ROB ROY," They cost 5c. but I get sax of them for a quarter. EMI's"; 77IAC ()Wm/it. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many, who live bet- ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to heal`h of the pure liquid laxative print' Ja embraced in the remedy, Syrua of 'Figs. Its excellence is duo to its presenting in the form most acceptable and pleas- ant to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficial properties of a perfect lax- ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid- neys, Liver and Bowels without weak- ening them and it is perfectly free from every objectionable substance. 6yrup of Figs is for sale by all drng- girts m 76c. bottles, bub it in manu- factured by the California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if offered. PROPERTIES FOR SALE OR TO LET TWO ROOMS TO LET IN MACKAY BLOCK. W.One in Front and one in Rear. Rent COATS, for Executors Est, Jos. Whitehead FOR SALE. The undersigned will sell at asacriflce, Lot .451 or 12, Railway Terrace Clinton. Particulars upon application, JAMES SCOTT, Barrister (4u FIVE FARMS FOR SALE OR TO ttENT, OR WORK ON SHARES, Tums to snit purchasers. D. J. CANTELON, J. P., Clinton COTTAGE TO RENT. A large brick Cottage on Townsend St. At present occupied by the Rev. Mr Ross, enquire a/ the residence of MR C. E. HOVEY. House for Sale or to Rent on reasonable terms. The large and comfortable dwelling house on Townsend street, at present occupied by Mr W. Downs, is offered to rent. It possesses every eon- venlence is very pleasantly situated, and will be rented at a reasonable rate. Apply to either JAMES HOWE or CHAS. N. WILSON, Clinton, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE The commodious and conveniently situated house on Ontario St., recently occupied by Dr. Appleton, is offered for sale on very reasonable terms. The house is adapted for ordinary family ,and bee every convenience and requisite. Full particulars on application to JAMES SCOTT orR IRWIN,Clinton. FOR SALE The following valuable residental property in the Town of Clinton, is offered for sale. Lot 107 and part of 108, Victoria St., and part of lot 118 High Street. There are two comfortable dwelling Houses upon the property, in an excellent state of reprir. For further particulars and terms appl to A. MCMURCHIE or to the undersigned. JAMES SCOTT. Houde and Large Garden for Sal That oomfortpble six -roomed House, belong- ing to the estate of the late E. Finch, with two Tote, Nos. 662 and 663 on Gorden street, C.inton, will be sold on moderato terms. Has good well. we odshed, &c. The 1,nrdsn is welt planted with choice frnit trees. Thio ie a desirable chance for a retired farmer. Apply to T.M. CARLING, Auctioneer, or to H. HALE, Agent, Clinton. Clinton. Jan. 9, 1895. FARM FOR SALE. Lot 7 Bayfield, Goderich township, 84 acres; 44 of which are cleared and in good cultivation, 40 acres good Hardwood bush unculled Maple bush, Cherry with a few acres Cedar at rear. nd of lots, good frame House with outbuildings; good bear- ing orchard of which got $140 for Apples in Oct- tober last; small spring Creek cruseee lot; 2 miles from Bayfield, 12 mies from Goderich 7 miles from Clinton; no incumbrance on the farm owner wants to gyve up fern. ing. Price $2700 half Caeh, Balance on time to suit Purchaser Address JOHN E. EAGLESON, Bayfield P. 0 FARM FOR SALE That valuable farm five miles firm the thriv- ing town of Clinton, being lot 41, con. 8, Goderich Township. containing 80 acres, more or lees, neatly all cleared, well underdrained, and in a good state of cultivati -n. There is a comfortable bongo, new