HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-02-08, Page 1eeeee
ROBERT RQLMES, editor auk resat tnr.
--OF A--
Pieceof Cloth
lees not always show its grade.-
-Five times out of six the effort of the
>rraz ufacturers is (and a wrong one it
it) to reduce the cost of the goods by
Ir1iwering the quality --and not disclos-
ing the difference. The only protec-
tion a customer has is to buy from a
rsliablefirrn who guarantee goods to be
as represented. That is what we do
t.$ tbe`materlal from which we make
*lout $21 black worsted ' suits is pure
stook all through, there's no shoddy In
it, the back is just as pure as the face
and for - this reason it will keep its
aypearance and wear.
Tho ititi IIcni
OranaD- THE RoAD.-The boys of
Tpocknow are never behind in any-
-thing they take in band to do, as they
slowed by the commendable act which
they performed do Tuesday morning
Let. The roads from Lueknow to
Dungannon' were almost impassable,
and two.funeral were to take place to
fat village this week. One of the
boys suggested that they form them-
Mlves into a. good roads committee,
and no sooner had the proposition
been made than fifteen young men
consented to go. They at once started
oat and cleared the road right to Dun-
garinon cemetery, a distance of nearly
Iain miles...:
Notes;-„Reer. C. Miles, rector of the
linglish church here, was last week
presented by his congregation with a
handsome cutter and purse. The
Lucknow curlers defeated the Kincar-
dine club by 8,shots on.Tuesday last, in
*e Lucknow rink. Mrs R. J. Walker
and children of British Columbia, are
visiting at Rev. J. Walker's, of this
town. Messrs W. B. Hurd and W. R.
Willis left on Wednesday morning for
Brockville, where they will spend a
few days with Mr Hurd's parents,
prior to their departure for Califc rnia.
What wide-awaks and reliable eorresponde
. Varna.
AT'IJOME.n At Home will beheld
at the Parsonage in behalf of the Wo•
enen'sAnxiliary, An entertaining pro-
gram of readings, recitations and mus-
ic is being arrangqed for, after which
refreshments will be served,
LEAGUE. - The Epworth League
meeting is held each Wednesday eight
-in the Methodist church, •Great bene-
fit is being derived from the study of
the Bible in this way. Come and take
part, it will do you good; all are in-
LEFT. -Yes, ]eft in a pitch -hole.
While two young men near the village
were returning home from Hills Green,
last Sunday, the horse broke away
from the cutter, leaving the boys and
cutter in the terrible hole. Never ;
mind, Jim, we're not far from home, a
nice little step.
CONCERT. -On Friday evening last a
very successful concert was held in the
Temperance hall, under the auspices
of the Royal Temperance of Temper-
ance. It was the last of a series of
meetings held by the Crusaders, and
was a decided success. At the close of
the concert several new members were
initiated into the council.
CHURCH SERVICES. - The weather
being favorable last Sabbath the Meth-
odist quarterly meeting at Varna was
largely attended, and the people much
pleased and profitted with the very
suitable and excellent sermon deliver-
ed by Rev. H. A. Newcombe, of Clin-
ton, who also conducted service, with
our pastor, Rev. Mr Leech, at (oshen
church in the evening, very much to
the edification and delight of the con-
gregation. The Quarterly Board, held
the following Monday, was well at-
tended; finances in gratifying form.
The Board cordially recommended Mr
Jas. Foote to the ensuing annual con-
ference, as a candidate for the Chris-
tian ministry of the Methodist church.
Rev. Mr Leech received a very cordial
and unanimous invitation to return to
the circuit fora third year.
NOTES. -Quite a number of our vil-
lagers took in the opening of Hills
Green Presbyterian church on Sunday
last, and also a teameeting on Monday
night; they report a grand time.' Ow-
ing to the almost impassable state of
the roads very few of the Royal Tem-
plars of Varna Council attended the
district meeting at Holmesville on
Tuesday last. Mr John D. Morrow, of
Fullerton, paid a flying visit to Varna
on Saturday last, spending Sunday
here and returning home on Monday
morning; wewere all pleased to see his
genial countenance, and one was more
than pleased. Our village tailor and
barber, Mr W. A. McBrayne, has got
another addition to his business, hav-
ing an auctioneer's license for the
county, is busy afternoon and evening
selling dry goods at Blake and Drys-
dale this week; Mac is a hustler sure.
