HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton New Era, 1895-02-01, Page 6P
1,14, Skillitill COM OlittPe,
'1110, work of 4,
MO,del SOtoal coma
it, planer
given by Miss M,
Oweri, at the
recent O. 1 Cons
Palthotigh t he
sOcial conlinittee
holds a position in
the constitution
Ofi Epworth League, or Christian
Endeavor socfety, secondary to that of
the prayer meeting, or look -out cone-
Vaittee, it has a work peculiarly its
Own, On the committee rests.the yes-
13OnSibility of keeping the social atmos-
phere of the society warns arid bright,
and of enabling the meal tiers to fulfil,
th the spirit, the command, "Love one
another. • And as the members of any
society cannot hove for each other
that love for the brethren, which
the bible so frequently enjoins, with
merely a bowing acquaintance, it will
be the duty of the social committee te
make the members so well acquainted
that they will have more than a pass-
ing interest in the welfare of their fel-
low workers.
The task of working a society up to
&irides,' social standard will be no easy
undertaking, and how it is to be done
will be the question which will con-
front the social committee. But when
We -remember that every handshake,
every smile, every cheerful word, every
time anew comer is welcomed and in-
troduced to others, a good seed is be-
ing sown which will, after a while,
bear a rich harvest of christian socia-
bility, let us not be weary in scattering
sunshine in this way, and let its, wait
patiently for the results, they will be
sure to follow.
It will further the object the com-
naitte have in view, if they will see that
every member is acquainted with every
'other member, if they welcome new
members and introduce them to the
old ones, and if they sit near the door,
on the evenings of the prayer meeting,
to welcome strangers and urge them to
wait for an introduction to the pastor,
and then invite them to come again.
Another means of advancing the so-
cial interests ef the young people is
the church social. Concerning this a
few hints gathered from various sour -
cps may be of interest. At the meet-
ing of the social committee during the
recent international Christian Endea-
vor Convention a representative body
of 800 young people were gathered.
The chief subject of discussion was the
modern church social. It was consid-
ered necessary for the good of the
whole land that each church provide
some sort ot innocent amusement for
its young people. The church social
„seemed to be the proper thing in the
eyes of the committee by unanimous
consent. But to make it a thing of pe-
cuniary consideration was the subject
brought up for discusison.
After occupying almost the entire
afternoon in this discussion, the follow-
ing resolution was unanimously adopt-
ed: —" Resolved that the raising of
money for christian purposes by the
giving of socials, fairs, simpers, &c,
should be discouraged, but rather that
an appeal should be made to the hearts
of the people on the grounds of its
being a principle of giving directly to
the work of the Lord without compen-
sation." Taking the decision of this
•-committee as final, hereafter the so-
cials of our young people's societies
will be for social purposes only. The
old as well as the young should be in-
vited and an effort made to have the
socials so attractive that they will pro-
duce a more joyous harrnoney than
ever among the people of the churches.
A good admission fee to a social is a
boquet of flowers. These may be dis-
tributed afterwards to the sick of the
It should be the aim of the social
committee to get up that form of en-
tertainment which will best please, not
themselves but others, and before en-
tering upon preparations, always to
get the pastors approval of the general
scheme of the social. If possible, mem-
bers of the society, and on this com-
mittee should manage the entertain-
ment so as to leave the majority of the
committee free to promote the general
sosiability. One member of the com-
mittee should be detailed to break up
cliques- these little knots that are like-
ly to gather and stick together during
the whole evening. A good way to do
this is to introduce a stranger to this
too socially inclined group.
The social committee has not com-
pleted its task until it has transformed
every other committee into a social
committee. Then we should see that
our socials are carefully planned before-
hand. Socials prayed for beforehand,
opened with prayer, continued in the
esprit of prayer, and closed with a
ediction'in the air, and another in all
heart, will win souls, create union, de-
stroy caste, cause healthy restraint and
discipline, cost thought but little mo-
ney, and make pleasant christain ac-
quain tances.
Another essential and often neglect -
en feature of all committee work is the
preparation of a monthly report, which
will be a simple statement of the work
done during the month.
