HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-02-08, Page 6C$QN. rodu% Siena upeaks trrAittful Main beta ifs 'Oath Ieraael neetr, luixrr noody retleettee W¥tl$eal ho1d4l to t'en. . • eldelOsli ie uregepetTeednll',a wave, hen antleelrise bot `strong and brave, And Oath's Owetjet graco'o shine, In 6104ae1 First old li thea, iV1711a Second. SMntael seen airise. Wiiret Binge of David's line. •. In 3e :ond Binge and also to F-iret hrpnaclea,thrangh deeds of*sin A.eetheringstorm is feared. 4iile Seooxtd •.0 ronlelee declares Hoy Eisai" fell, through heathen snares, 1r, r Ti11 Ezra appeared. Then Nehemiah proves most true; And Eether eievea the bated few, - Then Job inajestio speak :n Pealme doh melodies abound ; n.Proverbe priceless gems are found By him whom evisdoas eeeke, Eooleeiaetes eite in gloom, 134t Solomon's Song retains its bloom, . And shows a mastery deep. .eaiah epoaks what be believes, • While Jeremiah sadly grieves Area Lamentations weep. ':lsekiel toile his visions rare ; And Daniel talks with angels fair ; And Hosea reproves. hen Joel speaks the faithful word, .pr which brave Amos leaves his herd ; 1 And Oljadiah loves. i . t T'Aroarni�: Emily. PE Y r o f HE MANES, SOME. N " liCEliTIXO jewels; from God's own presence flees; iJOiitMeek; his ealvation sees ,krid TNahurp tells His power. •O1d'Ilkibakkuk in God confides; And Zephaniah in Hitt hides In sore temptation's hour. Haggai cries: Arise and build - For God's good time is now fulfilled, And Zaohariah sends To Israel's hosts a , nessage plain, And then with Malachi's refrain The Hebrew Canon ends. WELL KNOWN LONDON PEOPLE SAX Mr S. P. a%,,,'• . Glass, London Pottery Works, says:—"No testimonial can be two strong to express the 'beneficial effects I have ex- :, perienoed from the use of R. Stark's Head- . ache, Neuralgia and Liver Powders per- sonally and Ire my family, as they have af- forded me perfect relief from the most dis- tressing sink headaches which frequently incapacitated me from doing 'business. I ,knock of others Who have been equally be - matted. 1 consider them one of the must useful mediciel combinations •of the day." Mr H. C. Patterson, cf Messrs Masuret ak Co., wholesale grocers, says; -,-"I havefound Stark's Powders (for Sick Headache, Biliousness and Livereto afford immediate and permanent relief in every case." "Miss: L. G. Johnson says:—"A most 'valnable,remedy. The result has always been. satisfactory.' • - Price 25e a box; sold by all medicine dealers. • • PEARLS OF TRUTH. Labor to show more wit in discourse than wcrds. • Deceivers trifle with the best •laffec- thins of our nature. The seed dies into a new life, and so does man. Those who hope for no other life are dead even for this. ' Elnployment and ennui are simply incompatible. - Death has nothing terrible which life has not made so. Cultivation to the mind is as neces- sary as food to the body. One should believe in marriage as in the immortality of the soul. To•lbfee one Who loves you is stealing fire from heaven. Every Prod+ration of genius must be the production of enthusiasm. Cunning pays no regard to virtue, and d is but the low mimic of wisdom. The virtue of the soul does not con - consist in flying high, but walking or- - - .. • Our dissatisfaction, of any other so- lution is the blazing evidence of immor- tality. The highest knowledge can be no- thing more than the shortest and near- . est way to truth. 11P7 - No longer' talk about the kind of a • man that a good man ought to be, but r be such. Eve, with all the fruits of Eden blest, rather than leave that one unknown, lost all the rest. Experience to be so, for it is often purand c nhath eedhased ab all infinite rate. Modern education too the fingers with rings, and at the same ttime cuts the sinews at the wrists. There is a personage who has more sense than Napoleon, more wit than Voltaire or Monseigneur. Everybody. test of Necessity inward cruel, t strength.it Every folol may live according to -his own likings. Nobody contents himself with rnugh diamonds, or wear them so. When polished and set, then they give a lus- r), The world is butt -a magnificent build- ing, all the stones are gradually ce- mented together. No one subsists by himself alone. What man in bis right mind would conspire his own hurt f Men are beside themselves when they transgress against their convictions. and Bladder dice, s s ref eved 10 six hi u s by the "Great South AmeriRan Kidney Ours."