baro end shed with stone foundation 56x60, never failing well, lour acres of orchard; convenient to church and school and good roads in all directions. Will be sold reasonable; $1,000 roquiredldown, the balance may remain on mort- gage. For particulars apply to B. SWITZER, Clinton P.O. A thoroughbred registered DUR- HAM BULL for sale cheap, FARM FOR SALE. That fine Farm of 127 acres, being tot 16, let eon., of Hullett. All cleared but about ten acres; ten acme 1n fall wheat; balance all fit for culti- vation; never falling spring; good orchard. Frame bowie and outbuildings. Situate just 22 mites east of the Town of Clinton, and is considered a first-class farm• Possession Oven at any time. Ho would be willing to take hoose property in Clinton for part payment. Apply to either W. SMITHSON, Ste ladder works, Huron street, Clinton, or EDWIN SLY. on the promisee. Terme reasonable. That cottage on Frederick street, at present occupied by• W. Smithson is also for sale or to rent. Retired Farmer Wanted To purchase good central Clinton property. Cost over $9,000, sell for $5,000. Ten per cent cash, balance to suit, at 5 per cent. Principals only dealt with. Apply to D. J. C.AMPBEILL, 984 Main W., Hamilton Ont -.IftmoND. / -14NnElt 0,41 PILLS CONSTIPATION, G`BVLIOUSNESS, G-4 DYSPEPSIA IC K H EADAC I4E, REGULITETHE LIVER. 0 E P1 L1. AFTER EAT( N IN RES GOOD DIGESTION, RICE 5 CTS.THE I ODDS r o N1 E l t'L It, 1141 ad otit.er olr4g JAMES SCOTT, Barrister, Solicitor CONVEYANCER &e. Commissioner for Ontario and Manitoba, Office immediately $ou.th of slimy dlr[yipemyib,' W. BRYDONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, , NOTARt PUBLIC, ETC, Offiee—Beaver Block. Up -stairs, Opposite Foster's Photo Gellerjr,,. CLIA TON DR. WM. GUNN,L. R. 0, P. and L. It. 0. S. Nigbt calls atgh. fron� door or residence oario n�Baon tton bury St., opposite Fred yterian church. a DR J. L. TUIRNBULL, M. D. 'TORONTO Untvereity, as D, C.M. Victoria Wnivereity, M. O. P & S., Ontario. Fellow of the Obstetrical G Societand Edinburgh of Hospitaals.' iate of Otti e. L D . DowselEngs„ old office Rattenbury fit. Olinton. Night bell answered at the same plane. DR. J. W. SHAW, PHYSICIAN, SUhGEON Accoucheur, etc., ctlice in the Palace block Rattenbury` St. formerly occupied by Dr. Reeve Clinton Ont. JAS. 8. FREEBORN,M.D., L.K.&Q.C.P.1., M. O. P. & S. O., Graduate Kings and Queens College of Pb eiolans, Dublin, Ireland. T teen• Hate General Medical Council, Great Britain. Member of College Physicians ane Barkeeps, On- tarto. Formerly resident of Rotunda Hospital, (Lying-in and Gyaecological) Dublin. Residence —ll,attenbury St. east, next door to Ontario kt, parsonage. DR STANbURY, GRADUATE OF THE Medical Department of Victoria Unlver. city, Toronto, formerly o1 the Hospitals and Dltpeneariee. New York, Coroner tor 10 County of Huron, Bayfield, Ont. T. C. BRUCE L. D. 8. Dentist - Surgeon - Clinton. Olboe, Coats Bloek,lover Taylor's shoo store Teeth Extracted witbcut Pain by the use of local Antesthetms. ;Special attention given to the Preservation of the natural teeth. Visits Blyth professionally every Monday al Mason's Hotel, • Jle. BLACEALL VETLRlNAhY bLIsGEOI4 • H onoraryG raduate of the On tario V eterina College. Treats all diseases of domesticated an male on the most modern and scientific princi pies Office— immediately south of the New Ere Office, Residence — Albert St., Clinton. Call night or day attendedto promptly MARRIAGE LICENSE, ,TAMES SCOTT, bit., issurer of Marriage Licenses, Library Room and Residence, Mary street, Clinton. JAMES CAMPBELL, LONDESBORO ISSUER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, No witnesses required MONEY TO LEND IN LA1tGE t.R Small sums on good mortgage security moderaterateofintereet. H HALE, Clinton. 