HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-02-22, Page 5w ; riv,T,07 6y.` ,I .wr- I'TitE CLINTON NEW EXE. atch Repairing X haye just engaged a first-class Watchmaker and Engraver and all work will have prompt attention, and will be guaranteed. If you have any engraving to do we will do it for you in first-class style. Remember we do it in our shop and don't send it away. J. B. RUMBALL Watchmaker, Jeweler, &c., TelephoneExchange Originators cf Low Prices Corner Matron and Albert Streets • liP HOUSEKEEPERS! Lf you want the best value for your money. 1f you want an article that wil never disappoint you. If you want thoroughly good and healthful Baking Powder, Flavoring Extracts, and Fresh Spices, which are Strongest and Best, go to J. E. HOVEY'S, Dispensing Chemist. Clinton r' Wampolis Tastiiss Cod Liver Qii � LO►�aten Cod Liver Oil. A `• Stearns Tonic Cod Liver Oil. `0 We hanle these goods in large quantities. Buy from us. Our 25c Hair Brush is a good I Iron Blood Pills, 5 boxes for $1. The seller. See them. most largely used pill in this section. JAMES H. CHUM BE CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, PHYSICIANS `SUPPLIES, ETC. t r NEIN GO We are placingin stock many lines of new spring good s Cottons, Shirtings, Flannelettes, Prints, Dress Goods and Small Wares. We have this week placed in stock a Large amount!of Ready :Made: CLOTIIING Which for style, quality and cheapness, we have ,never been am able to equal before. See it before buying. Your will be surprised and pleased when you get our prices. PL TAILORING business is opening up; our styles and prices are sure to take. DRESS and MANTLE MAKING DEP'T is booming, orders coming in faster than they can be filled. "Good Goods and Low Prices." MSTEE 8t GIBBINGS 9 ry Goods, H 1 use Furnishings, 84, •IAN ON. DRESS This store's Dress Goods Supremacy ie becom-- ing more decided, more emphatic. To -morrow FABRICS. L this Matchless Dress Goods section will be re- splendent with remarkable retailing of the most exclusive and. fashionable fancies brought out by the world's leading looms. Storm bound Bargains in Foreign Wash Fabrics, Every lady New French and Scotch Ginghams, New French must see these Organdies, New Frenc a . Dimities, New French Percales, New Oxford uitings. . . . . . . . goods A wide extra heavy Grey Cotton Easily worth 7c., to -morrow, our price 5c. GrilLORCESt Bc WISE1VLAN. THIS IDA PICTURE • OF THE FAMOUS CUVQ FOR 0CIATiC PAINS . TRY IT FOR BACKACHE RREUMATISM LUMBAGO NEURALGIA Oat R /0$ suactstio aims efrst rer p Political Affairs. It is rumored at Winnipeg that Mr Hugh J. Macdonald, son of the late Premier, will again be the Conservative candidate. The Premier denies that any money was paid for masses in connection the funeral of Sir John Thompson. The Patron members of the Local House all refused to use the railway passes sent them. Mr 1. L Tarte, M.P., has been offered the Liberal nomination for Laval county, against Mr Ouimet, the Minister of Public Works. There are 94 members in the Local House, but at present two seats are vacant —West Wellington and Haldimand. Of the 92 Beats now filled, Mowat has 52 pledged supporters, the Conservatives 26 and Patrons 14. A Cabinet Council was held on Saturday at Ottawa. No decision was arrived at with regard to the question of the dissolu- tion of Parliament. The Government de- oided to hear the counsel for the Roman Catholic minority of Manitoba, prr,ying for remedial legislation, in the Privy Council chamber, on Tuesday, the 26th Met. In the Manitoba Legislature on Monday night Attorney -General Sifton discus- sed the school question, taking the ground