HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-02-15, Page 7, T, `11 Itt ��`tt ( ler igo grad d Ar rouRbnt gam They �1i1. lh� S �3 1� 1 !,1 ' !Adtr 454miR" What td. d4 '004 the/ ,Gekr i11t0° ,' AN O/A �111d pial .lei acid eve17. tba Ap 1a4lcalitie iri the �2 11#47 where the TAM et the tleea IP it .A TKE. HANDSOMa; T f t _ . the gelds, Ore btrauge to, theww. w . WlliTES 00 1141, SUBJECT iiiM140.aauitarIsleeeoae4hi11l1.1otallght.. !a t►ll t the 401304118,, ,Chiidxelt aught to htwe i ii Ras li'rtrf.1 M 14aliitl, '44'Ytt, lis Ilii 1Ped(1t' 1•e ,drilled; i?11t0 thein They tiho►1id be taught 4 tx the addvantal;o o� peritot�al a eaR to �r r�TIJO �t YOO, A ' d u kuow that bathing oft v.E1 SnJ ±1 JDY A►•,D` TOO kQva, and ` b u 'boa'* tl�� e1Oe `fa= t tozlpc PoOtOle pV1T�;t � nn 1 ter l ATtI ti fait, which tee many tu) -Quo 1irJ�R�IA I #a.aa>tt►.e lOeAu4x at the �AtPrnaiioint►l f Faxen, neglect. U Rg �. ildren $ho104 be ttiught'ta l<npiv thllt pure air is Recessary ,0 ,OTE DI Past►ts sIQ nut tlovo>io etiaug to learn that the foul it oft omenta at Weans. QiVe. UtP. Rulyr, h attention to the physical de'veleptuelt of their obild- ren. Teachers neglect the edneaticn of the bodies of their pupils. I do not believe that a healthy mind can that the with an unhealthy a body, person witb main- tain healthy body must et necessity be a strong and a vigorous one. soon as I learned that the chilli slept w Most of the ills of the body can be, traced f an older member of the family I asked him back to the lack of free and intelligent to stop it at once, and the child, without any medicine, and sleeping thereafter alone in a well -ventilated room, began to pick up immediately. In a couple of months the child was completely restored to health. In conclusion, I have to again repeat that the health of the rising generation is as Important as the health of the present generation. The care of the physical well-being of the children in the public schools is as much the true duty of the State as the care of their mental well- being. • The true glory of a people is !tot their wealth, but their health. We should strive to make not millionaires but men. It is easier to improve the public health by beginning fvith the. children than by attempting to cure the adults. The im- provement of the whole race is within easy reach on these lines, and must surely be followed by intellectual and moral im- provement where the body is healthy. As the twig is bent so shall the tree grow. You cannot teach people to take proper exercise and to give proper. care to their bodies after neglecting those duties for the larger part of their lives. But when these duties are inculcated in early youth the habits of childhood are re- tained through life. A well-developed body is more precious than a well-developed bank account, and a good appetitite is worth more than $1,000,000.—J. F. Laflin, in New York World. for their well-being, Jjritey shollldbe mach ' SEE SALLOW AND BLOOD- LESS FACES. AND ATTEN- UAT ED AND LANK BODIES. *others not Sufficiently on 'the Alert to Guide and Counsel their Daughters. PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND t.\, TRE GREAT BRAIN FOOD AND FLESII-BUILDER FOR AUL YOUNG GIRLS. J1411101141 and that v.ntilatien is better than close and overheated rooms. One of the most ininrious practices et parents is putting children to sleep with each other or with older people. A father recently brought to me a we and sickly child. Ile did not know what ailed it. 4.5 physical education in childhood. I often think, knowing as I do what can be done with proper care, what a stupen- dous improvement could be made 1n the general health in one generation. The average man would be taller and more robust, capable of More work and of greater enjoyment, than the average man of the present day. The average woman would be stronger and more beautiful than the average woman of to -day, and both men and women would live longer. That this eau be easily be accomplished ,I am convinced. I would have a gymnasium in every pub- lic school in the city. I would make it one of the requirements of attendance at .the public schools that every pupil should uede or twice every day go