- 'ride MOW reined' is a great surprise and de`ight nn account of its exceeding promptness in relieving of the urinarain the y' n+ssagea ir. male neys, baor female,k andryitrr,, Heves retention of water and pain in passing ttt utmost iuimudtately, dr)ld by \ATTs do co Hunter and Crossley, the great Oanadinn evanglists, are having greal. emcees in the People's Temple, jeoston. Paine's Celery Compound Used in the:Frozen Regions. Lieut.Mr Peary W.mes the Davidson, the regions,who ent was re.l oently interviewed, and made the following interesting statements"Yes, indeed, I have not only heard of Celery and have everyreasonbut to remember d it. When I was seleoted by Lieut. Peery to accompany him on his trip to the -arctic regions to try and find the North Pole, it wad on account of my strong, healthy con- stitution, and hie.belief that I could endure the fatigue and danger incident to the trip. I had been associated with him as bis bus- iness manager on his lecturing Our, ' and was on terms of the greatest intimacy with him. • "Wen Flcon lefNew York onhert iptnorhhe wa da it had, among the stores, several oases of Paine's Celery Compound. The reputation of that medi- cine was so well establishes that it was the most natural thing in the world that the members of the party,i and they comprised men from nearly every walk in life, from common sailors to men of science, should desire to use it. ' "the record of our perilous trip to Camp Anniversary is too well known to need repi- tition. Once in camp we naturally took in- ventory of our possessions, and I was ex- ceedingly glad to find the Celery Com- pound. The medicinechest was open to all, and we were free to take from it what we thought was advisable. I, in company with several others, selected some of the Compound, taking a bottle of it to the abin, knowing it would be handy when wanted. 'Nor was I mistaken, for the ex- essive cold weather soon had ata effects, nd 1 began to be troubled in a number of aye. 1n every case when I felt the slight• et indiepositioia, 1 used the Compound, nd of course found relief. "One as thatthecold weather noticeable in the tio us all iexx- Jingly nervone. We became irritable nd (rose. The slightest thing would cause ngry words to spring to' our lips, and it gdired the greatest care to guard against r ill -temper getting the better of us. e had to watch one another to avoid get- nginto a passion. Our nerves were all strualthngIand talkedt the matteraffected with me of the others, and made up my mind at possibly the Celery Compound would beneficial, for I knew that it was used r nervous disorders at home. Well, sir, e tried it, and I must say that it helped very one of us, so much so that I might y it was a peacemaker among ne., "When the long night of six ,'months me on and we were in darkness, we found at the effects were yery depressing. Im- ine, if yon ean, living` foe six months in rkness, each as occurs here every night, d you can readily understand how we e situated. It is a wonder that some of did not go mad. We had not much to ert our attention, and the effect was ething like solitary confinement in a k cell. I have used Paine's Celery Compound a dozen ills such as a person is liable to e at any time, and especially in this elate country. It has always helped and I should be pleased to have more t should I go North again. I do not know of any one thing that I speak more highly of than Paine's ry Compound. It certainly is a great iciue, and I am an abvocate of it." c c a w e a w cee a a re ou W ti un he BO th be fo w ev th agi an we - us div som dar for hay des me of i can Cele med FRIENDSHIP. How rare and sweet is friendship true? Life's darksome hours beguiling; Our councillor and solace too When hope has