HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-02-15, Page 6Pe:e1I.8 nCI O01A ,CPQ. AfifiA; ,.s .. r. RNA r ' Va11 LIFB, "give p(11 boarded long tit, :t lie; r Io p ASI, xx,,ml airs OP 11191.01;'"' 91)9,9401 the holy boarder °WAN :TClWNSI-U . the scabs, t1ole?ete.(i Mall 0,0 Ging next to hint, ".About ten years," 1 ry ° don't see how you can stand it. ... '4 o9i1 P1 X1014) 6 *VD fiti7"tN r011ONI`q G all ttig, B0,8PITAL p Erma 8nx-.-Row $rl wee Re- F11ED TA IIEAIfrU AND 447tivlrlfs' th K til y 1.'0at. Ke pare #ew men butter known in Vico qo, sige4,Mr Richard Fitzgerald, who txpiaof the; ea>•ly settler* of the town - 0:414, deb, .Ile Was eleoted to the 9411, r1LlAltle pgeitien of Reeve of that town- , [p, teP twelve sueoessive years, and filled Ape position, with so much acceptance to +thopeople that he was pressed to continue n ace tor a longer time, but was corn pell- todecline the honor. It therefore goes Witboat.eaying that Mr Fitzgerald is not only, known to all the residents of the township, but that his word is considered bir:those who know him to be as good as lte,:bond, and upon everything he may say the xlloat iruplioit confidence may be placed. When young, a stronger Dor more hearty ;rnah•oould not be found, but possessed of an iron constitution, he did what too many lake prone to do, neglected his health, and exposed himself to all sorts of weather, of - fit '.iii the pursuit of his calling as a farmer being wet to the skin for hours at a time. A,little Over seventeen years ago he found ,Alsat he had contracted rheumatism of a mnsoular form, and eaoh succeeding day ''found him in a worse oondition. He ap- plied to all the local doctors• in the neigh- borhood, but received no relief, and was induced by them to apply for ''admission -to the general hospital at Tot onto for , treatment, and was in that institution for ,several months, until he became disheart- •,ened at the want of success attending his treatment and returned home, as was thought, to die. By this time the muscles of'his body had become so contracted that :he'oould not straig':.ten his limbs, and was /arced to spend most of the time in bed, and when. able to get around at all it was `only with the aid of orutohes. When he attempted to raise to his feet bis legs would crack at the knees like stinks of wood, caused, as the doctors told him, by, the fluid in the joints being completely dried up. He was constipated to a fearful degree. When he retired at night there was not sufficient blood in his veins to keep him from feeling intensely oold, and in or- der to keep him warm his daughter knitted him woolen leggings_and lined them with soft wool. 7Several times his family, a por- tion of„wbbm reside in Minhigan, were • summoned home to see their father, as he was thought to be on his death -bed. Fid. ally, after suffering as much bodily pain as would have killed an ordinary man, and at the time when he had not set his foot on the ground for a year, he was induced by his son to give Dr William's Pink Pills a trial, as he had hearu of the many remark- able cures made by that remedy. It was after much persuasion that he was induced to givethem a trial, as he bad then spent a small fortune in medicines an,i differ, . modes of treatment under which he had steadily grown worse, and he had despaired of finding anything that would help him. At last he began using, the Pink Pills and had not taken them long bo;o:e he began feel a decided improvement in his con- dition. Continuing their use he found that he could get around much better than he had been able to do at any time for many years, and after a still further use of Pink Pills he was entirely free from all rhecma- tic pains, and is now a wonder to himself and all who knew him. Mr Fitzgerald is BOW 70' years of age, is able to walk to Eirkfield every day, and is enjoying better health than he has had since he was first affected. Dr. William's Pink Pills are a perfect blood builder and nerve restorer, curing such diseases as nervous