1' • W. L. 8., PMB Provincial Land SurveEMBER OF yor and Civil Engineer, London, Ont.—Office at Geo. J. Stewart's Grocery store, Clinton - MRS. WHITT, M. C. M PEAOHER OF MUSIC. Pupil of MrCharlca W. Landon, of Philadelphia, The Mason Metnod used exclusively. It is cat. sldered by the leading Musical Artists, that no method develops the technic so rapidly as lir Mason's " Touch and Technic." Piano, Organ and Teehnicon, or Muscle developefor, see of pupils. Rooms over Beesley's Store, Beaver Block Albert Street, Clinton. R. AGNEW. L.D.S. D. D.8. DENTIST. Graduate of Royal College of Dental Surgeons Ont. Honor" Graduate of Trini,y University Torun' o, All operations in Dentistry carefully performed. Beet local Anaesthetics for painless extraotilikr. Office opposite Town Hall ever Swallow's store. Will visit Hensall every Monday, and Zuridr every second Thursday of each month. to Night bell answered. A. O. U. W; The Clinton Lodge, No. 144, meet 10 Biddle oombeHall on the let and 3rd Fridays in each month. Visitors cordially invited. R. STONEHAM, M. W. J. BEAN, Recorder YOUNG LADIES ARD GENTLEMEN Send 9 cents in stamps, or 10 cents in silver, and we wilt send you by return mail the PERFECT LETTER WRITER A neat little Book, being a perfect Guide in the art of Letter Writing. It containg Lettere of Love, Friendship, Business, eto., with valuable instructions and advice. Every young man and woman should have this Book. Address, NOVELTY PUBLISHERS, INGEBSOLL, ONT CLINTON MARBLE WORKS. COOPER'S OLD STAND, Next to Commercial hotel. This establishment is in lull 0' eration and al orders filled in the most satisfaoto y way Ceme. tery and granite work a specialty. i'rices as reasonable as those of any establishi.eut SEALE & HOOVER,Clinton. lm City Hall Barber Shop. The undersigned has opened a first-class shop in The Town Hall Store, Clinton, And is prepared to please all those wbo appreci- ate an Easy Shave or a Styllsb-Hair-Cut. sham- pooing, Singing or Hair Dyeing. Special attention given to Ladies Hair Dressing, and Bleaching. Give me a call. FRED BAKES, - - Clinton; BUSINESS CHANGE Tho undersigned begs to inform the people of Clinton and surrounding country that ho has bought the stock of BOOTS & SHOES of Mr Geo. Stewart. and he will continuo the I alines') in the same p ce opposite the Market He will sell for Caen only, and offer Special Bar gains for the next 30 days. Ho hopes by strict at- tention to business to n crit a share of Public Patronage. Repairing a specialty, JAMES YOUNG ITENr S cAVEATS.TRADE MARKS COPYRIGHTS. prompt answemand an honPATENT st o ln on write to MUNN dt CO., who have had nearly7fifty years' experience In the patent business. communica- tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In- formation concerning Patente and bow to ob.. tain them sent free. Also a catalogue of mochas. !cal and scientific books sent free. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice In the Scientific American, and thus aro brought widely before the public with- out cost to the Inventor. This splendidaper. Issued weekly, elegantly llsuntrated has by farthelargest Irculatlon of any eciontitic work In th world. 83 a year. Sample copies sent free. Building Edition monthly, *2.60 a year. Sing!Co fes, 23 cents. 1Cvery y num or contains boa. tlful plates, in colors, and photographs of n. houses, with plans, enabling builders to show latest designs and deeure contracts. Address MUNN it 04)., NSW YoRK, 361 BRoADw.► J 1