One of the most unpleasant and danger-
ous maladies that afflicts Canadiang at this
season is cold in the heed. Unpleasant,
because of the dull, heavy heaeaohe, in -
/lammed nostrils and other disagreeable
isymptoms accompanying it; and danger-
ous, because if neglected it develops into
catarrh, with its disagreeable hawking and
spitting. foul breath, frequent loss of taste
and smell, and in many oases ultimately
developing into consumption. Nasal Balm
is the only:remedy yet discovered that will
instantly relieve cold in the head and oures
in a few applications, while its faithful use
will effectually eradicate the worst case of
catarrh. Capt. D. H. Lyons- president of
the C P. R. Car Ferry, Prescott, Ont., says;
—"I used Nasal Balm for a prolonged case
of cold in the head. Two applications ef-
feeted a cure in less than twenty-four
hours. I would not take $100 for my biattle
et -Nasal Balm if I could not replace it."
Sold by all dealers or sent by mail postpaid,
at 50 cents per bottle, by addressing G. T.
Fulford & Co., Brookville, Ont.
To Ou'r Many Kind Customers.
We wish you a Happy and Prosperous
New Year. We thank yon most heartily
and sinoerely for the vast amount- of pat-
ronage we have reoeived during the past
year, and we trust by strict and careful
attention to business to merit a continn-
anoe,of the same, , Our motto for 189w111
• hei.#:eleitetd Chisionier W10 0411 400
Order* oan bolefir at IWO* &
B' oak Store at any time. PulieraDy6Vaias
••••••••r 1•••••••••
It ilk4311)
tutomovott,¥ 41turtot, And 1100: le littr: 'Mt
TFIFs (it/ NfrO.
Diamond Dye S Sriperior to
all, Others
Color' bear a relation to eaeh, other
some thing like that of the musical notes,
and there is a harmony ofoolora, analogous
to that of 'inusieal sounds.. An exquisite
taste in the ,00mbination of cetera my be
the Mee preoeption of these.relation, in
the Beane way that an exquisite tastein
music is produced by a nice peroeption of
the relations of musical sound. It is un •
questionable that there are some combine -
tions of color which are universally pleas-
ing, and others as universally disagreable,
badependant of any assooiation or acquired
habits, To the connoisseur and lover of
colors, no more lovely or beautiful sight
can be presented than the tasteful arrange-
ment of over forty standard colors of Dia-
mond Dyee, and the one -hundred rich
shades and tints which are produced from
them. Diamcnd Dye colors are eoienti-
deafly prepared, and when used according
to directions in the home, the results are
pleasing and truly grand. It would re-
quire a good size volume to describe their
use and possibilities, and to tell the com-
fort, joy and pleasure they are capable of
Mothers and daughter's dresses are made
new be them; their wraps, ja3kets, shawls,
ribbons and hose are with little trouble re-
newed for home and street wear. Father's
.arid'oetin's suits are made to look brand
new; and any oast off article of wearingsap-
pearl oan be made to blossom as the rose.
This work of transformation, remember,
oan ooly be successfully accomplished by
the invincible Diamond Dyes.
They were accustomed to look upon
Lord Randolph Churchill as the rising
star of the Conservative party—the one
man who could combat the progressive
Liberals and their democratic policy,
whose star would shine brightly as that
of Gladstone waned. Lord Randolph
died in his summer day, while the
Grand Old Man of the Liberal party,
who has renewed his youth through a
temporary retirement from acti ve poli-
tics and devotion to book writing, ex-
presses his desire to return to Parlia-
ment next session, and aid in passing
several of the measures for the amelio-
ration of the condition of his fellow -
countrymen. Such are the uncertain-
ties of life.
Ladies and gentlemen, be alive to -you
own interest. There has recently been dis
covered, and is now for sale by the ander
signed; a truly wonderful "Hair Grower'
and "Complexion Whitening." This "Hair
Grower" will actually grow hair on a bald
head in six weeks. A gentleman who has
no beard oan have a thrifty growth in six
weeks by the use of this wonderful "Hair
Grower" It will also prevent the hair from
falling. By the use of this remedy boys
raise an excellent moustache in six weeks.
Ladies, if you want a surprieing bead of hair,
have it immediately by the use of this "Hair
Grower." I also sell a "Complexion Whitening"
that will 111 0110 month's time make you es clear
and white as the skin can be made. We never
knew a lady or gentleman to use two bottles of
this Whitening for they all say that before they
finished the second bottle they were as white as
they would wish to be. After the use of this
whitening, the skin will forever retain its color.