headache, St. Vitus' dance, locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, rheumatism, neuralgia, nervous prostration and the tired feelingitherefrom; the after effects of grippe, diseases depend - • "big upon humors of the blood, such aa scrofula, chronio erysipelas, etc. Pink Pills give a healthy glow to pale and sallow complexions, and are a specific for troubl peculiar to the female system, and in tl e case of men arising. from mental worry, overwork or excesses of any nature. Dr, Williams' Pink Pills may be had of 111tH druggists, or direct by mail •from Dr. Williapis' Medicine Company, Brockville, Ont., dr Schenectady, N. Y., at 50 cents a box, or six boxes for $2.50. Sold only in boxes, the wrapper around which bears the company's trade mark. Do not be tiersuaded to try something else. ,^ FREAKS OF BULLETS. Bullets have been known to flatten round a bone, as if the bone, having been broken, had been thus joined to- gether by the pliant lead. In one curious case, a bullet went exactly six times in and outof a skirtnisher's body without doing him any serious harm. Kneeling when firing, the ball traver- • sed the ribs, entering one side and making its exit at the other, and fln- ' •ishing its•erratic course by entering ?r. and finally taking its departure from the other arm of that curiously per- forated soldier. 3g, A NEW ERA. In THE HISTORY OF MEDICAL PRACTICE NATIO- , MUTED BY A RECENT CURE OF BRIGHT'S DISEASE. Montreal, Feby. 11 — Although some weeks have elapsed armee the first dispatch concerning Dr A. G. McCormack, of Rioh- mond, was sent' out from this oity, the publio interest in the man and his recovery from Bright's disease, has not abated. Doctors have investigated the report of this wonderful care, and have satisfied them- selves of its truth. As a prominent phy- sioion remarked to your oorresppondents to- day, 'Dr MoCormiok's case tpark9 a new era in medical practice and D e id's Sid• ney Pills, which oared him cannot fail to secure wide recognition from the medical profession.' Local druggists report a )ieavy sale of these pills throe ,hoot the oity since this core was first reported. The Toronto Evening News says: It is understood that Mr David Creighton, manager of the late Empire, will be offered the position of assistant receiver in the Reoeiver-General's offieo here. If he is Willing to accept it the present incnbent of the offoe will be superannuated. In the *Vent of Mr Creighton deolrning this posi- tion he will be offered another at Ottawa. It is expected, however, he will prefer to remain -in Toronto. , r yf r. bid n lel, 4 o•' 1.• t 1tit * Cs to,I41tr' 1' W11vY haven you leftiong ago? '4No. Other place to ggo," salla• the other d'ialualUy. "The lantilady'o My wife." • THOUGHT IS POWER. One secret, and perhaps the main cause of U.W.Ross' power as a speaker is his habit of thinking before he talks. Too many speakers in this co'rnti y, and in Toronto especially, trust to the In- spiration of the Moment, The inspira- tion of the moment sounds fine. . It is, in truth, an excuse for laziness. Mo- ments of Irspiration come only after hours of inerastry which a man who has the opportunity of addressing a great audience on a great subject should give to the work of preparat tun. A'speaker must be hard on himself if he would be easy with his audience, The gentleman who is easy with him- self is hard on his audience. The grand- est utterances of Mr Ross have in them the ring of true unpremeditated elo- quence, but his speeches are enriched by a wealth of thought that is not ac- quired in a Moment of Inspiration.