Messrs John Wanless and Jas. Arm-
strongpaid a flying visit to Goderich
last Friday; they gave us wonderful
reports of the great mountains of snow
along the road. Miss Lucy Hilton,
who has been visiting her friends here,
returned home last Monday, accom-
panied by Miss Lizzie Wanless, who
intends spending a week among her
tnany friends there. -
(Intended for last week)
NOTES. -We are glad to learn that.
Mr Jas. Armstrong, who was laid up
with grip, is able to resume his work
again. Miss Maud Moffat has been
improving nicely for some days. The
trustees of S.S. No. 6, (Varna) have
purchased a fine bell for the school, as
the old one was cracked. Messrs and
Miss Rines, betterknown as the Cru-
saders, are holding very fine temper-
ance meetings here; they are both in-
teresting and profitable; the hall is
crowded and they will possibly require
a larger house to contain the crowds
before the week is ended. Mr Edward
Wanless drove a sleigh load to Bruce -
field Wednesday afternoon to greet our
former teacher, now a charming young
bride, as she was on her way to her
new home at Grand Bend.
nts find worthy of recording for publication
very sorry indeed to announce the
death of Mr Archibald Malloy, reeve
of this township, which took place at
kis residence on Tuesday. Deceased
was recently laid up with an attack of
typhoid fever, and under skilful Medi-
-.al treatment he seemed to be recover-
ing, but he suffyred a relapse, and
passed away •atlthe early age of 45
bears and 2 months. Deoeased has
een a resident of the township for a
number of years, and after a term at
the council board he ran for the reeve
ship in 1893, defeatingMr Beck; he was
again elected, and eld office at the
time of his death. A member of the
-..tresbyterian Church, he enjoyed the
confidence and respect of the commu-
sity. Politically he was a Liberal.
The funeral took place yesterday. He
leaves a wife to mourn the loss of a
faithful husband.
SUDDEN DEATH. -Mr Geo. Nixon, f
Ashfield, retired to his room on Mo -
day night last about the usual hour,
and, havingforgotten something down
stairs, went to return, but on arriving
sear the stairs lost his way and fell
•ver the bannister, breaking his skull,
from the effects of which he died in a
few minutes. Deceased was an old
resident, and was in his 68th year.
CHURCH SERVICES. -The sacrament-
al service of the Methodist church last
'Sunday, at Auburn, was a season of
touch spiritual profit. The congrega-
tion was large. The love feast was a
feast of "fat things," while some 90
took a firmer grasp upon Christ in
the sacrament. The official quarterly
board met on Monday, and was well
attended considering the roads. lily
urything was harmonious, the finances
in a.geod shape, the outlook for the
oircu it very bright. With flattering
remarks the pastor, Rev. W. Baugh.
• leas thanked Or his services of the
pn.stand heartily and unanimously in-
vited to return to this circuit the next
conference. years
Atneriodn horse buyers at Be eville are
piying: goed. prices for homes that suit
NOTES. -Mr Isaac Brownlee sold a
team of horses the other day for $150.
ScnooL REPORT. -The following is
the standing of the pupils of H.S. No. 4
for the month of January. The report
is based on the conduct, regularity and
diligence of the pupils: -Sr. 4th--e/g.
Sundercock, Maggie Hunter, Aggie
Scales, Florence Hunter. Jr. 4th-Jno.
Reid, Maggie Livermore, Roselle Way -
mouth Sr. 3rd -Edith Stewart, Lizzie
Scales, Thos. Reid. Jr. 3rd -Charles
Stewart, Lizzie Adams, Effie Hunter.
2nd class -Wilson Sundercock, Ed.
Sanders, Maud Walker, Pt II -Lorne
Cartwright, Milly Adams, Geo. Leitch.