that the Dominion Government had no more right to interfere with the Manitoba schools than with the Manitoba railway, policy. He contended that the schools were purely non-seotarian, and pointed out that if the semblance of religions exercises now adopted were abolished it would give the Roman Catholics a real cry against the system of being godless. There are now 54 Patron candidates for Parliament running for Ontario constitu. envies, and one for eaoh of the Manitoba divisions outside of Winnipeg. No Patron candidate will be nominated at the Doming general elections for Quebeo or the Mari- time Provinces, but the organizers there expect to be ready to take a prominent part in the next Provincial elections. The Patrons claim that they still hold the bal- ance of power at Ottawa, their returns as- suring the election of at least 25 P. of I. candidates. / : , l'ds, eft.n bring cough. and col while PYN.Y - PECTORAL brings quiok relief. Cures an is- gammation of the bronchial tubesthroat or chest. No umcertainty. Relieve., , soother, heal. promptly. A Large Bottle for 26 Cent.. MIS 1 IAIHENCE CD,I til. raoraltTO*L MONTREAL BORN GUNN.—In Clinton, on the 19th inst., the wife of Wm. Gunn, M. D , of a son. T URNER.—In Tuckersmith, on the 19th inst, the wife of Mr Geo. Turner, of a son. HANLEY.—In Goderich township, on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr Robert Hanley, of a Yvon. BRITTON.—At Stapleton, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr Thos. Britton, of a son. SATITa—In Detroit on the 4th inst., the wife of ,Mr Louis Smith, formerly of Clinton, of a son. JOHNSTONE.—In East Wawanosh, on the 16th inst., the wife of Mr Robt. Johnstone, of a eon. TAYLOR.—At Minnedosa, on the 4th inst., the wife of Mr Stephen Taylor, of a son. MoTAGGART.—In Clinton, on the 15th inst., the wife of Mr G. D. McTaggart, banker, of a daughter. MARTIN,—In Hullett, on the 11th inst., the wife of Mr Jas. G. Martin, of a son. - HANDLEY.—In Seaforth, on the 12th inst., the wife of Mr Thos. Handley, of a daughter. MARRIED • FISHER—SPINDLER.—At the residence of Mr Samuel Pannebaker, Clinton on the 18th inst., by the Rev. J. W. Holmes, lir .Seth Fish- er, er., of Colborne, to Mrs Spindler, of Stanley. .YOE—JORDAN.--On the 20th inst. at the Ontario St church, Clinton. by the Kiev. W. Smyth, Mr:Henry FrederickYoe, of Boisseyain, Manitoba,!to Miss Flossie Jordan, of Goderich township. MoDONALD—ANDERSON. — On the 8th inst., at the residence of the bride's parents,by Rev. S. Acheson, Mr Thos. McDonald, of on - don, to Miss Grace E. Anderson, of Stanley. ROSS—ALLAN.—On the 13th inst. at the residence of the bride's mother. by Rev. S. Acheson, Mr A. J. Ross, of Stanley, to Miss Annie M. Allan, ofTuckersmith. MILLS—ROBINSON.—On Jan. 8th. at Trinity church parsonage, Blyth, by Rev. T. E. Higley, John Mills to Fannie Robinson, both of West Wawanosh. McPHERSON—WEBS.—On the 6th inst„ at the residence of the bride's father, by Rev. A. McKay, Mr Wm. McPherson, of West Wawa - nosh to Bella, daughter of Mr John Webb, of St. Helens. DIED. PENFOUND.—In Clinton, on the 18th inst., Grace Penfound, relict of the Iate Henry Pen - found, aged 76 years. McIVER.—In Clinton, on the 17th Inst., William McIver, aged 35 years. MURCH.—In Holmesville, cn the 15th inst., Etta Murch, third daughter of Mr Wm. Murch, aged 21 years and 24 days. MCDONAGH.—In Colborne, on the 13th inst., James McDonagh, aged 83 years. MnoMATH.