— Toronto Telegram. SEND TO DAY. Ladies and gentlemen, be alive to your own interest. There has recently been dis- covered, and is now for sale by the under- signed, a truly wonderful "Hair Grower' and "Complexion Whitenin ." This "Hair Grower" will actually grow hair on 1t bald head in six weeks. A gentleman who has no beard can have a thrifty growth in six weeks by the use of this wonderful "Hair Grower" It will also prevent the hair from falling.' By the use of this remedy boys raise an excellent mou:tacbe in sin weeks. Ladies, if you want a surprising head of Bair, have it immediately by 010 use of this "Ha r Grower." I also sell a "Complexion Whitening" that will in ono month's time make you as clear a as I to awl white ski Ca.be made We never n l know a lady o. gentleman o 050 twu bottles or this Whitening for they all say that before they finished the second bott'e they were as white as they would wish t Be. After the tree of this whitening', the sl ie. will forever retain its color. It also rent7ves freckles, etc., etc. The "Hair Grower" is50 cents per tot. o, and the "Face Whitening" 50 cents per bottle. Either of these remedies will be sent by mail postage paid, to any address on receipt of price 'Address all or- ders to R. RYAN, 350 Gilmour'St., Ottawa, Ont P. S —We take P.O. stamps same as cash, but parties ordering ty mail will comer a favor by ordering $1 worth, as it will require this amount of the solution to accomplish e.tber purpose, then it will lessen the rush of P. 0, stamps, A CLEVER PICKPOCKET The Grand Duke Sergius, now Gov- ernor-General of Moscow, once gtt-ve a dinner to thearnb'tssador from France, who hapnened to express the belief that the ,'r•1ch pickpockets were the gi atest •leirrht-of-hand artists in the world. "I believe," said the prince, "that unfortunately our own are not inferior. I bet that before you leave my table, your watch and other objects of value which you carry will be gone, and that you will not know that you have been robbed." The het was tak- en, and the grand duke, a few minutes later, unknown to his guests, telephon- ed to the chief of police to send the most skilful pickpocket in St. Petets- hurg to the palace, to assure him that the was not to be punished, and that he could have the value of all he stole. The robber arrived, put on the royal livery, and after arranging with the grand duke to give a sign when he had accomplished his purpose, began to wait with the other servants at table. At last the prince received the signal from the pickpocket. and, horning' to the ambassador,, asked him the time. The latter placed his hand in his pocket and there found a cracker In the place of his watch. There was a great out- burst of laughter, and t he ambassador, to cover his disappointment, reached for his snuff-box, but, to ! it, too, had disappeared. Even his small golden toothh-pick, which he carried in a little pocket, had been taken. Amid the peals of laughter, the false lackey was asked to return the articles which he had stolen. The hilarity of the grand duke was of short duration, for the pickpocket showed two watches, two rings and two snuff boxes. His impe- rial highness, too, had been robbed. It was a remunerative night for the pickpocket. "BODY RESTED, MIND AT EASE." That is what it is when traveliing on the fast trains cf the Chicago, Milwauaee & St. Paul Railway ; besides, there is no chance to " kick," for the accommodations are up to date, the trains keep moving right along and get there on time. These lines thoroughly cover the territory between Chicago, La Crosse, St. Paul, Minneapolis, .Aberdeen, Mitchell, Sioux City, Yankton; Council Bluffs, Omaha and Northern Michigan. All the principal cities and towns in that territory are reached by the " St. Pani" lilTee, connecting at St Paul, Council Bluffs and Omaha with all lines for pointe in the far west. Write to A. T. Taylor, Canada Pass'r Agent, 87 York St., Toronto, Ont., for one of their new map time tables and a brochure giving a descrip- tion of the Compartment Sleeping Cars. Tickets furnished by any coupon ticket agent in the United States and Canada. The finest dining cars in the world are run on the solid vestibuled, electric -lighted and steam -heated trains of the Chicago, Mil- waukee & St. Pani Railway. The current discussion on law reform has brought to notice a case out of a dis- pute between a widow and ber-son-in-law in regard to some farm property worth $2,000. Each took legal