Pt. 1 -May Stewart, Rose Livermore,
Albert Livermore.
S. S. No. 1 -The following are the
names of the three pupils in each class
who obtained the highest number of
marks during the month of January.
The names are in order of merit: -5th
class -J. Irwin, M. Fowler, B. Mc-
Michael. Sr. 4th- W. Dale, M. Irwin,
J, Dale. Jr. 4th -F. Gibbings, H. Bet, -
nett, M,•E Irwin. 3rd class -C. Mc-
Mlichael, VV Good E. Spooner. Sr.
•2nd4V. Dale, G. McMichael. F. Fosv-
ler. Jr. tad -T. Dale, E. Bennett, A.
Pryce. Pt. 2nd -L. Irwin, J. Good, C.
Dale.. Pt. 1-11. Montgomery, C. W.
Gibbings, J.'Freeman.
CoUNoiL. Council met in Londes-
boro on Monday. Meunbers all pres-
ent. A committee of the council, ac-
companied by Mr Ainsley, .the county
commissioner, went to exittaine Wal -
lace's bridge and found it in better re-
pair than expected, and coneluded, on
the advice of Mr Ainsley, to let it
stand for the present. Tenders for the
supply of elm plank were accepted
from Ben Snell, M. Sprung, James
Webster ''and lames Young. Several
accounts were passed anddered to
be pp- aid. fde ). T. Garro , was a >`
pointed to nshi solicitor or 1
h,e auditojr'vs li statement and abstra
of the treaiiurer's dccounts were sir
matted td the council, examined a d
passed. Counciladjourned until cal d
by .the feve,itt r
day evening of last week a sleigh load
of young fclks from the village and
vicinity, drove lack to Mr Jos.Wheat-
ley's, whetthey spent a very pleasant
time amusing° themselves with games
of all kinds. And at an early hour re-
turned home, being highly pleased
with the evening's fun, and being
deeply gratified to the host and hostess
who done all in their power to help
along with the amusements..
NOTES. -,Some of our young folk are
looking very sad since the dressmaker
returned to Seaforth; .ehaw, Lou, never
mind, there will be a little jure in your
crown. Mr Jas. Rapson, who cut his
foot some time ago, is able to bearcund
again. Mr Albert coats is busy team -
leg away ice for next summer's use.
Mr B. Snell's house is nearly completed;
Mr S.S. Cooper, of Clinton, had the
Occasional eorresponeent.
NOTES. - Mrs Martin is going to
move into our Villege in the near fu-
ture, having purehrtied Mr S. S. Cole's
dwelling. Mr J. Pe Staples has pur-
chased the corner hotel stand and In-
tends converting it into a store; suc-
cess Jphn,in your new enterprise. We
are very sorry to hear Mr Wm. Bayn-
ton, who at one time did .a prosperous
business in the blacksmith line, has, on
account of ill health, •had to close his
business, and bas gone south for the
benefit of •his health; his wife and son
are at present ander the parental roof;
it is the wisb of many IS lends here he
may return in the near futuee,restored
to perfect health. Miss Mary Schoales,
who holds a second class certificate,
has secured a school near Wiarton,
and is going to take charge of it short-
ly; she will be very much missed in
our village, especially in the Metho-
dist choir, where she holds aprominent
place, and is a great helper in church
matters. Rev. Mr Hamilton preached
very acceptably to alarge congregation
on Sabbath evening.
OouaT OF REVISION. -Judge Doyle
will hold a sitting of the Court of Re-
vision in Pickard's hall on Feb. l5tb,
commencing at 10 o'clock.
- CHURCH. - The quarterly services
will be held in the Methodist church
on Sunday next at 10 a.m. The At
Home has been postponed toFeb. 20th.
in order to allow preparation of the
excellent programin course.
OYSTER SUPPER. - The entertain-
ment and oyster supper, under the
auspices of the Foresters here, prom-
ises to be of an extensive character.
The music will be provided mostly by
Messrs R. Downs, of Clinton, and Geo.