ceased from smiling. When sorrow's clouds have gathered wthiok And hover dark about us, 'Tie then with aching hearts we seek Kind words from those who love us. And when again our sky is blue, And Hope is on ae beaming, Our friends are still the tried and true -- Whose love was more than seeming. Oar friends as well in brighter days As in our time of sorrow; Rejoicing at our weal to -day, To weap_purohanoo the morrow. Ahl who could live were friends not true? Who would not die of grieving? Earth's pleasures then' would seem so few The bliss would be the leaving. HEART DISEASE nELIEVED n,8O MINUTES Dr Agnew's Cure for the,Neart sl'gesperfect re- lief in all cases of Orgaii'le or Syynip'ritbetio Heart Disease In 8Q •,ginittes and: peeaily effete a euro. It is a peerleey remedy.feP alpitation,Shortnins of Breath, Sihohering Spells, Pain in tett Side and all symptoms of Diseased Heart. One dose couvinoes, sold by WATTS & CO„ Clinton ' Last year G at e t Britain) im orted 769,118,680 dozen of eggs, of which Can. ada sent 2,548, 040 dozen. With free- dom to trade between the two coun- tries the most profitable market for Canadian eggs is the United States. HURRAH FOR DIAMOND BYES When Baby was sick, we gave her Gastorte. Fshe ras a Child, she cried for Castorts, ahbheoaio a ages[ 164 nluaj; to Nome. ditabvt;0140theitit+eiWdin tltrL4 Ata : HORRAn /0ft•lANAnA, ;;Hurrah t hurrah for Diamond Dyes, •So honest, fast and pure; Hurrah for dyes the ladies prize Grand colors that endure. No other make with them co}npare, None treed with ao much ease; They work with wonders everywhere, They never fail to please. Hnrrat-I hurrah for Diamond Dyes, A million voices e',ng; The'Diantiond' brand so say the wise, To housewives pleasures bring. Long may those 'Diamonds' live to Wells , Withrre-breating powers; Long m& i'' heyslyow their ueefelaes8 Ia thie ()sande of ours. jl ,� i.. f+.Yt: tiv Co it0 !. euutt lj-,. faufl Iu4e+ (Wendel for hitt rva®lf.l flak it er I8',el'ECT0 Moan's Rumonx,. Ta the Warden iu d l&Iu„ here ofthe .rOOP .r 011 of the Oonaty of fI tea'- , Oxlix tto .... Rutin e 94 the natal al�lount expended for u lett {0bgol rlrpoates. in Moet Huron was 57,2O4, of Jo :414W to thine amount the la lOA of 13,870 Wee • aid• the bIiA i ellhc?A X26 t tom th seem' that 0867 ie the average Per anauw. The average sa o they fad le h� e $297° salary pain to any male tag rural districts is 0600, and to teacher is 0406, The highest to buy Public School teacher in About �;�'b�irrsla #' npplea�: nay been• sbtppecl this 88t11h,u ?Pilin (ho Au. napnilii vldleS,. Nuxft >a0,101: n»it eoort r .rhe slld' ioourlti a pvoaeede azliiu ,it tri �Zor t *kW!. , Mise "ielef Whiteside, lately a teacher' In the Helisali sohool, and Orlin left Seafoi"tb a couple of weeks ago, to., attend the `Norr 142 eie cool. at TOrehtu, Met with a• vel y Airiful4f:oident a few Arai pIlly, ill# days. ago. She fell dowlg etitir,s, 291 will be °Qatiilg hei' elbow 'and fteoturing the salary slid one in her wrist,` , l ry A/ the iREIEUlkl4.Tia.'OUit111tir ioA'r t--19uuth Aw. coil hi HB G, erleaLI Rheumatlsnt pare, for lltbinnistism and Rauralllla, racueally (urea in x ti) 8 days, Its ate 'deli upon the system Is remarkable and myeteri- oue. Tbefllratdose greatly peneette 75 tient*, Bold by W g TTd & AP., Oiiutoo ' Some of the Presbyterian mission- aries louh. Rev n Messsrs still Goforthn and )among the nuhmber, have Toronto, ee prepay ed to return to their work, but the aeaccount of the otninittee lunsettled d not cstate tion ofsthe country, as a result of the war. Mr Goforth suggested as a protection to his wife and Mildly, whom he proposed to but the insuve rancecomp company won ds'Inott take the risk. (her Ming the any ?whale salary paid this dtvie- teaobers for d class, 60 rd second. at Mid- dle end of sages were of these xpiration of s received et, of these at half of 018, • teaoher that of a be given the aver.. As easie- r eohoole, well; and mild gain charge of less some gulations be driven Garter of e able to arity be- ltimate- (int not ordinary ook the d work. sent up rtment- the En- Exdmi- division