counsel, and felt sure of emboss on the points at issue. The certainty of winning frustrated the ef- forts of friends towards a settlement. The affair went the usual course through the courts, and the costs readhed close on $1,000. One of the parties to the case has been fin- ancially ruined, while the other bas the farm, mortgaged to the extent of the costs. o The farmers of Canada must know that the Ministerial pretence of giving them protection is unmitigated humbug. It is true that commerce has been .obstructed, and that people on the borders can feel con- siderable inconvenience. But every bushel of American grain and every pound of American cheese excluded from Canada meets the Canadian farmer in the British market, There it does its share towarde lowering thei ow price of farm ro8note both in that market and at home. The erolu- sio0 la pretext enacted t reconcile far - mord id to expenite cif enooaraging the msnafaotnres. tfilbbe, W.K41.4 440 LONDON P,(!iOk'IA: 'r : MI' S. I'', Cilitss, Iiowitao Pottery %mike,; aetv'$1--'I teetLrnlrrliil pet be t,We strong to express' the hewed -vial effeute I hay@ ear perteuoed fromthe use of B. $lath's Road. agha, Neurulgip, and Liver 1!QWdera par, equally and in my family, ae tbey,haye,aafr forded ate perfect toilet trent the moat die. gassing sick headaehee which frequently incapacitated rue from doing bueineau. I kuow'otgther, wee have been equally be. nefitted. I consider them one of the meet useful uledioial combinations of the day," Mr H. U. Patterson, cf Messrs Masuret & Co., wholesale grocers, says:—"I have found Stark's Powders (fc- nick Headache, Biliousness and Livert to afford immediate and permanent relief to every case." "Miss L. G. Johnson says;—"A. moat valuable remedy. The result has always been eatisfaotory.' Price po a box; sold by all medicine dealers. It is stated that the Prince of Wales will visit Rt,we in, the spring in con- nection with a project to marry the Prince of Naples to the Princess Maud of Wales. OATARItH t+FLIEV'ED IN 10 TOM MINUTES. One short . uff or the breath through the Blower supplied with each bo' tle of Dr. Agnew's Oatar rhal Powder, diffuses this Powder over the sur- face of the nasal passages. Pain lees and delight, ful to use, it relieves iuetantly, and permanently cures Catarrh Hay Fever, Colds Headache, Sore TLruat,-Tonsilitis and Doafnese. 60 cents, At WarrS & CO'S. Clinton. Railways in Scotland are still block- ed with snow. Snowploughs, which have been sent out to clear the lines, have themselves been imbedded in snowbanks, and the men operating them have suffered severely f181n the intense cold. COLD IN THE HEAD AND HOW TO CURE IT. One of the most unpleasant and danger- ous maladies that afflicts Canadiang at th s season is cold in the head. Unpleasant, because of the dull, heavy lreaeache, in- flammed nostrils and other disagreeable symptoms accompanying it; and danger- ous, because if neglected it develops into catarru, with Its disagreeable hawking and spitting. foul breath, frequent loss of taste and smell acid iu many , v cases ultimately u timate] developing into consumption. Nasal Balm is the only remedy yet discovered that will instantly relieve cold in the head and cures in a few applications, while its faithful use will effectus lly eradicate the worst case of catarrh. Capt. D. H. Lyon, p sident of the C.P.R. Car Ferry, Prescott, Ont., says —"I used Nasal Balm for a prolonged case of cold in the head. Two applications ef- fected a cure in less than 24 hours. I would not take 8100 for my bottle of Nasal Balm, if I could not replace it." Sold by all dealers, or sent by mail postpaid at 50 cents per bottle, by addressing G. T. Ful- ford & Co., Montreal. The Haler Gavotte. A square dance in, which society is much interested is the Kaiser gavotte. This dance owes its origin to a German profes- sor, who gave it its name in honor of Em- peror William. The dance so delighted His Majesty that he has ordered it to be danced at all the Court balls. The Kaiser gavotte is a