• R. T. of T. -At the last meeting of
the council here Rev. E. A. Feat was
elected an honorary member of the
order. The -Huron District Council
was held here on Tuesday with a good
attendance of delegates, considering
the weather. The entertainment in
the evening was also well attended,
EPWORTH LEAGUE. - The prayer
meeting next Sunday evening will
take the form of a consecration meet-
ing, conducted by Rev. E. A. Fear.
The President attended the organiza-
tion of the Young People's Society in
Clinton on Thursday last. The next
union meeting will to ce place in April,
when the society here will be respon-
sible for' the subject "The Endeavorer
out of the Society."
TENDERS WANTED. -Tenders for the
erection of the new Cheese and Butter
factory will be received up to noon of
the 23rd inst. Also applications for
the position of cheese -maker. Either
a brick or frame building will be put
up. Mr Forster, president of the pro-
posed company, and Mr G. Holland,
made a trip last week to Bluevale
factory, which is considered the banner
factory of Ontario, and they were
greatly pleased therewith.
SCHOOL REPORT.- The following is
the standingof the pupils of the school
here for January: -5th class -Edith
Tebbutt, Bertha Stanley, Album
Murch and Eldred Yeo (even). Sr. 6th
-Sam Cook and Edith Huller (even),
Lenus Yeo, Tillie Colclough. Jr. 4th -
Willie Tebbutt, John Walter, Jerome
Badour. Sr. 3rd- Willie Merrill, Win-
nie Sturdy, Willie Potter. Jr. 3rd -
Tom Cook, Harvey McCartney (even),
John Mulholland, Lorne Fear (even),
Wesley Elliott. Sr. 2nd -Lillie Mc-
Cartney, Ernma Colclough, Lillie Col-
clough. Jr. 2nd -Harvey Mulholland,
Luella Fear, David Elliott, Sr. Pt.
2nd -Jos. Cook, Fred Potter, Robert
Colclough. Pt. 2nd Intermediate -
Mabel Pickard, Myrtle Levis, Edith
Mulholland. Pt. 2nd Jr. -Albert Cook,
Edith Mulholland.
NOTES. -Inspector Tom, of Goderich
paid an official visit to the school here
on Wednesday. A large number from
here attended the social at Porter's
Hill on Wednesday night. The coldest
day for the winter was Wednesday
the thermometer registering 220 below
zero. On Sunday some parties show -
shoed past the village, but returned
towards Clinton in the evening carry-
ing the snow -shoes. Rev. E. A. Fear
and J. H. Elford have purchased a pair
of Jersey calves, , each about two
months old. Measles have been pre-
valent hero for a few days. Miss E.
Ivison, Ki en is visiting friends here.
Mrs E. G. Courtice visited friends in
the village on Saturday. Mr Charles
Johnson and wife, of Galt, are visiting
the parents of the latter. The ice
harvest appears to be plentiful and
some are takingadvantage itnd getting
their summer's supply in. Mr A. Os-
baldeston procures the brick for his
new house from Crediton. We are
glad to hear that Mr J. T. Holdsworth
is able to resume his studies. The G.
T.R. Co. used Sunday to pack up the
fragments of the recent wreck west of
the village. Mrs Leech, Goderich, is
visiting at home. Mr G:'' Courtice
attended a grand tea giv n by the 83rd
Battalion in Clinton on ride last.
S1 year in advance, $11.60" when [Pot eo paic;t
• East Wawanosti.
NATES, -On Wednesday, Jany. 30,
John M. Rogers, bf Wingbarn. carried
pie one of the fair young maidens of
the 6th con., in the person of Miss
Margaret E. Black, only daughter of
John Black, we flyiu the editorial
slipper after them. Joshua Poaren
has engaged with his grandfather,
John Ooultes, for the remainder of the
winter. David Cook bad a li'ely time
at Belgrave station last Thursday,with
his team, which became unmanageable
with fright at seeing the train; no
great damage was done, however, be-
yond breaking the tongue of the sleigh
and a whiffletree. Dave intends hav-
ing a monster bee shortly, hauling
wood, and will give the young folk the
freedom of the house at night. John
E. Fells is recovering from an attack
of grip Mr David Dunbar is some-
what better at time of writing. We
beg leave to submit the name of Find-
lay Anderson as a competent person to -
fill the position of township treasurer;
let us have a good financial statement
next year, that people can understand,
hitherto, it is said, these staternents
have not been as explicit as desirable.