It also remaves freckles, etc., etc. The' "Hair
Grower" is 50 cents per tottm, and the "Face
Whitening" 50 cents per bottle. Either of these
remedies will be sent by mail postage paid, to
any address on receipt of price Address an or -
deka to
R. RYAN, 350 Gilmour St., Ottawa, Ont
P. S.—We take P.O. stamps same as cash, but
parties ordering ty mail will color a favor by
ordering 81 worth, as It will require this amount
of the solution to accomplish either purpose,
then it will lessen the nada of P. 0, stamps.
It is to be regretted that the crop
failure of last year has brought a con-
dition of affairs in the west of Ireland
akin to famine. In the best of times
the district does not afford much scope
for making a living, and when the crops
fail there is always distress. The great
heart of the British people will, no
doubt, respond to the appeals for help.
Never let a cough run on from day to
day. It indicates either inflammation or
irritation, which, if allowed to continue,
may result in serious injury to the lungs.
A few doses of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral cures
any pulmonary complaint not ehtirely be-
yond the reach of medicine.
On Thursday Mr. Peter Couse,Brant-
ford, was visiting the farm of Mr.
Samuel Smiley, Yarmouth. A ram ran
against him and knocked him down,
breaking both bones of the left leg near
the ankle. Mr. Louse did not see the
animal approaching, having his back
towards him, nor did he know until
after the accident what had causedit.
RELIEF IN SIX HOURS—Distressing Kidney
and Bladder diseases relieved in six hours by the
"Great South American Kidney Cure." This
new remedy is a great surprise and delight on
account of rte exceeding promptness in relieving
pain in the bladder. kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary paseages in male or female. It re-
lieves retention of Water and pain in passing it,
almost immediately. Sold by WATTS & CO
Wm. Duncan, head teamster for T.
S. Halliday, brewer, Guelph, is said to
be short in his accounts about $2,000.
Duncan has been laid up with a severe
cold, and while ill it was discovered
that his returns did not agree with the
brewery's customers' pass bootee. It
was his method to give a, receipt for
the proper amount In a hotel -keeper's
pass book and turn in a small amOunt.
Dr Agnow's Oure for the Heart gives perfect re-
lief in all cages of Organic or Sympathetic Heart
Disease In 80 minutes and speedily effects a cure.
It is a peerless remedy for Palpitation, Shortness
'of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain in Left Bide
and all symptoms of Diseased Heart, One dose
oonvinces. sobi by WATTS & CO„ Clinton
Two years ago the son of Mrs. W.
Kennedy, 232 Gerard street, Toronto,
mysteriously disappeared, and his pa-
rents believed he had been drowned.
His fate so preyed upon his mother
that her health began to decline. On
Thursday the young man returned,
and the meeting was a most touching
one. The shock has had a favorable
effect on the Mother's illness.
Don't worry. Don't inn in debt. Don't
trifle with your health. Don't try experi-
ments with medicines. Don't waste time
and money on wortblosa compohnds.
Don't be perimaded to take a substitute for
Ayers Sarsaparilla. It is the beat of blood-
When Baby was sick, we gave her Ca/Aorta..
When she walla OiIIId, .he cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
Whoa &shad Cliildren, she gam theta Clailteria•
4 •
'Kr Lattrieria by tar 'the Most pro
ent fittere in Cariediati lielitiod Jfe to^
Fersoeally we believe be bas in an Mapre
tiglated degree The Affectionate eaten of
the people of the whole thseainiea, what-
ever their rape, religion, or polities, Tim -
eats will work with might and main to
prevent tht suocese 'distill and lie arty at
the approaching general Oleotionli;..- but
there le not a Canadian who's6 opinion is
worth eonsidesieg who will not proud of
the Premier the country has chosen', if Mr
Laurier attains power. Tlaeir pride in him
will not have Orbs) explained, nor will it
have to be defended with apologies. His
intellectuality is of a:high tpye, but hi not
visionary; its keenness and discernment as
to emetics' affaie have amazed bis follow-
ers since he became their leader, according
to their own confession. His oharaoter is
moral in substance, not merely in color,
where appearanee seems necessary to en0-
If the people want a knightly champion
to deliver them from the dragon of oorrup-
tier which for the last fifteen years has
folded them in its crushing toils we do not
know where they are to look if they seek a
better one than Mr Laurier. Without
fear and without reproach he has during
the long period in which evil has been up-
ermost and powerful, fought manfully and
without losing confidence in the ultimate
triumph of right against the evil. The
people seem to have awakened at:, last to a
sewn of the wrong, and everywhere through-
out the Denution Mr Laurier has been
hailed by the people as a champion in
whose integrity and ability, after hie long
warfare, they have confidence.