ry ex- ntranoe ations, ing en - School nilding e built (1 rev, school U S.S. R hew lot of sheds liillop f S.S. paired ohool 6. S. crani , had , has year in 8. cker- �ion is $s126. The qualifications pf the 1891 were 1 first glass, 61 Poona third (,ass and 1 old county boa Ten ere eammer hand twenols ty-sevened hat the year. Last year the oh twelve and twenty-six. Many cleangea were caused by the e certifioatee. During the year 79 student raining at the two Model School 6 obtained certificates. Abo hese succeeded in obtaining echo The time has come when no olding lower qualification than eoond class certificate should barge of an entire sobool, unless an 25. nts andaprieoipalce is ssof the simile these beginners usually do very is in these schools that they all he necessary experience to take u entire or larger school. Un ange is made in the present re any experienced teachers will t of the profession. Not one -q e model class next year will b tarn schools. Such a vast diem sen supply and demand must u reduce teachers' salaries to a p uch in advance of that of the rm laborer. Notwithstanding the gloomy out/ ohers,, as a whole, are doing goo e evidnce of this is the number and passed at, the vsrioue Depa examinations. n addition to those sent up to nee and Pub io School Leaving ions, the Public Sohoole of this sed 25 candidates at the Prima nations in July 1894. 89 caudidates wrote on the E Public School Leaving examin blob 405 succeeded in obtain 3e standing and 49 Public ving. he sum of $3,387 was spent in b repairs. New school houses wer S. No. 9. Turnberry; B.S. No. 9, in 8.8. No, 12, Howiok. The nds of B.S. No. 4, Morris, and 15, Howick, were enclosed, and was put up around the school No. 3, Turnberry. New wood put up at schools No. 12 Mo No. 5 Grey. The sobool house o , Morris, has been tho-oughly re a now quite comfortable.' The a es of 8. 8. No. 12, Mo$illop, and , Tackeremith, have ha»d their int work painted. No. 16, HOwiok well dug, and No. 6, Hullett repaired. During the coming brick school houses will be built . 7, Grey, and 8. 8. No. 6, Tu The school house in No. 2, Grey, e thoroughly repaired. ring the year 1894 good work has done in nearly every school, in many lent, and in but a few has the work unsatisfactory. steel and teachers are all trying to ir work according to their lig very successfully, the schools of this division were visit - cc et half year your inspector—once a gain duringrthe half. Thr schools were olosed when visited tember. The teachers had obtained ermissiea of their trusteee to close to attend the fall fairs, but had ed to notify me as required by the regulations. INSPECTOR' Tom's REPORT: 7 b a 0 t it a oh m ou th ob tw ly m fa tea On to, al I tra nat pas ami 4 and of w tran Lea T and in S. and grow No. fence S.S. were and No. 7 and i hoes No. 8 wood a new been new S. No smith will b Du been excel been Tru do the many All ed twi the fir second Th in Sep the p sohool negleot school Mr bulky as folio spector balance Lure 55 In 18 in this these 60 rural e average at an av ere had four tea tertifioa class. departm experien tions, a ginners. most ene the profs paid the The a over 13 p The numbs has snore grass and larity of This d sobool bo which are classed a briok soh and 15, these are single des seats. In sees that of, and t proper tem I visited each half - found the There is a ere in th making go 80 many pupils by e will becom worthy cit nation, 80 their work the literar few are ind THE Tom's report for the year 1894 document, but may be summari ws :.—The school receipts in bis ate, from all sources, inolasive on hand, were 570,871.63, expel 9,386.52. 91 there were 95 school corporate division, employing 129 teachers were males and 69 females. T chools employed 56 males, at salary of $391.15, and 51 fermi erage salary.of 5283.70. 