PERSONAL. -Mr Geo. Walters is ser-
iously i11 at present; he has been suf-
fering for some time with a severe cold
and is at present confined to bed.
NOTES. -Mr J. Sproat has secured a
judgment against Mr J. Hannah for
the sum of $243. A number of the
young people of this vicinity spent a
very pleasant evening at the residence
of Mr Jos. Townsend's on Tuesday ev-
PARTY. -Last Friday evening a
sleigh load of young people who drove
to the residence of Mr Thos. McMich-
ael's, Hullett, found the roads not as
fine as they might have been; however,
they got there in due time and spent a
pleasant evening.
CHURCH OPENING. -Turner's church,
Which has been undergoing repairs,
will be re -opened on Sunday, Feb. 17th,
when Rev. A. Stewart, of Clinton, will
preach at 2.30 p.m., and Mr. Coombs,of
Olinton,at 7o'clock. A teameeting will
be held the following evening, when
addresses are expected from a number
of clergymen; tea- to be served from
6 to 8.
INSANE.- On Saturday Last a young
man netned Fitzgerald, of this town-
ship, became violently insane, and it
was necessary to take him to Goderich
for safekeeping, which was done by
Reeve Sheppard and the young roan's
father on Monday; he had to be taken
in and out of the train by force, and
kept up a constant unintelligible talk.
Some years ago he went insane, but
recovered and went west; he came
back a short time ago and seemed to
be all right, until the malady mani-
fested itself.
I• Stanley
NOTES -Mrs R. Pollock was visiting
friends in Stephen this week. Mrs. R.
Mcllveen is visiting friends in Colborne
SmHoor.-Report of S.S. No. 3for Jan.
Sr.IV-F Scotchmere, R Reid, A Pol-
lock.' Sr III, 0 Mcllveen, W Scotch -
mere, A Richardson. Jr III,. 5 Rath -
well, E Reid. Sr II, Ida Reid, L Rich-
ardson, L Reid. Jr II, Harry Reynolds,
J. Pollock, J. Sanderson. Part II, E
Peck, E Burnside, E Rathwele Part
sr, E Burnside, E Peck. Part 1 jr, T
Burnside, 5 Bates.
The Boatel of Health met in the town
hall all members present viz: -Robert
Mcllveeq, Jno. Manson, Jno, Johnston,'
Themes Fraser and J. T. cairns. T.
Fraser, was elected chairman for the
present year. The board wishes to
draw attention of all parties having
animals die in this municipality,-
that they are required to bury the
same immediately after death, or by
neglecting to do so they may incur the
penaltyspecified by statute. If a com-
plaint is brought to any member of the
board, such member shall notify the
clerk, who shall then call a meeting of
the board, instead of notifying chair-
man and causing delay.
NOTES. -On account of the stormy
weather, Monday night, the annual
meeting of the Leeburn congregation
was postponed till Wednesday, the
13th, at 2.30 p.m. The youngest child
of MI J. G. Clutton bas been very i11,
but we understand has taken a turn
for the better. Master Archie Horton
received a painful wound in his wrist a
few days ago; he accidentally hit the
saw which was hanging up in the
shanty, and it came down, cutting a
tord in his wrist and making a nasty
gash. Mrs R. Morris and children left
for her home in Dakota on Wednes-
day, having spent a month with her
parents here. At a meeting of the
Y.P.S.C.E-, on Monday evening, it
was decided to take up a collection on
Sunday evening next to he sent to the
poor people in Nebraska; please re-
member this and some prepared; they
also decided to purchase two dozen
more hymn becks, so every one may
join more heartily in the singing. Our
young bachelor has lately purchased
a fine driver from Mr Jos. Really; he
evidently thinks it.will be to his ed -
vantage to have a gond horse to help
him out of his bachelorhood.