stately dance much resembling the minuet. As danced at the German Court balls a profound obeisance to the Emperor and Empress begins and ends the dance. The continu- ous figure leave the beholder in a trans- port of admiration. Only a professor of dancing could describe every figure. Two figures which are particularly beautiful are called the rosette and the star. The gavotte balance, however, is the most effective ('figure in the dance. The ladies, with their left hands, very daintily catch their skirts, lifting them ever so little, still enough to Show satin slippers and clouds of lace. With right hands held high over their heads, they catch their partners' hands, and in this wise, balanc- ing, one couple following another in ono - cession, they make a grand tour of the ballroom. All the steps are Atately and dignified, and only • persona it -natural grace can dance the Kaiser gavotte well. henry Irving's Lees; Some time ago, when Henry Irving was in Edinburgh, a Scotch clergyman came and informed him that he was to attend the' theatre that week for the first time in his life, to see one of the Lyceum produc- tions. Irving felt duly flattered, and so expressed himself; but the divine, after a certain amount of stammering, confessed that he did not wish to see a play in which there was a ballet. Irving, greatly puz zled, informed him that there was no dancing in the plays he was then produc- ing, but that, according to the slang of the "profession," the supernumeraries of both sexes were "the ballet," and hence prob- ably arose his visitor's mistake, The worthy man's face beamed, and he took an affectionate leave of his host; but et the door he was seized with misgivings and suddenly demanded,point-blank: "If there is no ballet, Mr. Irving, why do people talk so much about your legs?" Irving's answer has not been chronicled. BORN DEAF. EVERY ONE Z8 80, BUT ONLY THAT WAY. All infants are deaf at birth, because the outer ear is as yet closed and there is no air in the middle ear. A response to a strong sound is observed at the earliest insix hours, often not for a day, sometimes not for two or three days. The awakening of the sense may be recognized by 'means of the drawing up of the arms and the whole body and the rapid blinking which a loud noise provokes; and it is a sign of deafness if the child, after its ears have had time to come into a suitable con- dition for, hearing, fails to respond thus to a strong sound. No other organ of sense contributes so much to the early physical develops went of the child as that of hearing after it has become fully developed. The superiority of the ear over the eye in regard to this point, is shown ,. by the intellectual backwardness of persons, who are horn deaf, as com- pared with those who are born blind. At the beginning of life as a rule, the voice of the mother and the nearest relatives afford the first impressions of sound. Very soon these voices are distinguished, and differently respond- ed to. Tt is particularly interesting to compare the soothing operation sing- ing of the cradle melodies with the ex- traordinary vivacity exhibited on the hearing of dance music, in the second month. Certain sounds, as those of the male voice are effective at a very early period ire quieting the crying of a child; while other strong and strange ones,w,ill cane it to cry. Observations on these points, which re easily mul• tipped s ow.tiln'hir1' .a `i " dila original,,,; deaf ney ""s,' f11' ,.bhh d l tl'iz Olsen 'nate between 1 of ti0t' EW STAY -City Ifall B:u her Sloop. `.rhe und:wo w bas opened afinat,olasa a op :la 'Abe T'twn°Hall Store. C1110,011 And is groomed to please all tbose who appreot, Ate Sy surly 8 ave or a Stylish flak, Out. Shams pooh)li .dinging or Hair Dye pg Bpeolat attout tiigiven to Leglets) air Dressing and B amides. {live ,wp a call, FRED BAIi:E`r, - Clinton. New Flour & Feed Store • CASH AND ONE PRICE. The undersigned begs to intone the people of Clinton and vicinity that behas opened a palely Oasts Flour and Feed