through a gym exercise, however brief. It is not desired to make a race of pugil- ists, but it is desired to make a race of healthy men and women, which the chil- dren now in the public achools will not grow up into. What is needed for grow- ing children is such simple exercise as will every day bring into play every muscle in the body. Qverstedy 11p school and in the hods} , alinflnemtint fon hours each day in badly ventilated blinding, and a too'rapid growth et,,;body, very often promote disease suffering. Thousands of young glsare suffering to -day. They may be seen going t,orand coming from school. Their sallow; bloodless faces, their attenuated or lank forms indicate disease. Mothers are to blame for the unhappy and dangerous conditions of their girls. ntirionogtheir ara rb in oone dectoncrmmingthe bn ' but neglect to warn them of the roc ks nd lives quicksands on whieh many p o are wreoked. The results are often terrible. Headaches, nervous prostration, debility, irregularities of the system, dyspepsia, liver troubles, and other forms of disease,the ring quite an army of young girls Brave every year. Wise and prudent mothers, when any symptoms of danger assails their !girls, in- variably use that grelet brain food and flesh builder, Paine's Celery Compound. Thin wonderful medi'iine enriches the blood and gives it a free and healthy ciroulation; it braces the nerves, gives physical strength, promotes good digestion, and gives sweet asking sleep. No other medicine in the world can give the satisfactory results that flow from the ■se of Pine'sCelery Componrd. It should be the of week medicine for every young gir who is elioa'te, weak and sickly. u R. Stinchoomee, 19 William St., London, Ont., writes as'follows:— Dealt Sias.—I, think it a duty to write yon for the benefit of all who have delicate abildren, and make known what Paine',. Celery Compound has done for my girl. She has been delicate all her life. I have tried many Medicines, and have had her ander alliopathio and homoeopathic treat- ment,'with but little benefit. Almost in 1 despair and as a last resort,1 tried Paine's Coso oundT and after using thrir Without exercise some muscles lie dor- mant. They never develop. Without ex- ercise for all of the body the digestion is impaired, the circulation of the blood is weakened, the quality of the blood is de- teriorated and the foundations are laid for ultimate chronic disease, which must come sooner or later. It must not be supposed that what hat I here n re propose would add any great the t, pense of public school,,,, maintenance or require the erection of any new build- ings. The public school buildings now in existence are quite sufficient for the pur- pose. All it would be necessary to do wouldabe to set apart in every public school a large room to be used as a gymnasium. No ela• t equipment of gymnastic appliances would be necessary. A few hundreds of .$ 14gAD1ie�'+� SND ;TA=R o --AND-- EMBALMER, FULL LINE OF ' !GODS KEPI to STOCK IthebestEmbalming Fluidueed Splendid Hearse. ALBERT ST.,CLINTON Residenceoverstoro. OPPOSITE 'TOW HALL anitenta • 'BUTCHER SHOPS Believing that the only satisfactory way of being TJp to Date in bu ,iness is to sell and buy strictly for eas . I haVendecided after February 1st 1896 to adopt,tbe CA,SU SYSTEM believing that it will prove the most advantageous to every housekeeper in Town and Country. In order to do so I will make all goods down to Rock bottom Cash, prices that will" defy competition. My Christmas and New Years special Bargain's Days were wonderfully euceessful. Ever ybody was pleased and surprised at the quality and price of our goods. We are still olering the same lines at Bargain Day Prices. This is one of our specialties. Having had 30 years experienc T IEAS in this particular line. Extra values in Black,flreen and Jappans Sole agt. for Rain Lal's and Telley'sIndia & Ceylon packageTeaa CROCKERY, GLASSWARE and CHINA GOODS Clinton MF A.T Market BUSINESS : CHANGE bottles y bottles she is now perfectly well and strong. - have also used your medicine myself for "t to play freely in the open air all day has an enormous advantage at the very com- The undersigned desires to intimate that he has