Goderich Township.
NOTES. - The child of Mr Albert
Wise has entirely recovered from its
recent illness.
PATRONS -Pioneer Association Pat-
rDns of Industry has changed its night
of meeting to the first Tuesday on or
after full moon in each quarter. The
next meeting. consequently, will he
held, Tuesday, 12th. Let there be a
good turnout, as matters of importance
will be discussed,
FARM SOLD. -A son of Mr W. Way,
of the base line, has bought the Law-
son Moore fat m,'on the base line, con-
taining 53,} acres, for the sum of 51750.
It. has fairly good bnildings, and could
have been sold a few years ago for
$3000. We believe it is Mr Way's in-
tention to go largely into raising gar-
den produce.
GOOD STOCK. -Mr Geo. Holland, of
the llth con., has just bought from El -
coat Bros., the well-known stotsk-
breeders of Tuckersmith, a very fine
young thoro-bred Durham hull. It, is
from the dam Susy, by Snell's famous
Vice -Consul, and has good milking
strain; in addition it was a prize win-
ner at a number of the fall fairs.
NOTES. -The roads are being broken
open and business reviving after the
big storm. The old men say this is the
coldest spell in twelve years. It will
be a week before any wood or hay can
get in, so bad are the roads. Ice houses
at e being filled with harbor ice, which
looks good, but pregnant with dis-
eased germs; the men ought to be pre-
vented from poisoning the town' if
those who cut the ice, used ice, they
would get pure ise for the town. Mis-
sionary services are preached in both
Methodist churches next Sunday, by
Revs. Smyth, of Clinton, and Wake-
field, Dundas. Revival serricee art)
ALM contll�iiued in North St. rjhureh,
with increased Interest.
64 lbs of Raisins for 25 cents at R. ADAMS'.
TRUE BLUES. -Six members of the
Orange society of this place drove to
Wingham to a meeting on Tuesday.
They must be true blues in earnest.
-Robt. Cole and wife have gone to
Lucan to attend the wedding of her
brother. They started Tuesday morn-
ing and drove part way to Clinton and
returned home; then took the after-
noon train,
NOTES. - Quite a number of the
Methodist church choir and church
members arranged to attend a social
at Constance on Tuesday night; they
gathered in the village, held a consul-
tation and did the wise thing; they
stayed at home. Tuesday and Wed-
nesday have been the coldest days of
the season in this place.
ScnooL.-The standing of the public
school here for January rs as follows: -
5th -E. Mcllveen, W. Mair, M. Bing-
ham. Sr. 4th -J. Bingham, A. Huck,
M. Sheppard. Jr. 4th -Mabel Huck,
Annie Wright. 3rd -B. Mcllveen, S.
Hill, W. Butt. Sr. 2nd -J. Mcllveen,
0. Hill, J. Wright. Jr. 2nd -J. John-
ston, M. E. Kilty, N. 13a11. II Part -
L. Johnston, L. Butt, R. Colborne. I
Part -E. Beacom, C. Colborne, C. Butt.
SocIAL.-A social is to be held at
the house of Mr Geo..Erwin, :on Feb.
14th, under the auspices of the Ladies
Aid Society of the Methodist 'church.
A good program and a pleasant even-
ing is anticipated.
NOTES. - Miss Annie Beattie, of
Brussels, is visiting friends here. The
Crusaders, Messrs Rhines and sister,
representing the Royal Templars of
Temperance, are holding interesting
and instructive meetings in the Pres-
byterian arid Methodist churches.
Capt. Creamer and Lieut. Broughton
left for Toronto on Wednesday. Mrs
Stanbury is paving a visit in the
Queen City. Miss Annie Erwin, who
has been for some time in London, is
borne. Miss Florence England, of
Kincardine, is visiting her sister, Mrs
H. W. Erwin. Mr J. Snow, of Lon-
don, was in town this week. Mr and
Mrs Rusk, of Goderich, were in town
on Sunday visiting their daughter,
Mrs Swarts. Miss Mary Kennedy, of,
Exeter, was visiting her sister, Miss
Lizzie Kennedy, this week. Miss E.
