Clinton New Era, 1895-02-15, Page 5S I I have justengageda fi'rsticlass Watchmaker and -Engraver and all work will have prompt attention, and will be 'guaranteed. If you have any engraving to do we will ,,do it for you in first-class. style. Remember we do it in our shop and don't send it away. J. B- RUMBALL 'Watchmaker, Jeweler, &c., TelephoneExchange HOUSEKEEPERS! if you want the best value for your money. If you want an article that with never disappoint you. If you want thoroughly good and healthful Baking Powder, Flavoring Extracts, and 1r'resh Spices, which are Strongest and Best, go to J. E. HOVEY'S, Dispensing Chemist. Clinton DON'T YOU KNOW 'Teat a cold or cough allowed "to run its course" is likely to run a dangerous one, and that unless treated at once is likely to prove too close a compan- ion ! On the start one bottle of Dock's Balsam of Wild Cherry Invariably cures. Later on it may take more, but it cures. 25c a bottle only at ALLEN & WILSON'S Jhrug Store, where you always get the best. Art Materials, Stationery, &c. Telephone No. 2. PERFUMES Co9atgli We will offer our entice stock SEELY'S and JOHN TAYLOR'S PERFIIMES AT .AeTEAL COST PRICE. These goods are put up in beautiful Cut Glass Bottles, • is satin lined cases, and we mean exactly what we say: we will sell these goods at actual cost. We also carry a full line of ROGERS & GALLET PERFUMES, A. Bour, Joies & Co., Paris, and an assortment from all the leading American and English manufacturers. Call and see our stock and compare prices with any store in town. JAMES H. COM BE, CHEMIST and DRUGGIST, PHYSICIANS SUPPLIE', ETC. 9axig nators, P — LOW Prices/ Corner iuron .an Albert Streets BOYS' & MENs CLOTHING What's the use in trying to mend and patch the boye pants? You've done it till you're tired, and they,onlr- •break out again in a fresh place. It never pays r you to waste the time over them -when you can get a New Suit for so little money as here. It pays better to get a new Suit anfl put it on the lad and let him wear it. clean out and then buy another, especially as they are so cheap at this store, MEN'S SUITS too, are here in great abundance, and the prices, if you knew them, would make you stare. Think of getting well and respectably clothed with a good Suit of wearable Tweed, well made and trimmed, and excellent fit for $5, 5.50, 6.50, 7,50 8.50, 9.50 and $10. If you will take the trouble to look us up when in want of real nice Clothing at hard times prices, you will find it greatly to your advantage. GrilLertaYd WISE1VLAN.. CLINTON. DEPARTMENTAL STORE IWe have in stock for early spring trade Dress Goods, Prints, Silks, Staple & Fancy Goods, Carpets, Oil Cloths, Curtains, Hosiery, Gloves, small Wares, &c. C1othin_cy Made Clothing,Canadian Tweeds,Scotch, Irish and West g of England Suitings made to order and first-class in every way by our tailor, Mr C. C. RANCE. Gents Furnishings -Hats, Caps, Shirts, Collars, Cuffs,, Ties, Hose, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, &c. 1YIILLINERY We expect in for springer a very fine assort- ment of Millinery. Due notice later on. MISS L. WELSH DRESS MAKING We are now doing the Dress and Mantle Making in the very latest and first-class styles. MISS M. SHIPLEY. Boots & Shoes-iinesA large assortment of goods in the different out at manufacturers rices to be clearedp CROCERIE eas, Coffee, Rice, Soaps, Starch, Soda. Currants, ods, &c. 25, lbs. Granulated Sugar for $1. 30 lbs. For good goods and low prices we le Raisins, Canned Coffee Sugar $1. ad. I�STEEL BIBBE. GS, c t The Finest � PHOTOGRAPHS are taken by •O Li- H. FOSTER FURS If you want anything in this line, now is your chance to bur it for little money. We have had a wonderfully suc- cessful sale of Fur Goods this season, and will close out the balance of the stock at prices that will put the) fortunate buyer in good humor with himself and all{1 the world. BEAVER CAPS, PERSIAN LAMB CAPS, OPPOSSUD COLLARS and MUFFS, WOOL SEAL COLLARS and MUFFS, WOOL SEAL GAUNTLETS, ASTRACHAN COON COATS Two only GOAT ROBES. All our Fur, goods are A 1 quality, and as we have only au. few pieces of each line, and are determined to sell every article and carry nothing forward, so if you can do with any article that we have yet in stock, it will; be to your interest to secure it. "A penny saved is a penny gained." "A word to the wise is sufficient." W. L. Oi'TIMET"r. GASH DEAL, LONDEBBOItO