Store on Victoria $t,, near MMEALS, (MOP STUFF, BRAN, QATT, WHEok of AT, &o , at the lowest living prices forOash. Belling ter Cash truly I am in a position to give the very bast value ter Cash or trade. Goods exchanged for grain at the highest market priors. Give me a call and I will do my beet to give one and all outside value. Goode guaranteed or money re - ROLLED OATMEAL a specialty; the very beet to be had. O'. OLSON, Victoria St., Clinton NOTICE OFREMOVAL The undersigned wishes to inform his many customers and friends that he has moved to his New Shop on Hntteuhury Street Near the,Market Square, where he is prepared to give his customers better accommodation than ever. I have seoured the services of a good woodworker, and am prepared to do alt kinds of wood -work repairing. As to the quality of work done and attention shown, it is sufficient to say that the old standard will be kept up. le bis showrooms there will be kept a well snorted stook or Sleighs, utters, Buggies, Plows, H arri(lws, Etc, Which he will sell at prices to suit the times. In addition to this he 1s prepared to do all kinds of Bicyc:e Itepairi❑gg. Special attentltn will be giv en to Horse Shoeing and all Custcm Werk. All work and,etook guaranteed to be hrst-class and prices low. JOHN TEDFORD, Clinton BUSINESS tHANW The undersigned begs to inform the people of Clinton and surrounding country that he has bought the stock f BOOTS & SHOES of Mr Oeo. Stewart. wa t and he will c nttt o ue the earners in the same p ace opposite the Market He will sell ter cash n.nly, and eller 5 peoinl Bar gains for the next 30 days. He hopes by strictat- tention to bueinees to merit a share of Public Patronage. Repairing a specialty. JAMES YOUNG House Painting and Poor Hanging The undersigned is prepared to promptly exe- cute all orders for PAINTING, KALSOMINING PAPER -HANGING, &o. He is a practical man of ong experience and guarantees to do all work in a manner that shall be satisfactory, whit prices wil be exceedingly moderate. Order re. speotf ul ly solicited. GEO. POTTS, . Carter's house, Victoria St., Clinton. McLeod's System RENOVATOR AND OTHER Tested Remedies. SPECIFIC AND ANTIDOTE For Impure, -Weak and Impoverished Blt,od Dyspepsia, Sleeplessness, • Palpa- tation of the Heart, Liver Complaint Neuralgia, 'Loss of Memory, B onchitis Consumption, Gall Stones, Jaundice, Kid ney and Urinary Diseases, St. Vitus' Dance Female Irregularities and General Debility LABORATORY, 1OODERICH, ONT J. M. McLEOD, Prop. and Manufacturer Sold in Clinton by J. H. COMBE, and ALLAN & WILSON COTTOLENE. "'rake a hole and put some dough around it, then fryin lard." This simple recipe has brought thousands to grief, just because of the frying in lard, which as we all know hinders digestion. In all 'recipes where you have used lard, try the new vegetable shortening and you will be surprised at the delightful and healthful results. It is without unpleasant odor, unpleasant flavor or unpleasant results. With COTTOI.,ENE in your kitchen, the young, the delicate and the dyspeptic can all enjoy the regular family bill of fare. Cottolene Is told In 8 and $ pound pails, by all grocer& Made only by The N. K. Faalrbank Company, Wellington and Ann liter MONTREAL. POWDERS Curs SIOK HEADACHB and Nenregir. Ind O id Li'riorei►rB1Ga d ra rseost, f;t o at io d Tonal/ ItY 6ii r e DtUit a T!0es, R train0te,Satainth0$id&rCo ai'Iy soo4-tS. regiile tho•Llwati, V iifi416itite tAlt le impres816s iPala% as OIPla pie Ditaal' rolrrtlN Tilt ONLY UP TO DATE citomoRT j TOWN Ia, he_CASH G R O ...0 . . RE • Tell us your wants and we will do the rest, if your waetr refer to g1'oceriee. SATUSFAQTItaN • Is what we Man to give our customers, and by careful attention to thuja wants, we hope to secure and merit a portion of the public patronage er* the coming yeas. Bargain Day Prices, Our Every day Prices,. Every day Bt{'rgain Day with us. Sole Agents for the celebrated MONSOON TEA. Farm produce taken as sash. --Telephone No. 23. OGLE COOPER & CO. Cash Grocery 1 door