50 tea received Normal School trains ohers held first-class profeesto tea, 48 second-class, and 77 i At the end of the year 40 chools ente changed teachers. Seve oed teachers resigned their po nd their places were taken by It is to be regretted that o rgetio teachers are forced to lea esion, on account pt' the low sale m. verage attendance for 1894 w, er cent greater than that of 189 t of pupils in the higher class ased. The figures show good pr a marked improvement in reg attendance• tvision is very well supplied wit. uses; there are 99, nearly all o in good condition; many may b s excellent. During 1894 goo ool houeee were built in Nos. 1. ay, nicely finished, and s seated wit kit, or doable desks with divide nearly every emotion the tesobe the school property is taken oar hat the school yard is kept i edition. every school twice, once during year. In nearly every aohool I teacher ful work large number of excellent teach - is division, and their pupils are od progress. I am glad to find of our teachers training their xample and precept, so that they e good men and women, and izens. As in every other occu- me are not well qualified for • They are either deficient in y work or aptitude to teach. A ifferent or lacking in energy. i8 a zed In of idi- one , of he an les (b- rig; nal rd - or ral 81- be - 3. es Y DO NOT DESPAIR. An utter loss of hope is not oharacteris- tie of eionsuraptives, though noe other form of disease is so fatal, unless id' progress is arrested by use of Scott's Emulsion, which is Cod Liver Oil made as palatable as Mr Geo. A. Clare, of Preston, bas been chosen as the Conservative candi. date fceigouth Waterloo. Within the last 12 months Mr G. W. Hinckley, of Chatham, Ont., has ship- ped over 1,800 horses , to the old • • SEND TO DAL ' Ladies and gentlemen, be alive to your own interest. There has recently been die-, covered, and is now for sale by the under- signed, a truly wonderfut "Heir Grower' and "Complexion Whitenine." This "Hair Grower" will actually grow hair on a bold head in six weeks. A gentleman who has no beard can have a thrifty growth in six weeke by the use of this wonderful "Hair Grower" It will also prevent the hair from remedy boys falling. By the use of this raise an excellent moultacbe in six weeks. Ladies, if you want a surprising head of hair, have it iumiediaiely by tue 080 of this "Hair that will In one monttre time make you as clear rind white as the skin CAU Ins mad,. We never knew a lady or gentleman to use two bottles of tmw Whitening tor they all say that berme they finished the second bottle they were AS WNW as they would wish to be. After the Ilse nf this whitening, the Shin win forever retain its coior. It 0:80 rem •ves freckles, eto., etc. The "Hair Grower" hi 50 cents par t ott e, aud the 'Face Whitening" 50 cents per bottle. Either of thwie remedies will be sout by until pestege paid, to any address on receipt of price Addresi all or- ders to R. RYAN, 350 Gilmour St., Ottawa, Oat P. S —We take P.O. stamps same es cash, but parties ordering ty mail will comer favor hy Ordering 81 worth, as it will require this amount of the solution to accomplisti e,tber purpose, then it will lessen the rush of P. 0, stamps. Tell Os yOUr Waute and We will 00 the rest, If your win refer to grocepive, SAT', SFACil ON Is•Vvisat we ahn to give our customers, awl by careful atteutipP te the einalpe, yew:. 'Bargain Day Prices, Our Every c",iay Prices Every day Bargain 'Day with us. Sole Agents for the celebrated EfoSTBOON TEA. Farm produee taken Its elash.—Telephone No. 23. Oci-LE COOPER & CC?., Cash Grocery 1 door North of News.Record. R u M S FACTOU ...sr... Street, CAI iinton We have in stock a few Extra Cutters ,tvviV Cheap Which we guarantee to be of first—class rnaterial and workm nshi STARKS 1::1 ,::,?,..............777.....1 . ....11.r...:51111L: : .4."' :‘ 7 :' .14 ' '''''.' 