Mr Laurier has in all probability nothing
new to propound in the way of a policy,
but he will enforce the well established
convictions of the tariff reformers and an-
ti-oorruptioniats with fresh arguments and
fine eloquence. He has declared in favor
of 'British free trade.' That is his policy
in regard to the tariff if he is to put it in a
If there is a country in the world which
affords a better example in commerce and
manufactures, of general permanent pros•
parity, of great national progress htan
Great Britain, perhaps it would be well to
find cut what country it is and what its po-
licy is. Mr. Laurier is British in his ideaa
of Retold policy and as to government and
constitution, and it is the more satisfactory
that he is so by intellectual conviction, not
merely by the easy way of accepting ready-
made opinions. Under Mr. Laurier's lead-
ership the Liberal party have promised to
submit the question of prohibitionto a ple-
biscite and be governed by the expressed
will of the people. This was the Liberal
policy of the Ontario Government, too.
Bat, its the policy of the Dominion Liber-
als, it becomes of the first importance now
that the decision of the Supreme Court is
that prohibition is exclusively a matter for
the Dominion Parliament to deal with. Mr.
Laurier will, beoanae of his character as
well as because of his polioy, excite the op-
position of the worst elements not only of
the Conservative party but of his own par-
ty. He will, if be comes into power, have
to lie on bis arms night and day, as Mr.
Mackenzie did, in defence of the treasury
against friend and foe. Since Mr. Macken-
zie went out there has been no guard, and
the friends of the government, the MoGree-
vys and Connollys and St. Louis and the
rest, have plundered the treesary and di-
vided the spoils with the ministers who
should have beaten them off. All the more
because of the opposition of this kiud doea
Mr. Laurier need the assistance of the beet
men of every party in his fight for purity
and economy and for tariff reform. British
free trade, British freedom from corrupt
government, British fair plays in the elec-
tions, with a fair, square, British stand-up
plebisnite for prohibition is a policy worth
fighting for.
, .
Mr. Laui ler in Montreal.
The Montreal Star is a strong protec-
tionist paper, with decided Conserva-
tive leanings. and its editorial refer-
ence to Mr;41Jaurier's meeting in Mon-
treal last week, is suggestive, to say
the least. The Star says
The assurances that Mt . Laurier gave
last evening that, if he be retured to
power, be will not attack the dykes -of
protection with dynamite, must bring
some comfort to the manufacturing
and industrial classes as a whole. No
matter how firmly a manufacturer may
be convinced of the wisdom of protec-
tion, he must—if he reads the signs of
the times—almit that there is a possibi-
lity that Mr. Laurier and his friends
may reach before long a position in
which the tariff will be at their mercy.
Should this occur, it becornes of great
moment to him whether Mr. Laurier is
an informed statesman or a financial
revolutionist. It is not " business" to
ignore the onrest in the country, and
the political posibilities that it embo-
soms. Those who would goad the Lib-
erals into pledging themselves to a
wreckless onslaught upon the commer-
cial basis of the Dominion, are not the
best and wisest friends of the most
helpless industry in our midst, But Mr.
Laurier has not been pestered into pet-
ulence. Speaking as to the method in
which he would apply his proposed
" reform" to the tariff, he said last
night :—
"But, gentlemen, there is a way, and
a way of reform. There is, I say, a way
and a way of reforming, and as I told
you a moment ago I am here speaking
on behalf ol the Liberal party. I told
you that I and also all my friends were
Liberals of the English school, and we
are willing to go for precedence to the
old land, which has passed through
that ordeal before us. In 1848 Sir Rob-
ert Peel carried England over from pro-
tection to free trade, and he did it by
a gradual process which avoided all
disturbance of values and which avoid-
ed all financial crisis. That Is a prece-
dent which, good for England, is good
for Canada, and which ought to be still
more sensible for Canada to adopt than
it was for England, because the inter-
ests involved are not so great in Cana-
da to -day as they were in England
then, and the step was- a much longer
one than the step would he here. The
step in England was all the way from
protection to free trade, whereas we
propose in Canada to go from protec-
tion to a revenue tariff.