North of News -Record. RUMBALL' S H lilr•c>>tlltft4treet, Clinton A'e have in stock a few Extra Cutters Ilia SEV)lel Cheap Which wo guarantee to he of first-class material and workmanship, I c nu want a ,(iod article tit the price of a poor one, call and bac us. F. RTT'A 113 - CI INTt1N Sash, JJoor & actory :: S. S. COOPER Proprietor : •. Owing to my increasing business, I am building an exteneive addition to my, premises, and also putting in one of the latest improved Patent Dry Kilns, and will then be in a better position than ever to fill all orders entrusted tome. We prepare plans and estimates for all kinds of residences, and execute contracts for the same on short notice, and in a workmanlike manner. We manufacture to order and also carry in stock all kinds of Window Sash, Door Frameal, Blinds, Lumber, Lath, &c. Persons who intend to build will find it to their own interest to see me before sodoing. S. S. C OO PE k Clinton i Cuomo PACKING HOUSE &, MEAT S I OSE ; JAS.,STEEP & CO. Wish to intlmatethat they have opened out a l General Produce Store in Combe's Block, where they will keep on hand Fresh Pork, Sausages, Spare Ribs, Lard, Pig Feet Jelly, Head Cheese, Poultry of all kinds, Creamery and Dairy Butter, Bat- 1 termilk, Skim Milk, Sweet Cream, Sour Cream for Baking, Flour and Feed, Grain, Seeds, &c. Goods delivered promptly. BELLING STRICTLY FOR CAQR, we are abl to sell at the closest figures. Orders respectfs 1 solicited. .;.\S.'TEl P A:- .0.,Clinton Beszmiller NI/roomy FRUIT AND "ORNAMENTAL TREES, NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a specialty. LARGE STOCK ON HAND. The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices, and those wanting any thing in this connection will save money by pur phasing here. Orders by Mailwill be prornptiy attended to. Address, JOHN STEWART. — Benmiller. Clinton Planting . Mill —AND— DRY KILN! The eubsoriber, having the very latest improved machinery, and employing tbo most ekilted work- men is able to do work in his line in the most satisfactory manner, at reasonable rates and "on the eh' rteet notice. A trial solicited FACTORY NEAR G.T R. STATION, CLINTON THOS. MWKENZIE HURON AND BRUCE Loan, 4t Investment Co This Oamaany fs Loaning Money on Farr Security at Lowest Rates of tntere MORTGAGES - . - PURCHASED SAVINGS BANK BRANCH. 3, 4 and 5 per Cent. Interact Allowed on Deposits, according toa nouns am) time lilt. OFFICE—Cor. Square and North St., 0oderioh HORACE BOSTON Manager Maniop Mutual Fire Insurance Co FARM & ISOLATEN TORWENDPROPERTY ONLY ISUOFFICERS- . D. Roes, Prssldent, Clinton; Geo. Watt Vice Pres. Harlock; W. J. Shannon, 800y-'treas. Seaforth; M. Murdie, inspector of Claims, Seaforth. DIRECTO1as, Jas. Broadfoot, Seaforth 1 Gabriel Itlllott Clinton; J.B. McLean, TuckersmitbThos.T ar- bet, Clinton ; 0, Gardiner, Lea Hays, Molt Mop, AGENTS. Thos. Noilans, Harlock; Robt. McMillan, Rea - forth; J. Onmings, Egmondvillo. Geo. Murale, tr ua to , t are r rlitl• ,$stiles• lidiif ne to eff lit "pitta" t9 ''sot. otb. ° bgl• i ness ivril h,0 tltnpil,9,1 , lan dd "W en .it ' tea on *Hutt, driliti above fitidtl 11dtaNY *noir rsipeblWI OMNI 414.• THRSTOR'S riqirk fiU1TEB C6. (Parwwrrn .lr'i,Y Ili'", I5 i,) New Process for Arnkice 1' ireButter from the ".ire Solids of the talk. •:0 chemicals or gi- trir Machinery Rn eoi4 •;, ,, . '[r -' i lv N u. Process will make too to three times thu amount of Pure MAL Butler that can be t lade by any other method yet invented. Therefore send stamp for full partionlars, also circulars of questions asked and answered. 'i'Yarston's Pure Milk Miller Co., 63 Hieb Street East, Toronto, Ont. For rI went y -Five Years DUNN'S BAKINO POWDERO THEO OK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. Rob It's net be, I'm 1 ...ii L::: y01: Cali I smoke a l,elt.r Cigar than "ROB iROY," They cost 5c. but I get sax of there for a quarter. EMPIRE TOBACCO CO.. Mosiiiufr' tr1: 0°1'4' CONSTIPATION, •' f I L,i O L%S N ESS, DYSPEPSIA '' ICK HEAUAOH' REGUL TETHELIV , di4Ik` PI LLIA, „gR 1 N k S