bought out the interest of Mr Coouch in ther the butchering business lately •le of FORD & COUCH. Re will continue the same at the old stand, and trusts by giving the closest and most careful attention to the busi nese straightforward and .courteous treatment o all, aand handling only choice meat, to merit nd receive a fair share of public patronage. All orders caret oily and promptlytilled. JAMES A.. V ook'sCottonRoot COMPOUND. Arecent discovery by an old physi�;an• Successfulty used n 0r.::,ty b� tiousands. of borate eq p Ladies. Is the only perfectly safe and reliablemedicine die. dollars of expense would suffice to fit up a covered. Beware of nnprincilud druggists who public school with horizontal bars, rings, offer Inferior medicines in place of this. Mk for trapezes, Indian clubs, rowing machines, Cook's Cotton Root Compound, taco no substf- boxing gloves, etc. A bare floor is better than a carpeted apartment and blank walls better than walls elaborately panelled. In a good- sized room of this kind hundreds of public school pupils could take exercise at one time. Where the schools are crowded the classes could succeed each other, and thus the gymnasium would be in use at every hour of the day. The teachers would find this the most popular of all the attractions of the schools. The pupils would look forward to their gymnastic exercise. It would teach them how to play. It would teach them the use of their bodies. It would teach them to respect their bodies and to strive to excel in feats of agility and strength, thus leading them to love out, door games and to feel at home in air kinds of play. For it must be remembered that it is as natural for a child to want to play as it is for a kitten. Nature instils this into each for the distinct purpose of exercising every muscle at a time when the muscles are growing, and the child that gets a chance •ompiioations from overwork efit k thereby a oI rest, and am greatly would strongly urge all who are in any way afflicted to do as I have done, 'try Paii.e's Celery Compound,' and be convinced of its wonderfulcuring power. • mencement of life. Another duty of the public schools should be to teach every pupil to lear how to swim. It is just al, irnp.i:taut that a man know how to swim as how to earn a living, and even more so, for in the one case he must rely absolutely upon himself' when the time comes. It is a very easy thing to teach children 1 of the proper age how to swim. During the past summer I taught a couple of lit- tle girls how to swim in less than an hour. A swimming tank should be a necessary part, of every public school gymnasium, and it could be fitted up at very little expense. No child should be graduated who had not acquired this easy accomplishment, which, unlike all other accomplishments, is never forgotten. They may forget what they learn tout of the books, but they can never forget how to swim. One of the advantages of children know- ing how to swim is this, that it induces them to take exercise in the water. Boys who cannot swim, and there are thousands of them, are careful about going into the water. The consequence is that they lose the inestimable advantages derived from this most exhilarating and body-building sport. I would also have every child in the pub- lic schools taught to know what the human body is like, and the functions of the dif- ferent parts. They should know every muscle and how to exercise it, They should know what are the proper and im- proper things to put into the stomach,how the lungs work, and the ill-effects of to- bacco, the effects of alcohol on the system and the necessity for pure air in the mak ing of pure blood. These are simple ques- tions in anatomy and the science of health that would not take half an hour a., week Hurrah 1 hurrah for Diamond Dyes, from the time devoted to other studies in So honest, fast and pure; the public schools, where now the mind is Hurrah for dyes the lathes prize 1 developed at the expense of the body. Grand oolofe that endure. believe that children taking constant No other make with them compare, exercise every day, who know how to fol - None used with so much ease; low the simple rules of bodily health, can They