Mr.Laurier could not have been more
explicit. The blunder of the divided
and hesitating American Democrats is
before his eyes. They inflicted upon
their unfortunate country a long pe-
riod of suspense and a sharps stroke of
change. Under the Canadian system,
there need be no suspense, for tbe new
tariff goes into force on the day that it
is announced ; and Mr. Laurier has pro-
mised us that there will be no "sharp
stroke of change," giving birth to panic
and needlessly precipitating commer-
cial disaster,
ZulIme to ATI tWeg414Xity
Stomach, ztvec, pc Bowele may
weveat seximm
onsequ 0 n e es,
headache, nail,
sea, bilious,
HOBO, and ver-
tigo indicate
certain func
tional derange
ments, the bent
remedy for
Which is'Ayer's Pills. Purely vee -
table, sugar-coated, easy to tike 1L' :1
quick to assimilate, this is the icl,e.1
family medicine—the most pJp....0'
safe, and useful aperient in pl.;:r-
rnaey. Mrs. M. A. 1.3noc.s.lu;Li„
Barris, Tenn., says:
Cathartic Pills cured rea of s' •a;
headache and my husband of neurzaz:a.
think there Is
No Better Medicine,
and have induced many to use lt.
"Thirty-five years ago this Spring, I was
run down by hard work and a succession of
Colds, which made me so feeble that It was
en effort for me to walk. I consulted the
doctors, but kept,,sinking lower until I had
given up all hope of ever being better.
'Happening to be In a store, one day, where
medicines were sold, the proprietor noticed
My weak and sickly appearance, and, after
a few questions as to my health, recom-
Mended me to try Ayer's Pills. I had little
faith in these or any other medicine, but
concluded, at last, to take his advice and try
a box. Before I bad used them all, I was
very much better, and two boxes cured me.
I am now 80 ye”rs old; but I believe that
If it had not been for Ayer's Pills, I should
have been In my r^ve long a7.o. I buy 6
boxes every year, which make 210 boxes up
to this time, and I would no more be with-
out them than without bread."—IL
Ingraham, Rockland, Me.
i.:,,pared by Dr. J. C.iAyer & Co., Lowell, Mass.
af Ds"r
Cure SICK HEADACHE and Neuralgia
111 20 imaturffs, also -Coated Tongue, Dizzi-
ness, Biliousness, Pain in the Side, Constipation,
Torpid Liver, Bad Breath. to stay cured also
regulate the bowels. VIIIRV MOM TO TAKE.
PRUDES 26 Cetera AT DRUO grairess.
People Who
Weigh and Compare
Know and get the best. Cottolene,
the new vegetable shortening, has
won a wide and wonderful popu-
larity. At its introduction it was
submitted to expert chemists, prom'.
nent physicians and famous cooks.
All of these pronounced
a natural, healthful and acceptable
food -product, better than lard for
every cooking purpose.
The success of Cottolene is now
a matter of history. Will you share
in the better food and better health
for which it stands, by using it ill
your home?
Cottolene is sold in 3 and 5
pound pails by all grocers.
Made only by
The N. K. Falebank
Wellington and Ann Mahe
Is still far in advance of its competitors,
in thorough work and getting its students
placed in choice positions.
A. E. Yates, graduate of Shorthand Dept.
from Washington, Mich., has been placed
by us as stenographer with Col. Hadley
New York city.
DAVID WALKER, graduate of Business
Department, (a former teacher) has Bemired
a exoellent position with a firm in Defiance,
Ohio. Full partioulers not yet to hand.
One of them reoeives $50 and the other $65
per month.
School will re -open after Christmas vaca-
tion on Wednesday, Jan. 2nd.
For Catalogue address
Da litt4tAtincL,Aitta tihsahom
k ' •
Tell us '$*our wants and we will do the rest, if your, wasps
refer to groceries.