—In Goderlch on the 14th fast., Christina Mac Math, wife of Samuel MacMath, aged 83 years. CLINTON MARKETS Corrected every Thursday afternoon Thursday, February 21, 1895. Wheat, spring 0 56 a 0 58 Wheat, fall 0 56 a 0 58 Oats, 0 27 a 0 28 Barley u 36 a 0 40 Peas 0 50 a 0 51 Flour per bal 3 50 a 3 50 P:lrk 4 75 a 600 012 a 015 Erfgeer doz 0 14 a 0 16 Potatoes 0 30 a 0 36 Hay, New and Old 6 00 a 600 Sheeepskins 0 25 a 0 30 No. 1 Trimmed Hides 4 00 a 4 25 Batter P MONTREAL LIVE STOCK MARKETS There were about 850 head otbutchers' cattle 50 calves, and 120 sheep and lambs offered at the east end abattoir Monday. The butchers were out in full force, and when they got prieee reduced enough to suit them they bought free- ly; still it is probable that a considerable num- ber of the cattle will not bo sold. A Lew prime beeves were sold at about 3io per lb, but the general price for pretty good stock was in the vicinity of 3ic per ib, with some Pe low as 30 per lb; rough and half fatted stock sold at about 2te, and the leaner beasts and hard bulla brought about 20 per lb. The calves were a rather indifferent lot, and sold at from about $2.50 to 18 each. Shippers are gppaying about 34o per lb from 4for to 43 per lb anod largo sheep; mixed lotlambs from bring was Bold 31o. A here lamb—the orn16. t Fat first areehigher in price, and bring about 210 per lb. Hides & Skins Wanted The HIGHEST CASH PRICE paid ,for Hider and Shine at the CLINTON TANNERY O. S. DOAN & SON, Clinton In order to clear out our stock of Axes, we are offering 1 hem at cltt prices. Reduced price $1.05 - - Regular price $1,25 Reduced price 85 cents - Resrular price $1.00 Reduced price 65 cents - 1tegular price 75cts Best Canadian Coal Oil onl lOc per gallon. 1 No second grade kep in stock. N St;,res!, 1 kayBl q ck - , iii a r liiillli ROS. Old Stknd Erick Bl k .CREAT ' .mewit CSA . Had to"Grin and Bear It" when he had a pain. You can grin and ban- ish it at once by aping Pka av DAVIS' ?a in Xiller Soid and need everywhere. A whole m cine cheat by itself. Kllle every form of external or internal pain. Dose—A teaspoonful in half glass of water or milk (warm convenient). Pantcea for ilard Times! We have opened out this .. . Ready Made Clothing week a new stock of , Of fine work and material and astonishingly low prices, a few of whioh we gnote:— Ckild's Suits'ffomi$2.25 up. Youth's Suits front $4 up. Men's Suite $4.75. Boyo' Pants 75c. and up. Mei'e Vests, grand value, only $1. Men's Pants $2.50 and up. Groceries We have had quite a run for Raieine the poet week, but eau hold oat a while on them yet. We are sorry that the 32 lb* of Sugar for 11 did not show up, but we are in hopes of getting it yet, and in the mean time will give 30 !be of another that is worth more money. If you want a really good. Syrup, try oars at 4 cents per Ib. We will give you as good valve for your,money aait3 is possible. Please give us a trial order and be convinced. ADAMS' EMPORIUM, LONDESBORO R. ADAMS. c CeThe Finest 1-d- PHOTOGRAPHS ci) are taken by �- H. FOSTER . F RSA* ��FURS a If you want anything in this line, now is your chance to buy it for little money. We have had a wonderfully such cessful sale of Fur Goods this season, and will close. out the balance of the stock at prices that will put the fortunate buyer in good humor with himself and all: the world. BEAVER CAPS, PERSIAN LAMB CAPS OPPOSSUM COLLARS and MUFFS, WOOL SEAL COLLARS and MUFFS, WOOL SEAL GAUNTLETS, ASTRACHAN COON COATS Two only GOAT ROBES. All our Fur goods are A 1 quality, and as we hare only a few pieces of each line, and are determined to sell every article and carry nothing forward, so if you can do with any article that we have yet in stock, it will be to your interest to secure it. "A penny saved is a penny gained." "A word to the wise is sufficient." L. OUIMETTE. °Asir D A ER, LQNDESEo1