Camercn, who has been visiting in
Brussels, returned home this week.
Miss Clark went to Toronto on Wed-
nesday to attend General Booth's
meet in 3s.
COUNCIL. -•The council met on Mon-
day evening in the town hall,pursuant
to adjournment, members present
Reeve urns in the chair, Councillors
Stanbury, Frazer, Erwin and Bailey,
minutes of last meeting were read and
signed. It was moved and seconded
that John Ferguson be constable 1895,
moved in amendment that Wm. Whid-
don be copstable for 1895; motion car-
ried. Benjamin Higgins was appoint-
ed assessor; John Whiddon treasurer;
the appointment of collector was laid
over till some future meeting. The
Reeve granted orders for the following
accounts: -Chas. Tippet, collector, $20;
Wm. Widdon, services in opening hall,
$1. Wm. Osmond, Thos. Cameron,
John Ferguson and the Reeve and
Clerk were- appointed a Board of
Health. The auditor's report was
adopted. The clerk was instructed to
ask for tenders for printing. Council
adjourned to meet on March 4th at
7 p.m. H. W. ERw1N, Clerk.
THE CURLERS. -The citizens of Sea -
forth tendered the winners of the Slee-
man curling trophy a magnificent re-
ception on their return from the great
bonspell at Guelph last Thursday night.
They were met at the depot by band
and pipers, and a monster torch -light
and broom procession was formed,
headed by the pipers. They were con-
ducted to a hotel, where a sumptuous
repast awaited them,after which songs,
toasts and speeches followed untiha
late hour.
CHURCH. -The Quarterly Sacrament-
al services were held in the Methodist
church last Sunday. The love feast at
half past nine was full of interest; ex-
cellent sermons were preached by Rev.
R. Paul to good congregations, and at
the close of the morning service the
sacrament of the Lords Supper was
administered, a large number partak-
ing. The meeting of the Official
Board was held on Monday night, but
no special business outside of the fin-
ances was transacted, Next Sunday
r a
will be Missionary Sunday, Yr Rev. Dr.
Willoughby will be the preacher. The
pastor is so far recovered from his
tht'oat trouble as to be able to take
some part in the services, and will
supppl jfor Dr. Willow, hby in Listowel
service of the hensall Methodist church.
was held last Sunday; The sermon
was preached by Rev. MrSwann, the
father of the pastor. It was truly the
hest quarterly service we have had.
The official meeting was held on Sat-
urday last. The business was trans-
acted harmoniously. The pastor was
unanimously invited to returq for a
third year. Special evangelisti ser-
vices have been conducted for two
weeks. and several have signified their
determination to lead a Christian life.
COUNCIL. -At the regular meeting'of
the council on Monday evening, Mr E.
D. Chamberlaine was re -appointed
town clerk, and Mr J. B. Kelly,
engineer of the fire department. Mr
McCright having resigned in the
latter's favor, at a special meeting
previous to this,Mr A. Elder was made
Town Treasurer
NoTEs.-Miss E. Watson spent a few -
days in Stratford this week. The
Kickapoos billed the town on Tuesday,
will open fire on Tuesday evening next
in Industry hall. Mr W. J. Moody, an
old Blyth boy, representing a firm in
Berlin for the manufacture of Black-
ing and Oils of all kinds, did business
in town this week, besides visiting his
mother, Mr Jas. Porter. Mr Robert
McKenzie and daughter are the guests
of Mrs Jno. Clark.:. Mise Young re-
turned from a visit with friends in
Wingham last week. MrsWm.Robin-
son entertained the members of St.
Andrews choir, pleasantly at her home
on Friday evening. Quarterly services
were held in the Methodist, church on
Sunday last. Holy Communion was
administered in, Trinity church last
Sunday morning. W. W. Sloan, of
Toronto, spent Sunday in town with
friends. Mr Arch. Dicksolvvisited the
Queen's city last Friday. Mrs Dallas,
Wingham, was the guest of Mrs Emigh.
this week. Announcement is made of
the anniversary services of St. Andrews
church, which will take place on Sun-
day Feb. 10th, the Rev. Dr. Battisby,
of Chatham has been secured for the
occasion. Mr R. E. Jameson is in
Lynden this week.