work with wonders everywhere, learn more per hour than the unhealthy They never fail to please. children now crowding our schools. Their Hurrah t minds are brighter and more alert, their hurrah for Diamond Dyes, memories more retentive, their reasoning A million voices slog; faculties more sharply developed when he bcusewiv brand so say the wise, the blood courses freely through their To heay these pleasures bring. veins than when it is sluggish as the re Long may theae'Dp were; live to bless suit of indoor life without proper exercise Ninth ay -creating powers; for all the muscles. Long may they show their usefulness A healthy mind in a growing child !alike In this Canada of ours, a sponge, eager for knowledge at every pore. The dull and stupid children of It is nettled that Toronto is to have a whom we hear in every school are in near see show on a large scale in the spring. ly every instance sickly. The healthy is an event is a ting greatly to bo de- child is happy under all circumstances. It d, and its influents on the breeding in- oats well and steeps well. Its body and to tit of the community will be great, as mind expand together, the one stimulat- 3tit ' prion will daubtlese lead to an aft- ing the other. inial . tura in the future. One of the advantages of the kind of physical education for children which I here suggest is that it teaches therm hoer to play. It induces them to seek outdoor exercise and- amusement. Many thou - sande of,children do not know how to play. tute, or Inclose $1 and 6 cents in postage In letter and, we will send, sealed, by return mall. Full sealed particulars In plain envelope, to ladles only. 2 stamps Address TheWndsoCoO t., Campannada. Sold in Clinton by ALLAN & Winsos, Druggtsts. Central Butcher Shop Dinner Sets, China Tea Se: s, Bedroom Sets, Five o'clock Teas, Berry Seto, Cheese Dishes, Water.Sets, Fruit Dishes, Bread and Butter Plates, &c 0 S I We have Hall Lamps, Table Tamps, Parlor Lamps, Piano L �� Lamps, Hanging Lamps, Lamps for all purposes, which we are selling at from 10 to 20 per cent below regular prices. Collie and see for Produce takenas or Cash.blto show goods, J. W. Irwin, Groper Subscriber to public general- ly for the patronage bestowed he ponbiiro;and at in a bet the same time to say supplbe he now of all. ter position ges pe ever to t Rapp y As be gives personal attention to all the details of the businesspromptly and satisfactcan orily fion led. eir orders beieinggp His motto is "good meat at reasonable prices. r Choice Sausage, Poultry, &e., in season. Cash paid for Hides, Skins, &o. JOHN SA bRUTOert Bt., 1N, MACKAY BLOCH, .- - CLINTON. SI,ATTGr�-T'T'F . sAI We have decided to L0� PRICES FOR CASHe whole of our stock TREMENDOUS Brown Sugar 32 b $1. Granulated Groceries lto 'hatch. ala Raisins 5e. per l We have some of the best WATERPROOF COATS ever offered in this village, at prices right. If you want anything in OVERCOATS, SUITS, PANTS, HATS, UN- DERCLOTHING, DRESS GOODS, this is the place to save money. HARDWARE and TINWARE at prices to suit. And suit for BOOT,3 prie. HOES, RUBBERS and Sox we will Oi lbs. Raisins for 25 cents ADAMS' EMPORIUM, , Ra ADAMS. LONDESBORO WHY PEOPLE OH NOT GO TO UA number of prominent divines were recently asked the question, "Why people do not go to church." The New York Evangelist reports that Dr. Her- rick Johnson struck the realdifficulty lt more squarely than any other. says:• After controverting the terms of the question by the assertion that "people do go to church to -day ip far larger numbers than ever before 1 i the his- tory of the world since Christ," he ac- counts for the fact that more people do not go, first, from the side of the world, because people do not wish to go, and from the side of the church, because the churob does not wish them to come. This seeme a terrible indictment, but Dr. Johnson bases it on the facts: the secret is lack of love. The church ought 'to he so much in love with them that she otstatheuntil from them, and go out m she finds them, as the Good Shepherd did. and then constrain them by a loving yet compelling, violence, to come in.' HURRAH FOR DIAMOND DYES AIR : HURRAH FOR CANADA, POWDERS Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia in 20 MINUTES. also Coated Tongue, Dizzi- ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation, Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. to stay cured also regulate the bowels. •VERU WOE! TO TAKE. PRICE 26 CENTS AT DRUG STOR.58. DR. • THE ORIGINAL KIDNEY PILL • Ct1ASE' S si Children Cry for r'a Caatoria. ry IDNEY= LIVER • THE ONLY KIDNEY -LIVET! PILL. • pILLs FLOUR AND FEED STORES. Flour, Feed & Seed Store The undersigned desire to intimate that be will keep on hand the very best FLOUR and FEED Of all kinds also the choicest variety of Clover, Timothy & Small Seeds Which will be sold e,t close margins for cash. SALT also kept on hand. He will also keep a choice amaeusiwi l find to be exceof all kinds of llent vaAS lueh c^on- J. W. HILL HURON ST., CLINTON. T. DawsoN, Manager Standard Bank, Brad- ford, Ont., says, Chase a Kidney -Liver Pills are a grand medicine for the Kidneys and Liver. W. F. CAaataa, its McCaul St., Toronto, re- reseating Montreal Star, says, Chase's Pills act like magic for the relief of head -ache, bilious attack and constipation. Sold everywhere, or by mail on receipt of price, to EDMANSON, BM ES & CO. 46 LONCARO IT. TORONTO, ONT. DON'T DESPAID WILL CURE YOU We g�tttt,aranttee Dodd's Itidney Pills to euro any Dropsy',Rheumatism, Hearta Disease,Female Troubles, Impure Blood --or money refunded. Sold by all dealers in medicine or by malt on receipt of price, sec. per box, or medicine, boxed 040 DR. L. A. SMITH & 00.. Toronfl0 PISO'S CURE FOR ro HERE uTastSrs f(iood. [Tis ri Beat , t' e. 1 olpd •y druggieta . -1 i .0 N-5,,.0 M.P -F-101•1 1111102.1k A PARLOR SUITE FUR $23 COOK'S FIoturFeed Store BRAN & SHORTS In large or small quantities. OIL CAKE and MEAL OF ALL KINDS. 10 poundsholcee f Oatmeal for 1 bushen, (' 00K CLI NTON. BANKS. The Molsons Bank. Incorporated by Act of Parliament, 18191 CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. REST FUND, - $1,300,000 HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. Have you seen that Parlor Suite, Upholstered in. Raw Sill., with Oak Frame, that we are offering at $23? If you are needing—anything in this line, you should see them' at once, as we can get but a limited number. Curtain Poles for 22 Cents We can give you a Curtain Pole with ends, rings, brackets • and pins all complete for 22 cents. In every line of Furniture our prices are lower than ever JOSEPH W.CHIDLEY i FURNITURE DEALER AND UNDERTAKER. traceries the very best And Prices the very Lowest \We will sell at prices tomeet all competition. We have tl e best in RAISINS, CURRANTS,P EELS EXTRACTS a.. J SPICES, and the price is as low as we can make it, do an honest business. and live. Do you want more? President. "r T J. H. T MOLBON Call and compare quality and prices. F. W. 60MAK,....(leneral Manager. WI LTSE, Notes discounted, Collections made, Drafts ie- 17IclILUn It4Y sued, Sterling and American exchange bought U j� 1 & n and sold at lowest current rates. Interest al- GROCERY—Telephone 40 lowed on deposits. 1 NearPostOfce—CENTRAL NTR'AL GROCERYArsolimiffirmertiors — F'ARM-FE Ma. Money advanced to formes on their own note with one or more endorsers.mortgage or security re- quired 11. C. BREWER, Manager. Q EO. D. McT A CURT . BANKER ALBERT ST, - CLINTON. A general 'Banking Business ti ansaeted NOTES DISCOUNTED Drafts issued. Interest allowed on deposits. FAIIRAN & TISDALL BANKERS, OLIN TON„ CONT Advances mads at low ,.arm slotf their own - general tanking Business traneaateo Inte"O allowed on deppesite. Ale Notes bought a. P. TIBDALL, Manage • Nttttttttttitttttitttttttttt tart MttttitrtM WOOD O FO? : COA d... FURNAOESI . , FOR ALL SIZES OF BUILDINGS .. ECapacity, from 10,000 to 8C),00 Cubic deet CP— go- - lL,i t ri`:'r`ieYGu WOOD FURNACE ' HEAVY ORATE, especially' adapted for wood burning H9 iaoBox Dome Radtr, Fire Gen' quicker and aro more durable RADIATOR and Great floating Powerr LARGE ASH PIT COAL FURNACE Large Combustion Chamber Large! Heatinga1, Surfacegmdlator Largo Food Door Sectional Fire Pot RotatingDumping Png CrateDEPAS FA1 Guaranteed Capacity . OAYAWOUII NtldTtdTIMDNIAL coax ....Manufactured by.... The OURNDY FOUNDRY COMPANY Ltd., TORONTO, 1