1;;::11 owing to ray increasing business, I am building an extensive addition to ply premises, and also putting in one of the latest improved Patent Dry Kilns, and will then be in a better position than ever to fill all orders entrusted to rne. We prepare plans and estimates for all kinde of residences, and execute contracts for the same on short notice, and in a workmanlike manner. We manufacture to order and also carry in 'stock all kinds of Wthdow Sash, Door Frames, Blinds, Lumber, Lath, &c. Persons who intend to build will End it to their own interest to see me before•sodoing. „ S: S. COOPER Clinton• • POWDERS Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia in 20 immures, alio Coated Tongue, Dizzi- ness, Bititiusness, Pain in the Si•lei CenstIP4tioni Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. to stay cured also regulate the bowels. EERY MOE rc ,Knesg. If you must • draw the line at and have, like thousands of other people, tO avoid all food prepared with it, this is to remind you that there is a clean, delicate and healthful vegetable short- ening, which can be used in its place. If you wilt USE COTTOLENE instead,of lard, you can eat pie, pastry and the other good things " which other folks enjoy, without fear of dyspeptic consequences. De- liverance from lard has come. Buy a pail, try it in. your own kitchen, and be con- vinced. Cottolene is sold in 3 and 5 pound pails, by all grocers. Made only by The N. K. Falrbank Company, Wallington and Ana Wag • MoKiflop Mutual Fire Insurance Co INSURED D. Boss, Prisident, Clinton; Geo. Watt, Vice Pres. Harlock; W. J. Shannon, Secy-Treas. Seafortb; rd. Hurdle, Inspector of Claims, Clinton; Joseph Evans, Beachwood; Thos. Car. bet, Clinton ; C. Gardiner, Lesdbury ; John Hannah ,Senforth, forth; J. cur/eines, egmenevine. Geo. Muidie, Parties desirous to effect Insurances or tran- sact other business will be promptly attendea to on application to any of the above oillcara GU Re BILIOUSNESS, GA- DYSPEPSIA,ca ICK HEADACHE, REG U LATE THE LIVER. ON E PI LI- AiTER EATING INSURES 0000 DIGESTION. Clinton lig Clinton PACKING HOUSE & MEAT StOlifi Fresh Pork, Sausages, Spare Ribs, Lavd, Wish to intimate that tbey have opened out a General Produce Store in oombee Block, where -to sell at the closest figures. Orders respectful,' they will keep on hand Pig F« c Jelly, Head Cheese, Poultry of all kuids, Creamery and Dairy Butter, But- termilk, Skim Milk, Sweet Cream, Saar Cream for Baking, Flour and Feed, Grain, Seeds, &o. Goods delivered prinimtkr. SELLING STRICTLY POR °Am, we are ahl liteurailler Nurser? FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, NORWAY SPRUCE, SCOTCH AND ASTRACHAN PINE, The latter of which we make a specialty. STOCK ON RANT - Tb 9 above oricamental7resis and shrubbery will be sold at very low prices, and those wanting au y thiug in this connection aill save money by ptir cLa lug here. Order. bp Mai I will he proinpee•p a ttene el illOOSION'S PURE kiHic [RITTER CO. New Process for Making Milk Butter from tho Pure Solids of the Milk. he theinicale or Ex- tra machinery Mequirel This Nee Pratte wie mead tee to three time. the amount of Pure 'Milk , Putter that can be wade by any other method yet Invented. Therefore send stamp for full particulars. mewl sot answered. ales circulars of csieltions eitlItsuelit.ies Pare Milk Baiter am. &a King' street Ease Toronto, Ont. HY NOT TuCa4/41BulanCollogo CRATHA111, ONT., m still far in advance of its competitor's, in thorouph work and getting its students placed In choice positions. A. r. Yatea, graduate of Shorthand Dept. from Washington, Mich., has been placed by us as stenographer with Col, Hadley New York city. DAVID WALKER, graduate of Businesa Oepartment, (a former teacher) has seoured a excellent position with a firm in Defiance, Ohio. Full partioulers not yet to hand. One of these recei yea 550 and the other 565 per naonth. PA YS TO A TTEND TBE BEST School will re -open after Clhrietmas Vies. tion on Wednesday, Jan. 2nd. 11( DRY KILN! The rubscriber, hoeing Improved maohiriery, and emplovIne tile most altillnd work- men is able to do work in his linn in the most satisfactery manner, at reasonable rates an I FACTORY NEAR 0.T I?, STATICN, CLINTON I F Rob Roy Cigar It's no because 1'm Scotch but you. canna smoke better (iigar than ney, cost 5c. b,it get sax of them for. a or 'I wenty-lilye Years DUNN'S 123A.KIINC POWDER TH E COOK'S BEST FRIEND LARGEST I.E. CANADA. RON AND BRUCE Lam. Investment Co 1 SAVINGS BA5111 BRANCH. :3, 4 and per Oen& Interest Allowed on I Deposits, according tommount and time •