Is what we alai to give our customers, and by careful attention to iilikekr
wants, we hope to secure and merit a portion of the public patronage ter
the coining yew..
Bargain Day Prices, Our Every day Prices
, Every day Bargain Day with vtaf,
Farm produce taken as cash.—Telephone No. 23.
Cash Grocery 1 door North (4 News -Record.
Sash, Door & Blind Factory
• .'I,
. .”,,..i,tetare,
- • I 7. .•••-•••••-••—•••
;:".;.•• • ••••111,14%..r.
Owing to my increasing business, I am building an extensive addition to m
premises, and also putting in one of the latest improved Patent Dry Kilns, and
will then be in a better position than ever to fill all orders entrusted to me. We
Lprepare plans and estimates for all kinds of residences, and execute contracts
for the same on short notice, and in a workmanlike manner. We manufacture
to order and also carry in stock all kinds ,of Window Sash, Door Frames,
Blinds, Lumber, Lath, &o. Persons who intend to build will find it to their
own interest to see me before sodoing.
S. S. COOPER, Clinton
Huron Street, Clinton
We have on band an assortment of splendid
Which we guarantee to be of first—class material and wm kmansbip.
I yon want a good article at the price of a poor one, call and see us.
]t13JE IEA LL - - INTC-11V
The undersigned begs to inform the people of
Clinton and surrounding country that he has
bought tne stock of
of Mr Geo. Stewart, and he will continue the
usiness in the same place opposite the Market.
He will sell for cash only, and offer Special Bar'
gains for the next 30 days. He hopes by strict at-
tention to business to merit a share of Public
Patronage. Repairing a spcciaity.
McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co
D. Ross, Pr ssident, Clinton; Geo. Watt Vice
Pres. Harlock; W. J. Shannon, Secy-Treas.
Beaforth; M, Murdie, inspector of Claims,
Jas. Broadfoot, Beaforth ; Gabriel Elliott
Clinton; Joseph hymn, Beechwood; Thos. Car -
bet, Clinton; C. Gardiner, Leadbury ; John
Hannah ,Seaforth,
Thos. Neilans, Harlock; Robt. MoMillau, Sea -
forth; J. Cuminge, Egmoniville. Geo. Mardis+,
Parties desirous to effect Insurances or tran-
sact other business will be promptly attended
to on application to any of the above officers
&dressed to their respeoitve offices
"4 Vila
; •
It's no because
I'm Scotch but
you canna
smoke a better
Cigar than
They cost 5c.
but I get sax
of them for a
Wieb to intimate that they have opened out a
General Produce Store in Combeal Block, where
they will keep on hand
Fresh Pork, Sausages, Spare Fhb% Lard,
log Feet Jelly, Head Cheese, Poultry of all
Lodi, ramery and Dairy Butter, Rat-
tenania, skim Milk, Sweet Cream, Seer
Cream for Baking, Flour and Feed, Grain,
Seeds, &o. Goode delivered promptly.
to sell at the closest figure& Orders respect:Nil'
JAS. T.E1'..1" t..!0.. Canton
Bers.saziller Turnery
The latter of which we make a specialty.
The above ornamental trees and shrubbery will
be sold at very low prices, and those wanting any
thing in this connection will save money by par
chasing here.
Orders by Mailwill be promptly attended
to. Address,
JOHN STEWART. — BoamIllor.
fillurisTors PURE MU BUTTER CO.
New PTOOSES for Making Pure Milk Butter from the
urc Solids of the MULL No Chemicals or Ex.
tra ired
This New Proem will
make two to three Rims
the amount of Pure Mak
Butter that oan be Lod.
by any other neehod yet
Invented. Therefore sited:
stamp for full particulars,
nine circulars of questions
waked and answered.
TillnIrslinn's Pare Milk Rutter Co..
58 King Street East, Toronto, O.
For Twenty -Five Years
Loan & Investment Co
This Company is Loaning Money on Fara
rikg, Security at Lowest Rates of Intere
3, 4 and 6 per Oen& Interest Allowed on
Deposits, according toamount and time left.
01111101—Oor. Square and North St., Gederieh
HOZACE 1101170N Masser.
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