Additional Local News.
COLLEGIATE. - The first meeting of
the Collegiate Institute Board was held
on Wednesday evening. Mr. J. Scott
was re-elected Chairman; Mr. Foster,
Secretary, and Mr. W. 'Jackson, Tree
Dir. Mr. Herman was appointed
caretaker. A couple of accounts were
TEACHER. -Miss L. Brawn, a pupil of
Miss Nello McHardy, who played at
her concert here in November, and
who has since then attended the To- --
ronto Conservatory of Music, for a
term of ten weeks, has just succeeded
in passing the first year examinations
held there last week, winning the se- -
cond highest percentage among the
successful candidates. She returns to
Miss McHardy to prepare her next
year's work.
Speaking of the Chicago Bicycle
Show, Cycling says: -"The Thistle, -
represented by G. F. Fmerson, of Clin-
ton, Ont. This machine, manufactured
in Chicago, first gained fame from be-
ing one of the very first excessively
light and yet strong high -framed ma-
chines put out in that city. The
weights are 15, 18 and 21 pounds. A
21 -Ib. ladies' wheel, which strips to
19 lbs., was also shown. The threads
are 4 7-16 inches on the light and 5
inches on the road. wheels. The Th stta
isir veru handsome machine and show
prove a god seller.in. Canada. He al-
so represents the Ben Hur wheel."
UNTRUE. -In this week's issue of
the News -Record, under the heading
of "Stanley," an alleged correspondent
accuses the NEW ERA of misrepresent-
ing facts in regard to the death of Mr.
McIver, of Stanley, and in unjustly re-
flectingon the medical man who at-
tended him. We simply mentioned his
illness and death as an item of news,
the same as we would any other event
of importance, and made no reflections
on any one, either living or dead. We
have surely as much right to publish
what we did, as the News -Record has
to say that "Mr. McIver was in town
for a few days, having a cancer remov-
ed from his lip by a local medical man,
by the use of a plaster, or without the
use of the knife," or words to the same
effect. We emphatically deny having
made any mis-statements or reflections,
and challenge the correspondent to
prove to the contrary. We surely have
sense enough to know that a reflection
on a medical attendant might be a seri-
ous matter. Now if the correspondent
who claims to have taken the trouhle to
look into the case, will kindly tell us
all he found out in reference to it, and
what misrepresentations or reflections
we made, we will endeavor to reply to
him, and show how the very thin he
unfairly complains of was obviated.
Public School Report.
The following pupils are promoted
to the second book :-Division VI,
maximum marks, 200 --Edna Penny -
baker 162, Emma Plumsteel 155, E
Campbell 153, Wes. East, 150, G. Cook
148, L. Heywood 146, D, Muir 145, F.
Eagleson 145, Hattie Levis 145, L:
Lockwood 144, Etta Cook 139, R. Stew-
art 132, Geo. Hoflich132, Chas. Twitch-
ell 122, Al. Baird 122, May Carling 122,
J. Doherty120, H. Robinson, 118, Mills
Shipley 116, Nettie Grummet 110, E.
Cooper 114.
Promoted to third bopk-Perc. John-
son 156, Roy Plumsteel 143, Aug. Frem-
lin 124, Annie Hay 120, Ross Beattie
115, F. Pennybaker 115, Maud Dowser
112, Victor Goodwin 110, T. Herman
109, 0. Shepherd 107, V. Heywood 107,
11. Wiltpe 106, L. Claridge' 106, Harry
Profit 105, May Long 104, Geo. Ohidley
104, Nellie Joy 103, A nesWhittingham
102, Pearl McDonald 00, Mabel Twitch-
ell 99, Willie Cudumri 99, Maud Coop..
' et 07, Geo., Gordon 9' � Jahn • 06bk grab
ridgy.. Ann a Leppington